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Visit Sharing Paris

Sharing Paris
Reply of james4096's Review

Man james4096, you seem to be in a slump in joining some poor sites lately :( I checked out your recent reviews and there are so many in the lower numbers recently. I really hope you can get to join a nice site soon, I'd love to see a positive review SOME time soon! :)

07-23-09  07:58pm

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

I'll want both, even with todays animation I am intrested in both. With it getting better, hey why not check it out. I don't think it would be anything to rub one out to but that's what the real stuff is for right?

07-23-09  12:05pm

Visit abbywinters

Reply of littlejoe's Comment

Took me about 15 seconds and I never been a member but I think this is what you are looking for? Here you go.


07-22-09  11:58am

Visit Asian TS

Asian TS
Reply of james4096's Comment

This site is supposed to have a butt load of photo sets with a lot of models. Do they come in zip format? This has been on my list for an extremely long time to get photos, I figured the videos would be shit. However, since the site is so old, I figured they would get better videos as time went on. Looks like they are garbage huh? So, what's up on the photo sets, a good res with zip downloads or?

07-21-09  07:43pm

N/A Reply of GCode's Poll

I tend to check out the users that I trust the most and find sites that they enjoyed, then use TBP for any hardline facts they may have not mentioned. If it is a site not reviewed by PU's, I always check TBP to see what they say. However, I can get sucked in to sites with no TBP or no PU reviews and comments, hence, taking a stab at it with the preview and tour alone. However, I found myself more disapointed than happy when I do this. So, I'm attempting to stay with sites with info from TBP and PU these days. I tend to find outside reviews to be overally high scored. When joining sites based on these reviews, the sources tend to overscore or be outdated and usually are pretty far off in the review than I thought. So, I stick with TBP and PU always and ignore the rest.

07-21-09  07:39pm

Visit Sex Asian 18

Sex Asian 18
Reply of lk2fireone's Reply

I do remember experiencing problems but as I stated in the comments you posted, I was just beginning to use download managers and I thought it was my fault which apparently was probably not the case. But, this was the tail end of my monthly membership (like the last week) and before that I just downloaded the old fashion way with no problems. Plus, in that review, I believe it was like the 4th or 5th one I ever wrote as a new member (I think it was like the 3rd or 4th day as a member) and I was not nearly as good as grasping the most important details or coming in to my own as to how to write a good review yet. So, I don't know if I would score it the same or include those exact details that I wrote if I wrote one now on the site.

But, that banning stuff is extremely tedious and hopefully nothing like that happens in the future in any sites you join. Plus, now others can see that this is a problem with this site if they decide to join. Lack of good customer support (let alone, any, lol?) is extremely important to state and I am glad you gave a clear concise rundown of your situation for others to grasp. Good luck in the future!

07-19-09  08:54pm

Visit Sex Asian 18

Sex Asian 18
Reply of lk2fireone's Review

This really stinks that you never got that reply from them and the site provided such a poor experience. I think the score is fair considering what you went through and it shows that you can still be level headed and take the whole 'picture' of the site with adding your experiences vs site content/features to create an honest plus judgemental review. A good read and you are right on the photos, while being mostly non-exclusive from gravure they have a very nice collection of not only Japanese AV stars but softcore to non nude models as well. Good insights and I'm glad to be seeing you writing more reviews as of late, keep 'em coming!

07-19-09  06:06pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

While I can admit I do like videos a bit more, I do have love for photography as well. As far as this poll is concerned, I find myself being indifferent so I put can go either way. I'm more concerned with what the model is actually wearing. I've seen some extremely horrible fashion in some photography. So I suppose if what the model is wearing is cute, then either taking it off or putting it on can be equally as good. But, it's all about the beginning or end result being nudity :)

07-19-09  04:07pm

Visit Tranny Boss

Tranny Boss
Reply of OneMan's Reply

Would be interesting if they had a page for that. However, since I put my trust in to TBP and most of the users on PU, the fact that TBP states they won't do business with the site and comments posted about the sites and their dirty tactics is enough for me to not join. So, in a way, this system is already in place with how things are. I'm just mad that I forgot to write this comment until now because this happened awhile ago.

