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10-08-12  03:23pm - 4476 days #3
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
There is allot to be said doing well in America.
However what we see is not what we get for our dollars.

If I work at company A and get to know the CEO and play golf and the new VP opens. It is not unethical for me to say hey boss man looky here I may fit that position. It is ethical because people are hired and demoted at jobs based on who they are as much as what they do.

Not so in the political scenes, true it is who you know.
But who you are and what you know is not as important as who you know. And what knowledge are you willing to consider to see yourself in another term on the hill ?

Is it ethical for members of the government to use the same tactics to get ahead like employees do? The answer is no, because the work for us, not big business.
It would be the same as working for google but buying lunch for the CEO at Yahoo. Highly unorthodox and may put you in the unemployment line if caught !

However the government sees no problem crossing moral and legal lines. Funny they cross legal lines to make laws that you and I must follow? Particular isn't it.
The fox running the hen house while the farmer sleeps away his rights. Since 2007

10-08-12  01:31pm - 4477 days #38
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

I am within the 14 day time period of asking for a return.

I hope I can get a refund from the seller. If not, I will have to contact ebay about a refund, which would be a longer process.

Sorry I did not realize it was new, I guess the question comes up about being refurbished as well. I realize now yours was not. But is another thought for people to look out for. Since 2007

10-08-12  08:55am - 4477 days #15
Cybertoad (0)
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Doggy Sytles

The Meat Locker Since 2007

10-08-12  08:52am - 4477 days #33
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Drives ( used ) are a not the best deal.

I have a very good main drive, yet it is used all day long some times 24/7

Think of it this was, if I parked my car in the driveway and let it run for 3 years only putting gas in it and not driving it would look new, but would have thousands of hours on it.
Buying used it is hard to know was the drive used as a daily driver or a backup with low miles.

I know there are great prices on Ebay but unless there is a great warranty on it say 30days I would not but used.
You figure if you pay 50% of of new and lose your data, you could have got it for free and the damage is the same, that being lost or unacceptable data loss. Since 2007

10-08-12  08:46am - 4477 days #8
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by pat362:

I've never seen any dick with makeup mean to make the penis look bigger but I know that pornpros used to use fake penises in some of their videos.

I have seen scars and bruises and some penises that look thrashed, perhaps to get some swelling they beat their meat .

Oh come on how could I pass up that pun. Since 2007

10-06-12  07:40am - 4479 days #13
Cybertoad (0)
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Jack and No Jill.com

From behind you.

How many Licks Does It Take.com

The Heavy Pushers

hehe Since 2007

10-05-12  06:29pm - 4479 days #5
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by pat362:

Actually I think I've had a problem with the Flash player ever since I downloaded the latest version. At first i thought I might have done something wrong but if I did then I don't know what it is. I do know that when I'm on two of kink's sites and using Firefox that I can't view any Flash videos in the section where you normally could.

You have a message saying that I shopuld downlload the mos recent version of Flash but I already have that version so no clue what's happeing.

Try google chrome and see if the problem persists? Since 2007

10-05-12  03:15pm - 4479 days #2
Cybertoad (0)
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.Hi Pat, perhaps this will help it is how to change program defaults but will allow you to check as well what programs plays FLV for windows 7

OOOPs forgot the link to MS instructions:

Not sure your OS or are you referring to playing FLV's online or on hardrive ?

CT Since 2007 Edited on Oct 05, 2012, 04:26pm

10-05-12  07:35am - 4480 days #9
Cybertoad (0)
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TrickyDicks Since 2007

10-04-12  09:14am - 4481 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash

Hey there fellow PU'ers:

I was having a conversation with another users and thought hey would be cool to come up with new names for porn web sites.

So give us your best website porn name, perhaps if you were going to open a site what would you call it what would it have? Or have some fun with names etc.

Could be fun :
I will throw one in the mix.

Studs In Muffins
( a gay anal sex sight )

See how this works ? Lets see what everyone else could come up with. Trying to get the forum more active .

