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05-13-08  11:33pm - 6085 days #51
Karup (0)
Active Webmaster

Posts: 12
Registered: Jan 12, '07
Location: Michigan
Originally Posted by Rick:

Wadup Jeff!

Noticed this thread and wanted to say hi, been a long time man!! Congrats on all your success throughout the years. Cool to see us cross paths again.

You handled this issue perfectly btw. I think you gained some fans also. :)

All the best man!

Hey Rick,

I appreciate it!

I think a big congrats is definitely in order for you too. I recall the first time seeing TBP and remember thinking you had an uphill battle since review sites were well established by then, but not more than a few blinks later you guys had steamrolled the competition. :)


05-11-08  06:29pm - 6087 days #49
Karup (0)
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Posts: 12
Registered: Jan 12, '07
Location: Michigan
Originally Posted by Drooler:

And just in case you haven't thought of it, you should be sure to point out that your newer photo content is available in both 1500 and 1024 pixels. I think it's a selling point that the tour should include, along with the all-in-one zips.

I guess I feel like making this point because KarupsHA was doing 1500px since early last year but made no mention of it on its tour pages. The only way I found out? It was mentioned in a review here.

Hooray for the reviewers that provide the details!

Absolutely, it's one of the "what's new" things we'll be focusing on the most. The current tours are setup in a way that makes it so difficult to make announcments, discuss features, etc... and still keep attention on the content. Rather than try to fix this major flaw, we're just ditching the entire tour all together in favor of a new one that will give a glimpse of everything in the members area.

05-07-08  12:58pm - 6092 days #47
Karup (0)
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Posts: 12
Registered: Jan 12, '07
Location: Michigan
Originally Posted by PinkPanther:

My friendly advice to Karups PC, Jeff, is to re-do your tour, particularly the area related to updates. I don't believe that you're showing your site off to it's best advantage. I was a member for a while, have thought about doing another join for a few months, but when I look at the updates on the tour I don't get excited so I don't re-join. The thing is that I know that your site is more exciting than the updates on the tour implies, because when I joined before, I felt like it was Christmas. I was thinking, "Damn, I had no idea this site was going to be this good!" Somehow, you need to capture that "Christmas" sensation in your tour.

Hey PP,

Couldn't agree with you more, unfortunately. :(

We've already begun working with our designer to come up with a fresh new tour design. It's a huge challenge to find the best way to display what's new, as well as what's already in the site, without overdoing it and getting surfers lost, confused, or bored.

Part of it has already come through and we're now waiting on a first draft of some other parts. We will be going back to the way our tours used to be, which is that they were huge & shocked surfers by showing just how enormous the members area is.

05-04-08  08:40pm - 6094 days #45
Karup (0)
Active Webmaster

Posts: 12
Registered: Jan 12, '07
Location: Michigan
Originally Posted by Khan:

Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but ...

This would be a violation of the PU Forum Terms.

"Webmaster cannot post links to their own sites (board will auto-link site titles) unless it�s to links at their site pages at TBP or PU. Webmasters cannot post contests or make site-related announcements (should be posted in site news). Self promotion is not what our forum is for. The only exception is a link in the SIG, but we still recommend linking to the TBP or PU site page(s)."

See FORUM RULES for full rules list.

Hi Khan,

First, talk about "long time no talk"! It must be 8 years now since I've last talked to you, I believe since we were both members of YNOT. It's nice to see you & Rick working together again (assuming you guys weren't working together after the YNOT days). Hope all is well.

Second, no problem about the contest. I didn't know it was against the rules.

05-04-08  08:31pm - 6094 days #44
Karup (0)
Active Webmaster

Posts: 12
Registered: Jan 12, '07
Location: Michigan
Originally Posted by JBDICK:


I'm not looking for a complimentary membership. I've always been happy to pay for something when I know that I wont be ripped off...

The reason for this reply is to say I agree with the whole outcome of this thread, and would just like to say the reason this thread has turned out at this point to a positive point for Karup is because you took the opportunity to discuss these issues with us at PU and for that you get my RESPECT...if there was a webmaster's score, set aside from the websites themselves, for your honesty and sincere approach to making up with Drooler, you would earn a place in the top 3.

Hey, maybe Khan and the PU webmasters could set something up.

Anyway, I might take part in the competition but failing that I will be a member at some point now, purely based on Jeff's interaction here...

Any other webmasters who need a lesson in PR, should refer to this thread. Sometimes disputes are healthy, but only if they are discussed and concluded and maybe have some arbitration, aka pornusers.com members...

Thanks Jeff, now whose next on our list...

