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05-10-10  10:06pm - 5357 days #4
Wittyguy (0)
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Registered: Feb 04, '08
Location: Left Coast, USA
Do a keyword search of "download managers" at the top of the forum home page. There have been several threads that have discussed this topic before. Hope you find what you're looking for.

05-10-10  12:29pm - 5357 days #119
Wittyguy (0)
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Hollywood has this idea that putting anything out in 3-D is going to save their financial bacon because of the jacked up ticket price for 3-D. Avatar was worth seeing in 3-D but I've also concluded that I'm not paying to see many more movies in 3-D because, for me, the effects don't justify the price. I'll take a decent plot and lines over flashy effects most any day but then again I'm not 16 with mom and dad funding my quest for gnarly films to see.

Also, wondering if anyone has seen Iron Man 2 yet. The reviews have been less than spectacular but I enjoyed the first movie.

05-10-10  12:26pm - 5357 days #10
Wittyguy (0)
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I'm stuck with Comcast like R.B. and subject to their 200 to 250 gb monthly limit (which I never come close to using, BadAndy I am not). The main reason ISP's impose limits (I'm just guessing here) is to limit the number of BitTorrent users and others who use large volume file sharing services. It fucks up the service of "legitimate" users and messes up the ISP's ability to uniformly predict and react to spikes in usage. The upside for the ISP is that they can charge more, a lot more than what it actually costs, for those who exceed their DL limits which are probably starting to get too low in this day and age.

It's sort of a double edged sword. If Congress passes a law requiring "Net Neutrality" (ISP's cannot filter or control the DL limits of users or prioritize them) then we all end up paying a lot more for service because the ISP's then have to upgrade their systems to handle the minority "super sucker" downloaders. If we keep with the current system, most of us get around just fine but the industry simply sits on its profits and doesn't invest for the internet of the future. Google's experiment with recruiting test cities for super high speed service (roughly one gig a second DL rates) might change this equation but in any case the web infrastructure is behind the times already so we'll all pay for it in the end ... just like a bad prison joke.

05-07-10  12:45pm - 5360 days #9
Wittyguy (0)
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For me, "nonacting" (can't tell by her reaction if she's reading a book or getting getting a dp) and overacting are scene killers. Like Capn said, that's why pics rule for me. I'm much happier with a photo set of a decent looking star than with the video of someone clearly not into it or just going through the laundry list of really bad lines. I don't know who would find this kind of acting a turn on unless you're from a Muslim country and have never seen porn before.

05-07-10  12:40pm - 5360 days #5
Wittyguy (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

5. We seem to expect more from our sites than TBP / other commercial sites. This seems kind of obvious given the Top 30 have an average site score of 79 and presumably we only join sites that we think will interest us. Is this because we go back to our favorites and end up seeing more of the same at the same quality levels (boring) or because we are seeing stuff we like and we want more of it at the highest quality level our modems and hard drives can handle?

Damn, I must be important since I'm quoting myself. Anyway, he's a potential answer to the question (quote from http://www.marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2010/05/why-do-products-please-us-less-than-experiences.html ):

We compare products more than experiences, and since products are doomed to not be the best we could ever have got, we are sad. When we don’t compare, we are happy.

This requires one of two things:

1. that when we can’t compare something, we assume it is better than average
2. that we find knowing how something compares displeasing in itself unless the thing is the best.

Either of these seem like puzzling behaviour. Why would we do one of them?

A related reason is that we are more likely to reevaluate products, which sit around and get reused and become less novel, than we are to fundamentally reevaluate experiences.

05-06-10  06:26pm - 5361 days Original Post - #1
Wittyguy (0)
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About two months ago when I was bored out of friggin' gourd I decided to do a bit of number crunching (it seemed more entertaining than doing my taxes at the time; hell, I guess doing anything but my taxes would be entertaining at that point). After months of time churning advanced calculations that would make Stephen Hawking cry on a highly advanced liquid cooled parallel processing supercomputer (also known as a hand held calculator splashed with beer and operated with 2 fingers), the results are finally in.

I looked over the top 30 points leaders here at PU. Am I biased? Maybe. I figured the top 30 was manageable and it provided enough of a sample pool to see what people were up to. In case you're wondering the top 30 have generated about 40% of the PU reviews here and they had enough reviews to discount the one review wonders and site bashers. I also noted that in the top 30 there were a grand total of 10 "no trust" votes out damn near a thousand trust votes cast.

