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Type Site - Score Feedback / Review Date
Visit Spizoo

Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

No problem, haven't been joining many sights lately, but when I saw this didn't have a review figured it might be helpful to some. Stripper Experience is probably the most interesting site of the bunch, but it was also the site with by far the most fake breasts, but I don't know if it is worth $30, it had maybe 120 scenes total.

01-27-18  11:42pm

Visit Spizoo


Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - The site has a good variety of content, including hardcore, teasing and some lesbian
- The download speeds are generally acceptable, I was average 3-4 MB/s on a 100Mbit connection
- The biller is Epoch
- They have some very attractive models
- The navigation is generally decent, typical model index, scene index, search. The search seems to work pretty well
- There is a "network" of sites, but all the material on the "network" is listed on the main Spizoo site
- It is a decent sized site, ~1800 scenes and ~340 models
- The video quality on the newer scenes is decent, I only downloaded 720p, but 5000 kbps, reasonably crisp.
- The content all appeared to be original
- Based on the dates on the scenes, they are currently updating ~5 times a week (I think this may be bullshit, will try to remember to check back in in a couple of weeks)
Cons: - Too expensive for the size of the site, you can get a lot more value from other sites
- The "network" doesn't really serve much of a purpose aside from distinguishing scene types
- The camerawork varies from mediocre to astoundingly bad
- A lot of the scenes are POV, which makes the camerawork issue even more nauseating
- There are a lot of models, but many only have 1-2 scenes, while a select few have 100s (Jessica Jaymes for example has over 700 scenes)
- The older content is poor quality, and some of it is just captures of live shows.
- There are far too many fake breasts (personal preference)
- There are a lot of tattoos, more than any other site I have seen. I don't usually mind them much, but figured I would put this in "cons"
- Pre checked cross sale
- Some dead links
Bottom Line: I joined this site pretty much because I wanted to get a few scenes of a few models I particularly like, I wasn't really expecting much as I had never even heard of this site before stumbling across it when I was poking around looking for more Alina Li material.

The site itself is fine, they have many attractive models, and the models are reasonably diverse both in ethnicity and body type. For me the big trouble spots were the excessive number of women with fake breasts and the astoundingly bad camerawork on a lot of the scenes. Many of them felt like they were filmed by drunk frat boys with ADD or something, they had no concept of how to frame shots, keep the camera steady, and often took really weird angles.

Generally, the site feels like a low rent version of Bangbros, but at least it doesn't have the sketchy billing practices of BB. The "stripper" scene setups I think are generally interesting, having the girls strip a bit before the action is something few sites do. Unfortunately, many aren't exactly the best dancers, so it falls flat sometimes. Beyond those few scenes, most are typical gonzo, often POV porn.

My final gripe is that while the site is reasonably large, as I am not a fan of Jessica Jaymes, more than 1/3 of the content is worthless to me right off the bat. Add to that the excessive number of augmented ladies, and the number of scenes I actually downloaded was maybe 40, the number I kept was maybe 20. Pretty steep price for 20 scenes.

01-25-18  03:54pm

Replies (3)
Visit Wow Girls

Wow Girls
Reply of MargulisAZ's Reply

Sorry for the very slow response, haven't logged in here in quite a while.

There are a bunch of these sites that have similar content - allfinegirls (used to be 18only, changed their name) and wowgirls/porn, but they typically don't actually have overlapping content (just same girls), sometimes the photoset will be on one site and the video on the other, but they seem to have gotten better about that. They also apparently have a new site, ultrafilms which looks very similar in general to the other two.

Some of the content is also not unique to the site, you can find some of it on the typical euro sites.

01-25-18  03:30pm

Visit Wow Girls

Wow Girls
Reply of elephant's Reply

It was a prechecked cross sale for me

03-26-17  05:27pm

Visit Wow Girls

Wow Girls

Acess via AllFineGirls

Just thought I would point out for anyone curious, if you get the $3 trial to Wow through a membership with AllFineGirls, that trial is full access (unlimited DL, I assume you had to have the DL option for AllFineGirls). You can cancel both immediately upon joining so you don't forget.

Also, there is a backout discount, so make sure to try leaving the signup page to see if they give you a better offer.

