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11-23-12  03:33pm - 4429 days #11
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by messmer:

I think Wittyguy has left the building, Drooler. Which would be a real shame. Those awards were great even though I threw a temporary snit over one of the remarks at the time. Come back, Wittyguy, I promise never to do that again!

You shouldn't take the full hit or the heat for Witty's absence, messmer .....I had as much, if not more cause for the course of action he's seemingly taken.
As a PU newbie, getting blindsided by this guy's parade of raw insults, and me, not one to cotton being sucker-punched in this kind of way without rebounding; I did just that.
I posted and got my licks in and retreated to my corner.
Whether my brand of recourse unexpectedly got witty on the ropes, I don't know....... But:
The next thing I knew I had become a pariah in the eyes of a disturbing number of my fellow members, the chilling remnants of which still persist to this day.
However ....
I've gone beyond the call with witty in an attempt to put all this behind us and get on with the business of bringing back this excitingly popular, annual event.
One only has to go back and peruse the posts back then to see that I tried to impress on him this great and rare talent he has, and the entertainment value he's bringing to PU and the many eagerly awaiting members who're looking forward to the annual awards arrival.

I appeal to witty, for the sake of his many forum fans and admirers here, to give them back what has been an all-important PU fixture.
I trust he'll agree his many friends here who're still clinging to the hope for this years event shouldn't suffer because of a mere couple of dissenters.

11-23-12  12:33am - 4429 days #10
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Unfailingly, another special day acknowledged on behalf of we Porn Users, by a one and only incomparable Administrative staff and chief, unexcelled in this growing genre and holding the complete favor of his dedicated followers.
Thank you Sirs and ma'ams for your thoughtful holiday greeting.

11-22-12  11:47pm - 4429 days #11
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by messmer:

I am getting the feeling that web owners just aren't listening to me! How humbling!

"humbleness" has struck a cord, Sir messmer.
And from the tone of that cord is my tune and refrain of a similar pursuit..... one of which, (up to now) not expounded upon enough to truly galvanize it's station in the minds of my fellow PU brethren:
(Drum roll please!)
Perhaps the more perceptive among our PU crowd have already picked up on the only combination of entities from these sites that do for me what I really want.
Simply put:
Pleated and/or light (summer)dresses which are complimented by full panties (preferably cotton).
(The presentation will include her dress going through a number of strategic lifts, with the desired result showcasing ample flashes of her thighs and panties.
This is followed by either hot solo action (always done on her back) or seduction leading up to sex between a couple (always and only done in the missionary position).
Contrary to established protocol, the obligitory (he/she BJs and doggie style sex, should never accompany this scene, and always be left out

Now, I employ thee please, how easy will this be for me to find?

11-22-12  02:25am - 4430 days #7
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by messmer:

Okay, call me weird if you must!

Maybe somewhat waywardly unconventional, 'ol buddy (as are all we pervs)... but you ain't nowhere near that person wearin' that bag over his head.

But, given the fact you are, indeed, an extraodinary author....one could get the idea da-man does kind'a push the envelope in his passionately unrelenting internet pursuit of "mature women" and specific application of tasteful underware and lingerie....

11-19-12  11:25pm - 4432 days #10
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
If this site only catered to, or required Quotas to those giving reviews, then Id'a got my walking papers long ago.
Most, by now, should already know I'm dragging far behind on the number of reviews that are presented here, and that is because most of my fellow-members, and esp. regulars who are prolific contributors, simply purchase sizable more subscriptions.
I try to compensate by putting those would-be-review efforts in other Porn-User features ... ie., forum, polls, as well as replies and other sundry accolades I feel are justifiable acknowledgments worthy of honoring my fellow-members.

Uh-hum! I can I get an Amen on that?
Moreover, (and in conclusion) may the overall production that compliments us here at PU spark worthy self-approbation attributed to this marvelous family, who, as I do, feel right at home with this great site. Edited on Nov 19, 2012, 11:52pm

11-14-12  11:40am - 4438 days #3
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Although unworthy, I have to sympathize with you on this, my friend -- I mean, what with but a fraction of the reviews you've churned out, as well as other regulars, I too find it hard to discipline myself to set aside a time to give a review the attention it should get.
Although I purchase far fewer subscriptions, I do eventually post a reviews on all of them, albeit find it so easy to put off.
I read your reviews, and it's all too evident you pour over doing the best job on them you can muster. I marvel over your's and the other regular's comprehensive efforts on our behalf.
Be assured, denner, your hard work is paying off, and I think I speak for all my fellow members in expressing my heartfelt gratitude for the success your reviews have garnered.

