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Post History:
slutty (0)
251-300 of 475 Posts | < Previous Page | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Page 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Next Page > |
01-05-11 09:45pm - 5116 days | #4 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
I read a story that coaches/players tripping gunners on the sideline isn't that uncommon, the guy from the Jets was just a moron for doing it out in the open (not to say it isn't cheating though). In other news, I can't stand the Jets - mostly because of their recent history of douchebag coaches. But I wish you luck, as my team (the Broncos) isn't even in it, and I doubt they will be anytime soon after the horribly large hole McDaniels and their personnel department put them in. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
01-05-11 12:26pm - 5117 days | #408 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
We noticed that credit when we saw the movie and thought it was pretty funny. Nepotism is most certainly nothing new in Hollywood - many big name stars got in the business at least partially via their parents (I'm sure some would argue they had good genes, but I'm not buying it). Excellent movie by the way, I'm surprised it didn't recieve any Golden Globe nominations. I'm not usually one that likes Damon (or his abs), but he was very good in this film. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
01-04-11 03:59pm - 5118 days | #9 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
there were a few x-art models I tried to find elsewhere, and most of them I couldn't seem to find (this lady being one of them). obviously some of their models have been around, but perhaps they get some to be exclusive - I dunno. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
01-04-11 03:57pm - 5118 days | #9 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
if it's a publicity stunt, that is pretty damn low... Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
01-02-11 12:01am - 5120 days | #4 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
Too bad if true, the only thing I could find was the Facebook stuff that said she died on the 31st. I'm not sure if the press would publish her stage name (I'm assuming tawnee isn't her real name) if she had in fact died in a car crash. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
01-01-11 01:15am - 5121 days | #3 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
Happy new year to you Khan, and all the PUs! Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
12-28-10 10:15am - 5125 days | #62 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
No worries messmer, everyone has the right to overreact to things from time to time! Either way, glad to have you back. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
12-23-10 11:24pm - 5129 days | #7 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
Just wanted to point out there is a difference between gift cards and prepaid credit cards (the former often has no name associated with it, and is purchased once and discarded, the latter being a somewhat permanent reloadable option where they will usually send you a card with your name on it). I'd be surprised if any company would decline a prepaid card registered to you with your address, how would they know it was a prepaid rather than regular credit card? I have a prepaid Visa, and it has never been declined in the sixth months I've had it - the only irritating thing is it has a monthly service charge of $1 and it costs $2 to reload it. I joined Woodman, and several sites that use CCbill and Epoch using this card. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
12-23-10 10:58pm - 5129 days | #54 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
Meh, I wouldn't miss him anyways... Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
12-23-10 12:20am - 5130 days | #49 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
I had been reading this thread for a while, and thought those that were offended were being facetious, I didn't realize folks had actually disabled their accounts. I would hope that most would read this thread as a "roast" of sorts and consider it an honor to be listed. I was disappointed that my only mention was a reference to my ex-girlfriends hairy nether-regions that I really had no desire to think about again, and hadn't until I read this thread - thanks Wittyguy! Hopefully everyone that disabled their accounts will come back. Though I don't participate in the forum very much I do enjoy reading it, I usually didn't have to write anything because messmer almost always had my opinion covered. So for the sake of my laziness (and of course your valuable contributions), messmer, come on back. These are the dangers of humor and the internet, some might get offended. So if I have ever offended anyone here, let me take the opportunity to note that I am a drunken hooligan who can't even have sex with his lady without the dog trying to jump in on the action. Feel free to make fun of me as you see fit. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. Edited on Dec 23, 2010, 01:06am | |
12-22-10 11:50pm - 5130 days | #32 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
