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11-27-11  01:47pm - 4854 days Original Post - #1
rearadmiral (0)
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Whither anal?

I was cataloguing and backing up the porn I downloaded in the past month (a task that would be much better if done by a hot, young librarian…). I’ve been trying to download more scenes with newer stars in the hopes of finding some starlet that I like since I’ve spent a lot of time finding material with old favourites. One technique I used is to download a lot of teen-themed material where I don’t recognize the star’s name. So today as I was cataloguing the scenes I skimmed through them all and a few of the models caught my eye so I searched for them on IAFD. Given my interests one of the things I was looking for was to find any anal scenes that some of these newer stars might have done. What surprised me was that very few of them have done any anal at all. Models like Kirsten Price, Christine Alexis, Gigi Rivera, April O’Neil, Stephanie Cane and Tristan Kingsley have done no anal (according to IAFD which doesn't list website-only scenes), and several of them have done a lot of work. Then you have some big-name A-listers like Micah Moore, Lexi Belle and Kacey Jordan who’ve been in the business for several years and still haven’t done any anal.

Is anal becoming more of a European thing? I realize that I was finding these scenes in non-anal-themed movies, but it seems odd that so many of these newer girls don’t do anal. Should I start to worry?

11-27-11  07:48pm - 4853 days #2
pat362 (0)
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^Now I have no real data to corroborate my opinion except a gut feeling and certain comments I've read over the last year but I believe that the first HIV scandal early this year was one more nail in the condomless porn and that second HIV scandal later in the year was possibly the last nail. Like it or not. No one likes to read that another guy or girl got infected with HIV because they did porn. The industry is simply unwilling to do anything about it because that's what they are good at so it's up to the Government to get involved

Girls do porn to make money and they are smart enough to know that getting a life threathening disease isn't worth any amount. Whether purist like it or not. I'm certain that many girls shoot as little porn as possible because guys don't use condoms and many won't ever shoot anal because of that reason. It's a fact that the anal cavity is more at risk of getting infected so why would a very young woman shoot an anal scene with a guy who could possibly have a serious uncurable disease? I know many people can name plenty of stars that have done anal and can also say that plenty of newbies were on that list but all I'll say is that there are way more that haven't done anal and won't.

Now I believe the current state of the economy is starting to alter the numbers because girls are realising that they can't even hope to shoot more than one or two videos if they aren't willing to do anal. Some do it but the vast majority simply leave the industry. That's probably why most newbies leave before we get to see them do more than a couple of vids.

**In regards to the girls on your list. I have some good news and some bad news.

Micah Moore shot at least one anal video but the only place I saw it was on a crappy tube site. It might have been taken from her site but that doesn't matter because the quality is awful. Micah was never meant to do porn and it pretty much destroyed her. She started doing heavy drugs and drinking. Those 2 activities and the plastic surgery have altered her appearance to where she is hard to recognize.

Kacey Jordan shot an anal scene for philly butt sluts. The guy that owns the site actually has a couple of first time anals but his prices are way too expensive to make it worth. http://www.phillybuttsluts.com/

Christine Alexis left the industry about 2yrs ago. The stuff that IAFD has for her in the last 2 yrs was probably internet content just now getting to dvd or stuff never released.

Gigi left the industry early this year. She posted on another forum a little while after leaving that she was coming back but nothing ever came of it. Gigi really enjoyed her weed and that may have been a factor in why she never came back. The industry isn't prudish but taking too much weed can make you a kind of flake and studios really hate wasting money on a girl if she's flying in outer space instead of being ready to do porn.

April Oneil is a hard one to figure. She started doing only girls and about a year or two ago decided to start doing boys as well. She doesn't shoot very often so it's hard to tell if she's still in the industry or if it's content that was already in the can. I'd love it if she chose to do anal but I don't think it will happen.

Lexi Belle is the holy grail of anal performers. Here is a girl who's been in the industry for 5 yrs and has never gotten more than a tiny toy or finger in her ass. There are always rumors that this time she will do anal but the rumors always die without an anal scene. The fact that Lexi clearly doesn't enjoy getting anything in her ass has a lot to do with her decision. I've seen her rare anal insertions scenes and she looks miserable getting a finger or toy in there so I can just imagine the look on her face while getting a dick of any size in there would be one of pain and misery. Not really the look I want to see in my anal fantasy. ***Don't hold me to it but I wouldn't be surprised if she does do an anal scene this year or early next year. There's a new rumor that she might.*** My gut feeling is that she's a little desperate for money because she's not getting enough standard jobs to cover her cost of living. LA is an expensive town. Long live the Brown Coats.

