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Type Site - Score Feedback / Review Date
Visit Ura Lesbian

Ura Lesbian

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: High definition files.
High production values (directing, acting, etc.)
Generally good action.
Uncensored Japanese lesbian content (largely; some males and western women)
Reasonably fast downloads.
Cons: Little scene variety.
Considerable actress homogeneity.
Small amount of content (~28 scenes)
Scenes released in fragments.
Photos provided in mass without culling or repeats or substandard pics.
Bottom Line: "If you seen one, you've seen them all." That about sums it up for this website; well, if you've seen, say, three or four scenes you've pretty much seen them all. That is due to the setting being the same for most of the scenes, and the actresses having a largely homogeneous look to them, i.e., little variety in style or appearance. What I like about Japanese porn is I find a suitable amount of variety in the actresses, despite their relatively homogeneous background (compared to western countries, of course). So, while I wasn't necessarily looking for a tanned, blonde Japanese cosplayer with 4" multi-colored fingernails, some variety in the females would be nice (there are a couple of western females here, and one scene without a Japanese woman).

The site is relatively small, with ~28 scenes broken up in 3-4 parts each. This I really don't like. The photos are generous - but too generous, they can't be bothered to edit out some from a string of 8 or so that are basically the same, or have a girl blinking, yawning, etc.

The girls are well-presented, with make-up minimal yet well done. Most are natural in presentation. The action is not necessarily energetic, but natural, which is usually preferred to the all to frequently "run through the motions" of western girl-girl scenes. As with the scene location, some more color and variety in garments would be appreciated.

The last issue is cost. For $35 bucks, you deserve more than 28 scenes of even well-presented niche porn. The content does not warrant the cost; on the other hand, in another 2-3 years, that might be a different story.

So, if you have money to burn and are really in the mood for some (and I do mean "some") well-done Japanese lesbos, this could be your site; but if you'd prefer more content, there are plenty of Japanese sites where you could get scenes for a few pennies rather than a buck plus. I won't be thinking about this site again for another 2-3 years... :D

11-24-17  01:39pm

Replies (0)
Visit Street Meat Asia

Street Meat Asia
Reply of jeppegutt's Comment

I have very uneven download speeds, sometimes blazing, other times slow...

12-11-14  05:15pm

Visit Street Meat Asia

Street Meat Asia

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Authentic Asian (Thai and the like) girls

Girls are generally attractive

Good, hard action, plenty of anal

Decent number of vids (~185) even more photo sets
Cons: No variation in scenes

No variation in the type of girl/presentaion of the girl

Some girls are kinda "skanky"

Some scenes excessively long

Video quality (photography) varies, usually not high
Bottom Line: SMA is a site you love to hate. Or hate to love.

I joined it several years ago, and found it substandard - not many scenes, scenes in many parts, sort of degrading, etc. I rejoined it when I noticed that Asian Apple Seed - a site I favored some years ago - had merged with it. So I figured I'd give it another run.

The good news is that it is a better site, being a conglomeration of SMA, Asian Apple Seed, and Asian Candy Pop. The bad news is that it should be better.

The video quality tends to vary in terms of photography - often too harshly lit, or maybe not well encoded into the MP4 file. The bit rates vary, but often the higher bit rates do not give a major quality difference due to photographic quality. Still, it's better than it was years ago. The videos are supposedly encoded so any piracy on your part is noticed, but I'm not sure if this is true. Most of the scenes are one file,with a minority being two files - the multiple split files seem to be gone, thankfully.

Sometimes the file is caught by a download manager, sometimes it is not and downloads via the browser. Not sure why. Otherwise, download managers work fine (IDM).

The Appleseed/Candy Pop scenes tend to look better, quality wise.

The photos tend to be bountiful, but often suffer from the same quality issues. There are no zip files and no links for going forward/back. The photos are often put in random order - one photos she's taking in the butt, the next she's walking in the door, fully dressed. Download managers that can be set up for batch downloads usually work - but there are some photo sets that have two variables (e.g., 10072nan235.jpg) where both numbers will vary independently of each other and therefore cannot be programmed into the DM. At times, the photo sets have two or three different file name formats. Therefore, for a significant minority, you have to download manually and individually.

Regarding the girls; most are attractive, some are just plain beautiful, and some I'd cross the street if they were coming my way on the same side. It seems sometimes (particularly for SMA vids) they look for the nastiest chick they can find. Furthermore, all the girls are usually made to look hyper-trashy - I'm still trying to figure out the nylons over full support pantyhose thing I frequently see. While I know this site tends to focus on "dirty" sex, some of the prettier girls would look better classed up rather than sluttied down, IMO.

