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Visit The Panty Collector

The Panty Collector

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: 1. Huge amount of content.
2. The featured orginal series of videos is excellent.
3. Photos are available in zip format for easy downloads.
4. Best panty themed site I've seen.
5. Video quality and photo quality is decent.
Cons: 1. Site appears to be no longer updating.
2. Forum content is nonexistent.
3. Site is expensive for one month membership.
4. Majority of the videos appear to be non-exclusive - but I've never seen them anywhere else.
5. Some of the content appears to be East European and thus not in English.
Bottom Line: I was very happy with the amount of content available - especially the videos. The videos are hardcore and have a panty them to them. The cream of the crop is a 10 episode series featuring a lovely eastern european blonde who loves other women's panties. The scenes are lesbian focused and quite erotic. The downside is that they are not in English - they are however subtitled so you can follow the dialogue. The rest of the videos appear to be non-exclusive. However, as I stated above, I have not seen any of them anywhere else. The videos are divided among catergories and there are different options for download or streaming.

There are also pics available for download. You can download individually or in zip sets. I didn't save any of the photos, but my recollection is that they are of decent quality.

All in all I downloaded over 12 gigs of video content from the site. I still think $30.00 per month is pricey, but maybe it is justifiable for one month because of the amount of content.

The site layout was pretty straight foward and was easy to navigate. My biggest disappointment was the forums section. It was there, but there was no interaction among anybody. The site has been up and running for over a year and it appears that no updates have been made. It's my guess that they put a bunch of material on the site and then walked away. I would not renew a membership, but I think it is worth one month if you like panty themed porn.

04-27-07  03:04pm

Replies (0)
Visit Wife Crazy

Wife Crazy
Reply of SnowDude's Review

Good review SnowDude. I was a member of this site back in the day. I remember it as one of my favorites in the network. The site can be hit and miss at times with some of the fetish stuff. Overall I think your review hit it pretty close to the mark.

04-23-07  01:14pm

Visit Seska

Reply of SnowDude's Comment

Interestingly, I was looking at this site this weekend too. After taking the tour and looking at other outside reviews (including that from TBP.com) I was left with the impression that seska.com is geared more towards photos and that the vids were very short 1-2 minute segments. That made me hesitant to try the site.

Like snowdude, I'd also be appreciative of any information others can provide on this site.

04-23-07  01:10pm

Visit Brooke Skye

Brooke Skye
Reply of troglodite's Review

Good Review. It appears we differ as to the "tease" factor. But it appears we both agree this is pretty damn good website.


04-20-07  02:23pm

Visit Porn Multi Pass

Porn Multi Pass
Reply of Jay G's Comment

For my $.02, I'd say you did the right thing. Your SSN should not be necessary for that transaction. You weren't being paranoid. You were using common sense.

04-20-07  02:19pm

Visit Diddylicious

Reply of SnowDude's Comment


I've seen the three bj vids you refer to in your comment. They're all POV style with Diddylicious on her knees facing the camera. She's topless in the vids but is wearing panties. The vids center on her face and mouth and don't show a whole lot of her chest - although you do get a peek every once in a while. She has nice breasts and her nipples are pierced too.

04-20-07  07:44am

Visit Real Couples

Real Couples

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: 1. Almost every video features a new couple.
2. Excellent content for the amateur genre
3. Video quality is pretty decent -around 1000k for the newest videos.
4. dowloadable zip files for pics
5. Almost 90 video sets are now available with the average video running around 20 to 30 min.
Cons: 1. Some of the girls are not true amateurs, but rather girls trying to break into the adult industry.
2. Would like to see more F/F or group videos. Almost all the videos are straight M/F.
3. Limited amount of bonus material.
4. $30/month is a little pricey.
5. Updated only twice a month.
Bottom Line: I'm a big fan of the amateur genre. I've looked at this site a couple times in the past and finally took the plunge earlier this month. Overall I'm impressed with the site. The site is pretty straight forward. The videos come from the UK where the webmaster records couples for the site. A lot of the content appears to be true amateurs who agreed to be videotaped. The others are friends of the webmaster who are in the adult industry or trying to get into it.

