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Post History:
rearadmiral (0)
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06-06-22 09:33am - 948 days | #4 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
It's odd that Jay's conviction went unnoticed for so long. I suspect many people knew, but just kept a lid on it. | |
10-26-21 08:42am - 1171 days | #2 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
This is great news. Thanks for sharing! | |
10-13-21 04:26am - 1184 days | #2 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
I most recently used Segpay in March 2021 to join Dom the Nation when it was new. I checked my past subscriptions and see that I've been billed using Segpay 39 times over the past nine years since I started tracking them. I also keep information on difficulties cancelling or suspicious card use and I can report that I have never had a problem with Segpay. I trust Segpay and will continue to use them. I also had no issues with cancelling. I hope this helps. | |
03-02-21 04:01am - 1409 days | #4 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
^ Having a couple of threads sounds like a good idea. I mostly focus on the porn-related stuff so having a thread for porn and a thread for other stuff would be time saver. | |
03-01-21 10:48am - 1410 days | #2 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
Mike, I don’t want to come across as a pessimist because I do think that there is still lots of life in Porn Users but for some reason much of the nature of the site seems to have changed. A lot of the original members and long-time regulars seem to have disappeared. I do think that part of it is that many reviewers focus on the potential reward of winning the raffle. I can only speak for myself, but up until several years ago the strong sense I had was that people enjoyed the community and camaraderie the Porn Users brought and it was a rare place to share ideas and thoughts about sites through reviews and comments. Sure, winning the raffle was always fun but I never got the sense that it was the motivating factor for many. I do think that it is the motivating factor for some here now. Hell, I’ll even admit that it was a bit of a motivating factor in my push to put some reviews up prior to the last raffle. But I hadn’t written many reviews recently so it was also a chance to clear up a bit of a backlog. I understand that this ship has sailed and won’t be coming back, but I think the points and ranking did contribute something to the site. New members/reviewers were always welcomed but the reviews might be read a bit differently until a person established their own credibility. Having points was one way of quickly assessing that with the user. I understand that there has been some controversy over a new review of Adult Time. I don’t think it was a particularly useful review but I’m not willing to throw the reviewer under the bus just yet. I’ve read some of the first reviews that I posted on this site almost 15 years ago and I’m a bit embarrassed by those. I evolved into being a better reviewer and I’m willing to give any new member here that same opportunity. I’m probably rehashing something that doesn’t need to be rehashed but it does seem like reviews of network subsites is an ongoing issue here. My thoughts on this issue seem straightforward in my own head but I also recognize that there is a lot of subjectivity about it. For me, the deciding factor as to whether or not I would review and/or support a review of a network site is whether or not the site itself has an element of uniqueness to it that separates it from the rest of the network AND the review itself is sufficiently unique to justify the review. For example, if a sub-site can (and in some cases actually does) stand on its own and have a unique theme then I’m not opposed to a separate review. But, in my opinion, the review must be of the unique aspects of that specific site. So, what I think I’m saying is that if somebody were to do a review of Team Skeet and then write individual reviews of sites like Innocent High and Daughter Swap by simply copying and pasting the network review and modifying it to include a line or two about the unique aspects of those individual sites then I wouldn’t support that. If, however, the review is substantially unique then I am fine with it. I understand that any review of the site like Innocent High or Daughter Swap should also point out that it is part of a larger network and I also recognize that a lot of the issues around site layout, usability and video specifications would be the same across the network. I don’t have any concerns about that. But what I oppose is a review of a site like Innocent High and Daughter Swap that simply mirrors a review of the larger network. This is also the reason why I am generally opposed to any reviews of the individual channels at Adult Time. If anything, I think there is an analogy between the Channels at Adult Time and the prohibition against reviewing a site based on a trial membership. If anything, I’m more open to allowing reviews on trial memberships. A full trial membership that gives full access to the site without limitations but for a shorter membership period is just that: it’s still a review of the full site. With Adult Time, any review of a non-exclusive channel isn’t apt to capture much of the relevant information from the source site itself. Take Evil Angel, for example. A review of the Evil Angel channel at Adult Time would barely even scratch the surface of a review of the actual Evil Angel site. It’s even possible, and maybe even likely, that any review of a non-exclusive Adult Time channel could be misleading. I should add that I wouldn’t apply this same thinking to the exclusive channels that are available at Adult Time. While many of these exclusive channels are quite small they are unique and can easily support a separate review. See, I told you that I wasn’t going to offer any solutions and I was true to my word! And speaking of my word, you have my word that I will hang out at Porn Users more frequently and stay longer and participate in more conversations. Any meaningful improvements to Porn Users really have to come from us, the members. Take care! | |
02-22-21 05:42pm - 1417 days | #5 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
Count me in as a Vendo fan too. I just cancelled two memberships there in the past few days and had no issues. I have no concerns when I join a site and see they are the biller. | |
02-22-21 05:40pm - 1417 days | #2 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
I can't decide if I'll be a winner or a loser in this war but either way I may need bigger pants. | |
02-18-21 12:15pm - 1421 days | #4 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