humorous on-going rant, guys. i agree with most, however i do think sex with clothes still partially on can be pretty hot, who hasn't had sex with their partner in a hurried fashion with some of their clothes still on? my main complaints these days are similar to everyone else's: loss of eroticism, too much abuse, and too little editing. I still don't understand why so many photosets contain the same basic shot 10 times in a row, especially if it is a closeup - I understand they spent good money to take nude photos of a lady, but that doesn't mean they have to post every fucking picture on their site... Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
12-21-10 12:54am - 5132 days | #397 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
Ah man, big lebowski is one of the best films ever... Perhaps its an age thing, I know a lot of older folks that can't stand that movie, most of my friends love it. I don't think there is a movie I have seen more than that one. I agree their movies do tend to be all over the place, but their quirky characters tend to be what I love about their movies. I don't think there are any filmmakers that bat 1.000, I guess Aronofsky has come pretty close - but that'll change I'm sure with the forthcoming wolverine film. I will pretty much give them a lifetime pass for the Blood Simple, Fargo, Lebowski, No Country combo. They are one of the few that I will pretty much go see no matter what. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
12-20-10 11:38pm - 5132 days | #17 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
Sorry for arguing with you here pat, just wanted to point out that I am pretty sure most localities test for most drugs and alcohol in blood after accidents involving fatalities, so this data is probably available although I didn't feel like looking. i also agree with turboshaft about the gateway drug thing, i know many that have used pot, including myself, and never done anything stronger (well, a few of them did mushrooms). i believe statistics may show it as a gateway drug simply because it is probably the most readily available. i'm sure a similar study with alcohol could easily conclude that alcohol is also a "gateway drug". also, as I understand it the filter doesn't necessarily help prevent illness, as most that smoke filter cigarettes breath the smoke in deaper than unfilters. i remember reading a study a while ago that showed how when filters were less common cancers of the mouth and trachea were more common than cancers of the lung because people were absorbing the nicotine through their upper GI tract rather than through their lungs (similarly to how those that smoke cigars do). now that filters are more common and smokers are inhaling the smoke deaper, lung cancers have become more common. i'm sure it may have happened, but i highly doubt there have been many cases of cancer from marijuana alone, as most marijuana smokers take in far less than the equivalent of a pack a day or whatever from tobacco - although i seem to recall reading that those that smoke both nicotine and marijuana are more likely to develop lung disease for some reason. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
12-20-10 12:05am - 5133 days | #392 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
Funny you say that, the only movies I have like Wahlberg in were The Departed and Boogie Nights. Most of the other movies I have seen I found him quite irritating. Maybe I just can't see past Marky Mark... Which Coen movies do you dislike? Aside from Ladykillers and Intolerable Cruelty, I can't think of any I didn't enjoy... I guess Burn After Reading was mediocre, but I still sort of enjoyed it. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
12-19-10 11:47pm - 5133 days | #19 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
I guess regional pricing must suck pretty bad... I have never joined a site for more than $40 that I can recall, and as many have said, usually spend $20-30. I guess everything is more expensive in the UK, I remember the last time I was there thinking the beer prices were consistent with US prices, until I remembered they were in Pounds... Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
12-19-10 11:27pm - 5133 days | #12 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
I'm not sure what the definition of regular user is, but I've known many that use marijuana quite often, and are quite intelligent productive members of society. I'm sure a study on regular alcohol or even tobacco use would show similar results. I think the argument that marijuana shouldn't be legalized is fundamentally flawed if the basis is safety. Most of the so called "pot heads" I have known never left the house when using, let alone drove a car. Has their been an increase in marijuana-related car crashes in California since they enacted their clearly abused medical marijuana law? If this is the basis for legalizing a mind-altering substance alcohol and tobacco poise far greater risks to public health than marijuana. There are tons of doctors addicted to alcohol and painkillers, yet these substances are legal... If someone wanted to smoke weed so bad they would do so before performing a surgery, I'm guessing they would do it, legal or not. Someone stupid enough to get baked out of their mind and do something that requires them to be sober likely wouldn't care about the legal status of the drug. People do understand how readily available this drug is, right? If the government wants to fine people and let them off with no prison time, fine. But throwing guys like Willy Nelson in jail is both cost ineffective, and in my opinion stupid. Not to mention the fact that legalizing would surely eliminate much of the violence and crime associated with growing and selling the drug illegally. I guess what makes me laugh so much about the so called war on drugs is the advertisements almost always focus on marijuana, like this is the big problem drug? Ask any doctor and they will surely tell you they have never treated a pot user, however ask them about meth users and you will get a much different story. Marijuana is surely less dangerous that alcohol or tobacco, is not chemically addictive, and yet this is the drug we fight against? Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. Edited on Dec 19, 2010, 11:33pm | |
12-18-10 05:07pm - 5134 days | #7 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
To be fair, one can smoke things other than weed out of a glass pipe - which is the only reason they are still legal for sale in many states. While I've never known anyone that smoked tobacco out of their pipe unless mixed with "additives", it is theoretically possible. People have been pretty brazzen with marijuana for quite some time, several rap videos from the 90's included not-so-subtle imagery involving marijuana use. I remember seeing an episode of Cribs in college (10 years ago or so) where Snoop showed off his "hang out room" which was clearly intended for hot-boxing. While attempts to legalize marijuana were recently struck down, the narrowing of the margins - plus the fact that medical marijuana is now legal in many state, I believe show that the public generally accepts that marijuana is not a big-deal drug (not to mention the drug's use in many movies and TV shows, including That 70's Show which is humorously played on the Family Channel now). I can't see how anyone could ever be arrested for filming themselves doing drugs and releasing it, as how could it ever be proven that they were actually drugs? I also seem to remember seeing a Taylor Rain video some time ago where it appeared as though there were lines of coke on the hotel bedside table. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
12-13-10 12:10am - 5140 days | #15 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
Just curious graymane, what was the average age of this crowd? I asked several of my friends (male and female) and every single one had heard of titty fucking, and most had tried it - the enjoyment level was a bit variable however. Perhaps my friends are just sexual deviants, but they seem normal to me! Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
12-10-10 12:10am - 5143 days | #390 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
Anyone else looking forward to the new Coen brother's movie? I can't think of the last time I planned on seeing a movie when it opens at my local theatre, but True Grit looks pretty good... I know it is sort of a remake of a decent older film, although I guess they consider it an alternate adaptation of the same work. Black Swan looks swell as well. Two decent looking movies by two of my favorite filmakers at the same time, if Wes Andersen had a film coming out too I'd probably be forced to crap my pants. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
12-10-10 12:00am - 5143 days | #11 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
I assume you mean sexual stimulus for the woman, breasts are very sensitive. I'm sure each woman reacts differently to it, but each woman has her own set of erogenous zones, so I don't think it is so inconcievable that some might find it exciting. I imagine this type of activity probably originated as an alternative to vaginal intercourse for horny teens (dry humping something new). Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
12-09-10 01:37pm - 5144 days | #7 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
I don't know Cap'n, my 34B lady likes a good titty fuckin' as well, although we prefer good ole astroglide to saliva as it doesn't dry out quite as fast... neither of us want any chaffing in those areas! While there are lots of activities I truly don't understand in porn, this is actually one that I do. Not to say that watching this particular act is all that appealing to me of course. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
12-07-10 11:04pm - 5145 days | #7 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
Can't find her anywhere else, but there is a new SC (truly softcore according to Cap'n's definition) photo girl Stasha on 18onlygirls that is quite attractive. http://www.younglegalporn.com/girls.html Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
12-07-10 10:51pm - 5145 days | #6 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