Every two weeks the site is updated with a new set. Each set centers around the video which is split in two equal parts averaging 100mb. There is another dowload option for smaller chunks. Along with each video is a corresponding picture set of the featured couple. You can download the pics individually or by zipset. Finally there is a journal entry by the webmaster giving background on the couple and describing the video.

As the name implies, the focus is on the couple. The vast majority of the content features M/F action. However, there is a wide variety therein. The site has everything from anal to creampies to some different fetishes. There are also a few group sets where two couples go together before the camera.

The major downsides are that the site is only updated twice a month and the price. I thought $30/month was a little high. However, with over 10 gigs of material waiting for you to download its not a bad site to check out for one month.

04-18-07  08:13am

Replies (0)
N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I have a subscription to playboy. I'm curious what other's thoughts are on playboy. Is it an "adult" magazine? Obviously you have to be 18 to purchase it, but many of its articles and content could be just as easily found in Newsweek or Time.

04-04-07  08:54am

Visit Jen Madison.com

Jen Madison.com

additional comment

In addition to Heynow's comment. I was a member last month when mywifejen.com switched to jenmadison.com. I was getting very frustrated when the site did not update for over two weeks. Finally there was an announcement that the site name had changed. I logged in to jenmadison.com and there was the last couple weeks' updates. I was not impressed by their lack of information and oversight towards us members. My membership expired shortly afterwards so I can only hope that their transition to the new website has been completed.

03-29-07  01:35pm

Replies (1)
Visit Michelle Lynn

Michelle Lynn

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: 1. Michellelynn is an attractive, funny, cute little tease.
2. Tons of video content
3. Hi res pics
4. Frequent updates
5. Decent bonus content
6. Site navigation is uncomplicated and easy
Cons: 1. Content limited to softcore and solo masturbation only. This is not a hardcore site.
2. Majority of photosets are not available in zip format for easy download.
3. Did not return my email during my month of membership.
4. Many of her videos are her past webcam shows.
5. Site is kind of pricey at $35.00 per month
Bottom Line: I have put off joining this site for quite a while as it was expensive at $35.00 per month. I was hoping to see someone review the site here before joining. I finally tired of waiting and broke down and joined the site.

Michellelynn's site has been running for a couple years now. During that time she's built up a good amount of material - I downloaded around 10 gigs. She does not do hardcore, rather she concentrates more on flashing, teasing, and masturbation. She shows everything but penetration.

She does several live cam shows each week which are recorded and included in future updates. The site is updated several times a week. Her exclusive vids are quite good and of pretty high quality. Her previous camshows are not nearly as high quality but have some decent content once you fast forward a little. The pictures are pretty high quality as well. The only complaint there is that only the newest sets are in zip form for easy download.

The bonus content includes access to the amateur camz network and an upskirt site. I was disappointed with the upskirt site as all the videos there were dubbed with background music covering the dialogue.

Overall, this is a good site for those who like more softcore or tease content. Michellelynn is cute and reminds me of the girl-nextdoor type. I did not renew at the end of my month as the price was just too high. Maybe in another year I'll rejoin.