^ That argument is an old one too. Remember the running joke in The Simpsons with Maude Flanders saying "Won't somebody think of the children!" Same old arguments... I'm definitely sharing the link to that article. I think this guy is on a crusade. | |
02-17-21 04:11am - 1422 days | #2 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
It took me a couple of tries to get the free access but I was able to do that. Interesting article. Thanks for sharing it. I have to say that I sensed a bit of a bad smell from this story right from the beginning. It had the flavour of a witch hunt, which is what it has turned into. Edited on Feb 17, 2021, 09:27am | |
02-10-21 01:33pm - 1429 days | #6 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
I read elsewhere that Team Skeet has changed it's TOS too. The comment was that when you join a Team Skeet site with a discount (they offer them regularly for $15 and less) that it is streaming only and adding downloads will be an additional $25. I don't know if this only applies to the sale price, but if it does, it takes the cost above the regular price. I'm all for a site charging what the want and what the market will bear, I just want them to be upfront about it. | |
01-19-21 06:11am - 1451 days | #3 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
This is great news and coincides with me getting back into writing a few reviews. Actually, I never got away from it but I only have a roster of sites that I rejoin so unless something significant has changed there is no reason to write a new review. Add to that the fact that the pandemic has kicked much of the adult industry in the balls and that I sold my house and moved this year and it hasn't been a great year for participating here. But with winter setting in, I need something to keep me busy! Also, I'm trying to branch out a bit too. My most recent reviews were of Transsexuals sites after I realized how great that is. I'm even kicking around on a couple of cam sites, though that's an addiction I want to avoid! | |
12-13-20 09:56am - 1488 days | #3 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
Bang.com has a pretty extensive back catalogue of DVDs too. | |
12-08-20 11:56am - 1493 days | #2 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
I read that today too. Not to take away from the serious allegations, and I realize the NYT piece was an opinion piece and not reporting, but there was some inflammatory speculation and extrapolation. I can't think of anything specific off hand, but the inference that searching for models with braces means you're searching for children. But there are people interviewed, Stoya being one of them, who say, reasonably, that PH needs some way to confirm consent before allowing videos to be posted. | |
10-26-20 11:47am - 1536 days | #2 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
Our furry family members have this weird knack of being able to find unusual hiding spots at bath time. Oddly, they even seem to know when I my wife is running a bath for herself versus when they are about to be the 'victims.' | |
10-19-20 07:10am - 1543 days | #8 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
I am most assuredly no longer tech savvy so my process is pretty low tech. But, with 25 external drives in use (not all of them full) and most of those 4TB, I need some system otherwise my collection would be completely unmanageable. Like others above, when I join a site I have to make a decision as to how I’ll ‘attack’ it. These days that’s a bit easier because I have approximately 30 to 40 sites that I rejoin over and over. So with those sites I simply find the scenes uploaded since I was a member last and move forward from then. The way I keep track of memberships plays a role here too. I have a Word document with a table that I use to track memberships. I started this in 2012 because I had problems keeping track of the multiple memberships I have on the go at any time. I track the site name, the join date, the username and password, the biller, the date I’ll have to cancel the membership (at least five days before rebilling), the date I actually cancelled the membership and then a ‘notes’ column. I use the notes column to track things like membership numbers (if one is given – that makes cancelling easier) or notes as to which scene or DVD I last downloaded, or maybe warnings to the future me on update, quality or billing issues. With my membership list it’s easy to do a search to see when I was a member there last. That gives me a concrete start point when I rejoin that site. Once I join a site I either create a new folder titled for that site or continue using the same folder on the same drive where I have put previous downloads from that site. I treat sites like Evil Angel and New Sensations a bit differently by creating a separate folder for each DVD I download. I name all my downloads for the model(s) in the scene. I keep track of all of this in another Word document, this one a three-column table. It’s pretty simple and I’ve used this format for over 20 years. Could I have a better system? Probably, but this works. I track the name of the site or DVD in the first column, the models in the centre column and then the third column has the drive number where the site or DVD is located. This document is currently 259 pages long. So, for example, if I want to see what scenes I have with a specific model I simply do a Word search in that document and all her scenes will be identified. But, I don’t end there. Like most collectors I have certain things that I like to track. We all have things that interest us. When I find a scene that has something that I really like, say a redhaired model, or freckles, or it features a boat, a hot tub or pool, I’ll flag the file by appending “check boat” or “check redhead.” That way, when I plug a drive in I can see all my favourite scenes on the drive by doing a search for the word “check.” I then have a third list for these favourites. It’s a three column document too. I track the site/DVD name in the first one, the model and a brief description of what I flagged the scene for, and then the drive number. So, for example, I might have listed a DVD and then the second column will have “Alex Tanner – red hair” or “Jynx Maze – big cock anal.” The problem with this is that I need to use the same flag terms for everything. It’s not a fatal flaw in many cases because even if the precise term is occasionally a bit different there is enough commonality that I can still find the scenes in the list. So, for example, I may have flagged different scenes with “red hair” or “redhead” but searching “red” brings them all up. I think what differentiates people like us, people who collect porn rather than just view whatever we can find, is that we all have to come up with some system to track it all. And to be honest, that cataloguing and tracking of my collection is one aspect of this odd hobby that I really enjoy. | |
