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Visit College Sugarbabes

College Sugarbabes


Trial was different then what TBP said. You get full access to one scene that is preselected for you. Click anywhere else on page it would ask you to upgrade membership.

01-31-13  11:17am

Replies (0)
Visit Brazzers


Unusual :s

Went to brazzers website and seen something that surprised the heck out of me. It was an ad for a mainstream music video. It wasnt an annoyance or anything (wasn't one of those ads that pop up in the middle of the screen which you cant avoid) it was a banner that you can click to play video or scroll past. I personally dont have have any objections to this cause hopefully more income extra/better videos. Hopefully :)

~fingers crossed

***edit: Maybe i was wrong watched video and seen a girl with brazzers painted on her, maybe its other way around

01-28-13  10:51pm

Replies (1)
Visit Naughty America

Naughty America


They got a limited time offer of 7.95 for the one month membership

07-06-12  01:46pm

Replies (6)
Visit Naughty America

Naughty America

Changed Format

Last couple of hd videos they released are now MP4 format as supposed to the FLV. Dont really know the difference between the two but I hope they stick with the MP4 for now on, just because.

06-12-12  06:59pm

Replies (12)
Visit Massive Access

Massive Access

Massive Change

Well just logged on to the member portion of the website and was kind of surprised that the whole layout has changed. So far so good, navigation seems to be improved. Love the changes, Just wish that i would of got a heads up first :s

05-02-12  01:07am

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Visit Black GF

Black GF


Just some of the info on TBP is incorrect about the trail. You can see two pages of the last updates but that is it. You can not see clips or photos of the videos. you can get more out of just going to the site then signing up for the trail.

04-17-12  11:40pm

Replies (3)
Visit Porn Fidelity

Porn Fidelity

Older Trial Comments

Just was reading through some of the older comments and i seen some talked about the trial and how it was limited/slow download speeds. Being once a trail member and a regular member the 8.99 trial and full versions are identical. I will strongly recommend the 3 day trail if you just want to check it out and browse through some videos. Also when i signed up for the trial they had an additional cross sale option for around 2 or 3 dollars trail for the kellymadison.com site for 2 days.

04-01-12  07:44pm

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Visit Black Ice Pass

Black Ice Pass

What Happened?

After several months with out any updates I think its safe to say that porn has lost another good minority site. However I'm still going to hold out a little bit a hope until no updates past the one year mark :(

02-26-12  09:52am

Replies (4)
Visit DogFart


Is It worth it?

For a while now i wanted to be a member of this network but didn't want to waste 34.99 (Thats a brazzers and NA membership) on a site that i wouldn't enjoy at all. If you have been a recent member can you tell me your experience?

01-20-12  02:25pm

Replies (5)
Visit Evil Angel

Evil Angel


Was looking for a site to join and i came across this one and recently (January 15) they had a massive update (187 new scenes it says). From what it looks like its a mixed between a lot of hd scenes and few non-hd ones. I was once a member of the site a while back but can't remember much about it, but think i will give it another shot.

01-18-12  12:24pm

Replies (2)
Visit Mofos Network

Mofos Network

Looking Good

Was a site i always considered joining but was a little on the fence about it because some low ratings and some negative comments. So i joined the trial a couple days ago and the three trial videos looked good, so i decided to join. Only browsed the site so far and checked out a couple pcis/vids but from what i seen so far the site looked very promising :)

12-20-11  05:04pm

Replies (0)
Visit Elegant Angel

Elegant Angel

Hd Content

Slightly disappointed at this site after a week and a half of no new hd videos. Kind of a long span for no new hd. Dropped score of a review I did on it a little. However site does say a new hd video is scheduled for release tomorrow.

12-16-11  10:48am

Replies (0)
Visit VideoBox


Price Cut

Well went to site today and and the basic price for monthly membership is down to 12 dollars from 15.

