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Post History:
graymane (0)
101-150 of 1412 Posts | < Previous Page | 1 | 2 | Page 3 | 4 | 9 | 14 | 19 | 28 | 29 | Next Page > |
07-08-14 05:35am - 3837 days | #14 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Drumroll please...... recognizably for another welcome and interestingly insightful post, our worthy webmaster from down-under has bought to us to think about today. All of which, before preceding, gives me a window to plug the genre he's representing on his own site. Solos geared to the likes of "I feel myself" ... and especially Abby Winters, unwaveringly always have been among my all time favorites in my choice of porn. Fair to say, In my simple quest to ditto the main attraction created and laid upon this post by AWpress ....of which included otherwise in this thread .......an additionally | |
07-07-14 07:12pm - 3837 days | #12 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
With all due respect, guys ...... I think the term best associated with this malady touted by the pundits might be called "jaded" Funk an' Wagnall .....or better yet, the inquirer's Internet masters: "Wikipedia" may have more to say on the subject. | |
07-04-14 12:50am - 3841 days | #2 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
I find myself privileged to be the first this year replying to our good leader's July 4th sentiments. I think I could fairly say I speak for all here at PU by heartily reciprocating his usual, thoughtful holiday gesture. | |
06-25-14 02:10am - 3850 days | #3 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Sorry, all, about my trailing in acknowledging PU!s Father day greeting. It appears almost clear -- for the first time --- I could've overlooked our administrator's recent, unfailing practice of posting his well-wishes to PU members, representing this, the latest of those special days of the year.....Father's Day. So, I trust I'm joined by all viewing Khan's Father Day message, in hailing our good fortune for leadership that share's no equal. | |
06-21-14 10:22am - 3854 days | #15 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
I never checked out this informative link you provided, turbo. Because my stomach acids are already doing enough damage to my insides without stirring the juices up further. I'd like to add, its this kind of insidious practice making disturbing inroads within the industry that is graphically spelling out that porn (as we know it) is seriously risking an inevitable course to meeting its Waterloo. So, extending my appreciation, sincere thanks, I commend you, turbo, for putting some life in this wake-up call and bringing it to the attention of our members. | |
06-11-14 07:24pm - 3863 days | #5 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Sirs, and/or ranking women of AWpress website ...(webmasters) Just wanna say, I've been following your recent posts in our forum with a good deal of interest. Always useful, and certainly something pleasantly different. During the last five years, of which I've been quite active on this forum, some of my fondest memories was having webmasters around. I've certainly missed them. So I guess it goes without saying ....and I trust speaks collectively, that we're really glad to again have webmasters aboard. Edited on Jun 11, 2014, 07:38pm | |
06-06-14 02:57am - 3869 days | #5 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Well, biker .....being the victim myself of the kind of problems you've just inquired about, seems I too will benefit from our omnipotent leader's sage advice .... in that I've grown to become a blue-ribbon sucker falling for their schemes. I recently done a thread on and about my situation with but a few of the legions of damaging, viral infiltrations out there --- which, not unlike the doings of armies of hungry Venus-fly-traps --- positioning themselves in very strategic locations all over the net. You see those traps, that beckons magically to one or more of your software needs ........And, by-golly its free! Of course, after they've bated you on their testing that finds you have two zillion seriously embedded home-wreckers lurking about within this particular program .....FREE THEN GOES TO THE BACK-BURNER. Because they have cannons, loaded and ready wherewith to open-up, thereby ridding you of the pesky vermin. AND, BECAUSE ITS YOUR LUCKY DAY; ...AT NOW PREVAILING HALF-PRICE, IT'LL ONLY COST YOU $29.95. You're now in the sucker's donuts hole! The creatively new ways of messing with your mind is endless! So, biker .....what specifically our fearless leader didn't dwell on in his usual adroit manner ...... BEWARE! | |
06-01-14 08:38am - 3874 days | #30 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
No surprises that I'm of the same mind on this thread's general but controversial subject-matter, expressed with conviction and verve by one of PU's masters....(the Squirrel). This is tight-fasted stuff he and I share opinions on which I'm always gonna ride shotgun throughout the ride .... happily a confrere following his unyielding stance having to do with this barn-burner.. But I'm compelled always to hasten, as well as duly add, despite whatever opposition to these existing differences, as well as any other burning issue confronting anything newsworthy and/or direly in the need of factual confirmation or comprehensive assessment in any form rendered to This site's betterment .......is none other than one of the inter-net's proud prodigy, and one who is this site's brightest and most well-informed gentleman, one whom I revere and feel honored to be associated with ..... Tis but one In the grand personage of PU's most popular and valued member Pat362 | |
05-31-14 07:54pm - 3874 days | #29 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
A hearty welcome-back drop-in, squirrel, -- (even if it's for just a little while) -- to a top player in our PU community. From this member's perspective: ..... your charismatic grasp of the language and thought-provoking rants have been sorely missed. And I'd like to think I speak for us all upon passing out these deserving accolades. Let us see more of you, partner! PS .....I share implicitly (to the letter) your rant on the mandatory law regarding seat-belts. Among other things, it's my body .....and I want the choice to put it into whatever realm of chance that I choose. | |