CT Since 2007

10-03-12  08:50am - 4482 days #10
Cybertoad (0)
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To be honest with the group to set the record straight, lol we did get the porn free, however ummm how we acquired it was
not the most hmm how do we say straight up way to do so.
Stealing ? Maybe not stealing, I like the word acquired.
I think the porn was from liquor left overs when they did not sell. There was a major distribution house near us, so my guess was it came from there and was days before recycling.
Because these book were new not used. And we got weird ones too. Like bondage stuff which kinda freaked us out then and we did sell much of those. The hottest sellers were the biker mags with chick and playboy cause every house knew what a playboy was. I wish I had that collection now would be worth pretty penny to have some 60's playboys. As as PC porn I recalled a ACSII file that was animated of ginger lynn mastabting in grainy black and white. I tried years later to play it on an new 486 pc I got and it played super fast lol was funny.

From there I also learned BBS's were great for porn resources. Since 2007

10-02-12  10:29am - 4483 days #28
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Capn:

My Toshibas are all still doing fine.

1 x 300Gig

2 x 1TB

1 x 2TB


Thats around 4,194,300 .......... megabytes Capn.
Or imagine having approx 4,194,300 Floppies on your desk LOL ( give or take plus or minus a few floppies)

CT Since 2007

10-02-12  10:25am - 4483 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash

Poetic Pornography !
by CT.

To whom it may concern, my days are long as my mind recovers, from my days with out another; part of insanity as I stem my reality of what will this life give as rewards.

I am in his arms but still alone, my bed has become my home.
With faces who come and go, when will my life fulfill the dream of fame and fortune only surrounded by confusion. Who am I? Who do they think I am .

Are my thoughts my own or fictitious reality of the scripted life I have chosen. When I close my eyes there is no sleep, only searches of a place my heart may rest.

My time is not my own, I am the fantasy of those who lust after me, but I have no fantasy or hope of escaping this place. A place where my identity is now shadowed with in the mist of my current self.

As I peer out the window, looking for a new day to bring me new life. Do I leap from the sill for which I sit, or do I
close the windows and cease to look out upon the reality my life has become.

( written from the perspective of a porn star.) Since 2007

10-01-12  02:24pm - 4484 days #7
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by pat362:

Did you cancel your membership through Epoch? Epoch is one of the bestt CC processor so you should have gotten a confirmation email when you first joined and also gotten an email when you cancelled. I know that whenever i have joined a site whose handled by Epoch then I can't actually cancel from the porn site but musr cancel on Epoch's site.

Might want to call the CC company and dispute the charges ? Since 2007

10-01-12  01:18pm - 4484 days #4
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by RagingBuddhist:

To me, the women all look like they're tattooed to death, makeup-encrusted, fake tit carrying fuck machines. And I think the guys all look like they couldn't get laid if it weren't for the fact that the women are getting paid. They're either fat and greasy looking or musclebound jocks who fuck with steroid-induced anger. And, yeah, the abuse factor is a major turn-off! It's gonzo. It sucks.

Gees RB how do you really feel ? lol wow that was a cool rant damn dude that was pretty good. I thought Joe Pesci was doing your rant. That has to be the best rant Ive read in awhile, hats off to you. Since 2007

10-01-12  09:05am - 4484 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash

As it is with any post there is ying and yang.

I really enjoy solo scenes where the women talk sexxy a little and not allot and I like a tad music that also goes way when the scene is getting interesting.

I like sex scenes when the guy actually figures out he is not and actor but a stunt cock, and does not talk.

I a great rave is to all the Lesbian scenes that seem to do their porn better then solo's or sex. I they undress, there is tad intimacy and lots of boobies woohoo.
Ok back on topic, here.

There are allot of great scenes out there, I think scenes do best when they try not to over do it.
Kinda like CGI in movies, a little is ok, allot is annoying and not much to it if the whole movie is CGI. ( except G movies like CARS, ICE AGE etc.

Wow from porn to rated G, time to end this Rave.

Since 2007

10-01-12  08:59am - 4484 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash

So how do I say this, I like nice looking ladies, smooth hard bodies, maybe even a little pushin cushion. I little makeup is good as is natural. There are just so many very nice women out there to study .

But.. I have grown to dislike many of the reality sites due to quality. The HD is stunning, but seems every guy has a beat red face probably by taking Vigra, and every women I see wears he undies to tight and has lines all over her skin.
( I am a size 2 in a size 5 body looks bad )
So it takes away from the enjoyment to see guys looking like their having a stroke ( not the good kind), and women who just look kinda worn out. ( not in a good way.)

Seems more and more stars look like they just rolled outta bed grabbed a cigarette and down a few pills and opened up for a marathon run.