10-09-20 05:07am - 1553 days | #14 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
Yeah, I thought that maybe, just maybe I put the Shop Vac hose inside it but I didn't. What's worse is that I kept some tools (a guy needs tools, whether they get used or not) in a five-drawer tool chest. I locked it when it went into storage for a couple of months and I have no idea where I put the keys. Both of those things will turn up as I unpack more boxes. With Jessie shooting more these days and as those scenes get released your questions will be answered. She's definitely in my current favourite list. Her Hookup Hotshot scenes are among my favourites there and that's saying a lot since HUHS is my favourite site. | |
10-08-20 04:20am - 1554 days | #12 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
Wraith, I promise I'll make this my last comment that derails your thread... I read comments from many people who experienced the same thing you did, namely an annual membership that became essentially worthless once the pandemic hit. It would have been okay if those sites had made it clear that they would do their best to do right by those members but that hasn't happened. I had a similar, but not as bad, experience when the pandemic hit. I had monthly memberships to three of the Mike Adriano sites - Swallowed, Nympho and True Anal. Those may even be the sites that you're talking about. I can't fault Mike for doing what he did because it made sense to do it - he swapped scenes among sites as there were no new scenes to upload. That would be great if someone was a new subscriber to only one of Mike's sites but I was a regular subscriber to all of them so these were scenes I had already. My monthly subscriptions became valueless for me at week one. But I admit I didn't lose nearly as much as you did. The same thing happened with two other related sites that are among my top favourites - Amateur Allure and Swallow Salon. I had accepted a couple of email offers and joined those for three months just before the pandemic hit. They swapped scenes to cover for the lack of new ones but for me as a regular subscriber that wasn't a solution. But again, I was out less than you were. I'm with you on the likelihood of these sites offering some loyalty discounts to former members when things get back to some semblance of normal - it's slim to none. My bigger worry, especially for smaller sites like Hookup Hotshot, Amateur Allure and Swallow Salon, is that they will never recover and never come back online with new stuff. I really hope that doesn't happen. As for the move and the new place, it's great. After decades of owning and maintaining a house it's really easy to get into apartment life. There is one cautionary tale though, for anyone contemplating the same thing. When you go through all the stuff you've accumulated over a lifetime and get rid of a lot of it, start over and go through it again. And be honest with yourself. I almost cried as the movers brought box after box after box into the apartment and I wondered how we were going to fit all this stuff in. We're into week three in the new place and have so far probably offloaded 40% of what we came here with. I recall one day saying to myself 'what the fuck was I thinking bringing a Shop Vac to an apartment?' I've got a friend who will take it... but I haven't found the hose to it yet. As for the positives though, there are many. Last night, for example, the wind came up. It was pretty intense. I woke up and thought 'do I need to get up and go outside to deal with things that might get damaged?' Nope. I live in an apartment and have no worries like that. I went back to sleep. Now, finally I'll be on topic. If Jessie is pregnant I wish her the best. Selfishly though, I hope she isn't. I love her look and hope she sticks around and gives us lots of scenes. If she isn't pregnant and starts shooting again I have my fingers crossed for a few anal scenes too. Edited on Oct 08, 2020, 04:24am | |
10-07-20 01:42pm - 1555 days | #10 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
^ It won't work... I posted the question on a Team Skeet thread on another forum. I asked if there was a way to get this site without subscribing to it for an entire year, especially as part of a larger and more expensive network. Here's the official answer: Hello! Our new sites are only available to Premium Members. As a Premium Member, you'll have access to all of our new sites and more to come very soon This seems like an odd approach to take. How big is the pool of potential subscribers who would be willing to spend $30 for a monthly membership? Pretty big, I'm guessing. How big is the pool of potential subscribers who want to or even can spend $289 USD for a membership? Value aside, and it probably is a decent value, how many people are willing to spend that on one membership. I probably spend close to $80 USD per month and I could afford the annual membership but there's something inside of me that wouldn't let me do that. Consider the people who had annual subscriptions to Mike Adriano's sites. Those are all great sites and they all updated regularly. So you join for a year and a pandemic hits. I read on other forums that a lot of people are pretty frustrated at having spent for an annual membership and then have the site go dead because of the pandemic. Sure, a pandemic was a long shot, but a site could just shut down too. | |
10-07-20 03:48am - 1555 days | #8 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
^ Thanks for the suggestion. I have no problem joining the other 'premium' TS sites as singles for just a month but can't get any other joining offer other than the $289 charge to come up. I even tried downloading a different browser and using a different device but I can't get a monthly offer. This is a long shot, but maybe IP addresses in Canada don't get a monthly offer. Oh well, I'm sure TS is doing so well with the pandemic and piracy that they just don't need my money. I can accept that. | |
10-06-20 05:30am - 1556 days | #6 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
Wraith - I'm hijacking your thread for a quick question. I've been interested in joining Not My Grandpa at Team Skeet but the only option I'm offered is to join TS Premium for a year at a cost of close to $300. This is unusual since I can join all the other TS sites as singles for a month. We you able to join on a monthly subscription or are you part of the premium annual plan? Also, do you know how many scenes are available there? Thanks! | |
