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09-01-17  08:25am - 2576 days #10
Tonto1 (0)
Active User

Posts: 6
Registered: Aug 30, '17
Location: Virginia
I game some, certainly not as much as I used to. I guess between sobriety and age i've slowed down a bit, but yeah, this system hums right along...I'm actually getting ready to do a re-paste on it. Seems the Alienware has some heat issues to go along with all that hardware.

Anyways, as far as how much data; well, that's kinda sketchy right now. Put it this way, I don't really mess with anything below 1080 (some are closer to 2GB too by the way) and i've only been out of prison for about 5 months now and already filled up a 1TB HD...Now granted, I need to do some heavy weeding out of some videos that were compulsively downloaded, but that's what I have to gauge off of right now.

Ultimately, I am just going to start off with this one enclosure purely because I need something cheap and 'now' so that I can get the data from my old drive. I'm merely picking up the 2TB Seagate as a place to start, but i'm definitely more interested in something like what you're doing with the OWC for the long run.

The whole RAID thing is new to me so i'll need to spend some time learing about that, but my main issue is how to deal with the heat aspect of things and what is the best way to safeguard my data against any really big losses...Say, if I amass some 10TB of video, how do I keep from losing it?

08-31-17  09:58am - 2577 days #8
Tonto1 (0)
Active User

Posts: 6
Registered: Aug 30, '17
Location: Virginia
[QUOTE=jook]Howdy again Tonto.

I should know better. I just wrote a long response and it got lost into PU outer space. Beware, that's a problem with the software on this board. So, here goes again.[QUOTE]

No worries, thanks for the reply jook and I certainly appreciate your time and effort.

So, I have an Alienware 17 r4 with an i7-6820hk; 32gb ram, GeForce 1080, 1tb PCIe SSD and a 1tb 7200 HD...pretty much 'the works', but I found my HD filled up pretty damn fast with video. Course, i'm keeping my SSD for system stuff and games only.

That being said, I was also looking at similar enclosures as you linked to, but they are kind of pricey for me at the moment. By the way, does the enclosure that you linked to have any fans for cooling? I couldn't see any reference to them...Which brings me to another question, do you think your other 2 drives failed due to heat issues? Seems odd that 2 would go at just the same time unless there was some sort of voltage surge or something.

Anyways, so at this point I figured that I would just start with something like this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004G8QETI/_en...;colid=2QK3Q66ZCQ2PC just so that I could get the data from my old drive and once I do that i'll just pop in a new 2tb Seagate or something.

Again, I appreciate the help.


08-31-17  07:52am - 2577 days #69
Tonto1 (0)
Active User

Posts: 6
Registered: Aug 30, '17
Location: Virginia
Appreciate the welcome jook. Yes, 'alive' is good these days and though I am not as grateful as I should be some days I am still pretty damn grateful...It's a miracle really.

Seems like a good enough group here and certainly anywhere a group of humans congregate squabbles are bound to occur.

Thanks for the heads up.

08-31-17  07:47am - 2577 days #68
Tonto1 (0)
Active User

Posts: 6
Registered: Aug 30, '17
Location: Virginia
Thanks for the welcome Amanda. I've already found a wealth of information & some good advice here. So far, so good.

08-30-17  07:19am - 2578 days #6
Tonto1 (0)
Active User

Posts: 6
Registered: Aug 30, '17
Location: Virginia
Hey Jook,

So, i'm looking to do the same thing as you with the docking station, but having just spent the last 8 years in prison (see New Members page), i've been kind of out of the loop here. I'd thought about an NAS, but I don't really need the remote access or the expense for that matter.

I had tried a 2tb Seagate external drive, but it died on me in less than 2 weeks. So, I kinda got gun-shy about getting another one.

I have an old machine that I had built before I went to prison & it has an old hard drive that i'd like to get some pics off of, so I started looking into the docking stations & figured them to be a far cheaper, viable way to store data. But, i'm concerened about the exposure of the hard drives & of course, the heat in the little enclosed docking stations.

I was just curious if you could let me know if you ever found out if it was your docking station that failed or what and if you could enlighten me on your experience with the docking stations as a whole?


08-30-17  07:03am - 2578 days #65
Tonto1 (0)
Active User

Posts: 6
Registered: Aug 30, '17
Location: Virginia
Hey all,

Full Disclosure: I originally joined this site because of a google search for 'cancellation issues with Fetish Network' & merely came to add my 2-cents.

But, as i've spent a little time poking around the forums & such I find I kind of like it here, so I figured i'd go ahead & drop by here & introduce myself.

My real name is Ray, though friends call me Tonto. I actually just got out of prison about 6 months ago & to be clear; prison was not a career decision for me, it in fact, saved my life. It was merely the culmination of 23 years of alcoholism & addiction. I have armed robbery charges by the way, so no sexual stuff.

Having said that, I have been sober for over 8 years now, but my addiction to women & sex still haunts me, though it is the one addiction that I am willing to let go for now.

Aaand so, i'm here. Looking forward to checking things out. Peace.

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