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Visit Blacked Raw

Blacked Raw

VXNBILL sucks.

I like this site, but the updates are really slow, so I join & cancel & join again as new content is added. That being said I had to share this since billing issues seems to be the topic:

After clicking the VXNBILL button you're given 3 options; email, chat, or phone. I opted for email; my original email:

"I am requesting that my membership to ‘BlackedRaw’ be cancelled. Other than e-mail, which usually proves fruitless, I see no other means to conveniently do this on the ‘Vxnbill’ homepage other than contacting you via “Live Chat or Telephone”. I personally find this approach to be both unprofessional and duplicitous at best.

To be clear, my issue is not with you personally. As a customer service representative it’s your job, one that is certainly plagued with its own set of difficulties and I get that. My hat’s off to you for your fortitude. But, you must understand that my time is valuable to me, as I am sure yours is to you and I do not appreciate being goaded into wasting another 10 minutes of my day politely enduring the fruitless attempts at selling me some “fantastic deal” in the hopes that I should stay. There are a multitude of reasons that one might cancel ones membership beyond the financial ones. I am imploring you to pass this message along to your superiors in hopes that they might entertain the notion of making this cancellation process a far simpler one in facsimile of those methods already employed by the many other sites of this nature.



Needless to say, It got no response & I was billed again ($29.95). 30 minutes of 'chat' later with a sorta helpful representative I got a pro-rated 20 bucks back. I will definitely not be supporting any site who employs this outfit.

Boggles my mind how, in this day & age, institutions like VXNBILL insist on acting like an infant while companies such as EPOCH go on to mature swiftly into adulthood.

Thanks for the rant...I'm done now.

08-27-19  06:13am

Replies (1)
Visit Fetish Network

Fetish Network
Reply of PinkPanther's Reply

Yeah PinkPanther, that doesn't sound like a very successful business model now does it?

Albeit, i'm still kinda new at this, but i've had nothing but clear lines of communication with the other sites that I have checked out and certainly no problems cancelling.

I'm with you on the good content part, they have some pretty crazy stuff on there not to mention some relatively familiar names in porn, but the whole lapse in communication is a 'no go' for me. Doubt I will be returning.

09-03-17  06:01am

Visit Fetish Network

Fetish Network
Reply of lk2fireone's Reply

Thanks for the advice lk2fireone. I just received an e-mail from the site this morning stating that they had cancelled my sub.

Such a shame it had to be like pulling teeth though. Never had any problems like that before. It pays to read these reviews before signing up.

Thank you again for the feedback.

08-31-17  07:20am

Visit Fetish Network

Fetish Network

Cancellation 'circle jerk'...

I've tried to cancel this subscription multiple times & keep getting the same run-around as most have stated here. The site states in their 'FAQS' that you should receive a confirmation e-mail & that's just not happening. All you get is dead-ended at an offer to stay with the site.

Fetish Network tells me that OrbPay or Orbital Pay is my biller, but that isn't what's showing up on my billing statement. Matter of fact, it's not any recognizable biller at all. Instead I get, "M3 NYC Corp 3056841976"...That's what's on my billing statement; & just who are these folks?

I've sent 2 e-mails in the last 72-hrs & only just this morning received 3, yeah 3 of the same, obviously computer generated, responses from Fetish Network telling me to use the same link that I have been using. It's like one ridiculous & unnecessary circle. Complete madness.

I wouldn't be so damn uptight about all this if this stuff wasn't so 'time critical'. When I signed up with Fetish Network I also signed up for a 7-day free trial of, what I thought was a sister site, 'Fetish Club', for which, I would be billed $39.95 if I didn't cancel in those 7 days. I Immediately found that I didn't like the site & tried to cancel that, whose link led me right back to...yep, you guessed it, 'Fetish Network Support, which led me to all of this. Aaand that's literally a 'wrap'.

...Oh, & by the way, if you read the bottom of the "cancellation page" at Fetish Network, it has a disclaimer stating," all cancellation requests MUST be made 30 days before the next billing cycle". Huh? I guess they can just hit you for 2 months right off the break? So yeah, there's that.

Anyways, I would definitely steer clear of 'Fetish Network' as a whole. If anyone has any suggestions or help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

08-30-17  06:18am

Replies (5)
Visit Fetish Network

Fetish Network
Reply of Divinx's Comment

I joined this site because of this very thread...

So, Fetish Network tells me that OrbPay or Orbital Pay is my biller, but that isn't what's showing up on my billing statement. Matter of fact, it's not any recognizable biller at all. Instead I get, "M3 NYC Corp 3056841976"...That's what's on my billing statement; & just who are these folks?

I've tried to cancel this subscription multiple times & keep getting the same run-around as most have stated here. The site says in their 'FAQS' that you should receive a confirmation e-mail & that's just not happening. All you get is dead-ended at an offer to stay with the site.

I've sent 2 e-mails in the last 72-hrs & only just this morning received 3, yeah 3 of the same, obviously computer generated, responses from Fetish Network telling me to use the same link that I have been using. It's like one ridiculous & unnecessary circle. Complete madness.

I wouldn't be so damn uptight about all this if this stuff wasn't so 'time critical'. When I signed up with Fetish Network I also signed up for a 7-day free trial of, what I thought was a sister site, 'Fetish Club', for which, I would be billed $39.95 if I didn't cancel in those 7 days. I Immediately found that I didn't like the site & tried to cancel that, whose link led me right back to...yep, you guessed it, 'Fetish Network Support, which led me to all of this. And that's literally a 'wrap'

...Oh, & by the way, if you read the bottom of the "cancellation page" at Fetish Network, it has a disclaimer stating," all cancellation requests MUST be made 30 days before the next billing cycle". Huh? I guess they can just hit you for 2 months right off the break? So yeah, there's that.

Anyways, I would definitely steer clear of 'Fetish Network' as a whole. If anyone has any suggestions or help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

08-30-17  06:03am

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