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07-03-12  07:07am - 4635 days Original Post - #1
Denner (0)
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"Are you done, yet" - why do we watch porn

Yes, why do we watch porn.........maybe this British Emily got a point or two.
But do women/girls (included our women/girls) really know why we watch/like porn?.....

"You horny bastards"... "I don't drink anymore - I freeze it, and eat it like a popcicle"

07-03-12  10:13am - 4635 days #2
messmer (0)
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Why do we watch Porn?

Chronologically speaking:


1) You find or see something sexy by accident (eg. Dad's stash) that makes the blood roar in your ears from excitement ... and you'll end up looking for the same thrill for the rest of your life.

2) Performance anxiety. You are young, you are not an alpha male but a rather shy teenager so the thought of meeting the girl of your dreams and then not being able to perform drives you into the arms of something safer. A private activity where no one can laugh at you.

Young manhood:

3) You're not quite sure how "it" is done properly so you are looking for tips.

4) Desperation: you are not an aforementioned Alpha male and because most young girls and women love the scent of danger and flock to the confident, aggressive types and so .. you guessed it ... you learn to make do with the next best thing to a real relationship.

Middle age:

5) You've now been in a solid relationship for years and the frequency of sex has dropped to once a week (name day of choice) because you've basically done it all and most wives are not receptive to the kinkier aspects of sex. So, off to Kink.com.

6) You simply don't ask your wife or partner to do the nasty things you are fantasizing about. It just isn't done if you want to keep her respect so you furtively start looking at dps and anals and facials .. whatever you are sure your SO would not stand for.

Old Age:

7) One or both of you (if in a relationship) are no longer as fit as you once were.

8. You've now been in a relationship that spans generations and the thought of sex hardly ever rears its formerly beautiful head!

9) The sex drive is still there but strangely enough all of your contemporaries look so damn "old," (excluding you and your SO because you never get old to each other) so in order to fulfill your need for something esthetically pleasing to look at you are now subscribing to MILFS and Cubs, to cover the whole in-between field, because, in real life, those who are a generation or two younger than you would certainly be disgusted at the thought of "Young - Old Love." So Porn once again triumphs!

10) Because ALL men like to look!

Disclaimer: Only semi-autobiographical in parts. Edited on Jul 03, 2012, 10:18am

07-03-12  10:44am - 4635 days #3
Drooler (0)
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I'd say to her, "Take your clothes off."

That's why! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

07-03-12  04:03pm - 4635 days #4
pat362 (0)
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I think that women should spend more time thinking about all the stuff they do that make us wonder what's going on in there and leave porn alone.

Here are some examples of things women should look into.

-Why are women so mean to each other?
-Why do women always seem to pick the bad boy when there is a decent guy around?
-Why can't a woman be happy with the body she has?
-Why can't a woman be happy with the face she has?
-Why do so many (North American) women seem to have a fascination with larger breast?
-Why do so many women read fashion magazines when they know the model in the photo is either unhealthily thin, a genetic freak or was photoshopped to appear like a WWII prisoneer or war?
-Why do they go to a restaurant and order a salad when they really wanted the burger? Long live the Brown Coats.

07-03-12  06:50pm - 4634 days #5
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

I think that women should spend more time thinking about all the stuff they do that make us wonder what's going on in there and leave porn alone.

Here are some examples of things women should look into.

-Why are women so mean to each other?
-Why do women always seem to pick the bad boy when there is a decent guy around?
-Why can't a woman be happy with the body she has?
-Why can't a woman be happy with the face she has?
-Why do so many (North American) women seem to have a fascination with larger breast?
-Why do so many women read fashion magazines when they know the model in the photo is either unhealthily thin, a genetic freak or was photoshopped to appear like a WWII prisoneer or war?
-Why do they go to a restaurant and order a salad when they really wanted the burger?

All true Pat, especially your second example. That one still hurts to this day. My mother had drilled it into us boys, always be a gentleman, until I found out the hard way that the girls my age were not looking for gentlemen.

But that still leaves the question: why do men like to watch porn? Am I going to be the only one to address that?

07-03-12  07:03pm - 4634 days #6
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

-Why do women always seem to pick the bad boy when there is a decent guy around?

