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Visit Fetish Network

Fetish Network

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: 1. Nice high quality camera work
2. Large selection of movie types
3. Large number of movies available
4. Movies are a good length
Cons: 1. Very low down load limit per day. 3 to 15 HD movies per day.
2. Hard to unsubscribe from. (Seriously why make dead unsubscribe pages, you're just driving people away)
3. They try to add on expensive services when you sign up.
4. They sell your contact information without asking. (Possibly they ask in their privacy statement)
5. Movies get repetitive very quickly due to lack of original ideas
Bottom Line: Why do some sites treat their customers like this? These are people willing to pay you money for your site!

07-12-18  09:51am

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Visit Fetish Network

Fetish Network

Difficult to cancel and sold e-mail address off

TLDR. I can't recommend this site.

As many people have said here this site seems to go out of its way to make it hard to cancel. The only way I managed to get a response was via their support e-mail. The automatic system just ends on a dead page. A day after I got a confirmation of the cancellation the e-mail address I set up purely for fetish network starts to get spam coming in. This is from an domain name I've used for 18 years and I know don't sell addresses on themselves. So 100% fetish network selling the info on.

I also got blocked within a few hours of using the site as I hit the 30Gbyte limit. First I knew of this limit was the total site access block, so thanks for that Fetish Network. Oh, and I got no reply when reporting the problem to their support, just total silence. I only managed to get back onto the site after resetting my password 5 times in a row, for some reason the final time worked even though it was the same information. I'm not exaggerating.

My personal annoyance about the site was the initial offer of $9.95 a month. Which became $19.95 a month when I clocked join. Then became $39.95 a month when I said I was outside the USA! I still joined up. I liked the look of their content and I like to support our friendly porn makers. The world needs more good quality porn!

Content wise the site is OK. That's the best I can say. Video quality is good. Acting is, OK. The smaller sites that must pay to get onto Fetish Network are better than the main site content.

All in all, not a great site.

EDIT: I've now started getting junk mail with my address in it from third parties. So they sold my e-mail and address to people.

07-09-18  09:44am

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