11-13-12  08:36pm - 4438 days #15
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by messmer:

Just curious, graymane, did you mean the Pacific? I only remember one war in the early fifties and that was in Korea. But then I am getting forgetful and maybe there was an armed conflict somewhere in Southern Europe?? Not trying to be annoying just can't remember combat in Europe at that time.

Thanks, my good friend, for correcting me on this very obvious temporary lapse of memory -- it was indeed the Pacific and the drop was in South Korea. ( Combination of seeing too many German-war movies ... along with another cheap shot from the onset of age-related Dementia.)

In order to dissuade those who might think I'm makin' this up, let me add a little detail:
The 187th lead this airborne operations, with which Our division was joined by the 101st Airborne Division in making this one of the largest airborne man-and-equipment drops recorded on Koren soil.
I can't take any credit for our costly victory there, between my two years serving (1953 - 1955) because, as I said, I was withdrawn because the numbers needed was meet before they got to us.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm retreating to the blackboard whereon I shall write "Pacific, not the Atlantic" 500 times. After which, I'll be looking for a general course in Geography.

11-12-12  08:15pm - 4439 days #11
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Thanks, Khan, for bringing us this important thread.

Having served with the 508th Airborne during the early '50's, (on a memory-etched occasion) being prepared for, but through perhaps Devinne intervention, I was pulled from a combat jump at the last minute that my division made on the other side of the Atlantic, amid heavy artillery and small gunfire, costing the lives of many to whom I'd grown close and trained with ... this reminder adds special significance to extolling them the highest honor possible -- and to all who've followed.

11-12-12  07:07pm - 4439 days #953
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

I thought Sean Connery was the best Bond because he defined masculine cool for his time period. Like I already wrote: "He had it all: suave, sophisticated, amusing (with his double entendres), virile - all he had to do was look at the best-looking women and they jumped into his bed). Connery was like a sophisticated cave-man, who would be politically incorrect in the modern world. He didn't hesitate to kill evil men, he didn't hesitate to bed gorgeous women, and he enjoyed drinking."

Ya'know, lk2fireone .... The popular line and accompaning expression that helped seal permanence for Connery's Bond character was his signature introduction ... "The name's Bond, james Bond."
I don't see hopeful Bond characters steppin' up to the plate against that of pitch anywhere. Edited on Nov 12, 2012, 07:18pm

11-12-12  06:38pm - 4439 days #952
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

Finally, the movie we've all been waiting for:
Jurassic Park (1993) 3D is coming April 2013.

Maybe 20 years from 2013 they will issue a newer version with 20-track sound, and interactive video/touch/smell/all senses zoom-fields.

Let the cash registers ring!

Just what we need, 'ol Puff-the-dragon sending viewers gusts of his halotosis along with each closeup roar.

11-11-12  06:51am - 4441 days #34
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by jberryl69:

I also lived 25 years in the Mtns of NC so I missed Katrina - Been here about five years, my mom, sister and niece here also and it's just good to have them near. But I've been through Gustaf and one this year. No fun - in fact interrupts my fun.

Living in those pristine NC mountains is about as close to a piece of paradise as one can experience, particularly if you're one who values nature's scenic wonders, air so clear and clean you can almost taste it's purity, alienation from urban blight, and, I'd suspect, among other things, worry-free unlocked doors.

With all that, and the mountains to help block the full fury of storm winds, I think I could endure what remains of the onslaught of dangerous hurricanes.

And oh yes, JBerry, there's those hardy Southern grits ......yummmmy.

11-10-12  05:51pm - 4441 days #16
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Said it before, an' I'll say it again:
If we can apply makeup in films so skillfully that it would fool one's own mother, as well as so many other means developing in the minds of present-day film-makers and inovator's, then we should certainly overcome the problem of condoms being visible shooting sex scenes.

11-10-12  05:21pm - 4441 days #26
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
One should never forget the unprecedented mess Bush left this country in -- after eight years of study political rape, pillage, obscene spending, war-mongering, self-indulgence' of power (the list goes on) -- after mercifully gettin' his ass unseated in one of the most crucial transfer of power acts in our nation's history.

