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04-17-20  10:10am - 1616 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Posts: 1,583
Registered: Jun 26, '19
Location: CA

Dr. Oz thinks people didn't understand what he was saying when he said that schools should re-open to get the country going again. He said that only 2 to 3 percent more people could die from the virus.
What's the problem with an extra 2 to 3 percent more people dying?
Death is part of life.
Get over it.
Face the facts, people.
As a medical doctor, Dr. Oz is used to people dying all the time.

What a wuss. He is now apologizing to people who did not understand his message.
He is an expert in minimizing risks.
So if 2-3 % more people die because the school open early, that's fine.
It's good.
Because the country needs to return to normal.

A better approach would be to ban swimming pools in this country.
Did you know that 360,000 people a year die from swimming pool deaths.
Ooops. That the figure that Dr. Phil McGraw quoted.
The real figure is 3,500 a year from swimming pool deaths.
But think of the lives we could save by banning swimming pools.
And then we could open the schools, because we've save so many people from drowning in swimming pools. --------------

Dr. Oz apologizes for saying schools should reopen because ‘only 2 to 3 percent’ more people could die

Yahoo Celebrity
Suzy Byrne
Apr 17th 2020 10:57AM

Dr. Oz is backtracking on comments he made on Fox News amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The TV doc (real name: Mehmet Oz) faced backlash for saying on Hannity that schools should reopen to get the country going again — as that “may only cost us 2 to 3 percent in terms of total mortality.” He said those deaths “might be a trade-off some folks would consider.”

The Dr. Oz Show host has since apologized, saying he he “misspoke” when he minimized the risk and potential loss of life.

“I’ve realized my comments about risks around opening schools have confused and upset people, which was never my intention,” he said in a recorded video. “I misspoke. As a heart surgeon, I spent my career fighting to save lives in the operating room by minimizing risks.”

He continued, “At the same time, I’m being asked constantly: How will we be able to get people back to their normal lives. To do that, one of the important steps will be figuring out how do we get our children safely back to school. We know for many kids, school is a place of security, nutrition and learning that is missing right now. These are issues we are all wrestling with and I will continue looking for solutions to beat this virus.”

On Tuesday’s Hannity, Oz said that the first step in reopening the country would be to “get our mojo back.”

He continued, “Let’s start with things that are really critical to the nation where we think we might be able to open without getting in a lot of trouble. I tell you — schools are a very appetizing opportunity. I just saw a nice piece in The Lancet arguing the opening of schools may only cost us 2 to 3 percent, in terms of total mortality. Any life is a life lost, but to get every child back into a school where they’re safely being educated, being fed and making the most out of their lives with a theoretical risk on the backside, that might be a tradeoff some folks would consider.”

Oz has been offering ongoing commentary to Fox News during the pandemic, with the Washington Post pointing out the school death comments were “only one of dozens of pronouncements that Oz has offered on Fox since the advent of the coronavirus pandemic, during which the network has turned to him on a range of topics far outside his background as cardiothoracic surgeon.”

Earlier this month, Anthony S. Fauci, President Trump’s infectious disease expert, questioned another of Oz’s claims on Fox & Friends when he supported the use of hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malarial drug, in treating COVID-19. He said, “Although there is some suggestion [of effectiveness] with the study that was just mentioned by Dr. Oz .... I think we’ve got to be careful that we don’t make that majestic leap to assume that this is a knockout drug. We still need to do the kinds of studies that definitively prove whether any intervention, not just this one ... is truly safe and effective.”

Oz and other celebrity health experts have been busy as talking heads amid the pandemic — but there has been one misstep after another. Dr. Drew Pinsky — an internist who found fame hosting shows like Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew — was criticized for calling COVID-19 “way less serious than influenza” and “a press-induced panic.” He compared the probability of dying from the disease to being “hit by an asteroid” — though the U.S. death rate is now over 33,000.

Meanwhile, Dr. Phil McGraw, who is not a medical doctor (he’s a former psychologist) was trending on Twitter Friday after citing incorrect statistics to Fox News’s Laura Ingraham. McGraw, who like Oz rose to fame as an expert on Oprah Winfrey’s talk show, questioned why the economy would shut down over the pandemic when it was never shuttered when people die from lung cancer, car crashes and pool drownings. None of those causes of death are contagious, it was pointed out. He also cited incorrect data — for instance saying 360,000 people a year die from swimming pool deaths when the number is around 3,500, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

04-16-20  04:49pm - 1617 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Posts: 1,583
Registered: Jun 26, '19
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Apr 16, 2020 3:33pm PT
Sylvester Stallone, Lin-Manuel Miranda and More Remember Brian Dennehy: ‘Simply a Brilliant Performer’

Brian Dennehy Dead
Carolyn Contino/BEI/Shutterstock

After news broke on Thursday that Tony-winning actor Brian Dennehy had died, tributes from those who had worked with and admired him began to pour in on social media.

Dennehy, who was 81, starred in “Death of a Salesman” on both Broadway and television, as well as films such as “Tommy Boy,” “First Blood” and “Cocoon.”

Sylvester Stallone, who performed alongside Dennehy in “First Blood,” shared a photo from the film on Instagram with the caption, “He simply was a brilliant performer… He also was a Vietnam vet that helped me very much building the character of Rambo.”

The great actor Brian Dennehy has passed away. He simply was A brilliant performer … He also was a Vietnam vet that helped me very much building the character of RAMBO The world has lost a great artist. #First Blood

A post shared by Sly Stallone (@officialslystallone) on Apr 16, 2020 at 12:59pm PDT

Mia Farrow, who worked with Dennehy on the play “Love Letters” in 2014, shared a photo of the actor with her dog, Bowie.

Just devastated to learn that the magnificent Brian Dennehy has died. They is no one i enjoyed working with more. And there are few friends as valued in my life. I took this photo backstage when we were in Love Letters. He loved my pup Bowie. pic.twitter.com/s55Cc37lFy

— Mia Farrow (@MiaFarrow) April 16, 2020

“Hamilton” creator Lin-Manuel Miranda reminisced about seeing Dennehy on stage, calling him “masterful” and “a colossus.”

Was lucky enough to see Brian Dennehy twice on stage, masterful in Love Letters, and monumentally heartbreaking in Death Of A Salesman. A colossus. What a loss.

— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin_Manuel) April 16, 2020

Josh Gad also mentioned Dennehy’s performance in “Death of a Salesman,” tweeting that “it will go down as one of the crowning performances ever delivered.”

Another day. Another piece of devastating news. For those who never got to see Brian's towering performance in "Death of A Salesman," it will go down as one of the crowing performances ever delivered in a stage. #RIPbriandennehy https://t.co/23QgabbeZY

— Josh Gad (@joshgad) April 16, 2020

Patton Oswalt referenced his comedic bit about first meeting Dennehy at a buffet table in his tribute, also sharing a photo of their animated characters in “Ratatouille.”

#RIPBrianDennehy “Character actors! Who gives a fuck if we’re fat?” You were the best rat-dad a little chef could ask for. Miss you, man. pic.twitter.com/wTJpc3IHGB

— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) April 16, 2020

Lili Reinhart, who worked with Dennehy on a pilot, tweeted a photo of herself with the actor to commemorate him. “He was so kind and incredible at his craft,” Reinhart wrote.

I had the privilege of working with Brian Dennehy on a pilot years ago. He was so kind and incredible at his craft. My thoughts are with his family ❤️ pic.twitter.com/JY17whIAdN

— Lili Reinhart (@lilireinhart) April 16, 2020

Academy Award-winning actor Marlee Matlin paid tribute to Dennehy on Twitter, calling him a “tremendous actor.”


“Desperate Housewives” actor Dana Delany, who worked with Dennehy on the 1999 film “Sirens,” wrote on Twitter that “they don’t make his kind anymore.”

I met Brian in a bar, acted in a movie with him but the stage was what he loved. In rehearsal he said, “This is it, kid.” He was a fellow nutmegger, mick and a Marine. They don’t make his kind anymore. ❤️to his family. https://t.co/0TLeo2MAyt

— Dana Delany (@DanaDelany) April 16, 2020

William Shatner tweeted that Dennehy was a “wonderfully talented actor.”

Condolences to the family of Brian Dennehy. 😞 A wonderfully talented actor.

— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) April 16, 2020

Actor John Lithgow also paid tribute, referring to Dennehy as one of the greatest.

We’ve lost one of our great actors. Rest #BrianDennehy

— John Lithgow (@JohnLithgow) April 16, 2020

Read more Twitter tributes to Dennehy below.

Sending sympathy to Elizabeth Dennehy and her family on the loss of her father, the great Brian Dennehy.

— Brent Spiner (@BrentSpiner) April 16, 2020

RIP Brian Dennehy. You left a beautiful cinematic mark. #BePeace https://t.co/nhwqUIARke

— Carl Weathers (@TheCarlWeathers) April 16, 2020

RIP Brian Dennehy. Brilliant and versatile, a powerhouse actor and a very nice man as well.

— Michael McKean (@MJMcKean) April 16, 2020

I’m just devastated to hear we lost my beloved friend and colleague, #BrianDennehy. We were partners on two of my favorite films, Split Image and Best Seller. I’ve never laughed so hard as we did every day on the set or off. For a big “tough guy,” he was a sweetheart. #RIPBrian pic.twitter.com/EjsxMvqlxw

— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) April 16, 2020

Very sad to hear about the passing of Brian Dennehy. He was a fantastic actor on the big and small screens, as well as theatre. Another great loss!!! RIP MM pic.twitter.com/tv8ZwdRbO9

— Malcolm McDowell (@McDowellMalc) April 16, 2020

Rest In Peace Brian Dennehy!
If y’all didn’t know who this man
was, you should.
He was one hell of an actor!
I learned a lot from watching his performances.
You will be missed!#BrianDennehy🙏🏼❤️ https://t.co/B7YdWkjcxX pic.twitter.com/lL7tCbrLkY

— kirk acevedo (@kirkacevedo) April 16, 2020

The great Brian Dennehy has died. I loved co starring with him in Deadly Matrimony. One day he completely rewrote a scene and handed it to me. It was great. I said give me 30 minutes. We shot it. A great great actor has passed RIP https://t.co/HBatWSfNdO

— Treat Williams (@Rtreatwilliams) April 16, 2020

Brian Dennehy gave the address at my college graduation. About halfway through he took a long pause, removed his sunglasses, robbed his eyes, looked out at a sea of students and growled, “Hell of a way to get over a hangover.”

Still laughing. RIP pic.twitter.com/Ga34YU6alS

— Tom King (@TomKingTK) April 16, 2020

Brian Dennehy, Burly Actor in 'First Blood,' 'Cocoon' and 'Death of a Salesman,' Dies at 81 https://t.co/iqRXLPWfEO Gutted. RIP Bear

— TitusWelliver (@welliver_titus) April 16, 2020

He gave beautiful commencement at my college graduation ⁦@Columbia⁩ -then saw his brilliant work on broadway #DeathOfASalesman, &17 years later I worked w/ him ⁦@NBCBlacklist⁩ where he continues to be a key character. RIP. One of the greats. https://t.co/4gCiOyqxSc

— Amir Arison (@AmirArison) April 16, 2020

In memory of Brian Dennehy… pic.twitter.com/WU62h7DyTp

— Dave Vescio (@DaveVescio) April 16, 2020

04-15-20  05:47am - 1618 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Registered: Jun 26, '19
Location: CA

Kirk Cousins: Playing games without fans due to coronavirus would be ‘refreshing’

But the question is: how can you play football if you are obeying the 6-foot-distance rule?
Will the players keep at least 6 feet away from each other?
Will everyone wear surgical gowns and surgical masks on the football field?

And will the football be dis-infected every time someone touches it?
Enquiring minds want to know:

Kirk Cousins: Playing games without fans due to coronavirus would be ‘refreshing’

Yahoo Sports
Ryan Young
Apr 15th 2020 4:51AM

Nobody knows what the NFL season will look like this fall amid the COVID-19 pandemic, which has brought the sports world to a complete halt over the last month.

Minnesota Vikings quarterback Kirk Cousins, however, thinks that there are “creative and unique ways” to ensure that the season takes place at least in some form.

One of the options many have floated is to simply play games without having fans in attendance.

While that would undoubtedly provide for a strange atmosphere — and still put players, coaches, officials, staff and more at risk for contracting the virus — Cousins said Tuesday that he actually wouldn’t mind playing in an empty stadium.

In a way, he said, it would be kind of nice.

“Honestly, we practice every day in an empty grass area and pump in fake crowd noise for away games,” Cousins said, via ESPN. “But more often than not, you’re used to it. OTA practices don’t have a lot of pomp and circumstance to them.

“So honestly to go out and just play the game would kind of be refreshing, a breath of fresh air, to just let us know that we don’t have to have all the smoke and the fire, we can just play football.”

Cousins threw for more than 3,600 yards and 26 touchdowns while completing better than 69 percent of his passes last season, his eighth in the league.

There were more than 580,000 confirmed coronavirus cases in the United States as of Tuesday night and nearly 1,700 in Minnesota. At least one notable health expert, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, told The New York Times last week that he didn’t think it would be a “plausible possibility” for larger gatherings like conferences, concerts and athletic events to return until “fall 2021 at the earliest.”

Regardless, Cousins doesn’t care how it shakes out. He just wants to play.

“As long as we’re playing the game, I won’t have a lot of complaints,” Cousins said, via ESPN. “And hopefully if it’s still not returned to normal, we can find a way to make it work.”

03-30-20  10:39am - 1634 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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I'm starting to see porn about the corona virus.
But it doesn't follow the guidelines of social distancing.
Therefore it's not safe sex.

Stay at least 6 feet away from your partner, if you want to indulge in sex.