Umm, not to point out the obvious or anything, but if your surfing porn at work, IT already knows what you are doing. Unless you are surfing using a cell modem or something, but that would be horribly cumbersome. You can clear all the caches and 35-time overrite your cookies, but most company's I've worked for have servers that log all the sites people go to. Also if you are using a corporate computer to surf porn, the company may have installed "spyware" of their own without you being aware of it. This is not uncommon. Further, many personal and business routers log domain names that are browsed and files that are downloaded. My old one used to do this, and my new one had this as the default but I turned it off. This can be easily accessed as often people don't change the router password from the default, which is usually something like blank, password, or default. I guess I'm just not as paranoid as other folks, I usually just browse porn in Firefox with Private on and figure that is good enough. I figure the reality is that if someone really wanted to learn my porn habits they could, hell my ISP knows, google knows, and I'm sure many other nameless entities know the wild and crazy habits of my IP address. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
12-06-10 09:37pm - 5146 days | #8 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
I once had a computer with a bunch of drives that dissappeared because my PCI IDE/ATA controller died. However, the symptoms don't quite match yours. If you connect other stuff to the port that drive is on, and tehy work then this probably isn't the problem. Nonetheless I would probably check the cables, try putting the drive on a different SATA or ATA port if available. Probably wont help, but worth a shot. Unfortunately drives fail, and in my experience don't give you much of a warning. Hard to believe defragging would have caused the problem, although it does force the drive to read/write for an extended period of time, so perhaps it was the straw that broke the camel's back. I believe defragging can cause the loss of some restore points, or at least it used to cause that problem. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
12-05-10 12:21am - 5148 days | #7 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
i can see some facial resemblance turboshaft, but they are quite different body-wise! hilary swank has always irritated me - maybe that's why I don't like Gia Paloma, although her performance in Boy Don't Cry was quite good. the only one i can think of is danni cole used to look like the girl from Smallville who plays Lana Lane, sorry i'm too lazy to look up her real name on imdb... Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
12-05-10 12:15am - 5148 days | #11 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
hey messmer, it happens to me all the time. i don't typically like bondage material, but every once in a while when i'm looking at a bonus site or something i see a scene that just hits the spot at the time. although hopefully i don't venture into your mature women niche anytime soon, my girlfriend can handle a lot, but that one would definitely freak her out... not that there is anything wrong with mature ladies or anything. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
11-28-10 10:46pm - 5154 days | #5 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
It was Houston, World's Biggest Gang Bang 3 (1999). And I totally forget where I got it, maybe videobox or something of the sort. I assume since it is the 3rd, there are two others in the series, perhaps they might more fit your needs. There is even a wikipedia page on the first one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World%27s_Biggest_Gangbang Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
11-28-10 10:32pm - 5154 days | #4 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
There was a scene I remember seeing a long time ago with some 90's era fake breasted star that was similar to this. Didn't really enjoy it, so I didn't keep it. It was brianna banks or something, one of those "world record gangbangs". It was like 100 guys though, but from what I recall she toweled off after every guy, so I don't know that it perfectly fits your criteria. In response to pat's query, the other guys were all just standing around jacking it while waiting their turn. It was an odd scene... Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
11-27-10 01:13am - 5156 days | #15 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
I ain't Mbaya, but depending on the size of the video I would recommend providing the Full HD (I think wmv or mp4 is fine, but mac users would probably prefer mp4), a mid version that is perhaps equivalent to SD, and perhaps even a smaller version for those on slow connections. Personally I don't think it is all that important what codec you use on your videos, as long as it is common and does decent quality compression, although once again mac users might disagree. Just make sure full video downloads, no parts! I also agree that is nice to have an active webmaster, sorry that FemDom/fetish stuff isn't really my cup of tea or I'd throw some support your way... Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
11-26-10 11:26pm - 5156 days | #10 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
I agree with pat, I'd join DDF first, plus I still prefer DDF to 21sextury slightly, even though their site design really irritates me now. Of course I also have a thing against loyalty sites, so that probably taints my opinion a bit... Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
11-23-10 10:20pm - 5159 days | #39 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
