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N/A Reply of Will P's Poll

I have zero money for black friday as I had a black september where i crashed my car and got a dui. So no big shopping trips for me lol

But honestly lets say my television broke. totally. the thing is smoking and wont turn on. It happens to be black friday and I look online and find an amazing deal on a great tv for cheap and I have enough in my wallet to buy it..... I'm still not going to leave my fucking house on the day after thanksgiving. When family should still be together. When materialism should be the last thing from our minds and especially considering the herds of cattle and roaches that inhabit the black friday sales would ensure even if a store had a deal where you pay $100 to recieve $1000000000000 I think I would still tell them all to go to hell and stay at home eating leftovers and doing anything in my power to limit the impact that capitalism has on our country....

For profit prisons, for profit security/mercenaries, capitalism in general, the war on drugs and the blatant usage on drugs to bring down and keep down very targeted socio economic trouble makers. So basically soon. very soon. not only will we be breathing more chemicals than ever but were also going to be stricken of our freedoms. I honestly think 1984 is how things will go down. Probably around 2027. think about it.... why else would we suddenly fain interest in the opiate addicts and basically stop production of what was the number one tool the government had in keeping the populace in a herd mentality through fear. well it's because that part of the plan has come to fruition and its on to the next part... They won't need to keep people quiet or happy or complacent if they are simply throwing everyone is reeducation camps. It wont be nazi germany... at least the nazis believed something. It was something horrible and evil but they still believed it to be true so they went with it.... no. this shit is just for the sake of increasing power in the 10 people that control the world.... and giving them the ability to be the only people that matter once extraterrestrial life becomes our main trade partners.

wow i am very high... that was one hell of a tangent...

Real Eyes, Realize, Real Lies. So lets eat some acid and overthrow the government

12-25-21  07:40am

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