That's what the surgeon general and the CDC recommend.

Better safe than sorry.

I know that when cum shoots out, it takes a virile man to shoot 6 feet or more.
But even that is not safe sex.

Stay tuned for further guidelines from the surgeon general and the CDC.

Also, Donald Trump is moving his goal of churches filled on Easter to a later date.
Even Trump is beginning to realize the virus can be dangerous.

03-30-20  08:02am - 1634 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Hasbro Releases Full Episodes of ‘G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero’ on YouTube for Free

Posted on Monday, March 30th, 2020 by Ethan Anderton

Watch G.I. Joe Animated Series

Since the population of the United States (and the rest of the world) is spending a lot more time at home these days thanks to our efforts to fight the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, there’s never been a higher need for streaming content. There are plenty of options at your disposal, including our recommendations in our new recurring feature The Quarantine Stream, and Hasbro has just offered up full episodes of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, the original animated series based on the popular Kenner toys.

Below is the full playlist of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero episodes that Hasbro has made available on their YouTube channel. The playlist covers the first 15 episodes in the show’s history, starting with the first two five-part miniseries and the first five episodes of the official first season, which also play out like a five-part miniseries. Here are all 15 of the episodes you’ll find from Hasbro:

The M.A.S.S. Devices Miniseries

“The M.A.S.S. Device, Part 1: The Cobra Strikes”
The M.A.S.S. Device, Part 2: Slave of the Cobra Master”
“The M.A.S.S. Device, Part 3: The Worms of Death”
“The M.A.S.S. Device, Part 4: Duel in the Devil’s Cauldron”
“The M.A.S.S. Device, Part 5: A Stake in the Serpent’s Heart”

The Revenge of Cobra Miniseries

“The Revenge of Cobra, Part 1: In the Cobra’s Pit”
“The Revenge of Cobra, Part 2: The Vines of Evil”
“The Revenge of Cobra, Part 3: The Palace of Doom”
The Revenge of Cobra, Part 4: Battle on the Roof of the World”
“The Revenge of Cobra, Part 5: Amusement Park of Terror”

The Pyramid of Darkness Miniseries (Beginning of Season 1)

“The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 1: The Further Adventures of G.I. Joe”
“The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 2: Rendezvous in the City of the Dead”
“The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 3: Three Cubes to Darkness”
“The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 4: Chaos in the Sea of Lost Souls”
“The Pyramid of Darkness, Part 5: Knotting Cobra’s Coils”

We’re not sure if Hasbro intends to keep adding episodes in waves, or if this is just a way to entice fans to pick up the complete series of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero. But we’re sure plenty of you G.I. Joe fans haven’t seen these episodes in years, so enjoy them now. If you want, you can pick up the entire series from Amazon for $56.95, but you’ll be waiting awhile before you get it.

03-22-20  07:21am - 1642 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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My heart bleeds for Daniel Craig.
Not only were his hopes of playing Superman dashed, but he was forced into playing James Bond.
What is a super-star actor supposed to do?
And he married Rachel Weisz, instead of Miss World 2020, which must have been another Mega-disappointment.

Actors lead terrible lives, full of faults and crises.
Can we pass the hat around for Danny, so that he can afford a better role, a better wife?

True facts: in 2015, Daniel Craig said in an interview:
"I'd rather slash my wrists than play James Bond again"

After four films as 007, British actor says if he did reprise role, ‘it would be only for the money’

But now that he's done it for the money, he feels better about playing James Bond.
Daniel Craig Wanted To Play Superman As A Kid, But Ended Up As James Bond
Rafael Motamayor
March 21, 2020 3:30 pm

Not everyone gets to fulfill their childhood dream. Maybe you wanted to be a writer but ended up with an office job, or dreamed of being a paleontologist and instead ended up writing this very article. Or maybe, just maybe, you’re Daniel Craig and you couldn’t fulfill your childhood dream of playing Superman, so you had to settle for playing James Bond.

In an interview with Saga magazine (via Metro), the actor talks about what his dream role was as a kid. “People are always saying to me, ‘You must have dreamed of playing James Bond when you were a kid.’ The answer is no. I never did.” Craig said. “I dreamed of being all sorts of other things – Superman, Spider-Man, the Invisible Man, even a good old-fashioned cowboy. But Bond so much, which seems ironic now.”

Talk about a downgrade, especially considering he’s played the iconic spy five times (including the upcoming “No Time to Die”) while the latest Superman actor played the part only three times before the franchise was quietly scrapped (at least for now).

Of course, Craig has nothing but good things to say about playing James Bond, adding “‘I’ve been lucky enough to land one of the best roles in movies. There’s been no downside to playing Bond.” When the conversation turned to his role in “No Time to Die” the actor said he wouldn’t have felt comfortable leaving after “Spectre” in 2015 as he originally intended. “I’m really … I’m OK. I don’t think I would have been if I’d done the last film and that had been it. But this, I’m like … Let’s go. Let’s get on with it. I’m fine.”

03-19-20  12:40am - 1646 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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The easier way to find them is to check rabbitsreviews.com.
But they are scattered at the PU and The Best Porn sites as well.
Metart, 21 Sextury, Devils Film, Wicked Pictures, etc., all for under $10 the first month.

03-18-20  05:13am - 1646 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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WOMEN 02/06/2020 04:03 pm ET
Erykah Badu Plans To Sell Incense That Smells Like Her Vagina
The R&B singer’s announcement follows Gwyneth Paltrow’s, who is selling a candle with the scent of private parts.
By David Moye
Content loading...

Attempting to market a line of incense scented like one’s private parts may or may not be a bad idea, but it’s definitely a Badu idea.

R&B singer Erykah Badu told 10 Magazine that when her new online store, Badu World Market, launches on Feb. 20, one of the items will be closer to her than others: A personal brand of incense that she claims smells like her “superpower,” subtly named “Badu’s Pussy.”

“I took lots of pairs of my panties, cut them up into little pieces and burned them,” she told the publication. “Even the ash is part of it.”

Apparently, the intimate-scented incense will just be a “first edition” since Badu claims she now no longer wears underwear.

Badu is the second celebrity in recent weeks that’s trying to market a private-part-perfumed product.

Recently, Gwyneth Paltrow started selling a candle that supposedly smells like her vagina.

However, it’s no secret that Badu has previously sung the praises of a good smelling genitalia, as this 2014 tweet amply demonstrates:


Ladies..For a SWEET vagina
I Drink raw cranberries often.
Now the secrets out. (Reluctantly)

ALSO promotes healthy,strong WOMB &bladder.

03-17-20  09:57pm - 1647 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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The last 3 reviews by mbaya seem to be cut and paste.
mbaya complained my review barely said anything about a site.
Let's look at how mbaya writes his reviews:

How much original content is there in the pros and cons of the 3 sites from New Sensations network,
or is it one review, repeated 3 times?

Can you tell me if these reviews meet the requirements for an eligible review?

Hot Wife XXX
Pros: -Part of New Sensations Network of 25 Sites
-Decent size archive of 124 videos on the site
-No download limits
-Updates once a week
-Discount through PU
Cons: -There is a prechecked cross sale
-Advertising on member’s pages
-Many scenes were on DVDS first.
-The biller is Epoch, reliable but I don’t like them

Stretched Out Snatch
Pros: -Part of New Sensations Network of 25 Sites
-Large archive of 288 videos
-No download limits
-Discount through PU
Cons: -There is a prechecked cross sale
-Mostly remastered videos so the specs say one thing and what you see is of lesser quality.
-Scenes are taken from DVDs. They may not be exclusive.
-Advertising on member’s pages
-Mostly low quality videos
-The biller is Epoch, reliable but I don’t like them.

Fresh Outta High School
Pros: -Part of New Sensations Network of 25 Sites
-Large archive of 346 videos
-No download limits
-Works well a couples porn
-Discount through PU
Cons: -There is a prechecked cross sale
-Mostly remastered videos so the specs say one thing and what you see is lesser quality.
-Scenes are taken from DVDs
-Advertising on member’s pages
-No updates from September of 2018
to one scene in February 2020.
-The biller is Epoch, not one of my personal favorites, but reliable.

03-17-20  12:30pm - 1647 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Location: CA

mbaya's reply on 2020-03-17 to my review of First BGG, submitted 2020-03-17:

Correct me if I am wrong. I must be getting senile.

This is a network review.

The only facts about the site per se are that it updates once a month and there are 121 videos and photo sets.

I must have missed the rest of the information about the site.

Tom, what do you think? Teen Mega World had a review by the author last July so it is not a year yet.
Reply from LKLK:
mbaya must have skipped over the review, or read it too hastily to understand what I wrote:

From the pros section:
Facts and details that refer not just to the network, but to the First BGG site:
-They are working constantly to update and improve the site and network.

One of the benefits or pros of the First BGG site:
-As part of the Teen Mega World network, you get access to 33 teen porn sites. There are no premium sites you have to pay extra for.

-The site (and some of the network) has 4K videos, as well as lower definition videos.
-The site (and some of the network) has high resolution images.
-Navigation is easy. It's easy to switch between sites in the network.
-PU has a discounted price of $14.95/month recurring.
-Unlimited downloads.
-Unlimited streaming.
-Although this is not a glamour site or network, the girls are basically white teens who are attractive.

From the cons section:
I explain that you should join through the main TMW site, because the search returns content from the entire network.
If you join through the First BGG site, or one of the other sub-sites, the search will only return content from the site you joined through.
This is important--even though the search at the TMW site is poor, and used to be better.
-If you join through the main TMW site, the search returns content from the entire network.
However, if you join through one of the other sites in the network, the search returns only content from the site you joined through. So do yourself a favor, and join through the main TMW site.
-I think they did a recent update on the search engine and messed it up. Assume you log in through the TMW site, and not the First BGG site. You enter the name "Lolly Small" in the search. What you are returned is a huge number of hits, most of which have nothing to do with Lolly Small. The search for "Lolly Small" returns 301 results. And Lolly Small only has 10 videos at the network.
I've been a continuous member of the network for over 3 years now, and the search at the TMW site used to be good, returning only results that matched the model's name.

This refers to the site (as well as the network):
-Pre-checked cross-sale on join page.
-Login and member pages are non-secure. Not https. So easy to hack.

I explain why the First BGG site has a slow update rate:
-Although the network has a daily update, the update rate for the site is approximately 1 per month.
2018-11-27 the site had 110 videos.
2020-03-17 the site has 121 videos.
So over time, the update rate is less than 1 per month.
The reason for the slow update rate for the site is that updates are spread over the network, so the BGG site gets less than 1 new video plus matching photo set per month.
Which is more than acceptable, since there is a huge amount of teen content in the network to look through.

The biller for the site is Vendo. Which is less well known than CCBill or Epoch.
-Vendo is the billing agent. Not as familiar as CCBill or Epoch. But I've used Vendo many times, and never had a problem. So I'm listing it as a minor con, but it's not really a con. I've used Vendo for WowGirls, DDF Network, Ultra Films, Lust Week, etc.
-Many of the sites are archive sites, that haven't updated in years. The quality of the archive sites is definitely less than the current output of videos and photosets. Some of the archive sites do not have streaming; you have to download the video or photo set to see it.

The site photosets have a zip file, but only in 1 definition:
-The photosets have a zip file, but it's only in 1 definition, not low, medium and high.

Site theme: One guy on two girls. Forget love, these girls are interested in sex. And they are willing to share a guy.
Site stats:
videos: 121
photo sets: 121

This review is on First BGG, but I believe the details on the TMW network, of which First BGG is part of, can be helpful.

What I like about the site and network:
The models are mainly attractive young teens, who put on a good show: they seem to enjoy the sex.
The models are real teens. Not a lot of fake boobs. Not a lot of tattoos.
This is not a glam site or network.
The network started around 2005.
The site (First BGG) started around 2011.
The network started out as a low-rent teen hardcore collection of sites.
Over time, they have spent a lot of time, effort and money into upgrading the network and included
For the last few years, you can stream or download the most recent videos in 360p up to 2160p.

The upgrades included:
With a membership in any site in the network, you now get access to all the sites (currently 33 sites.)
Better equipment for filming and photographing, better, more expensive sets, better costumes (the costumes are street clothes, but better street clothes than what they used to wear), better lighting, sound control.
The videos and photo sets from the last few years are excellent quality: not glamcore, but still excellent quality.
The quality obviously gets worse as you look at the older material.

First BGG is part of the TMW network. TMW is one of my favorite teen hardcore network. I wouldn't say that First BGG is one of the top sites in the network, but it is a worthwhile addition to the network.

I'm giving the site a score of 90. That is basically because joining any site in the network gives you access to the entire network.
If I had to score the First BGG by itself, without network access, the score would be much lower.
But it's still a good site, with 121 videos and matching photosets.

In conclusion: although I am mixing details of the site and network in the review, I believe it helps to understand the site better, if the network details are included.

To say that "The only facts about the site per se are that it updates once a month and there are 121 videos and photo sets." seems like a huge error.

Did mbaya read the entire review?
Did he understand my review?

To me, it seems he has an agenda that the review is worthless, because it's from a fellow PU member that he seems to regard as a competitor.
Is the review worthless, or did it break any PU rules?
Not in my opinion, certainly.
But different opinions from different folks.

To be fair, you could ask the PU members to vote on whether the last 5 or 10 reviews from me, and from mbaya, have any value.
Or if they meet the standard of quality that PU should accept.

I'm more than willing to accept the vote of the PU membership, if my reviews have any value, or lack value and should be denied.
If you are willing to have the PU membership vote on mbaya's reviews, as well.
Do mbaya's reviews have any value, or should they be denied?