We seem to all score pretty conservatively. Exotics4me had the highest average site score of 85.4. James4096 bottomed out the group with an average site score of 72.5. The average score for all sites among the top 30 was a 79 (same with the "mean" or weighted average). For comparison, the average score among all reviews at TBP is in the low 70's: then again they look at everything while we presumably are only joining sites that we're interested in.

When looking at each of the top 30 reviewers 10 highest rated sites, only 18 out of the 30 had an average score of 90 or greater. TBP's top 10 reviews averaged out at about 93.5. There was only score of 100 from a PU top 30 and none at TBP.

For the most part, we tend to stick to the well beaten path of usual sites. Mbaya seems most likely to review sites that haven't been reviewed before. However, most of the PU top 30 haven't posted reviews of any more than 2 of the TBP top 10 ranked sites. I attribute part of this to the fact that the majority of the top 10 TBP sites tend to be softcore glamor sites which most of us can't stomach in large quantities.

Here are some other random thoughts and observations from looking at a number of random reviews among the PU top 30 points leaders:

1. We tend to talk about price a lot while TBP doesn't factor it into a score. This in part might explain why we are scoring lower on average than TBP since even though we liked a site we can't get over having forked over some hard earned bling to view the goodies. Does free access make TBP more of a softie when it comes to reviews or are we just more jaded?

2. We tend to be more objective than subjective when discussing sites. A few, but not many, talk about specifically what they liked in a site but most of us talk about site statistics and overall impressions as opposed to specific models (unless a solo site) or issues.

3. One review that I found interesting was Asmith12's review of "Fucking Gamble" (go here: https://www.pornusers.com/replies_view.html?id=45107. I don't know if it was intentional, but he used a +++, ++, and + feature in his "Pros" section to emphasize what he really liked over what would just be considered a standard positive note. I liked this aspect because it emphasizes what a site does really well (or not in the case of a con comment) without having to get too wordy about it. I might start using this on my future reviews. Asmith probably writes the best "subjective" reviews in that he doesn't focus too heavily on the site statistics and numbers and focuses more on his impressions.

4. With 40% of the reviews, you figure that the Top 30 PU points people have to be generating some decent coin for the TBP folk. I see that there aren't any page view counters on any TBP or PU site (trade / proprietary / business secrets?) but you have to guess that people who go to TBP (they're always among the top couple of listings on Google when you search for "porn site reviews" ) read at least some of the PU linked reviews too. Multiple reviews from multiple authors in one place; no other porn review site has that -- now that's marketing. At least I can say that I've probably won more on the weekly drawings than I've spent on porn since joining PU. How many of the points leaders are running a deficit in that regard? Should we unionize and demand reparations or be happy with a pass time hanging out with a bunch of pervs who inform us on our hobby?

5. We seem to expect more from our sites than TBP / other commercial sites. This seems kind of obvious given the Top 30 have an average site score of 79 and presumably we only join sites that we think will interest us. Is this because we go back to our favorites and end up seeing more of the same at the same quality levels (boring) or because we are seeing stuff we like and we want more of it at the highest quality level our modems and hard drives can handle?

Enough for now, I'll leave the rest to the accountants ....

05-05-10  04:25pm - 5362 days #7
Wittyguy (0)
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Hard to say on how long the artsy phase will last. First, even for those of us into hardcore we sometimes venture to the dark artsy side of the street (guided by what Yoda calls the "the force" but is really just hormones that need to be "beaten into submission" for something different so it seems to me the good artsy sites like Met-Art probably have lots of subscribers. Also, artsy softcore sites probably find it easier to get hot new models (because it isn't really porn), get subscribers who wouldn't otherwise go to hardcore or toy oriented sites (because it isn't really porn), have kick ass quality because they have photographers who usually know what they're doing and want to highlight their work (because it isn't really porn), find it more socially acceptable like Playboy (because it isn't really porn) and find it relatively inexpensive to hire photographers and models from Eastern Europe to shoot their content (unlike most US/Western Europe porn).