Obama's got himself an alligator by the tail. God speed and may creation's divine intervention bring us out of this inherited quagmire.

11-10-12  04:20pm - 4442 days #10
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by rearadmiral:

That or I have a hidden brain tumour or something... I'll start getting worried if I wake up craving asparagus.

Try adding a good cheese sauce, RearGunner. Does wonders for asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower an' the like.... an' the "craving" will then likely turn out to be your best friend .... (in the food chain, that is)

11-07-12  12:45pm - 4445 days #9
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Eh....well, OK, so I was a bit off the mark. However, Many thanks to our brutally tactful leader and Toadysith
(PU's linguistic marvel) for their thoughtfully corrective generosity.

11-06-12  12:33pm - 4446 days #5
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Khan:

Be sure to go out and vote.

I know, the system sucks and most of the canidates are not as good as we'd like

I keep tellin' you, Khan!!!!! RUN

You'da man!
Campaign slogan: "Run fo our lives"

11-06-12  12:20pm - 4446 days #3
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

Anyone going ?

AVN Adult Entertainment Expo
Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas
January 17, 2013 - January 19, 2013
4455 Paradise Road
Las Vegas, NV, 89169

Only if they move it to Virginia.

11-06-12  12:11pm - 4446 days #6
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Ed2009:

What's "the garter thing"?

At the expense of stealing Toadsith's thunder, esp. after he posted such a delighfully clever piece about "the garter thing" I trust he'll forgive me for jumping in here and give our valued Webmaster a quick idea of his inquiry.

You see, Ed, it is tradition over here, usually at big weddings, that the bride wear a garter-belt under her gown and above her knee. This adds to the excitment of the affair because before leaving the church grounds, the couple at some point -- most often on the front steps facing a hungry-eyed bunch of male attendees, lifts her gown high at thigh level and detaches the garter belt.
Tradition follows when she tosses the belt into a mass of out-stretched hands belonging to a crowd of unwed women who'll fight to the death to catch it.
Why? because tradition promises the lucky gal who plucks it will be the next to have a wedding of her own.

11-01-12  08:48pm - 4450 days Original Post - #1
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia

It was Halloween night at the Brass Bell bar and grill.
A party was roaring, Karaoke was on tap and your's truely did his small part by belting out a song or two.
I gotta say, the old man didn't do too bad.

Between songs, this self-appointed announcer would take over the mike and do what he could to keep the energy flowing.
The show-stopper came when a hot, curvaceous gal dressed in a tight leopard costume had mindlessly agreed to further celebrate her birthday by participating in a little stunt the announcer had duped her into playing out.

With a male volunteer from the crowd, the announcer had him set down on a chair, spread his legs, after which the announcer carefully mounted a small cone of ice cream neatly atop the stretched fabric directly over the guy's family jewels.
Up until now, the man and sleek-bodied leopard-girl were clueless what was about to happen.
Too far along to back out, and not wanting to let down the chanting bar-room crowd, the girl, following the announcer's voiced instructions over his microphone, walked reluctantly over to the volunteer, who was still seated and nervously exchanging glances at the girl and the ice cream spiraling outside the cone to a thin peek.
The birthday girl dutifully dropped to her knees, slowly guided her mouth between the stranger's legs and began to swiftly lick away as much and as fast as she could. Arising and immediately wiping her mouth with her paws, stopped and threw kisses to a crowd giving her a wild, standing ovation.

10-31-12  02:00pm - 4452 days #32
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by rearadmiral:

I certainly won't claim to have suffered anywhere near what other have, but last night the edge of Sandy skirted by southern New Brunswick in Canada and we had a series of heavy thunderstorms. One of them, at around midnight was probably the most intense I've ever experienced. Lightning that lasted for four or five seconds and made the street look like high noon, thunder that vibrated the whole house and rattled pictures on the wall, high winds and intense rain. I just had a wee taste of Sandy and that give me a lot more empathy for those who took her full-force.