If you really want to get specific:
Look at mbaya's reviews of sites from each network. Compare the points he makes with the points in each review.
He is comparing a network review I wrote with a review on a specific site (The TMW network and the First BGG site).

How many similar points does he make in his reviews, of sites from the same network?

Can we go back and deny or disqualify all his reviews that have too many similar details?
mbaya, please stand up to be counted for truth and honesty: do you repeat details from related sites?
Do you repeat details from former reviews?

How many of your reviews have stated there is a pre-checked cross-sale on the join page?
How many of your reviews have stated there are no download limits?
How many times has mbaya stated the site was part of a network (as one of the pros of the review)?

If you delete the repeating points, I believe many of mbaya's reviews should have been denied, due to lack of pros, cons, or bottom line details. Edited on Mar 17, 2020, 12:34pm

03-16-20  06:03pm - 1648 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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The coronavirus precautions are now expanding.
In my area (California), they are closing all bars, wineries and non-emergency dental services.
Public libraries are closed until further notice.
Public schools are closing.
All seniors 65 and older, and people with chronic conditions are advised to self-isolate at home.

Regal Theaters (movie theaters) nationwide are closed starting tomorrow until further notice.
AMC Theatres announced on Monday that it will close all theaters nationwide for six to 12 weeks in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

There are probably other closures and restrictions.

But the US pandemic is getting serious treatment.
In spite of what Trump said recently that the coronavirus will disappear by April.

As a side note, the US stock market has been experiencing heavy losses, and is now at the lowest level since the start of the year. Edited on Mar 16, 2020, 11:32pm

03-16-20  03:28pm - 1648 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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I've been reading many myths about protection from the coronavirus.
These are myths, and will not protect you.

A common myth is that eating garlic and drinking water can protect you from getting infected.

Those are myths.

Another myth is that the bite of a werewolf will protect you, or maybe even regrow your hair.
Werewolfism is not a cure for male baldness.
Nor is it a protection against the coronovirus.

However, the bite of a vampire will protect you against the virus.
Vampires are known to be immune to most viruses that infect humans.
Once you have turned, you should be safe from the coronavirus.
Except you now have to be worry about wooden stakes driven through your heart.

And if you are the sparkly kind of vampire from the Twilight Saga series, you don't have to worry about sunlight, as long as you don't mind revealing your inner sparkles to adoring fans.

Be safe, people. There are dangers roaming the outside world.

03-14-20  02:57am - 1651 days Original Post - #1
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The Hollywood Reporter

Max von Sydow, Star of 'The Seventh Seal' and 'The Exorcist,' Dies at 90

5:40 AM PDT 3/9/2020 by Duane Byrge

The acclaimed Swedish actor, who played the Three-Eyed Raven on HBO's 'Game of Thrones,' earned two Oscar nominations and starred in 11 films directed by countryman Ingmar Bergman.

Max von Sydow, the legend of Swedish cinema who dueled with Death in a game of chess in Ingmar Bergman's The Seventh Seal and portrayed the resolute Father Merrin in William Friedkin's The Exorcist, has died. He was 90.

Von Sydow, who starred in 11 films directed by Bergman, typically playing a tormented protagonist, died Sunday at his home in Provence, France.

"It's with a broken heart and with infinite sadness that we have the extreme pain of announcing the departure of Max Von Sydow on March 8, 2020," his wife, French documentary filmmaker and producer Catherine von Sydow, said Monday.

The imposing von Sydow received a best actor Oscar nomination — rare for a performance in a non-English-language film — for playing a Swedish father who emigrates to Denmark to build a better life for himself and his son in Pelle the Conqueror (1987). The somber drama, directed by Bille August, won the Palme d'Or at Cannes and the foreign-language Oscar.

Two decades later, von Sydow worked closely with another young actor and was nominated again, this time for his silent, supporting turn in the Stephen Daldry 9/11 drama Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2011).

He was the only male Swedish actor to be nominated for an Academy Award.

One of the most admired actors of his era, von Sydow made his first foray into U.S. movies in a big way, portraying Jesus in the George Stevens epic The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965). His once said that working on that film was like "being in a prison."

"It was the hardest part I've ever had to play in my life," he said, and that wasn't because it was his first English-language role. "I couldn't smoke or drink in public. The most difficult part of playing Christ was that I had to keep up the image around the clock. As soon as the picture finished, I returned home to Sweden and tried to find my old self. It took six months to get back to normal."

Von Sydow reportedly passed on the opportunity to play the title role of the SPECTRE villain in Dr. No (1962), but he did play the bad guy Blofeld in another James Bond movie, Never Say Never Again (1983).

He also was menacing as the slick assassin in Sydney Pollack's Three Days of the Condor (1975) and as a "pre-crime" boss in Steven Spielberg's Minority Report (2002).

Von Sydow's estimable body of work also includes Hawaii (1966), the spy thrillers The Quiller Memorandum (1966) and The Kremlin Letter (1970), March or Die (1977), Conan the Barbarian (1982), Dune (1984), Hannah and Her Sisters (1986), Awakenings (1990), Until the End of the World (1991), Needful Things (1993), Snow Falling on Cedars (1999), The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007), Martin Scorsese's Shutter Island (2010) and Robin Hood (2010).

Although generally associated with his venerable performances in "serious" films, von Sydow periodically ventured into sillier fare, where he enjoyed playing against audience expectations. That included turns as Ming the Merciless in Flash Gordon (1980) and as a sinister beer maker in the lowbrow Bob and Doug McKenzie comedy Strange Brew (1983).

More recently, von Sydow played explorer Lor San Tekka in Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) and the Three-Eyed Raven on HBO's Game of Thrones — for which he received an Emmy nomination — and filmed Thomas Vinterberg's Kursk (201.

He was born Carl Adolf von Sydow on April 10, 1929, in Lund, Sweden. His father was a professor of comparative folklore at the local university, and his mother was a teacher. He began acting in school plays.

After two years in the Swedish military, von Sydow enrolled at Stockholm's Royal Dramatic Theatre's acting school; during his three years there, he helped form a theater group, which also included actress Ingrid Thulin. By the time he graduated in 1951, he had already performed in two films directed by Alf Sjoberg, Only a Mother (1949) and Miss Julie (1951).

Von Sydow's acting prowess won notice, and he was given a Royal Foundation of Sweden's Cultural Award in 1954, a grant to young actors of promise. The following year, the gaunt, 6-foot-4 actor joined the municipal theater in Malmo, where he met and first collaborated with Bergman.

Von Sydow won acclaim for playing the 14th century knight Antonius Block and engaging in an existential game of chess with the black-shrouded Death (Bengt Ekerot) in the bleak The Seventh Seal, then teamed with Bergman for another film released in 1957, Wild Strawberries.

As a member of Bergman's repertory company, the blue-eyed von Sydow also played a charismatic conjurer in The Magician (195, a raped girl's revenge-seeking father in The Virgin Spring (1960), a clueless husband who loses his wife to schizophrenia in Through a Glass Darkly (1961) and an artist tormented by the fear he's lost his talent in The Hour of the Wolf (196.

His other collaborations with Bergman included Winter Light (1963), Shame (196 and The Passion of Anna (1969).

Working with the filmmaker, especially at the start of his career, was his "most important experience, no doubt," von Sydow told Backstage magazine in 2012.

"It was very special, I was very privileged, and I'm very grateful for all the wonderful opportunities he gave me," he said. "It was also a period of learning, experimenting and developing. He gave young people wonderful opportunities, and he was a great inspiration for everybody. Sometimes he was difficult, of course, and there were some people who had great difficulties working with him, but most of us were very spoiled by him."

In The Best Intentions (1992), von Sydow played Bergman's grandfather in the film that August directed and Bergman scripted.

Von Sydow often portrayed characters that were much older than he was. In The Exorcist (1973), he played the 80-year-old Father Merrin ("The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!") when he was 43.

"Somebody gave me the [William Peter Blatty] book to read and said, 'They want you to play a priest,'" he said in a 2013 interview with the Los Angeles Times. "I read the book and I thought, of course, it was for the young priest. So I said, 'That's a good part.' And they said, 'No, no no. They want you for the exorcist!' I still don't really know why."

Von Sydow underwent three hours in the makeup room each day to look the part. He then got an opportunity to play a younger Father Merrin four years later in John Boorman’s Exorcist II: The Heretic.

Another notable role for him was Karl Oskar, a Scandinavian farmer who comes to Minnesota, in the Jan Troell epics The Emigrants (1971) and The New Land (1972). Both also starred Liv Ullmann.

Von Sydow ventured into directing in 1988 with Katinka, a turn-of-the-century drama about a dreamy woman trapped in a loveless marriage. He employed legendary Bergman cinematographer Sven Nykvist, who had long captured von Sydow's most stirring performances, to shoot the film.

Von Sydow was married to actress Christina Olin from 1951-79 and then to Catherine Brelet, who served as his assistant on several films, since 1997. He also is survived by his four sons.

Mike Barnes contributed to this report.

03-12-20  10:59am - 1652 days Original Post - #1
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March 12, 2020 9:59AM PT
Kate Beckinsale Alleges Harvey Weinstein Berated Her After ‘Serendipity’ Premiere
By Elizabeth Wagmeister
Senior Correspondent

Kate Beckinsale Alleges Harvey Weinstein Berated Her After ‘Serendipity’ Premiere

Harvey Weinstein has been sentenced to 23 years in prison, and allegations of his abusive behavior continue to mount.

Kate Beckinsale claims the now-convicted rapist once berated her for not dressing sexy enough to the premiere of “Serendipity” back in 2001, screaming and calling her a “c—.” Beckinsale’s infant daughter was present when the alleged incident occurred.

“The minute the door closed he started screaming, ‘You stupid f—ing c—, you c— you ruined my premiere.’ I had no idea what he was talking about and started to shake,” Beckinsale wrote on Instagram, shortly after Weinstein was sentenced by a New York City judge. “He said, ‘If I am throwing a red carpet, you get in a tight dress, you shake your ass, you shake your t—, you do not go down looking like a f—ing lesbian you stupid f—ing c—.'”

“The shock made me burst into tears,” Beckinsale wrote.

A rep for Weinstein didn’t immediately return Variety‘s request for comment, in response to Beckinsale’s claims.

“Serendipity,” starring Beckinsale and John Cusack, was distributed by Weinstein’s former company Miramax.

“Serendipity” was released shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The New York City red carpet premiere for the film was set for Oct. 5 and Beckinsale says the cast refused to go “because holding a premiere mere weeks after 9/11 with the city still smoking felt like the most insensitive, tone deaf, disrespectful idea possible.” However, Weinstein insisted the premiere go on, according to Beckinsale, who says, “We flew into New York and somehow got through it.”

The actress says, the morning after the red carpet premiere, Weinstein called her and asked if she would like to bring her daughter, who at the time, was less than two years old, over for a playdate with his young daughter. When Beckinsale showed up to Weinstein’s home, the then-powerful movie mogul began to scream, reprimanding her for her choice in clothing at the premiere the night before.

“I turned up and he immediately called for his nanny to take the babies to another room to play. I went to go with them and he said, ‘No, you wait here,'” Beckinsale says. “The minute the door closed, he started screaming, ‘You stupid f—ing c—.'”

“I tried to say, ‘Harvey, the city is on fire, people are still looking for their relatives, none of us even felt the premiere was appropriate, much less coming out dressed like it’s a bachelor party,'” Beckinsale writes. “He said, ‘I don’t care — it’s my f—ing premiere, and if I want p—- on the red carpet, that’s what I get.'”

Beckinsale recalls Weinstein being “livid” as he screamed at her, and says she managed to leave his home with her daughter.

The actress says this was not the only incident she ran into with Weinstein throughout the years. Beckinsale also says she told other people in the industry about the bad behavior she faced, but no action was ever taken.

“That was one of many experiences I had that there was no recourse for, and falls under no felony,” Beckinsale writes. “But I was punished for it,” she says, “And for other instances where I said no to him for years, insidiously and seeming irreversibly.”

Beckinsale shared her story on Instagram, explaining that she feels relief that Weinstein was sentenced to 23 years in prison, and she hopes his sentencing will be a deterrent for other bad behavior in the industry. “I hope and pray that we, as an industry, can start to actually outlaw all abuses of power and expose them and eliminate them, for all genders, forever,” she writes.

Weinstein was sentenced on Wednesday to 23 years in prison, and was convicted on two charges of a criminal sex act in the first degree and rape in the third degree. His defense team plans to appeal this summer.

03-10-20  10:17pm - 1654 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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‘Avatar’ Franchise Villain Colonel Quaritch is Still Being Discovered and Evolving, Stephen Lang Says

Posted on Tuesday, March 10th, 2020 by Ethan Anderton

At the end of James Cameron‘s sci-fi blockbuster Avatar, which was released all the way back in 2009, villain Colonel Miles Quaritch was apparently killed during the assault on the Tree of Souls. That’s why we were surprised when James Cameron announced that Stephen Lang would be returning in the same role for the forthcoming Avatar sequels. Weirdly enough, there were only three sequels planned when Stephen Lang’s return, but the actor has confirmed that he’s on board for all four, and that means there’s a lot more to learn about the character that seemed rather one-dimensional in the first movie.

Stephen Lang recently spoke to The National (via CinemaBlend) about the return of Colonel Miles Quaritch. Obviously the actor couldn’t reveal any significant details about the story or how his character is involved with it, but he spoke in general about how the character is being approached as the Avatar sequels villain. Lang said:

“I’m working now with a much broader canvas than I was with the first Avatar, and it keeps me in concert with James Cameron to really go to town and examine the character in detail. That, to me, is totally tremendously satisfying and challenging.”