There is some light bondage and such. The girls are occasionally degraded a bit. Some are having fun with it, others just tolerating it.

The website design is messy - generally one big page with links to the video files and photo files.

If you want more scenes (there are about 185 vids, and even more pics), you can pay an extra $43 for 100 more. I took one for the team and joined; yeah it's only 43 cents a scene, but it's still a premium these days.

The older scenes (about half) generally come in two download options, ~1500k and ~3500. It appears where there is one option, it's usually the higher bit rate. It otherwise appears to be more of the same. Note that you have to join the archive with a different user name to access it! Furthermore, when I tried to sign it, it kept directing me to the main site, and I couldn't log in - there is no log out button on the damn site to change users! Even with clearing all the cookies and such, I had to close down the browser and wait for the next day to access the additional 100 videos.

So, there it is. If you're into mostly Thai women being dressed up in a tawdry fashion and banged hard in the bunghole, and are willing to put up with the aforementioned site deficiencies, this is a recommended site.

12-06-14  10:34am

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Visit DDF Network

DDF Network

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Large number of models and scenes
Production quality is routinely high
Hi-def content
Zip files for photos
Website generally well laid-out
Download managers (IDM) work well.
Cons: Lacking model variety
Older videos lower quality, in sections
Video formats irregular
Bottom Line: If you're into glamour porn featuring central European women, this site if for you. It seems 90% of the models are from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania or Russia. Outside of that, there is a handful of Asians/Eurasians, but little of any other ethnicity.

Most of the models are good looking, although there are a fair amount I'm indifferent to. The make-up work on them is near perfect; I do admire how they will post the casting videos and photographs, showing you the models sans makeup. You really appreciate the cosmetologist!

About half of the scenes are solo; regarding the hardcore, probably half or more are lesbian scenes. That being said, there is still plenty of guy-on-girl action here, given the size of the site. Many anal scenes are present.

Minor issue: A number of the action scenes feature the same persons, as if they were shot on the same day. This is particularly true with the girl-girl action.

Main complaint: the irregular video formats. In some cases, you have one format (most recent, MP4), others, four. Among these four, you'll find disparity among the quality; the WMV may be low-res and hi-res, but the MP4 only low res. In some cases, the difference between a same format's low-res and hi-res is a four fold, i.e., you go from a 200 MB file to a 800 MB file, no in-between.

Most annoying is that the older scenes (~2005 and eariler) are only low-res, and often in parts. In some cases, the full and parts potion is present. Sadly, some of my fav Euro models have numerous scenes up, but most in this lesser video files. Don't know why these sites can't do a quick recode from the masters and put them up (occasionally, you do find a better,hi-res file among these, but it's very uncommon)

The photo Zip downloads give you plenty of pictures, and in most cases, it isn't just 200 pics of the same six poses the photographer took over over a course of two minutes, so that's a plus. Most scenes also have photos.

So, if you're into the glammed up white chicks, this is a good site for you.

11-28-14  03:16pm

Replies (2)
Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Huge amount of videos up.
Good variety of actresses.
HD videos look very good.
Various downloading options.
Cons: Sneaky sign-ups/cancelling process is questionable.
A number of the "sites" have few videos or stopped updating long ago.
Way too much pre-action scene intros.
Some scene duplication across sites.
Suspect they choke downloading speeds after a certain point.
Bottom Line: First, let's get this out of the way; I clicked on what I thought was a preview video for XXX porn and suddenly I joined the site. Hmm. Strange. It would not have been bad save for the fact that I just paid $20 for about as many updates.

The cancellation process is also questionable; it makes it seem that I have to cancel from every site rather than the main one I joined. Beware.

Outside of that, the model variety is pretty good, and the scenes largely well-filmed. I noticed some of the newer 1500kbs scenes (for which 3000kbs scenes existed) look very rough; as if they were trying to duplicate the 3000kbs scene with the same basic dimension settings. This only appears on a minority, however, and all of the other (older) 1500kbs scenes looked good.

While disc space is becoming cheap, I can still do without the scene intros, with the bozos talking to the models and such (or just talking to the camera). I don't need video of some guy driving a van for 30 minutes, thank you. For many scenes, about half of the time is non-sex, which is way too long. Call me old-fashioned, but to me, a good scene is about 15 minutes long, and mostly action. I've got better things to do than to spend all day downloading the scenes then later editing out the stupidity. So, if you're joining this site, and I do recommend it, better have a fast connection and a John Holmes-sized hard drive, if you know what I mean. Were it not for this, my rating would certainly be higher.

There are a lot of pseudo-sites up, i.e., sites with 20-50 videos and are no longer updating. It would be better to roll these into other sites rather than trying to impress us with the number of sites.