I don't know if its true or not, but I hear this storm's size stretched over a thousand miles.
I've been through a number of intense storms (nor-Easterners) and hurricans ... an' having lived on the US coast most of my life ..... but Sandy was unique in a lot of ways, all of which literally made her a force to be reckoned with. The most significient among other things was the length of time it continued to just set there and churn out high winds and unabated torrents of rain. She just dug in and never gave a clue when she was leaving.

10-30-12  11:59pm - 4452 days #8
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Glad you showed up, smutman.
Sorry for the welcome delay. but I've been dealin' with Hurricane-Sandy's approach and predicted ass-kickin' .....
Glad to have you on-board, though, an' we'uns invite you to jump right in and join our award-winning reviews, rants and raves.

10-30-12  11:32pm - 4452 days #26
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
All's well that ends ........well?
For-whatever-reason or possibility, I'm gratful to whom or what source might've intervened to usher Sandy farewell upon leaving our Virginia coastal area intact without near the expected damage predicted.
I never lost power nor did we suffer any wind-damage throughout Sandy's over-stay of pounding winds and torencial down-pours. Sandy spared us the expected crushing we'd gerded ourselves for and I couldn't be more gratful.
I'm wondering if Pat Robertson (whose broadcasting empire lies within our Virginia Beach borders) has yet again been influential in one of his reported fireside chats with our Allmighty, (having took credit for diverting previous named storms away from our shores) in diverting Sandy's potential. If so, I might reconsider his donation request for being bequeathed benefactor of my estate.

Again, youse guys ..... for all your support.

10-28-12  10:43pm - 4454 days #14
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia

You know this topic is a thorn in my shoe, big-time don't'cha warrior?

But Ditto, sir messmer ...and a High-five on all the above counts.

Indeed! Why indeed?

Could the answers lie in the absurdity of "why" this kind of crap is practiced in commercial porn at all? Could it be because of the abundance of stale air occupying the cranical cavity, which likely once held but now demonstrate a serious absence of greymatter.

Stroking ones dick between the folds of a woman's tits and reacting as if it contained the miraculous sensation of the interior of a vagina tells me his problem is optic, and seriously needs to get his peepers checked.

Having been a student of the old school.... My auto-reflex upon being spit upon would be delivering a well aimed swift right hook just under the chin of the spittee.

The "moaning thing" ?? Maybe she ain't gettin' enough attention at home ..

Wanna respond to your other inquires, messmer ....but I'm outta time. Suffice to say people who fall into the mold representing the nut-factories who promote and dig this unconventional role-play, might want to avoid any more blood-tests .... for fear of being discovered overhauled in a lab by space mutants from somewhere in wierd-o-coo-coo.

10-28-12  08:20pm - 4454 days #11
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Well, my good friends, fellow PU members, and especially those who penned herewith their generous concerns about my wellbeing in the wake of this storm..... my gratitude reaches the roots of my soul.

This morning (Sunday) Sandy sent us here on the Virginia coast but a teasing example of what we can expect tomorrow (monday).... when she'll realllly flex her muscles.

Her callin' card had already arrived early this am. getting our attention with unrelenting, torencial gully-washing sweeps of rain accompanied by high winds.
Before day's end, all low-lying areas throughout Hampton Roads were under water.
Speaking from a layman's view, If the rain continues at this pace, I could see it soon crippling the whole coastial seaboard.
Power outage have been monumental, and the real beast has yet to arrive.
Note: All this, and we're getting only the outskirt of Sandy.
I suspect tomorrow anything not nailed down just may become airborne. Think Superman in flight. Edited on Oct 28, 2012, 08:40pm

10-27-12  02:33am - 4456 days #4
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Toadsith:

Hopefully it is more bark than bite.

I'm a long ways away from where Sandy is supposed to be, but I'm hoping it doesn't screw up the nice weather we've been having recently, it was 75�F yesterday and it is almost November! In the North Country this is unheard of!

Anyway, I hope folks are spared much hassle from the Hurricane. At least it is only Category 2...

Thanks, Toadsith .... whatever element you put into your post, it honestly left me with a more optimistic outlook on what indeed might be overkill predictions.

10-27-12  02:19am - 4456 days #17
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Toadsith:

I, for one, would love to see Marilyn Chambers in "Insatiable" in glorious high definition with proper colour accuracy and all that.

Sadly, after space and outdated VHS format. I had to (along with others, toss this perfect Chamber's collection (amongst and touted first off the assembly line) bite the bullet and supposedly pass everything on.