TYVM, JB! I'm very happy to hear that I've earned your respect. And I couldn't be more pleased at the direction this thread has taken. :)

05-03-08  08:01pm - 6095 days #37
Karup (0)
Active Webmaster

Posts: 12
Registered: Jan 12, '07
Location: Michigan
Originally Posted by Toadsith:

Sweet! I'd be happy to take part in a contest!

I'm actually quite glad to see Karup and Drooler "shaking hands" and putting this behind them. After following this thread from the beginning and seeing Karup's messages and more back and forth, it really seems that both sides had the best of intentions and each their own code-of-honor that just managed to clash in a most unfortunate way.

I'm also glad that Karup isn't being ostracized as I worry that would make other webmasters afraid that they'll be ripped to shreds and hung out to dry by the PU community, and thus not post or reply to threads. This forum is a wonderful opportunity for direct communication between the users and the webmasters in an "open forum" setting. It would be a tragedy if we scared off all the industry people when the forum is still so young.

People need to understand that so much of this industry is governed opinion and individual tastes. I really respect when people stick to their guns and try to explain again and again why they believe their ideas are right. I've become known a bit for being verbose (perhaps even overly so) however I feel the more thoroughly that a topic is discussed, the better understand we can all get from it. There are few ways better to learn about a subject than to try to explain it as completely as possible. Perhaps opinions will be changed and perhaps not - but everybody will end up with a better glimpse into the view point of the other party. As a community we need to understand that everyone will have some opinion of there own that'll be like a brick wall, unchangeable. That shouldn't dissuade us from asking them to explain it better. You never know, perhaps you'll end up agreeing with them.

I was extremely pleased to see the interchange between JBDICK and Karup as that, for me, is the ideal use of the forums. I love getting a better understanding of the perspective of people in the industry - no matter what the job title is. I really respect Kink for their website Behind Kink, it is fascinating and I would absolutely adore for more sites to follow suit.

I'm a big nerd for technical, documentary-style behind-the-scenes videos or articles. Anytime I ran across a DVD with a behind-the-scenes I watched it - often before I even watched the main content. I also read every article Abby Winters had online about how they did their stuff. As an amateur photographer, I especially enjoyed the articles about what equipment and techniques they were using for their photo shoots.

So webmasters and industry types - Welcome one and all!

Hey Toadsith,

I appreciate the kind words & warm welcome.

I agree that it would be great for surfers here if webmasters became more interactive. I think it's only a matter of time before that happens. I know several adult webmasters that are very hands on & will jump at the opportunity to get to know their customers better, as well as what they can do to improve their sites.

05-03-08  04:05pm - 6095 days #36
Karup (0)
Active Webmaster

Posts: 12
Registered: Jan 12, '07
Location: Michigan
Originally Posted by Drooler:

Sorry, Jeff, my bad. I hadn't clicked the "save" button when I made the change. (duhhh) Have now, so it should work. Thanks!

No problem at all, e-mail sent.


05-03-08  11:34am - 6096 days #33
Karup (0)
Active Webmaster

Posts: 12
Registered: Jan 12, '07
Location: Michigan
Originally Posted by jd1961:

Shouldn't I get a free membership for beginning this thread?

Tell you what, I'll start a thread within the next few days in which I giveaway 2-3 free memberships to PU users with no strings attached. It'll be some sort of contest thread that anybody can win. I just have to try and come up with a couple of ideas that I think will make it fun to particpate in.


05-03-08  11:30am - 6096 days #32
Karup (0)
Active Webmaster

Posts: 12
Registered: Jan 12, '07
Location: Michigan
Originally Posted by Drooler:

OK. Apology accepted. I do appreciate it. And I will accept that complimentary membership. I consider it a "gift horse" after all of the above. I've reopened my acceptance of emails forwarded from PU. Once I get the username and password from you, I'll close it again. (We all know how much spam can accumulate in a short time.)

Thanks again.

Hey Drooler,

My pleasure. :)

Did you deactivate receiving e-mails again? It isn't showing the "E-mail Drooler" option on your profile page.


05-03-08  12:05am - 6096 days #29
Karup (0)
Active Webmaster

Posts: 12
Registered: Jan 12, '07
Location: Michigan
Originally Posted by Drooler:

Looking at it in how things happened over time, there was

1. First my comment on the site June 11, 2007 "They're working on a redesign." That was very positive, as I was looking forward to it.

2. Then in August, 2007 you sent me the two emails (which you reposted in your above message to which I'm now replying). To me, they looked like they could be bribes. Could be. Of course, I could have been wrong, and you say that I was. I try to avoid getting into possible conflicts of integrity.