10-06-20 05:27am - 1556 days | #14 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
I'm with you LKLK. This sounds fishy. On a semi-related note, I was having trouble with an older external drive and someone recommended some freeware called Crystal Disk. It was really easy to use. The odd thing was that it found that the drive was okay though I replaced it anyway. I saved the old drive and may use it for unimportant storage at some point. But I also ran Crystal Disk on my other drives and was surprised to see that several of them aren't all that healthy. Needless to say, I've been more careful about backing those up. If you want more information let me know. | |
08-18-20 05:03am - 1605 days | #4 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
AVN has retracted their story. See this forum thread: https://www.pornusers.com/forum/forum_th...d.html?threadid=6071 | |
08-18-20 05:03am - 1605 days | Original Post - #1 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
AVN updated it's story on the alleged death of Anastasia Knight to report that it was a hoax. Both the original story and the update are based on "sources." The AVN update is this: UPDATE 6:20 p.m.: Sources close to performer Anastasia Knight, who earlier confirmed that she had tragically passed away, have now retracted the statement and said it was all a hoax. AVN will continue to follow this story. Here's a link: https://avn.com/business/articles/video/...ses-away-886409.html In my opinion, it's more likely that Anastasia is alive. I hope that's the case. I wouldn't be surprised that there is a grain of truth in that she's being bullied. Porn star or not, social media is a toxic, poisonous environment. | |
08-17-20 06:17pm - 1606 days | Original Post - #1 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
I read a Mike Adriano tweet that was posted a couple of hours ago that said that Anastasia Knight has died. She was just 20 years old. This is sad news. I really enjoyed her work. RIP. I Googled this and the only link I could find was this. I presume that the news is too recent at this point. https://www.latestnewssouthafrica.com/20...rts%20from%20sources,in%20her%20home%20of%20Idaho. | |
08-11-20 02:45pm - 1612 days | #10 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
I don't drink coffee but if there was something like that nearby I'd probably be addicted to caffeine within a week! | |
08-11-20 02:44pm - 1612 days | #9 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
It was definitely MB not Mb. I could download a 2GB file faster than it took for Internet Download Manager to move it from it's temporary location to my external drive. I can't really say what the cost was. My wife paid the phone bill and it was one bundled price for landline (yes, we still had one!), TV, internet and alarm system. I don't think it was expensive though. (But if internet costs here in Canada are lower then we make up for it by getting absolutely hosed on cell phone plans.) | |
08-11-20 02:39pm - 1612 days | #4 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
^ Both of those are great examples. I wholeheartedly agree. I didn't find them attractive at all but they were superstars because many people did. | |
08-10-20 04:26am - 1613 days | #6 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
^ So far, so good. Thanks for asking. Unfortunately it isn’t just a straightforward process. Apart from the fact that we’re downsizing and going from being homeowners to being apartment renters there is the added complexity that the building we’re moving into is new and construction has been delayed by six weeks. That meant we needed to put most of our stuff in storage and rent a temporary furnished apartment. So we’ve gone from a large house on a large lot on the outskirts of the city to a small one-bedroom apartment right in the heart of the densest urban area. It’s a huge change. But… it’s sort of fun being here – at least for the short-term. On Saturday evening a friend of mine stopped by and we did something we haven’t done for years – go out for a drink in the heart of the city. 30 seconds away is a great brewpub. Within a two minute walk there are more. But, in keeping with the theme of this site, one of the advantages that was immediately apparent in being out on Saturday night was the ‘scenery.’ Lots of young ladies in light summer dresses and short shorts. One bartender was early 20s, brown hair pulled back into a ponytail and a body to die for. She had the unusual juxtaposition of having a girl-next-door look (with freckles even!) but had lots of tattoos too. Very beautiful. When we finally get settled in our more permanent apartment it’ll seem like a palace in terms of size. The drawback is that our view won’t be as impressive. Our scenery will be, well, scenery. Trees and a river. This will be a step down from our former house where the next-door-neighbour (and friend) was a strikingly beautiful mid-30s redhead and from here where the windows face onto a busy street with lots to see. Stupid trees and rivers… ☹ I should add that the Wi-Fi here is pretty slow compared to what I’m used to so I won’t be subscribing to any sites for the next six weeks until we get settled into the new place and I get my old fibre-op connection back. I was used to seeing download speeds of 60-70 MB/s and here I’m lucky to hit 5. I can wait. What with the pandemic many of my favourite sites haven’t updating in months anyway. | |
08-09-20 02:21pm - 1614 days | #4 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
I vote no. Hard no. | |
08-05-20 06:42pm - 1618 days | #6 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
^ I am staying in NB. Just moving from one part of part of town to another. The big deal though is going from a large house on a large lot to an apartment. I'm done with maintenance and upkeep. No more worrying about anything. The only downside is that the apartment building we're moving to is delayed by at least a month. But... while living in a temporary apartment in the heart of the city I'm within 10 minutes walking from dozens of brew pubs, and dozens of restaurants. The hard part will be in not eating myself to an early grave! The odd thing about the memberships is that I don't miss them. I will subscribe to sites again but I may not always have a site or three on the go. | |
08-04-20 05:38pm - 1619 days | #4 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
^ and ^^ Thanks folks. Tomorrow is moving day into the temporary location. I suspect I won't both with any memberships until we're fully settled in the more permanent space. But if the wifi is good at the temporary place who knows? Then again, there may be monthly download caps too. | |
