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Visit Spizoo


Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - The site has a good variety of content, including hardcore, teasing and some lesbian
- The download speeds are generally acceptable, I was average 3-4 MB/s on a 100Mbit connection
- The biller is Epoch
- They have some very attractive models
- The navigation is generally decent, typical model index, scene index, search. The search seems to work pretty well
- There is a "network" of sites, but all the material on the "network" is listed on the main Spizoo site
- It is a decent sized site, ~1800 scenes and ~340 models
- The video quality on the newer scenes is decent, I only downloaded 720p, but 5000 kbps, reasonably crisp.
- The content all appeared to be original
- Based on the dates on the scenes, they are currently updating ~5 times a week (I think this may be bullshit, will try to remember to check back in in a couple of weeks)
Cons: - Too expensive for the size of the site, you can get a lot more value from other sites
- The "network" doesn't really serve much of a purpose aside from distinguishing scene types
- The camerawork varies from mediocre to astoundingly bad
- A lot of the scenes are POV, which makes the camerawork issue even more nauseating
- There are a lot of models, but many only have 1-2 scenes, while a select few have 100s (Jessica Jaymes for example has over 700 scenes)
- The older content is poor quality, and some of it is just captures of live shows.
- There are far too many fake breasts (personal preference)
- There are a lot of tattoos, more than any other site I have seen. I don't usually mind them much, but figured I would put this in "cons"
- Pre checked cross sale
- Some dead links
Bottom Line: I joined this site pretty much because I wanted to get a few scenes of a few models I particularly like, I wasn't really expecting much as I had never even heard of this site before stumbling across it when I was poking around looking for more Alina Li material.

The site itself is fine, they have many attractive models, and the models are reasonably diverse both in ethnicity and body type. For me the big trouble spots were the excessive number of women with fake breasts and the astoundingly bad camerawork on a lot of the scenes. Many of them felt like they were filmed by drunk frat boys with ADD or something, they had no concept of how to frame shots, keep the camera steady, and often took really weird angles.

Generally, the site feels like a low rent version of Bangbros, but at least it doesn't have the sketchy billing practices of BB. The "stripper" scene setups I think are generally interesting, having the girls strip a bit before the action is something few sites do. Unfortunately, many aren't exactly the best dancers, so it falls flat sometimes. Beyond those few scenes, most are typical gonzo, often POV porn.

My final gripe is that while the site is reasonably large, as I am not a fan of Jessica Jaymes, more than 1/3 of the content is worthless to me right off the bat. Add to that the excessive number of augmented ladies, and the number of scenes I actually downloaded was maybe 40, the number I kept was maybe 20. Pretty steep price for 20 scenes.

01-25-18  03:54pm

Replies (3)
Visit Joy Mii

Joy Mii

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Good quality videos from a technical perspective
-Lighting is typically good
-Many attractive, mostly eastern euro women
-Videos tend to be shorter, and smaller (may be a negative to some)
-The action is generally pretty good
-Download speeds are excellent
-Download managers work (DTA)
-Reputable biller (CCBill)
-No ads on any of the main pages or model pages
Cons: -Navigation is annoying, not sure why they use a random screenshot for the model profile pic instead of a headshot (sometimes it is like their leg)
-Camerwork is pretty odd, feels like they are trying too hard. You aren't trying to win an Oscar for cinematography, you are making porn
-Lots of weird pans and zooms, weird ways of framing shots, hang too long in certain areas, odd editing
-Not a super large site, ~600 videos
-Updates seem kind of random, 2 or 3 a week (total including videos and photos)
Bottom Line: One of many glamcore sites these days, for some reason the last one I ever joined. Not really sure why, just never got around to it. Personally, I think X-Art, Wow/AllFineGirls do a better job, and probably give you more value. Not the type of site you should join if you are looking for harder content, there is hardcore, but it is typically much softer than most sites, very little anal, very few facials, more just relatively natural sex.

I kind of liked this site, I think it has the potential to be pretty good, there are just some weird things they do. The main issue I have is the camerawork, it is almost always panning or zooming somewhere. There is nothing wrong with just framing the action and sitting there. There certainly are some attractive women, and they do a good job with lighting and picking scenes and outfits. For me, they just kill it all with shitty camerawork. It is kind of hard to explain the problem, best I can say is imagine you are getting into a scene it looks nice and all of a sudden the camera guy just starts randomly zooming and panning all over the place, just distracting and you end up skipping around the scenes too much.

Other than that main complaint, the regular photography is very nice, the models are definitely attractive, although not very diverse in build or ethnicity. Maybe worth joining if you have already tried the other, better sites in this genre, but given the update rate and relatively small site, I doubt you will stick around for long.

03-20-17  11:30pm

Replies (0)
Visit Fantasy Massage

Fantasy Massage

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Wide variety of attractive ladies
- Network access to other sites, they are all in the massage niche
- Camerawork and lighting are generally good
- The video quality is good, I mostly downloaded the middle level quality mp4 (960x544 ~2000 kbps total) which was usually around ~300 MB for a scene, and crisp enough for me. There are higher quality options (1280x720 5000 kbps) certainly looks nicer, but I am running low on space these days, so I only used that for scenes I really liked
- Reasonably diverse collection of models body types and ages
- Scenes are generally interesting and fun, the performers usually look like they are having a good time
- Download managers work (DTA), I did not experience any site timeouts (but there may be one), download speeds were acceptable
- Good price with TBP discount
- Pretty large network of sites
- They have user requested fantasies, not sure how legit this is, but interesting nonetheless
Cons: - Ethnic diversity is somewhat lacking
- Personal preference, but some of the sites are kind of odd, I don't really get the milking table thing, and some of the scenes on Nuru Massage are bordering on comical (they use a lot of lube)
- Not fond of the internal billing by "fame assist", would rather a more reputable biller, but did not have any problems with joining or cancelling
Bottom Line: I am not really sure why I joined this site, I guess I was in a weird mood. Probably saw some interesting scenes of models I like, but I don't really remember my logic, must have been drunk and liked the price. I don't honestly typically like massage porn, but I must say I was pleasantly surprised. There are plenty of very attractive models at this site, the camerawork is generally pretty good (not too many close ups, framing shots well, not moving around too much), and the lighting is also very good.

The scenes generally revolve around the same basic concept with only slight deviations regardless except for the two sites I talk about below. Someone shows up for massage, results in some type of sex (sometimes just oral), customer leaves happy.

Although I didn't download many of the scenes, the milking table site has a slightly different setup, men seeking help with erectile or performance problems solve them through this service. Interesting alternative to Viagra I guess, but I had never really heard of this niche/kink before, didn't really do it for me, but if you are into that, it seemed pretty well done. Scenes on that site generally involve a girl giving head to a guy through a hole in the massage table to help him with his "sexual" problem, sometimes followed by intercourse.

The other site that was kind of weird was Nuru massage. Not really my scene, for some reason I find an excess of lube kind of disgusting, and some of these scenes are like 55 gallon drum of lube on Amazon excessive. To me they are often bordering on comical, like two people trying to have sex on a lubed up slip 'n slide. But again, it was well produced, so if this is your thing, seems like a good place to get it.

Overall I was pretty surprised I liked this site as much as I did, I wish they used a 3rd party biller and had a bit more diversity. But they certainly seem to do what they do well, if you are into this niche, it is certainly worth a look.

