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Visit VideosZ

Reply of messmer's Comment

No plot, drama, or character development -> being a fan of gonzo porn i have no problem with that.

On the other hand i can't approve the following part -> No trails of courtship, or even the tedium of undressing. No intro.

Tease makes a scene so much better, i like to get a prolonged view of the model and her assets before any cock(s) appear on screen.

04-01-10  12:55pm

Visit All Internal

All Internal
Reply of Monahan's Reply

It really is a shame they stopped producing new content for their sites and the reason behind that i think is the director (Raul Christian) left to work for sexandcash who produce the asstitans and clara-g sites.

As far as the price goes, network access would indeed be nice. I suppose as more and more fans notice the lack of updates their subscriptions rates will start suffering and at some point they just might have to do that in order to get more business.

Personally i don't have a problem paying 30$ for each of their sites but i can understand others might feel different. A bigger problem for me are the lower quality movies (512x*384 1500kbps) they offer, they pale in comparison to the ones they offer in HD.

DDF indeed have an outstanding deal going since they started offering network access. 21sextury is another company having done the switch.

All 3 companies use many of the same models so let's hope DEV8/perfectgonzo do the same.

04-01-10  12:33pm

Visit All Internal

All Internal

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: Exclusive content
Excellent production values
Clean site layout
Good number of models
Good number of movies
Excellent picture quality (1080p movies)
Variety of download options
Functional search engine
Member reviews
Fast servers
Download manager friendly
No download limits
No digital rights management
Remaining days transferable
Cons: No updates since August 18
Not all movies in 1080p
No perfectgonzo network access
Regional Pricing
Cross sale when signing up
Bottom Line: Allinternal is a site for fans of eastern european women receiving creampies. All variety of creampies are covered, you get to see anal creampies, pussy creampies and multiple creampies.

Upon logging into the site, you end up on the home page. Here you'll see the latest news, reviews and updates, some site stats, a poll and top 5 movies.

The other sections are all accessible from the top of the page, they are: All models, All movies, Bonus movies, Action search, Reviews, My favorites, DVDs, Help, Contact support & indexxxed.

The All models section contains a listing of the models appearing on the site with their name, aliases, movies, date added and rating. There is a total of 273 models and most if not all of them are eastern european, mainly Hungarian and Czech. This section can be sorted by name, date, rating and # of movies. Once inside a model's page, you get to see what movie(s) she is in, if she appears on any other perfectgonzo site, comments she received and Allinternal DVDs she appears in. You can also rate the model,leave a comment and add her to your favorites.

The All movies section contains a listing of the movies appearing on the site with their date, name, model(s) and rating. There is a total of 307 movies. The movies are around 30 minutes long in average. This section can be sorted by date, name or rating. Once inside a movie's page, you get to see the run time, actions included, a preview trailer, screenshots, photos, reviews and several download/streaming options. You can also rate the movie, leave a comment and add it to your favorites.

The oldest 174 movies have 2 download options: 512x384 1500kbps wmv files & 320x240 750kbps MPEG files. Each of them is broken into 8 parts for streaming purposes and each of those parts can also be downloaded in low/medium/high MPEG format.

The remaining 133 movies are available in much superior quality, they have 4 download options each: 1920x1080 8000kbps wmv files, 960x540 3000kbps wmv files, 640x480 1500kbps wmv files & 320x240 750kbps MPG files. Each of them is broken into 8 parts for streaming purposes and each of those parts can also be downloaded in MPEG format.

The Bonus movies section contains some non-exclusive movies.

The Action search section contains the search engine, searching can be performed on 32 actions.

The Reviews section contains the movie/model reviews from site members.

The My favorites section contains the movie(s)/model(s) you bookmarked for quick retrieval.

The DVDs section contains a list DVDs the perfectgonzo team released on DVD.

The Help and Contact support sections are there in case you run into any kind of problem.

The indexxxed section links you to the indexxxed site which is a database of the content that can be found throughout the perfectgonzo network of sites.

I recommend this site to fans of creampies, eastern european models, HD porn, tease & anal sex.

