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Visit Punish Teens

Punish Teens
Reply of marvin's Reply

You only have 22 scenes on your entire site, there are 40+ shown on the preview page, with page numbers below implying you have 120 pages of scenes, when you really only have half of one page.

I did request a refund immediately, with out a single download or movie view, (it would take a very short time to dl everything on the site if I was a jerk), still have not received an indication that I will receive a refund.

(I was offered membership to an alternate site, but the wording does not make it clear if that is in lieu of a refund or not).

08-06-15  07:50am

Visit Punish Teens

Punish Teens

The non-member page is a lie

Do not believe the non-member preview page. It's a complete lie. The site only has a handful of scenes. Those scenes are shown on the non-member preview page, along with a number of on topic scenes that are nOT on the members site and are not available through a network, (this site gives you access to no other sites).

Completely false advertising. If those other scenes actually are owned or licensed by the company, but presented on other sites, they really need to include access to those sites or at least those scenes, for the first year or two while this site builds it's own content.

As is, the non-member preview page is absolutely false advertising at it's worst.

08-04-15  12:51pm

Replies (6)
Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World

Great recent content, quality drops off further back than a year.

I just wanted to say if you want good quality video of some very pretty, young, legal, European teens, this site does have a lot to offer over the last year of updates.

Unfortunately, when you go back further, the quality of the videos, photos and even the girls starts to get more and more spotty. There are still some amazing girls in the mix as you go back further into the site's history, but there are fewer and fewer truly hot girls per page.

Beyond the one year point, the videos mostly drop to a max of 720P, with good bit rates. The further back you go though, the worse the lighting, photography and bit rate become.

Still plenty of good stuff over the last year, but collectors who are very particular about the girls and scenes they collect may be disappointed as they delve further and further back to find some incredible girls among the mix, but staring in really poor quality content.

06-19-15  10:39am

Replies (1)
Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World

Beware fraudulent cross check!

Just signed up, was very careful to deselect the "bonus offer" for a trial to VideosZ, (which renews at $39.98/month) and, guess what, it charged me $1 for the trail anyway and if I had missed it, I would have been hit with a $39.98 charge in two days for something I did not sign up for!

It's bad enough that they try to cheat you by sneaking these cross sales into check out for those who don't know to pay attention, but to charge you for an offer you opted out of is fraud.

06-09-15  02:15pm

Replies (1)
Visit 21Sextury.com

Reply of RustyJ's Reply

They switched my membership to 21Naturals for me and I'm very happy with that site so far.

I was only finding 1 in 10 sets on Sextury worth DLing, for my tastes anyway, and then, there was a good chance the technical quality was poor.

So far on 21Naturals, I'm finding about 8 in 10 worth the DL and the quality is very good.

I think my theory might be right on. When they split the site, a lot of mediocre content seems to have ended up concentrated on Sextury. Site navigation didn't make it any easier trying to separate the wheat from the chaff either!

In any event, glad I contacted them and very happy with the quick replies and resolution.

05-28-15  02:29pm

Visit 21Sextury.com


Very disappointed [Resolved]

I signed up for 21Sextury yesterday, downloaded some promising stuff last night, (maybe 1 in 10 even worth a download), checked it over today.

All I can say is I am extremely disappointed.

The quality of the girls seems to be below average, which made me really have to hunt for anyone worth a better look. I wouldn't mind sorting through to find the gems, but I quickly discovered that finding attractive girls who are my type was only the first part of the challenge.

The video quality of most of the 1080P vids is horrible. Most look like they were just upsampled from lower quality source material. The sets, lighting and camera work on most of it is also sub-par. Reminds me of poorly produced DVD porn from the 90's.

It was never clear to me that 21Sextreme and 21Naturals were separately billed parts of the larger 21Network until I subscribed to 21 Sextury. The Sextury site can show you content from the other two networks, so you can see what you are missing.

With no full res previews, it's hard to be certain, but my impression is as follows:

21Sextreme isn't any better on quality of girls or video quality, but the extremes might provide the turn on 21 Sextury struggles with.

21 Naturals seems to have prettier girls and better video quality, but may lack some of the degree of HC found on Sextury.

This just leads me to conclude that when they split their content into three networks, Sextremes got the raunchiest, Naturals got the best quality product and girls, while Sextury was left with the scraps in between.

When you can get a higher percent of worth while videos on free sites than on a major paid site, something is wrong.

My advice would be to chose 21Sextreme or 21Naturals, depending on your priorities and preferences and forget about 21Sextury.

I've never been so disappointed in a highly rated site.


I contacted their Customer Support and they gladly switched my membership from 21Sextury to 21Naturals.

I'm finding the quality of the girls, the content, the videos, the images and the overall production values to be much better on 21Naturals.

I still think most people will be better off with 21Naturals or 21Extreme, depending on their preference. With the way their site is set up, you can view the previews for each of the options from the main site. If you find stuff that is only on Sextury that you just have to have, you can always subscribe.

My personal preference is for beautiful, fit, natural girls and high production value. I had trouble finding that on Sextury, but 21Naturals seems to be superb so far.

05-27-15  06:37pm

Replies (2)

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