Welcome back WeeWilly, we've got to have the folks from Arizona represent! Oh, I guess I should change my profile... With respect to justme's post, I think this type of degrading hardcore is much more common in the hardcore realm than just a few sites. While there are many softcore sites that present material in an erotic, non-deprecating fashion, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find hardcore sites that do the same. Euro porn used to pretty free of this type of material, but lately it has been creeping into those sites as well, sites I like. This style of hardcore seems to becoming more common rather than less, which would seem to speak to what the majority of porn purchasers want. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
11-23-10 02:06pm - 5160 days | #4 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
congrats man, keep those quality reviews coming! Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
11-23-10 02:03pm - 5160 days | #62 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
But pat362, you know you would download a scene that had the male talent pulling their usual jackassery only to have the woman stop and kick her lucite shoe squarely into his testicles (with great force). Perhaps the BTS could include the guy curled up in a ball on the floor vomiting while everyone laughs. Any of those douchebags from BangBros would be perfect for this. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
11-18-10 10:22pm - 5164 days | #2 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
I thought you were going to talk about the nasty porn bloopers. Like the video of April Summers throwing up in the middle of a blowjob. I'm not sure why the even release that kind of stuff... Of course there are some funny ones, my friend had a video of Ron Jeremy throwing a margarita on some girl pretending it was ejaculate, only the drink got in her eye and she wasn't too pleased. Since most producers these days are more or less "amateur" background noise and camera fuckups seem to be par for the course. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
11-17-10 08:20pm - 5165 days | #372 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
I think it is somewhat common for child stars to take risque roles to try and disconnect from their clean-cut image. Jessica Biel did that semi-nude photoshoot, and I don't even know if she was of age when she did it. I'm sure most of these women know perfectly well what they are doing when they do nude rolls, they are trying to maintain, transform, or increase their fame. Didn't the dude that plays Harry Potter get nude on stage or something a few years ago? Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
11-17-10 08:01pm - 5165 days | #9 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
while I agree that there should be equality for all, it might not necessarily be a bad thing to have some of these nations on such a board. it might help to promote nations to change their views on women, probably wouldn't but you never know. Certainly a difficult problem to tackle, but by including them in the conversation there might be a little more leverage to convince them to comply with whatever resolutions they come up with. Of course the counterpoint to that is that with them on the panel, whatever resolutions they come up with will be worthless. Of course, they might all just be stupid... Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
11-08-10 11:17pm - 5174 days | #22 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
In my experience a good GPU is usually far more important than a good CPU in playing video. I had a terribly slow CPU in my old computer that did fine playing good quality video because it had a decent graphics card. A lot of the bottom of the barrel computers you buy these days have reasonable processors, but terrible video cards. My fiance has such a computer. I agree on the RAM front, this can definitely cause problems with large files if you don't have enough - it is easy enough to look at the system performance in the task manager to see if that is the issue. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
11-03-10 11:54pm - 5179 days | #28 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
I think this statement is a little unfair justme, from what I have read of your posts I probably wouldn't say you were very far to the right at all. Many people still don't believe Obama was born in Hawaii, despite papers re-publishing both his birth notice and his birth certificate. Politics in this country have gotten so combative, it really wouldn't be surprising if some Republicans tried to use their newly obtained subpeona power to try to impeach Obama. Some folks tried to impeach Clinton for getting a fucking blowjob and lying about it. Hopefully no one will be that stupid, but I guess I wouldn't be surprised. I forget who the interview was with, but there was some Republican congressman stating Dems better start moving towards the center given this "mandate" from the people. Did any Republican's move left given the "mandate" in 2008? I'd say quite the opposite. It is unfortunate, but Americans do often vote with their wallets. I don't know that it is Republicans necessarily, I think a lot of moderates and independents vote in this fashion. The trade deficit pat362 talks about is quite a concern, but America has survived in recent years by being more or less a service/intellectual economy with banks, tech, and pharm leading the way. This is probably not sustainable given the current low quality of education in the US. I'd love to see reasonable, accountable policitians in Washington, but that just