03-22-17  01:37am

Replies (5)
Visit Joy Mii

Joy Mii

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Good quality videos from a technical perspective
-Lighting is typically good
-Many attractive, mostly eastern euro women
-Videos tend to be shorter, and smaller (may be a negative to some)
-The action is generally pretty good
-Download speeds are excellent
-Download managers work (DTA)
-Reputable biller (CCBill)
-No ads on any of the main pages or model pages
Cons: -Navigation is annoying, not sure why they use a random screenshot for the model profile pic instead of a headshot (sometimes it is like their leg)
-Camerwork is pretty odd, feels like they are trying too hard. You aren't trying to win an Oscar for cinematography, you are making porn
-Lots of weird pans and zooms, weird ways of framing shots, hang too long in certain areas, odd editing
-Not a super large site, ~600 videos
-Updates seem kind of random, 2 or 3 a week (total including videos and photos)
Bottom Line: One of many glamcore sites these days, for some reason the last one I ever joined. Not really sure why, just never got around to it. Personally, I think X-Art, Wow/AllFineGirls do a better job, and probably give you more value. Not the type of site you should join if you are looking for harder content, there is hardcore, but it is typically much softer than most sites, very little anal, very few facials, more just relatively natural sex.

I kind of liked this site, I think it has the potential to be pretty good, there are just some weird things they do. The main issue I have is the camerawork, it is almost always panning or zooming somewhere. There is nothing wrong with just framing the action and sitting there. There certainly are some attractive women, and they do a good job with lighting and picking scenes and outfits. For me, they just kill it all with shitty camerawork. It is kind of hard to explain the problem, best I can say is imagine you are getting into a scene it looks nice and all of a sudden the camera guy just starts randomly zooming and panning all over the place, just distracting and you end up skipping around the scenes too much.

Other than that main complaint, the regular photography is very nice, the models are definitely attractive, although not very diverse in build or ethnicity. Maybe worth joining if you have already tried the other, better sites in this genre, but given the update rate and relatively small site, I doubt you will stick around for long.

03-20-17  11:30pm

Replies (0)
Visit Fantasy Massage

Fantasy Massage

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Wide variety of attractive ladies
- Network access to other sites, they are all in the massage niche
- Camerawork and lighting are generally good
- The video quality is good, I mostly downloaded the middle level quality mp4 (960x544 ~2000 kbps total) which was usually around ~300 MB for a scene, and crisp enough for me. There are higher quality options (1280x720 5000 kbps) certainly looks nicer, but I am running low on space these days, so I only used that for scenes I really liked
- Reasonably diverse collection of models body types and ages
- Scenes are generally interesting and fun, the performers usually look like they are having a good time
- Download managers work (DTA), I did not experience any site timeouts (but there may be one), download speeds were acceptable
- Good price with TBP discount
- Pretty large network of sites
- They have user requested fantasies, not sure how legit this is, but interesting nonetheless
Cons: - Ethnic diversity is somewhat lacking
- Personal preference, but some of the sites are kind of odd, I don't really get the milking table thing, and some of the scenes on Nuru Massage are bordering on comical (they use a lot of lube)
- Not fond of the internal billing by "fame assist", would rather a more reputable biller, but did not have any problems with joining or cancelling
Bottom Line: I am not really sure why I joined this site, I guess I was in a weird mood. Probably saw some interesting scenes of models I like, but I don't really remember my logic, must have been drunk and liked the price. I don't honestly typically like massage porn, but I must say I was pleasantly surprised. There are plenty of very attractive models at this site, the camerawork is generally pretty good (not too many close ups, framing shots well, not moving around too much), and the lighting is also very good.

The scenes generally revolve around the same basic concept with only slight deviations regardless except for the two sites I talk about below. Someone shows up for massage, results in some type of sex (sometimes just oral), customer leaves happy.

Although I didn't download many of the scenes, the milking table site has a slightly different setup, men seeking help with erectile or performance problems solve them through this service. Interesting alternative to Viagra I guess, but I had never really heard of this niche/kink before, didn't really do it for me, but if you are into that, it seemed pretty well done. Scenes on that site generally involve a girl giving head to a guy through a hole in the massage table to help him with his "sexual" problem, sometimes followed by intercourse.

The other site that was kind of weird was Nuru massage. Not really my scene, for some reason I find an excess of lube kind of disgusting, and some of these scenes are like 55 gallon drum of lube on Amazon excessive. To me they are often bordering on comical, like two people trying to have sex on a lubed up slip 'n slide. But again, it was well produced, so if this is your thing, seems like a good place to get it.