08-02-20 06:37am - 1621 days | Original Post - #1 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
Honestly, I can’t remember a time in the past 20 years plus that I haven’t had at least one porn active membership. But circumstances have conspired against me. I have to also admit some relief in that I know I can go without having active memberships all the time. Then again, I do have the solace of my prodigious porn collection. Two things have lined up to bring me to this point. First is the pandemic. Many of my favourite sites are small and had to stop shooting during the pandemic so there haven’t been updates in months. Examples of this are Amateur Allure, Swallow Salon, Hookup Hotshot and all of the Mike Adriano sites. There’s no sense joining a site that isn’t updating. The second reason is that we’re moving and I don’t want to get caught being unable to cancel a membership that I no longer want and end up with a recurring charge. Unfortunately the move isn’t simple either. We’re ceasing to be homeowners and are moving into an apartment but the building is still under construction due to delays. So we’re moving somewhere temporarily and that spot includes an internet connection but it might be slow. So the choice I’ve made is to go cold turkey on memberships at least until we get settled into the new apartment and I’m paying for a fast internet connection. Anyone else have a similar experience in going cold turkey on memberships? Has the pandemic effected how you subscribe to sites? | |
08-01-20 06:52am - 1622 days | #9 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
^ Wow... I didn't know that Violet Rain had died. That's sad. | |
07-31-20 06:30am - 1623 days | #9 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
I had hoped and hoped for a Cadey Mercury anal scene and it never happened. I'd love for her to return to porn for a short stay and do at least one anal. | |
07-29-20 11:20am - 1625 days | #20 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
^ I didn't know that about Elsa. But what's so wrong with being flat chested??? | |
07-28-20 12:55pm - 1626 days | #18 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
Kream??? Cherry Potter??? Gauge??? We most definitely do have similar tastes in women and porn! I’ll admit that there are some enhancements that I’m okay with. I don’t like them, but I’ll continue to download scenes with that model. Aubrey Addams comes to mind. I loved her little A cups but she didn’t make them absurdly big and they at least fit her frame so I stayed in love with her. And yeah, Vera King… I hear ya’. I download everything of hers that I find too. While my preferences run to the younger set I have nothing against beauty at any age. Besides Dani Jensen, Tara Ashley and Vera King, I’d add in Jenni Lee and Marie McCray. Now that I think of it, I suspect that part of my interest skewing to younger models is that in porn an ‘older’ model who might be classed as a MILF is usually fuller-figured and has larger breasts. Tara Ashley was in her early 30s when she had a brief career but she is petite and that drew me in. That and she’s stunningly beautiful! As for Elsa and Kimmy I’ll wait and see. I’ve seen some photos and both augmentations look like they’re appropriately sized so it may be the same as with Aubrey Addams. Here’s a link to some photos I put on a photo sharing service of ‘before and after’ shots of both to give you an idea of the changes. I don’t think we can put photos in the posts here. https://imgur.com/a/M7ptuKJ | |
07-28-20 04:32am - 1626 days | #16 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
On another forum I read someone started a similar thread of things people hate in porn. I think that's a bit extreme and I much prefer a discussion of what turns us off. Thanks for starting the thread Wraith. I've read all the posts in the thread and while some of the things mentioned aren't my favourite things to see they aren't necessarily a turn off either. Take tattoos. Generally I don't like them but in most cases I can ignore them and in some cases I find them a turn on. Yes... I'm odd... I really can't think of anything that is a true turn off to me but in the interests of participating in the thread I'll list a few things that aren't turn ons. Maybe the difference is that if something is a turn off the viewer wouldn't watch the scene whereas if something isn't a turn on it can be ignored. So here is a partial list of things I prefer not to see: • Many will disagree with this but it’s a personal preference. I prefer porn models who are on the younger end of the spectrum and who are petite. As for breast size I like A and B. Because of this, I tend to not download scenes with models who don’t fit this look. Does that mean that I don’t download some scenes with beautiful A-list models just because their body type doesn’t do it for me? It does. But as with tattoos, there are exceptions and I really can’t explain those. Take Gabbie Carter. She has D-cups but I still download everything I can find with her in it. Then there are ‘older’ models who I still happily watch. Dani Jensen comes to mind. I’d mention Tara Ashley as being older too but realistically, even though she’s in her early thirties she looks a decade younger. • Squirting is something that I don’t seek out and will usually skip over. I really can’t explain this one either (please don’t make me!) because I often like seeing peeing in a scene. • This is obviously very personal, but I really don’t like dark red lipstick on women. I don’t like how unnatural it looks and the stark contrast it gives. • Plastic surgery of any kind. This may actually qualify as a turn off. Bloated lips look weird. As someone who likes petite women and small breasts I don’t like it when a woman gets implants. In many cases I stop collecting scenes with models after they get implants. I understand that two of my favourites, Elsa Jean and Kimmy Granger, have recently been augmented. I’ll wait and see the results but it’s highly probable that my days of collecting everything I can find with each of them are over. • I know ‘step’ or incest porn is polarizing but it is something I like. It isn’t the familial relationship that does it for me though. Given what I like about it, it could be the young girl-next-door coming over to use the neighbour’s pool and fun ensues instead of being steps. What I like about those scenes is that they set up a sexual tension. Both parties know it’s wrong but what happens, happens. I like scenes with that tension. It’s so much more hot than a guy and a girl on camera and they fuck. The other part I like about the step-father/step-daughter scenes is the old/young aspect of them. That’s something I look for. But… a pet peeve in many of these scenes is when the step-father is maybe a decade older than the step-daughter. Yes, it could happen, but the scenario works best when the woman is no older than early 20s and the man is no younger than his 40s. • This is apt to be another polarizing point, but I’m a fan of anal gaping. Is it getting overdone? Maybe. But as much as I love gaping I’m not a huge fan of prolapsing. • I don’t like camerawork that is too much about close-ups. I think close-ups add to the variety but I also want the camera to pull back and take in the full scene. I like seeing the sex and seeing the woman’s reaction to it. It should be sensual, not a gynecological documentary. As with other threads, I reserve the right to add to this list as ideas come into my head. | |