01-10-17  01:07am

Replies (0)
Visit Da GFs

Da GFs

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Good download speeds
-Excellent price
-Some interesting content
-Some very attractive models
-Pretty large site (~3600 videos, 1250 models)
-Good variety, both in model ethnicity/body type, and type of content (soft, mid, hard).
-Some of the content appears to be "real" amateur girlfriend stuff, but this is a very small minority of the content
-Download managers work, but connections do timeout fast (I used DTA)
-Updates appear to be about once a week, but it is somewhat hard to tell
Cons: -Many photo sets are not zipped, this is pretty unacceptable these days
-Camerawork and lighting can get pretty bad. A lot of the content is POV, and not particularly well shot or lit
-Login timeouts are pretty short, maybe 30 minutes, even when actively using the site
-Navigation is poor, and really slow
-Videos start playing when you go to the set
-Pre-checked cross sale
-Some, probably most, of the content is not exclusive
-Video quality ranges from above average to poor, only two formats available for most scenes (720, 360p), the 720p is decent, but not super crisp with typical bitrates of around 3800 kbps
Bottom Line: This site consists of a reasonably wide variety of content, from models posing to hard core material. There is a pretty good diversity of models here, mostly relative "amateurs" and very few well known pros. Some of the content is the typical non-exclusive eastern european stuff you see everywhere these days.

I joined this site for a few specific sets I knew they had that I was interested in based on information from a model index site, and the price was right. This site does have some good stuff going for it, but it has an aweful lot of negatives which would make it hard for me to recommend.

The site is a "network", but the individual network "sites" don't serve much of a purpose, as navigating by niche has the same effect. But, there is the typical variety of sites for such a network: Babes, asian, busty, black, emo, etc. The "real ex girlfriend", as you would expect, is not true for the most part, but there are some self shot nudes which at least conform to the niche, even if they aren't truly real ex girlfriends.

The main thing you notice when you login is the site seems very outdated, the interface is bland, and navigation can be a bit annoying (there are more things to click on the menu bar on the left than fit on my screen, and you can't scroll down, for example). There is a search function, but I never really used it, but testing it, it seemed to function acceptably.

But, my main gripe with this site, as with most sites of its ilk is the camerawork and lighting. They have plenty of attractive women, but they do themselves a pretty big disservice by failing in these two areas. Shots can tend to be framed on the same body parts for minutes at a time, very few full body shots. Obviously for the "self shot" styled sets, this type of thing is acceptable, and adds to the feeling that they may be genuine, but for the casting and other sets, it is just terribly frustrating.

It is an okay site, pretty much the definition of mediocre, but for the PU price you will probably find enough here for it to be worth joining once, but I doubt you will come back.

10-17-16  01:21pm

Replies (0)
Visit Wow Girls

Wow Girls

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Plenty of very attractive women
- Good variety of content, hardcore, softcore, lesbian, some group
- Access to sister site WowPorn
- Camerawork is generally good
- Lighting and makeup are both generally good
- Download speeds are very good, I was getting 6-8 MB/s most of the time, more or less maxing my internet connection
- Video quality is excellent, even in the smaller videos, their 720p videos look better than some 1080p scenes I have.
- 4k videos are available for some sets, they look great, but I didn't keep any of them due to space issues (4GB for one scene is just too big for my budget)
- Respectable biller, no major suspect practices (nice after my experience with BangBros)
- Pretty large site, but certainly not as large as some of the big networks. ~4000 total sets (photos and videos) on WowGirls, and 2600 on WowPorn.
- Navigation is pretty good, but can be somewhat annoying (see cons)
Cons: - Not a very diverse site, the model type is typically the same (white, athletic, thin). There are some Asian models, but not a site to go to for diversity.
- Relatively expensive compared to many other sites (when accounting for discounts), although I will say the good:bad ratio on this site is much higher in my opinion than most of the bigger sites.
- I am not sure why there are two sites (Porn/Girls), I don't really see how it serves a purpose, it just makes navigation more annoying
- I feel like they should just merge it with AllFineGirls, they show all the content on the site, and it isn't really like there is some distinction between AllFine and Wow, they have mostly the same models, same style, same variety
- Some content appears not to be original
Bottom Line: My main concern is that I feel they should just go ahead and merge this site with AllFineGirls. I understand the idea of trying to upsell someone to a diamond membership (at least they ask before signing you uh, ahem, BangBros) to make a little extra money (for some reason the Diamond membership is way more expensive than if you joined the site on your own), but the sites are just so similar, I don't see why they should exist as separate entities.

Also, the site is somewhat expensive these days as compared to it's contemporaries when considering discounts. It would be nice if they brought a discount back for the PU folks, I know they used to do it from time to time.

My bottom line: good, bordering on excellent site, acceptable navigation, attractive ladies, wish it was a little cheaper and more diverse, but certainly worth joining if you haven't been here before.

09-20-16  12:04am

Replies (0)
Visit Dancing Bear

Dancing Bear

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Download speeds are excellent
- Newer (see cons) videos are reasonable quality, 1080p mp4 is the highest quality available
- 108 scenes available
- Photos and screencaps zipped
- Camerawork and lighting is generally good, although given the genre, it can be a bit jumpy
- Unique genre, don't recall having come across a site like this before
- A very diverse set of women present in most videos, including body type and ethnicity
- There are some attractive women in the videos
Cons: - Affiliated with Bang Bros, suspect billing practices, see reviews and comments of that site for more
- Site is dead, last update is listed as October, 2015
- File sizes are large. Many of these videos are very long, ~60 minutes or more, so at 1080p they can get very big
- Streaming starts instantly
- Limited download options on many videos, most are just mp4
- In a lot of the videos, the most attractive women (at least to me) don't participate
- Not a big deal, but the music is terrible, I know they are supposed to be strippers, but god it is aweful
- Pretty expensive for what you get
Bottom Line: I honestly didn't think I would find this site very appealing, but it is sort of interesting, and I did end up keeping more scenes than I thought I would. The basic concept is a male stripper shows up at some party, sexual hijinks ensue. Most of the scenes involve more than one male stripper, and a large number of women (probably 10-30 on average), although in the scenes with many women, many do not participate in the action, and some appear to be genuinely uncomfortable. The general setup is a stripper shows up, gets near instantly nude (not a very good stripper if you ask me, what is wrong with a little titillation for your clients), proceeds to get blown by some of the women present, sometimes has sex, he gets off. In most scenes a few more strippers will show up following the same pattern. In some, a costumed bear shows up and follows the same pattern.

It is an interesting site, and perhaps worth joining if this particular scenario is one that excites you, personally I find it a bit unrealistic and at times awkward and uncomfortable, even for porn. Having talked to many women about bachelorette parties, the general consensus seems to be that most don't like getting dicks waved in their faces, and would definitely not start just blowing the guy. Regardless, it can be a sort of fun site, but bear in mind if you join that it hasn't updated in almost a year, and I sort of doubt it will start again soon. The other major con is its affiliation with Bang Bros, so if you do decide to join, please be very careful in doing so, and consider getting a new card number soon after.

08-30-16  01:22am

Replies (0)
Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - The site has some good, interesting, original content
- I generally find the camera work, lighting, and makeup to be good to acceptable, although some scenes are lacking in this area (Bus in particular, for obvious reasons)
- They have a good variety of models, with a pretty good amount of diversity compared to other sites of this size
- The price is good with TBP discount, however, see Cons for issues
- Download speeds are excellent
- Download managers work (DTA)
- You seem to stay logged in forever
Cons: - This is the first time I have ever seen a prechecked sale after the splash page (order completed) with the link to go to site. This is scumbaggery in its worst form for a site like this, totally unacceptable, that alone drops them 30 points
- Just to reiterate, so no one misses it like I did, this prechecked sell was IN ADDITION to the sell on the main join page, it is on the page after the order is completed
- This prechecked sell was to a collection of sites, which as far as I can tell are dead, and it costs $30. The most recent update on some of them was like 2013.
- There are just so many upsells everywhere, I am afraid to click on things for fear of accidentally ordering something I don't want
- The new navigation is terrible
- The navigation seems to be done in a way that is intentionally obfuscating where content comes from, probably to get people to accidentally buy access to additional sites
- Many of the sites in this network have been dead for years
- Odd biller
Bottom Line: Firstly, nice to see PU is still going strong, I wish I had headed all the warnings before joining this site, but oh well, lesson learned.

