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Bangbros Network (0)

slutty (0) 08-22-16  01:11am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - The site has some good, interesting, original content
- I generally find the camera work, lighting, and makeup to be good to acceptable, although some scenes are lacking in this area (Bus in particular, for obvious reasons)
- They have a good variety of models, with a pretty good amount of diversity compared to other sites of this size
- The price is good with TBP discount, however, see Cons for issues
- Download speeds are excellent
- Download managers work (DTA)
- You seem to stay logged in forever
Cons: - This is the first time I have ever seen a prechecked sale after the splash page (order completed) with the link to go to site. This is scumbaggery in its worst form for a site like this, totally unacceptable, that alone drops them 30 points
- Just to reiterate, so no one misses it like I did, this prechecked sell was IN ADDITION to the sell on the main join page, it is on the page after the order is completed
- This prechecked sell was to a collection of sites, which as far as I can tell are dead, and it costs $30. The most recent update on some of them was like 2013.
- There are just so many upsells everywhere, I am afraid to click on things for fear of accidentally ordering something I don't want
- The new navigation is terrible
- The navigation seems to be done in a way that is intentionally obfuscating where content comes from, probably to get people to accidentally buy access to additional sites
- Many of the sites in this network have been dead for years
- Odd biller
Bottom Line: Firstly, nice to see PU is still going strong, I wish I had headed all the warnings before joining this site, but oh well, lesson learned.

I was last a member here back in the glory days of Alina Li a couple of years ago, and unfortunately I had a couple of drives die, so despite all I had read about the way this site is run, I decided to join again to replace some stuff. Damn was that a mistake.

I considered giving this site a higher score, because I do like a lot of their content, and they do have some of my favorite scenes ever, including the Nella scene, but I decided on a "gentlemen's F", but they probably don't even deserve a score this high, since they certainly aren't gentlemen.

I understand that the industry is having a hard time making money these days, with pirating, torrents, whatever, but the type of behavior this site shows is not going to fix the problem, it is just going to push more pissed of people to pirate their material. Any "loyal" consumer they had, myself included, is going to be done with the site forever after their next visit. This type of cash grab philosophy, accidentally clicking random links charges you $30 or whatever will kill your business, and it will likely effect all the other companies in the industry that behave in a more reputable fashion, just by association. This shit needs to stop.

I am the type of person that will join a site, casually peruse it while sipping a nice beer, the way this site is setup just makes you paranoid, it is impossible to enjoy, it is impossible to relax, it is stupid.

If you are thinking of joining BangBros, I would think again, I would think really hard about it. About the only way I would ever join this site again is if I cancelled my credit card two seconds after the order was processed.

Do not join this site.

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Review Replies (4)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


rearadmiral (0) I will never understand why Bang Bros uses these shady tactics. They have a decent site, some great porn and they offer a great value for members. But like you I'm always amazed at the lengths they go to to swindle their paying members. I've learned to treat their webpage like a minefield, making sure to only click on those scenes that I know are part of what I paid for. And how did I learn that this is necessary? By getting burned. The worst thing that happened was that I once opened an email offer from them and clicked on the link to have a look at a new site they had. Or so I thought. That one click to open the link caused me to become a member because they had my credit card info on file.


What bugs me most is that THEY DON'T NEED TO DO THIS TO MAKE MONEY!!!

08-22-16  01:33pm

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slutty (0) REPLY TO #1 - rearadmiral :

Yeah, I agree, what bugs me the most is that they must be aware that every customer they do this to will likely never join again, and further may never pay for porn again. They are doing likely irreparable harm to their own industry.

Honestly, from reviewing what I could find of their updates, I think this site is dying, only a few sites update more often than once a month, and navigation is just such a disaster. They are probably just trying to get some cheap/easy/lazy money on the way out.

I will never join this site again, regardless of any future changes they make. Honestly, even though I am against pirating content, I think given the way these guys behave, it is completely justified to get their stuff for free, since most of their customers are paying $30+ more than they think they are.

How much do you want to bet their membership has gone way down, and they are all sitting around blaming illegal downloaders.

08-22-16  03:24pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #2 - slutty :

100% agree.
08-29-16  04:40pm

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jmack77 (Suspended) The sleaze factor regarding registration continues beyond what's stated in this good review. The cancel-subscription process is non-standard and error prone if you attempt to do unsubscribe online. My only recourse was to call customer service which ended up being a 10-minute call to boot.

Never again.

09-07-16  03:06am

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