Overall I was pretty surprised I liked this site as much as I did, I wish they used a 3rd party biller and had a bit more diversity. But they certainly seem to do what they do well, if you are into this niche, it is certainly worth a look.

01-10-17  01:07am

Replies (0)
Visit Da GFs

Da GFs

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Good download speeds
-Excellent price
-Some interesting content
-Some very attractive models
-Pretty large site (~3600 videos, 1250 models)
-Good variety, both in model ethnicity/body type, and type of content (soft, mid, hard).
-Some of the content appears to be "real" amateur girlfriend stuff, but this is a very small minority of the content
-Download managers work, but connections do timeout fast (I used DTA)
-Updates appear to be about once a week, but it is somewhat hard to tell
Cons: -Many photo sets are not zipped, this is pretty unacceptable these days
-Camerawork and lighting can get pretty bad. A lot of the content is POV, and not particularly well shot or lit
-Login timeouts are pretty short, maybe 30 minutes, even when actively using the site
-Navigation is poor, and really slow
-Videos start playing when you go to the set
-Pre-checked cross sale
-Some, probably most, of the content is not exclusive
-Video quality ranges from above average to poor, only two formats available for most scenes (720, 360p), the 720p is decent, but not super crisp with typical bitrates of around 3800 kbps
Bottom Line: This site consists of a reasonably wide variety of content, from models posing to hard core material. There is a pretty good diversity of models here, mostly relative "amateurs" and very few well known pros. Some of the content is the typical non-exclusive eastern european stuff you see everywhere these days.

I joined this site for a few specific sets I knew they had that I was interested in based on information from a model index site, and the price was right. This site does have some good stuff going for it, but it has an aweful lot of negatives which would make it hard for me to recommend.

The site is a "network", but the individual network "sites" don't serve much of a purpose, as navigating by niche has the same effect. But, there is the typical variety of sites for such a network: Babes, asian, busty, black, emo, etc. The "real ex girlfriend", as you would expect, is not true for the most part, but there are some self shot nudes which at least conform to the niche, even if they aren't truly real ex girlfriends.

The main thing you notice when you login is the site seems very outdated, the interface is bland, and navigation can be a bit annoying (there are more things to click on the menu bar on the left than fit on my screen, and you can't scroll down, for example). There is a search function, but I never really used it, but testing it, it seemed to function acceptably.

But, my main gripe with this site, as with most sites of its ilk is the camerawork and lighting. They have plenty of attractive women, but they do themselves a pretty big disservice by failing in these two areas. Shots can tend to be framed on the same body parts for minutes at a time, very few full body shots. Obviously for the "self shot" styled sets, this type of thing is acceptable, and adds to the feeling that they may be genuine, but for the casting and other sets, it is just terribly frustrating.

It is an okay site, pretty much the definition of mediocre, but for the PU price you will probably find enough here for it to be worth joining once, but I doubt you will come back.

10-17-16  01:21pm

Replies (0)
Visit Wow Girls

Wow Girls

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Plenty of very attractive women
- Good variety of content, hardcore, softcore, lesbian, some group
- Access to sister site WowPorn
- Camerawork is generally good
- Lighting and makeup are both generally good
- Download speeds are very good, I was getting 6-8 MB/s most of the time, more or less maxing my internet connection
- Video quality is excellent, even in the smaller videos, their 720p videos look better than some 1080p scenes I have.
- 4k videos are available for some sets, they look great, but I didn't keep any of them due to space issues (4GB for one scene is just too big for my budget)
- Respectable biller, no major suspect practices (nice after my experience with BangBros)
- Pretty large site, but certainly not as large as some of the big networks. ~4000 total sets (photos and videos) on WowGirls, and 2600 on WowPorn.
- Navigation is pretty good, but can be somewhat annoying (see cons)
Cons: - Not a very diverse site, the model type is typically the same (white, athletic, thin). There are some Asian models, but not a site to go to for diversity.
- Relatively expensive compared to many other sites (when accounting for discounts), although I will say the good:bad ratio on this site is much higher in my opinion than most of the bigger sites.
- I am not sure why there are two sites (Porn/Girls), I don't really see how it serves a purpose, it just makes navigation more annoying
- I feel like they should just merge it with AllFineGirls, they show all the content on the site, and it isn't really like there is some distinction between AllFine and Wow, they have mostly the same models, same style, same variety
- Some content appears not to be original
Bottom Line: My main concern is that I feel they should just go ahead and merge this site with AllFineGirls. I understand the idea of trying to upsell someone to a diamond membership (at least they ask before signing you uh, ahem, BangBros) to make a little extra money (for some reason the Diamond membership is way more expensive than if you joined the site on your own), but the sites are just so similar, I don't see why they should exist as separate entities.

