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Post History:
slutty (0)
1-10 of 10 Posts | Page 1 |
11-29-18 02:07am - 2313 days | Original Post - #1 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
I am curious, are there any good billing companies left in porn. I don't joint many sites these days, it used to be ccbill and epoch were reliable, but these billers seem much less common these days. probiller is obviously hot garbage, their site is basically non-functional, chat is worthless, takes 20 minutes to cancel and I am sure they are banking on people just giving up. PayPal seems more common now, but makes me nervous, so I tend to setup throwaway PayPal accounts and delete them soon after joining. I don't really understand how this industry hopes to survive. They bitch and moan about piracy, but the sketchy tactics seem to be getting worse and worse lately (single click upsells, ads everywhere where you don't know where to click, making it harder to cancel a membership than it is to cancel a cell phone plan, memberships requiring "premium" access for downloads, using sketchy billers, etc). I am just tired of it, I am happy to pay for content I enjoy, but it is really aggravating when you have to navigate all this bullshit (and often spend more than you intended to for said content). The way the industry behaves, they have no business bitching about piracy when the pretty much commit fraud every day. These kinds of cash grabs might be good in the short term, but every time they do it, they risk losing a consumer for life. Pirated porn is not hard to find, and if they are going to be dishonest, why shouldn't I? Sorry for complaining, I know I don't post here much anymore, but this is something that has been driving me nuts for the last year or so. There certainly are some good, honest sites out there. I guess I will just stick to those. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
02-08-18 10:50pm - 2607 days | Original Post - #1 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
Hey ya'll. I don't want to break any rules or anything, but since this site isn't listed I thought I would post a quick review as I know a lot of people here like some of the other Diesel sites (Wow, Allfine), their preview pages are pretty much worthless, and I didn't see any other reviews online. The site as it is now is quite small, the feel of the site is pretty much the same as the other two listed above, I still don't understand why these folks are always splitting stuff off - well, I guess obviously it is to make more money, but it is sort of annoying as a consumer. The current price for downloads is $25, but there is a backout discount that drops it to around $21. Basic site details: - There are currently 61 videos and 174 photo sets. - The video specs are pretty good, crisp, most go as high as 4k, 60fps, although those files are like 4-5 GB. - Download speeds are decent, not quite maxing my 100 Mbit connection. - Navigation is pretty much identical to what you would see on Wow. - I guess the most important thing for a site this small is updates, and it seems to update every day (either photo or video), seems to have been a 2:1 photo to video ratio for most of the site's lifetime. Overall I think it is a very good site, just like Wow or Allfinegirls, but it would probably be better to wait until it is a good bit larger to join. The main cons are what you would typically expect of a site from these folks, the models generally are similar body types, not a lot of diversity, but if you are into the Wow style, you would probably like it. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
07-27-12 11:26pm - 4629 days | Original Post - #1 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
I was just wondering if any PUs had tried one of the SSD/HDD hybrid drives. I know they have been around for a while, but it seems as though the newer batch actually has some pretty good performance improvements in boot/load time almost as good as SSD alone - but much much cheaper (at least from what I've read). I think the recent PU poll about buying new technology a month ago jinxed me, as just after saying I don't plan on buying anything new, I dropped my stupid laptop. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
08-26-10 12:36pm - 5330 days | Original Post - #1 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
Interesting video on CNN: http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-484938?hpt=C2 The chants of the ladies are pretty funny, "free the udders". I didn't realize there weren't topless beaches in LA, I would have assumed there were. Certainly doesn't seem like topless beaches are all that uncommon. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_soc...ces_in_North_America Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
08-21-10 12:30pm - 5335 days | Original Post - #1 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
Not to be picky or anything, but I just wanted to note this so folks use the correct terms when discussing download speeds, otherwise it can be confusing. Kbps, Mbps refer to bits (my connection speed is currently 10 mbps) KB, MB refer to bytes (my maximum download speed is currently 1.3 MB/sec) There are 8 bits in a byte, so a 10 Mbit connection is equivalent to maximum speeds of 1.3 MB/sec. The correct format I have always seen is bit (b), byes (B). Perhaps this is just an American thing, if so sorry. Just wanted to add this note, I'm sure many webmasters get distressed when people post download speeds accidentally in bit rather than bytes (as this makes their connection 8 times worse!). Take it easy! Sorry for being a n3rd. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
08-14-10 02:10am - 5342 days | Original Post - #1 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
Just curious if anyone else using Windows 7 has this problem, as it exists on both computers I have running Windows 7. Every couple of days, when watching/listening to media in pretty much any program (Media Player, Quicktime, IE, Firefox, Flash, etc.) the program will lock up playing the video and after said lockup I won't be able to play video or audio again until after a reboot. I first thought it was a video or audio driver problem so updated all that stuff, updated all my video codecs, but it still happens... Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
07-13-10 09:59pm - 5374 days | Original Post - #1 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
So I was perusing through PU and trying to find some interesting new solo sites, so I selected "solo models" from the pull down and up pops Peter North's site and Rocco's site. Obviously the intent is that these are the sites of individuals, but when I think of "solo models" I think of a site featuring solo content. Perhaps I'm just being stupid. Seems like a question the ole Cap'n woulda asked. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
03-30-10 08:45am - 5479 days | Original Post - #1 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
So I'm laying on the couch home sick from work flipping through the channels, and see a photo of Sasha Grey on one of them - so of course I stop to watch! Interestingly it was a story on the 700 Club laying much of societies ills at the feet of pornography. Which I though was pretty comical. They threw out all these ridiculous stats about people that commit sexual assault are more likely to look at pornography, but didn't say anything about people looking at porn being any more likely to commit sexual assault - a more useful statistic I would think. My guess is that those that commit sexual assault are more likely to be honest about their porn habits. Of course, this is some bat-shit crazy religious show, so I guess it is not that surprising, and of course they also threw out the usual shit about porn causing teens to become sexually active and porn ruining families. I could see those that are truly addicted to porn having all kinds of social problems, but for the vast majority I don't think it amounts to much of anything for most people, just as most people can have a beer without becoming addicted. Anyone see this, or have any opinions? This attitude that porn is absolute evil seems to be gaining steam in the States, I've seen several news stories about it over the past several years. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
02-25-10 04:48pm - 5512 days | Original Post - #1 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
I tried searching the forum to see if this has come up, but couldn't find it. If you notice that when you close a window when previewing a site and a discount offer pops up, should we post this information on PU? Will the company take the discount away if we do this? This practice used to be very common, don't see it quite as much as I used to, but I still notice it every once in a while when tooling around. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
02-16-10 08:51pm - 5521 days | Original Post - #1 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
Just curious, did all the hot ladies out there in the Olympics get your juices going, or is that just me? Has to be the only redeeming quality of figure skating. The Norwegian team just about made my head explode in the opening ceremonies... Someone had to ask right? Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
1-10 of 10 Posts | Page 1 |