10-26-12  07:21pm - 4456 days Original Post - #1
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia

Sandy is on her way up the East coast, packing powerful wind and bringing her friends.
Her friends, who are joining the party, are a combination of Winter storms all coming together at the same time.
Upon impact, they're projected to mercilessly unload their arsenal while carving a devastating path in its wake,
(and to quote a figure of speech): "take no prisoners."

Sandy, only days away, now have the Carolina waters in it's sight, cruising North a couple hundred miles off the East Coast and making its way inland .... between now and Monday It'll make up its mind to hit dead-on either us, Washington, or New York.
This one's reported to drag along plenty armor, inviting itself to hang around and stay awhile ... And even if Virginia survives it coming ashore, its awsome strength won't have pity enough to leave us unscathed.
Today, our governor officially declared Virginia a State of emergency.

Some of you might remember my bringing you this same kind of scenario last year, before the near-miss of Hurricane Irene. Lets hope my luck is still alive and well.
As you step out of your door Monday morning, enjoying the slight breeze and relishing the soothing, purring stomach juices reminding you of a breakfast of bacon an'eggs, and the assurance of your electric stove being operational before dinnertime...... think about ol' graymane.

10-21-12  05:45pm - 4462 days #4
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Congratulations, lK2.
Does this mean your sudden wealth will render you out of our league?... that you might move on to the upper echelons of porn users?...... that your friends (sob) here at PU might lose you to those of highter financial and social standing?
That your course of association with the elite, in your eyes, leave us peions here at lowly PU (in a word) trailer-trash?
May we beg of you to throw us some crumbs, as you leave the mundane and advance mightily on into a more fertile porn arena?

BTW .... Will you be needing a driver for your fleet of limousines? I come with excellent references.

10-18-12  12:56pm - 4465 days #898
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Toadsith:

That's pretty funny about High Noon, I hadn't heard about that.

You might be interested to know leading man in High Noon Gary Cooper ( Hollywood's legionary lady's man) was said to have flipped pretty hard for Grace Kelly.
In fact, it's well known she had that effect on all her leading men of films.
a'peers the only guy loaded enough with notoriety, power, name and money to nail her into a marraige was Rainier III, Prince of Monaco.

10-18-12  12:33pm - 4465 days #897
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Thanks, IK2, for bringing this sad news to my attention.
I've had a burning, vicarious appetite for this sexy lady from the first moment I saw her on celluloid.
She was flat mesmerizing.
Didn't know she was 60 yrs. old. She held her age well.

This shocking loss will add to the other great women of erotica who're still alive and well in the recesses of my memory.

10-17-12  05:18am - 4466 days #892
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Toadsith:

I'm not a huge fan of blondes, but I do make a few exceptions. I'm in agreement with Hitchcock in regards to Grace Kelly, and then there is also the great, but oft forgotten, Veronica Lake with her classic "peek-a-boo" bangs that became all the rage in the 40s.

I agree heartily. Veronica was also a favorite of mine.
But it seems I recall her hair sorta draped over one side of her face, actually covering her eye.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought "bangs" was hair cut straight across the forehead .... The beetles, for example.

Thanks for sharing the trivia. It brings back fond memories.

10-16-12  08:52pm - 4466 days #889
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

Hitchcock was a bright and gifted director who had a thing for beautiful blondes: Grace Kelly, Kim Novak, Janet Leigh, Tippi Hedren, etc.

Ya'know, lk2fireone, I, too, had a thing for those same blond actresses .... especially Kim Novak.
After seeing her in that short, sexy dancing attire she paraded around in (in the film "Pal Joey") I too was obsessed with and blessed with many months of "private-time" action-fantasies.
If she only knew how many times I tapped that honeycomb!

10-14-12  06:06pm - 4468 days #9
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

then in the middle of it the pose for the camera comes. Really ?
I was out of sysnc as it took clearly away from the inetended scene.

Oh yes .....that too! The 'ol stop-and-pose douse of ice water ploy to bring down your lust-level
I just reviewed a site: "Playboy girls" wherein I was duped into accepting not only the numerious freeze-an-smile turn-offs, but with only about three videos featuring each model, one of the two or three had her giggling through a boring interviews.

