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Type Site - Score Feedback / Review Date
Visit FTV Girls

FTV Girls

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: HD videos look great, maybe best i've seen.
this is my 2nd or 3rd membership over the past few years..i don't remember there being hardcore before, in any case a nice addition. women are generally very attractive..more ethnic women would be nice. the camera-man is rarely involved. by in-large the women are enjoying themselves. i do like it when the camera-man asks about sexual history.. likes and dis-likes.
Cons: as said more ethnic women. tough to think of any real negatives. price is high relative to other sites but most other sites are not this good.
Bottom Line: a great site, will continue to return

02-08-11  02:36pm

Replies (0)
Visit Pure CFNM

Reply of Monahan's Reply

it's clear even users of TBP forget that TBP is an opinion based website. i commend CFNM for running a successfull website for many years.

02-01-11  12:45pm

Visit Pure CFNM

Reply of PureCFNM's Reply

perhaps my critic at some point in the future will have the courage to indentify themself. beauty is in the eye of the be-holder sir, thought i should remind you of that. as well i never once offered any absolutes
as it pertains to the content, just opinions. perhaps researching
the definition of the word 'opinion' is in order. your comment is interesting about the defintion, relatively speaking, of CFNM.
perhaps i should educate myself on that. but in closing i will just
say: it's porn sir, relax.

02-01-11  07:02am

Visit Pure CFNM


Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: download speeds seem reasonable, but certainly not fast.
Cons: generally speaking, un-attractive women.
little creativity in the scenes overall.
some ugly (almost) overweight men.
most of these women have no idea how to give a (good) handjob.
generally speaking women are not wearing lingerie
or any sort of sexy clothing(ins't that sort of the point with CFNM?)
Bottom Line: VERY disapointing. there were a handfull of scenes
that i thought really had potential, but they turned out to be quite vanilla overall.

02-01-11  05:51am

Replies (5)
Visit Dawn's Place

Dawn's Place

to licence or not to licence

was a member of 'dawnsplace' many months ago, but within 2010.
after emailing them about DRM i was told, at that time, i could keep the clips i downloaded indefinately as long as i was prepared to go through a procedure to view them. after i was done with the site a few months later i couldn't view my clips, what a surprise.it's really of no consequence to me, i didn't like the site, to vanilla. so today at 4pm est jan 5 i get an email saying that they have done away with drm completely but that anybody that has dawns place clips would have to re-apply for a licence! sounds like the government to me! what a joke. never had to go through this crap with ANY other site

01-05-11  01:12pm

Replies (1)
Visit Lady Sonia

Lady Sonia

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: a great price at the moment for a relatively large
amount of content, support got back to me in 1 business day..there was a small glitch in the site, couldn't log-in. that was taken care of and no problem since. content is good overall..if one likes this sort of fetish. some of video files take quite a while to download..but they are very large. a few different women..not just lady sonia.
a couple of the brunettes i really liked. some good b.j's. i didn't find this site overly hardcore givin the bondage element. video picture quality is good but not HD.
Cons: all hardcore is with condoms. way too many fake boobs. i found most of the other women on the site
not attractive.
Bottom Line: an easy purchase givin the discount. don't know if i would pay the regular price.

12-19-10  02:09pm

Replies (1)
Visit Playboy Plus

Playboy Plus
Reply of Denner's Reply

fair enough, your entitled to your opinion. it is strange, i'll grant you that. the only site i've been a member of with that procedure.
i think i know why this is their procedure. myself being in sales for
19 years now..a salesperson welcomes any and as many opportunities to sell their products,services and playboy c.s did make at least 1 offer to me as i recall.

12-09-10  07:12am

Visit Playboy Plus

Playboy Plus
Reply of Denner's Reply

i contacted playboy via phone..1-800#. whole process took maybe 8 mins.

12-09-10  06:42am

Visit Dancing Bear

Dancing Bear
Reply of Jay G's Reply

yes i agree. rarely do i stream. although i find the site 'hot movies.com' to be quite good and i use it on a semi-regular basis.

12-07-10  07:38pm

Visit Dancing Bear

Dancing Bear
Reply of Lionheart's Reply

yes..that is correct. i used 'moyea flash downloader' and it worked fine. although i will ammend my review here about the sites speed.
at the time i found the site quite slow, but recently i changed my browser from 'internet explorer' to 'google chrome'.. a near shocking difference in speed overall for surfing etc. so that may have been the problem. hope this helps..good day.

12-07-10  07:36pm

Visit Playboy Plus

Playboy Plus

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: large collection..seems to be relatively thorough.
took this membership because of the trial price..
i have always preferred penthouse content overall.
because of a sign-up glitch had to contact playboy
directly via phone. was treated very well by cs, so well in-fact they gave me 30-day trial for free!!
don't know why
Cons: far more fake boobs than i would have guessed, VERY
dissapointing for me. according to tbp 1000 videos
overall and many being downloadable, i can't find
any that are downloadable! doesn't really matter though, have looked at a few videos..pretty vanilla overall. picture quality varies from average to very good. site is relatively easy to navigate. a ton of blondes at playboy..i prefer more variety.
Bottom Line: i would never pay full price for this site.
but for the trial price/time..it's worth it.

12-07-10  07:38am

Replies (6)
Visit Dancing Bear

Dancing Bear

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: my first review of anything really. felt compelled to rate this site..a VERY niche site.
many of the women on dancing bear i found attractive. all sorts of different women:
black,blonde,brunette, different body types, lots of variety! some GREAT blowjobs. a bit of hardcore..but with condoms. there ARE downloads but u must use a flash downloader. i found the picture quality fine..not HD, but good.
Cons: the site is slow overall and downloading individual clips can be difficult. the site was having some intermitten problems playin just clips of full movies. support was good, getting back to me quickly and trying to help. it took longer than it should have but i downloaded everything i wanted. appears to be only 2 updates per month on average.
Bottom Line: was surprised how much i enjoyed this site and
i haven't seen anything like this on the net.
price is a bit high but the content is reasonable
and as said this type of site is very rare.

11-28-10  09:19am

Replies (5)

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