I know maybe everyone is not like me, I just like things that look nice. I also and not into pile drivers and rough, slapping, spitting either so probably no surprise here.
I do not watch male gay porn but wondered do they all look like they are having a heart attack too?
( I would watch gay porn but I might turn gay)
It's a joke. I watch lesbian porn and I did not turn lesbian
umm at-least I do not think so.

Ok boy where did this post go so wrong........
Point is I like nice looking pretty ladies and guys fucking them should not look like they are dying. Since 2007

10-01-12  08:42am - 4484 days #10
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by BadMrFrosty:


I would just connect the laptop to the PC via HDMI and play it directly

Ditto, older TV's may have monitor hook ups as well.
If your video card has extra out puts all the better to
clone the screen and have it show on the tv and pc . Since 2007

09-28-12  10:44pm - 4486 days #11
Cybertoad (0)
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And the myth / curse. slash rumor continues, Will Win9 be the savior once again in legend of failures . Since 2007 Edited on Nov 04, 2012, 06:54pm

09-27-12  04:28pm - 4487 days #20
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by otoh:

The very first external drive I ever bought - admittedly not for myself, but in a work capacity - was 20MB. Yep, MB

LOL that must have been the size of a shoe box LOL Since 2007

09-27-12  12:19pm - 4488 days #4
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by Toadsith:

New OS's are usually very buggy, why bother paying them to test out their new system? After a year, generally speaking, the vast majority of the bugs will be fixed.

There is the semi-confirmed, Windows bi-versional curse.

Going back to the first windows every other OS that came out was worse the the one.

95 Great new leap
98 Buggy
98 SE Good night and day from 98
Millennium Buggy
Win 2000 ( was a rock star still is)
XP was the best improvement since 95
Vista Buggy
Windows 7 ( like XP on steroids.

There were other versions but they were not really releases and were upgrades or servers editions. On 98SE it was deemed a release.

I digress, if one believes in the curse 8 could be the
devil in disguise.

I like Win7 Ultimate and see no reason to leave it for 8.
I think the one thing I disliked about 7 was the email program removed and MS attempt to migrate others to hotmail etc.

As 8 is being released I think you may find great deals on 7 PC's !

CT Since 2007

09-27-12  10:34am - 4488 days #11
Cybertoad (0)
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So here is a disturbing issue, I did a search of random stuff and found they have some notorious tube sites for installing scripts on your pc. It seems the search engine is exactly what I assumed may be in place, just my own opinion I would be wary using a search like this.

Point is people know
Yahoo and Google do not protect you on searches, but free porn is gonna clog peoples minds and well seriously they will assume this new idea and technology would not steer them wrong. I fear people will willy nilly just surf until their pc' crashes. Since 2007

09-27-12  10:29am - 4488 days #10
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

Since many reputable companies and educational agencies bought a .xxx registry to avoid someone else from buying it then you might easily get hits that aren't remotely close to a porn site. This is one of the biggest cash grab that I've ever seen.

Good point there Pat! Since 2007

09-27-12  09:28am - 4488 days #16
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by Denner:

And BTW:
Am I paranoid? - in fear of loosing my top favorite stash (generally vids in larger files).

You could always send the files to my place I would watch them carefully, umm I mean carefully watch them for you ! Since 2007

09-26-12  09:48pm - 4488 days #13
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by Toadsith:

I agree, trying to run a RAID Array with software, especially Windows 7, can be problematic. Ideally, a hardware RAID Array would be used, though they can be quite pricey. I guess, my total recommendation would be building a small computer that has onboard GigaBit LAN and give it 8 hard drives (or however many you want), loading it up with Ubuntu or a similar OS and throwing into a closet, out of the way.

That way the Linux varient OS is doing the Software RAID Array and you can load your porn up on it from any computer in the house.

Hell, you could make it internet accessible so you'd never be far from the collection. Make it a webserver, and then use a PHP database to organize your porn and host it for your-eyes-only!

This suddenly seems like an awesome idea...

LOL ok now you got me thinking too, I have a bunch on pc's laying around about 30 harddrives. I am thinking ........ hmmmm perhaps Unbuto server and raid drive. wait...... ok need another cup of coffee. Since 2007

09-26-12  09:40pm - 4488 days #5
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

You are right, of course, CT. I just gave it a test run and it points mostly to low quality free garbage. Three cheers for PU! I see it more as a tool to draw porn lovers to the xxx domain!