Also, the site is somewhat expensive these days as compared to it's contemporaries when considering discounts. It would be nice if they brought a discount back for the PU folks, I know they used to do it from time to time.

My bottom line: good, bordering on excellent site, acceptable navigation, attractive ladies, wish it was a little cheaper and more diverse, but certainly worth joining if you haven't been here before.

09-20-16  12:04am

Replies (0)
Visit Dancing Bear

Dancing Bear

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Download speeds are excellent
- Newer (see cons) videos are reasonable quality, 1080p mp4 is the highest quality available
- 108 scenes available
- Photos and screencaps zipped
- Camerawork and lighting is generally good, although given the genre, it can be a bit jumpy
- Unique genre, don't recall having come across a site like this before
- A very diverse set of women present in most videos, including body type and ethnicity
- There are some attractive women in the videos
Cons: - Affiliated with Bang Bros, suspect billing practices, see reviews and comments of that site for more
- Site is dead, last update is listed as October, 2015
- File sizes are large. Many of these videos are very long, ~60 minutes or more, so at 1080p they can get very big
- Streaming starts instantly
- Limited download options on many videos, most are just mp4
- In a lot of the videos, the most attractive women (at least to me) don't participate
- Not a big deal, but the music is terrible, I know they are supposed to be strippers, but god it is aweful
- Pretty expensive for what you get
Bottom Line: I honestly didn't think I would find this site very appealing, but it is sort of interesting, and I did end up keeping more scenes than I thought I would. The basic concept is a male stripper shows up at some party, sexual hijinks ensue. Most of the scenes involve more than one male stripper, and a large number of women (probably 10-30 on average), although in the scenes with many women, many do not participate in the action, and some appear to be genuinely uncomfortable. The general setup is a stripper shows up, gets near instantly nude (not a very good stripper if you ask me, what is wrong with a little titillation for your clients), proceeds to get blown by some of the women present, sometimes has sex, he gets off. In most scenes a few more strippers will show up following the same pattern. In some, a costumed bear shows up and follows the same pattern.

It is an interesting site, and perhaps worth joining if this particular scenario is one that excites you, personally I find it a bit unrealistic and at times awkward and uncomfortable, even for porn. Having talked to many women about bachelorette parties, the general consensus seems to be that most don't like getting dicks waved in their faces, and would definitely not start just blowing the guy. Regardless, it can be a sort of fun site, but bear in mind if you join that it hasn't updated in almost a year, and I sort of doubt it will start again soon. The other major con is its affiliation with Bang Bros, so if you do decide to join, please be very careful in doing so, and consider getting a new card number soon after.

08-30-16  01:22am

Replies (0)
Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

Yeah, I agree, what bugs me the most is that they must be aware that every customer they do this to will likely never join again, and further may never pay for porn again. They are doing likely irreparable harm to their own industry.

Honestly, from reviewing what I could find of their updates, I think this site is dying, only a few sites update more often than once a month, and navigation is just such a disaster. They are probably just trying to get some cheap/easy/lazy money on the way out.

I will never join this site again, regardless of any future changes they make. Honestly, even though I am against pirating content, I think given the way these guys behave, it is completely justified to get their stuff for free, since most of their customers are paying $30+ more than they think they are.

How much do you want to bet their membership has gone way down, and they are all sitting around blaming illegal downloaders.

