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marquis58401 (0) Registered January 24th, 2007
Male, 46 yrs old  

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Date From Trust? Comment
03-21-07 Anonymous Yes None

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Avg Site Rating: 81.6

Category Total
*Total Points 0
Site Reviews 12
Site Comments 3
Site Ratings 0
Replies Given 14
Replies Received 10
Forum Posts 0

marquis58401's Activity

*Points are awarded based on qualified reviews and badges earned.

Site Rating Review Date
1. The Panty Collector 81 Yes 04-27-07
2. Real Couples 80 Yes 04-18-07
3. Michelle Lynn 82 Yes 03-29-07
4. Red Hot Lauren 70 Yes 03-21-07
5. Real Punting 80 Yes 02-03-07
6. Amber at Home 82 Yes 02-03-07
7. Dixie's Trailer Park 79 Yes 02-03-07
8. Brooke Skye 95 Yes 01-30-07
9. Cathy's Craving 75 Yes 01-30-07
10. Girls Out West 80 Yes 01-29-07

View All : Latest Ratings

Site Rating Review Date
1. Brooke Skye 95 Yes 01-30-07
2. Little Mutt 90 Yes 01-24-07
3. Jean Swing 85 Yes 01-25-07
4. Amber at Home 82 Yes 02-03-07
5. Michelle Lynn 82 Yes 03-29-07
6. The Panty Collector 81 Yes 04-27-07
7. Girls Out West 80 Yes 01-29-07
8. Real Punting 80 Yes 02-03-07
9. Real Couples 80 Yes 04-18-07
10. Dixie's Trailer Park 79 Yes 02-03-07

View All : Top Sites

Question Answer
Tell us a little about yourself...
I live in No.Dak., married for 2 years, I like my wife, beer, baseball, movies, good books, surfing the net, and taking an occasional nap.
How long have you been surfing porn online?
too long - pushing 10 years.
What are your favorite porn niches or tastes?
I love lesbian, swinger, amateur, and panties/lingerie.
Does your spouse approve of your porn hobby? (if applies)
Yes / My wife and I will occasionally watch a feature adult movie - i.e. one with a plot and storyline. My online perusals, she knows, but doesn't really comment - as long as I keep the expenses down. Usually - $20.00 - $25.00 per month.
What sites do you currently have a membership to? (if any)
What influences you the most when signing up to a pay-site?
1. cost 2. type of content 3. amount of video content
How much do you consider the price of a porn site?
It's the overriding factor right now. There is a certain individual site - www.michellelynn.com that I've been wanting to join for quite a while as I love to watch her weekly cam shows, but her monthly subscription price is $39.99 and that is way way too much for a subscription.
You prefer downloading or streaming video?
download it. I want to keep the content. If I can't download the videos, then I will not join the site.
Do you buy (or rent) adult DVD's?
In the past I have done a lot. However, my last purchase was probably six months ago.
What's your monthly porn budget?
Around $30.00 - I like to try a new site each month.
What do you like and dislike about PornUsers.com?
I really like the community feel of the place. However at the same time some of the drawbacks are that like in real communities people don't always get along or act neighborly.
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
I'd love to see this place grow and for more webmasters to interact with our reviews and our recommendations. This could be a very synergetic experience for everyone.

Answered: 12 of 12

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