seems unlikely to happen. Most of the "new blood" Tea Partiers I have heard just sound dillusional to me (we need to decrease taxes, cut the deficit, and cut government). Exactly how much government needs to be cut for the deficit to be reduced at the same time as taxes are? Espcially given most of the programs I've heard them talk about cutting funding to are pretty much drops in the bucket (NPR/PBS, NSF, Endowment for the Arts, EPA, etc.) Seems entirely unrealistic to me. Quayle's quote in the ad the kept playing in my area made me laugh so hard "Obama is the worst president ever", seriously? Nixon anyone? Or from a true conservative perspective I'd even buy FDR or LBJ (although personally I would very strongly disagree with both of those). Its just extremest politics, he's a socialist, worst ever, a nazi, a marxist, a racist, whatever. Stupid bullshit. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. Edited on Nov 04, 2010, 12:06am | |
11-02-10 10:29pm - 5180 days | #13 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
If the site has decent navigation, I will go through the older stuff pretty thoroughly, if their navigation is poor I tend to give up after I start getting frustrated. So perhaps this is good motivation for sites to have annoying navigation, maybe they'd save on bandwidth? Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
11-02-10 10:26pm - 5180 days | #11 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
They interviewed a bunch of voters on NPR when I was driving home, one of which said something along the lines of "I just can't pay any more taxes", sounded like an older guy too, hard to believe he doesn't realize how low tax rates are right now... Starting impeachment proceedings would be a waste of time and end up making republicans look really really stupid, I can't see that happening. The worst case scenario will likely be some budget funny business coming out of the house. Unfortunately we live in a society that wants instant results, like the economy is going to magically improve overnight. Also, it is pretty typical for the party in power to get nailed in mid-term elections. I just can't believe Quale's kid is going to be a representative from my state, what a fucking douche... Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
10-30-10 12:28am - 5184 days | #51 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
One of the main problems with politics in America, is that people vote far too often with their pocketbooks rather than their own politics or beliefs. There was a guy at my office that voted for Bush II simply because he worked out that his proposed tax policy would net him something like $20 more a month than Kerry's. I asked him once if Bush's actual policy had any effect on his finances after the fact, and he didn't even know. Us folks in the United States need to accept that sooner or later taxes need to go up. You can cut the budget all you want, but eventually the debt will need to get paid down, not to mention the still many outstanding issues with entitlements for the baby-boomers. However, any policitian that tries to raise taxes basically commits political suicide - even if they just let "temporary" cuts expire. Ed Rendell, the gov. of PA, tried to raise taxes by something like $10 a year and there were fucking protests in the streets. Hey if you'd have spent the day working instead of protesting, you'd have made well more than $10 fuckwits... I just wish I could go to the Stewert/Colbert rally tomorrow, I'm sure it'd be a blast. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
10-30-10 12:13am - 5184 days | #343 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
Just saw Never Let Me Go the other night, and it is an excellent film, I highly recommend it. Although it is sad, it definitely left my lady depressed for the rest of the night - a good movie nonetheless. If only Keira Knightley weren't in it, I would say it was excellent - there is something about her that just irks me, even though I normally like thin, athletic, small-breasted women... And to poke an older post in this thread, Iron Man 2 is a horrible movie, I felt ripped off even though we only paid a dollar at Redbox. I'm not sure why movies like this make so much money, poor plot, ridiculous special effects, subpar acting, whatever... Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
10-27-10 12:30am - 5187 days | #13 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
video quality is sort of important, and frame size is pretty bogus these days. there are sites that encode video at 1280x720 in order to say that is HD with either poor source or poor bitrate to make the frame size irrelevent. if the encoding is decent and looks good on my laptop and acceptable on my TV i am fine with that. i have many older videos that are 640x480 and <2000 kbps that still look fine to me. i have also found that higher quality TVs do a much better job of making sub-par video source look decent. i'm not really a fan of the super high quality HD stuff that is like 4 gigs per video, takes up too much space and too long to download and often doesn't look that much better to me than one that is 1/3 the size but encoded well. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
10-22-10 01:06am - 5192 days | #21 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
