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01-31-13  08:43am - 4417 days Original Post - #1
lk2fireone (0)
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News you can use.

School today is far different from when I was a kid.
I didn't have to make any science project until I was in high school, when I was maybe 16 or 17 years old.

Today's kids are doing science projects in grammar school.

Today, I am in my 60s. But if I entered a similar project in a science fair, I would probably be arrested.

Here's a 10-year-old girl, who used 3 drug-sniffing dogs and 1 ounce of cocaine, supplied by her father, who is a cop, as her entry in a science fair.

Note that John Schuster, a spokesman for the school district, issued a statement saying that cocaine is not a specifically banned substance.

Also note that the mother of the girl stated that her husband (a cop) is "always very meticulous about how he handles drugs.�

I would have thought the article was a spoof, except that it's apparently a real news report.


Fourth-grader wins science fair with drug-sniffing dogs, ounce of cocaine

By Dylan Stableford, Yahoo! News | The Sideshow � 2 hrs 15 mins ago

A detective provided his daughter with drug-sniffing dogs, like the one pictured here. (Getty Images)

In an early bid for Father of the Year, a Miami police detective allowed his 10-year-old daughter to use three drug-sniffing dogs and an ounce of cocaine for a science fair project, according to the Miami Herald.

Douglas Bartelt, a detective with the Miami-Dade Police Narcotics Bureau, provided his daughter, Emma, with three detector canines and 28 grams of cocaine (street value: approximately $1,300) for her entry into Coral Gables Preparatory Academy's annual science fair.

Not surprisingly, she won. The first-place honor gave Emma an automatic entry into the Miami -Dade Elementary Schools Science Fair, where her drug-sniffing project earned an honorable mention.

�The purpose for this scientific investigation was to find which dog would find the cocaine fastest using it�s [sic] sense of smell,� the fourth-grader wrote in the abstract for her project, titled "Drug Sniffing Dogs."

Bartelt, according to the Miami Herald, fellow detective William Pedraja and Sgt. Samantha Machado provided the dogs (a springer spaniel named Roger; Levi, a golden retriever; and Franky, a retired chocolate labrador) and the cocaine. (Franky showed he's still got the touch, locating the illegal substance in 43 seconds.)

Emma's mother, Michelle Bartelt, said the experiment was her daughter's idea and that Emma was under constant supervision and "did not touch the cocaine."

�[Doug] handled the drugs,� she said. �He�s always very meticulous about how he handles drugs.�

John Schuster, a spokesman for the school district, issued a statement saying the project, while unusual, did not violate any of the science fair's rules�and that cocaine is not a specifically banned substance.

�The student�s science project involved a very unusual set of circumstances, including having a parent who is a well-respected police detective with experience in training dogs that sniff for illegal substances," Schuster's statement read. "From our understanding, the parent was the only person involved in working directly with the dogs and the hidden substances, which took place at a police training facility.� Edited on Jan 31, 2013, 08:54am

01-31-13  09:17am - 4417 days #2
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

Here's a 10-year-old girl, who used 3 drug-sniffing dogs and 1 ounce of cocaine, supplied by her father, who is a cop, as her entry in a science fair.

So being the inquiring mind I have:

1. Where did the cop get the drugs?
2. He can not possess drugs just because he is a cop project or no project.

3. The drugs had to be evidence or something?
4. That is cheating be I am sure others kids dads could not bring cocaine to school.

Allot of red-flags shot up reading this.
Not only this but my opinion shows how some police
do not even think they are like the rest of us.
Its like the cop who gets pulled over on YOutube
off duty for speeding and gets upset.
HUH ......... you were speeding off duty enough said.

OK off soap box, gees this must struck a nerve LOL Since 2007

01-31-13  12:37pm - 4417 days #3
lk2fireone (0)
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I believe most cops who gets pulled over for a traffic violation, whether it's speeding or something else, when they off duty, will be annoyed they were pulled over.

And it's just "professional courtesy" that they don't get a ticket.

To take it a step further: Any cop who shoots a suspect, whether the suspect is armed or not, believes he has used justifiable force. And that includes a suspect who is running away from the cop. And the cop's police department will normally back the cop up.

Check the news reports if you don't believe what I wrote. It's very common, when a police officer shoots an unarmed man, that the police investigate the shooting, clears the police officer of any wrong-doing, and often the police officer is hailed for bravery on the job.