I was last a member here back in the glory days of Alina Li a couple of years ago, and unfortunately I had a couple of drives die, so despite all I had read about the way this site is run, I decided to join again to replace some stuff. Damn was that a mistake.

I considered giving this site a higher score, because I do like a lot of their content, and they do have some of my favorite scenes ever, including the Nella scene, but I decided on a "gentlemen's F", but they probably don't even deserve a score this high, since they certainly aren't gentlemen.

I understand that the industry is having a hard time making money these days, with pirating, torrents, whatever, but the type of behavior this site shows is not going to fix the problem, it is just going to push more pissed of people to pirate their material. Any "loyal" consumer they had, myself included, is going to be done with the site forever after their next visit. This type of cash grab philosophy, accidentally clicking random links charges you $30 or whatever will kill your business, and it will likely effect all the other companies in the industry that behave in a more reputable fashion, just by association. This shit needs to stop.

I am the type of person that will join a site, casually peruse it while sipping a nice beer, the way this site is setup just makes you paranoid, it is impossible to enjoy, it is impossible to relax, it is stupid.

If you are thinking of joining BangBros, I would think again, I would think really hard about it. About the only way I would ever join this site again is if I cancelled my credit card two seconds after the order was processed.

Do not join this site.

08-22-16  01:11am

Replies (4)
Visit Asia Movie Pass

Asia Movie Pass

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Very large site
-Lots of attractive Japanese ladies in a pretty wide variety of content
-Download managers work (DTA)
-Full access trial, get option for a month for $10 when you cancel
-Good download speeds, maxed my 15 Mbit connection
-Video quality is generally good, most are only 1000 kbps bitrate, but encoded well
Cons: -Navigation is a bit hard for people that don't know what they are looking for
-A model index would be nice, you can click on model names to get other material by them from within a video, but if there is more than one model on the video I often have a hard time figuring out who is who and have to google all of them to find the one I liked
-File sizes are pretty large, most over 1 GB
-Most are full DVD only, would nice to have download by scene
-Little uncensored content if that is a big deal, almost all has mosaic
-Some scenes have no model names
-Comment section provided, but rarely used. Seems like the only places people commented was the bukkake videos, which I don't care for (and there are a lot of, if that's your thing)
Bottom Line: I generally enjoy Japanese porn, typically more so than American porn. Though it can often be a little strange, and there is heavy use of toys in much of it, aside from the bukkake portions it seems much less gonzo than other porn styles.

Though I enjoy it, I can't say that I can really name many of the stars off the top of my head, so this site can be somewhat difficult, given its size, to find the material you like. There are dvd ratings and comments, and the more common stars typically have linked dvds, so once you find a girl you like it is pretty easy to get all of her stuff, my main problem was finding the girls I liked.

Overall, I think it is a site worth joining for most, especially given the full access trial and the discount offered on cancelling. Of course, if the mosaic is a total deal breaker for you, I would probably look elsewhere. Regardless, it is a very large site, with a wide variety of material, in niches that are often not covered well in American porn - for example I think cosplay is very sexy, but in American porn it is just so overdone and slutty it ruins it, somehow the Japanese version of the schoolgirl outfit works (when it just seems stupid on an American site). Most costumes are somewhat more typical to real life, albeit a little slutty, where American cosplay stuff always looks like it is straight from the trashy Halloween costume shop.

If you are into Japanese porn, I would definitely check this place out, I just wish they did a better job with navigation, as I just don't have the time to dig through it all.

06-22-13  09:22pm

Replies (3)
Visit ATK Premium

ATK Premium

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Many attractive models
-Decent sized site overall
-Navigation is good
-Good variety of softcore, lesbian, hardcore
-Camerawork is generally good
-Zips of photosets, newer ones in 3 quality levels
-Newer videos are of respectable quality, typically 4 options available (SD wmv, HD mp4, SD mp4, and portable), I generally downloaded SD mp4
-No DRM, download managers work, respectable biller
-Most girls are natural
-Frequent updates, generally a photo and video set every day
Cons: -Sort of expensive
-No network access, no bonus sites
-Older videos and photos are substandard quality and older movies are often split in parts
-Not a lot of diversity in model body type or ethnicity
-HD scenes seem larger file-size wise than they have to be
-A fair amount (maybe 1/5 or so) of the video material is "behind the scenes" type of stuff, I don't mind it, but could be a negative for some
-Some material is not exclusive
Bottom Line: Generally I think this site is pretty good, but not great. I sort of don't get the whole setup of all the ATK sites, what makes this one premium, is this site exclusively the hot girls? In general, I guess this is the case compared to some of their other sites as the hot/wtf ratio seems to be a good bit higher.

I liked the material here for the most part, but for some reason felt a bit disappointed here. Can't really put my finger on why. Most sites I join, I spend a fair amount more time poking around and checking things out, but I got tired of this one pretty fast for some reason. That isn't to say that they don't have some good material here, they certainly do, I just wasn't super-excited by it I guess.

As for the site itself, the navigation is pretty good: model index, scene ratings, scene tags, it is pretty easy to get around. The girls are generally of the thinner more natural body types, and they have both American and Euro stars.

Overall, I think I would recommend joining this site to those that never had before, but I don't know that I would recommend it as a repeat join even given the update schedule. They seem to do most things very well, and the models are generally quite attractive, so it is certainly worth a look.

03-23-13  01:05am

Replies (2)
Visit Girls Do Porn

Girls Do Porn

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Some very attractive models
-I can't recall having seen any of these models elsewhere
-Download managers work (DTA)
-Good download speeds (2MB/s)
-I like the concept
-Reputable biller (I had CCBill)
-Long site timeouts, it doesn't appear to ever timeout
-Few if any fake breasts
Cons: -Camerawork is not the best
-Lighting is not the best
-Scenes are repetitive, almost all progress in the same fashion
-Navigation is very basic, just a page with 6 scenes on it, many scenes aren't even really labelled (no model names?!)
-Site is sort of small for the price (200 scenes at the time of review)
-Video encoding on many scenes is poor (see BL)
-HD only available after 30 days, a stupid gimmick given the size/update rate of the site
-They say one update per week, seems right for as long as I have been a member, but since scenes aren't dated it is hard to tell
-No photos
-Some videos are zipped, is this 2001? Zip a wmv all you want, you ain't saving any space.
-Some odd stuff in a few of the videos (showing a girl go buy Plan B)
-No bonus material
-Streaming starts instantly when you go to a page (to all webmasters: please stop doing this)
Bottom Line: I like the idea of this site, and it is nice to see some new faces, but I will admit I joined primarily due to the Miss Teen Delaware thing intriguing me enough to give it a look. Generally I think the models are attractive. Typically athletic, skinny, and generally on the smaller breasted side - no fake breasts that I could tell. My type of woman, so I figured 'what the hell' and joined.

The main negative for me with the site is the camerawork, lots of stationary shots as though it were filmed on a tripod, and shots I am not particularly fond of (long stretches of showing cowgirl from behind, which an ass man might appreciate I suppose, but I find it boring and a poor angle choice). The lighting can be a bit iffy at times, but they do appear to have put in some effort by bringing in some of their own lighting gear as seen in many of the shots, but all scenes are shot in a hotel room, so obviously not the best.

My second main gripe is the video encoding on this site, encoding a video that is filmed in 16:9 in 4:3 is unacceptable, and it hasn't been for several years. Basically forces you to have black bars on all sides. On widescreen monitors this will leave half or so of your screen as black space. This is particularly egregious since it is FILMED in 16:9. My only guess for why anyone would do this is that it was easier for them to do with their 30 days for HD policy. Perhaps these videos are encoded properly if you hang around for this period, but given their update schedule that is a tough pill to swallow. I used avidemux to crop the videos properly, but this is not something one should have to do at a pay site.