11-27-11  10:06pm - 4853 days #3
anyonebutme (0)
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I have my theories about why the porn industry works the way it works, and one of them is:

Those who have beauty use it. Those who do not do anal.

Now did I just say that girls who do anal are ugly? What is porn? One way of looking at it is, porn is using money to get girls to do things they otherwise do not want to do.

11-28-11  06:21am - 4853 days #4
Jay G (0)
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Originally Posted by anyonebutme:

I have my theories about why the porn industry works the way it works, and one of them is:

Those who have beauty use it. Those who do not do anal.

Now did I just say that girls who do anal are ugly? What is porn? One way of looking at it is, porn is using money to get girls to do things they otherwise do not want to do.

You sum it up well for beginners. Many stars I've followed end up (pun intended) doing anal if they stay in the business long enough. Those who come and go (pun intended) from the industry often do porn, find a rich guy and retire without ever doing anal on camera.

I love the many beauties who do anal (Bobbi Starr, Sasha Grey, Madison, Tara Lynn Foxx, Skin Diamond, and so many more). No one with good vision would call them ugly. Jay G

11-28-11  08:06am - 4853 days #5
pat362 (0)
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I look at it differently than you guys but what you said does apply to some girls. I just think it's a smaller percentage than the other reasons.

Here is a list of the kinds of porn a girl is asked about when she comes into the industry and keeps getting asked as she progresses in her career: solo, G/G, B/G, B/B/G, anal, DP, IR and blowbang. The more a girl is willing to do at the beginning of her career and the more jobs she'll get. There is no negative in being open to do more stuff except that you can get to the point where you've already done all those things over a dozen times and studios are no longer calling. Mind you that is pretty rare because girls just don't last that long anymore.

Now if a girl is good enough, cute enough or lucky enough to do porn for a long time and does so without having done certain sexual acts then she gets into a position where she can ask more money for those things that she wasn't open to in the beginning. A good example is a performer like Breanne Benson who's been in the industry since 2003 and has never done anal. She's still in high demand and her fans have been asking for anal for a long time. Her asking price is 7000$. That's high when you consider that the standard rate is more like 1200$. She will get that amount because the studio who has that video knows that they will make a huge amount of money from it.

The girls or more likely the women that want to make a comeback or want to revive their dying career normally start to do those things they never wanted to do. I often find that those scenes are unwatchable because the woman is not able to pretend thatshe's enjoying it. Long live the Brown Coats.

11-28-11  03:01pm - 4853 days #6
rearadmiral (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

^Now I have no real data to corroborate my opinion except a gut feeling and certain comments I've read over the last year

pat, as usual you're a walking encyclopedia of porn knowledge. I agree with most, probably all, of what you wrote as to why it may be that anal seems to be decreasing or at least being pushed as less mainstream.

I'm surprised at how Micah Moore reacted to porn. I didn't know that she had those problems. I often wondered why she wouldn't do anal and yet she still did some pretty extreme BDSM stuff. She is one of my favourite models. I love her look and still download anything with her that I can find.

I love your comment that Lexi Belle is the 'holy grail of anal'!!! It's funny, but also true.

When she first started in the industry, April Flowers became an instant favourite of mine. Imagine my joy when I went in to an adult shop on day and saw a DVD that boasted of having April's first anal scene. That was Ass Cleavage 2 and that's still a favourite scene of mine even though April wasn't as fresh as when she first started.

I dream of the day when I see a site boast of Lexi's first anal scene. She's held out so long now that she could probably retire on her earnings for one anal scene.

I hope this isn't like some jerk restaurant customer asking a chef for a secret recipe, but where do you find all this trivia? I used to read many of the trade papers that are on the net (like AVN and others) but I stopped doing that. Are those sources of your information? Please share some tips!