10-12-12  11:57pm - 4470 days #512
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Khan:

I don't know if you noticed but in your post, where you listed the site name, our system added the link to the listing page.

You'll see it's been reviewed by TBP and several of your fellow users.

Hope that helps.

Help indeed,

Your simple resolution to my inquiry, as well as that of scores here at PU, whose problems you've fielded with such seeming ease, confidence and regularity, just continues to amplify the evidence of where the stength lies that make this site the success it is.
This is why our world has leaders and followers, my good man.... and you, master Khan, do the term repesentating leadership proud. Edited on Oct 13, 2012, 12:03am

10-12-12  06:40pm - 4470 days #7
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
In fewer words, I think biker's said it best, and I couldn't agree more. I support his point here intirely and enthusiastically.

10-12-12  05:29pm - 4471 days #5
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Doggone, elephant!!!!
Am I glad you bought this matter up!
This is indeed one of my pet peeves, and one that rivets my attention.
(Subjects) Models looking to the side or following the lens of a camera, notably when shot on an angle, completely distroys what lttle realism there is normally left when fliming porn. They're saying loud and clear: "LOOK AT ME!"

When my eyes are focused on a hot number, either gettin' her brains f...ked out or squirming with delight while fingering or wielding a router-rooter like toy that's jammed between her legs .. then I want her to be looking me straight in the face. That vicariously makes me feel I'm the direct source of giving her all that pleasure.

10-12-12  04:15pm - 4471 days #5
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Well, I guess I'm SOOL. Because when I got my one and only prize money announcment in my mailbox, I just figured that was it. If and whenever I needed it, it was there.
Now I don't know where the hell it is.

10-12-12  04:01pm - 4471 days #508
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
I just got an offer in my mailbox to join a site called: ATKGalleria
My effort with a Best Porn search doesn't come up with anything, which leads me to believe perhaps this outfit is a copycat of some sort -- But then I dunno, what with my thin ability to decipher who's wearig the white hats vs the bad guys in matters like this is still dubious at best.

10-11-12  03:38pm - 4472 days #103
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Reminder to our gay friends out there:
You know there's a law on the books wherein you can be charged for "following too close."

10-09-12  04:13pm - 4474 days #15
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

Bone ??

Hmmm I know of a Boner, which I am sure you are not trying to put a handle on. I see however you are trying to point this in the right direction Graymane. And for that I think I could stand up and give you a mighty salute for your contribution to the thread.

Ok enough penis puns LOL Soory kinda hand to when you said bone. No I am not 5, you kinda have to ad that x 10

Ok, CT. advance to the head of the class ... just behind Khan's desk. and get rid of that chewing gum!

Graymane's gonna slip off into a dark corner and contemplate his cranial lapse on this matter. He'll logically come to the usual culprit .... havin' had a senior moment.

10-09-12  03:57pm - 4474 days #13
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Khan:

Really ?!?
A bone in the penis?
Now THAT is news to me.
Cartlidge, yes. Bone, who knew?

I humbly stand to be corrected, oh mighty wise one.

This is but one of many recognized gems reflecting our good fortune of having thee as our highly respected leader and overseer of this great site, and one to whom none other could even approach the breath of knowledge we're so ptivileged to draw upon.

10-09-12  02:43pm - 4474 days #11
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

How to spot a fake penis ?

If you can bend them 360 degree angle would be a start

OUCH !!!! whoa!

C'mon, CT...... I'm informed there's a bone in those things .... which I doubt would survive such an maneuver.
I guess that might account for those cockeyed (pun entended) dongs we rarely see hung on some guys.

10-08-12  06:12pm - 4474 days #6
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
If it were just possible to strip these parasites, who're supposed to be working for us, of all their monetary wealth and possessions, they'd still be left with far, far more in terms of overall compensation than the rest of us.
How? Why?
Simply because they have the best and most comprehensive health and retirement plans on this planet...... not to mention welcome mats laid out to swinging doors of Special Interest.

Have you ever heard of one of these guys being seen waiting in line at a major food chain?

10-07-12  07:57pm - 4475 days #5
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by pat362:

I must be dumb because I don't know what you guys are talking about. Are we talking enlargement through surgery?

Well hello, Pat. You ain't dumb by a long shot. I think every PU member around here can attest to that.
Delighted, though, that you dropped in. Want you to know its always a treat having you as a visitor.