09-20-14  04:00pm

Replies (1)
Visit Asian Sex Club

Asian Sex Club

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -A lot of content
-Mixture of video (soft, hard, lesbian, masturbation)
-Lot of photos
-Zip files for pics
-Some Asian cuties you won’t find elsewhere
-Bonus sites decent.
Cons: -Substandard quality
-Same models, new decade
-"New" content appears shot long ago
-Anemic action
-Some of the models are just plain substandard
Bottom Line: I had joined this site first about five years ago, and thought “With some tweaks and new content, this will be a great site in a couple of years.” Sadly, that never happened.

It appears that the majority of the content – if not all of it – what shot years ago, and the site is still being updated with it; that’s the main reason for the score. Recent Lily Thai videos and pics appear to have been shot at the same time as the earlier Lily content several years ago, based on the way Lily looks (same haircut, makeup, zit on her ass, etc). Much is the same for about every model. They have about 160 models, but for a site that is over six years old, that is nothing to brag about.

The videos are basically recorded photo sessions for the most part. The action is lame, editing essentially non-existent and the quality bad (dark, not focused well, poor color, you get the idea). That’s the secondary reason for the score.

One of the guys has a problem keeping it up half of the time (I sympathize, but if you’re shooting porn, spring for some Levitra already). I would have appreciated it if most of the two minutes he took to stick it in her tushy would have been cut out. The “softcore” videos are particularly dull, and the hardcore videos are half softcore.

The pics are an improvement over the video, but still of low quality. There appears to be little, if any, culling of the crap photos (model is yawning, half-blinking, or you have a series of 17 photos of basically the same exact pose). Put some flippin’ effort in, ok? Some of the models, sadly, do not go fully nude.

Overall, if you’re an Asianphile like me, the site could be worth joining if you’re into a particular group of the models – overall, I like most of the girls; there is just not the mass of variety and quality you would expect given the age and size of the site. The bonus sites are pretty good. Finally, I’d recommend a video editor to cut down some of the boring stuff, and a download manager, which does work for the most part, on this site (clear your cookies if you get jammed up).

01-13-13  09:17am

Replies (1)
Visit Mr Chew's Asian Beaver

Mr Chew's Asian Beaver
Reply of uscue's Reply

Looks like you're special! Mine cuts out after usually 8 downloads...

In fact, the next night, it cut me off after a couple - seems I tried to download before the full 24 hours was up...

03-28-10  06:54pm

Visit Mr Chew's Asian Beaver

Mr Chew's Asian Beaver

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Fair number of scenes up.

Chicks are pretty cute.

Bonus sites.
Cons: Substandard quality - 500 kb/s bit rate is the best they can do? Maybe 10 years ago...

Scenes tend to be boring - a little better action and editing would help.

Limited to 6-8 downloads per day - and NOT per site, but over all of their sites! Absurd!
Bottom Line: Until they improve on the quality, I'd pass on this site. The limited downloads a day doesn't help thier cause, either. I joined mainly for the Asian chicks, so the limit doesn't bother me too much, but when combined with the quality - my main grievience - I can't rank this site any higher. Had the quality been good, I may have given it an 80 or better.

03-24-10  07:44pm

Replies (2)
Visit Asian Apple Seed

Asian Apple Seed

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Fair amount of videos (~60)
-Girls generally good looking.
-Video quality is decent.
-Some minor restraint/bondage.
Cons: -Scenes have multiple watermarks,even centered in the action!
-A bit degrading to the female subjects (not my taste)
- Some scenes are too long and get boring; some better editing would help.
Bottom Line: If you're into authentic Thai girls, this site should do it for you.

08-31-08  10:34pm

Replies (2)
Visit I Love Thai Pussy

I Love Thai Pussy

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Authentic looking Thai girls

G-irls are fair to good looking
Cons: -Videos are dull - most are drawn out masturbation sessions/photo shoots, sometimes with sex thrown in.

-Some of the videos that contain action are poorly shot - "amatuer" would be a compliment...

-Video quality for some is fuzzy - as if it were converted from a non-digital medium

-Not many 'hotties'

-Repetition on some of the videos (same girl)

-Many photos, but a lot of bad or repetitive ones (essentially the same pose) left in.
Bottom Line: I was modestly disappointed in this site. The combination of quantity and quality - particularly the latter - doesn't really justify it for me.

If you're a huge fan of Thai girls, and you're willing to sacrifice some quality, I'd say it's for you, but I'd wait until more content is up. I was much more satisfied with Creampie Thais, for example.

07-22-08  07:14pm

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