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Visit Yes-Movies


save your money, they block over nothing

I am sick of this company. It all started recently when my ISP stopped working correctly (over a Microsoft update bug that had my browser crashing 5-6 times a day).

Naturally my IP changed due to the modem being turned off during troubleshooting by ATT and Yes-Movies blocked me, so I had to contact their biller (Zombaio, a bunch of nice guys btw) for a new password. when I entered the old one by accident, YES blocked me. Then I entered the correct one and they blocked me AGAIN.

Today (3 days later, with NO response from Yes-Movies at all over my first complaint, I might add, over this issue) they blocked me AGAIN because I stopped a download to control C in the acress's name into the file and tried to re-download.

They take the best product and totally frick it up to high heaven! And even worse, I paid for a 3-month deal and have 20 days to go.

Save your money, go to Asia Movie Pass, AVIdolz, Japan Harcore, Maccy Bar or AV9898 (These are mainly uncensored except AMP).


05-24-12  07:17pm

Replies (1)
N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

My ISP is ATT, they cap my neighborhood at 313kps and via download managers it sometimes races up to a *glorious* 425 for about 10 seconds. Even with DL managers it can creep down to 250, and without them sometimes it is stuck at 165 k.

05-24-12  07:04pm

Visit Creampie Thais

Creampie Thais

Pass on this -Mediocre/problematic and owner is (or was!) greedy

Sorry I don't know the background of that story, but here's my personal experience as a former subscriber of Creampie Thais:

Signed up, got most of the good-looking Thai chicks downloads as well as some of the sister sites (creamed cuties, etc). Perhaps I have high standards, but I got all the good stuff from all the sites in about 10-12 days (not using a download manager). Guess I'm used to Bang Bros and Reality Kings-style deep archives, so to me it wasn't enough. Or you might say (as that joke about Chinese food goes): one hour after downloading it I was horny again!!!!

But more to the point, the people running the site have the same and similar chicks doing porn on other websites, they even tout them by name and tell you how to signup and pay ANOTHER $29.95 or even TWO extra subscriptions. Dollar bill signs where their eyeballs should be, the greed is written all over their faces. Oh, and while I'm at it (this is not a plug) I just found 12-15 of these same episodes on VideosZ, so the guy is (or was!! LMAO) getting $$ in any way he could!

They also accused me of exceeding the daily megabyte download limit for all the sites under the CPT banner (I created an excel spreadsheet telling me when to stop, I was always under, never over, not even by 1 megabyte, and I even counted the fractions that didn't get listed where they rounded down!!) They accused me of using twice the daily limit, and sometimes I ran over the maximum minutes allowable per day (they never had that limit in the signup agreement).

Much better sites are out there, such as Trike Patrol, Maccy Bar, etc. Spend your $$$ on those guys IMO.

02-23-12  10:49pm

Replies (1)
Visit Nip Porn

Nip Porn

Nipporn and All-Elite STAY AWAY!


OK for those of you who know me I love a gamut of porn. My main interest now is Asian. Among Asian sites I have subscribed to/am subscribing to: All Japanese Pass/Yes Movies/JAV HQ/Creampie Thais/JAV Now/Asia Movie Pass, and in fact I have 3-4 others I am contemplating, which I will add (as I burn thru other sites which I will cancel in due time).

But NIPPORN (part of All Elite) is THE WORST offender of any company I have signed up for. My tale:

After signup I could not access site (they say it was down to make "improvements") and so they sent me a new username and pass, kind of a modification of my original one. I HAVE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO ACCESS IT.

Then they charged me AGAIN for the new user/pass and had no record of the first one. THEN they accused me of letting a trial go to auto-renew and I never do that - if I want it I subscribe up front. THEN they said I forgot to uncheck a box, hence the double charge. I read TBP's warning about that and made sure and took printscreens which I saved as pics. AND in these pics I have proof that a trial they wanted to charge me for IF they logged me in was not not clicked - you can see the purple (proving I had already hit this link) color in the link-underline pic in the place where I clearly said "no, I'm going to log myself in". (BTW they have to send multiple confirmations if you actually do subscribe to multiple sites, adn they sent me only one.)