Emily recently attempted to explain that:

10 Reasons Why Women Love Bad Boys

I also thought someone should link to her follow-up video that to the original video that Denner linked to. Here is:

10 Reasons Why Women Watch Porn "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

07-03-12  07:10pm - 4634 days #7
HeatherMcXxx (0)

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Location: Providence, RI
Originally Posted by pat362:

-Why can't a woman be happy with the body she has?
-Why can't a woman be happy with the face she has?
-Why do so many (North American) women seem to have a fascination with larger breast?
-Why do so many women read fashion magazines when they know the model in the photo is either unhealthily thin, a genetic freak or was photoshopped to appear like a WWII prisoneer or war?
-Why do they go to a restaurant and order a salad when they really wanted the burger?

Many women can't be happy with their body/face because we're consistently reminded that we don't measure up (explicitly or implicitly) -- by media and by men. We're judged by our appearance much more so than men.

Some women have a fascination (your word) with larger breasts because North American men have a fascination with larger breasts.

We read fashion magazines because we enjoy fashion. We don't read fashion magazines to gaze at models.

I like salads. "Whoever has the vagina is in charge." - Megan Fox

07-03-12  10:18pm - 4634 days #8
slutty (0)
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Originally Posted by HeatherMcXxx:

I like salads.

I enjoyed your responses Heather.

I believe pat was generalizing in the same way Emily was in the video. I really have never met many women that actually were obsessed with breast size, except for a couple that wanted to down-size due to back issues. I know we hear about crazy shit like some girl getting new boobs for graduation and whatnot, but it really doesn't seem that common. Hopefully it doesn't get more common, since I'm a fan of the smaller sizes, what would I do?

I think Emily made some good points, but that video is goddamn annoying, what is with all the jump cuts.

I would assume men like watching porn for some evolutionary reason similar to why men tend to like looking attractive women in general (even when married).

I have always been curious, if we lived in a more open society where boobs were out and about all the time (at the beach, the pool, whatever) would the obsession with them go away - after all they wouldn't be so 'forbidden' anymore. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars.
Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited.

07-04-12  04:01am - 4634 days #9
HeatherMcXxx (0)

Posts: 73
Registered: Jul 30, '07
Location: Providence, RI
Thanks for the thoughtful response, slutty.

I've never really understood why men enjoy fake boobs. Natural breasts are wonderful things (as are men who appreciate them).

Take heart: something tells me the fake-boob era may be waning. And as a carrier of "the smaller sizes," I have no intention of making any adjustments, save for the occasional push-up bra on special occasions. "Whoever has the vagina is in charge." - Megan Fox

07-04-12  04:06am - 4634 days #10
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by HeatherMcXxx:

Many women can't be happy with their body/face because we're consistently reminded that we don't measure up (explicitly or implicitly) -- by media and by men. We're judged by our appearance much more so than men.

Some women have a fascination (your word) with larger breasts because North American men have a fascination with larger breasts.

We read fashion magazines because we enjoy fashion. We don't read fashion magazines to gaze at models.

I like salads.

Well, it seems part of the media's overall brainwashing agenda is to make EVERYONE feel as though they don't measure up in some way or another. A perceived need is created and ... ta-daaah! ... sales are generated. Take, for example, the "Low T" schtick that's being hurled at middle-aged men all the time.

It's hormone replacement therapy (purportedly) for men.

Personally, I think the best drug is the right food. Anything else should be used with a measure of caution.

And I like salads, too. Not that they help me keep the weight down. Well, I guess the dressing is the reason for that ... I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

07-04-12  04:47am - 4634 days #11
graymane (0)

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Emily talks way too fast. A word one might associate with concerning she and her husband's/mate's sexual history. She clearly looks and sounds like a frustrated woman.
Further, I think she hasn't said anything (audible) that most don't already know.
It jus' ain't rocket Science to conclude we guys mostly get sexually turned on by visual stimulation.
While a man's motor revs-up by what sensually passes through the eye's lens, likewise, in part, it is what a woman hears that helps trigger a comparable stimuli.
His thoughtfulness and caring behavior also falls in there somewhere.... but moreover it's common wisdom that women place more value on emotional connection as a spark of sexual desire.

I'd like to add messmer's beautifully keen thoughts on this thread is mesmerizing .... as well as that of Pat362. Edited on Jul 04, 2012, 12:39pm

07-04-12  10:23am - 4634 days #12
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by HeatherMcXxx:

Thanks for the thoughtful response, slutty.

I've never really understood why men enjoy fake boobs. Natural breasts are wonderful things (as are men who appreciate them).

Take heart: something tells me the fake-boob era may be waning. And as a carrier of "the smaller sizes," I have no intention of making any adjustments, save for the occasional push-up bra on special occasions.