08-22-16  03:24pm

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - The site has some good, interesting, original content
- I generally find the camera work, lighting, and makeup to be good to acceptable, although some scenes are lacking in this area (Bus in particular, for obvious reasons)
- They have a good variety of models, with a pretty good amount of diversity compared to other sites of this size
- The price is good with TBP discount, however, see Cons for issues
- Download speeds are excellent
- Download managers work (DTA)
- You seem to stay logged in forever
Cons: - This is the first time I have ever seen a prechecked sale after the splash page (order completed) with the link to go to site. This is scumbaggery in its worst form for a site like this, totally unacceptable, that alone drops them 30 points
- Just to reiterate, so no one misses it like I did, this prechecked sell was IN ADDITION to the sell on the main join page, it is on the page after the order is completed
- This prechecked sell was to a collection of sites, which as far as I can tell are dead, and it costs $30. The most recent update on some of them was like 2013.
- There are just so many upsells everywhere, I am afraid to click on things for fear of accidentally ordering something I don't want
- The new navigation is terrible
- The navigation seems to be done in a way that is intentionally obfuscating where content comes from, probably to get people to accidentally buy access to additional sites
- Many of the sites in this network have been dead for years
- Odd biller
Bottom Line: Firstly, nice to see PU is still going strong, I wish I had headed all the warnings before joining this site, but oh well, lesson learned.

I was last a member here back in the glory days of Alina Li a couple of years ago, and unfortunately I had a couple of drives die, so despite all I had read about the way this site is run, I decided to join again to replace some stuff. Damn was that a mistake.

I considered giving this site a higher score, because I do like a lot of their content, and they do have some of my favorite scenes ever, including the Nella scene, but I decided on a "gentlemen's F", but they probably don't even deserve a score this high, since they certainly aren't gentlemen.

I understand that the industry is having a hard time making money these days, with pirating, torrents, whatever, but the type of behavior this site shows is not going to fix the problem, it is just going to push more pissed of people to pirate their material. Any "loyal" consumer they had, myself included, is going to be done with the site forever after their next visit. This type of cash grab philosophy, accidentally clicking random links charges you $30 or whatever will kill your business, and it will likely effect all the other companies in the industry that behave in a more reputable fashion, just by association. This shit needs to stop.

I am the type of person that will join a site, casually peruse it while sipping a nice beer, the way this site is setup just makes you paranoid, it is impossible to enjoy, it is impossible to relax, it is stupid.

If you are thinking of joining BangBros, I would think again, I would think really hard about it. About the only way I would ever join this site again is if I cancelled my credit card two seconds after the order was processed.

Do not join this site.

08-22-16  01:11am

Replies (4)
Visit Penthouse

Reply of Hooliganzo's Comment

I know this is an old comment, but figured I'd add a response in case someone else was curious.

They have 3D videos, it is side-by-side video encoding, the quality is not so great, and clearly they are not using the best equipment, but it can be entertaining. There are quite a few videos on 3D, maybe like 500, the majority of which is HC with some solo and lesbian. The main problem I have with it (aside from encoding quality) is that they are using wmv, which is not supported on my 3D TV so I have to re-encode everything in mp4.

03-16-14  02:46am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I think some positions look like they might be fun (the standing 69 for example), but practically speaking seems like it would be difficult to comfortably manage, but perhaps I just need to work out more.

02-04-14  12:30am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Read it often, don't post much though.

01-18-14  10:20am

Visit X-Art

Reply of pat362's Reply

Perhaps, I just sort of find the bandwidth hog argument a little bogus on a smaller site like this, given that in theory it is material they would like to download anyway, the same amount of bandwidth is used.

My guess is that it is a preventative measure against site rippers, which is unfortunate, but I guess it is just what we have to deal with these days. The only Kink sites I was a member of let you queue up a pretty substantial collection, but that was a few years ago so perhaps things have changed.

Nice to see you are still around, seemed like everyone was leaving for a while and I have been way to busy lately, I was worried PU would be basically empty.

11-03-13  01:23am

Visit X-Art

Reply of pat362's Reply


As a big fan of x-art, their new setup is quite frustrating, I can see limiting people, but queuing files up only works for maybe two videos now before the rest time out, which is a bit excessive. Given it is a small site, I am sure they are concerned about rippers, but it does make thinks a bit inconvenient for loyal costumers that join a couple of times a year and don't have the time to monitor their downloads (like me). I would prefer being able to queue a bunch up, even on a limited bandwidth, as I typically only download videos 3-4 times over a month of membership - which I don't really consider "hogging". If the majority of members prefer the same methodology I do, I don't know that it would drastically harm other users as long as they weren't all hitting the site at the same time.

11-02-13  01:59am

N/A Reply of turboshaft's Reply

It irritates me that MILF doesn't always even mean older, I've seen some sites with "MILF"s that were late 20's early 30's, I understand that they could be moms at that age, but it sort of disregards the original point of the term. I don't recall ever thinking when I was six "damn, I'd really like to fuck Andrew's mom". I guess by those rules, my current 32 year old childless girlfriend is a MILF.