11-28-11  03:14pm - 4853 days #7
rearadmiral (0)
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Originally Posted by anyonebutme:

I have my theories about why the porn industry works the way it works, and one of them is:

Those who have beauty use it. Those who do not do anal.

Now did I just say that girls who do anal are ugly? What is porn? One way of looking at it is, porn is using money to get girls to do things they otherwise do not want to do.

I suspect that there's too much subjectivity to really use that as a reason, but in some cases it does make sense. I'm guessing that when you're looking at C- and D-list models they need some trick up their sleeve to get work.

But... you have to admit that there were/are some beautiful women who did anal, and some of them did a lot of it too. I realize this list is also pretty subjective and a lot of people would disagree with me calling some of these women beautiful, but they were/are very popular and admired for their looks. So some attractive women who did anal and in some cases could be considered anal queens:

- Taylor Rain (I personally find her stunning, if a bit flaky...)
- Inari Vachs (one of my all-time favourites and she still looks incredible)
- Tammi Ann (still in my top 5 after all these years)
- Jenna Haze
- Aubrey Addams (pre-enhancement)
- Teagan Presley (pre-enhancement)
- Sasha Grey
- Monica Sweetheart

But... I'll agree that I could make a much longer list of stars who did anal or were even anal queens where there would be much more debate about their physical beauty.

Thankfully I like beautiful women but I also really, really love skanky women too. You know the kind - the ones who look like they could snort their own body weight in cocaine. Mmmmmm...

11-28-11  03:17pm - 4853 days #8
rearadmiral (0)
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Originally Posted by Jay G:

Those who come and go (pun intended) from the industry often do porn, find a rich guy and retire without ever doing anal on camera.

Two questions:

1) do you know any get-rich-quick schemes that work?

2) do you have any porn star's phone numbers?

11-28-11  03:18pm - 4853 days #9
rearadmiral (0)
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Originally Posted by Jay G:

I love the many beauties who do anal (Bobbi Starr, Sasha Grey, Madison, Tara Lynn Foxx, Skin Diamond, and so many more). No one with good vision would call them ugly.

No debate from me on that list. All beautiful, and certainly Bobbi Starr has built her career on doing some kinky anal play.

11-28-11  05:30pm - 4853 days #10
graymane (0)

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Originally Posted by pat362:

^Now I have no real data to corroborate my opinion except a gut feeling and certain comments I've read over the last year but I believe that the first HIV scandal early this year was one more nail in the condomless porn and that second HIV scandal later in the year was possibly the last nail. Like it or not. No one likes to read that another guy or girl got infected with HIV because they did porn. The industry is simply unwilling to do anything about it because that's what they are good at so it's up to the Government to get involved

Girls do porn to make money and they are smart enough to know that getting a life threathening disease isn't worth any amount. Whether purist like it or not. I'm certain that many girls shoot as little porn as possible because guys don't use condoms and many won't ever shoot anal because of that reason. It's a fact that the anal cavity is more at risk of getting infected so why would a very young woman shoot an anal scene with a guy who could possibly have a serious uncurable disease? I know many people can name plenty of stars that have done anal and can also say that plenty of newbies were on that list but all I'll say is that there are way more that haven't done anal and won't.

Now I believe the current state of the economy is starting to alter the numbers because girls are realising that they can't even hope to shoot more than one or two videos if they aren't willing to do anal. Some do it but the vast majority simply leave the industry. That's probably why most newbies leave before we get to see them do more than a couple of vids.

I couldn't agree with Rearadmiral more: ("pat, as usual you're a walking encyclopedia of porn knowledge")
I can't see how it could be put in better perspective than Pat's complete posting.

For the reasons Pat indicated, and for those unsaid, It's my gut feeling unprotective anal in mainstream porn is on it's way of the penny loafers.
If so, it'll surely sadden many of those who're dedicated to the practice.
I'm not into anal, but like vaginal sex, I'm turned off at the slight sight of a condom.... and for those who favor anal, as well as regular sex, I simply don't understad why the industry don't go all-out finding a way to hide the appearance of condoms during shooting.

11-28-11  06:37pm - 4852 days #11
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by rearadmiral:

I dream of the day when I see a site boast of Lexi's first anal scene. She's held out so long now that she could probably retire on her earnings for one anal scene.