05-31-14 01:33am - 3875 days | #24 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Have you forgotten something, CT? ..... Striking while the iron is hot, new ideas effecting porn are surfacing in La-La Land like bloated fish after an oil-spill. Particularly what'll interest all here on PU turf, and naturally also with all males who're into this nature-ingrained practice, has all to do with a new idea for a law, hatched among Democrats, and enthusiastically lauded by Republicans .......one that is basically an idea that might not only put more teeth into this issue (generated by this thread) .... but one that could do wonders in bringing in sorely needed revenue to help the State ......and, indeed, perhaps the entire Nation. By golly gee...... think about the possibilities? The idea in question ..... should it become law, would make it a violation -- subject to fine -- to jerk-off without some positive effective sheathing encompassing his (penis) that it blocks ejaculate that might become earthbound and take root.....or lest a live sperm survives and somehow finds it's way into the region of a woman's vagina. wherein the mighty little fellow works its way to the woman's ripen egg farm. And more importantly what all this is about .....that God forbid it might harbor some nasty, fertile disease that might create a threat to her life. In lieu of all this, it is advised that we males hereafter practice abstinence ..... one suggestion is that we wear boxing-gloves during those times we're apt to succumb to that sinister temptation. (emission via penile stimulation) I suggest a book written by a woman author called: "If you're going to spill your seed, go somewhere else to do it other than in my pussy." Edited on May 31, 2014, 01:52am | |
05-29-14 09:18am - 3877 days | #20 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
So far - so good. Never had even a hint of problems with my card going through the system for my adult, and internet porno purchases. Maybe they're givin' some slack to an old codger whom they figure already has one foot on a live-wire and the other about to step in a water puddle | |
05-29-14 08:42am - 3877 days | #21 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Then all I can say is that the industry had better come up with a "sure-fire" acceptable alternative for bare-backing lest this porn-lover treks elsewhere for his viewing pleasures. | |
05-23-14 09:38pm - 3882 days | Original Post - #1 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
If you were heterosexually active ...and/or aware .....or God-forbid, Gay in the early and mid-eighties -- on throughout the perilous years that followed, then you already know that was an extremely deadly era in which to casually explore sex yet be alive and well. Choosing sex partners then was like walking through and over a loaded mind field, with eyes closed, and in ultimate darkness. Chancing even a quickie or opportune Trist, and yet maybe still, using what little and only protection then available ......was akin to playing Russian Roulette. This is a chillingly true and riveting movie ..... script-written and co-authored among the industry's most prolifically talented authors. I almost guarantee, the show's script and exceptionally keen acting performances, should bring you right up from your chair. Note ...... I'm only hawking this HBO premier because of the glowing reports I've gotten from noted experts... esp. from different sources. Apart from my interest to pass on to my PU friends, and fellow members, what I'm convinced they'll be glad they indeed acted on viewing ........ I then would hasten to add, that past, present or future potential, as well as from whence anything, even remotely defined as reciprocal appearing on my plate for this kindly HBO gesture ..... can well be as far-fetched as frogs dancing with young rattlesnakes in a change partners waltzed contest. | |
05-23-14 06:02pm - 3882 days | #69 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Yo, jberry, has old graymane fell from grace, or sumpin' ? Ain't got even a nibble from you in ages on anything I've been puttin' on the boards. Is it my grammar? WHAT? | |
05-20-14 12:33am - 3886 days | #7 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Only thing which came to my attention that would possibly strike a ribald cord pertaining to an Israeli incident, was that of a Denizen Jew roaming the halls of a prestigious escort and sexual release facility .... looking for the area where the action was. Already nude from the waist down and happily sporting his best boner, onward, unwavering, swinging his great log of pride from left to right with both hands -- all in defiance of the age-worn, undiminished, crude jokes aimed at penile belittlement associated with his people. All his equipment now on ready, time ebbing down, the door to his desire now in sight ...... obsessed only with the forthcoming, entangled mesh with her soft body against his ideally located appendages. but ....... unwittingly, and maybe by a freak of occurrence .....he walked straight, face-onto and up against a wall, only a few feet from his destination. I'll let you, the reader, guess which bone that was broken upon impact................ This isn't rocket science, people!!!! Obviously, it was his ........... Nose | |
05-16-14 01:31am - 3890 days | #8 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Well thank you kindly, Sir jook! I certainly hope I can live up to that very prestigious honor. BTW .....aren't you glad you stayed on here at Porn Users? I know I am! | |
05-13-14 07:50pm - 3892 days | #5 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
I feel your pain, jook. Been there done that. You're right about one thing that stands out .... Your bank sucks. Having been a victim, and similarly bogged down with your kind of troubles ....facing nerve-wrenching apathy on the part of this kind of legal larceny .... actually more times than I care to admit, ......I've been known to simply lick my wounds and wait it out 'till the smoke clears. Getting back to your bank's unwillingness to go that extra mile in order to pull you out of that mess ..... I'd suggest you find one who'll be in your corner and stay there through the full 15 rounds. . The two main high-profile banks with which I've settled on have given me absolutely no problems helping me out. .... ideally by simply closing an account I was roped into and issuing a new card .....along with it scratches any responsibility on my part to acquiesce to the sinister practice of forced renewal. Another practical avenue to take that'll protect your interest to the maximum is to insist on billing through PayPal, CCBilling, or the aforementioned Epoch. Paypal now has their foot in the door of internet billing-utopia .....namely themselves officially already in the banking business ...which means you can now jump right in there and take advantage of full banking privileges ...ie., open a comfortable yield account; get a card, and I have strong reason to believe they'll come out swinging a hell'va lot harder to protect your interest in every phase of internet purchases. | |