09-13-13  10:52pm

Visit Cash For Sex Tape

Cash For Sex Tape
Reply of Serious Partner's Reply

I can see how self-shot stuff would be difficult to edit and you wouldn't have control over the quality of the camerawork, and I understand that is the style of the site. I know the definition of amateur is pretty loose, but many of the girls on this site have been on several (more professionally shot) sites, so I probably wouldn't classify them purely as such. The niche of the site is self-shot, so it is always going to have sketchy camerawork, and that is probably fine for some folks out there (just not for me). I did like some other sites on this network, however.

09-13-13  10:20pm

Visit VideoBox

Reply of jberryl69's Reply

If you go to videobox.com/browse/scenes, not sure why they are hiding this with their new front page (I kept getting taken to join as well), it used to be available straight away.

07-14-13  02:56pm

Visit Asia Movie Pass

Asia Movie Pass
Reply of lk2fireone's Reply

Thanks lk2,

I agree it is difficult without some type of index, makes it very hard and time consuming, but I do enjoy the content. I also dislike bukkake, and the noises are sort of funny, but they probably would say the same about Western porn!

You get the discount by cancelling your trial membership on Epoch, and you get offered a month for $9.99. I think PP pointed this out before, but I forget.

06-23-13  09:28pm

Visit BB Films

BB Films
Reply of ezolak's Comment

Too bad, I was curious about this site like 3 years ago, but for some reason decided against joining.

Thanks for warning everyone.

06-22-13  09:33pm

Visit HDV Pass

HDV Pass
Reply of Tree Rodent's Comment

This is actually surprisingly common with discounts, they almost never update long term memberships accordingly (also be careful as some places renew the discount month at a higher price, higher even than regular monthly).

06-22-13  09:24pm

Visit Asia Movie Pass

Asia Movie Pass

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Very large site
-Lots of attractive Japanese ladies in a pretty wide variety of content
-Download managers work (DTA)
-Full access trial, get option for a month for $10 when you cancel
-Good download speeds, maxed my 15 Mbit connection
-Video quality is generally good, most are only 1000 kbps bitrate, but encoded well
Cons: -Navigation is a bit hard for people that don't know what they are looking for
-A model index would be nice, you can click on model names to get other material by them from within a video, but if there is more than one model on the video I often have a hard time figuring out who is who and have to google all of them to find the one I liked
-File sizes are pretty large, most over 1 GB
-Most are full DVD only, would nice to have download by scene
-Little uncensored content if that is a big deal, almost all has mosaic
-Some scenes have no model names
-Comment section provided, but rarely used. Seems like the only places people commented was the bukkake videos, which I don't care for (and there are a lot of, if that's your thing)
Bottom Line: I generally enjoy Japanese porn, typically more so than American porn. Though it can often be a little strange, and there is heavy use of toys in much of it, aside from the bukkake portions it seems much less gonzo than other porn styles.

Though I enjoy it, I can't say that I can really name many of the stars off the top of my head, so this site can be somewhat difficult, given its size, to find the material you like. There are dvd ratings and comments, and the more common stars typically have linked dvds, so once you find a girl you like it is pretty easy to get all of her stuff, my main problem was finding the girls I liked.

Overall, I think it is a site worth joining for most, especially given the full access trial and the discount offered on cancelling. Of course, if the mosaic is a total deal breaker for you, I would probably look elsewhere. Regardless, it is a very large site, with a wide variety of material, in niches that are often not covered well in American porn - for example I think cosplay is very sexy, but in American porn it is just so overdone and slutty it ruins it, somehow the Japanese version of the schoolgirl outfit works (when it just seems stupid on an American site). Most costumes are somewhat more typical to real life, albeit a little slutty, where American cosplay stuff always looks like it is straight from the trashy Halloween costume shop.

If you are into Japanese porn, I would definitely check this place out, I just wish they did a better job with navigation, as I just don't have the time to dig through it all.

06-22-13  09:22pm

Replies (3)
N/A Reply of RustyJ's Poll

I've always liked a girl in a nice pair of jeans first, but any normal clothes are fine with me. Generally the sluttier the outfit the more I dislike it. What is with chubby girls wearing shorts two sizes too small with the fly open so they'll fit, horrible look.

06-09-13  01:26am

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