So, Capn, the market is saturated I grant you but is that really a bad thing ... isn't that like someone complaining about having too much sex. I also like to think that it is one of the few good trends in our perverted corner of the world. Playboy, Hustler, etc. never made the leap to the web until way too late and with mostly lame results. The big boys of the softcore world became Met-Art and a few others which, surprisingly, set the bar pretty high with good quality from the start. That forced the others to keep up with the trend and, perhaps unfortunately, focus too much on the artsy angle. I think a lot of these sites got their initial inspiration from Playboy and the rest which focus on airbrushed girls in seductive poses on couches made from the finest Corinthian leather, specialty Naugahyde, and rare imported pleather. Regular porn just seemed to throw some crap up on the web that we hungrily ate up without a lot of concern as to the quality of the product until the last few years when more sites like DDF and 21stSextury established some decent quality standards. Unfortunately, they continue to be the exception, not the standard.

05-05-10  01:10pm - 5362 days #5
Wittyguy (0)
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Of course, being that it's May 5th here, what are we American's up too? That's right, drinking shit loads of Corona beer, busting pinatas and donning our ponchos in order to celebrate Cinco De Mayo (Mexican Independence Day). Unless your foreign culture celebrations involve lots of alcohol, we just don't care ... unless you happen to have lots of oil or Muslim fanatics in which case we'll spend trillions just to cap your ass.

Seriously, it is nice to see someone from Europe have something nice to say about America. Could you perhaps spare a few hundred billion for a bailout for us too?

04-30-10  01:58pm - 5367 days Original Post - #1
Wittyguy (0)
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The fine hard working folks at Apple aren't content with just offending women with the I-Pad, they're now on a quest to conquer the planet by patenting forms of nonverbal communication. Here's what Steve Jobs just got a patent on:

Apparently these hand gestures are patented in conjunction for use in some upcoming touch sensitive screen device. So, here's my question: Apparently this is part of Apples plan to make any future I-gadgets incompatible with future competitors touch devices (and you thought learning different software was a pain in the ass, try remembering which device uses which hand "save" function ... promptly leading to frustration and use of the universal "save this" sign ).

Seeing this made me realize that at some point some porn geek is going to patent different hand positions for some futuristic "love glove" or similar device. Good forbid someone try to get exclusive domain over my "double eagle claw technique" (advanced users only), my "SpongeBob Jizz Pants" maneuver, or even my choreographed "Knock on Wood" rhythmic interpretive dance special. The government has let people patent human genes, business models and animal creations but I'll be damned if I'm going to let them patent something that's in direct violation of my freedom of masturbation (one of the lesser known amendments).

I urge all pervs to unite and send me large amounts of money so that I can patent all of the "basics" (see here: http://www.89.com/d/?d=advice-masturbation) and donate those rights to goodwill of all mankind. Any leftover money will be used to "erect" a statue of on the mall in Washington DC.

04-30-10  01:29pm - 5367 days #9
Wittyguy (0)
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While we're on the subject of "government hard at work" (does that mean it's OK to pop a few Viagra before going to the office?), here's an even better one from the fine folks in Arizona.

For those outside the US, Arizona has decided that it's time to emulate Nazi Germany by requiring every immigrant to carry their "papers" at all times and requires police to request verification of a persons immigration when they have reasonable suspicion that they are not citizens (aka - you have brown skin). Not content enough with this, Arizona (aka - "Democracy's Meth Lab" is now going to ban teachers with thick accents from the class room. Of course, in order to comply with No Child Left Behind federal rules, Arizona hired a bunch of hispanic speaking teachers several years ago to work with kids for whom English was a second language. I can't wait to see the lawsuits over this one.

Now, the governor is about to sign a new law that will cause any state school to lose its funding if teaches a course that "promote the overthrow of the U.S. government, promote resentment of a particular race or class of people, are designed primarily for students of a particular ethnic group or advocate ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals." Say goodbye to any ethnic studies classes, political theory classes that discuss communism, or perhaps even some kinds of foreign language classes.

Now that's your government hard at work.

04-29-10  03:49pm - 5368 days #7
Wittyguy (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

Wittyguy, in regards to the sexual harassment, I'm not really sure it would be a huge problem since it mentioned one employee had hundreds of pictures on her computer--so clearly it's just not bored male bureaucrats. And maybe if they were only downloading from American porn sites you could argue they were not wasting money, just using it to stimulate the economy the old fashioned way. You know, I've always wondered how many stimulus checks from the last few years have gone to bury porn...