07-27-20 02:13pm - 1627 days | #6 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
I’m terrible at answering this question! I often marvel at how fans seem to pick up on a new model as soon as she signs with an agency and gets a Twitter account. For me, a model can enter the business, have a brief career with a few scenes and retire before I even know she exists. And… I’m a pretty active porn buyer so you’d think I’d stumble on newbies more frequently. But… I guess it also depends on how you define a newcomer. I’ll stick with what I suspect is your reasonable definition of someone who has recently entered the business and not someone I’ve just discovered. So… as for some 2020 newbies some of the ones who have tickled my fancy are: Lily Larimar Catalina Ossa Viva Athena Avery Cristy Harmony Rivers I’ll ponder this question more and if I can come up with additional names I’ll be sure to add them. | |
06-09-20 12:05pm - 1675 days | #11 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
I was a long-time ticket buyer with Legal Porno. I probably went for a period of three or four years with a monthly ticket purchase. As a result, I have close to 1000 scenes from LP. Needless to say, I was also a fan of theirs. I’ve since cancelled that recurring membership about a year ago because it seemed they were going downhill. I’ve done a bit of reading on LP and some of it isn’t terribly flattering. Some other issues crop up that indicate that they have certainly changed as well. One thing that I learned is that LP doesn’t exist as a typical porn site. It is really a co-operative for various studios. The studios shoot their own material independently and price them however they want on the main LP site. The reason I mention this is because if one or two studios are the primary culprit then the other ones aren’t. Since I was a subscriber there for so long I was able to notice some distinct trends. The most obvious of these is that LP migrated to being all anal, all super-hard and eventually to having double anal penetration in most of their scenes. Also, pissing scenes became more common. I think we’ve all heard some horror stories from some of the LP studios. One I read several years ago was that a director required models to use a numbing agent on their assholes so that they could endure the hard anal sex the director wanted without having to call off the scene. More recently the model Vera King posted a scathing exposé about the studio she worked for. Not only had she never filmed anal in her career but she had never done it in her personal life either. She describes the location as being somewhere in a rural part of the Czech Republic with no easy escape. She describes the conditions there as being filthy. She shot several scenes for them and, if I recall correctly, they shortchanged her on pay. https://verakingx.tumblr.com/ Other models have complained about not being paid what they had agreed to. Something else that I’ve noticed since I have been popping in just to see what’s going on at LP over the past six months is that their prices have skyrocketed. Back when I was a regular member the most expensive scenes may have cost five tickets and it would be rare to have one cost more than that. Now, it seems that those prices have gone up significantly and it isn’t unusual to see scenes with a double-digit ticket requirement. Obviously I don’t know much about their business model but it seems to me that they could hold their prices or even reduce them and try to increase volume or almost double the prices and hope that there is a smaller number of people out there who will continue to pay it. Another concern is that LP bought out DDF studios a while back and LP posts some DDF scenes and charges a significant number of tickets for them. I think that if an LP subscriber paid for it DDF scene and realize that for not much more money he or she could have subscribed to the DDF site and downloaded hundreds of scenes they might think of LP as being less than scrupulous. I’m not making a value judgment on this but LP has branched out into transsexual scenes as well. I have no idea how well these are selling but since LP is continuing to produce them I assume that there is some demand for them. LP has started to offer some scenes that look almost like amateur porn and some of these are actually quite soft but, for some strange reason the prices charged for the scenes are absolutely astronomical. I’ve seen a soft scene that is only a few minutes long asking for 12 tickets. This is absurd. I’d advise keeping an eye open for these. Most seem to be marketed as “Out of the Studio.” I note that there was one of these scenes uploaded yesterday with a solo model masturbating. The scene is 10 minutes long and costs 6.5 tickets. A few years ago this would be the price for a two-hour gangbang. Something else I’ve noticed is that the number of models shooting for them seems to have decreased. This makes sense since not many models would be either interested in or capable of shooting these kinds of scenes. I’d love to see LP get back to their roots but I can’t see it happening in the near future. It looks like they’ve gone all-in in this new business model and the studios that film for them have gone all-in on extreme scenes. And to keep things on topic, I’m okay with TBP not explaining why LP was delisted. It’s been my experience here that when this happens it’s for a good reason related to protecting potential subscribers. Most of the times it’s shady billing issues but I would support delisting sites where there are credible complaints of abuse against the models. | |
06-09-20 09:14am - 1675 days | #7 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
I recall one strange thing in the documentary. It was when Rocco was describing his high sex drive and noted that as a younger man he seduced and had sex with a friend of his mother's who was in her 70s. | |
05-29-20 10:39am - 1686 days | #6 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