You also said in your emails the following:
"Hi Drooler,

Jeff from Karups here. I saw the recent review of KPC on PU and your reply to it. I'll likely reply to both of them on the site later today, but wanted to send you a personal e-mail before I do ..."

But you did not reply to them on the site (PU). I don't know what you'll say to this, Jeff, but that lack of upfront communication where members could see it made me wonder why. Had you replied, at least by August, to my June 11, 2007 comment with some indication that the site redesign was going to take longer than expected, then that would have helped both you, your site, and me. But you didn't.

3. Instead, there was nothing further until my Jan. 9, 2008 reply to Congestus, to which you responded on the same day. Well, of course I had felt a sense of betrayal. Here I was, having said something positive back in June, the egg still on my face, and SIX MONTHS LATER you bother to post on this site with your remarks telling me that somehow I'm in the wrong for feeling as I did by that time.

Then I explained, YOU IGNORED, and you just offered a free membership as if what I'd said was just so much spit in wind.

With the above as the developed context, my remarks on this forum are beyond you. You don't appreciate me "bashing" you or the site. And you think that I'm being "unfair." You poor thing! Me, I LOVE being bashed! Who doesn't? If I want some, I'll just give Jeff a call.

This is almost funny.

Well, now, I am very tired of this image manipulation nonsense.

I've now said almost all that I care to say about it. Jeff, you can tell us how relieved you are at that if you want to. And go ahead and take a few more digs at Drooler. Besides, he kinda deserves it, doesn't he? It took him all of SIX MONTHS to develop that thin skin of his.

One bit of advice, though: Don't wait for just negative statements to retaliate against. If someone says something positive here about your site development and it's not going as scheduled on your end, just drop us all a line and give us a heads up. We would appreciate it.

And (this may get me in trouble with some people, I don't know but I'll be finding out), I've raised my rating of your site to an 85. Really, I'm just doing it for selfish reasons. Never would have dreamed that it would be made into such a big deal, but I'm tired of all of the complaining about the 75.

Hi Drooler,

I can't sit here & make excuses for where I messed up. All I can say is that I apologize & deeply regret it.

You're right, in my e-mail I said I would reply to your posts later that day, but never did. Mistake #1. Then I should have replied to your public comment about us working on a redesign to let you/everybody know that I was wrong in my estimations.

I made several mistakes throughout the process and looking back, would have done things a lot differently.

BTW, thank you for raising your score back. I was actually worried that would be heading way further south if I were to reply to this thread. :)

If you'll accept it, I'd still like to extend you that membership on the house that I offered you back in August. It's the least we can do to makeup for being so wrong in our estimations of the members area revamp going online.


05-02-08  08:53pm - 6096 days #27
Karup (0)
Active Webmaster

Posts: 12
Registered: Jan 12, '07
Location: Michigan
Originally Posted by JBDICK:

Karup (Jeff)...

whilst we have you in the loop...a simple question...
as a webmaster what caused you to see this and respond.
how often do you check PU to see what we, your customers are saying...I'm ignoring the dialogue in the previous posts for now...

Looking at your site, I get the feeling that you have a massive archive of material that isn't online...is that true...I've see Karup over the years and I've never joined.

If you were to compare yourself (and don't say...we are unique, you're not, but I have to acknowledge your site is one of the biggest) who would you say you are competing with...Do you ever measure your site with others and who are they...

I've been a member of teendreams, paulmarkhamteens, clubsandy, MET-art, 1byday...what can you present as the differentiator between you and your peers...

I will probably join your site at some stage but if I've been surfing porn for 10 years...have joined VERY many sites...and if I look at your site now, I know you have content that is in my interest area, Why have I never joined your site...That's not a trick question...I'm asking myself because it bothers me, and I'm thinking have I just missed that sparkle that differentiates you...Please don't take that in a negative way...I'm just curious how you do your market research...

The other thing I wanted to ask, and this relates to any big site that has been around since the earlier days, do you find it hard to reinvent or keep it fresh in such a competitive business...how do you keep yourself at the front...this question would apply to other who I liken to your site, ie. ALSMODELS & ALSANGELS. They still have the same entrance pages they had 8 years ago...

How much do you rely on sites like PU...and given the fact that you are a member (special member being a webmaster) why have you never posted into the forums your own thread that invites constructive suggestions to you...you have what we want...beautiful girls doing Porn, so why not invite feedback through assertive engagement rather than reactive.