Good for you, Heather. You may have noticed in this forum that most of us men are dead set against fake boobs! I don't know who the guys are that prefer the artificial look to the real thing. Natural is the way to go and I hope your prediction will turn out to be right.

07-04-12  10:25am - 4634 days #13
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by graymane:

I'd like to add messmer's beautifully keen thoughts on this thread is mesmerizing .... as well as that of Pat362.


07-04-12  11:59am - 4634 days #14
graymane (0)

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Originally Posted by messmer:


I guess that means you approve.

07-04-12  01:34pm - 4634 days #15
graymane (0)

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Oh yes .... forgettin' almost that we're being asked why we liked porn:
Well, at my age, I simply don't have nothing better to do.

Ruefully, I suppose that might've applied also dating back to the time I discovered the stuff .... onto (I might add) the present.

07-04-12  06:06pm - 4634 days #16
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by HeatherMcXxx:

Many women can't be happy with their body/face because we're consistently reminded that we don't measure up (explicitly or implicitly) -- by media and by men. We're judged by our appearance much more so than men.

Some women have a fascination (your word) with larger breasts because North American men have a fascination with larger breasts.

We read fashion magazines because we enjoy fashion. We don't read fashion magazines to gaze at models.

I like salads.

Since you were kind enough to give some good answers then let me first defend my gender by saying that the majority of posters on this forum prefer that a woman keep her natural breast rather than get implants so I'm not so sure that it's really NA men that have a fascination with large breast as much as women who think that men want them. I can see why women would think that of us because it's very common for a man to stare at a woman's chest when he's out in public but that particular action shouldn't be confused with desire as much as curiosity. It's like when a kid goes into a candy store and stares at all the candy. He stares a lot but he still only come out with the candy he really wanted.

Women are usually reminded that they don't measure up by watching programming that is done by women for women. I'm sure many guys would love to be able to say that they came up with a show popular to women but I'm going to reveal a little secret and tell you that most guys still don't know what women want so coming up with shows that appeal to women is almost impossible for us to do.

I'd also like to add that the content inside most if not all fashion magazines is primarily produced by women for women. See above reason why men can't do it. The fact that it appeals to so many women is why fashion magazines are the worse thing for normal women to look at. All the articles in those magaizes are designed to make you feel as though your life isn't as good as it should be and as much as the fashion may be nice. It will never be as nice on normal women because they were designed for a body type that is not normal.

I also like salad but if I feel like eating a burger than I'm not going to order a salad simply because it's less fatening. I know it is but I also know that if I crave a burger than eating the salad will only cause me to want to eat something else that is fatty or sweet to compensate for what I wanted in the first place. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-04-12  06:32pm - 4634 days #17
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by graymane:

I guess that means you approve.

I thought it was a deliberate play on words, graymane:

messmer - mesmerize!

Sorry that I didn't make that clear!

07-04-12  06:36pm - 4634 days #18
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by graymane:

Oh yes .... forgettin' almost that we're being asked why we liked porn:
Well, at my age, I simply don't have nothing better to do.

Ruefully, I suppose that might've applied also dating back to the time I discovered the stuff .... onto (I might add) the present.

You know, you hit the nail right on the head, graymane, that would be my answer too: I have nothing better to do! Porn even overtook my love of gaming a couple of years ago. It's a lot more exciting than shooting aliens!

07-04-12  07:50pm - 4633 days #19
graymane (0)

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Originally Posted by messmer:

I thought it was a deliberate play on words, graymane:

messmer - mesmerize!

Sorry that I didn't make that clear!

Ya know, I did connect to the similarity of the two words as I was keying them in, but not surprisingly, it was the messnificent mind of my good Canadian friend who picked up on the play.

07-05-12  12:25pm - 4633 days #20
HeatherMcXxx (0)

Posts: 73
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Location: Providence, RI
Originally Posted by pat362:

I'd also like to add that the content inside most if not all fashion magazines is primarily produced by women for women. See above reason why men can't do it. The fact that it appeals to so many women is why fashion magazines are the worse thing for normal women to look at. All the articles in those magazines are designed to make you feel as though your life isn't as good as it should be and as much as the fashion may be nice. It will never be as nice on normal women because they were designed for a body type that is not normal.

Thank you for your post, pat, but really, you need to stop reading fashion magazines. You're not in the audience, and you're negative experience reflects that.

