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Wow Girls (0)

slutty (0) 08-27-12  11:47pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -very attractive euro ladies
-decent variety of hardcore, softcore, and lesbian material
-videos are good quality, most up to full HD
-photos are of technically high quality, maximum resolution is 5600 long end, also available in 1000, 2000, and 4000 on most sets.
-multiple video download options, most have 1080p wmv and 1080, 720, 480 and 360 mp4. I typically downloaded the 720p video, as it was good enough for me (720p mp4 is about 3000 kbps and reasonably crisp).
-zip downloads of photosets, custom zips available
-download managers work, I used DTA
-download speeds are good, maxed my 15 Mb connection
-login timeouts are long, I don’t recall ever timing out
-decent price now, at $19.99
-respectable biller, I had ccbill
-updates with decent frequency, about 7 per week, the current photoset to video ratio on the site is 1.8:1, seems typical based on recent history
Cons: -smallish site, 142 videos and 252 photos at time of review. 47 total models.
-no bonus material
-little variety in model type, model ethnicity, the vast majority of the models are of the thin or athletic body types, and almost all are white. Not a good site to join if you are looking for curvier models, or a good mix of model ethnicities.
Bottom Line: Overall I think this is a very good site. I like the variety of hardcore and softcore, the camerawork on the videos is generally acceptable, although not the best. The material is pretty typical of euro sites these days, although production values are probably slightly higher, average model quality is certainly better, and there appears to be some attempt to make the scenes slightly more ‘erotic’. Like many euro sites, the main drawback is the focus is almost always on young, skinny, white girls. This is mostly fine with me, although I wouldn’t mind a little more variety from the site. If you are a fan of large breasts, this is definitely not the site for you, nor is it likely a good site for you if you prefer models with more curves.

It would be nice if this site were merged with the other Deisel media sties, as it uses the exact same interface, pretty much all of the same models, I am not really sure why it isn’t just a part of the network. But I guess it is intended to be a standalone competitor to the likes of orgasms.xxx and x-art, as it certainly has similar themes. The breakdown of material (for videos) is 48 hardcore (11 anal), 31 lesbian, and the remaining 63 videos a mix of softcore and midcore, mostly midcore (toy use and masturbation). These ratios look about the same for photosets.

I enjoyed this site more than I expected to, I figured it would more or less be a clone of sorts of the other Deisel sites that for some reason was split of as a standalone. However, it is a bit more unique, I suppose, than the other Deisel sites. The model quality is definitely top notch (if you are into the skinny athletic girls), and the material has a bit more erotic flair. There isn’t any of that annoying self-shot or POV stuff that appears on many of the other Deisel sites.

Generally, I think it is an excellent site if this is the type of material that you are interested in. It has a softer edge than most euro sites, and I definitely appreciate this style of material. I have grown very tired of gonzo-style sites. The main drawbacks being that it is a newer site, and thus a bit on the small side, and one should not expect a lot of diversity from this site (nor any of the Deisel sites).

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Review Replies (9)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


Denner (0) Very nice review, slutty - very nice. And agree with both your score and your inputs....
This one from Diesel is probably the best from that company, so far. And even if the the amount is not that overwhelming - the content speaks for itself.
Never got around to make a review - but this time I'll let sluttys review speak for this user, too.........thumbs up!

08-28-12  06:17am

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rearadmiral (0) Great review! I hope that based on your review that more people will buy a membership and allow Wow Girls to make more pron. They really have a winning formula.
08-28-12  02:25pm

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gaypornolover (0) Superb review - the gold standard I aspire to and haven't yet achieved! I gotta take some tips?
08-28-12  04:21pm

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slutty (0) REPLY TO #3 - gaypornolover :

There was a forum thread a couple of years ago on what to include in a good review, I usually just follow that as a guideline. I'll try and search for it and bump it to the top of the forum posts. It has been very helpful for me. From my perspective on this site, I find it more important to be subjective rather than objective. I don't pretend to be a good reviewer, thus all I can voice is my opinions (along with some useful facts).
08-28-12  10:38pm

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slutty (0) REPLY TO #2 - rearadmiral :

I agree, hopefully they will stay around a while, and hopefully they don't devolve into more gonzo style crap.
08-28-12  10:59pm

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Khan (Suspended) REPLY TO #4 - slutty :

I suspect the thread you're thinking of was:

What should a PU review include?

... but that's just an educated guess.

08-29-12  07:23am

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slutty (0) REPLY TO #6 - Khan :

Yes, Khan, you are correct. I was going to link to it but got distracted by my nutball dog. Thanks for your assistance.
08-29-12  11:50pm

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Capn (0) Only an impression from your review, but I feel this site may define that new 'heartcore' term?

From what I can see of it on a personal level, unfortunately I think I would find little here to keep me happy.
Midcore & hardcore does very little for me.

Cap'n. :0/

09-02-12  08:36am

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slutty (0) REPLY TO #8 - Capn :


I agree it is somewhat of a heartcore site, but I think the best example of that genre would be X-Art, at least in my opinion. This site still has some typical euro porn elements, but I would still clasify it as heartcore, just not the prototypical heartcore site.

Either way, I don't think it is a site you would enjoy, being well aware of what you are looking for in a site.

09-03-12  12:03am

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