Cool, a federal female employee feeding the slot machine on the taxpayer dime (or has inflation made that a quarter now). Actually, same sex sexual harassment is a big issue that employer's don't think about or address so much. The laws are such that it doesn't matter what sex the offender is, it's mostly how their conduct reasonably comes across (lots of companies get sued because a bunch of dudes suddenly decide to call some schmuck "gay" and ride him, figuratively in most cases, all the time about it).

As for the stimulus checks, I can't say that I've heard of too many people using them to "bury" porn ... sounds like something the conservative nutjobs might do or those survivalists who need to preserve their stash against the fascist/socialist black UN helicopters who are coming to take our credit cards and preforeclosure homes away.

04-29-10  03:27pm - 5368 days #13
Wittyguy (0)
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Originally Posted by hodayathink:

Maybe it's because I've had good experiences with forums, but I completely disagree with you. While I do think that a good webmaster has a clear idea of what they wants their content to be like and follows it, I also think that a good webmaster encourages and looks out for ideas from their members and is willing to try suggestions if they feel that it can fit into what their vision is for their site. And I generally don't want them looking at the competition for all their new ideas. If I wanted what the competition was offering, then I'd join that site. I join a site because it offers something that interests me, and if they just start to become a carbon-copy of another site, that's usually when I start to lose interest.

I have to agree to an extent in that sites shouldn't be looking at the competition as the only place to get new ideas ... if this happened it would just become a race to the lowest common denominator. I guess my point was that customers who join a site have a predisposed interest in the content and having a room full of "yes men" isn't always the best way to generate new ideas. The good webmasters listen to their clients, look at the competition, and also try to figure out to keep on improving without breaking the bank. I just think most of the polls and forums out there are there primarily as secondary content (like the mostly useless third party feeds) where customers can interact amongst themselves or feel that they're contributing when, in fact, they're not.

The other issue with listening to customers on forum boards is that people have all sorts of interests. Some want huge silicon boobs, some want skinny teens, some want softcore, some want more hardcore, some want more of the same models, others want new models, etc. Thus, its hard to please everyone and, for those shooting their own content, it depends a lot on model availability and model costs.

When it comes to technical specs (pic and vid sizes, stream rates, etc.) that probably should be the most effective use of polls and forums, customers saying what they want, but in reality we all want bigger and better formats; no rocket scientist needed there. Any webmaster worth their salt knows that regular high quality updates, big pix and vids, good stream rates, and a nice layout get high marks on review sites. Those who can should go better. Those who don't probably can't because they don't produce enough of their own material, are too lazy to upgrade, can't afford to upgrade, lack the technical skills or staff to update/upgrade, or are simply happy with their revenue streams and don't want to mess with what they perceive as a good thing. It's only this last example that could probably be persuaded to change through customer input but if they don't care ....

At best customer feedback will give webmasters an idea if they're on the right or wrong track. In truth, what we have to say is purely secondary behind revenue and production or acquisition of content.

04-28-10  12:53pm - 5369 days Original Post - #1
Wittyguy (0)
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Came across an article talking about how Visa was starting to crack down on businesses that share customer credit card with third parties without the customer's consent. Visa has imposed a new rule prohibiting this practice which cost consumers over $1 billion last year and it results in a lot of time and hassle for the credit card companies to deal with customer complaints. It appears this rule would have the effect of banning prechecked cross sales upon signing up for a website without providing follow up emails and consent disclosures.

The problem with this rule is that Visa is only applying the rule to transactions involving different merchant account numbers -- meaning that you sign up for a site run by merchant A and the cross sales are for sites run and processed by merchant B. Thus, it appears that you can still get slammed with cross sales if the cross sale is for a site or product owned by the same company.

Apparently the billing processor Epoch is in full compliance with the new rules. Proof once again to think twice before using lesser known billing processors.

The end result is that I think we'll see fewer prechecked cross sales overall but the practice will still continue, especially with the large porn companies that have multiple sites. I'm sure some of the smaller sites using foreign processing companies will still try and go the traditional "bait and switch" route relying on the fact that they're just small fish that Visa might not care that much about.