That makes is sound like Quaritch may not be simply classified as a villain throughout the Avatar sequels. That would line up with what Lang vaguely told /Film back at the end of 2018 when he said this:

“Quaritch, his place in this particular universe has gotten more complicated. And that’s kind of the extent of his involvement in the world. The world begins to – the world of Pandora – begins to affect him quite deeply in ways that he either refused or it did not affect him. And it gets under his skin.”

Lang somewhat echoed that sentiment in his conversation with The National when he added this:

“He has evolved, definitely. We’re making four more films, so if he doesn’t evolve, we’re in some kind of trouble. And it’s not always a question of evolution, it’s about becoming more deeply entrenched. I’m still discovering it. That’s something I’ll be discovering as we continue to work because we’re by no means near finished with this process.”

To me, that means Quaritch could end up working with the people he previously fought against. After all, what would make the situation more complicated for Quaritch than if he was forced to change sides. It would also be a challenge for the Na’vi and their allies if they were forced to trust Quaritch in order to help them survive.

We still have almost zero idea what to expect from the Avatar sequels, but they’re still coming. Avatar 2 is slated to arrive in theaters on December 17, 2021, and Avatar 3 will follow on December 22, 2023. If those two movies are successful at the box office, then James Cameron will continue with Avatar 4 on December 19, 2025, and Avatar 5 will finish the franchise on December 17, 2027.

03-07-20  07:38am - 1657 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Real news:
The New York Attorney General is a faithless man.
Who doesn't know a lot of vital information.
He has issued a warning to Jim Bakker, the man of God and televangelist who spent 5 years in prison for fraud.
Bakker is selling a cure for the coronavirus.
The cure is basically colloidal silver.

The National Institutes of Health said colloidal silver has no known function or benefits, which is why the New York attorney general sent Bakker the order.

But the National Instututes of Health is behind the times: Everyone, or almost everyone, knows that silver is an effective weapon against werewolves, the creatures of dark forces.
So maybe silver can be used against a virus.
Stay tuned, for the fight between law and order and the forces of God himself.

Bakker himself is now not only a man of God, but also a lawyer.
So Bakker has first-hand knowledge of how man can transgress against God and the rules of man.
NY AG orders televangelist Jim Bakker to stop advertising unproven coronavirus cure

By: Cox Media Group National Content Desk
Updated: March 6, 2020 - 8:25 PM

CHARLOTTE — Charlotte, North Carolina, televangelist Jim Bakker served five years in prison for fraud in the early 1990s, and now, in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, he is once again garnering attention.

A guest on his new show was pushing a natural product that she claimed could kill the coronavirus.

Sherrill Sellman said Silver Solution is effective against the virus.

The New York attorney general took notice and sent Bakker a cease-and-desist order.

Bakker sells a lot of items on the website for his ministry in Missouri, including the pricey Silver Solution.

Bakker made the pitch during a show in February when he spoke with Sellman about the product, which is basically colloidal silver.

The National Institutes of Health said colloidal silver has no known function or benefits, which is why the New York attorney general sent Bakker the order.

Any representation that Silver Solution is effective at combating or treating the current strain of coronavirus violates New York state law, according to the cease-and-desist order.

In the mid-'80s, Bakker and his then-wife, Tammy Faye Bakker, were on TV raising money for their PTL ministry in Fort Mill until he went to prison on mail and wire fraud charges.

“Well, it’s certainly reminiscent of the past, and the past here in Charlotte,” attorney James Wyatt said.

Bakker has been practicing law since the PTL days and has represented several clients charged with white-collar crimes.

Wyatt said if Bakker keeps selling Silver Solution as a cure for the coronavirus, he may find himself in trouble again.

“He could be facing civil lawsuits seeking to stop him from doing that,” Wyatt said. “He could, if it persists and if it’s egregious enough, face other things such as potential criminal charges.”

© 2020 © 2020 Cox Media Group

03-05-20  05:02am - 1659 days Original Post - #1
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‘No Time To Die’ Release Date Moving To Fall In Hopes Global Theater Biz Back At Full Strength

By Anthony D'Alessandro, Nancy Tartaglione
March 4, 2020 9:00am

EXCLUSIVE: With the coronavirus socking it to the Asian box office, Deadline has learned that MGM, Eon and Universal are postponing the next James Bond movie, No Time to Die from its UK and international release date of April 2 and its U.S. Easter weekend global day-and-date of April 10, and moving the 25th 007 movie to Nov. 25, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.

“MGM, Universal and Bond producers, Michael G Wilson and Barbara Broccoli, announced today that after careful consideration and thorough evaluation of the global theatrical marketplace, the release of No Time to Die will be postponed until November 2020. The film will be released in the U.K. on November 12, 2020 with worldwide release dates to follow, including the U.S. launch on November 25, 2020,” said a statement given exclusively to Deadline by the three studios.

That date brings Bond back to November, which is a season he’s launched from largely going back to 1995’s Goldeneye (except for Tomorrow Never Dies which opened in the U.S/Canada on Dec. 19, 1997). No Time to Die will now face off on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving with Warner Bros. Will Smith King Richard, Disney’s Raya and the Last Dragon, and Sony’s comedy The Happiest Season.

This is purely an economic decision we understand, and not one based on growing fears over the coronavirus. Bond is a day-and-date worldwide release, and with the franchise back in the hands of MGM fully post Sony’s distribution of the last four Daniel Craig movies, along with Universal, all parties involved need to have all foreign territories working at their maximum in order for the latest Bond to be a continued box office success. For a tentpole of this size and scope, that kind of decrease in business would have a significant and detrimental impact on the film’s ultimate global take.

I’ve heard that the move for No Time to Die should not be perceived as a concern about the safety of theaters outside of areas where public health officials have restricted or recommended against attending public events.

All together, the last four Craig 007 movies – Spectre, Skyfall, Quantum of Solace and Casino Royale — have grossed $3.2B in the overall near $7B franchise, with Skyfall being the highest grossing pic of all-time in the 58-year-old series at a whopping $1.1B. Failing at the box office is not an option for Mr. Bond, and for the studios to stick to their original release plan would be a disservice to their partners in exhibition.

Get ready for a big domino effect when it comes to rival studios following MGM/Eon/Universal’s example in re-scheduling their day-and-date event pics. It’s best to wait out the resurgence of key Asian offshore territories, if you have a major event pic on your schedule. No Time to Die, directed by Cary Joji Fukunaga, leaves behind a very lucrative Easter weekend period that’s up for grabs. How much does Easter weekend stand to make? The 2015 and 2016 holidays delivered back-to-back record openings with Uni’s Furious 7 ($161.2M) and Warner Bros.’ Batman v Superman ($181M) driving respective weekend grosses for all titles to $247.1M and an all-time Easter high of $278.5M Stateside.

However, ever since China shuttered its exhibition structure due to the coronavirus outbreak, MGM, Eon and Uni have been in a wait and see mode. With theaters closing across Korea, Japan, Italy and France, there was a clear need to push the release of No Time to Die. The studios have been closely monitoring the coronavirus outbreak like many other companies, and have seen a significant impact on the global market with all industries facing difficult decisions during these uncertain times.

China alone is poised to lose more than $2 billion since shutting 70K theaters this year. The release dates for Universal’s Dolittle and 1917, Searchlight Pictures’ Jojo Rabbit, Paramount’s Sonic the Hedgehog, and Pixar’s Onward have all been postponed indefinitely. For the period of Jan. 1-March 3, Comscore reports that South Korea’s box office is -60%, Italy’s is off 70-75% with roughly half of its cinemas closed (through we’ve heard that’s bound to improve by this weekend), Taiwan is down 30% year on year, along with Singapore (-35%), Philippines (-35%) and Hong Kong (-55%). In total, the global box office is expected to see at least a $5B hit in 2020.

Recent Bond movies have typically had their openings staggered around the globe over two weekends, with initial debut in the UK and select territories, followed by the U.S. and other offshore markets.

For example, when 2015’s Spectre opened in the U.S. to $70.4M, it added 71 markets in its second foreign weekend for a take of $117.38M, bringing its overseas cume to $219.22M and WW haul to $289.6M.

When Skyfall opened to a franchise domestic record of $88.3M in Nov. 2012, the pic’s running overseas tally was at $428.6M, bringing its global take to $516.9M (all numbers unadjusted for inflation).

Uni has No Time to Die all over the world sans some legacy MGM markets, i.e Nordic territories and the Middle East which are being sub-distributed. A UK world premiere was scheduled for Monday, March 30. Originally No Time to Die was to go April 2 and 3 in UK & Ireland, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Serbia, Slovenia, India, South Africa, and Turkey. Then in sync with U.S, the following overseas markets were to open on April 8-10: Australia & NZ, Belgium, France, Italy, Russia, Ukraine, Baltics, Indonesia, Korea, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam, and All of Latin America

The decision to movie No Time to Die, we hear, was fully supported by everyone involved with the movie.

03-04-20  08:44am - 1660 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Redbox has raised rental prices again.
They started off with $1.00 rentals.
It's now $1.80, plus tax, in California.
Which comes out to $1.98.
So it's almost doubled in price.
Still cheaper than going to see a movie in a theater.
But still-----
How many movies are there that are worth paying for?
Or even spending the time to watch, for free?

02-26-20  08:51am - 1667 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Support your local police.
They are the only defense against bullies, thieves, and murderers.
If you don't support them, you will be open to criminals who will hurt and rob you.

Although misdemeanor battery charges against the 6-year-old girl are being dismissed, the state needs to keep a record of her illegal behavior, if she ever commits another crime.
Remember, the three strikes you're out rule.
Body cam captures 6-year-old's tearful pleas during arrest

The Associated Press
Associated Press
Feb 26th 2020 8:26AM

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — A police officer's body camera shows a 6-year-old Florida girl crying and begging officers not to arrest her as one fastens zip ties around her wrists at a charter school.

The video that Kaia Rolle's family shared with the Orlando Sentinel and other media outlets Monday shows the girl being arrested in September for kicking and punching staff members at her Orlando charter school.

“What are those for?” Kaia asks about the zip ties in the video.

“They’re for you,” Officer Dennis Turner says before another officer tightens them around her wrists and Kaia begins weeping.

Turner was fired shortly after the arrest. Orlando Police Chief Orlando Rolon said at the time that Turner, a reserve officer, didn't follow department policy of getting the approval of a watch commander to arrest someone younger than 12.

“Help me. Help me, please!” Kaia pleads through tears.

As she is being walked to the vehicle, she cries, “I don’t want to go in a police car.”

The second officer, who has not been identified, responds, “You don’t want to? ... You have to.”

“Please, give me a second chance,” Kaia says.

The video shows the officer lifting the sobbing girl into the back seat of the police vehicle and putting a seat belt around her.

A short time later, Turner returns to the office to talk to Lucious & Emma Nixon Academy administrators, who appear dismayed by what they have witnessed in the school office.

The officer tells them that the juvenile detention center where Kaia was headed is “not like you think.” Turner tells the administrators he has made 6,000 arrests, including a 7-year-old.

When school employees tell the officer that Kaia is 6, not 8 like he thought, he replies, “Now she has broken the record."

Turner had worked in the police agency's reserve unit, which is mostly made up of retired officers who pick up extra-duty jobs for pay. Because he was a reserve officer, he was not a member of the collective bargaining unit, and the police union didn't represent him, Shawn Dunlap of the Fraternal Order of Police Orlando Lodge 25, said in an email Tuesday.

School resource officers came under close scrutiny in Florida after former Broward Deputy Scot Peterson failed to engage a shooter at a Parkland high school in 2018. He was charged last year with child neglect, culpable negligence, and perjury. That case is ongoing.

The Orlando case drew yet more attention to the role of police in schools.

Jeff Kaye, president of California-based School Safety Operations Inc., said in an email that the officer would not only have been fired in some other states but possibly charged with a crime, such as oppression under color of authority.

School administrators might have been better served by contacting the child's parents and working with a counselor, rather than calling police, Kaye said.

“As long as everyone is safe, take a deep breath, slow things down, and make good commonsense decisions," Kaye said. “I can't think of any reason to ever arrest a 6-year-old child, but I say that based on my training and experience and not that of others."

Kaye said he's had several school districts contact him since the video's release saying they want to re-examine their school resource officer programs because they don't want something similar to happen in their schools.

Officials have said that Turner also arrested a 6-year-old boy at another school on the same day as Kaia's arrest for misdemeanor battery in an unrelated incident. However, the boy’s arrest was halted by superiors before the child made it through the full arrest process.

State Attorney Aramis Ayala said last September that she was dismissing misdemeanor battery charges against both children. Edited on Feb 26, 2020, 03:46pm

02-18-20  10:12am - 1675 days Original Post - #1
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Wendy Williams slammed for mocking Amie Harwick's death with 'Price Is Right' joke
Taryn Ryder
,Yahoo Celebrity•February 18, 2020
Wendy Williams faces backlash for joking about Dr. Amie Harwick's death.

Wendy Williams is under fire for insensitive comments she made about the death of Dr. Amie Harwick. Harwick, a well-known family and sex therapist once engaged to Drew Carey, was killed on Saturday at her home in the Hollywood Hills. Harwick's ex-boyfriend was arrested for murder. The Wendy Williams Show host appeared to make light of the tragedy on Monday.

"Drew Carey's ex-fiancée was tragically murdered over the weekend," Williams said on her show. "Look, look it was like 3 o'clock on Saturday morning or something. Uh, huh, and there was screaming in the neighborhood in L.A."

"Once the cops got there she was down there dead, on the ground," Williams continued, rather casually, as the audience gasped. "Yep. Was pushed off of a third-floor balcony. I'll give you a little backstory. She was killed. Not by Drew."

Williams lightheartedly added, "Come on down!" — the classic phrase from The Price Is Right— as she looked up and down as if she was watching someone fall. (Carey has hosted The Price Is Right since 2007.) The audience groaned and then was quiet. Social media isn't laughing, either.