I was not able to find the search engine by the name the article gave. Not really important . But just like you would like to take a look see at all the interest online . Since 2007

09-26-12  07:53pm - 4488 days #2
Cybertoad (0)
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Now why would I use a search engine for porn when we have PU right here with the resources and the quality.
See Search engines do not discriminate between good and bad.
Just what ever gets hits.
And example of the crap patrol is YOUTUBE the highest hits
are often stupid bullshit like singing parrots wearing a dress. Not something note Worthy. I think a porn search engine will give even more exposure to viruses.
Google did not protect us and you can bet a used condom this new one wont protect you either. Since 2007

09-26-12  03:12pm - 4488 days #9
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by Toadsith:

If you are willing to drop the coin, I'd recommend an external RAID Array running RAID 5 -

While I would agree a raid setup would have its merits,
Windows 7 has not been a good friend of that setup in my experiances.
on an array that consists of Nvidia nForce2, nForce3 or an early nForce4 hardware. The array could be using older firmware, which the Windows 7 installation process will overwrite and corrupt. Consequently, make sure you update your BIOS before installing Windows 7 as I mentioned.
Inaccessible Boot Device
Some Windows 7 users will see and error message that reads "STOP 0x0000007B INACCESSABLE_BOOT_DEVICE" after they install a RAID disk. This is because the necessary driver isn't enabled. Its an easy enough fix usually, but MS thought was a good idea to leave this switch off even though most new motherboards support Raid already !
There are allot of options on Raid 0-10 depending on how far a person wants to be serious about their backups and access. Agree with Toadsith, it a good system, although completed for a novice to setup it can be well worth it and can be done fairly reasonable. The only reason I do not use it myself is, swapping OS around like I do can be a pain in the ass. I tend to be running all sorts of beta's from my pals, and the Raid setup does not play nice with my setup.
So since my move to Win7 Ultimate 64 I have not used it for home. Since 2007

09-26-12  10:52am - 4489 days #4
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by tobias123:

Cybertoad is right. As i am new here but i have also good experience in this.

Hi ToBias, welcome to PU,looks like you just joined today.
Lots of nice people here with common interests.

CT Since 2007

09-26-12  09:28am - 4489 days #2
Cybertoad (0)
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Hi Denner, one of the reasons I down sized this was was because of cost / space.

I buy the best first and size second, I still have some windows 95 machines that run just fine and the drives are fine too. This because I bought the very best I could afford and size second.

So let me start off buy saying size doesn't matter LOL what a place to post such a statement.

1. Drive spin rate, 7,200RPM, 3TB is ideal.

2 Avoid green drives many run at 5,900 and even tested lower.

3. Powersupply, a low wattage powersupply can tax a system moreover on external drive.

4. If you buy external make sure its 3.0 compatible and that your mother board supports it.

5. Upgrade your bios to make sure you get the best performance.

On the last one let me explain, a bios may tell your drive to access 1+1+1+1 will equal 4 a faster drive and upgraded
bios will tell it 4x1 = 4. Sometimes a simple upgrade of firmware can make the system talk better.

So my advice having worked on computers since the 70's would be performance not space when looking.
This coming from guy who would run two daughter-boards with 256K IC chips just to have 4MB on his PC LOL. I wanted reliability, and speed. Back then storage was a luxury, today many think space and forget about what makes these things all work well is quality and performance.

Let put this in porn terms, it is like having a 12inch pecker and you have ED, and can not afford Viagra.
Its big but not allot you can do with it. So is it with drives. Buy something that will do the work well and access fast !

CT Since 2007

09-25-12  08:33am - 4490 days #11
Cybertoad (0)
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So I took and put it in, then I pulled it out went in the other room sat on the couch put in in again, turned it on, pulled it out put in back in pulled it out.

I think I just forced my TV to have sex with my flash drive. Since 2007

09-24-12  02:57pm - 4491 days #5
Cybertoad (0)
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Hmmm I will have to try that was not something I was aware of. Wow totally cool Since 2007

09-24-12  11:42am - 4491 days #11
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

Sometimes a re-review is not a bad thing but I was amused yet slightly embarrassed that I had had so many reviews of AJ before the present one, without remembering most of my previous efforts, except the one before this one. In this case I don't think it was a bad thing because the site had just come under new management.