I hope this isn't like some jerk restaurant customer asking a chef for a secret recipe, but where do you find all this trivia?

I also dream of the day that Lexi does anal and hope the dream doesn't turn into a nightmare when the scene is ruined by the look of pain and horror on Lexi's face. I've seen it too often where the girl held for the biggest paycheck she could get but knowing that she is truly an anal virgin and has very little interest in having a guy jackhammer her ass to oblivion. I don't mind them dreading that kind of scene.

The two great porn forums where I get the bulk of my info are ADT and EBI. ADT or adultdvdtalk.com is an excellent forum with many participating members of which some are people in the industry and they even have some performers that post regularly. The majority of the discussion tend to be about movies and less about internet content and it is more geared toward American performers so you won't get a lot of info on European models unless she shot something for a US studio.

The other forum is the EBI one. That is an amazing forum for anything to do with European models and the discussion aren't limited to internet content or movies. This is a great site if you want someone to identify a particular model you found on an European site but can't place. They have a section for US performers but it is very limited.

The one thing that these forums seem to lack is a code of conduct. It's not that unusual to get little flaming wars started between posters for at times quite dubius reasons.
The moderators can be quite swift in deactivating a member if he does pay attention to the rule. This is quite common on ADT.

Of course there is always Google. That's how I found the Micah Moore anal scene by simply Goggling it. Long live the Brown Coats.

11-29-11  03:59pm - 4852 days #12
rearadmiral (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

I also dream of the day that Lexi does anal and hope the dream doesn't turn into a nightmare when the scene is ruined by the look of pain and horror on Lexi's face. I've seen it too often where the girl held for the biggest paycheck she could get but knowing that she is truly an anal virgin and has very little interest in having a guy jackhammer her ass to oblivion. I don't mind them dreading that kind of scene.

I agree with you fully that if the day comes when Lexi gives us an anal performance I hope it’s one where she obviously enjoys it. I recall that with April Flowers’ first anal scene it was pretty soft and tame by some studio’s standards. I hope Lexi would get that same respect. I recall seeing two scenes with Teagan Presley when she was still new to the business. I think the scenes were in Butt Cream Pie 4 and Cum Drippers 6. In these scenes she does anal and is clearly not enjoying the experience. I enjoying watching BDSM when the women are clearly enjoying what is happening, but these two Teagan scenes weren’t BDSM and were just a model in a lot of discomfort and the male talent and director not caring. I’m also pretty sure that is a later video by the same director and studio who did Butt Cream Pie they actually criticized Teagan for not being able to take an anal pounding. Sort of makes you wish that one of these pretty boys would end up in prison for a little while…

Thanks for the tips on where to find some information and trivia. I’m aware of both of ADT and EBI but haven’t really used them. I’ll definitely check them out.

11-30-11  05:45am - 4851 days #13
Jay G (0)
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Actually I do have advice on "Get Rich Schemes:" Schemes don't work.

"Who you know, not what you know" is closer to a formula for getting rich, but networking and investing time making people feel important is the real formula. Dale Carnegie's 70 year old book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" was definitely a first step toward happiness and success both for me and all those people I've recommended it to over the years.

In the past, when I wasted lots of time and money chasing women I actually knew a lot of strippers/porn "stars", but the easy sex comes with an awful lot of psychological baggage. One good partner and porn for your fantasies is a much better (and far less expensive) formula for sexual happiness.

"Women are attracted to power and confidence without arrogance" would be a general statement I'd make. Mix in humor and a sense of "happy go lucky" and a guy will always attract women no matter what he looks like.

Sorry for the soap box, but I've thought on this for decades and feel I've really am happy now and would like to share. Jay G

11-30-11  08:07am - 4851 days #14
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by rearadmiral:

I agree with you fully that if the day comes when Lexi gives us an anal performance I hope it�s one where she obviously enjoys it. I recall that with April Flowers� first anal scene it was pretty soft and tame by some studio�s standards. I hope Lexi would get that same respect. I recall seeing two scenes with Teagan Presley when she was still new to the business. In these scenes she does anal and is clearly not enjoying the experience.

I get the feeling that unless Lexi does a lot of anal at home prior to shooting that on screen anal scene then it's not going to be pretty. I remember the solo anal scene she shot in 2009's Belladonna's Road trip movie and all she took was a finger or two. I saw it once and it was once too much. If a couple of her own fingers bother her then can you imagine a penis of any size not causing her amazing amount of pain?