03-29-07  01:25pm

Replies (0)
Visit Red Hot Lauren

Red Hot Lauren

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: 1. Site does well in differentiating itself from other solo girl sites.
2. High quality pics.
3. Lots of videos.
4. Lauren is pretty hot.
Cons: 1. Site is unfortunately no longer being updated.
2. Bandwidth issues at time - downloads can be frustratingly slow.
3. Layout of site is somewhat sloppy as almost all content is on the first member's page.
4. Content does become somewhat repititious.
5. Would like to have zip downloads for the pics
Bottom Line: I saw a couple videos on usenet which turned me on to this site. It's unique in that it features a very attractive natural redhead. It's also reasonably priced at $20.00 per month. That being said, I joined the site last night and was disappointed to see that the last update was over six months ago. It appears Lauren is no longer involved with her site. The layout of the members area is pretty rough. There are links to other pages, but alot of it seems random in its placement. The main content is 18 pages of updates alternating between videos and picture sets. The videos average around 6-7 minutes in length and the majority are of Lauren stripping down and masturbating with one of her favorite vibrators. This is a common theme for most of the videos. I still found them interesting to watch and Lauren does a good job of keeping my attention. You can download the full video in one file or in multiple clips. They're available in both mpeg and .rm format. The pics are also available in two different sizes. Again, there are a ton of pics. Only downside is that you have to download and save each pic individually as there is no zip files for each picture set. There are some bandwidth issues too. Last night was frustrated to be downloading at around 50 kb/sec. This morning things were better at around 200 kb/sec. There is some bonus content, but it looks like mostly garbage at first glance. Site had a lot of promise. Sadly I don't see it being fullfilled.

03-21-07  06:47am

Replies (0)
N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Probably because the average subscriber doesn't renew after the first month. If I'm "average" then like me they probably download as much of the content (if not all of it) in the first month and then don't renew. With that in mind, I understand why they may want to charge more for that first month - I don't like it when they do it, but I can understand the rationale. Also, by charging less in subsequent months it may give some subscribers the feeling that they're getting a better deal giving them a stronger motivation to keep the subscription.

03-21-07  06:29am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Since I'm the owner I can do what I want. If I were the employee, I'd really have to watch what I do. Its not worth a sexual harassment claim, getting in trouble, or even getting terminated.

02-28-07  09:56am

N/A Reply of Rick's Poll

It all goes back to Dustin Hoffman. By that of course I mean his movie "The Graduate" and Mrs. Robinson trying to seduce him. There's a lot of room for fantasy in older/mature women who are very confident in their sexuality and very experienced to boot. Its no wonder a lot of guys like that.

02-28-07  09:53am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

My thought is that the amount of content, type and size of content, and frequency of updates shouldn't justify higher membership fees. Rather, it justifies members maintaining/continuing their membership. In other words if they keep their members happy, the members will stay loyal to the site - creating a mutually beneficial relationship for both parties.

02-21-07  07:29am

N/A Reply of Rick's Poll

I thought this was a good question. My proclivities usually run that I will sign up for a month at the less expensive recurring price. That way I know I have a month to leisurely download all the content I want - I've found that in many cases, a two or three day trial is not long enough. I just don't have the time or the inclingation to download porn all weekend. I keep track of the sign up dates and I read the rules relative to when I need to cancel before I'm rebilled. It's really no more difficult than paying your credit card or cable bill on time each month.

02-20-07  03:22pm

N/A Reply of Rick's Poll

I guess I have a "qualified" yes as well. I like the higher quality in the high-def videos, but I also look at it from the drive space perspective. I've got 3 HD's in my tower and 3 peripheral HD's and I'm still always short on available hard drive space. High Def videos will only exacerbate my problems. Maybe I just download too much.

02-08-07  08:09am

Visit Real Punting

Real Punting

Status: Was a member approx. 6 months prior to this review.
Pros: 1. These are real UK escorts being filmed
2. Unique website
3. Carries on a frank discussion about the worlds oldest profession
Cons: 1. Content tends to become repetitious in that its usually the same show but with a different girl
2. Older videos have a really low bitrate making them not the best quality for viewing
3. $35.00 per month is pricey
Bottom Line: I was intruiged enough to take a one month subscription to this website. Basically its two guys who go around filming themselves with escorts in the UK. They give a short introduction and brief interview with the girls and then get down to business. It's condoms only sex and afterwards they discuss and rate their experiences with the girls. Through the site you can get the girls' contact information if you're ever interested in "meeting" them.