As to your Twistys, I wish there were some reviews that would answer my question: do the models still look as if they have been dusted with some sort of orange powder? I was a member some time ago and was terribly disappointed that it was almost impossible to find a set that was clear with natural colors.

Now thats funny you mention it, as I was house cleaning I noticed that some looked like they had been spray tanned. Didn't look too natural and there ummm
inner areas looked bronze. These were mostly from 2011 and 2010 a couple from 2008 not all but some did look odd. Since 2007

09-24-12  11:38am - 4491 days #8
Cybertoad (0)
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Let me know how it works out . I use so many editing programs and these i use cause they are simple to use.
LOL not saying it has to be simple for you to use Denner .
But the seem pretty straight cut, where adobe and others I have yo have to get a marriage license before you can convert . Ok that last joke was stretch but hope it works. Since 2007

09-24-12  09:33am - 4491 days #7
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by Drooler:

She keeps taking the path less chosen, which is something I admire because you've got to be made of tough stuff to do that. I wish her well.

She may be one of the few to break out, she is still young and perhaps. I think to that she has a normal type name, Sasha Grey is not a porn name, like Lisa Cummins etc.
I think many people in the normy world may not even know here. I would be interested in reading her book. Since 2007

09-24-12  08:47am - 4491 days #19
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by Denner:

If you delete some of that fine, old porn, you'll regret it........some day.

Don't wanna just needed space, but I think I am done, just going to sift through and make sure I do not have any BTS that I never watch. Since 2007

09-24-12  08:44am - 4491 days #5
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by Denner:


You know thats a smart move to write a novel.

If I wrote a novel, called Lick Her Lips.
No one would buy it. If she wrote a book called that, imaginations run wild as in what lips are we talking from a porn star ?

Good move in my opinion. Since 2007

09-24-12  08:42am - 4491 days #4
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

She is a great looking girl. I never cared for her sex videos, because of the spitting, hitting, mild rough sex/whatever. But she has a lot of ambition and is trying to make it in different areas outside of porn. I wish her well.

I just cleared 20 gigs of her stuff I never watched. She was not my taste but she is very much the looker. Just her style was not my cup of tea as much. I do not mind a little aggressiveness but 99% of her stuff is like that I like stars with a nice balance. Since 2007

09-24-12  08:40am - 4491 days #18
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by t9chome:

I bought a USB3 EZ Dock 2 so I could keep expanding. The idea is like external drives, but with the ability to swap out drives and store them on the shelf, so to speak.

The problem with these things, I've found out are they corrupt the data quite often. So far, I've been able to recover most of the corrupted data.

I hear ya on this I have other drives in fact I probably have 3TB in drives sitting in-my workshop. but I do not trust them. They start running hot and clicking and well the death is not far behind. I buy nice drives and hot swap holders like Xtreme so they are outside a case and can run very cool. I have a space on my book shelf for these so dust can not get to them very easy. I do not usually buy pre-made external drives. I make my own. Since 2007

09-24-12  08:36am - 4491 days #16
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by BigGeorge:

Have you tried compressing your data. If your data is in Terabytes, you can gain space in Gigabytes by compressing your old stuff. But then again, that's a temporary solution. As others have suggested, buying more disks is the only solution. If cost is the problem, you could always buy in bulk. Also, have you tried storing your data online? In this case, just be careful about copyright issues, though.

Hi George, welcome to PU, file compression is not really and option on an external drive 2.0 usb, it slows the showing down quite a bit seems on files over 1 gig they lag. I have a reasonable fast PC, fast video card and lots of ram, but still lags. It was one of my own first ideas and then realize it would make the enjoyment less appealing for me. Appreciate the feed back though. Since 2007

09-24-12  08:33am - 4491 days #6
Cybertoad (0)
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Denner they worked for me ok, I have both ( older versions)
did not have any problem and quality was good in the conversion as well. Since 2007

09-24-12  08:31am - 4491 days #6
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Toadsith:

Many Indian women are very beautiful, but it is an extremely small genre currently. Since there is still a huge amount of controversy stirred up whenever a movie star is caught kissing in public, I'm doubtful there will be any quality porn coming out of India anytime soon.

