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N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

It would be weird if they didn't on bangbus.com vids. Also backdoor casting couch considering the cameraman is the one doing the scene with girl.

07-26-15  07:40pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

They probably do or have done it more often than they will admit to. But definitely not as often as men.

07-24-15  12:38am

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
Reply of Amanda's Reply

I sympathize with Monahan, I think everyone has fallen victim to shady business practices at least at some point in their lives. Charging cards without permission is something no reputable business should ever do, porn or otherwise. I hope they do fix the problem going forward. I'm also glad my review could help shed some light on it. Thanks Amanda, good to know pornusers.com looks out for its members. Glad I signed up :)

07-22-15  05:22pm

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
Reply of Monahan's Reply

IDK this didn't happen to me. I didn't click on links to other sites that I wasn't subscribed to, and I didn't give them my cc number. I really can't speak to these things or epoch's reversal process. Thanks for the heads up though if/when I subscribe again I'll know to log out first if I want to preview other sites from them and avoid charges. Still I personally had a 100% positive experience.

07-22-15  02:33am

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
Reply of Monahan's Reply

Yeah as I said I didn't use their billing dept at all, so for me everything was perfect. However, if they're doing that to people, I strongly disagree with it. Epoch is good for credit cards if you use malikstarks' secondary billing trick. I'm currently using Epoch for Naughty America.

07-21-15  07:24pm

Visit Naughty America

Naughty America
Reply of Pyrenees's Reply

Yeah I probably was a bit too generous. But the 4k videos just look incredible! And they seem to be the only decent network of sites with tons of content/updates that offer 4k. If only it didn't take forever to download everything lol.

07-20-15  01:02pm

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: I would recommend this site to everyone!! Content is awesome with so much it's impossible to get through. Download speeds were always excellent!! (guess they fixed the problems from a yr ago) Quality is excellent and they somehow manage to keep the file size smaller than both Naughty America and PornPros.
Cons: None of those women are doing it with me.
Bottom Line: Great content, fast downloads and their downloads are small for 1080P. I don't know how they manage, but I hope they keep it up!!! Didn't check out their billing practices, good call with the secondary billing trick.

07-20-15  02:28am

Replies (14)
Visit Porn Pros Network

Porn Pros Network

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: I had a three month membership to this site a year ago. It was so good I had to go back. I rarely do that with sites considering there is so much free stuff out there plus I like to try out different pay sites if I'm going to go that route. This site has incredible women, consistent updates and a ton of different content!! They also get tons of women just starting out before they start popping up on other sites.
Cons: It's a shame they make you pay for their other sites, passion/fantasy HD, casting couch-x, etc. They could make them available after a certain length of time the way 21st Sextury makes a new site or two available the longer you're a member. It gives you some incentive to stick around. The biggest problem they have, however, is bandwidth and dropped connections. I know it wasn't on my end bc when they dropped I still had great connections from the bangbros network.
Bottom Line: Great content and a lot of it!! But they could really use some work on the IT side of things. Still one of my personal favorites.

07-20-15  02:02am

Replies (0)
Visit Naughty America

Naughty America

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Great content. Women are beautiful, scenes are shot very well, huge selection. Offers Ultra HD, only porn site I've seen that does.
Cons: The site has major bandwidth problems, except for 3 am, thank you insomnia. Connections are constantly dropped, so it would be impossible without a download manager. Some of the older movies are missing photo galleries entirely. The file size is wayyy too large!! I downloaded a 1080 movie from PornPros that was 32 mins and 1.8 GB, another from Bangbros which was 32 mins 1.05 GB. A 33 min 1080 from NA was 2.88 GB!! No noticeable difference between the three on my HD processor, in fact the other two looked a little better (pretty sure it wasn't just the girls lol). So what's with the extra gig?
Bottom Line: You gotta love NA's $5 special, but Bangbros is your best bet for this type of content. Plus it offers some of the harder stuff, but nothing too crazy. It won't fill up your hard drive with it's HD files and it has much better connections and download speeds. PornPros is good too but also has slower speeds and bad connections sometimes. Still it's not nearly as bad as NA. However, all three have great content and lots of it.

07-20-15  01:21am

Replies (3)

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