05-13-14 11:25am - 3893 days | #7 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
(turbo) >> Thanks, graymane. Your threads are much appreciated here, especially for their entertainment value. And I hasten to say: be assured, sir ... for as long as I know what I write is appreciated ....and would bring on the kind of response you've just so kindly posted, then I'll continue to do my best to keep my stuff entertaining. Turbo >>> "I am very opinionated and make no apologies for that. And the praiseworthy fruit from that, sir, including great, thought-provoking links that you bring to this forum, shine like a mid-day sun . Call all this the likes of a mutual admiration society if you will ....., And I say: "yeah, but where would we be without this kinship?" Which reminds me .....Where is Pat? We certainly can't afford to lose this guy! | |
05-13-14 01:48am - 3893 days | #11 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Thanks a bunch, Capn, for bringing this up. Before now, I never knew where it came from or originated. You'd think I'd "HAVE THE PRESENCE OF MIND" to do like you did and simply look it up. You couldn't have passed on to us a more significant piece of information. PS .... Can you imagine the horrendous laughter that went on during his monologue of this story to all those guys at Oxford Union? | |
05-13-14 01:12am - 3893 days | #4 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Thank you turbo, and especially twofold to our infrequent Canadian visitor, (messmer) whose earlier posts .....like those from Turbo, Pat, Drooler , wittyguy and, sadly, those PU oldies who's now hopefully only temporarily missing, that greeted me and had the greater influence on my attachment to, and growing enthusiasm for staying with this crowd. Believe it or not, I sometimes cast whatever is on my mind at the time; anywhere I trust will make waves...divided among the forum, polls, and especially to what few reviews I've done .... A Lot of which I've happily had the good fortune to see score rather handsomely with various readers, who reciprocate generously with the kind of positive approval that mellows the spirit. Edited on May 13, 2014, 01:17am | |
05-11-14 11:29am - 3895 days | Original Post - #1 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
It's Sunday, a perfect day to talk about religion. And I have to say, having it force-fed to me starting in my pre-teens, until I untied myself from my mom's apron strings, did I solidly conclude I'm capable of arguing on the subject with the best of them. That would include, but not limited to Theology graduates from all the various established denominations as we know it. Before I expand on the thread's title, which obviously has to do with confused young men, especially Catholic boys who were in a perpetual struggle going up against Nature's calling, and the dire warnings of dreadful consequences should they (boys) succumb to the urging temptations of (God-forbid) MASTUBATION. If treading on theological shortcomings instill the fear of going to Hell (that would be the literal one mentioned in the Bible) then please leave the room! I often wonder if, among all the allowables granted to Priests, that solely the hearing of confessions is primary as their,,, eh, --- lets say .....well, doggone... I'm calling a spade a spade by coming right out with it ....."compensation" pure and simple. I gather they get to hear all the juicy details ....with no punches pulled. My upbringing, being of the protestant faith, exhorted adherence to the old-time religion ....espousing Christian dogma which, among other things, drove home the concept of a molten hot inferno awaiting we young lads who just couldn't keep our hands off our peckers. It wasn't until after I spent a stint in the US Army Airborne did I finally choose to challenge my Bible-thumping, arm-waving, saliva-spitting, pulpit-shaking, foot-stumping, over-zealous, prognosticators of doom, who, given authority to act the role of pastor, thereby passing on to us supposedly the true word of God, which, in my case, only succeeded in scaring the hell out'a me. It was later, which mercifully occurred to me that it had to be only natural to just surrender to this natural instinct that was so inherent in we, our (males) sexual calling. (in street-layman language >>>> "jerking off.> More Importantly, I ponder the question of why would our creator embed such a force to satiate something so powerfully inherent in our functionality -- only to make it a sin to give-in to it. I'd naturally be interested to have you, our loyal friends here at PU, to share your experience coming up from adolescence ....particularly had it followed a similar course of "would I", "should I," "or could I, .... in dealing with possible adversary of this nature growing up. | |
05-09-14 11:08pm - 3896 days | #8 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Once a Biker in need of a diaper .... But Now it's a Biker who's become a writer .... and a doggone good one at that! You're on a roll, man! your thoughts-in-print just gets better and better! So Who we foolin' ...you don't need writer schoolin' ....you got Porn User doubter defusing accompanied by ongoing gray matter infusing. Oh, and about the latter from you on this post! I particularly like the part where you got off the hooch! It can only get better as the craving ain't misbehaving. | |
05-09-14 09:38pm - 3896 days | #7 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
I came across this very old clip, along with a couple other very funny and clever published works -- that undoubtedly has to go back well-over 40 years ago .....thus staying with me through thick-an-thin, miraculously surviving moves to as many as three other different States. At the time (and still is) I've found this to be absolutely the funniest thing in print I'd ever come across. Having dug it out accidently the other day as I was preparing to divest myself of clinging, lifetime, yet totally worthless clutter ....that had accumulated to a point that, had my dwellings ever come to the attention of the fire-department, I WOULD BE IN A WORLD OF DO-DO. But this piece has, and always will be among my very favorite piece of clutter ....AND IT AIN'T GOIN' ANYWHERE. Reading it over and over and getting the usual hardy guffaw it somehow always awards me..... It immediately occurred to me that I absolutely had to share it with my PU-brethren. Hence the thread. Thanks to all for the favorable response its so far garnered..... Edited on May 09, 2014, 11:23pm | |