Id agree with you, I have seen very little good original porn from there. Since 2007

09-24-12  08:28am - 4491 days #15
Cybertoad (0)
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Its a scary thought as each time I take a break and go back through I clear out my recycle bin, and it asked in no uncertain terms.

" are you sure you want to delete these " ?

I pause as my mouse moves over and hovers for a brief moment and a heavy sigh, and click. I can here the files screaming wait not me, how could you forget me.
And I see the green light on my pc's case flickr like the
fire incinerating a mashmellow over a fire the files are gone.
As the light having removed 30 gigs slows and the light goes out.

I again open my Xplorer2 file manager ( its cool you can view and delete all at once I have the paid version but the free one does the same is very handy for stuff like this.
So I open the program and scroll past Alleta Ocean, Cali Bank, and continue down to the L's . Oh Lisa Ann, well lets see if there are any in there to return to the vortex of porn. Where porn goes in and never returns wahahaha hahahaha. wholly porn popers, how are we ever gonna save these all.

Deleting porn apprently means you lose you mind too. Since 2007

09-24-12  08:18am - 4491 days #2
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
I hear ya my friend, I too find myself going back time and time again, I guess I do not think to re re review perhaps I should, just other then content sites like
DD Girls
as an example never seem to change much othe rthen new content. Since 2007

09-23-12  04:40pm - 4491 days #10
Cybertoad (0)
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Well I took some advice from our wise crew here and so far eliminated 300gigs, it is not allot but a start.
I think in the future I will take Capns advise too and load only what I might keep. I tossed stuff today I had no idea why I even downloaded it. Some was fuzzy outta focus.
The only joy was being able to review some old stuff knowing it was opening up my space.
My goal is 1 tb tossed if I can clear that I will have allot of space leaving about 2 tb's of pristine porn left give or take a gig . I once had over 4 gigs which is nothing for some of you. But I made dumb mistake when I would take a break I would delete the collection and then start over. Then I horded LOL now maybe a nice medium here would be nice. Since 2007

09-23-12  01:15pm - 4492 days #2
Cybertoad (0)
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Ok guess i'll take a dive in this one as, so many many many years ago.
Me and my pals found an interesting way to make money, as a kid I always had cash even though my family did not give me allowance. I did the typical kid thing for awhile mowing lawns. One day as my dad brought me along to take stuff to the dumps I saw piles of Lawn mowers just thrown to the side. Well I thought I could fix those up and sell them, but they were 5 miles away and well I didn't drive at age 10 . So I went and grab my best friend and said hey we could make some cash doing this. We drove our bikes to the dumps on Sunday ( they were closed sundays). And had made a large board with skates of them to haul a few mowers back. While we were there at the dumps and about to take our haul we saw, near the employee shed Biclcycles. OK as a kid it does not get any better then having free bike parts. So we took the mowers with plans to return the next week for bikes. Eventually we would have a small repair business repairing these for others around the neighborhood at age 10 and 11 this was good money.

Ok so about the porn .....I know what the hell Cybertoad what the hell does the dumps, bikes and mower have to do with porn ?

Well we went back that next week to get the first set of bikes. The employee shack was about 15x20feet and bikes stacked in a pile maybe 100feet long near it.
Must have been 2000 bikes.
So I started digging through the bikes and notice my friend let call him RM, was no where to be seen. I started looking and on the far side on the shed was a covered boxes maybe 30 boxes and he was looking in one of them. He turn and said look, as he held up a book with a motorcycle and a girl on it completely nude.
This was 1970 and Easy rider was a new magazine apparently. I had never seen a book like this ever. Most nudity I saw was when I got out the tub LOL.

So I was in shock and aww as I starred at this black haired girl legs long enough to reach from the sissy bar to the handle bars and she had these two very large items attached to her chest. So as we completely forgot why were were even there, I think was bikes we sat and started reading this miracle of human design, putting undressed women in a magazine. As we started looking there was other magazine too Penthouse and Playboys and wow ok now what do you do with these?
He and I knew there was something not quite right about taking them home and showing mom. .
We grabbed a few of the boxes and hid them in a old house that was near by out in a field half way between my house and the dumps. No one went there as you had to go over several streams and a rail bridge to get the that side of the field.