Even when a city settles federal civil-rights lawsuits in claims of police abuse for hundreds of thousands of dollars apiece, the normal position of the city involved is that "a settlement in a police case does not indicate wrongdoing on the part of the officer."

01-31-13  01:24pm - 4417 days #4
lk2fireone (0)
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Do a google search with the terms "cop shoots unarmed man" and see the results returned. If a cop shoots you, and you are unarmed, the cop will claim self-defense, or that he used justifiable force. Even if you are running away at the time, and the cop shoots you in the back multiple times.

01-31-13  01:44pm - 4417 days #5
lk2fireone (0)
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Demanding justice for Deandre Brunston

by: Martha Hancock & Joseph Hancock
July 15 2005

tags: Police, Los Angeles

COMPTON, Calif. — It was a bittersweet Sunday afternoon in Compton, a small city on the south side of Los Angeles. Keishia Brunston, a young African American woman, called together friends and neighbors for a backyard barbecue to raise money and call attention to the police terror that is being visited upon her community.

Brunston has formed the Justice for Deandre Brunston Campaign in response to the police killing of her 24-year-old nephew, Deandre, who was shot and killed by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies that patrol Compton and the nearby area of Willowbrook on Aug. 24, 2003.

Deputies had responded to a domestic disturbance call where Deandre Brunston lived. Afraid for his life, Deandre, who was unarmed, jumped out of a second-story window and fled on foot. The deputies cornered him nearby, and handcuffed him. They then unleashed an attack dog on him, and began shooting. When it was over, Deandre had been shot a total of 22 times, and over 80 rounds of ammunition had been discharged from three police guns.

The deputies didn’t just shoot an innocent African American man; they also shot their own dog. After they realized that they had shot the dog, they called for an ambulance and airlifted the dog to a nearby veterinary hospital in Norwalk, where the animal eventually died, while they left young Brunston on the street to bleed to death.

In response to this tragedy, Keishia Brunston has brought a wrongful death lawsuit against the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

“We need people in the courtroom,” she told those gathered at the July 10 barbecue. “Sheriffs were put in Compton and they replaced the Compton police force. The sheriffs are not from our community. We didn’t get to vote on putting the sheriffs in our community. They are definitely not out to protect us. They’re out to kill us.”

Brunston pointed out that this “genocidal” policy of the police is targeting people of color. “The sheriffs are an invading army in Compton,” she said. “They are trying to close the hospital and they are trying to close the college. We need to educate the public about what is going on.”

The solution that is being put forward by the Community Coalition for Control of the Police is for civilian police review boards to be established in each of these communities. Another group being advised by the ACLU is calling for federal oversight of the police agencies involved, including the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

There are a total of 87 smaller cities in Los Angeles County that surround the City of Angels. If you venture into any of these communities, you quickly discover that they are reminiscent of the old South before the civil rights movement. Compton is one of those communities where police violence against law-abiding citizens goes unchecked.

01-31-13  06:12pm - 4417 days #6
Tree Rodent (0)
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Excellent stuff IK. I consider the police force of most countries to be the biggest criminal organisation in that country. Although I like America and Americans there are many parts where I would not care to be black, or any colour except white.

Just as there are not enough muslims willing to speak out against extremism, there aren't enough Americans willing to speak out against the police force or government. Are whites not getting involved or protesting because it's only blacks and ethnics who are getting killed?

It's also far easier to blame a race, immigrants, males, females, or gays, for an unhappy life, than it is to blame police, judges, government, and big business. Media tells most people what to think and who to blame.

Does this mean that basically once the lines are drawn the attitude is far too often, they may be murdering lowlife criminal scumbags, but they're our murdering lowlife criminal scumbags? Edited on Jan 31, 2013, 06:22pm

02-01-13  04:53pm - 4416 days #7
Micha (0)
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lk2fireone wrote :
School today is far different from when I was a kid.

Yeah, in the late 50s I had to write 500 times
"I will not bring a gun to school" unless life also gives you water and sugar, your lemonade is gonna suck.

02-04-13  12:42pm - 4413 days #8
t9chome (0)
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I'm surprised such a weak "science" project could win. Must've been the shock & awe effect upon the judges that did it.

Back in the day participants had to actually prove a scientific theory in their project or it was rejected. This little girl's project amounts to nothing more than a dog race.

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