05-09-14 04:00pm - 3897 days | #4 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Awww, c'mon Biker .....if the others are as good as the one you just wrote ..... I don't think we wanna wait too long. | |
05-09-14 10:56am - 3897 days | Original Post - #1 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Herewith is the story of my brief encounter at bricklaying as an occupation, and the accident report following my first day on the job ..... At an early age, Following my apprenticeship in bricklaying, I then felt I could do it all. Later ........after My wakeup call.... Dear sir ...... I'm writing in response to your request for additional information. In block number 3 of the accident reporting form, I put “trying to do the job alone" as the cause of the accident. You said in your letter that I should explain more fully ..... and I trust that the following details will be sufficient. .... On the day of the accident I was working alone on The roof of a new six-story building. But when I completed my work, I discovered that I had about 500 pounds of brick left over. Rather than carry the bricks down by hand, I decided to lower them in a barrel by using a pulley which, fortunately, was attached to the side of the building at the sixth floor. Securing the rope at the ground level, I went up to the roof, swung the barrel out, and loaded the brick into it. Then I went back to the ground floor and untied the ropes, holding it tightly to insure a slow decent of the 500 pounds of bricks. You will note in block number 11 of the accident reporting form that I weigh 135 pounds. Due to my surprise at being jerked off the ground so suddenly, I lost my presence of mind and forgot to let go of the rope. Needless to say, I proceeded at a rather rapid rate up the side of the building. In the vicinity of the third floor, I met the barrel coming down. This explains the fractured skull and broken collarbone. Slowed only slightly, I continued my rapid ascent, not stopping until the fingers of my right hand Were two knuckles deep into the pulley., Fortunately, by this time, I had regained my presence of mind and was able to hold tightly to the rope in spite of my pain. At approximately the same time, however, the barrel of bricks hit the ground --- and the bottom fell out of the barrel. Devoid of the weight of the bricks, the barrel now weighed Approximately fifty pounds.. I refer you again to my weight of 135 pounds in block number 11. As you might imagine, I began a rapid descent down the side of the building. In the vicinity of the third floor, I met the barrel coming up. This accounts for the two fractured Ankles and the lacerations of my legs and lower body. The encounter with the barrel slowed me enough to lessen my injuries when I fell into the pile of bricks and, fortunately, only three vertebra were cracked. I am sorry to report, however, that as I lay there on the bricks --- in pain, unable to stand, and watching the empty barrel six stories above me, I again lost my presence of mind ...... I LET GO OF THE ROPE | |
05-02-14 11:38pm - 3903 days | #5 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Cybertoad] Its not a rumor if it true ! I do feel your pain ,CT, about the guns,an all. I could go on with a tad more brow-raising stuff I'm seeing about our lovable president. I mean, low-key stuff mostly. But I'll predict, to your credit, there's likely a good share around here who're hardily hailing everything you posted -- maybe some would even like to do it in the style of the late Sam kinison to wit: "Right on, Bro, give those frigging, loose-neck Demo's what they rightly deserve" -- all in decibels loud enough to shatter any china within a block. [/medium] But Lets look at our alternatives ....That is to say the Repukersons won the last election .....remained in power and carried on their usual agenda, you know, like,: " Mr. trillioneer, how 'bout workin' with us multi-billioneers over here on our side of the tracks to keep percentage of the Nation's wealth in our favor. (The 'ol you scratch my back and I'll .....well, you get my drift). Not to mention hefty cash-no-no's (or comparable favors) from their generosity finding its way into the deep pockets of the reciprocating, winning party majority. All this time we, as the whole dammed Nation, are swirling in a cesspool of debt. Allow me please, to then focus our attention on where our guns, under A Repukelan leadership, might be today .....or well on its way to getting there. Assuming the latter ...I dare to yield to the precept that by now, the safe, and well guarded place our guns usually are kept, are now sadly, totally bare; only dust and cobwebs exist now where ones' priceless collection of guns proudly graced it's vaults. The popular American slogan: "Made in China" is now changed somewhat; superimposed on every viewable surface, working its way to every city in the US, Now reads clearly by all who now inhibit this, The United States of America: China speaks ...... "Our country, The Empire of China, has called in the exorbitant, out of control debt the US owes us. A debt that has grown, particularly through this Republican administration's ceaseless spending ..... just like it was during its last costly war, to a point we can no longer allow this debt to continue." All complaints should be addressed to our China Emperor. No, lets make that to the Emperor of the United States. So now, CT, based on a "could've been scenario" your prize collection just might've been passed on to a more liberal country via a giant (New China) yard sale, orchestrated by your new Land Lords. Edited on May 03, 2014, 02:02am | |
04-30-14 09:04pm - 3905 days | Original Post - #1 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
If people will believe all of the recent Republican bullshit we're hearing and seeing prior to this upcoming general election, then they'll find no trouble believing this obviously skewed thread. Hint .........it's pure BS .....liken what's in store for us that's gonna be dished out from those mounds of Republican between now and November. Edited on May 01, 2014, 01:44am | |