The scenes themselves are very repetitive, generally an interview, fully clothed oral, fully clothed doggy, naked cowgirl or reverse cowgirl, doggy, end. I have no idea why they spend so long on almost every film showing the girl from behind when she is on top, I prefer to see the girl not her back.

Overall, I think the site is a good concept, with some quite attractive original women, but the execution is too poor for me to recommend it. If they got rid of their HD policy, filmed scenes better, encoded the videos properly, and updated their navigation to at least include model names it would be a step in the right direction.

03-08-13  11:31pm

Replies (8)
Visit Naughty America

Naughty America

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Very large collection, with a pretty wide of content
-A good number of attractive ladies
-Excellent price when I subscribed ($5), but the TBP price is still great
-I like that many of the sites have some type of setup, rather than straight gonzo
-No download limits that I encountered
-Download speeds typically good, I got 1.5MB/s using a download manager which is my connection max
-Download managers work (I used DTA), the most I could seem to get was two concurrent downloads, although there are some issues, see cons.
-Good navigation, scenes are tagged, there is a search function that works better than most sites I have used, as well as comments (which seem rarely used), favorites, and forum
-Network updates frequently, 15 times in the last week, 65 times in the last month
-Camerawork is generally good, at least compared to their American competitors, not as many lingering closeups, long shots of the guy’s face, etc
-Cont. in BL
Cons: -As others have said, too many fake/large breasts
-Ads on login are annoying
-Lower price for the first month with a vastly increased price thereafter, seems to punish those that want to stay around for a while (or take advantage of those that forgot to cancel)
-Though the tags are nice, and being able to sort through all the scenes using their ‘Porn Finder’, they are a bit overly ambitious with some tags (petite as far as I know doesn’t just mean short)
-Download mangers work, but they do file location shifting so if you queue up too much stuff you will get file location errors
-Older videos are poor quality, although they appear to be remastering some of this content
Bottom Line: Pros Cont.
-Scenes are generally well done, little abusive male talent, not much jibber-jabber from the cameraman, they do well in this area where so many other hardcore American sites fail miserably

Though I generally dislike American hardcore porn sites these days, I think this might be the best of the bunch. Where so many others fail in so many ways (aweful camerawork, horribly annoying male talent, iffy business practices), this one seems to do a fair bit better than average in all of these areas. I think for the price, it is definitely one worth joining for at least a month now and again if you are into hardcore porn.

This site is somewhat softer than some might like, so if you are looking for a harder edge (more anal, more abusive behavior), you are probably better off trying a different site. But, I would imagine most that are in to this type of videos would be reasonably satisfied with their purchase.

There are a few things the site could do better, as listed in the cons. I found the tagging to be highly inconsistent, listing women with C-D cups as small breasted, a few that I am pretty sure have fake breasts are ‘natural’ (although I’m no expert), and general misuse of some categories – which is annoying for someone who is a fan of small framed models and keeps getting large breasted results. It would perhaps be nice if you could select more than one category (for example petite and natural would have been greatly appreciated) or if you could select a “not” category.

I did not experience any of the dead links messmer mentioned, so perhaps this is resolved, or perhaps it is only in the MILF sections (see his reply to my review).

If you are interested in hardcore American porn, I would probably join this network over any of the other options (BangBros, RK, PornPros), as with all of those, I have gotten so frustrated that I just let my subscription lapse without returning after the first week. While there are some areas they could improve, like having a bit more user interaction on scenes, labeling better, removing some of the ads, I think it is generally the best of the American hardcore networks.

01-20-13  10:59pm

Replies (5)
Visit Erotic 4 U

Erotic 4 U

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Decent sized collection, the primary site is mostly celebrity and softcore material
-Impressive collection of scenes from softcore shows, most of the US ones I could think of from the last couple of decades
-Download speeds are excellent
-Download managers work
-No DRM, although in "The List" portion everything is downloaded in password protected rar - more on this in BL
-Videos typically available in either DivX or portable mp4 on the main site, on "The List" it is pretty variable
-Navigation of main site is pretty good, a decent search function.
-On main site, scenes have user ratings
Cons: -Video quality is not the best, the best quality I found was 2000 kbps DivX, which is reasonable, but not great.
-Some older videos are in mpg, and pretty bad quality wise
-Content on "The List" is of somewhat suspect origins, much of it has watermarks from other sites, I'm not sure if it licensed or stolen - my guess the latter
-Most of the stuff on "The List" is only downloadable in password protected rar, they provide the password, but it seems like an extra nuisance, especially for videos
-They use a biller I have never heard of
-I couldn't seem to get access to the forum, didn't really try that hard, but the UN/PW for the site didn't work
-Site is not exclusive
-Still updating, but hard to tell what the exact schedule is, if there is any.
Bottom Line: This site is divided into two main portions, the main part which is basically a celebrity and softcore/b-movie site, and a site called "The List" which is an archive of sorts of all kinds of material. It is difficult to judge the quantity of material on the site, but I would say on the main site it is comparable to most major celebrity sites, but it includes way more erotic TV show-type material than I have seen elsewhere.

Those reading my review, and my score should likely take one important thing into consideration. I really enjoy softcore content from cable networks like Showtime and Cinemax, and this type of material is often not thoroughly covered on "regular" celebrity sites. Their vast collection of this type of material was the main reason I joined here, and I am pretty happy with the site in that respect. For those like me that are fans of this type of material, I would recommend this site, although the biller they use does make me slightly nervous.

"The List" is sort of a weird area on the site, there is a search function, but unless the term you are looking for is in the filename (like the star's name) you are going to have a hard time finding stuff you like. I poked around a bit and found some material of some stars I like, and downloaded it. This part of the site honestly feels a bit like a tube site, and I am not sure of the origins of some of the material - but there are watermarks from other sites on some of it.

If, like me, you have a soft spot for Cinemax style softcore porn, or are just looking for a new celebrity site now the Mr. Skin is streaming only, this might be one to consider.

"The List" is an interesting added feature, but given the questionable origins of the material, I would not consider it a reason to join. It almost seems like this portion of the site is setup as a filesharing type site, rather than an actual pay site, which is concerning.

As for the main site, overall I think it is a good place to get a wide variety of softcore and celebrity scenes from newer and older shows, but is probably not a site to join unless you share my passion for these types of scenes.

10-20-12  01:32am

Replies (0)
Visit Czech AV

Czech AV

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Some attractive, obviously euro (I assume mostly Czech models), some I’ve seen many I haven’t
-Content has some interesting themes, castings, outdoor action, etc.
-Video technical quality is reasonably good, most are downloadable in two options 3000 kbps wmv and 1100 kbps mp4. I thought the mp4 actually looked pretty good even with the quite low bitrate and most of the videos I downloaded were in that format.
-Reasonably sized site, will review overall number in BL, 10 total sites.
-Good update schedule, 1 a day seems typical
-Reputable biller, I had CCBill
-Have subtitles, which is sort of a con in some scenes
-DL managers work (I used DTA), no DRM, get to choose login/password
-Content looks entirely exclusive to me
-Plenty of diversity in body types (which could also be a con I suppose)
Cons: -Somewhat pricy compared to other sites
-Camerawork is poor, particularly the HC scenes which are mostly self-shot, and pretty bad for self-shot
-Some of the scenes make you a little uncomfortable; I’ll elaborate on that later
-Model quality is highly variable. I realize this is subjective, but there are quite a few, umm, not such attractive ladies here
-Scenes can get repetitive, and castings in particular are not very erotic
-Download speeds are inconsistent, varied for me between 300 KB/s and 1 MB/s
-Navigation is very basic, and a pretty major flaw. No real model index, some scenes are just given numbers, thumbnail previews are quite small for my laptop.
-No forum, ratings, or any other interactive elements
-Pretty much no photos
-Very little diversity in ethnicity
Bottom Line: Overall I think this is a reasonable site, although it has some pretty major flaws. The major flaws being the ones I mentioned in the cons, and some of them really detract from the site. I find the self-shot scenes to be particularly irritating, and there are way too way too many of them here for me.
The site breakdown is as follows:

-Casting: 364 scenes, I assume 364 different models. Basic casting site, usually girl walks in, chats for a bit, gets undressed. In some scenes there is masturbation, toy, oral, and HC. I would estimate 30-40% of the material has some HC or oral aspect to it.
-Streets: 60 scenes, seems like more or less 60 different models. Mostly consists of them “finding” a girl, followed by sex in a public place
-Swingers: 16 scenes split into parts (70 total videos), group action.
-Amateurs: 43 scenes, mostly POV, amateurs, generally very poorly filmed.
-Gang Bang: 12 scenes, as the name implies, appears inactive no updates since March
-Sharking: 20 scenes, mostly involving them running around pulling shirts off women, short scenes, while I am sure it is probably set up, it did make me feel sort of icky
First Video: 22 scenes, amateur HC material, probably the best shot of any of the sites
Parties: 7 parties, 24 videos, typical party material with HC, also typically the most attractive ladies don’t get involved.
Lesbians: 8 scenes, large lesbian groups, appears to be inactive

As I said previously, the main thing that detracts from this site for me aside from the poor camera work is the sort of uncomfortable aspects to some of the scenes. I would assume most of these uncomfortable scenes were set up, but it still ruins the eroticism of it. The sharking site, and the casting site in particular are the worst offenders in this regard. Some of the casting scenes that go beyond nudity are a little odd, with the cameraman pulling out his member and trying to get the women to get him off in some fashion (in some of them the women refuse), while I have seen stuff like this before, in this case it really did seem like some of the women were actually not comfortable with the situation.

Other than those aspects, it is an interesting site, with sometimes interesting material. If you are particularly interested in some of the women here (the best way I could find out is via EBI although many aren’t listed), it may be an okay site to join for you. However, be prepared to get that icky feeling from time to time, and to spend an awful lot of time digging through it all. There are some attractive ladies here, even a few that I thought had retired, and some Czech models you will likely have seen elsewhere, but the navigation issues, and the general ick factor make it a difficult site for me to recommend.

09-29-12  10:12pm

Replies (5)
Visit Wow Girls

Wow Girls

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -very attractive euro ladies
-decent variety of hardcore, softcore, and lesbian material
-videos are good quality, most up to full HD
-photos are of technically high quality, maximum resolution is 5600 long end, also available in 1000, 2000, and 4000 on most sets.
-multiple video download options, most have 1080p wmv and 1080, 720, 480 and 360 mp4. I typically downloaded the 720p video, as it was good enough for me (720p mp4 is about 3000 kbps and reasonably crisp).
-zip downloads of photosets, custom zips available
-download managers work, I used DTA
-download speeds are good, maxed my 15 Mb connection
-login timeouts are long, I don’t recall ever timing out
-decent price now, at $19.99
-respectable biller, I had ccbill
-updates with decent frequency, about 7 per week, the current photoset to video ratio on the site is 1.8:1, seems typical based on recent history
Cons: -smallish site, 142 videos and 252 photos at time of review. 47 total models.
-no bonus material
-little variety in model type, model ethnicity, the vast majority of the models are of the thin or athletic body types, and almost all are white. Not a good site to join if you are looking for curvier models, or a good mix of model ethnicities.
Bottom Line: Overall I think this is a very good site. I like the variety of hardcore and softcore, the camerawork on the videos is generally acceptable, although not the best. The material is pretty typical of euro sites these days, although production values are probably slightly higher, average model quality is certainly better, and there appears to be some attempt to make the scenes slightly more ‘erotic’. Like many euro sites, the main drawback is the focus is almost always on young, skinny, white girls. This is mostly fine with me, although I wouldn’t mind a little more variety from the site. If you are a fan of large breasts, this is definitely not the site for you, nor is it likely a good site for you if you prefer models with more curves.

It would be nice if this site were merged with the other Deisel media sties, as it uses the exact same interface, pretty much all of the same models, I am not really sure why it isn’t just a part of the network. But I guess it is intended to be a standalone competitor to the likes of orgasms.xxx and x-art, as it certainly has similar themes. The breakdown of material (for videos) is 48 hardcore (11 anal), 31 lesbian, and the remaining 63 videos a mix of softcore and midcore, mostly midcore (toy use and masturbation). These ratios look about the same for photosets.

I enjoyed this site more than I expected to, I figured it would more or less be a clone of sorts of the other Deisel sites that for some reason was split of as a standalone. However, it is a bit more unique, I suppose, than the other Deisel sites. The model quality is definitely top notch (if you are into the skinny athletic girls), and the material has a bit more erotic flair. There isn’t any of that annoying self-shot or POV stuff that appears on many of the other Deisel sites.

Generally, I think it is an excellent site if this is the type of material that you are interested in. It has a softer edge than most euro sites, and I definitely appreciate this style of material. I have grown very tired of gonzo-style sites. The main drawbacks being that it is a newer site, and thus a bit on the small side, and one should not expect a lot of diversity from this site (nor any of the Deisel sites).

08-27-12  11:47pm

Replies (9)
Visit Orgasms.xxx


Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Attractive ladies, I believe entirely european
-Good variety of material, sotfcore, lesbian, some hardcore
-Good download speeds, maxed my 10 Mbps connection
-Okay navigation. Model index, search function, scene ratings.
-Zip downloads of photo sets, in 3 sizes, 1200, 2000, 4000
-Good video quality from a technical standpoint (1920x1080 4000 kbps HD mp4, 960x540 3600 kbps SD wmv, 1280x720 4250 kbps HD wmv)
-Most videos available in 8 formats, wmv, mov, mp4, and flv. I mostly downloaded the mp4’s even though it is categorized under the “mobile” section
-Videography and photography generally pretty well done. Decent lighting, decent focus, good camerawork in my opinon
-I like the style of most of the material, pretty much a euro copy of X-Art.
-In browser streaming works well and buffering is minimal
-Respectable biller, I had CC-Bill
-No issues with billing, no pre-checked cross sales, or problems cancelling
-I believe it is 100% exclusive content
Cons: -No bonus content
-Update frequency somewhat slow: 7 videos and 6 photosets in June
-Small site, 161 videos, 71 photosets, 80 or so female models
-Some videos had odd playback problems, the wmv’s had buffering issues which I have never seen before, could be my computer I suppose
-More costly than their direct competitor
-Pop-ups on login
-No user interaction (comments, forum)
Bottom Line: For some reason this site is somewhat hard for me to rate. I feel like the content is pretty good, although it is more or less a direct copy of the style of X-Art (they originally even copied X-Art’s website layout), it is reasonably well executed, albeit I don’t think they did it as well as X-Art. Given that and the fact that it is a smaller site, has no bonus material, and is more expensive than this site, I feel I should score it a good bit lower, but I probably didn’t score X-Art as high as I should have given my current feelings towards that place.

I think they have some really good material, and I like these new sites that feature a more “erotic” style of porn, and this is definitely one of them. As for the material, you will see many of the typical, perhaps more popular, euro models you see these days, as well as somewhat humorously many of the euro models that X-Art uses. They have a decent mix of somewhat older models such as Zuzana Z, Piper Fawn, Eufrat and some new favorites of mine Pinky, Caprice, Ivy and Abby are all present, although amongst these only Ivy and Zuzana Z do hardcore if that is something you are looking for. Generally speaking I find most of the models to be ranging from attractive to beautiful, with the vast majority being quite lookers. Although the models are pretty much all white (one Asian), and generally the same body type – thin, athletic, and small breasted. For me the petite/small breasted part is a positive, but some more ethnic diversity would be nice.