I think April Flower is a very good comparaison to Lexi. Here was a beautiful young woman who really didn't want to do anal and was able to avoid it for 4 years. She decided to start doing some and I agree that her first few tries were not fun to watch. The only thing missing in those videos were tears because she sounded in pain and had all the facial expression of someone being tortured.

Teagan is a little different from Lexi or April because she started doing anal when she was only 18yrs old. April was 24 and Lexi would be at least 23. Now it's true that her fisrt few scenes were unpleasant to watch because she was clearly in pain and was simply unable to appear like she wasn't but I think she either strated enjoying it or got much better at faking because she did a lot of anal and she looked like she enjoyed it. Long live the Brown Coats.

06-18-12  07:16am - 4650 days #16
Drooler (0)
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These days, when a pornstar does an anal scene, especially for the first time, it's marketed as a sensation that has the same buzz factor that nude celebrity pictorials used to have in Playboy magazine.

It's supposed to be a big deal when a girl takes the meat stick in the shitter. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

06-18-12  12:56pm - 4650 days #17
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by rearadmiral:

do you know any get-rich-quick schemes that work?

Do anal on camera? Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

06-18-12  05:33pm - 4650 days #18
pat362 (0)
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^Nope that won't do it today. The best you can hope for is a huge one time paycheck for your first. All subsequent anal scenes will be at a much lower price since there will already be a first anal on the market. Long live the Brown Coats.

06-18-12  05:38pm - 4650 days #19
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by Drooler:

These days, when a pornstar does an anal scene, especially for the first time, it's marketed as a sensation that has the same buzz factor that nude celebrity pictorials used to have in Playboy magazine.

It really depends on the girl. The days when almost every girl did anal are no more. Of course the days when every studio had regular all anal titles is also no more. These days only a handfull of studios still do all anal and it's often the same girl doing the deed. A new girl doing anal for the first time gets a lot more attention because there is less competition for the title and so few of them do it that it becomes a kind of big deal. Long live the Brown Coats.

06-19-12  08:23am - 4649 days #20
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

It really depends on the girl. The days when almost every girl did anal are no more. Of course the days when every studio had regular all anal titles is also no more. These days only a handfull of studios still do all anal and it's often the same girl doing the deed. A new girl doing anal for the first time gets a lot more attention because there is less competition for the title and so few of them do it that it becomes a kind of big deal.

I have to agree with allot of what was said, I however often think that Anal or anything that is first time is great for the paycheck, but then its over. I recall a teen model whom did non-nude and teases for years, and then did nudes and one oral and her career was over, I wish I could recall her name, but anyways, for years the forums wanted to see her boobies and nice ass as well as other niceness. But with in a few months of giving the audience everything she had it was over and now he site is nothing but 4 year old stuff.
I see Anal just like anything. I think most not all niche scenes are subject to being blackballed after their releases.

CT Since 2007

06-26-12  12:08pm - 4642 days #22
skunk (0)
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The anal porn does not sell like it did. The porn stars will just do the thing they like doing as it is easer to get on in porn industry than before.You will still find anal porn if you look for it. http://www.sexxximps.com

06-26-12  06:23pm - 4642 days #23
pat362 (0)
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^I agree that anal porn doesn't sell as well as it did in the past but the same can be said for any kind of porn. The reality is that no porn sells very well today. Most producers consider themselves lucky if they can sell enough titles to make their money back and hope that they can make some profit from streaming or download sites.

The porn industry started talking about the damage torrent sites and tube were causing them a few years ago and at first it was not necessarily visble to most customers but you'd have to be blind to not see just how bad it really is now. Most producers today consider themselves lucky if they make their money back on their film and they hope to make some profit from streaming or download sites.

Another problem for anal and most other kind of porn is that each scene is shot in about the same as all previous ones so once you've seen actress "A" do one then why would you want to see her do an exactly identical scene for the same studio or another one. The only differenrce will be the order in which it's shot and the clothes she'll wear for about a minute. Originality is no longer part of the porn dictionary and mediocrity is slowly being replaced with crapiness. Long live the Brown Coats.

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