I honestly don't see why Congress couldn't pass a simple law banning the principal. Such a law wouldn't have to apply only to porn but would cover all sites. Simply make it so that prechecked sales to US residents are prohibited and require a separate web page for consumers to check the special "ripoffs" ... I mean "offers" that they want. Some in the porn industry will bitch about this because it cuts into their revenue but I say if your business model heavily relies upon duping customers then maybe you and Bernie Madoff should be spending some quality time together making license plates for $2 a day.

Here's the full article: http://business.avn.com/articles/37893.html

04-28-10  12:36pm - 5369 days #2
Wittyguy (0)
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There was actually a news article today saying that no one would be fired for their porn escapades. Frankly, the people at the SEC aren't doing anything different than lots of other people do at work. A great clip I saw a while back was some market guru reporting from a company bull pen while some trader had some porn rolling on his monitor in the background. Conservatives always get up in arms about this stuff because it's "government wasting tax payer money" etc., etc. Frankly, if they aren't watching porn then they'd probably be watching You Tube or playing solitaire.

If you have time to spend on porn at work then the boss probably won't be happy since you're not working. The secondary consideration is that the person watching porn at work is moron who doesn't realize that a company of any size tracks web use and site destinations of it's employees (do you want a moron working for you). Third, you then have the whole hostile environment / sexual harassment thing that can cost big $$ if someone takes offense at the moron running porn on his work station. Any smart person would realize that's what the ipad was invented for ... frequent trips to the bathroom with your personal porn pad (would that be a p-pad ... maybe when Steve Jobs finally figures out that flash media would be a good app to adopt).

04-27-10  12:06pm - 5370 days #18
Wittyguy (0)
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I've advocated knocking sites a few points if they engage in regional pricing. I know that TBP doesn't do it because they don't factor price into the score. However, since PU is more wide ranging I encourage handing out an occasional bitch slap to sites that employ this practice. Yes, it's often the billing processors that drive the practice but the site itself has the power to end the practice. If you want to stamp out regional pricing, you have show sites that there are negative consequences for doing so.

I actually find it hard to believe that sites go along with this ploy. OK, they can make more money, usually off the Euro pervs but they have to realize that some people aren't going to sign up for a site if they realize they're getting ripped off. No other businesses that I know of charge more for products just because someone lives "here" as opposed to "there". People would bitch and complain and eventually go somewhere else. I don't know why porn sites think they have found financial nirvana by going along with something that potentially hurts their bottom line and reputation more than the few extra dollars flowing their way. Processing companies don't care, they make money off of each transaction and that's what they want to maximize. Porn sits, at least good ones, are like all businesses and need to include more long range planning. Thus, you have competing interests at work and it seems like the processors are winning.

I'm sure the billing companies roll out a nice powerpoint slide or two showing that regional pricing increases revenue but websites need to remember who is feeding them this information and if, just maybe, the conflict of interest that is really at work here is perhaps skewing the data at all. Besides this "data" isn't going to show long term consequences of people who decide to go somewhere else because of the price disparity. People don't like to feel as though they're getting ripped off so you have to figure this is going to come back and bite you some day.

04-27-10  11:53am - 5370 days #9
Wittyguy (0)
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In my opinion forums are popping up at porn sites just so that they can say they have one (because everyone else does too) and they probably think it's something that the younger porn crowd who's tapped into social networking demands. I've never posted on a site forum and I rarely look at them. For me, it's just a distraction from the goodies I'm there to download.

I also think that it's hard to get a webmaster's attention with just a few posts on a site's forum. You may have the best intentions and make valid points / critiques but, again, you're just one voice. I think it makes more sense to post at places like PU where there are more voices to join you and where a large number of potential customers can see the criticisms.

Another problem with site forums is that I don't think the sites put much effort into them. In my book, they should be spending their time updating, upgrading and making better content anyway, not monitoring what some douche bag has to say about some models tits. Also, with pay sites people come and go so no one really establishes a forum identity except for a few long time members who obviously love the site.

Site polls are another thing I avoid. They are simply side entertainment and not worth getting involved with. I really don't care which model gets the title of "Ms. July Ass Muncher". When it comes to polls asking about content, I think sites are probably better served by looking at what their competition is offering and focusing on better quality and more updates than what the occasional perv has to say. Besides, by their nature, polls are limiting devices; you can only choose from a few potential answers by people who are presumably at the site because they like the content. Relying on polls to drive your site is sort of like asking your local priest who is also a scoutmaster and swim coach to tutor your child; not necessarily the best idea in the world.