04-30-14 03:47am - 3906 days | #17 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Commendable, Mr. Clyde, for a very timely and productive thread. Since, unfortunately, I no longer have selective permission to open many of my older collection of files ..... as well as of any previous operational powers or System tools ..... indeed, even administrative name and ownership are seized and are now under new rule. My Avast premium Virus software, loaded with State-of-the-art protection, inclusive of, but certainly not limited to, covering every volubility known to man ...... It now ,however, is under confinement to any malware and/or viral directives effecting movable parts and metering devices .... all of which are now at the helm. The effects of which basically rendering 'ole Moe (my puter's name) officially brain-dead. Now left floundering, helplessly adrift on a merciless sea, whose once life-saving shore lines have vanished. So, Mr. Clyde, lets just hope my computer's army of Hackers, key-loggers, armored firewall crashers, and all accompanying thievery vermin in control, will continue to allow me token usage of my computer needs. | |
04-22-14 09:04pm - 3913 days | #6 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Never underestimate hackers. They're insidiously cunning. The remarkable thing about these vermin is their ability to hide and entrench themselves so deep into your system that you couldn't get them out even with dynamite. I've fought these pieces of with every weapon that's out there, and its like trying to stop Superman .....the bullets just bounce right off. I've just trashed and replaced my Avast anti-virus software because they've completely infiltrated and took over the wheel. I try to open certain files, and I get a message that I'm not permitted to open it. In fact, because of that, and many other worse infractions so blatant that .... one gets the idea they're rubbing it in by tossing you the finger. The point I'm getting at here, is there's no doubt in my mind that they've taken over completely my administrative powers ... and kicked my ass out on the sidewalk. I've gone the gamut hiring outfits on the web promising to clean house .....useless as tits on a bull! I've had my system restored more than once from the bottom up ..... and they still pop-up again and take up residence. My theory is that they ride piggy-back on old files I bring over. External drives aren't immuned either ......they broke through an expensive drive I bought last year that was tripled encrypted. My files disappear in Gigabyte lots. I'd suggest one not sit back resting on your laurels and think you're safe ....they're like voracious little armored termites ...... their waste and destruction doesn't surface until its usually too late. Give'm credit for one thing .....Their tenacity knows no bounds. Why do I tolerate this? well, its easier on the nerves to just join the pack. How did this all start? TAKE HEED, THIS IS IMPORTANT; Think twice before letting one who you think is legit ... come onto your computer via "remote" on the pretense they're doing you some good. They just might be backing a moving Van up to your front door. Edited on Apr 22, 2014, 10:05pm | |
04-20-14 08:30am - 3916 days | #8 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
For a lot less than that kind of money .....just work your way to the city limits of your own town, along the way asking around about what you're looking far ...... Money talks. And it doesn't have to say much for your fantasies to materialize right in your own front yard. | |
04-20-14 06:57am - 3916 days | #13 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
An off-topic side note I'll drop in that may or may-not lift a few eyebrows..... Owning and collecting Playboy Mags dating back to the 1950's .....hidden in my attic, away from the prying eyes of intruders.....all of which worked very well until the inquisitive 11-yr-old son of my then live-in girlfriend promptly searched them out. It was only after my girlfriend and I parted ways that I discovered from each magazine, the centerfold, as well as other rare nude photos of that era's high-profile female figures .... had been all ripped out. ..... rendering my whole thirty-year collection worthless. Some advice ...... never trust what a boy of early age will sneak-around and do. Edited on Apr 21, 2014, 02:51am | |
04-20-14 05:21am - 3916 days | #5 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
I propose a sensible explanation for all this is to collect and cull a windfall of the best and prime porn from this major confiscation, afterwards to be targeted for the Emperor's own personal coffers. Who knows what goes on in the dark corners behind the throne of Chinese royalty? | |
04-13-14 06:30pm - 3922 days | #3 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Thanks, Squirrel..... as usual, for throwing in a few words to help make all the work on this story worthwhile. | |
04-13-14 06:04pm - 3922 days | #8 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Whether or not it jives with the thread's actual inquiry.... For me, almost always, I blank-out the BJs, the senseless, "dumb-ass", endless crouch-chumping and finger-gouging by the male participant, and lastly, all rear-entries that might appeal to some others but waste my time. I simply fast-forward to the "good-stuff" ...... namely, plain ol' conventional fucking or solo depiction thereof. preferably done in the missionary position. | |
04-13-14 05:30pm - 3923 days | #10 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
This Napoleonic, American War thing Looks like a lot of fun, biker; something I'd venture comes with the added bonus of being a mentally rewarding, challenging, as well an enriching exercise to keep the brain cells moving. But this does bring up a somewhat obvious inquiry: with porn, and now this fascinating new hobby surely biting into your time, how might that jive with your trekking around with your biker-buddies? I've got a mental picture of a reeeeally nice bike parked in the garage collecting cobwebs. Maybe even with a "for sale" sign hanging off the handlebars. I bet your two-wheeler beauty does have a fascinating story to tell. I further bet we'd get a handsome share of our reader's vote, who'd really hanker for your just touching on some general stuff about the fraternity of soldiering in the biker's army: Maybe you can tell us here on the forum about some of your more unforgetable moments riding with the herd. Think of it as an exercise to further your skills in writing. | |