Actually what I'm referring to here is makeup administered or look-a-like extensions added to a performer's cock. The obvious purpose of course is to heighten the impact of a scene.
Remember the popularity that surrounded John Holmes?
The massive sales and rental of his videos had everything to do with his member's phenomenal size, as well as the windfall profits he brought to his filmakers.
I donno, maybe there's something about a huge dick ripping into the folds of a vagina that invites big-time turn-ons for a sizable market of viewers out there who just simply cotton to it.

But if you look closely at some of these guys on the screen whose pecker just don't look right .....like abnormally large, then one's gotta suspect some cosmetics are at play here.

10-07-12  01:07pm - 4476 days #3
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Thanks, Squirrel, for acknowledging my inquiry.

I suppose The fact this thread ain't goin' nowhere either suggests that nobody can address the answer or it simply ain't worthy of addressing.

10-06-12  12:10pm - 4477 days Original Post - #1
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia

Does anybody out there know how or when to spot penile enlargments or other enhancements being used by a male porn performer?

I think it's evident they're being used, but apparently the makeup is just so good that its got me fooled.

"penile enlargments or other enhancements being used by a male porn performer?"

Did anyone other than myself detect an obvious flaw in my above quote?

To wit:
I mean, well, Who, or what gender prey tell, other than males or lesbos would use such things?

10-06-12  11:40am - 4477 days #9
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Heaven knows I'm just a novice when it comes to doing technical computer stuff.
But even I, seeing evidence which I suspect leads me to believe I've been tagged already by mischievous intent by roaming cyber-vermins who've convinced me the internet is swarming with cyber-villains disguised as legit-downloaders who sneek into operating systems via copycat logo and plant their malicious, disruptive play-things wherein satisfying their putrid needs to bring misery to others.
They're demonically clever, shrewd, and very effective at doing their dirty work.

Probably a wild thought, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

10-01-12  02:21am - 4482 days #8
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
It all started with infatuation with my first grade teacher, after which I began to play around with my pecker.

Augmentation developed on the advent of beautiful movie stars who were turning on my mental x-ray vision with bolder body-language..... and later as subliminal eroticism started sneaking into films; and picked up dramatically when musicals with well known sexy dancers (like Cyd Chrisse) serving up eye-candy in sexy dancin' outfits and tights came on the scene.
Log-flogging fantasies was live and in technicolor at my bedtime enjoyment for months following.

10-01-12  01:23am - 4482 days #9
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Can't help you with your technical question... but it seems Our whizzkid-locals have already taken care of that and are on top of things.
I can, and will say welcome to our friendly community. Glad to have you on board. we're lookin' forward seein' a lot of you around here.

09-25-12  02:50am - 4488 days #14
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by messmer:

I don't think it is that close a race, graymane. The vast majority of the posters here will reject streaming only, while at the same time they embrace streaming as a means of sampling a video before downloading.

There'll be a symbolic big red apple resting with your avator, Sir messmer, put there for the simple fact of your possessing a sterling quality and a nobility recognized by all. I'm throwing in loudly shouting out our good fortune of your simply being one of us.

It goes without saying, students of porn here at Porn Users are grateful for what you've given. We're On the lookout for of your wonderful posts, and, ideally, another of your refreshingly delightful threads.
Amongst the celebration, I want to be one waving the biggest placard depicting your invaluable contribution and tenure here.

Quote from messmer: "I don't think it is that close a race, graymane."

My inspiration fosted from delivering the above unexpected praise for our honorable Canadian comrade, has took root because of his direct approach upon correcting my Hypothesis relating to the match-ups of "streaming verses downloading.
My good friend inescapably proved me wrong, leaving me hangdoged, aimlessly and endlessly pacing my room in bewilierment as to how I could have blundered so badly in my judgement. Crushed, I ended up drinking myself into oblivion, passing out on the floor just short of making it to the bedroom.
My friend has taught me a valuable lesson: "Get my facts together before launching into something nilly-willy", in this case thereafter sending me drifting under a cloud of shame and visibly guilty in the eyes of thousands of my fellow members ,,,,, hence leaving me with a decision to change my PU user-name to "the blunderer."

.....Gottcha, pard!
Jus' kiddin' about the above, of course. you da man, sir messmer.

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