04-22-10  12:51pm - 5375 days #8
Wittyguy (0)
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This one is hard to answer. Eastern Europe is pretty permissive mostly because the governments choose not to enforce their anti-porn and intellectual property laws. The Dutch, the Czechs, the Swedes are generally pretty tolerant. The US isn't bad unless you're trapped in some rural bible belt hell where the livestock are the victims of most porn inspired fantasies.

The internet is really a big equalizer. So long as you got a connection to the web you can pretty much see what you want to. Even if you live in some web authoritarian country if you are somewhat knowledgeable you should be able to find a way to connect to a server in a freer country and surf at will. Without technology you're pretty much stuck rubbing the stub over 9th hand photocopies of Playboy that make it into your village.

04-20-10  02:07pm - 5377 days #3
Wittyguy (0)
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There was an earlier forum thread on this topic, see here:


04-19-10  01:08pm - 5378 days #19
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 02:17pm

04-15-10  03:25pm - 5382 days #5
Wittyguy (0)
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There should be a law passed that says sites with original content must either be resold to existing sites or given to BadAndy -- the unofficial universal library of porn. That way when the modern world finally finds a way to destroy itself future generations will have plenty of anthropological "spank" material to judge us by ... I'm sure it was Shakespeare or Yoda who said "Judge me not by the size of my member, rather by the material that makes my member work." Anyway, if BadAndy has all the good unused stuff then maybe they'll make room for backup copies of his hard drives in Svalbard ([http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svalbard_Global_Seed_Vault]). Edited on Apr 15, 2010, 03:30pm

04-14-10  02:52pm - 5383 days #125
Wittyguy (0)
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Originally Posted by Khan:

That's not technically correct. They own a copyright immediatly upon creation and can enforce that copyright to stop others from using their material. Where the "must file documentation with the government" comes into play is if they wish to sue someone for damages (read: money). In that case, they DO need to have filed their copyright with the gov't.

I guess I didn't realize that was the case anymore. However, a quick google search on the issue also reveals that unless you register your copyright within 3 months from the time the work was published you cannot claim certain damages and attorneys fees in enforcing copyright infringement (piracy) claims. Those are two big whammies and without them I don't think as many porn producers would be chasing pirates in court.

04-14-10  12:32pm - 5383 days #122
Wittyguy (0)
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Making Money and Destroying Copyrights in Obscenity Cases

Just to note, John Stagliano goes to trial in early July in his obscenity case. A good chunk of the prosecution focuses on a downloadable trailer of a Bella Donna video available from his site. All the usual stuff about what constitutes "the community" under the Miller test in the internet age, whether the full video should or should not be shown to the jury, and what makes something obscene will be vigorously litigated and then his fate will be decided by 12 members of some Northern Virginia jury who weren't smart enough to figure out how to avoid getting stuck on a multi-week trial and then years of appeals will follow.

There some interesting tidbits at issue that often get overlooked. First, there is the idea that Stagliano was targeted in part because his company won a large judgment against a video pirate and because his company has some good assets. Through an arcane and tortuous history, it became the law that if something is found obscene, then the government can seek forfeiture of all "instrumentalities" underlying the offense. "Instrumentalities" includes the building where the obscene video was made, the building it was shipped from, the materials used to produce the video, the business assets used, business bank accounts, etc. In other words, if you've been shooting porn for decades and then a jury finds one video obscene then you're whole enterprise can be seized by the government. While law enforcement and prosecutors don't get paid extra from any forfeited assets you can sure as hell bet that it looks damn good come promotion time to be able to say you were responsible for generating millions of dollars of income for your nation. It appears that there is at least some evidence that the government targeted Stagliano for the potential money and then forum shopped (looked for a good conservative pro-prosecution jurisdiction to have the questionable videos shipped to and viewed from) to better their chances for a conviction. It remains to be seen how much of this will make it to the jury but it is a bit disconcerting that this might be happening. Criminal RICO laws (the ones used to take down mafia clans and drug cartels) allow for forfeiture but the government doesn't use those forfeiture laws too often lest they become abused and then Congress takes them away. There's no leash on the obscenity people here apparently and I doubt Congress cares if some porn king loses his McMansion and sports cars. I also wonder how courts could justify taking an entire business when 99.9% of its assets came from completely legal (aka - nonobscene) business. It'd be sort of like someone getting busted for selling a small bag of marijuana and then they lose their house, car, bank account, and retirement investments because of that one illegal sale. The US Supreme Court has already said it doesn't like punitive damages in civil cases much beyond 10 times the original verdict so if a video only generates a few grand in revenue I find it hard to argue that all assets suddenly are up for grabs. Another unanswered question.