Then I said to their agent: "you billed me twice, I never could log in, I not only want to cancel I want a total refund, not just for the double-charge but for the original amount as well." They refused. The agent even had the nerved to say: "You can still acess the site until the expiration of your subscription in a month" to which I said: "I AM NEVER GOING THERE EVER". For all I know they could send a virus thru a download in retaliation.

I AM CONTACTING MY BANK, HAVE THEM PUT ON TOTAL BLOCK. This is not any major like Epoch or CCbill, those guys are cool.

POISON company, people. STAY AWAY!!

02-23-12  10:25pm

Replies (0)
Visit Brazzers

Reply of kennydog's Comment

Yep, same thing here. They charged me for "Brazzers Reel" which I canceled (cross-check, me the fool, did not see it), then somehow when I was in that site (I had the trial therefore the right to log in to B Reel) I clicked into the bio of a cam star (I never pay, I just like to look) and they said via email: "Congratulations, you've added Channel '123-fuck-me-now' which rebills at $29.95 effective the 6th " or something like that, and I had to contest the bill with my bank and change my debit card numbers, which caused no end to grief when doing the automatic renewals for Bang Bros and Reality Kings.

Besides for that, they totally RUINED the Baby Got Boobs update with Gizzelle Royale, splitting it into parts, and then LYING about having other material available on BGB which suddenly didn't exist any more, and naturally one of the models was the reason I joined.

Con artists, and (apologies up front, I have lots of Italian friends) it would not surprise me to learn that the Mafia owned it. That's how they run things, everything for them, nothing for YOU.

And, knowing how they run everything else, I suspect they've probably locked up some pornstars' contracts (in their prime) who can't release stuff for fear of being sued (the old non-competition clause).

Nope, if it was the only site still standing I'd just look thru my files....

09-20-11  02:45pm

N/A Reply of gaypornolover's Reply

You mean you didn't ask for a free sample!?!?!? (as you can see I am not shy about that LMAO)

09-20-11  01:35pm

Visit Yes-Movies

Reply of otoh's Reply

Yes, (pun intended) they are all uncensored. But interestingly some of the pics of the movie DVDs are censored (Japanese boxes)

09-17-11  09:25pm

Visit Yes-Movies


The site is now in English!!!

Man, I waited like 3 years to join, no way was I going to take a Japanese class to learn to read Romaji and all that just to find the right girls to download.

So it came as a surprise when I did a search for certain stars under the site "Japan-whores" about a month ago that actually linked to Yes-Movies' new webpage in English.

I joined about 3 weeks ago and all I can say is "Hai!"

If you have a thing for certain AV idols and IF they are well-represented on Yes-Movies, you will have fun downloading, I already have about 150 movies downloaded.

Still, I wish they had a flash player or descriptions.

But the webmaster is a genius; I had a small loop I downloaded from another of those "referral" sites that sites pay to put stuff on (and I bookmarked the link to it), and by telling him what the chick was wearing and the type of locale where the sex took place he located it in an hour.

09-15-11  01:16am

Replies (2)
Visit Yes-Movies

Reply of jd1961's Reply

Sure they do: all the stars on Tora Tora, Sky Angel, Mikado, etc. and even the ones who were new to the business in 2006 or so (like Nana Aoyama, Kotone Yamashita, Meguru Kosaka) are all doing them now. They make dual-releases: one to obey the Japanese law that requires pixels for consumption in Japan; and the other, uncensored ones for the (let's face it, folks) MUCH larger North American market.

In fact, there are so many uncensored sites today that I am seriously thinking about not renewing my All-Japanese Pass membership because it's hit and miss there (and they lie about some being uncensored that just have "small" mosaic) with about 75% censored.

JAV HQ, AV Idolz just to name two others are totally uncensored with many famous stars, and of course the really expensive one Caribbean is totally uncensored too.

09-15-11  12:52am

Visit Zenra.net

Reply of GCode's Comment

OK the ether just wiped my answer to you, but basically I said thanks for informing me of this site and that I actually prefer the non-pixilated sites, but this looks interesting.

I have no input on the penis study angle, sorry.

And BTW I am trying to locate something I saw on one of those tube sites about 2-3 years ago: a guy with a videocamera goes around Japan (he's a tourist), points his camera at women's boobs, gets most of the women to let him fondle/look at their breasts, and he even has sex with one of them (it's not phony-reality, it was very real.)

Any ideas?

