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N/A Reply of zzzins's Reply

try it out at your local costco! Mine has 2 week return policy! and no restocking fee of any kind.

06-23-09  09:45am

Visit DVD Rack

DVD Rack
Reply of messmer's Review

I signed up a month ago and like it. I agree with a lot of your points but not the speed issues your having. I stream the high quality flash and don't get any buffering errors or problems...so far has worked like a trooper for me.

I think your much to harsh on this site because its actually presenting a good value.
tons of positives.
Full DVD movies with scene selections
stream options and formats along with download options
a working search engine
selection by porn star and other formats
I run off my 65inch LCD tv and the flash stream meets the wide screen format of the tv.
and the ONLY reason I am still a member LOTS OF CONTENT!!! I can't get enough of the selection...so many I have not seen and many i'v seen before.+ so CHEAP! come on who else offers this selection for the price? I don't know of any...I think its the perfect gateway site for people get used to paying premium.

some negatives
i use a mac and downloads are not mac format I had to get a plug in just to view them
download speed is fine if you do 1 movie at a time if you do more it gets slower
quality of the streams are good but could be a bit better...when i stretch out the video box video its similar quality in the regular pass but if you have the premium pass then videobox is better quality. Sometimes I get glitches but i just reload the site...

oh wait! As for errors there was just one day i can think of when my account had that issue.
i guess i'm just a bit happier with my experience than you were.

06-22-09  08:54am

Visit Gloryhole.com

Reply of Getreal's Review

I have to challenge the Navigation part. Its as good as 1997! No search engine, no sorting of ANY kind. Its all just page numbers...if you call that simple and good then what is videobox...god like? lol For the price its not good enough to be honest...thats the real hit to the heart.

06-22-09  08:35am

Visit Gloryhole.com



the above is true. even with the good content (looks like it could have been made for these guys) its not enough for the dollar...maybe i will come back when the network grows.

06-22-09  08:30am

Replies (4)
N/A Reply of asmith12's Poll

my local costo has a 57inch for 1400$...New with warrenty...company name is vizio? Never heard of it but its rated for HD! Can't beat the price if anyone wants to get one and report =)

06-22-09  08:18am

Visit 1 By Day

1 By Day


After your review I will give these guys another try. I tried a very while ago and the movie buffering killed it for me. I will have to try again. Thanks!

06-19-09  07:59am

Replies (0)
N/A Reply of zzzins's Reply

I had a very similar setup but age brings hardships so I just purchased a 65inch panasonic LCD tv for the office connected via HDMI to DVI for macbook pro. I sit 12feet away...can't say enough about this combo. For price reference I paid 2800 on craigslist. used obviously but perfect condition.

06-19-09  07:53am

Visit MetArt

Reply of jd1961's Comment

Its a step in the right direction but 2 steps back in execution. Very limited to the ability this feature has. I wish it was more like flickr so we can have our own sets and streams.

06-19-09  07:50am

Visit MetArt


Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: The content!!!! Is excellent can't say enough of good about it. Its not over the top or trash in anyway. It has a good artistic presents and control. You can see the people involved are very good and maintain a very good consistency from model to model. I like the fact they have movies with the girls and the updates.
Cons: I do not particularly like shuffling through the massive content database. I have been a long time member and seen a lot. I wish there was a better way to navigate.
The movies addition was great when it happened but now with other sites upping the game in quality, speed, and support its just not good enough. Don't get me wrong they work but often I experience too much buffering and diminishing quality. I don't think it hurts this site at all considering the image gallery is why we all go there in the first place.
Bottom Line: The best artistic non hardcore gallery collection on the web. If you are expecting to get videobox out of this you are way off and should give it a try anyway. This site has kept me coming back for years.

06-19-09  07:45am

Replies (0)
Visit MetArt


greatness in control

Like the models very much and the selection is out of this world.

06-19-09  07:38am

Replies (3)

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