A second issue at hand includes copyright laws. In order to have a valid copyright, the business or person producing the material must file documentation with the government. If the porn prosecutors decide that getting some big money forfeiture notches in their belt is the way to go, then it makes sense to track the copyright filings. Companies that file lots of copyrights indicate that they are financially healthy and worth pursuing. Without copyright protection, businesses can't legally stop people from selling or pirating their wares. Can you say "chilling effect"?

It will be interesting to see how all this shakes out this summer. Edited on Apr 14, 2010, 12:35pm

04-13-10  01:48pm - 5384 days #11
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04-12-10  11:52am - 5385 days #11
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04-12-10  11:39am - 5385 days #18
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I use the latest version of Firefox and while it is a bit slow on the initial start-up I don't really find that it slows things down much. No problems with it crashing on my end either. I haven't really played with Chrome mostly because I got Firefox tweaked the way I like it and I do like all the little add-ons they have for it that the others lack. I could see shifting to Chrome in the future if my side business starts picking up and I need to integrate more business function / links / email all together; Chrome is the best I've heard when it comes to that. Until then, I've pretty much ditched Exploder and only have it installed as backup in case Firefox fuck's me down the road.

04-08-10  03:16pm - 5389 days #29
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04-07-10  01:08pm - 5390 days #5
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No one like cross sales but I think they're here to stay. Since porn is basically on the edge of legitimacy in most people's minds and the internet is not terribly regulated I think most porn sites, even the big name ones, have adopted it as a normal business operating procedure simply because everyone else does it. They can get away with it because some sites are overseas and beyond the arm of the law, they deal in a purely web based commodity, some people don't want to complain to their bank/credit card because they'd be embarrassed, or some combination thereof.

If "normal" sites started doing this people would be up in arms and there would be laws passed against it right away: Amazon doesn't suddenly put a bunch of crap in your cart right before hitting the "buy" button and the clerk at the grocery store doesn't throw in a box of prunes when you're at the check out. It's basically theft for the unwary which society doesn't tolerate. So long as cross sales don't venture too far out of the porn world then we're stuck with them. However, I'm sure there is a sweet class action lawsuit waiting out there for some lawyer to generate some major fees from with the current practices. I'm not sure why no one has been sued over this already because it's the billing companies that have the deep pockets and they're the ones in cahoots with the websites in keeping this practice alive. This a problem that won't be solved any time soon by legislation, only by litigation.

04-05-10  12:44pm - 5392 days #53
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04-01-10  11:02am - 5396 days #24
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03-31-10  01:54pm - 5397 days #11
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03-30-10  12:10pm - 5398 days #6
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Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

4. Spanking your monkey wont make you go blind.

That may be true but it may also get you in trouble with ASPCA and PETA. Isn't it just enough to say "Bad Monkey" or put it back in it's cage for a timeout ;)

I used to occasionally watch some of the religious nut job shows for some humor. My favorites are the ones who are always predicting that the end of the world is near and that every news headline is a harbinger of armaggedeon ... just like it was last week ... and the week before that ....

You also got to love Pat Robertson too since he manages to find God's message in every natural disaster (it's pretty much because all of "those people" sinned -- I'd love to see what he'd say if a tornado destroyed his tv studio). Of course, no one can top the Westboro Baptist Church (www.godhatesfags.com) which unfortunately has no tv show but has protestors everywhere, including military funerals where they harass families of fallen soldiers with signs proclaiming that the soldier's death was caused by America's homosexuality problem.

Frankly, America is a hell of lot more tolerant about porn today then it was years ago which is mainly due to the internet and the fact that everyone looks at now. The religious puritans, right wing nut jobs and others looking for a scapegoat will always turn to porn as being a primary destructive force since we all know sex is bad unless done solely for reproductive purposes. They've already lost the porn culture war, it's just that it is still effective at drawing attention to their cause and for raising money.