02-18-20  12:06am - 1676 days Original Post - #1
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Film Reviews

February 17, 2020 10:45PM PT
‘The Cost of Silence’: Film Review

Mark Manning’s eye-opening depiction of the aftermath of 2010’s BP oil spill reveals a frightening case of an ongoing public health crisis.
By Tomris Laffly

The Cost of Silence

Mark Manning
Kindra Arnesen, Riki Ott.

Running time: 104 MIN.

Official Site: https://www.costofsilencefilm.com/

A decade has passed since 2010’s Deepwater Horizon tragedy, history’s most catastrophic oil drilling accident that occurred when a BP-operated pipe exploded, leaking millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. There was no successful intervention for months, and time hasn’t healed all wounds. On the contrary, it opened new, irreversible ones as evidenced in Mike Manning’s revealing, thoroughly-researched and enraging documentary “The Cost of Silence.” With his film — a bit unfocused but effective in its message — Manning builds a far-reaching case for why this particular disaster still needs to be on one’s political and environmental radar, especially with the 2020 presidential election.

An experienced oilfield diver of two decades and the fearless truth-telling filmmaker of “The Road to Fallujah,” Manning had apparently been filming the footage featured in his film in secret over more than nine years. Through it, he slowly exposes a deeply rooted cover-up story, the aftermath of which is now a damning, widespread public health crisis affecting millions of people along the American Gulf Coast, whose collective well-being continues to be surrendered for corporate financial gain. It’s an unbearably inhumane scheme that has to do with not only the oil leak, but also the clean-up procedures that followed, with toxic, chemical-filled dispersants sprayed over the ocean by airplanes.

On the surface, those dispersants — loaded with something called Corexit — served to swiftly address the issue by breaking the oil up. But in reality, the oil wasn’t disappearing. Instead, with Corexit as a facilitator, it was being sent down to the depths of the water as tiny drops, making it an out-of-sight/out-of-mind problem to keep the beaches operational and to prop up the tourism on which the susceptible area relies. What’s worse, the dispersants were also speeding up the ways in which the oil was being disseminated into the human body, while also amplifying the substance’s toxicity to wildlife. (One scientist suggests that the dispersants made the oil approximately 52 times more poisonous to the underwater ecology.)

Manning gathers insights and sound-bites from experts and civilians so wide-ranging that it’s tough to fault the director for the film’s somewhat undisciplined construct, which at times begs for a more centered and leanly focused story. Still — especially given that “The Cost of Silence” is the first exposé of its kind on the topic of the BP oil spill — Manning deserves credit for managing to assemble a complex mosaic of the ecosystem surrounding the crisis, involving both the perpetrators of the calamity and the maliciously neglected public that has been suffering the consequences of their actions.

It’s the stuff of horror movies: case after infuriating case that would keep the likes of Erin Brockovich up at night. Think discharges from ears and noses, grotesque skin inflammations, abnormal bodily growths and rapidly climbing cancer rates among kids and adults alike, and you’ll be in the ballpark of the nightmare Manning witnesses up and down the coast. He centers these fearsome conditions in one native commercial fisher in Louisiana, Kindra Arnesen, who defines herself as a concerned parent first and foremost and not an activist.

On the experts side, Manning privileges Dr. Riki Ott, a marine toxicologist and a former fisher-ma’am in Alaska who comes armed with experience on the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill, having thoroughly researched and written about its public and environmental impact. He also features anonymous sources who fearfully conceal their identities and those fighting the good fight on behalf of the public. These prove especially valuable in the absence of talking heads from BP, who declined to be interviewed for the film but allegedly kept civilians and medical professionals in check for years through intimidation.

It would be easy to put the blame on the previous administration, considering one of the segments of “The Cost of Silence” that depicts then-president Barack Obama, just months after the spill, ensuring the press and the public of the safety of beaches like the mayor in “Jaws.” But the solution-minded Manning has much bigger fish to fry, with Trump up for reelection, after announcing the world’s largest and most controversial offshore drilling expansion plan back in 2018. “The Cost of Silence” gives you urgent reasons to turn up at the ballot box with your rage and opposition.

02-17-20  11:41pm - 1676 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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People call out Ted Cruz for hypocritical tweet about mandatory vasectomies

HuffPost US
Elyse Wanshel
Feb 17th 2020 4:28PM

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), an anti-abortion advocate, sent a tweet over the weekend that slammed legislation introduced in Alabama that would make vasectomies mandatory for men over age 50.

“Yikes,” Cruz wrote Sunday on Twitter in response to the Democratic-sponsored bill. “A government big enough to give you everything is big enough to take everything...literally!”

State Rep. Rolanda Hollis’ bill, HB 238 would require a man to have a “vasectomy within one month of his 50th birthday or the birth of his third biological child, whichever comes first.”

The Birmingham lawmaker told AL.com last week that the legislation is a response to last year’s Alabama abortion ban that makes abortion illegal in almost all cases, including in instances of rape or incest. The abortion ban was signed into law in May, but hasn’t taken effect because of legal challenges.

Naturally, Cruz’s tweet quickly received a deluge of responses from people who couldn’t help but point out that his criticism was not only hypocritical, but proved Hollis’ point in offering the measure.

“Under existing law, there are no restrictions on the reproductive rights of men,” Hollis’ bill says in its synopsis. If it becomes law, a man must pay for the procedure “at his own expense.”

Hollis told AL.com she meant the legislation “to neutralize the abortion ban bill.”

“It always takes two to tango,” she said. “We can’t put all the responsibility on women. Men need to be responsible also.”

Hollis’ bill currently has the placeholder name of “A Bill To Be Entitled.” Maybe this instead? “A Bill For The Entitled.” Just sayin’ …

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.

It's true the Alabama bill would require all men to get vasectomies after their 50th birthday or the birth of their third child.

However, the bill was intended as a form of protest over attempts to enact new abortion restrictions in Alabama and was not intended to be passed as written. Edited on Feb 17, 2020, 11:48pm

02-15-20  08:56am - 1678 days Original Post - #1
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With a special appearance from Willie Nelson.
Is this an example of old-young porn?


02-05-20  06:40pm - 1688 days Original Post - #1
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HuffPost US Entertainment
Feb 5th 2020 6:37PM

Legendary actor Kirk Douglas died on Wednesday at the age of 103.

His family confirmed his death with People.

“It is with tremendous sadness that my brothers and I announce that Kirk Douglas left us today at the age of 103,” his son, Michael Douglas, said in a statement. “To the world, he was a legend, an actor from the golden age of movies who lived well into his golden years, a humanitarian whose commitment to justice and the causes he believed in set a standard for all of us to aspire to.”

Over his six-decade career, Douglas starred in multiple classic films, including “Spartacus,” “Paths of Glory” and “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.” The dynamic actor with the dimpled chin appeared in more than 80 movies, racking up three Academy Award nominations and one honorary Oscar.

He said it was the birth of his first son, actor-producer Michael Douglas, in 1944 that sent him to Hollywood.

“I never wanted to be a movie actor,” Kirk Douglas told Esquire in 2001. “I started out on the stage. The first time I was invited out here, I turned it down. Then Michael was born and I needed money, so I came. Sometimes, the thing that ties you down sets you free.”

Douglas was a tough guy both on and off the screen.

In his defining role, he played the title character Spartacus, an enslaved gladiator-turned-doomed rebel leader, in the 1960 movie directed by Stanley Kubrick. “Spartacus” received four Academy Awards and six nominations.

As executive producer of the film, Douglas hired the screenwriter Dalton Trumbo, then on Sen. Joseph McCarthy’s infamous “Hollywood blacklist.” The public crediting of Trumbo for his script is considered a key moment in the ending of the blacklist, and in later years, Douglas would repeatedly speak about the “guts” it took to hire him. (Like many stories out of Hollywood, the truth of the matter is a bit more complicated, and Trumbo’s family has long claimed that Douglas’ version exaggerated his own role.)

In real life, the actor proved to be just as defiant in the face of age and infirmity. He suffered a heart attack in 1986 and had a pacemaker for the rest of his life. In 1991, he was in a helicopter that crashed into a plane above a Ventura County, California, airport. Two people died in the crash and Douglas’ injuries, including a compressed spine, left him three inches shorter. A near-fatal stroke in 1996 caused severe speech impairment; with therapy, however, he regained the ability to speak.

At the age of 88, Douglas had a double knee replacement. A few years later, he broke his foot. But at age 94, he walked onstage at the 2011 Academy Awards and charmed the audience while presenting the award for Best Supporting Actress. At the age of 101, he appeared at the 2018 Golden Globes ceremony with his son Michael’s wife, the actress Catherine Zeta-Jones.

Born on Dec. 9, 1916, in Amsterdam, New York, he was named Issur Danielovitch, but went by the shorter Izzy Demsky throughout childhood. The only son of Jewish immigrants from Belarus, he grew up poor ― The Ragman’s Son, as he titled the first of his memoirs. His family spoke Yiddish. In his later decades, he would have a second bar mitzvah at age 83 and engage in weekly Torah study.

According to the actor, he held more than 40 different jobs over the course of his life. He studied acting at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York and legally changed his name to Kirk Douglas following his first job in summer stock theater. He joined the U.S. Navy to fight in World War II.

Douglas married his first wife, actress Diana Dill, in 1943. They had two sons, Michael and Joel, before they divorced eight years later. In 1954, he married producer Anne Buydens, with whom he had two more sons, Peter and Eric (who died in 2004).

His storied film career began in 1946 with a role in “The Strange Love of Martha Ivers.” Lauren Bacall had suggested Douglas, her former acting academy classmate, to producer Hal B. Wallis. Within the next decade, Douglas would earn his three Academy Award nominations ― for Best Actor in “Champion” (1949), “The Bad and the Beautiful” (1952) and “Lust for Life” (1956). He won the Golden Globe for his portrayal of Vincent van Gogh in “Lust for Life.” He also received the Golden Globes’ Cecil B. DeMille Award for Lifetime Achievement in 1968 and the honorary Oscar for “50 years as a creative and moral force” in 1996.

Douglas starred alongside Burt Lancaster in seven movies, including “Gunfight at the O.K. Corral” (1957), “Seven Days in May” (1964) and “Tough Guys” (1987). The two had a complicated friendship. Douglas, who reportedly stood 5 feet, 9 inches tall, wore stacked shoes to boost his height in movies. Lancaster, who was over 6 feet tall, would steal the specialized footwear. They had a love-hate relationship until Lancaster’s death in 1994.

In more recent years, Douglas took up blogging, becoming MySpace’s “oldest celebrity blogger.” He had more than 4,000 friends on the social network. In 2012, he began writing for The Huffington Post and continued submitting articles into 2016. Douglas also wrote a dozen books, including the retrospective I Am Spartacus! in 2012.

Douglas persevered by carving his own path. Film critic Roger Ebert, who interviewed him in 1969, quoted the actor as saying:

I don’t need a critic to tell me I’m an actor. I make my own way. Nobody’s my boss. Nobody’s ever been my boss. Your only security is in your talent. I didn’t get into this business as a pretty boy. I’ve made good pictures, bad pictures. I’ve been a maverick. I’ve never been under contract, except for one year at Warner’s after “Champion” ― l’ve made my own way!

Among his many other accolades, the American Film Institute in 1999 named Douglas the 17th greatest American male screen legend. (Lancaster was 19th.) He became a goodwill ambassador for the U.S. State Department in 1963 and received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1981 from President Jimmy Carter.

On his 97th birthday, Douglas published a HuffPost article titled “My Birthday Wishes.” An excerpt:

So I asked myself, what do I want for my birthday? There’s nothing I need, other than good health for my wife and my family.

Suddenly it occurred to me that I knew exactly what I wanted ― a better world for my grandchildren.

But have you ever tried to put 97 candles on a cake? You can’t. So I put 10 candles to represent the 10 decades of my life. Here are my birthday wishes:

Excuse me ― I have a lot of candles to blow out.

02-02-20  07:27pm - 1691 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Fake news: rapper TI says he will submit to gynecological exam to prove that he was still a virgin when he got married.
If the gynocologist is unable to issue a certificate of virgin authenticity to TI, then TI has promised that he will submit to public castration, since he can't prove he was a virgin at his marriage.

This is a man of God, who stands firm on his beliefs, just like Trump.

TI apologizes to daughters 2 months after hymen backlash: 'Please forgive me for any and all imperfections'

In The Know
Jennifer Kline
Jan 29th 2020 3:03PM

TI has penned a public mea culpa and declaration of love to his daughters, writing in part, "Please forgive me for any and all imperfections that cause misunderstandings between us."

The emotional post comes two months after the rapper received major public backlash for asserting that he accompanies his teenage daughter to the gynecologist to confirm that her hymen is intact. His daughter's subsequent social media activity indicated that she, like much of the public, was upset by her father's behavior.

TI didn't specifically allude to the controversy in his post, which he wrote in the aftermath of the horrific helicopter crash that took the lives of three 13-year-old girls, all three of whom were with one or both parents. Nine people died in total.

"I just Can't let another second go by without letting you know while we're still here in this life together," he wrote. "You have ALL MY LOVE FOR ALL MY LIFE."

"You see Life may throw us curveballs & deal us some pretty bad hands at times," part of the caption reads. "But rest assured, you'll NEVER find yourself in a place too high or low for me to be there to catch you when you fall."

TI is a father of seven, his children ranging in age from 3 to 23. He also penned a post to his wife, Tameka "Tiny" Cottle, as well as one to his sons.

"I'm so proud of each and every last one of you guys," he wrote to his boys. "You each somehow represent different parts of me that you've made your own ... Regardless of our discrepancies & misunderstandings, trust and believe I'll do any and everything possible to help you perfect your gifts."