09-15-11  12:41am

N/A Reply of onlinelust's Reply

Yep. Now if a guy could tell just by looking who was up for a little (your animal type) and who would prefer to go to that church sewing circle than get it on, now THAT would be something (I suspect some men can tell, but it sure ain't me!)

09-15-11  12:04am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I don't know if it's just the chatrooms I go to (not swingers or NSA stuff, just craigslist, etc.), but everywhere the women talk about their B.O.B.s (battery-operated boyfriends) and HMW (Hitachi magic wands).

Of course these chicks are probably about 18-35, so I suspect they do masturbate at the same frequency as men but that older women do not.

A key point not discussed here (or if so I apologize for missing it) is the large number of women who have NEVER had an orgasm. I mean, if you were in that position, why on earth would you masturbate if it never felt good??

09-15-11  12:02am

Visit Party Hardcore

Party Hardcore

Disappointed in Party Hardcore

OK, I am fed up with that site. The movies are too damn long, they concentrate on the sex for 5 seconds then spend 15 minutes looking at faux lesbians.

Plus most of the associated sites had limited content (except for DSO).

Outa there!

And when I tried to cancel they couldn't "locate" my username. I had to send a screen cap of me logged in, none of their payment agents wanted to handle it/would acknowledge I'd bought thru them specifically, I had to email tech support 5 times to get any results, then it was just a back-office noob that went above and beyond while the bigwigs could care less.

User one month, I do NOT recommend this site.

As strange as it sounds, as I am anti- any site that doesn't allow downloads, I think Dancing Bear would be preferrable. Not plugging them in any way, I am not a member.

09-13-11  03:08pm

Replies (6)
Visit Party Hardcore

Party Hardcore
Reply of jutter's Comment

OK, I am fed up with that site. The movies are too damn long, they concentrate on the sex for 5 seconds then spend 15 minutes looking at faux lesbians.

Outa there!

And when I tried to cancel they couldn't "locate" my username. I had to send a screen cap of me logged in, none of their payment agents wanted to handle it, I had to email tech support 5 times to get any results.

09-13-11  03:01pm

Visit Kobe Surprise

Kobe Surprise
Reply of uscue's Comment

Brandi was either bought out by or originally funded by Bang Bros. Dancing and Kobe were affiliated with Muffia (same people as "It's Real") Muffia dropped Kobe over suddenly stopping updates. Perhaps BB developed Kobe and DB but I doubt it - the style is way different. BB content is very homogeneous (just think Ramon in Bang Bus and Monsters of Cock, etc.) I don't see the styles as at all similar, just my two cents.

On the combination of the trio idea, I agree; in fact I would pay full price to have those three together along with the CFNM one they have developed very recently (cfnm show) IF I could download them. I refuse to join non-downloadable sites.

If you really need some Kobe, do a google search of free clips and download those - or if those are gone (I suspect as much) just bookmark the page link to their company and play the streaming clips.

In my perfect world All Japanese Pass would buy out and exhibit Kobe, Bang Bros would include Brandi and Party Hardcore would buy out DB and list that among its 17 or so sites.

Or perhaps some smart Porn producer will steal the thunder from these nincompoop businesspeople and put together something like what you mentioned, and do it RIGHT.

06-10-11  10:32pm

Visit Party Hardcore

Party Hardcore
Reply of jutter's Comment

Thanks for the heads up, jutter!

06-10-11  08:44pm

Visit Karup's PC

Karup's PC
Reply of Capn's Reply

Agreed. But if you think KPC and ATK are bad, check out Bang Bros or Reality Kings for redundant photos. I don't need to see the same pimple on her butt 18 times.

My rationale for joining (soon) will be that they have this model with an hispanic name who is hard to find who did stuff under Mya on ATK, and I would pay a month's fee just to get her set.

06-10-11  08:08pm

Visit Fame Digital

Fame Digital
Reply of exotics4me's Comment

I agree in princple except I DETEST Silverstone's horrible guitar music and lack of staying on one position for more than three seconds - except if you want a closeup of her butt and entry in which case that is about 5 minutes too long on each vid. They take these babes with the best tits in the history of the world then they show them to you oh, about 20% of the time. And they have ZERO reverse cowgirl.

I am a current member and will burn all the North Pole and Desi stuff, then I'm gone.

06-10-11  06:09pm

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