The site was updated weekly with new girls. The videos were in .wmv format, around 30-40 minutes in total length, and were usually divided into two parts (note that there was the option to download smaller more specific clips as well). There were also pictures of the girls available for download.

The only real frustration I had was that the oldest videos had a real low bitrate at 256k. That quality just doesn't compare to the newer ones at 1000k. So improvements have been made on that end.

These are real women and real escorts on this site. Some are quite attractive and others are more plain. The sex scenes can be repetitive as they usually start with her giving oral, moving to mutual oral, then missionary, followed by some other position, and then concluding with her masturbating him until he cums on her face or chest.

Overall I think this site is unique. There are not many others like this. If you're bored with the usual content, give this a one month subscription and check it out.

02-03-07  10:52am

Replies (0)
Visit Amber at Home

Amber at Home

Status: Was a member approx. 6 months prior to this review.
Pros: 1. Amber has great personality that does wonders for this site
2. Excellent Video content
3. Reasonably priced
4. Variety of content
Cons: 5. Would like to see better size on the pictures
6. Would like to see more of a community interaction for her site.
Bottom Line: Simply put Amber is a mid 30's MILF with big boobs and a nice bubble butt. The cream of her website is the video content. I downloaded the .wmv format videos The bitrate is around 1000k which makes for a good resolution. The older videos were broken into clips, but the newer ones were full length ranging from 10 to 20 minutes.

Let me say that I love to watch her movies. She does a wonderful job mixing up the content so that every time there's something different. You'll see lesbian, solo masturbation, 3ways, straight sex, role playing, outdoors, and the list goes on and on.

The website updates fairly regularly and as of my membership there was probably 70-80 video sets. I can only assume that number has grown in the interceding months. I think it's reasonably priced at around $25.00 per month. Inclusive with the site is access to over a dozen additional sites - which makes the price a pretty good bargain when taken as a whole.

Bottom line, I'm always about the videos. I love watching Amber perform. She definitely fits in my category as a MILF. She's pretty, full figured, and has some nice curves. All this is accented by her personality which really comes out on video. She's just plain fun to watch.

02-03-07  10:29am

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Visit Spring Thomas

Spring Thomas

Thought she was done?

I've seen a couple of her older videos. They seemed to be pretty straight forward interracial sex. I haven't seen the newer ones on which the reviewers were commenting. However, that is neither here nor there. My question is that I had heard a rumor a month or so back that Spring was done with the site, done making videos, and the site was no longer being updated. Anyone know anything about that?

02-03-07  08:57am

Replies (3)
Visit Dixie's Trailer Park

Dixie's Trailer Park

Status: Was a member approx. 4 months prior to this review.
Pros: 1. Lots of content to download
2. Quite a few full length movies
3. Nice, true amateur feel
4. True swinger/orgy sex featured
Cons: 1. Updates seemed really slow
2. Little overpriced
3. Organization of the site could be improved
4. Full length videos were no longer being added
Bottom Line: The best part about this site is the couple dozen or so full length hour long videos available for download. Most of them are orgy type videos with several women taking on multiple men. They are intense and very watchable. The content includes lesbian, interracial, oral, anal, DP's, cum-eating, and so forth. Unfortunately, their bitrate is limited to only 512k to keep the size down, making them watchable, but by no means high resolution.

The downside is that it appears the full length videos were no longer being updated at the time of my membership. The only updates I saw were of smaller clips that I felt were not up to par with the full length videos. Also, I thought the navigation was a little weird and could have been simplified for easier surfing.

As a final disclaimer, I should add that the videos generally feature the same group of women and that the majority of them are middle aged being in their later 40's to mid 50's. This didn't really bother me as these women truly seemed to have no sexual inhibitions, but others may want something featuring younger ladies.

Bottom line is that I was really impressed with their full length videos. The downside is that the rest of the site was somewhat lacking. However, I still say that anyone who is a fan of the swinger/orgy genre or the mature genre should look at this site, give it a try for a month and download some great full length videos.