01-26-20  09:14am - 1698 days Original Post - #1
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I don't know if you can join Adult Time for the same low price that exotics4me did, but it's worth trying to find low prices instead of accepting the higher prices that Adult Time can charge.

I am copying exotics4me reply to a comment I made about an Adult Time promo price.

The hint is worth a first place finish in the next weekly raffle, in my opinion.
It's that valuable.

Do any PU members agree that such a hint (or whatever you call it) is worth a first place finish in the next raffle?
I would be interested, and I assume the PU staff would be interested, in PU members opinion on this matter.

Reply of Your Comment from exotics4me:

If you Google search, "adult time promo downloads" the second or third result says "includes downloads" and it's $9.95 a month for 1 month. The year subscription is $7.45 a month for downloads and streaming which is around $89. I've tried to duplicate a promo I used back in November but it doesn't work anymore. I was able to get a year with downloads and streaming for $46.50 by joining through an email promo for Bubblegum Dungeon.

I would expect them to use similar email promos for returning members in the future that offer the full downloads and streaming packages for very cheap. It seems to be the only real advantage to charging $19.95 for streaming only which is what it comes up as if you just go directly to Adult Time. They're overpricing and removing downloads to entice with email promos.

01-24-20  07:24am - 1700 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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The wife of a US diplomat, who is accused of causing the death of a British teenager while driving on the wrong side of the road, is refusing to allow the woman to be extradited to Britain.

Trump stands for the rights of women everywhere.
And if she was driving on the wrong side of the road, she was innocent, because in the United States, we drive on the right side of the road, unlike Britain, which drives on the wrong side of the road.

So tah-tah to Britain, which is a foreign country.

Trump administration accused by the U.K. of a 'denial of justice' after refusing to extradite woman accused of killing a British teenager

Business Insider
Thomas Colson
Jan 24th 2020 6:38AM

The US has denied the UK's request for the extradition of the US diplomat's wife who is accused of causing the death of a British teenager near a US military base in England last summer.
Harry Dunn was killed after being struck by a car which was allegedly being driven by Anne Sacoolas on the wrong side of the road.
The Home Office said: "We are disappointed in this decision, which appears to be a denial of justice. We are urgently considering our options."
A spokesman for the Dunn family accused the Trump administration of taking a "wrecking ball" to the alliance between the UK and US.

The United States has denied the UK's extradition request for the wife of an American diplomat who was involved in a car crash which killed an English teenager last year, a move the Home Office branded "a denial of justice."

Harry Dunn, a 19-year-old, was killed outside a US military base in Northamptonshire, England, in August last year.

British prosecutors sought the extradition of Anne Sacoolas, 42, after she was charged with causing his death by dangerous driving in December. Reports have suggested that she was driving on the wrong side of the road when Dunn was struck.

But US secretary of state Mike Pompeo confirmed overnight that the request had been denied.

The US state department said granting the extradition request "would set an extraordinarily troubling precedent."

A long-standing agreement between the UK and US means that Sacoolas, as the wife of an American official stationed at the base, had diplomatic immunity.

She returned to the US following the crash and has refused to return to England where she would face criminal charges.

The Home Office said: "We are disappointed in this decision, which appears to be a denial of justice. We are urgently considering our options."

Washington had been expected to deny the extradition request, but the decision nonetheless risks being politically damaging for Boris Johnson, who is eager to forge a closer relationship with Trump as both administrations enter into negotiations over a post-Brexit trade deal.

Radd Seiger, a spokesman for the Dunn family, accused the Trump administration of taking a "wrecking ball" to the alliance between the two countries.

"This administration is heaving lawlessly and taking a wrecking ball to one of the greatest alliances in the word. This is a lawless, corrupt administration that appears intent on attacking even its closest international ally."

He called for the British government to meet the family and discuss potential next steps but appeared to acknowledge that Trump would not accede to the UK's demands.

"This administration will go away, but this extradition request will never go away," he said.

In a statement rejecting the UK's extradition request, the US state department said Sacoolas had enjoyed diplomatic immunity during her stay in the UK, meaning she should not face charges.

"If the United States were to grant the UK's extradition request, it would render the invocation of diplomatic immunity a practical nullity and would set an extraordinarily troubling precedent," it said.

01-15-20  04:46am - 1709 days Original Post - #1
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Even porn stars have a bad day.
So the people around have to be careful, or the porn star can turn rabid and start attacking.

Stay calm. Be cool. There's usually a way to handle them safely.

Or else, start running in the opposite direction.

01-13-20  08:48am - 1711 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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PU has a system where they award badges for certain accomplishments.

In consultation with PU member Wraith0711, we have decided to open a thread where we can discuss the merits of the PU site awarding a new badge for meritorious service by PU members: the 4K membership badge.

This badge could be worn proudly on the chest or crotch of the PU member's T-shirt, signifying his, her, or its membership in the PU site and the ideals it stands for.

Interested members can either post their thoughts on this thread, or in private emails to darling Freddie, the PU staff member who is currently looking after the needs of the PU members in good standing.

As proof of earning the 4K membership badge, a member could either submit copies of cash register receipts for 4K equipment, or download records from porn pay sites showing a monthly data download exceeding 50 GB on 5 consecutive days.

Requests from PU members should be brought to Freddie's attention, and to any other PU staff members who would be involved in the creation of such a badge of merit.

Unfortunately, the merit badge system has fallen out of favor, and most members pay little attention to the badges they have earned.

But with the creation of a new badge, and with further encouragement by the PU staff, especially from Freddie, the acting mother of the PU site, I hope and believe that PU membership will be proud to wear their PU site T-shirts in public once again, to show their loyalty and devotion to the free expression of porn.

The basic badges are listed below:
Rookie Badge Reached 5 points (from qualified reviews)
Talk Back Made 100 replies to feedback, polls, etc.
Comments Made 50 comments.
Pollster Made 50 votes to our polls.
Top Monthly User Most points in a month.
Hardcore Badge Reached 100 points.
Trusted User Trusted by 30 users.
Female Profile All profile questions answered.
Male Profile All profile questions answered.

*Qualified feedback is required to earn credits toward the badges listed above. An internal audit of your feedback is done for all activity (reviews, comments, replies, etc) and certain criteria is used to determine whether it qualifies for a point towards your rank and/or badge. You can view the staff rating results of your feedback by logging into your account and viewing your Feedback History. Edited on Jan 15, 2020, 04:08pm

01-12-20  12:59am - 1713 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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This is a real news story. Not fake. Taken from the internet, where fake stories abound.
But I am nominating Diego as the guiding spirit of the PU site.
Diego, you will be in our hearts and minds and below-the-belt forever.
An inspiration to all PU members and visitors.


Diego the sex machine tortoise retires from the playboy life

After fathering hundreds of babies and saving his species, the big daddy of the Galápagos is ready for a rest.

Gael Fashingbauer Cooper
January 11, 2020 3:42 PM PST

Even the big daddy of tortoises gets to retire. Diego, the loverboy tortoise who helped save his species by making lots and lots of babies, will now be returned to the wild. The 175-pound, 35-inch (80 kilogram, 90 centimeter) Casanova has fathered at least 800 children, according to Agence France Presse. That's about 40% of the giant tortoise population in the Galápagos Islands. He's earned his retirement.

Diego was named for the San Diego Zoo, where he lived before being sent to the Galápagos to begin his breeding work in 1977. When he started his campaign of promiscuity, there were just two males and 12 females of his species alive on the island.

"He's a very sexually active male reproducer. He's contributed enormously to repopulating the island," Washington Tapia, a tortoise preservation specialist at Galápagos National Park, told AFP back in 2016.

And he has online fans. "When I was in Galápagos -- everywhere they celebrated and spoke of 'Diego' -- a true legend!" wrote one Twitter user.

Before heading to the island of Española from his current home at the Charles Darwin Research Station on Santa Cruz Island, Diego will undergo a quarantine period to make sure he doesn't spread non-native flora to his retirement home.

01-07-20  08:13pm - 1717 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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If the shooter was a cop, he can claim self-defense.
But if the shooter was a civilian, he might be in trouble, especially if he's caught.

2 kids shot by driver after throwing snowballs at cars: 'There was blood everywhere'

Gabrielle Sorto, AOL.com
Jan 7th 2020 11:30AM

A 12-year-old girl and a 13-year-old boy were shot after throwing snowballs at passing cars in Milwaukee, the city's Police said on Twitter.

A group of kids was playing in the snow Saturday and hurling snowballs at passing vehicles when they struck a white Toyota. The driver of the car fired shots into the group and struck the two children, police said.

A manhunt is underway for the driver, who left the scene.

Police found the two victims just minutes apart. Officers applied first aid to the victims, who are being treated at a nearby hospital. Both of their injuries were non-life-threatening.

"I was on the ground praying for her and I went the house and got my oil and throw the oil on her," one neighbor told WPVI. "There was blood everywhere."

Other neighbors, who told WPVI that this isn't the first time shots have been fired near their homes, said they may be looking to move.

"Do you really need to shoot somebody because they threw a snowball?" another neighbor told the outlet. "For something so stupid. I mean, a snowball? I feel like my children should be able to go outside and play."

The Milwaukee Police are requesting assistance with any information regarding this incident, police said on Twitter. Any information, please call the Milwaukee Police Department at 414-935-7360, or call Milwaukee Crime Stoppers at 414-224-TIPS.

01-04-20  04:00pm - 1720 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Hunter and nine-year-old daughter shot dead ‘after being mistaken for deer’
[The Independent]
Colin Drury
The Independent4 January 2020

A nine-year-old girl and her father have been shot dead after being mistaken for deer during a hunting trip.

Lauren Drawdy and dad Kim, 30, were killed as their group attempted to drive the animals to different ground in the US state of South Carolina.

They both died at the scene near the city of Walterboro in Colleton County, the state’s Department of Natural Resources has said.

It remains unclear exactly how they came to be in the shooter’s sights during the incident on New Year’s Day or if they were wearing the bright orange safety jackets recommended – but not mandatory – for hunters in the US.

Speaking on Thursday, Mr Drawdy’s brother, Benny, said the family had been left “devastated”.

He told news channel WCSC: “I couldn’t believe it when I first got the news. I said, ‘It couldn’t be.’ It broke my heart and I couldn’t believe it, a twin brother and now there’s only one left.

“Of all days, ringing in the new year, something like this happens. I got a phone call. They said there was a hunting accident in Walterboro. They thought it was my brother and we come to find out it was.”

David Lucas, spokesman with the Department of Natural Resources, which is investigating the incident, said: “It’s not a thing that happens a lot. Hunting accidents are rare in general, and fatalities even more so.”

01-02-20  09:23pm - 1722 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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WARNING: Do not fall for Apple's tricks and swallow your AirPod. You might have to pay for hospital bills, that Apple will not cover.

Apple is trying to advertise how powerful their AirPod is supposed to be. But I was told that the AirPod is not the delicious treat that Apple claims.
Apple is slow to pay you for swallowing, if you are not a registered member of SAG. (Apple, hiding behind the rules of model endorsements, to inflate their profits.)
Mother rushes 7-year-old to hospital after he swallows AirPod: 'I immediately U-turned my truck'

A second-grader from Atlanta, Ga., accidentally swallowed his new, pricy Christmas gift earlier this week.

Kiara Stroud was at work delivering mail when she got a call from her mother saying that she was on her way to the hospital with Stroud's 7-year-old son after he swallowed an AirPod.

"I immediately U-turned my truck," Stroud told WSB-TV.

The boy told his mother that he was holding the AirPod in his mouth while his grandmother was driving and he accidentally inhaled it.

X-rays from the doctors at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Egelston revealed the single wireless headset device in the boy's stomach, still fully intact. Doctors told Stroud that the AirPod should pass through the boy's body on its own within a couple of days.

“We actually saw it because it has metal in it, so we could see it in the X-ray and I’m like, ‘This boy really swallowed his AirPod!’” Stroud said.

I can’t make this up. My child, my child. Thanks for all of the prayers. We’re home. No more airpods for this kid 🤦🏾‍♀️
Posted by Kiara Stroud on Saturday, December 28, 2019

Stroud said her son was "very nervous" about the incident and is scared of getting too close to his phone — fearing that the devices could connect and music could start playing inside him. Otherwise, Stroud is relieved that her son is okay.

A Taiwanese man accidentally swallowed an AirPod while sleeping in May 2019. Ben Hsu woke up and only saw one wireless earbud and after activating the iPhone tracking feature, heard the missing AirPod's beep from inside his stomach. Instead of surgery, doctors gave Hsu a laxative and told him to check his waste for signs of the AirPod — which he did the following day. After cleaning it, he was amazed to find out that it still worked.

12-27-19  01:43am - 1729 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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It's official: Miley Cyrus is now on the market for a new marriage.

Miley has said in the past that she's open to a hetero relationship, but "is still “very sexually attracted to women.”

So the field seems to be open wide.

Miley Cyrus, Liam Hemsworth reach agreement in divorce settlement

Us Magazine
Dory Jackson
Dec 26th 2019 11:09AM

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are ready to put their past romance behind them. The estranged pair have officially reached an agreement on the terms of their divorce settlement.

The “Nothing Breaks Like a Heart” singer’s attorney, Judith R. Forman, will file legal documents on Tuesday, December 24, to declare that the duo have hashed out the details of their separation, TMZ first reported. This news came a day after the former pair would have celebrated their one-year wedding anniversary.

Cyrus, 27, and Hemsworth, 29, said “I do” last year in an intimate ceremony held at the Disney Channel alum’s Tennessee home. A source told Us Weekly at the time that California’s Woolsey wildfires, which burned down their Malibu home, is what “sealed the deal” for the exes and “their love exploded after that.”