I would hope that the PU members would use the opportunity constructively to engage with the webmasters and communicate our wants for you to turn into your differentiators that make your site the next site I sign up to as a member...I'm using PU and TBP to collect my list of next candidate sites...as a result of being at PU for approx 6 weeks, I've found 9 good leads for future memberships, and have already paid up and joined 4 in the last 50 days directly as a result of using PU...so the purpose of this site is working for me and sites I'm able to elect as my next choices...incidently. the sites I joined because of PU are killergram.com, argentinatriplex.com, ztod.com, paulmarkhamteens.com

Thanks...look forward to seeing more interaction with you and other webmasters...

Hi JB,

Sure, I'll be happy to chat & answer your questions.

I was just browsing PU earlier today and saw the "Latest Threads" section on the main page. Until then, I hadn't even known the PU forum existed, although I did know it was coming soon from previous visits to the site. So I went into the forum and just browsed some of the threads, including this one. After seeing Drooler's post, I felt it was unfair. Part of me thought it would be better to just let it go and avoid the risk of alienating other users who think I'm going about this the wrong way (see "jd1961's" post above), but in the end I decided to reply with my point of view. Hopefully people see that my intent was never to get into a dispute with anybody on PU.

An e-mail is sent to us everytime somebody writes a review for any of our sites on PU, so that always prompts a visit by us. Aside from those visits though, I would say that I visit PU a few times per month on average, mostly as a lurker. I'll sometimes reply to reviewers & thank them for a nice review or tell them I'm happy to hear they like our site.

Most of the content we have is online & available in our members areas. The only content that isn't in there yet is the content that has been received from the photographers and is waiting to be processed. Sometimes we build up stockpiles that equates to several months worth of updates and other times it can get alarmingly low. It all depends on how much recruiting & producing the photographers are doing.

If I were to compare our sites to one other site(s) over everybody else, I would say that it would be ATK's group of sites. We've been friends with the people from ATK since our inception and have always been fans of their sites. They've always been light years ahead of the competition in the "bang for your adult site buck" category, so it's impossible not to be influenced by them. Some other top notch sites that come to mind are Twistys & Alsscans' sites.

You've been a member of some good sites. :) We try to set ourselves apart by finding the perfect mixture of quality & quantity. We've always wanted to update more than everybody else, but not let it sacrifice the quality of our content. Models are in this business to make money, as are photographers. That makes it difficult to get a model and have her remain a 100% exclusive face to our sites. They can make much more money by offering their content to as many sites that are willing to buy. Because we're the biggest purchaser to many of the photographers we deal with though, we can get special preference and the occasional super duper exclusive model that won't be found elsewhere on the net. The most common special preference we'll get is being offered a new model for a few weeks or months before she is offered anywhere else.

I can't say it's too surprising (disappointing though :)) that you've never joined our site(s), as there are tons of adult sites on the net and the competition is fierce. Even though a surfer might think highly of a site and almost be interested in joining it several times, sometimes it takes seeing a certain model/movie/photoset on a tour that grabs their attention & really peaks their curiosity.

It is incredibly hard to reinvent ourselves and stay fresh. Trends come & go in this business very often, so what was popular today might be considered "old & outdated" in the near future. Reality sites are a big trend that comes to mind, which changed the business a great deal. I believe Bangbus was the first reality site that I was familiar with. That was either late '01 or '02. We try to keep our tours fresh and listen to what members & surfers are saying they want to see more of. Unfortunately, we made a big mistake last year by greatly misjudging (by several months) when our revamped members area would go online. People (including Drooler) were upset and rightfully so. We did our best to make it up to as many people as we could in various ways, including free access, a complimentary membership to another site, etc...

Ironically, I was talking to the owner of ALSScans not long ago and he mentioned that design was not their forte. He's a great photographer though and has a huge following of longtime, loyal fans. It's well deserved.

Sites like PU, TheBestPorn, etc... are very valuable for us to keep up with not only what our members like, but what members of other sites are giving high/low marks for. It's not uncommon for us to contact somebody after they write a negative review or post because it's bothersome to see somebody unhappy, especially after trying very hard to make everybody happy. Unfortunately, tastes & preferences vary so much that it's impossible to make everybody happy. Now that we're aware of the forum, we will definitely be participating in threads, as well as creating our own to keep an open dialogue between us and members who'd like to make suggestions, give praise, criticism, etc...

I just have to hope I don't get tracked down & beaten by an angry PU mob for having a "disagreement" with one of their most popular faithfuls. :-)

I hope that answers all of your questions. Aside from being an adult webmaster, I'm also a fan of porn like everybody on this site. The only difference is that I probably have a cooler job. :) Seriously though, I hope Drooler or anybody else doesn't hold a grudge against me and certainly not our sites. It was an honest effort to make the best of a bad situation/big mistake on our part.