I did not have any interaction with support, so I cannot comment on that.

It may be worth joining now if there are some models here you really like, but the site is rather small at this point so it I’d probably just wait a few months to see how it grows. The current breakdown as I counted is, Photos - Solo: 22, Les: 24, HC 25; Videos - Solo:13, Les: 60, HC: 49. With videos especially there seems to be some favoritism towards HC and Les, so if you are particularly into solo videos this is probably not the place to go.

Overall, I think this site is pretty good, decent videos, decent camerawork and photography. I am glad that there are more of these erotic porn sites showing up (even if they are copying each other), and I hope they continue to become more prevalent in the future. If this is the type of site you are interested, I would definitely recommend X-Art above this one, but it is worth considering if you have already been there. If you prefer solo material, broader ethnic diversity, or more gonzo-style porn, I’d probably look elsewhere.

06-30-12  11:29pm

Replies (2)
Visit Amour Babes

Amour Babes

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Relatively large network of sites 24 sites, 801 models on the network, and over 1000 total sets on this site alone.
-Many attractive, euro ladies
-Price is not bad if you join the network through this site, not sure why it is more expensive via other entry points
-Good download speeds, maxed my connection at 2MB/s
-Decent variety, hardcore, some midcore, anal, and a bit of lesbian
-Download managers work (DTA), no DRM, logins don't appear to timeout very fast if at all
-Zip downloads of photosets
-Video quality is mediocre-to-good depending on age of the scene, worst I saw was a pretty old Zuzana Z scene that was 384x288 1400 kbps wmv, best 1920x1088 8000 kbps wmv
-Billed through Epoch for me
Cons: -At least partially not exclusive, seen some of these scenes at other euro sites
-Browsing is pretty bland, there are some site glitches
-Set ratings are provided, but participation isn't high. For some reason when I rated a set or listed it as a favorite, I got logged out, so I stopped doing it
-Older videos have substandard video quality
-Update schedule is inconsistent across the network, and it seems like they may be recycling content
-Photo quality is substandard for most sets I looked at, 1200 pix long end was typical
-Only one video size available for download, on newer HQ scenes file sizes can get quite large, and I would have liked a 720 option that was smaller.
Bottom Line: Overall, I think this is a decent site, it could definitely use some improvements, but may be worth looking into if you are into mostly younger euro ladies. I would like to note that this review is for the entire network, not just this site (as it is dead, I would probably give this site along a 70), and I am just posting it here since it is the cheapest entry point into the network at this time, and there is no "main site" that I am aware of.

The network itself has a decent variety of material, including old/young, lesbian, group, anal, and even some pegging (I think, I didn't look to close). Most of them are pretty straightforward euro-style gonzo porn, some sites have a bit of setup (like a teacher talking to a student in Tricky Old Teacher, or a dude breaking into an apartment in Horny Thief).

Several of the '24' network sites here appear to be dead, the only sites that have scheduled updates are She Made Us Lesbians and Horny Thief Tales (once a month); Tricky Old Teacher, Spoiled Virgins, Young Anal Tryouts, and 18 Virgin Sex (all twice a month). Most of the rest of the sites haven't updated in almost a year if not longer, including this one (Amour Babes).

I think it is worth considering if you haven't been here before, although the update schedule would prevent most from hanging around past a month, and the non-exclusivity would likely prevent many from joining again. I enjoyed many of the scenes, like a Pinky June one who is my new favorite no I suppose, and will be adding them to my favorites, although I wouldn't be surprised if I run across them elsewhere further down the line.

If they improved video quality on the older sets, updated their photo quality, and improved navigation and user interaction, it could be a very good site (though not great).

Network Statistics:
I Fucked Her Finally - 78 combined photo/video sets (156 total)
18 Virgin - 223 combined sets
Amour Babes - 1000 total sets
Creampied Sweeties - 68 combined sets
Dirty A2M - 20 combined sets
Horny Thief - 44 combined sets
Spoiled Virgins - 211 combined sets
Tricky Old - 128 combined sets
Most of the other sites were 20-30 sets of primarily non-exclusive content so I didn't look at them too closely.

03-21-12  05:03pm

Replies (0)
Visit Ron Harris

Ron Harris

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Attractive ladies
-Decent photo quality
-Good video quality (technically speaking 3Mbit wmv is largest size available)
-Zip downloads of photosets
-Download managers work
-Good download speeds (maxed my 20 Mbit connection) with DL manager
-Okay sized site, 114 models on "Studios" site, maybe 3 photosets and 1 video on average per model
-6 sites, although only one appears active - Studios, and I am not sure how active it is
-Camerwork in photos is pretty good for the most part
-Navigation is okay, pretty straightforward. No search function but there is a model index
Cons: -Photosets are small in quantity
-Camerwork in videos is pretty bad
-The guy is just annoying in the video, hey just sounds like a slimeball, and will not shut up.
-Videos are generally pretty boring, behind the scenes type stuff often. Not very erotic in my opinion - regardless of what Playboy says.
-Videos are short
-No real bonus content
-Update schedule is unknown, but I don't think it is frequent, nothing looks new since I was here two weeks ago
Bottom Line: I think this site is an okay softcore-midcore site (toys and some lesbian), and it definitely has some attractive ladies. Although, I think it has far too many detractions to be worth recommending. There are plenty of other sites that offer more content and better quality.

If you are a video person, this place is certainly not for you. The videos are frequently poorly shot, some are interviews or behind the scenes, and the large majority that I downloaded featured some slimeball (I assume Ron Harris) making stupid comments for pretty much the entire video. There is one with Kara Duhe that is just generally uncomfortable, it reminded me of some dirty old uncle gawking at a young lady (not that there is anything wrong with being a dirty old uncle, I just don't need to hear it in my porn).

While the camerawork in the still photography may be good, the camerawork in the videos is the exact opposite (humorous since they have a link for lessons at the bottom of the page, perhaps he should sign up himself?) So if you are a fan of particular ladies you see in the preview and like short photosets, this might be okay for you, otherwise I'd look elsewhere.

02-25-12  10:36pm

Replies (4)
Visit Mofos Network

Mofos Network

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Exclusive content
-Decent sized site, 810 videos at time of review
-Download managers work
-Decent download speeds (maxed my connection at 1.8 MB/s)
-Reasonable variety of ethnicities, mostly hardcore but some solo
-Zip downloads of photo sets
-Some attractive ladies
-Decent price, although some are cheaper
-Large DVD site as bonus
-No download limit that I ever ran into
-Video technical quality is good
-Comments section and scene ratings
-Navigation of main site is pretty good
-Decent update schedule, 9 per week or so
Cons: -Pre-checked cross sell
-Camerawork is some of the worst I have seen anywhere. I've seen home videos shot by 12-year olds that are better shot. Commonly out of focus, odd angles, zoomed at bad times, poorly edited, obstructions, etc.
-Too many tats, fake breasts, typical American porn network
-Bonus content is nice, but navigation of bonus content is poor, and a small amount didn't appear downloadable
-Ads, lots of ads, other sites listed at top of page, a worthless offer to a lifetime membership to Brazzers pops up everytime you log in (only valid for as long as you area member at mofos).
Bottom Line: Maybe I'm just tired of "American" porn these days, or perhaps I'm just pissed off that for the first time I missed the pre-checked cross sale, but I was not impressed with this place at all. I had always thought about joining here, but assumed it would be far too similar to BangBros and Reality Kings, which it unfortunately is. Some may like this style of porn, but I guess it just isn't for me. There are some decent aspects to the site, and I like the idea of a few of the network sites, but the execution is pretty hit-or-miss.