As far as the clicking on banners thing and getting charged, that is extremely unfair and I would like to know any sites that do this. Therefore, your best bet is to post comments, write reviews, and post forum threads about any sites that use dirty tricks, it will sure help an extremely large amount of people that come here. There are plenty of silent PU's that would appreciate any information that anyone lets them in on.

07-19-09  03:59pm

Visit Tranny Boss

Tranny Boss
Reply of onlinelust's Reply

Yeah no problem. Good luck and I hope the same does not happen to you, it's quite time consuming and almost makes download online porn a burden after it's all done. But, I've learned to just stick with the well known billing companies now (CCBill, Epoch, etc.) rather than taking my chances with others, even if the content looks extremely appealing. Good review and I'll see ya around!

07-18-09  11:19am

Visit Tranny Boss

Tranny Boss

Automatic Charging To Credit Cards

I can't believe I never posted anything after this happened to me. To anyone interested in joining or have joined, this place charges additional sites to your card without your authorization during membership and after (we are not talking any pre-checked cross sites billing). So, this is a warning to not get involved with this site.

More information available here:

07-18-09  11:06am

Replies (3)
Visit Tranny Boss

Tranny Boss
Reply of onlinelust's Review

Watch your credit cards, this site charged my card after I cancelled my membership and was not even a member anymore for about a half of a month. I had a few additional sites charged to my card without my permission and no remorse or decent communication from the company itself. TBP and PU does not do business with this site anymore because of this and I thought I'd warn you to keep up on watching your card during and after membership with this site. I had to actually cancel my credit card and dispute charges because of this place. Good luck.

Additional information and details found on a post here: https://www.pornusers.com/forum/forum_th...ad.html?threadid=642

07-18-09  10:53am

Visit Sex Asian 18

Sex Asian 18
Reply of lk2fireone's Reply

Any info on what customer service said? I am curious as to what their take on the situation is and what they had/have to say.

07-16-09  03:59pm

N/A Reply of monty2222's Reply

I believe everyone took it as bookmarks/favorites in their browser and not as the favorites option on the PU page. At least, from the responses I read, that's how everyone appears to be taking it.

07-16-09  01:28pm

Visit abbywinters

Reply of RagingBuddhist's Reply

I have to agree, I hope everyone here (especially new members) don't feel like they can't speak their mind without getting shot down. Yes, you might get some discussion going but it is still your opinion and if you feel that way, please express it. Hell, that's why I love PU reviews so much because you get a variety of opinions and insights. The only thing that I dislike is someone bashing a site or extremely loving a site without good insight, a question from another user pops up, and they do not return the reply. However, if a question arises as to why the site was bashed or why they gave it such a high score with their own valid opinions, more power to them!

As far as RagingBuddhist says with the webmaster battles, I've had one myself and more than often they may hear the opinions of the users but with my experience it was like talking to a robot. I got the classic, "either you like it or not" and they expressed it that way to me. But, that's why PU is here, to let others know how you feel regardless of what others think. Just be ready to back it up with more insight and info if it is asked, that's all I ask and I'm sure most of the other PU members feel this way as well.

07-15-09  09:05pm

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

Just curious but does anyone else besides me use the favorites option on PU to store their sites and potential sites to join?