03-30-10  03:18pm

Replies (2)
Visit Ass Traffic

Ass Traffic
Reply of BadMrFrosty's Reply

Thanks for bringing this up, i agree that's not fair so i'll have to add that as a con and revise my score to reflect it

03-29-10  01:53pm

Visit Ass Traffic

Ass Traffic
Reply of dracken's Reply

Review updated in much greater detail on the technical side of things

03-28-10  10:43pm

Visit Ass Traffic

Ass Traffic

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Updated: 03-29-10  01:59pm  (Update History)
Reason: Substracted score by 5 points after reading the reply about regional pricing (added as con)
Pros: +Fantastic picture quality on the 1080p videos (8000 bitrate VC-1 wmv files)
+No download limits
+309 videos total, around 30 minutes or so in average
+2 to 4 full length scene download options depending on the video
+Download managers allowed
+Only one connection needed to max out my 5mbit pipe
+Search engine available although haven't used it (http://www.indexxxed.com/149166/search.php to get an idea how it works)
+No problem with billing/cancellation
+Exclusive content
+Stunning models, basically a who's who of the best hardcore euro talent from 2003 onwards
+Very good angles and lighting
Cons: -Last update was 25 August 2009
-Cross sale upon signup for a trial to one of the company's other sites
-Oldest 163 episodes have mediocre picture quality by today's standards (best offered is 512*384 resolution 1500 bitrate wmv files)
-Some scenes are better than others depending on the talent
-Regional pricing
-No network access for the other perfectgonzo sites
Bottom Line: This site along with the other stuff from the perfectgonzo network of sites features the work of director Raul Christian.

What i really love about his work is the tease segments in each episode. In some episodes the tease is more than half of the video!!!

So for people who really dig watching euro babes doing long tease before the anal footage this site is for you. There are also many episodes with double penetration and cum swallowing.

Site navigation is divided into 11 parts:

*Home -> contains a summary of the site such as latest news, coming soon, latest update, previous updates, number of models/movies, last/next update, a poll for voting and top 5 movies
*All models -> can be sorted by name alphabetically, by date, by rating or by # of movies
*All movies -> can be sorted by date, model name or rating
*Bonus movies -> between 50-100 non-exclusive movies
*Action search -> search feature, go to http://www.indexxxed.com/149166/search.php to see the options
*Reviews -> movie reviews and model comments from site members. Stats for 5 most reviewed movies/commented models
*My favorites -> section to see what models/movies you bookmarked
*DVDs -> you can see here what DVDs are available for purchase from the perfectgonzo family of sites. The DVDs are distributed by Evil Angel & Jules Jordan Video, two of the biggest players in the business on the DVD side of things
*Help -> brings you to the customer service helpdesk, includes links to knowledge base, manage your membership, about our websites, contact us, most frequently asked questions & answers
*Contact support -> here you submit your ticket to get support in case a problem arises
*Indexxxed -> links to http://www.indexxxed.com/149166/, a database of the content from the perfectgonzo sites

Each movie has 3 sections: Movie / Screenshots / Photos

Movie section is divided into 5 parts:
*Movie info -> Movie name, date, runtime, models, actions and rating
*Download movie -> the oldest 163 movies come in two varieties 512x384 1500 kbps wmv files or 320x240 750kbps MPEG files. The newer ones offer 4 download options: 320x240 750kbps MPEG files, 640x480 1500 kbps wmv files, 960x540 3000kbps wmv files or the HD 1920x1080 8000kbps wmv files.
Steam and watch movie -> movies are splitted into 8 parts, each part can be downloaded, 3 download options for the oldest movies (low/medium/high MPEG) and 1 option for the newest movies (MPEG)
*Reviews -> member reviews for the movie
*People who like this movie also like these movies -> self explanatory

Screenshots section contains the movie vidcaps, i suppose practical to get a quick glimpse of what the scene looks like, can be seen in low or high resolution gallery, there is also an option to download them all in a zip archive

Photos section has photos taken during the shoot not appearing the videos, can also be downloaded in a zip archive

Highly recommended

03-28-10  02:23pm

Replies (5)
Visit German Goo Girls

German Goo Girls

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: Nearly every GGG movie ever released is there to download (around 300 movies)

Video quality is good, the highest quality downloads are 400X300 resolution with a bit rate of 700kbps which amounts to around 450mb download size per movie (80 minutes in average)

Download speed always maxes out my 5mbit connection

1 new movie every week. Good site layout with front/back movie covers and a few screen shots.

Good customer support
Cons: DRM, in other words you must have an active subscription to the site in order to be able to view the files you have downloaded onto your computer

Video quality could be even better, say 512x384 resolution with a corresponding 1150 bit rate which would result in a 700mb download size in average
Bottom Line: John Thompson does bukkake the best and GGG is his flagship series. You will find massive gangbangs and orgies in his movies which either end in complete facial plasterings or impressive amounts of cum swallowing.

You owe it to yourself to see what his movies are all about if you are a fan of the genre.

04-09-07  10:40pm

Replies (1)

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