05-02-08  03:55pm - 6096 days #24
Karup (0)
Active Webmaster

Posts: 12
Registered: Jan 12, '07
Location: Michigan
Originally Posted by Drooler:

I was contacted by KarupsPC. Their contact person asked me to reconsider the rating I gave them. I was also offered a free membership, but in a second email close in time to the first. I just changed my settings at PU so that webmasters couldn't contact me by email. Been that way since.

Months later, there was exchange between myself and the KarupsPC guy at the reviews part of KarupsPC. (See replies to the review by the since-disabled "Congestus.") He chides me for ignoring those emails; the words he uses are that he "reached out" to me. But there was nothing at that time to "reach out" with because the major site update was months away from completion. My rating was based on the site as it WAS at the time, not as it was "promised" to be in the future. (I'm a sceptical sort. Have the burn marks to back it up.)

Anyway, I wrote a long reponse to his chiding message to me; he replied by completely ignoring it and offering me a complementary membership right there in front of everyone.

I guess he thinks that's OK. I don't get that guy.


I invite you to post anything & everything you've ever received from me on this forum. IIRC (and forgive me if I don't recall the exact wording since it was approaching a year ago), I simply asked you to reconsider the new low score you had changed KarupsPC to because of us missing the deadline for the revamped members area.

Dropping your score by 20 or so points because we missed a deadline isn't an accurate score for the site, at least not in my opinion. It's punishment & retaliation for being or feeling let down. I understood where you were coming from, however, I disagreed with it. I'm not going to sit here and explain why it was late because a) I know you don't care and b) it won't help change your mind even a tiny bit.

I don't appreciate your attempts to bash me and/or our site for what was me simply trying to be nice, respectful, and understanding to how you felt. I wasn't rude. I wasn't critical, yet for some reason, you make it seem like me contacting you was a bad thing. Why? Is me "reaching out" to somebody who writes a review or gives us a score such a bad thing? "You don't get me"? LOL, as if what I did was so outlandish that it warrants you still talking about it a year later. I said nothing to you that I haven't said to many people. There is nothing in any of them that I would be embarrassed about if posted on a forum. And how you view it as an insult or a bad thing is beyond me. I would think surfers/members/posters would appreciate a webmaster's attempts to be responsive.

I've offered or extended numerous people free access to our sites, mostly for comparison of our revamped members area compared to our previous members area. I would have loved to hear your opinions of our new members area in the hopes that we impressed you, as well as anybody else who would be able to give us an honest review (good or bad). We've given hundreds of free memberships throughout our history for numerous reasons. Offering a few people free memberships because we regretted letting them down is not a bad thing. I'm sorry that you felt so insulted by it and had to change your PU settings to never accept another contact like it.


I actually just realized that I can access all e-mails I've sent out via PU, so instead of inviting Drooler to post my e-mails, I'll do so myself...


Date Sent: 08-19-07 10:32am
Sent to: Drooler (128)
Subject: Jeff from Karups

Hi Drooler,

Jeff from Karups here. I saw the recent review of KPC on PU and your reply to it. I'll likely reply to both of them on the site later today, but wanted to send you a personal e-mail before I do bcz I know you're a highly respected member of the site.

I just sent a scathing letter to the 2 people in charge of the KPC members area revamp. I included the negative review and your reply to it, noting that we've been promising people it's coming soon and still haven't delivered yet.

I wanted to ask if you've been in KarupsHA as of late? I ask bcz the new KPC members area will look pretty much what KHA's looks like, but with even more improvments. If you're happy with KHA's, then we're pretty confident you'll be happy with the new KPC review.

Another thing I'd like to ask, and I understand if you prefer not to, but would you be willing to hold off on giving us your new score of 75...

(message is getting too long, will send another one to finish).

What I'll do is give you a month in KPC after the redesign goes online. I'd like to make it clear that I'm not trying to bribe you for a favorable score, I'm honestly looking forward to getting a valuble opinion of the new members area once it goes online, so hearing your input right away and hopefully impressing you means a lot to me/us.

In exchange, I would just like for you to hold off on giving us that new score of 75 for a bit longer, until we get the redesign online. If after we do and you still feel the site is inferior, I will accept whatever score you think it deserves.

Please let me know if any of this would be okay with you.

Also, please do let me know if you've been in KarupsHA's members area recently, as I'd like to hear your opinion of what the navigation/experience is like for you in there.


If anybody feels as if me contacting him was disrespectful, a bribe attempt, unethical, etc... please let me know.

Jeff Edited on May 02, 2008, 04:25pm (Karup: Found e-mails I sent to Drooler.)

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