07-15-09  06:43pm

Visit Sex Asian 18

Sex Asian 18
Reply of lk2fireone's Reply

Yes, I remember this being a pain in the ass. However, if you do love JAV as much as I do, this site is in the Top 3 for getting the best content from Japan. But, I can see the frustration in getting booted for something as simple as downloading 2 or 3 files at the same time and I do remember this pissing me off as well. The thing is, I think I was just starting to use download managers when I was a member here and had no clue what I was doing, so I think I was just downloading 1 or 2 movies a day with just IE and FireFox and did not get the bandwith errors and kicks until the very end of my term when I attempted FlashGet and tried DownThemAll! the first few times. I remember actually thinking it was an error on my part. I suppose if I ever do rejoin (I am trying to join J Sex Network again and Asia Movie Pass for the first time before this site again, times are hard lately), I will do an updated review and let others know about all this nonsense with the download managers. Until then, hopefully others can read these comments and get a better picture as to how the site works. GL and if you don't get a refund or anything, I'd recommend Aino Kishi and Sora Aoi videos :)

07-15-09  12:09pm

Visit Sex Asian 18

Sex Asian 18
Reply of lk2fireone's Reply

I remembered the same thing, it has to do with the pop up window that they use for signing in. I remember every once in awhile it would work and then would not. Was never sure the reason why, but I remember it working after a few refreshes.

07-15-09  11:26am

Visit Sex Asian 18

Sex Asian 18
Reply of lk2fireone's Comment

It has to do with using a download manager. Certain download managers are not allowed here when I was a member, I think I was using FlashGet at the time which did something that increased my download speed. The site saw it as using up to much bandwith and kicked me for 24 hours. I used DownThemAll from mozilla and had no problems afterwards. I think you may be running in to the same problem. At first, I thought it had to do with the download limit which was 8 GB at the time but I only downloaded about 4 GB. Then, the next time I just downloaded using mozilla without DownThemAll! and got to 8 GB. So, the next time I used DownThemAll! and got to 8 GB. Then, the next time I used FlashGet again to test and the same thing happened, blocked for excessive bandwith after about 2-4 GB's. So, my guess is it has to be the download manager you are using.

07-15-09  11:17am

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

I don't have many, just the ones I suscribe to. I use the PU 'favorites' feature to save the sites that I am interested in visiting eventually.

07-15-09  08:32am

Visit Sex Asian 18

Sex Asian 18
Reply of lk2fireone's Reply

Yeah it's in the top 3 for sure. Thanks for the info even if you do not know the details. I'm sure you probably know the industry, but I would suggest getting a few movies from the company called Soft on Demand. They are really one of its kind when it comes to overall creativity and has that true Japanese 'out there' vibe when it comes to the concepts. Thanks again!

07-14-09  07:22pm

Visit Females On Shemales

Females On Shemales
Reply of james4096's Reply

Thanks, I appreciate the kind words. By the way, congrats on the trust badge!

07-14-09  06:44pm

Visit Sex Asian 18

Sex Asian 18
Reply of lk2fireone's Comment

Thanks for the heads up, this is a great site for JAV. I wonder how long this special is going on for or is it just lowered forever?

07-14-09  06:35pm

Visit Ladyboy Dolls

Ladyboy Dolls
Reply of james4096's Review

Hey james4096,
Just wondering if you accessed this site with the Total Tranny Pass membership or joined the site by itself. If you did, I did state that the network looked identical to a network that I joined that royally screwed me in terms of money and unwanted charges. If you did, any problems or insights to the network? The network does boast a nice looking amount of sites with some good looking content, but I am a bit hesistant due to the looks. It's interesting that the network is the same price as all the sites included individually but each site makes no mention of the network at all. Just makes me wonder if that network might be doing something shady, I mean, why would they make no mention of the network anywhere on any of these sites? Any insight would be great. Talk to ya later.

07-14-09  06:31pm

Visit Females On Shemales

Females On Shemales
Reply of james4096's Review

Another great review from a fellow TS lover. I'm not really in to this content and your score plus comments keep me pretty much the same in my ideals. But, a great review and I think I saw a site on TBP which is shemales on shemales recently that looked okay, but I've always pretty much been in to the solo TS sites. However, if I do seek any hardcore stuff, it is TS with TS or males with TS. However, I like the males to do the screwing in males with TS content. Hope you can give us some more TS site reviews, I enjoy and respect your insights on TS sites.

07-13-09  09:34pm

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