Truth is, lots of fashion magazines exist, so it's difficult to generalize, but I read fashion magazines because, as I said earlier, I like fashion. I love shoes. I love cool dresses. I love handbags and purses. (What do women want? More of those. Mystery solved.) Those publications are as much fantasy as anything else, because I'll never be able to afford what's being presented. I *don't* read fashion magazines to look at models or to acquire life advice, so I never feel badly about myself after breezing through Vogue, Glamour, or whatever. They're fun, sometimes educational (Glamour especially covers meaningful issues), and always a nice distraction from reality -- sort of like good porn.

I *do* feel badly about magazines like Cosmo, though -- which isn't a fashion mag -- because it's all about making women feel inadequate, especially if they don't have a man. The contradictory message Cosmo sends is to be liberated and independent while devoting yourself fully to satisfying your man: "And here are 50 more tips for how to make your guy squirm in bed." Ugh.

Last point: fruit and vegetables make you a better lover, not red meat. (Read "The Orgasm Diet.") So don't refrain from opting for the salad if you've got a nice, long night ahead of you with a companion that's not inflatable. If you're interested, I can give you 50 tips for how to make your gal squirm in bed.

Peace. - Heather "Whoever has the vagina is in charge." - Megan Fox

07-05-12  01:33pm - 4633 days #21
Micha (0)
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Heather wrote : If you're interested, I can give you 50 tips for how to make your gal squirm in bed.

Well, I'm very busy today but ........ Sure!

I'll drop everything to read your list. unless life also gives you water and sugar, your lemonade is gonna suck.

07-05-12  06:55pm - 4632 days #22
pat362 (0)
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Thanks Heather. I still think they are bad but maybe not as bad as I imagine but siince you are a woman and I'm not then I must defer to your wisdom on the subject of women and fashion magazines. I think fruits and vegetables are great but you need some balance so maybe add some chicken instead of red meat. Afterall you do need some protein to make the engine run for longer.

If you decide to give us some tips on making our girls squirm in bed then please start another thread so that everyone knows what it is about. This way others can add to it or as the case may be ask you tons of questions. We could even start a ask Heater thread. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-06-12  07:53am - 4632 days #23
Jay G (0)
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Went and checked the link on 10 Reasons Why Women Love Bad Boys and loved it, but had to add this:

The most important reason to love bad boys: When your life gets really fucked up you can blame them for everything! You are the victim and cannot be blamed no matter what. They are BAD.

And those "nice" guys will still offer you everything no matter how much you treat them like shit! Win-win, right?

Oh, except for the fucked up life, I guess. Jay G

07-06-12  12:33pm - 4632 days #24
HeatherMcXxx (0)

Posts: 73
Registered: Jul 30, '07
Location: Providence, RI
Originally Posted by pat362:

If you decide to give us some tips on making our girls squirm in bed then please start another thread so that everyone knows what it is about. This way others can add to it or as the case may be ask you tons of questions. We could even start a ask Heater thread.

Ha! Well, my 50 tips was tongue in cheek, and I'm not sure I'd be such a great advice columnist. Women are so different, after all. But if you really want to make your gal squirm, do the dishes and vacuum. I *promise* she'll be putty in your hands the rest of the night. Eating chicken is optional.

Seriously, though, if any of you do have specific questions, feel free message me. I'll do my best to provide adequate counsel. "Whoever has the vagina is in charge." - Megan Fox

07-06-12  12:38pm - 4632 days #25
HeatherMcXxx (0)

Posts: 73
Registered: Jul 30, '07
Location: Providence, RI
Originally Posted by Jay G:

Went and checked the link on 10 Reasons Why Women Love Bad Boys and loved it, but had to add this:

The most important reason to love bad boys: When your life gets really fucked up you can blame them for everything! You are the victim and cannot be blamed no matter what. They are BAD.

And those "nice" guys will still offer you everything no matter how much you treat them like shit! Win-win, right?

Oh, except for the fucked up life, I guess.

That's some theory, Jay. Have issues with women much? "Whoever has the vagina is in charge." - Megan Fox

07-06-12  06:30pm - 4632 days #26
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by HeatherMcXxx:

Ha! Well, my 50 tips was tongue in cheek, and I'm not sure I'd be such a great advice columnist.

See typical woman. Just teasing us men with promises and then not delivering. I hope you know that my comments are only my way of teasing you.

I like your suggestion about doing house work but it has to be a regular thing or you know she will be suspicious of the deed. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-06-12  07:37pm - 4631 days #27
Jay G (0)
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Originally Posted by HeatherMcXxx:

That's some theory, Jay. Have issues with women much?