Yeah, I think I agree with this. FTV is a site that could deserve the coveted 100 score. It's an amazing site. It does everything well. I'm not into solo and masturbation sites but I subscribe here regularly anyway. | |
05-29-20 07:47am - 1686 days | #2 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
I don't think I've ever scored a site at 100 but if I have it would have been a while ago and I don't think I would do that now. The reason for that is that, in my opinion, to score a site at 100 you'd need to have an element of subjectivity in there. I actively try to make my reviews as objective as possible. If I'm reviewing a site that I really, really like I'll state that in the review but I'll aim to make the review as objective as possible and score it that way too. So, if I were to say that a site deserves a score of 100 that's me saying that from a technical perspective that site is perfect. The site layout is perfect. The tags and search function are perfect. The scenes are perfectly shot and edited. The site bills through the most reputable biller. I can't see a site being technically perfect in every way but it is certainly possible. The reason I now try to strip subjectivity out of my reviews is because we all have different interests and if I skew a score just because a site fits that interest then others who don't share the same interest might get the wrong idea. As a theoretical example, I think I could review a technically great site that has porn that I don't like and score it high objectively. I think I could review a site that featured obese old gay men having sex and write a review that scored it high if it was technically sound. As a real world example, I recently re-reviewed 18 Eighteen and scored it at 80. If I had built in my subjective feelings about the site I'd have scored it probably around 95. I love the porn they make but the site is kind of crappy. But... having said all of this I accept that some reviewers, even some long-standing members who I trust, may score a site at 100. I'm fine with that as long as there is enough information to justify it. And maybe even further, since 100 should be a rare score the reviewer should state very clearly why he or she has given that score. I'll also add that your justification for a 100 score, namely that the site set clear expectations for subscribers and then exceeded those expectations is a solid reason for giving a perfect score. As a long-time porn buyer I recognize that's really rare and I'm all for rewarding that. This is an interesting topic. I hope many others, old and new, weigh in. | |
04-24-20 03:45am - 1721 days | #10 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
Well, it looks like my zeal to join two of favourite sites (Amateur Allure and Swallow Salon) on an email deal that was too good to say no to has turned into a deal that is too good to be true thanks to the pandemic. Today's AA update is an older scene from SS and today's SS update is an older scene from AA. In future, I'll think before joining a site... | |
04-22-20 06:07am - 1723 days | #6 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
FTV Girls is definitely on my 'join' list for the pandemic. I haven't been a member there for about 18 months so it'll still be a great value even if they stop updating for a while. | |
04-22-20 06:05am - 1723 days | #5 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
I agree but sometimes my rational thought goes out the window. That's what happened when I saw the 90 offers for both Amateur Allure and Swallow Salon. Had I walked away from that offer for even a few minutes I'd have probably avoided it. My thinking that I'm helping the site is just my way of making myself feel better... | |
04-21-20 06:35am - 1724 days | Original Post - #1 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
Since most of us here are porn collectors and regularly subscribe to sites I’m just curious how the pandemic is affecting your buying habits. The good news for me is that there do seem to be some deals being offered and I’m taking advantage of some of those. But, I’m also having to be more careful in thinking about the value of those memberships before I take the plunge. I had a monthly subscription to two Mike Adriano sites, Swallowed and Nympho that both were set to expire last week. I currently have a membership to a third Mike site, True Anal. The pandemic and self-isolation began midway through my subscriptions and exclusive updates stopped. It seems that these sites have no reserve of scenes. Mike has four sites (the three I mentioned and All Anal) and the sites I had/have memberships at were substituting scenes from the other sites as their regular updates. For someone new to one of these sites that would be a good deal and I certainly don’t begrudge the sites for doing that, but for me, as a regular subscriber to all four of those sites, the scenes from the sister sites are ones I already had. The other site where I’m a member that is affected is Hookup Hotshot. For those who don’t know the site, it’s pretty much a one-man operation. HUHS usually updates weekly but for the past three weeks the updates have been BTS shoots of the model getting ready and interacting with the male talent/site owner. Once again, I don’t begrudge HUHS for doing this. For one, I like the HUHS BTS stuff and for another, I accept that this is also a site that wouldn’t have a large backlog of scenes that could be uploaded. I did do something stupid a couple of weeks ago though. I opened my email and saw a great deal for a three month membership to two of my favourite sites – Amateur Allure and Swallow Salon. Those sites are related for those not familiar with them. It was a deal that was too good to pass up. But… in my haste to join I didn’t consider that these are sites that will likely run out of updates soon too. Sure enough, the weekly Swallow Salon update on Friday was a scene that was uploaded at Amateur Allure back in January. Uh oh… this great deal may not be so great now. Oh well, at least I can take some comfort in knowing that I’m helping them out. But there is also good news. As one of our fellow PU members noted earlier this week, Nubiles Films was offering a decent deal. I checked my subscription list and noted that I haven’t been a member there in three years so even if they stop updating it’s a great value. Sold! I also have a current membership to Jules Jordan but they seem to be maintaining a normal upload schedule. Even if they run out of new stuff I’d be perfectly happy (VERY happy, in fact) if JJV opened up more of their back catalogue. I’ll likely rejoin Evil Angel soon because I suspect that they’ll be able to sustain a reasonable upload schedule for a while yet. So the bottom line for me is that I appreciate the deals being offered by sites and I’m happy to support them, but on a go-forward basis I’m going to be more strategic and careful. My subscribing history over the past few years has changed a bit in that I have a group of sites that I cycle through so this will be a chance to rejoin some sites I don’t join often like Pierre Woodman’s sites and FTV Girls. How about you? Any good or bad experiences with porn memberships in the pandemic so far? | |