The camerawork at this place is astoundingly poor, I know they are trying to be an 'amateur' site, but that doesn't mean they can't hire a guy that can hold the fucking camera still (and keep it in focus). At times it really seems like the dude has ADHD or something. Also, the running commentary is a bit of a nuisance. They seem like they are trying to be the BangBros, in my opinion they would be much better off trying to be someone (anyone) else.

They do have some attractive ladies here, and those that are fans of fake breasts and lots of tattoos might really enjoy this site. I will grant that a lot of my opinions on this site are quite subjective, so some might really enjoy it, but if your tastes are anything like mine, you likely will not.

They have interesting sites, and interesting concepts, I just wish the execution were a bit better. I guess I will just have to stick to euro sites from now on.

01-16-12  11:17pm

Replies (2)
Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Some attractive ladies
-Original content
-Excellent download speeds
-Download managers work (I used DTA)
-Good price through TBP
-Decent navigation, scene scores, search (although can be glitchy), model index, user comments
-Large network
-Zip downloads of photosets
-Decent photo quality
-Several updates a week, 10-12 on average it seems
Cons: -Odd biller
-Download limit, enforced regularly for me although others have reported otherwise (10 Gb)
-Video quality is okay on mid-sized videos, didn't download any HD videos due to limit
-No sizes given on videos
-Many of the sites are dead or infrequently updated
-Content can get repetitive
-A subjective opinion, but girls are too "porn" for me, lots of tats, large breasts
-Seem obsessed with ass, I like an ass and all, but move on after a while
-Camerawork is mediocre to downright annoying
-Male talent can get grating
-Lack of variety, even though it is a network serving several niches, all of the content has the same feel
-Too many ads, all over the damn place
Bottom Line: This site used to be one of my favorites years ago, and everytime I join I am less and less impressed with it. I read my review from before and am surprised I scored it so high, perhaps I was just in a good mood. Regardless, I don't think I will be giving them another chance.

The site does some stuff well, navigation is pretty good, download speeds were excellent (I maxed my connection at 1.4 MB/s). Their is some good material, and I enjoy the concept of some sites.

I am just unsure as to why some of these sites even exist - if it has less than 10 updates and hasn't had a new one in years can't you just merge the content somewhere? It just seems like an advertising gimmick.

There is still some good material, particularly the older stuff. But, it seems as though they have become far to focussed on the glam porn star look, even in their euro sites (Mike's Apartment and Sex Parties). For a supposed "reality/amateur" site, it just doesn't seem to fit anymore. For those that are fans of the typical late 90's-style porn star, this site might still be for you, but it is no longer for me. I grant you that this opinion is subjective, but they have definitely moved away from what I liked about the site. Also, it seems as though they get more and more focussed on asses over time. I like to see the entire woman, not 2 minutes of ass shots.

On top of these somewhat subjective complaints, they have a relatively firm limit of 10GB now, although I never came within 500 MB of that limit I was cut off frequently. I don't really consider myself a heavy downloader by any means, I tend to go through the screencaps to see if it is a scene I actually want. If you are going to impose a download limit, you should take note of your file sizes, and let users know - a 10GB limit with files in excess of 1GB is just irritating.

Overall, I think this site still has some decent older material, maybe worth joining once to get it. If you are into their older material, and unless you are totally obsessed with ass (not necessarily anal sex, just ass) I don't think you will be pleased with the direction of the site and I would recommend looking elsewhere, there are plenty of decent networks out there, although you may have to pay more.

01-02-12  11:19pm

Replies (1)
Visit Young Libertines

Young Libertines

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -No DRM
-Download managers work
-Some attractive ladies
-zip downloads of photos
-Multiple video formats
-Interesting concept, supposedly submitted videos by 'amateurs'
-Photo quality decent 1500x1000, although some are pretty bad
-I believe content is exclusive
-Respectable biller, I had SegPay
Cons: -Download speeds are inconsistent, varies between 200 KB/s and 800 KB/s with manager
-Camerawork varies between poor and mediocre
-Glitchy website
-Very poor navigation, has search function but it is totally worthless. No model index,
-No real bonus content
-Smallish site, only 362 sets, and a lot of the older material is the same few models
-Expensive compared to other euro sites
-Video quality is mediocre, best option is 640x480 2200 kbps
-Only one update per week
-Too many freaking ads
Bottom Line: As with many smaller euro sites these days, this site is pretty hit-or-miss. Although, I'd say for the most part for me it is a miss. This is a primarily hardcore site featuring supposedly self submitted videos by 'amateurs'. Many of these ladies are somewhat recognizeable to those that commonly join eastern-euro sites. While there are some attractive ladies and decent videos to be found here, there are just too many negatives for me to recommend this place.

I am not sure why they don't start merging all the sites this company owns together, it seems as though that would be the only way to remain competitive with some of the larger network sites, unless they start producing much higher quality (from both a technical and model standpoint) material.

I joined this site primarily because it had a few scenes by some ladies I collect, and pretty much right when I logged in for the first time I wished I hadn't joined.

The navigation is miserable, so I guess in some sense you are lucky it is a small site. Basically the only way to get through it is page by page (which only show 4 sets at a time), trying not to accidentally click on an add and looking at the small preview pictures. There are tags for sets although it didn't appear as though they are well used, and even though they have named the models, the didn't bother linking their sets together in any fashion. The site in general doesn't look like much effort was put forth, and that probably should have been a hint not to join.

Overall, the site provides some interesting videos, I will probably keep 10-20 of them. But, there are just too many cons: poor navigation, substandard video quality, bad download speeds, too expensive, and no bonus content. I wouldn't recommend joining here unless they make some major changes.

12-16-11  10:38pm

Replies (0)
Visit Yes-Movies


Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Decent sized collection, 954 main movies plus some hantai movies and 276 "hot girls movies"
-Attractive ladies
-Most scenes are uncensored
-Download speeds are decent (I got 1.7 MB/s) typically
-Video quality is acceptable, but not great, 1300 kbps avi, but reasonably crisp
-Decent navigation, scenes are categorized reasonably well
-Photos are good quality, although not a huge collecton
-Did not encounter any download limit
-DL managers work
Cons: -No zip downloads of photos
-Movies are very long (often 100 minutes or so) and quite large given quality, would be nice if they split the DVDs up a bit
-Content is not exclusive, it is mostly DVD content, some of which might be available elsewhere
-Very little in way of scene preview, just boxcover and in some cases just the front
-Photo collection is small
-No bonus content, rating system, or forum, search function while present was not particularly useful.
-No streaming
-Use an odd biller
Bottom Line: Overall I think this is an above-average site, and they have a lot of positives. I have found that many Japanese DVD sites suffer from the same afflictions, and this site is no different.

While the DVDs are typically of one actress, it may make sense to put the whole thing in one video, it would be nice to split it up by scene. Zip downloads would also be a nice feature for the photosets, and I wouldn't mind a few more of them. A more in depth preview, or in-browser streaming would also be nice given the size of the files.

Like with all sites of this niche, expect to see some material that might be considered "odd", with many scenes being a bit more on the humiliation side. Also, due to the lack of good scene previews, I would expect to delete a larger than average percentage of what you download.

It is nice to not have the mosaic, but I must admit that the model quality in censored videos on sites like JSex seemed to be much higher - but perhaps I am just downloading the wrong scenes.

Decent site, worth joining if you are into this style of porn, but even given JSex's obvious drawbacks I would probably recommend it above this site.