Sorry, Heather, but I like strong independent women who don't fall into the victim trap. It is NOT a nice place to be. It is better to kick a man's ass than be his victim.

My own girls grew up to be strong enough women to realize that bad boys are mentally sad little boys who never grew up and still have emotional fits when they don't get their way. Mistaking anger and a nasty attitude for strength could be the problem with unhappy women who like "bad boys". Abusive relationships should end with the first push, but sadly too often go on and on.

Then, there are the "nice" guys who desperately try to please so much that it is annoying, and then get mad when their "love" is not reciprocated. Not a good relationship model, either.

I've often warned my male friends that being "super nice" means not having any really valuable independent personality to offer anyone. Just an unwritten contract of expectations that no self-respecting woman would want to be saddled with. Nice guys are not really so nice, after all.

Fortunately all men don't fall into those two extremes. Men who are strong and confident can be fun to be with without being "bad boys." They may even have "issues with women" but have enough character not to wear it on their sleeves............. except, of course, in forum threads like this one. Jay G Edited on Jul 06, 2012, 07:52pm

07-06-12  09:21pm - 4631 days #28
graymane (0)

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Originally Posted by HeatherMcXxx:

Seriously, though, if any of you do have specific questions, feel free message me. I'll do my best to provide adequate counsel.

Jus' wanna say I'm sooo delighted that the void we're oftentimes saddled with concerning the scarcity in members of the softer -- including and argueably a gentler, aesthetic and unique-cerebrum gender -- have yielded a bounty that's really added sparkle and wit to our forum and polls. She's indeed a breath of fresh air.
Don't be a stranger, HeatherMcXxx.
Where else could a lady immerse yourself around a pool of guys possessed with this kind of positive intellect?


07-07-12  01:29am - 4631 days #29
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by graymane:

Emily talks way too fast. A word one might associate with concerning she and her husband's/mate's sexual history. She clearly looks and sounds like a frustrated woman.

Not to be too much of a jackass, but the first response I thought of to the question of why men watch porn was it sure beats watching YouTube videos. (That and her editing style was gratingly intolerable.)

But c'mon! Asking why men watch porn is like asking why my cat keeps begging for food even though I feed him regularly.

My question is why do some women have to keep wondering why men keep watching porn? Gee honey, now that I think about it, I don't see why I'd want to look at another video or photo of a naked girl ever again. I'm sure I'll just stop thinking about women and sex altogether! "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

07-07-12  01:49am - 4631 days #30
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by Jay G:

Sorry, Heather, but I like strong independent women who don't fall into the victim trap. It is NOT a nice place to be. It is better to kick a man's ass than be his victim.

Forgive me if I'm misinterpreting your post, but it sounds like you are blaming the victim because some women aren't "strong enough" to realize what the bad boys really are.

Frankly, it can be hard to tell what the future will bring to a relationship, especially as the dynamics change--careers, marriage, kids, etc.--and a "nice guy" (not "super nice," or are they all losers too?) can actually turn out to be a bad guy. I also blame it on partners not being pragmatic in judging who the person they are with really will/can become. The difference for guys is when they are let down it seems to rarely result in getting beaten up.

Just my , though to be fair my views on relationships, or at least how they're "supposed" to work, particularly marriage, run from cynical to downright nihilistic. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

07-07-12  03:01am - 4631 days #31
HeatherMcXxx (0)

Posts: 73
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Location: Providence, RI
Originally Posted by pat362:

I like your suggestion about doing house work but it has to be a regular thing or you know she will be suspicious of the deed.

I promise, pat, that no woman can resist a man who cleans -- even on occasion. That's certain to bring out the dirty in her. Sweep her off her feet! "Whoever has the vagina is in charge." - Megan Fox

07-07-12  03:13am - 4631 days #32
HeatherMcXxx (0)

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Location: Providence, RI
Originally Posted by turboshaft:

my views on relationships ... run from cynical to downright nihilistic.

You're a nihilist, turbo? That must be exhausting. (Sorry, couldn't resist a Big Lebowski reference.) "Whoever has the vagina is in charge." - Megan Fox

07-07-12  03:15am - 4631 days #33
HeatherMcXxx (0)

Posts: 73
Registered: Jul 30, '07
Location: Providence, RI
Originally Posted by graymane:

Where else could a lady immerse yourself around a pool of guys possessed with this kind of positive intellect?

I'm hoping that's a rhetorical question. "Whoever has the vagina is in charge." - Megan Fox

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