04-12-14 09:59am - 3924 days | #8 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Biker, my friend.....unlike me,, who came up during a time at which the advanced desktop and hand-held electronic wizardry, (as we enjoy today,) .... was still eons away from conception within the minds of those who would decades later even get it on the drawing board. The libraries, antiquated servitude of radios and movie newsreel served as our only visual stimuli to greater learning. The advent of today's mindboggling choices of graphics, and/or data manipulation owing to a cornucopia of electronic helpmates that seemingly renders it almost a task for a literate individual to consciously make it through a page of text with errors in spelling. I'm talking about me-myself-an-I .... been there, done that. However, All my writing anymore is protected by spell-checks. Which pop-up and warn of misspelling. Which then requires only the tap of a key to bring up a list from which to choose from. There's also even grammatically download software that (among other things) delivers an electrical shock to your fingertips should you make the egregious faux pas of ending a sentence with a preposition. Ha-Ha ....that should bring'em outta the woodwork! BTW .....I think your writing is exemplary. ! And I, too, pour over my stuff..... always resulting in far too long at the keys. If that don't get it, I pull out my trusty metallic, battery powered, portable Franklin Spell checker that is all-knowing. | |
04-11-14 09:29pm - 3924 days | #6 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Thank you Biker .... you couldn't have paid me a more profoundly appreciative compliment.... Writing nowadays takes front-an-center, now that the pitifully few things left in my life that I'm still physically able to do is approaching a dead-end....... And because of my ongoing, debilitating health problems on the rise, the least demanding, and fortunately waiting in the wings, as well as the one that's always given me the most pleasure ...... buoyed by your uplifting recent kind words .... all coming together along with the considerable amount of hoop-la from my hometown cheering section, friends, relatives, business acquaintances, as well the myriad collection of people surrounding me who's sampled some of my writings. Because of my tumulus, abusive, deprived, and brutal childhood upbringing, with permanent markings remaining to this day from habitual, pulverizing beatings from a ruthless, guiltless, and undaunted mindlessness of a father bent on wrecking the body and mind of a innocent child. I was set upon by all my poor mom's brothers and sisters to write a book detailing my father's unimaginable meanness., after I broke away from his madness, by inviting Uncle Sam to put me on the draft list. later consummated and I was subsequently shipped to Camp Gordon SC for training in the Army Airborne .... after which I honed my writing skills, and, through letters I sent to their homes , convincingly had them thinking I was ready for the world to know about this B.....ard! Sadly, all these people had far more confidence in my readiness for the big time than I did. Consequently, I never started my first book. Which, to answer your question .....resulted in my never attempting to make a living at writing. But many thanks anyway, biker ..... your vote of confidence did give me a momentary Percocet High. | |
04-10-14 11:48am - 3926 days | #4 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
I was very reluctant to do the email thing. But I simply panicked when I could find no earthly way to rid myself of the extra threads. It all started when I attempted to summit the first thread.. Nothing happened! I punched it again, and again. All I was getting was the familiar message from my browser saying "this page cannot be displayed. It was only when I got over to the forum entries and discovered the multiple of the same thread, All I could think of was viewers seeing all those same threads and thinking I was over the top in getting mine read over all the others. A kind of forum bully, if you will. I knew you'd find it when you came on, and correct it immediately on your own ...... But I jus' wanted it fixed before I was run out of Dodge. | |
04-10-14 03:02am - 3926 days | #2 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Page went blank wouldn't be displayed ... sumitted thread over and over so I tried again and again. | |
04-10-14 02:55am - 3926 days | Original Post - #1 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
please remove duplicate threads | |
04-10-14 02:34am - 3926 days | Original Post - #1 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Knock-knock… The door opens. “Hi, my name’s Elaine, an’ I’m here to answer your ad for actress and a models.” Interviewer: “Why yes, come right on in ...My name‘s Ben, an I‘m the one here who’ll be doing the interview.' I'll also be the one to decide on your potential." Looking around for who else might be present, Elaine is thinking: “well, duh ... that’s reasonable to assume, unless there’s others hiding in the closets. “If you’ll just follow me to my office, Elaine, We’ll get started by first getting some information and conducting an interview.” Still, inquisitively uneasy, Elaine is asking herself: “what the hell else would he have in mind to start first?” Elaine is lead into Ben’s huge bedroom, which Ben quickly explains serves as an office, studio , and props for photography and videoing on sight. Elaine is now becoming suspicious, as she‘s invited to be seated on one of the only places that would accommodate her comfort --- a lengthy, plush, sofa or the palatial full sized, bed. Elaine chooses the coach, which, upon seated, her body weight sinks her unexpectedly deep into the ultra-soft fabric, where her back's pressed hard against the rear cushion, lower limbs propelled upwards, casting her dress well over her waist, opening her legs wide thus clearing the view to a perfectly formed pussy and well rounded ass.... thus giving Ben already enough of what he wanted to see without even having to ask. I don't have to say: it's a lesser pornographer that blows his intent by figuratively swinging at an outside third strike rather than a sure free walk on balls. So it is with Ben. Eyes in affixed mode, salvia about to drool over his lower lip, Ben jumps the gun with his usual brilliant lines of success, starting with: "my, my darlin’ aren’t you the pretty one.” ‘"I can see great things already in the works for you, and that's just from your start here today.” All this as Eline struggles to straighten her disheveled dress, already with brain waves attacking her left-front