10-07-11  11:40pm

Replies (2)
Visit Teen Dreams

Teen Dreams

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Good price through TBP discount
-Many attractive ladies
-Huge site, and archives go back quite far
-Download speeds are good much of the time, maxed my 10 Mbps connection
-Updates are frequent, I count 24 in the last week - 9 movies and 15 photosets
-Nice variety of content, softcore-hardcore
-Photosets are generally well shot
-Zip downloads of photosets
-No DRM and download managers work (I used DTA)
-Didn't experience any login timeouts
-Helpful and reasonably active forum
-Have search function, model index, and model ratings
-Newer photos generally good, about 2600 long end was typical, older photos get a bit worse (1024 in 2006)
-Video quality is acceptable on newer videos (3000 kbps, 960x540 was the best I saw).
Cons: -Site is a bit disorganized, many models appear under multiple listings
-Content is semi-exclusive at best, there is a good amount of material that isn't "exlusif"
-Older photo and video quality is not the best
-Only one download option for videos (newer videos are all wmv, older are mpg), plus a flash player
-Only bonus content is some Viv Thomas videos, but it is pretty low quality (640x480 780 kbps wmv) and cam sites, although I didn't really check them out
-Per exotics comment, some of their advertising can be misleading
-Some videos are from DVDs
-Site can be slow during peak hours
Bottom Line: I think this is a very good site, and definitely one worth joining if you are into young ladies. While their content is not all exclusive, they do have plenty of quality material.

It would be nice if the site were a little better organized, and they could at least put all the sets for one model in the same location. The search function, and the search by category ability are nice, but I didn’t find them to be particularly effective. Perhaps that is because the site is so large. In general the navigation of the site just seems a bit outdated compared with their competition. The content is not all unique, and if you have been a member at sites like youngporn and smackmybitch I am sure you will see some scenes you recognize.

There is a good variety of content, from softcore to hardcore. I would say their content is not particularly ethnically diverse. However, with 13,500+ sets I'm sure most anyone could find something they would like here. There is also a refreshing lack of ridiculous fake breasts, I'm sure there are some, but I didn't see much.

I didn't have any experience with customer service, so I can't comment on that.

Overall, I think this is an excellent site, and definitely one worth joining. Particularly for someone who hasn't joined many sites in this niche, and even more so for those that are fans of photosets. While they do have videos, I still consider the photosets to be the best part of this site.

09-03-11  12:10am

Replies (5)
Visit Sex And Submission

Sex And Submission

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -attractive, mostly American, ladies
-unique and exclusive material
-no DRM
-Download managers work (I used DTA)
-Decent download speeds, maxed out my 10 Mbit connection using a download manager, not quite so good with the browser
-decent sized site, 343 scenes at time of review
-acceptable update schedule at one per week, I am sure this type of content prevents a more frequent update schedule
-excellent video quality on newer scenes, I preferred the 1280x720 5000 kbps mp4
-zip downloads of photosets, although most I saw were split into parts
-active user feedback to scenes and forum
Cons: -price is a little high
-older videos not as good of quality, 640x480 1900 kbps wmv was the worst I saw
-scenes can be a bit long (I downloaded a few that were over 2 hours) and thus the file sizes can get quite big
-I found some of that material too rough for my tastes, although some might find this a pro
-navigation is not the best, click on a model’s name and it gives you all the scenes she is in on the kink network, although downloading from this index doesn’t seem possible
-logins appear to timeout after an hour or so
-it would be nice if they provided access to other kink sites, although they do give discounts
Bottom Line: Overall, I think this is a pretty good site for that that are into bondage that involves sex. Although be warned, some of the scenes are quite rough. I guess I am generally more a fan of lighter bondage, but felt like trying something new.

I think what the do well is get original content, many attractive (mostly American porn stars) to perform in their scenes. Some scenes tend to be a bit similar to others, but I am not sure exactly what they can do to change it.

The general setup is a brief interview where the guy talks to the girl about what kinks they like, usually followed by some lighter stuff, then sex, the a post scene interview.

As far as improvements, it would be nice if they included access to other sites, although I am sure this material is a bit more expensive to produce than a gonzo site, so I guess it might be cost prohibitive for them to do that. They could also do some work to fix the navigation and provide a functional model index. Personally I would have preferred more scenes that weren't quite as rough, I like the idea of tying a woman up, but I found some of the slapping and choking to be a bit excessive.

Overall I think this is a decent site, with attractive ladies doing some very interesting stuff. If you like bondage involving sex, it is certainly worth a look, althogh be warned it can get a bit rough here.

08-07-11  12:47am

Replies (0)
Visit Fame Digital

Fame Digital

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Excellent price through TBP, $9.95
-Download managers work (DTA)
-Huge archive, 10726 straight scenes across network (1374 are HD but streaming only). 2614 photosets.
-Wide variety of content, from euro ladies to grannies to indian
-Video quality is acceptable, best I saw was 720x400 2000 kbps wmv
-Download speeds are decent, I typically got 1 MB/s using DTA
-Have scene ratings, favorites, and user comments
-Scenes have tags, but not exactly useful for a site this large
-Decent update schedule, about 1 DVD per day it seems
Cons: -Older content is of variable quality
-Navigation can be a bit annoying, a lot of scenes duplicated across titles. Not sure if they are counting the duplicates in their total.
-No zip downloads of phototsets that I found
-Not sure why the even bother having the multiple sites. I guess it is just for organization
-Few users seem to participate in the comments, or ratings. I have yet to see a comment on any of the scenes.
-Search function consists of pull-down menus with long lists of model names, movie names, etc. Not particularly functional
-No HD video downloads, streaming only
-Largely gonzo porn, although there are some parodies to be found, and some scenes with plots.
-Material can get repetitive, and is almost entirely hardcore.
Bottom Line: This site is definitely worth visiting, especially for the price, however its main drawback is the same as for many sites of this nature like Videobox and VideosZ, it is big and there is a lot of junk to sort through. Generally I like the content they produce, although I wouldn't suspect many would download more than 1% of it unless they had a boatload of time on their hands.

Overall I consider this a site worth joining at least once, definitely given the price. It would be nice if they made some improvements to navigation and added a more robust search function. It would be nice if more users participated with comments like on Videobox, but I guess there isn't really anything they can do to force the issue.

I generally find the model quality on this site to be slightly above their DVD competitors, but I consider their video quality to be slightly worse. The HD looked nice when streaming, but I am really not one for streaming so didn't watch too much of it. I particularly like that the model type is somewhat more variable than on similar sites, although it isn't super ethnically diverse.

If you haven't been a member before and have time to dig through it all, it is definitely a place to consider if you are into hardcore DVD content.

06-09-11  11:52pm

Replies (4)
Visit Sapphic Erotica

Sapphic Erotica

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -attractive, mostly euro ladies
-excellent sized collection 2870 total sets (1114 of which are videos) at time of review
-zip downloads of photosets
-download managers work (DTA)
-good price through TBP
-OK download speeds, 500 KB/sec to Western US
-Video quality is decent, I mostly downloaded the 2000 kbps WMV, but newer videos also have a 4000 kbps mp4 which was better, but I didn't find it to be enough of an improvement to warrant the extra HD space.
-Good camerawork
Cons: -Listed as HD, but not the crispest you will find these days if you are stickler for these things.
-I personally am not a fan of ass-licking, and there was a surprising amount of this on the site.
-Most scenes have no real setup, just business
-No real bonus content
-Not a very wide variety of model types (body types, ethnicities)
Bottom Line: Overall, I think this is an excellent lesbian site, defintitely worth joining if you are into this type of material with euro ladies. The majority of which are of the younger/thinner variety.

The site design is pretty bland, but it gets the job done I suppose. There is a model index and a scene rating system, although that is about it. There are more adds than I would like to see, but not too bad. I like that they apparently went back and re-encoded some older material, or at least it looks better than the copies of it I had from before.

I should note that I found their content was frequently pretty "hard" lesbian material, a good amount of toys, fisting, anal play, strap-ons etc.

I think this site is definitely worth joining if you are into attractive euro ladies playing around with each other, while the site does have a few flaws, and the material can get a bit repetitive, the model quality for the most part is quite good and the price is great.

05-17-11  10:37pm

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