Well, bikes were cool, and mower too. But a boy and boobies well hot damn.
Now we knew this was a find, but we knew our fell males in the neighborhood would find them interesting.
Aww but alas this was our find. But for a fee we would let you have one. So in my back yard I had a shed a large one given to me for repairing the bikes and the mowers and a small room in back where we kept the reading material. The kids would come by and could read a magazine for .25 or buy it for a 1.00

We had a good thing going and about $800.00 a piece for 1970 was a shit load of money for me and RM.

Well this was one great spring and summer. As we started to wind up summer for school we knew it would be hard to get supplies at the dumb so with a large tow-able sled with wheels we took it to the dumbs bright and early about 7am. Sundays were quiet very quiet at the dumps. we loaded up the sled and pulled it down the to edge of the dumps behind two large trees near the road but could not be seen. We then took my freinds bike with what would be like a wagon being towed behind him. We took about double what we had ever before so we sat and read a few of our finds. It was about 9am and time to head back summer was hot and well we did not want to haul bikes back at 99 degree.

So I started walking over the hill to my bike near the road and my pal was just about behind me and I heard
" FUCK " now we didn't cuss much, maybe it was the fuck from porn or just knowing that was the best word for now, but RM, let FUCK fly. I looked at him and he was not looking at me. about 300 yards away there was a white truck pulling up to the main entrance. He layed his bike down and I hit the dirt. The man pulled in and went to the shed. We had come here later and never saw anyone. He went over to the side where the boxes were. as we didn't move a muscle. He came out from that side and was peering around. He walked to his truck grabbed some binoculars and look through them, from that far away it looked like he looked right at us. After 10 minutes he walked to the gate and locked it and went in the shed.

My friend and I crawled about 50 feet to the edge of the hill where would could not be seen, took the boxes out of the wagon and dragged his bike near flat down the hill. then went back up and got the reading material.

You would think that was the end of it ? No this would be a cat and mouse game over the next 5 years. And the closest he came would be when I drove my car there.
After I turned 15 we stopped and never went back the dumps had moved and you could no longer get in very easily from the back side. And if you did you could not bring much back.
It became a guess of whether he would be there or not, he would park near he garbage sometimes to blend in so it became a scout mission every-time we went.

Over all we made about $6000.00 in those years selling porn, bikes and mowers. As the mid 70's would roll around I would begin transporting other material that is not porn related.

So that was my first taste of porn, I never saw movies until I was like 17 or 18 and it was some old reel my dad had, and I setup and my friends came over and watched and we drank beer. The movie was more stripper then anythink. ( mom made day throw it out we recycled it and watch it LOL )

The rest is too long of a story, and I have more then spent $6000.00 for porn since the 70's.
But it was fun and a adventure, and to this day the rush of porn was nothing to being chased and stalking for our supplies. I do it all again !

CT Since 2007 Edited on Sep 23, 2012, 01:24pm

09-23-12  09:33am - 4492 days Original Post - #1
Cybertoad (0)
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I recently have ran out of drive space for the collection, funny really did not see it coming.

I tried some house cleaning but still no room.
I have other collections like private movies pictures, and over 16,000 song titles aside from my porn collection. o allot going on on the drives.

Buying another drive is not justified right now as I already have enough drives I just think I have to much porn LOL and seems I like them all. Kinda like eating pie there is no bad piece.

I can not come up with a good solution just wondered if anyone every comes up with this? Like others I would hate to delete and regret later that Ginger Lynn I thought was old or something.

I guess it is like that TV show hoarder, I need to go through the piles and remove some and keep some.

Just wondered what others do ? Since 2007

09-23-12  08:38am - 4492 days #13
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by Denner:

Great to have you among us, still......be a mess without you, honorable Graymane of Virgina.

Here Here

Its like a brick wall holding up the flood that would try and destroy porn, and each member is a brick in that wall, take out one brick and it would fall. If we are all bricks then Khan must be the mortar that holds it all together and patches the small holes that may occur. Since 2007

09-23-12  08:33am - 4492 days #2
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
There is this one AVS Video Converter 8.2 it about 59.99.

I know my others like Adobe etc do it,

But there is http://www.xilisoft.com/ they make a bunch of software too also 59.00

There was another one but I am not sure can't rememeber I am turning the half century mark later this week brain cells must be deteriorating as we speak lol Since 2007

09-21-12  04:14pm - 4493 days #6
Cybertoad (0)
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Oh cool lol Since 2007

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