03-29-10  01:26pm - 5399 days #46
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03-28-10  08:34pm - 5400 days #32
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03-28-10  08:15pm - 5400 days #33
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03-25-10  01:20pm - 5403 days #22
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03-25-10  01:12pm - 5403 days Original Post - #1
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03-25-10  11:55am - 5403 days #15
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03-25-10  11:48am - 5403 days #8
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As for video formats I would go with .wmv, mp4 and possibly an iphone or similar phone sized app for downloads. I think, although we PUers don't have much use for it, having stream capability is also good since more people are going to mobile devices or simply don't want to store large files. AVI is going away and I've never been overly fond of DivX so long as the overall quality of the footage is good. Mpegs and Quicktime are completely outdated and overrated.

As for bitrates, like Ragingbuddhist noted I would have several options with the top end being in the 1200 to 2000 range and low end somewhere in the low 100's. People who only have dial up access are most likely to use a low level stream only function or not really mess around much with the downloads.

03-24-10  01:27pm - 5404 days #9
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03-23-10  05:50pm - 5405 days #2
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03-22-10  12:25pm - 5406 days #21
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03-19-10  02:28pm - 5409 days #18
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03-18-10  02:08pm - 5410 days #6
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03-15-10  09:22pm - 5413 days #3
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Technically, we're all naked; we just happen to wear clothes most of the time. Don't you just love the vagaries of language. I suggest that Cap'n sit down with the Eskimo's who came up with like 37 different words to describe snow and do the same for nudity. Here's some to get you started:

"Nudity" = your birthday suite
"Nakedness" = small children and Euro types who walk around with no clothing and basically cause no public uproar.
"Streaking Naked" = redundant, I know, but implies someone being nude to get a reaction from the public.
"Freakin' Naked" = someone who is not clothed and ready to get their freak on.
"Fuckin' Naked" = I have to explain this one then you probably shouldn't be reading material on this website.
"Frackin' Naked" = Spaceship nudity in, or absent, the presence of Cylons
"Nudism" = implies an artistic sensibility, like the women who sign up for those nude art classes hoping to some dudes shriveled schlong and attempt to paint it much larger in hopes of not offending anyone and thereby self enabling their own sexual dissatisfaction with their boyfriend/spouse.
"Nudism-gism" = What happens after people have been Fuckin' naked for a while.
"Penumbranudism" = someone who is not entirely nude but revealing more than polite society would like.
"Cameltoedism" = showing the outlines of one's crotch while still wearing clothing, next stop is Freakin' Naked.
"Like2fireonity" = seeing a small furry nude kitty (anyone who actually dresses their cats should be shot) and having suicidal thoughts.
"Capnudity" = a phobia involving the fear of seeing super heroes in the buff.
"Crabbycrotchitynakedness" = what you get when you don't spend top dollar cover charge to see strippers.
"FantasyFreakNudity" = the difference between what your seeing with your long time significant other and what you're wishing you were seeing.

I'm sure there are many more that are just escaping me at the moment ....

03-15-10  09:03pm - 5413 days #6
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03-15-10  12:16pm - 5413 days #2
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03-10-10  12:19pm - 5418 days #4
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I think that the reason amateur sites score low is because they just don't have the overall quality that makes up most of the score for a review. For whatever reason, most amateur sites post small sized pictures, have poor lighting (amateur), and don't have good video quality (one angle or the shakey camera going on). Amateurs can make up the difference by regularly blogging and interacting with members on live cams but this isn't the reason most people join porn sites and it doesn't score many review points. Also, most amateur sites tend to be single model sites which tend not to score real well either unless they have a number of guest models going in and out or are sponsored and run by a high end production company (Club Sandy for example). It also takes a lot of time and effort to run a good website though technology is helping out on that one. You could do a really good amateur site in terms of quality but it's hard to do or at least hard for most people to do well it seems.

I've only joined a few amateur sites in the last few years and I've never been overly impressed. It's good if you want to see real people having real sex or want to interact with the people you see. For me, I'd rather have decent camera work, respectable vid and pic sizes and an assortment of hotties to fuel my imaginary lusts rather than seeing what my neighbors might be doing with their camcorder.

03-09-10  08:55pm - 5419 days Original Post - #1
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 02:08pm

03-08-10  12:00pm - 5420 days #25
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03-08-10  11:50am - 5420 days #15
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