cranial lobe that dictates modeling isn’t all that’s on this guy’s mind. Ben opens the interview: “You’re 18 years old, just out of High School, and hankering to get into modeling -- and very conceivably into movies, am I right?” "Eh, yeah," frowns Elaine, 'But Then I might need a little help in this field, cuz I haft'a say I'm new at this." "Not to worry", assures Ben, "I'll be your momma, poppa, sister and brother", but I won't be your boyfriend and try to fuck you! "But tell me," says Elaine, 'what’s all this photography and video equipment doing in here, don’t you have a studio, somewhere?". “No, Sweetie, we do it all right here” Ben proudly announces. “We?” questions Elaine. “ Eh, well, sometimes I’ll need another cameraman to help or take over completing making the scene." “You see, Hon, to be honest, I’ll be in some of those pics and videos, myself, and on those occasions, well, you know, I can’t effectively hold the camera and be a part of the scene too, -- that is, while I'm doing what I have to do.” “What will you be doing” asks Elaine, as her eyes continued to scan the room. “Uhmmm, I must tell you right off, darlin’ that there are sacrifices one must make, and some things one might not find to his or her liking to get into the entertainment world, wherein, of course, therein reap its great bounty." Ben’s now firing on almost two cylinders, and he knows he now has to push metal-to-the-pedal, and do it quick and effectively lest his prey escape out the door. But would you believe how he set about doing it?? “My, but you have such a beautiful face! an’ what a heavenly pair buns... Mamma-Mia!" Ben then initiates a three-finger kiss, extending it towards Elaine .. wherein Ben then playfully fakes grabbing a handful of ass. "An’ those budding tits," ....whereupon Ben smartly, and cautiously zipped-it, lest he blow the whole game. But not before getting off just one last round ...he assures his new student: "I think you’re in like Flint, Gal." And having gained Eline's rapt attention as he then detours to a more convincingly professional show of reviewing ethics, moving on like the pro he might become, but, sadly, ultimately succumbs to a call ushering in a deluge of blood flow aimed at the markings of screwing the brains out of this innocent little school girl. But, conversely, this only sets off a bold impulse to push his luck. Ben begins to wail: "Now we have to get serious and get on with the essences of your qualifications, "Starting with you removing your blouse and bra so I can get a gander at those perky boobs? And would you drop that dress so I can get an angle take on that incredible body?” “An’ while you’re doing that would you ....."HEY! Where’re you going? Are you leaving? 'You can’t do that, We ain’t through with the interview. 'I’m gonna make you a star! Don’t you want to get into show-business?" Elaine turns around as she opens the front door, “If you’re looking for someone to just fuck, then may I suggest you do it to someone you really love………in other words, GO FUCK YOURSELF!” | |
04-07-14 09:27am - 3929 days | #8 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Not being one to try out many sites, those I do usually bend to are more on the soft-core side, although find some light hardcore quite to my liking. Solos are a big hit with me..... with the likes of "I feel myself".. Hate those cursed toys. But I suppose they're pretty far ingrained in porn to ever throw out. Love good teasers....esp those where dresses slowly work its way up the legs....with particularly good footage of her slightly opened thighs, before moving on up just high enough to show the white of her panty, behind which is the raised, padded mound of a beautiful pussy ... pushing tight against the silk fabric, creating a complete indentured image of what lies behind. Pardon me guys ... got kinda carried away there. Anyway, I found "Sexy silk and Satin" filling that bill quite well in that department. also those sites Messmer mentioned in his post are some of my favorites. But the main course is "Fame girls" .....a non-nude site featuring a stunning 20 yr old beauty who goes by the name of "Ella." Followed her from her pre-teen days of modeling.... and the gal just keeps getting more and more breathtaking. So count me leaning more to the soft stuff. | |
04-07-14 02:15am - 3929 days | #62 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
No,Jb ..... I wasn't aware you'd opted for that neck surgery. Last I heard I thought you'd pretty much put it on the back burner for awhile. Look, Dude, if all you suffered is a blow to your libido, be dammed thankful. I'm ecstatic you didn't come out of it with my problems. I'm convinced, with the hack-job done on me, had my surgery shifted to the local butcher shop, and the table and surgeon meant for me in the operating room was taken up by the power of money. As I type this, I'm still , after over a year of progressive loosening of screws, rods and wire, I'm still wearing a collar......as well as being regulated to a heavy neck apparatus (bone stimulator) worn daily for 4 hours for the rest of my life. that's only the half of it. Its all I can do to resist gulping down my full bottle of Percocet. | |
04-05-14 10:09pm - 3930 days | Original Post - #1 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
This is a copy made from my poll entry ...... Its all about my alien experience that only my fellow PU members will be privy to ...... It all began on this one afternoon as I was driving alone down an isolated road, Most likely with thoughts of how nice it would be if the soft lips of a hot chick who, seated beside me, was bent over doing a number on the head of my "Willy." But it was about then I sensed this weird foreboding that I wasn't alone. Then, all of a sudden, there were some rotating lights emanating from a huge disc-shaped craft hovering above my car. I pulled over, after which I lost consciousness. I awakened strapped down onto a padded table, and was getting a blurred vision of some weird creatures assembled around me. About then a telepathic voice uttered sounds that I interpreted as saying: "we are what you earthlings call Martians, and we're here on earth to extract cell samples from the brains of healthy sex addicts. Then I sensed another Martian nearby, who interrupt the first one by saying: "No, Zonko, that's "pervert"...I think that's the correct and more appropriate term to use." Angrily, Zonko shot back: " How dare you, Axlerod, correct me in the presence of this mere, ignorant Homo sapien!" this caught me off guard: I