The “Wrecking Ball” songstress previously opened up about her “modern” marriage with her former love. “People become vegetarian for health reasons, but bacon is still f—king good, and I know that. I made a partner decision. This is the person I feel has my back the most,” Cyrus said in Elle’s August 2019 issue. “I definitely don’t fit into a stereotypical wife role. I don’t even like that word.”

Cyrus also regarded her relationship as “unique,” and added that she’s in “a hetero relationship” but is still “very sexually attracted to women.”

This past summer, Us confirmed that Cyrus and Hemsworth split after less than eight months of marriage. On August 10, a rep for Cyrus told Us that the Last Song costars “have decided this is what’s best while they both focus on themselves and careers” moving forward. “They still remain dedicated parents to all of their animals they share while lovingly taking this time apart,” the statement continued.

The Hunger Games actor officially filed divorce on August 21. Since then, Hemsworth has been linked to fellow Australian star Maddison Brown. However, he introduced model Gabriella Brooks to his parents, Craig and Leonie Hemsworth, earlier this month.

Liam is “happy to be moving on” and “feels comfortable” with Brooks, 21, following his split from Cyrus, an insider told Us on December 21.

Cyrus, meanwhile, called off her one-month romance with Kaitlynn Carter in September. The former pair made headlines in August when they were caught locking lips in Italy after ending their respective relationships to Liam and Brody Jenner. The former Hannah Montana star began seeing Cody Simpson in October.

Cyrus and Hemsworth’s lawyers could not be immediately reached for comment.

12-25-19  09:13am - 1730 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Support your local police.
The police have a tough and sometimes dirty job, trying to keep the public safe.
So they deserve our support.
Especially when they happen to go overboard and possibly make a mistake.
But this is a clear case where an officer was only trying to do his duty.
That a suspect died was not a crime.
It was merely an "Oh well" moment.
Carjacking victim dies after cop mistakes him for robber, places him in chokehold

HuffPost US
Dominique Mosbergen
Dec 23rd 2019 7:43AM

Newly released police body camera footage shows a carjacking victim being slammed against his car, shot with a stun gun and grabbed in a chokehold by sheriff’s deputies in Northern California after they mistook him as the robber who stole the vehicle.

The man, 52-year-old David Glen Ward, died shortly after the encounter.

The bodycam footage was released on Friday as part of a video posted online by the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office. In the video, Sheriff Mark Essick apologized to Ward’s family and explained that his deputies mistook Ward, who’d reported his car stolen on Nov. 24, as the possible carjacker.

Ward had not informed authorities he’d recovered his vehicle, Essick said, so deputies pursued the car when they spotted it the morning of Nov. 27. Instead of pulling over, however, Ward sped off and led police on a five-mile pursuit before finally stopping on a dead-end street, the sheriff said.

“What our deputies did not know at the time was that Mr. Ward was not only the owner of the car, but the victim of the earlier carjacking,” Essick said in the video. “The suspect had pistol-whipped him and stolen his car. Mr. Ward had recovered the car, but failed to report it. It remains a mystery as to why he fled from our deputies.”

Still, the sheriff described the actions of Deputy Charlie Blount, who slammed Ward’s head against the side of a car and placed him in a chokehold after finally stopping the vehicle, as “extremely troubling.”

“As a result, I have served Deputy Blount with a notice of termination. He has been on administrative leave since this incident occurred and he will remain on leave until the conclusion of this investigation and all potential appeals have taken place,” Essick said.

The bodycam footage shows Blount, Deputy Jason Little and a number of other officers around Ward’s car after the vehicle was stopped.

In the video, Blount orders Ward — who deputies feared might be armed — to unlock his car door with one hand. Ward is seen apparently trying to unlock the door, but is unable to do so.

Rolling down his window, Ward says: “I can’t believe this. I’m the injured party in this. Why you...harassing me all the time?”

“Give me your hands, give me your...hands. Come out,” Blount, a 19-year veteran of the sheriff’s office, tells Ward as he begins trying to pull the man out through the car window. “Get him...out of the car.”

As deputies attempted to pull Ward out of the vehicle, the man yelps in pain. “My legs, my legs,” Ward shouts.

Blount notes that Ward’s legs appear to be trapped under the steering wheel.

In the scuffle, Ward allegedly bites both Blount and Little.

“Ah...he just bit me,” Little is heard saying.

As Blount pulls Ward from the car, he’s seen slamming the man’s head against the side of the vehicle. Little twice uses his stun gun on Ward.

Blount then puts Ward into what appears to be a carotid restraint, a hold that blocks a person’s carotid arteries and causes them to lose consciousness. As The Washington Post noted, several police departments banned the maneuver in the 1980s and 1990s after it was linked to the deaths of suspects.

Following Ward’s death last month, the community arm of Sonoma County’s law enforcement oversight office recommended the sheriff’s office ban carotid restraints ― calling Ward’s death “a wake-up call.”

After being placed in the chokehold, Ward ― unconscious ― was pulled from car. Officers initially said he was breathing, but later expressed concern that he’d stopped.

Another sheriff’s deputy arrived at the scene and identified Ward as the rightful owner of the car.

“This is the owner of this car. That’s David Ward,” the officer says, noting that he has “no idea why [Ward] ran. He had no reason to run.”

“I was out with him earlier, like two hours ago, at his house,” the officer adds.

“Oh well,” Blount responds.

Officers performed CPR on Ward, but he was later pronounced dead at a nearby hospital.

In the body cam video, Little is heard saying that Ward had a knife in the car. Blount’s attorney later claimed Ward may have had drugs in his system.

“Frankly, Mr. Ward caused his own death by inexplicably taking a number of bizarre actions that confirmed in the deputies’ minds that he was an armed carjacker, rather than the victim of that crime,” the lawyer, Harry Stern, told the Post in a statement. “It is my understanding that the medical evidence will show that Mr. Ward had a serious preexisting condition and had methamphetamine in his system — most significantly, there were no indications of trauma to his neck.”

Officials have released no information about any weapons found in Ward’s car or substances that may have been in his body.

The Marin County Coroner’s Office is reportedly still probing Ward’s death.

Essick said he released the bodycam footage “so the community can get as full a picture as possible about critical incidents in our county, regardless of whether it puts us in a good light or bad.”

“Please know that this one person does not reflect the culture of the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office and does not represent the hardworking men and women who work here,” Essick added.

Catherine Aguilera, Ward’s half-sister, told the Press Democrat that her brother had lived with disabilities and serious health issues including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and a heart condition.

Aguilera said Ward had nearly been killed by a drunk driver about 20 years ago. He used an oxygen tank and often relied on a wheelchair to move around, she said.

“He was in poor health,” Aguilera told the paper. “He had a hard time breathing and it’s hard to imagine him having even the energy or force to aggressively avoid an arrest.”

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.

12-21-19  09:54pm - 1734 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Check out the great specials at PU, TBP, or Rabbits Reviews.
The first month at some fine sites are listed at $5 or $10, renewing at a much higher price.

So, join for a month, and check these sites out.


That's the TBP page

Sex Art for $5 for the first month.
That's the lowest I've ever seen it.

12-16-19  05:14am - 1739 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Lori Loughlin's lawyers believe federal agents are liars and criminals.
It has been shown in the past that federal agents can lie and steal.
They can withhold evidence illegally.
They can also plant fake evidence.
Never trust the government, which has a mandate to lie and withhold actual news from the public.

Lori Loughlin’s lawyers claim federal agents hiding evidence

New York Daily News
Storm Gifford
Dec 16th 2019 4:37AM

Lori Loughlin is crying foul.

The 55-year-old actress and husband, Mossimo Giannulli, are claiming the Justice Department is refusing to turn over integral evidence in their college admissions bribery case. Now, they’re asking a judge to compel prosecutors to show it.

On Friday, attorneys for the “Full House” star and her fashion designer husband filed a motion demanding the government produce the materials.

Both pled not guilty to forking over $500,000 to Rick Singer, the admitted leader of a national college admissions cheating and bribery plot.

The couple’s lawyers are also asking for all information concerning Singer’s representations to his clients regarding payments to the University of Southern California as well as information about “USC’s knowledge of Singer’s operation,” reported Yahoo! on Saturday.

The attorneys also assert those documents would help support Loughlin and Giannulli’s contention that they made legitimate donations to the nonprofit led by Singer, not bribes.

“The government’s theory in this case is that Giannulli and Loughlin knowingly bribed a rogue USC administrator in order to secure their daughters’ admission to the university,” reads the motion. “But the government appears to be concealing exculpatory evidence that helps show that both defendants believed all of the payments they made would go to USC itself — for legitimate, university-approved purposes — or to other legitimate charitable causes.”

On “Full House,” Loughlin played Aunt Becky, the wife of John Stamos’ Jesse character.

She also appeared in the Hallmark Channel series “When Calls the Heart.” But after her and her husband’s arrest, the series’ editors digitally edited her from the show as well as from all other Hallmark productions.

Their trial is scheduled to begin in 2020.

12-13-19  10:05am - 1742 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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I saw a Madonna music video years ago.
Where it was revealed that Danny Aiello was Madonna's real father.
Madonna played around a lot.
And that probably contributed to Aiello's early death.
RIP, Danny. You were in some good movies.



December 13, 2019 7:56AM PT
Danny Aiello, ‘Do the Right Thing’ and ‘Moonstruck’ Actor, Dies at 86
By Variety Staff

Danny Aiello, a character actor best known for his work in such films as “Do the Right Thing” and “Moonstruck,” died on Thursday night in New Jersey. He was 86.

Aiello’s literary agent Jennifer De Chiara confirmed his death to Variety.
“It is with profound sorrow to report that Danny Aiello, beloved husband, father, grandfather, actor and musician passed away last night after a brief illness,” his family said in a statement. “The family asks for privacy at this time. Service arrangements will be announced at a later date.”

Aiello worked steadily in films starting in the mid-1970s, often playing cops, mobsters and other New York tough guys. He earned a supporting actor Oscar nomination for his role as a pizza parlor owner caught up in racial tensions and a changing neighborhood in Brooklyn in Spike Lee’s 1989 hit “Do the Right Thing.” He earned praise for his work in 1987’s “Moonstruck,” playing the charisma-challenged boyfriend that Cher’s character dumps for his younger brother, portrayed by Nicolas Cage.

The 1981 Paul Newman-starrer “Fort Apache, the Bronx” marked a breakout supporting role for Aiello. He hit his stride in the late 1980s and ’90s, racking up more than two dozen film credits. In television, he starred as a cop-turned-detective in the CBS drama “Dellaventura” during the 1997-98 season. He also toplined the hit 1997 mobster drama miniseries “The Last Don,” based on a book by “The Godfather” author Mario Puzo.

Earlier, he was a series regular playing a police lieutenant on the ABC cop show “Lady Blue,” which aired during the 1985-86 season.

Aiello’s notable film roles also include 1984’s “Once Upon a Time in America,” 1985’s “Purple Rose of Cairo,” 1987’s “Radio Days,” 1990’s “Jacob’s Ladder,” 1994’s “Ready to Wear” and 1996’s “2 Days in the Valley.” His more recent roles include 2014’s “Reach Me” and 2006’s “Brooklyn Rush.” Most of these were supporting turns, but Aiello did play the lead role of Jack Ruby, Lee Harvey Oswald’s assassin, in 1992’s “Ruby.”

In addition to his acting credits, Aiello was a talented singer who released several big-band albums. One of his more notable appearances bridged the worlds of music and acting. He portrayed Madonna’s father in the music video for “Papa Don’t Preach.”

11-26-19  04:27pm - 1759 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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I haven't been following Katie Holmes very much since she was divorced from Tom Cruise.
Is she pregnant again?
Or are these stretch marks from her first child, that she had with Tom years ago?

Enquiring minds want to know:
Can we post Katie with her stretch marks at the PU site?

Aol.com Editors
Nov 26th 2019 4:49PM

Katie Holmes is celebrating her spread in Vogue Australia by sharing new, behind-the-scene shots of her photoshoot last week.

The unedited snapshots depict the 40-year-old actress posing in just a bra, blazer and trousers while proudly showing off her stretch marks on her stomach. It's a move that's been hailed by Holmes' Instagram followers as both brave and bold for the star's choice to forgo Photoshopping the lines.

"It is wonderful to be working today with such amazing women!" Holmes captions the two-photograph post, much to the applause of her 2 million Instagram followers. Her "pregnancy warrior marks" are visible in the second photo.

"Love how beautiful and natural you are with your body. You aren’t afraid to show your body exactly how it is," wrote one fan. Said another, "So bold!! I love that you’re slightly showing the pregnancy warrior marks. You go girl!!!!"

The mom-of-one most recently earned a place on our street style radar after photos emerged of her hailing a taxi in late August wearing one of fall's biggest trends, a cashmere bralette and cardigan set by Khaite. The look caused such a frenzy that the barley set promptly sold out, but it's back in stock, along with other colors, on the designer's website.

11-25-19  09:51pm - 1760 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Rabbits Reviews is running special discounts on over 100 porn sites.

Rabbits Reviews is associated with the PU site.
(I don't know what to call the relationship between the two sites, just like I don't know what to call the relationship to The Best Porn site, which is also related to PU and Rabbits Reviews.)

Some of the discounts are definitely worth looking at.
Over 100 discounts, for some very good sites.

11-22-19  04:00pm - 1763 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Flash news: The Rey story is coming to an end.
Make sure you have the money to buy a ticket to watch this world-shattering event to know how the future is unfolding.

This film is probably even more important than the rise of Adult Time, the force changing the world of internet porn.

I've seen photos of Daisy Ridley, the actress who plays Rey, and she is gorgeous beyond belief.