02-03-07  08:42am

Replies (1)
N/A Reply of Rick's Poll

I'd say that I've been ripped off - and for the very reasons that I now peruse TBP.com before joining any site. You go to some sites and they promise you the moon. You sign up and only then realize that you've way overpaid for the content actually provided.

Downloadable video content is the big draw for me and I've joined sites only to find out the video is streaming only or has that DRM crap - things that weren't properly disclosed on the website tour before signup. I'm grateful for sites such as this and TBP where I can find out a more unbiased opinion about a site before joining

02-02-07  09:28am

Visit Brooke Skye

Brooke Skye

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: 1. Brooke is drop dead gorgeous.
2. Tons and Tons of content.
3. For the amount of content its reasonably priced.
4. Excellent variety of material.
5. Bonus content will keep you busy for weeks.
Cons: 1. Site tends to be more softcore than hardcore.
2. I wasn't impressed with customer service in that emails took an average of a week before a response.
Bottom Line: I would consider this to be more of a softcore site than hardcore. Don't get me wrong, Brooke gets plenty naked, but there is not much in terms of penetration or hardcore sex. Rather a lot of the focus is on teasing - something that Brooke does exceedingly well. I love to watch her striptease videos. She has one of the firmest bodies and tightest bottom that I've seen on the web and she does a marvelous job in showing them off.

There is a ton of content on her site. Throw in the half dozen other sites that come with a subscription and you've got tons of material with which to keep yourself occupied.

The videos come in varying size and quality. They're all in .wmv format. There are also some nice picture sets and a lot of other bonus materials available through the site.

I intend to resubscribe in the future and would recommend this site to anyone.

01-30-07  04:49pm

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Visit Cathy's Craving

Cathy's Craving

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: 1. Tons of Content
2. Real amateur orgy and group content
3. Plenty of extra/bonus content
4. Reasonably priced
Cons: 1. I found the site somewhat hard to navigate and at times.
2. Cathy's enthusiasm seems to wane in a lot of the videos.
Bottom Line: This site has a ton of content as Cathy has been around for years. I love the amateur genre and orgies/gangbangs. I thought I'd really like this site. When I first joined, I downloaded tons of the videos, but as I started watching them I became somewhat apathetic. It seemed to me that Cathy was bored while filming a lot of the shoots. As she didn't show much interest, I lost mine. This may be more of a personal issue than any major problems with the website. Some of you may really like the content.

On paper the positives should outweigh the negatives, but none the less I was left wanting more.

01-30-07  04:36pm

Replies (0)
Visit Girls Out West

Girls Out West

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: 1. Updates 5 days a week
2. Great variety in the content
3. Truly amateur content
4. Models are very uninhibited
5. Large amount of material
6. Everything is downloadable
7. Excellent forum section
8. Good customer service
Cons: 1. Seems like there is a stronger emphasis on solo female performances. I'd like to see a higher percentage of F/F and F/M sets.
2. I've had bandwidth issues where this site can be a little slower than desired.
3. Some of their models aren't that attractive
Bottom Line: This is a site from Australia where the models are pretty young and very amateurish. They're very uninhibited and a lot of the video sets feature the girls giving unabashed interviews where they shamelessly talk about very intimate details of their lives. There is a large amount of content which includes tons of downloadable .wmv and .mpeg videos and picture sets.

I was really impressed with their customer service. I had a minor issue with access (learned that the problem was actually on my end and no fault of theirs) and their customer service was really fast in helping.

As I indicated above, the girls here are really amateur. These are real girls with all the imperfections that goes along with that. These are not the perfect bodies that you see in other sites. In some regards it is kind of refreshing to see real people, but in some instances it does kind of diminish my interest.

Overall, this is still a fun site. It's rather unique among the genre and it has a nice online community through its forums. It's reasonably priced and has loads of content for new members to amuse themselves.

01-29-07  08:18pm

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