03-28-20 06:03am - 1748 days | Original Post - #1 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
What are your thoughts on how the adult industry will be affected by the pandemic? Obviously most production is shut down now so we'll start to see updates dry up at some point. I've heard that the Mike Adriano sites, for example, have already stopped updating. It seems to me that small sites that update weekly will run out of updates at some point with their shooting schedules thrown off. Sites like Hookup Hotshot and Amateur Allure will likely be hit harder than Evil Angel, for example. But... on the other hand, will we, as porn buyers, see some better deals? I'll be less inclined to join a site knowing that there won't be updates for a while so will sites start offering us better deals to entice us to open our wallets? Any thoughts? | |
03-16-20 01:30pm - 1760 days | #2 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
I think she had been moving in that direction over the past couple of years now. I recall that maybe two years or so ago she stopped doing anal scenes. For her fans, me included, this was a big deal as she was a true anal queen. She started her Onlyfans account and seemed to do upload a lot there but that was low quality stuff and not something that a porn collector would normally collect. She really seems to have been fading out the business slowly so this isn't a big surprise. She's been an A-list and very prolific star for most of her almost-10-year career. I'm sure that being in the adult business takes it's toll on people, both physically and mentally. She deserves to retire so she can sit back and enjoy a Big Mac and not have to worry about the fat content or how it might affect tomorrow's anal shoot. I'll miss seeing new stuff but as a Jynx fan and a collector I have lots of scenes to keep me happy. | |
03-04-20 03:03pm - 1772 days | #10 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
I should add that I don't recall having any issues cancelling my BB membership at the time. Though I do remember having to specifically go in and cancel each additional site. My primary beef with them is how they dangle what looks like an offer for an add-on and by merely clicking on it for more information you're already signed up. I don't think I've ever experienced any issues when cancelling XEmpire and the last time I joined (and cancelled) was just a couple of months ago. My experience with them has been that they bill through one of the many Gamma billing sites. Mine has always been billed through olifehelp. Admittedly, the Gamma billing services require a lot of information to cancel, and I suspect they do that to encourage people to stay longer, but once you have some experience using them they're fine. I have had trouble with the sites that Greg Lansky used to own. Those are Tushy, Tushy Raw, Blacked, Balcked Raw and Vixen. Maybe a year or so ago they created their own biller called VXNBill. I cancelled but ended up with annual subscriptions several months after I cancelled. I was always able to get it resolved though. Maybe they had a few bugs to work out... The bottom line is that if I was just discovering online porn now I'd be terrified to join a pay site out of not knowing if it was going to be legitimate or not. Then again, I remember having those same thoughts when I joined my first pay site back many years ago. That would have been in the mid-90s. | |
03-03-20 02:56pm - 1773 days | #8 | |
rearadmiral (0)
Active User Posts: 1,453 Registered: Jul 16, '07 Location: NB/Canada |
I think this it’s a great idea to start a fresh list for 2020. Fit18 has definitely been on my list as a site to join. It looks like it would be exactly the kind of site I like. If it gets listed while I’m a member I’d certainly review it so others have additional information to consider. I’d also really like to see LA New Girl listed too. This is another site that’s been on my radar for a couple of years but since it is really expensive and no discounts are offered I haven’t taken the plunge. If, however, TBP or a trusted PU reviewer reviews the site favourably that would give me a lot more comfort. Finally, I’m surprised that TBP has de-listed Bang Bros. I should add that I’m pleasantly surprised at this. Bang Bros is really an enigma for me: they are probably one of the biggest and best known porn sites on the Internet and they do produce some great stuff so it utterly baffles me why they continue to undertake shady practices towards their paying customers. I haven’t been a member at BB in quite a while but I remember the entire site being like a minefield. One wrong click and you could be automatically charged for a site you had no interest in. I recall one time having a membership at BB and there was an ad for a new site, XXX Pawn (I think… if that’s a BB site then that was it). The link indicated that it would open into the new site and I think it was reasonable for me to assume that it would simply be a tour page. But no, simply by clicking on it I was suddenly a paying member with the charge being deducted from the credit card used for the main it BB membership. Interestingly, there is another porn forum with an active thread that appears to have been started several years ago by Bang Bros itself. What surprises me is how few people post about membership problems. Lately, however, there have been some complaints raised about billing practices. It makes me think that there may be some shills in that forum. Just to give some context, I have kept a running Word table of memberships since 2012. In that time I have joined Bang Bros four times with the most recent time being 2014. Also since 2012, I have joined Evil Angel 29 times and have a current membership there. That also includes a period of about 18 months where I kept a recurring membership. What’s the difference? I really like both sites but the EA billing practices are above-board and I trust them. That makes all the difference for me. I have been thinking about rejoining Bang Bros again but if I do that I will definitely buy a pre-paid, disposable credit card to protect myself. Once bitten, twice shy as they say. | |
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