One glance from her amazing eyes would destroy any dark force forever.

Praise be to the force.

Edit: I only saw the first Star Wars movie, where I had to stand in line for hours to go inside the theater. I thought 2001: A Space Odyssey was a much better film. But Star Wars launched a billion dollar empire of films, books, toys, etc. While 2001 had minimal impact, evidently. I also enjoyed the original Dune movie by David Lynch. I read the Dune novel back in the 1960s, and was a fan of the book series. Although after Frank Herbert died, I didn't enjoy the Dune books his son took over.

10-22-19  10:02pm - 1794 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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The officer should have drawn his gun and shot the 11-year-old girl in self-defense.
She was clearly a threat to not only the police officer, but to her fellow students and the school staff.
A clean, kill-shot to the head or heart would have made the school a safer place.

This was an intelligent cop. He was clearly heard saying "Stop resisting" multiple times.
That alone justified him throwing the girl against the wall, and then forcing her to the ground.
The cop also said the girl assaulted the school staff.
But the school staff, the ninnies, denied they were assaulted.
Don't they realize they are supposed to support their local police?
No matter what?


Video allegedly shows police officer roughing up 11-year-old girl

NBC News
Theo Wayt
Oct 22nd 2019 8:01PM

A New Mexico school resource officer has resigned after allegedly using excessive force against an 11-year-old girl who he alleges "took more milks than she was supposed to" from the cafeteria.

Lapel video of the Aug. 27 incident involving Farmington police officer Zach Christensen, an 11-year veteran of the department released Monday, appears to show him shoving the crying sixth grader into a wall.

The child then falls to the ground and Christensen can be heard yelling, "Stop resisting" multiple times.

The officer continues to struggle with the girl, not allowing her to stand up while asking her to put her hands behind her back.

At one point, as Christiansen stands over the girl, gripping her arm, a school administrator intervenes, saying, “Officer Christiansen, she is not a threat to yourself or others.”

Christiansen replies, “No. She is.”

Eventually, the administrator tries to talk him down, saying, “Sir, we are not going to use excessive force to get this done.”

Christiansen then yells, “We’re not excessive!”

Farmington Police Department Chief Steve Hebbe condemned Christiansen’s actions and confirmed his removal from the department on Monday in a video posted to Facebook, saying, “There’s no excuse for the way this girl was treated.”

Hebbe said that Christensen alleged that the child assaulted school staff, but added, "this proved not to be true." The officer was placed on administrative leave following the incident and an internal affairs review revealed that he had made policy violations, Hebbe said.

Hebbe also told NBC News that his department referred the case to the New Mexico state police, but that the local district attorney declined to pursue charges. However, the Attorney General of New Mexico may open an investigation, Hebbe said.

On Sept. 24, Officer Christiansen informed the department of his plans to resign effective Oct. 1. Christiansen’s supervisor, who has not been named, took a voluntary demotion and was been reassigned to street patrol after failing to "identify the incident as unacceptable", Hebbe said in his video statement.

The confrontation apparently started with an incident in the school cafeteria involving milk. “This morning, she went straight to the cafeteria,” Christiansen can be heard saying in the video. “She took more milks than she was supposed to. She threw a milk on the ground.”

Asked how he plans to prevent incidents like this in the future, Police Chief Hebbe said, “That’s tough. We already feel like we have a pretty robust system in place.” But he says the department plans to review its use-of-force training.

Mark Carnutt, the girl’s attorney, told NBC News he has filed a notice of tort claim, which in New Mexico is often a precursor to filing a lawsuit.

“If a parent was doing that same thing, wouldn’t they be charged?” Carnutt said. “Is there a different standard for which police are considered for committing crimes versus other people?”

09-17-19  12:42pm - 1829 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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"Rambo must confront his past and unearth his ruthless combat skills to exact revenge in a final mission."

Sylvester Stallone was born July 6, 1946 in New York City, New York, USA.
People from New York City are among the toughest on Earth.
Which is why Rambo is still going strong.
He has his knife, his bow and arrow, and assorted guns, and he will be on a mission to save everyone from the Evil that infects people everywhere.

Sly is now 73 years old, but in spite of getting older, he is still the fearsome warrior we have grown to love and admire.

Even if he has to use a rocket-propelled wheelchair, he will be fighting Evil until the very end.

So pony us for a ticket to see his latest movie, coming to a theater near you.

Sly, my hero (after Arnie).

09-04-19  12:27pm - 1842 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Harry Potter books banned from Catholic school for fear of student spells

Kids may be tempted to conjure "evil spirits," the Nashville school's pastor says.

Bonnie Burton

September 3, 2019 2:34 PM PDT

Harry Potter made spell-casting look easy, but that doesn't mean the books' spells are real.
Warner Bros.

Harry Potter is dangerous? The beloved book series by author J.K. Rowling about a young wizard and his friends has been taken off library shelves at St. Edward Catholic School in Nashville because the school's pastor believes the books' magical spells are real.

Rev. Dan Reehil, the pastor of the school serving kindergarten through eighth grade, removed the books from circulation because of "recommendations of exorcists in United States and Rome," according to CNN on Tuesday.

"These books present magic as both good and evil, which is not true," Reehil said in an e-mail originally published by the Tennessean on Saturday. "The curses and spells used in the books are actual curses and spells, which when read by a human being risk conjuring evil spirits into the presence of the person reading the texts."

Rebecca Hammel, superintendent of schools for the Catholic Diocese of Nashville, confirmed that Reehil's email about removing the books is real, and says that while the Catholic Church doesn't have an official position on the Harry Potter books, the school's pastor has the final say, according to the Tennessean and CNN.

St. Edward Catholic School, Hammel, Reehil and Rowling didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.

The school's move might surprise fans, but it's worth noting that the Harry Potter book series tops the list of most challenged books in the United States in the 21st century, according to The American Library Association. Challenges are defined as formal, written complaints filed with a library or school requesting that materials be removed because of content or appropriateness.

08-31-19  05:50am - 1846 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Alabama man who spent 36 years behind bars after stealing $50 set free
He was convicted of robbing a bakery in 1983, which netted him $50.75, and had previously broken into a vacant service station. He was sentenced to life.
Family celebrates man's release: We've been 'trusting God that this day would come'
Aug. 30, 2019, 8:52 AM PDT / Updated Aug. 30, 2019, 2:16 PM PDT
By David K. Li

An Alabama man who has spent almost 36 years in prison after stealing $50 was released Friday under new sentencing guidelines that reset the state's three-strikes law.

Alvin Kennard, 58, had been serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole.

But his sentence was changed to time served by Judge David Carpenter in Jefferson County on Wednesday. The state's Department of Corrections had to process Kennard out of the system, which is why he wasn't immediately released after the ruling. He was released from the William E. Donaldson Correctional Facility, just outside of Bessemer, Alabama on Friday, the Alabama Department of Corrections said in a statement.

"We've just been praying and trusting in God that this day would come and it's here, and we're so grateful to God," Kennard's niece Patricia Jones told NBC affiliate WVTM.

Kennard was convicted of robbing a bakery Jan. 24, 1983, in a felony that netted him $50.75, the Birmingham News reported, citing court records.

That bakery crime came after Kennard had previously broken into a vacant service station, leading him to plead guilty to three felony counts of burglary and larceny in 1979. Due to that previous conviction, he was sentenced to life behind bars under the three-strikes provision of Alabama's Habitual Felony Offender Act.

But in 2013, the Alabama Sentencing Commission adopted new guidelines which, if they had been in place when Kennard robbed the bakery, would have made his previous crime not serious enough to trigger a life sentence without parole, defense lawyers said.

Had these new standards been in place then, Kennard couldn't have been imprisoned for any more than 20 years, his attorney Carla Crowder said. He could have been eligible for parole after 10 years.

Kennard told the judge Wednesday that he is still remorseful for his crimes.

“I’m sorry for what I did," Kennard, dressed in orange-and-white jail garb, said. "I was wrong."

The district attorney's office did not oppose the change in his sentence. Prosecutor Lane Tolbert said, however, that his office did not err in applying the law.

“But let me be clear, this is not about $50," Tolbert said.

Kennard has said that after his release, he plans to live with family in Bessemer and work in carpentry.

08-24-19  09:10pm - 1853 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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There will be a new Obi-Wan Kenobi film with Ewan McGregor that will start shooting in 2020.
The film will be on Disney+.
Disney+ is the upcoming video on demand service that is set to launch in November 2019.

08-23-19  10:09am - 1854 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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FBI takes down Nigerian fraudsters in $46M case

The Associated Press
Aug 23rd 2019 10:38AM

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The relationship between a Japanese woman and a U.S. Army captain stationed in Syria started online, through an international social network for digital pen pals. It grew into an internet romance over 10 months of daily emails.

It ended with the woman $200,000 poorer and on the verge of bankruptcy after borrowing money from her sister, ex-husband and friends to help Capt. Terry Garcia with his plan to smuggle diamonds out of Syria.

In reality, there were no diamonds and there was no Garcia — they were part of an elaborate scam hatched by an international ring of cyber thieves operating mainly out of Los Angeles and Nigeria.

Federal authorities cited the case of the Japanese woman, known only as "F.K." in court papers, on Thursday when they announced an indictment charging 80 people with stealing at least $46 million through various schemes that targeted businesses, the elderly and anyone susceptible to a romance scam. Most of the defendants are Nigerians.

"We believe this is one of the largest cases of its kind in U.S. history," U.S. Attorney Nick Hanna told a news conference. "We are taking a major step to disrupt these criminal networks."

The investigation began in 2016 with a single bank account and one victim, said Paul Delacourt, assistant director in charge of the FBI's Los Angeles office. It grew to encompass victims who were targeted in the U.S. and around the world, some of whom like the Japanese woman lost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

"F.K. was and is extremely depressed and angry about these losses," the federal complaint states. "She began crying when discussing the way that these losses have affected her."

Her relationship began innocently in March 2016 with an email but soon "Garcia" made "romantic overtures," according to federal authorities. He told her they couldn't talk by phone because he wasn't allowed to use one in Syria.

So a stream of emails went back and worth, with her using Google to translate his English into her Japanese. A month into the relationship, Garcia told her he'd found a bag of diamonds in Syria and he began introducing her to his associates, starting with a Red Cross representative who told her Garcia had been injured but had given him the box.

F.K. ultimately made 35 to 40 payments, receiving as many as 10 to 15 emails a day directing her to send money to accounts in the U.S., Turkey and the United Kingdom through the captain's many purported associates.

The fraudsters even threatened her with arrest if she did not continue to pay and at one point she traveled to Los Angeles because she was told a Russian bank manager had embezzled more than $33,000 of her funds.

Authorities arrested 14 defendants Thursday, mostly in the Los Angeles area. FBI agents could be seen processing suspects in a downtown Los Angeles parking lot before they were arraigned in federal court. It was not immediately known if they had attorneys who could speak on their behalf.

Two suspects were previously in custody and a few others were arrested earlier this week. Hanna said he hoped to be able to work with foreign governments to extradite the remaining defendants.

They all face charges of conspiracy to commit fraud, conspiracy to launder money, and aggravated identity theft, and some are charged with additional offenses for alleged fraud and money laundering.

08-22-19  09:13am - 1855 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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I didn't know Tarantino got married.
And now he's expecting his first child?

Maybe his next movie will be how his wife gives birth and the newborn baby becomes leader of the world at the age of 6.

With prominent figures throughout the world singing praises to the new world leader.

Will it be Tarantino's first horror movie?
Or his next SF movie?
Or his next ????? movie?

Enquiring minds want to know.

08-11-19  01:37pm - 1866 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Also, Bernie promised to reveal the truth about Donald Trump: Trump is an alien who is a false President. Trump was born outside of Earth, so Trump was never qualified to become President. But false documents (Trump is a master of false documents) fooled people into voting for Trump.
So foolish people voted for the alien Trump, who became President of the United States.


Rolling Stone

August 11, 2019 12:01PM ET
If Elected, Bernie Sanders Will Reveal What the Government Knows About Aliens

“My wife would demand that I tell you,” the candidate said
By Peter Wade

Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), during an interview on Joe Rogan’s podcast this week, promised the host that he would expose what the government may know about aliens because his wife Jane would insist he do so.

Rogan asked how a possible future President Sanders would handle what some might consider sensitive information: “If you found out something about aliens. If you found out something about UFOs, would you let us know?”

“Well, I’ll tell you, my wife would demand that I tell you,” Sanders replied with a laugh.

Rogan then asked if Sanders’ wife was a “UFO nut”? Sanders said, “No, she is not a UFO nut.” But, Sanders added, she has raised the topic and has asked, “What is going on? And whether he has “access to records.”

Rogan followed up and asked Sanders if he did have access to any UFO-related records and Sanders replied, “I don’t. Honestly, I don’t.”

Rogan then asked, “You’ll let us know?”

Sanders replied, “Alright.” And then promised, if elected, that he’d “announce [any findings] on [Rogan’s] show.”

In May, the subject of UFOs made news when reports surfaced that Navy pilots had relayed information to higher ups about seeing strange objects in the skies in 2014 and 2015.

08-09-19  06:11am - 1868 days Original Post - #1
LKLK (0)
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Registered: Jun 26, '19
Location: CA

Does this mean Disney is abandoning one of their biggest money-maker themes of all time?

Of course not.

Just more misleading advertising shit, to pump up the excitement and get everyone into theaters to pay for the latest episode of Star Wars.

Don't worry, suckers.

There will be plenty more Star Wars movies coming in the future, as Disney continues to crank out more pieces of commercial junk.

Dracula, where are you when we need a hero to save us from Disney's treacle?
Was Dracula transformed into a light-emitting creature of love who settled down with Kristen Stewart in marital bliss?

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