it actually wasn't that long ago that stations were still logging off for the night in this fashion, i think it was the UPN and WB stations in Pittsburgh that were still signing off with jet fighters and the star spangled banner in 1999 at 1am (followed by the test pattern). there are probably even still some local stations that do it. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
10-22-10 12:51am - 5192 days | #18 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
mistresskent, totally agree with Dushku and Jeri Ryan, pretty much any hot sci-fi chick would do it for me. any of the ladies from firefly or lost would be fabulous! Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
10-19-10 03:32pm - 5195 days | #20 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
Khan, Roxio blows, don't use it. It came for free on my laptop, and is pretty much useless - one of the first things I did when I got my laptop was remove it. Nero is much better. I'm a bit confused by this thread, as Jame4096 asked earlier, are you guys trying to burn data DVDs that are playable on a DVD player, or burn DVD-video (with chapters, etc, that will play on your DVD player)? A data DVD will only play the file formats that your patricular DVD player supports, the older the player the fewer (if any) options. I'd recommnend reading the manual for your specific player to see what file types it supports before making too many coasters if you are trying to play a data DVD. Your player might also have specication requirements for the video (frame rate, frame size, bitrate, etc.) in order to play the data file. A DVD-video will play on any DVD player. Depending on what burning software you are using, if you are trying to make a DVD-video many will convert common file formats automatically (similarly to how most burning software will internally convert MP3's to WAV's when burning an audio CD). I haven't done it in a while, as like Goldfish I now have a laptop with an HDMI port, but I used to burn wmv's to DVD-videos all the time in Nero, and never had any playback problems in any DVD player I own. DivX is a compressed mpeg4 video format which is commonly playable as data on DVDs, however I don't think it is a "true" avi, as it is compressed. If you only have access to a CD-burner you can burn a videoCD, which should also be playable on almost any DVD player. The downside to this is that it is limited in length to 80 minutes or so of video, and I believe is an mpeg-1, so you might lose some quality. Although modern burning software may not give this option, and newer DVD players may not support it (it is a very old format). Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
10-12-10 01:17am - 5202 days | #15 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
Just wanted to point out that most of the companies you see selling external hard drives don't actually make the drive - they just make the enclosure and interface. I used to have a website bookmarked that listed the actual manufacturers of PC components, but can't seem to find it. As I understand it the only current manufacturers are Seagate, Western Digital, Toshiba, Samsung, and Hitachi. Perhaps Iomega re-entered the arena, but I read a while ago they quit making the actual drive. Also, as I said before if you can find an eSATA drive, I would recommend it. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
10-11-10 12:21am - 5203 days | #9 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
I also enjoy them quite a bit, although perhaps not the BTS stuff on DVDs quite as much, as that can get a little inane at times. I do agree with pat362, there is certainly the risk of being turned off by the model's personality, however I haven't really come across many scenes that had that effect on me. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
10-04-10 11:17pm - 5209 days | #15 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
I still don't get the need for super high quality photosets, unless you do a lot of cropping yourself or a great deal of zooming in. Who has a monitor with high enough resolution for it to matter? Even looking at these photosets on a large screen TV doesn't really matter, as who has a TV with that high of a resolution, - I doubt they even exist... As for videos, I think at some sites the file sizes can get a bit insane. Also, bitrate is the controlling factor on quality, not native resolution (some sites encode stuff at a really low bitrate at 1280x720, just to call it HD, but it certainly isn't). Like others have said, as long as there are options I don't really care, I rarely download videos larger than 1 GB or photosets larger than 100 MB... Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
09-29-10 11:12pm - 5214 days | #316 | |
slutty (0)
Active User Posts: 475 Registered: Mar 02, '09 Location: Pennsylvania |
To be fair PP, on CNN the other night they said she headed out with a companion, but turned to go back down the canyon alone. It may be semantics, but that is hiking alone as she chose not to continue with her companion - regardless of the fact that she started out with a friend. Obviously her death may not have been preventable even if she had stayed with her companion... Perhaps what they said on CNN was wrong, not like it'd be the first time. Either way, it is a sad story. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited. | |
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