12-07-11  06:21am

Replies (5)
Visit Young Legal Porn

Young Legal Porn


Looks like a good site but was wondering if there were more trailers to preview than just the 6 short ones on the site. Would like to see more of the site before i make up my mind to join it or not.

11-29-11  08:59pm

Replies (3)
Visit Premium Pass

Premium Pass

Free Trial

I went to the site and seen big flashing logo that said "free trial" (which ended up charging me a dollar) so i gave it a try. Wasn't upset at all about the dollar charge because they did have a few good scenes. It was well worth the dollar price tag but i don't think i will become a member unless/untill they get more hd content an drop their price tag for a monthly membership.

*edit* no dollar price tag think they just charged it to make sure valid card but the dollar was returned.

11-28-11  07:50pm

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Visit My XXX Pass

My XXX Pass

One good day

I seen the post by Vegas Ken about the free day access to this site so i gave it a try. And over all i think that it was a great investment of my time. There was a fair amount of great quality videos and pictures. Mostly all the hd videos were oral only scenes. They did have some hd hardcore scenes scattered about in all the sites but i had to put in some work to find them. Besides the navigation and all those oral only videos this was a pretty good site to me. I STRONGLY recommend this to all the oral lovers.

11-28-11  04:06am

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Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings

DL Manager

Just wanted to know if this site is download manager friendly.
Do they time you out or not download next scene in your list if you added it a while ago?

11-22-11  12:03am

Replies (2)
Visit Gloryhole.com



A trial not worth having. Went to site and seen the big flashing lights of the new 1.99 trial so i gave it a shot. Well you get to view 3 scenes (video and pic set)from the site and that's all. Anything else you click on will ask you to upgrade. I wouldn't of mind if the 3 scenes were very good ones(it is a trial after all) but the scenes were average in my opinion. Wish I had a flux capacitor to do a redo.

11-19-11  12:30pm

Replies (9)
Visit Team Skeet

Team Skeet


Glad to see that all the recent hd video updates are now mp4 format instead of wmv. The large sizes of the WMV videos made it almost impossible to skip forward and enjoin the video, the lag was awful. Hope this trend continues.

11-14-11  07:51pm

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Visit Go Go Pornstars

Go Go Pornstars


Well on TBP it said that this site was full trial but it is not. It let me download one scene (Okay quality) then the rest of the videos that i click on ask for an upgrade. But after you attempt to cancel the trial they offer a 10 dollar discount price which is good i guess. Might try it out later. Oh well no full trial.

11-01-11  12:48pm

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Visit Yuri Luv

Yuri Luv


Trial is not full like it says on thebestporn.com

With the trial option you get access to one or three clips to every scene which are about 2-3 minutes on average.You also have access to around the first 30 pics of each picture set.

Another thing you only have access to yuriluv.com on the trial and none of the bonus sites.

Overall i guess an okay deal for a dollar...

edit limited trial :(

04-19-11  10:55am

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Visit Incredible Pass

Incredible Pass

Incredible Pass

Well never been a member of this site but from the comments and the fact that TBP is not doing business with them its a site that one must stay away from.

But it is good to know that now nearly all the site content is available on videobox. (which i must say is very decent and most i would recommend others to check out)

02-03-11  09:14am

Replies (1)
Visit Team Skeet

Team Skeet


Just curious did/do anyone else have a problem playing videos they downloaded from this site on Windows media player?

The problem that im having is when i try to skip forward a little it takes a while to load and play.

Also any suggestions that can fix this problem?

02-01-11  10:13am

Replies (2)
Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings

Rk heart broken

anyone else heart broken about the download options? 1080p is way to large for my hard drive and the next best options is blah. Guess every site has its flaws.

-But i still love the site... kind of sorta 9/10

12-27-10  07:02pm

Replies (3)
Visit Wicked Pictures

Wicked Pictures

Wicked Pictures Question

From reviews and TBP site I know that few old videos are stream only but are all of the new updates available for downloads?

12-18-10  06:54am

Replies (6)

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