yelled out: "wait-a-minute, who're you fat-headed weirdoes calling ignorant...and watch the Homo stuff?" I didn't stop there: .."And why's your head so big, with those funny-looking bulging eyes...and your mouth, where the hell is your mouth?" Zonko's huge forehead immediately developed protruding blue vains (I could tell he was mad). Just then Axlerod chimed in: "now look what you've done, Zonko! You've gone and got our specimen all excited." "Would you shut the hell up, screamed Zonko, and let me get on with my extraction procedure" After some more loud and heated exchanges, the two began flailing their little arms at each other in what appeared to be a fist-fight. Immediately, the two were politely carted out of the examining room, by whom I perceived as security personnel. Shortly thereafter, I was addressed by somebody who looked like a senior authority figure: "I'm sorry', he told me, voiced from a source that still baffled me how it was done without a mouth, .. "they're interns and competitively doing this all the time." "Anyhow," he added, 'I've concluded your brain's too old and addled to serve as a cell donor, We want younger and healthier men who're really avid perverts." "But I AM a pervert," I said; and a darn avid one at that." "No, said the senior figure, 'you simply won't do,'.we're sending you back. "But sir, I wanna know why I'm not an avid pervert," I blurted out...'Hell, man, I'm an active member of Porn Users for crying out loud." "Odd you should mention that," he said...'Our research department have observed there's an unlimited number of perfect specimens in that outfit, and we're going after them one-by-one." The next thing I knew, I was seated behind the wheel of my car with the motor still running. As I pulled back onto the main road, all previous fantasies of in-car BJs had completed left Dodge ..... leaving me questioning my remaining status as to where I stand in the pervert department. | |
04-05-14 06:26pm - 3930 days | #10 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Finally found a Chink In Cybertoad's Armor ...... It's not "I am what I am," Pard. In Popeye's own unique dialect ...... "I yam what I yam." Sorry, Pal, even the pro's slip once-an-awhile! | |
04-04-14 05:09pm - 3932 days | #59 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
The Stooges were a favorite of mine, too. Believe it or not, all three of the originals did a brief promotional skit at a local theater in our town, back when I was about 15-yrs old. I was crafty enough to find my way back stage, where I met and had my picture taken with all three. It was one of those moments in one's lifetime that he never forgets. Particularly in this case, because they had me in such a tight grip my sweater was slightly torn. I still have the picture. Want me to post it? Okay ... the bidding starts at $29.95 | |
04-04-14 01:51am - 3932 days | #56 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Do you ever sleep. partner? Quote: ...."Here's another find mess you've gotten us into" My wish, CT .... is that your success takes off at even greater speed than the comedy team who made the above quote a household saying. | |
04-04-14 01:12am - 3932 days | #6 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
I don't have to aggrandize what generally our regulars already know -- as well as the remaining lion's share of our PU members, preferably, those who manage to stay awake, that we here at Porn Users enjoy a sterling reputation, unmatched by any and all who compete in this field of porn.. Counting all the prized elements this guy lends to the team's joint effort, and his liberal time and participation on every level and tier --- from my perspective, and I suspect a sizable number of others, I would say goes sometimes beyond the call. Adding, It's CT's entertaining mix and rare assortment of catch-phases, ranging from soup to nuts, that also get such great reception.. An it ain't hurtin' none that he injects a sprinkling of country boy antics to keep his rural fans abreast. (threating pun ... look out) But happily because this dude's been around the block enough times, we also get to learn first hand from the pro. Maybe I'm repeating myself, but who cares. I sorta see his greater prowess affixed in doing repairs on his own stuff ... esp his puter. I mean, I've never yet heard of this guy taking stuff to a shop to get it fixed. I gather he's also on top of local political shenanigans. And of course, he scores high too on all the fun things he comes up with around here. But what I want him to teach me is, how he makes greenbacks grow like fertile Kudzu. ie., business ventures. I'll save my comments to CT's last, beautifully written piece, wherein he seems to unload things about himself for the first time. Until I can find the words somewhere, befitting to justify the praiseworthy impact it made .... well, I'll be back. | |
04-03-14 06:00am - 3933 days | #4 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
CT .... I continue to be astounded, at least from my view, what with your prolific, enterpernual savvy; your obvious keen perception at keeping up with industry generated overkill, all of which you seem to hold the patent at handling with such amazing aplomb. Now comes CT's latest contribution of this helpfully new software hype -- probably not conscious of our technical and priceless edification, but another observational bonanza, the way, of which, only he's so at work /or play putting together. I try not to miss anything new CT brings to our forum, or anything old he makes new again. Whether it's a controversial firearms' issue, one fraught with combative forum exchanges -- or, on a gentler level, CT's fearless jump into a new business -- matters not what it is, let it be known PU has faith he'll succeed at it. For those who might not know, CT, has a formula governing his living forever. | |
03-29-14 10:59pm - 3937 days | #38 | |
graymane (0)
Suspended Posts: 1,411 Registered: Feb 20, '10 Location: Virginia |
Eh... khan! Would you be so kind as to make my last post #37 disappear. It seemed to have got stuck there in my long and laborious attempt to retrieve a preceding post I had spent well over four hours composing ..... only to have it suddenly, and mysteriously just get swept away ... right off what I was doing and before my eyes. This was particularly devastating because I had poured over numerous pages having written what I felt could've surpassed anything I've previously submitted. Edited on Mar 30, 2014, 04:36pm | |
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