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Visit Virtual Porn 360

Virtual Porn 360

Warning-keep you're hands of

I just joined that site and had a lot of trouble with it.
at first my browser gave a virus warning (pay couple of bucks or we...you know that)
at second the download possibility of videos is corrupted.
sometimes i get the failure message
"The Page your are looking for is not found!
404 Error"
or the download button leads directly to the streaming video.

maybe a problem with my macbook but in my opinion there is something more wrong with that site.

01-04-19  06:05am

Replies (0)
Visit Streamate.com


someone else got problems?

recently i achived an email that my whole account is banned. after answer email they told me it had something to do with my credit card, but there was no access on my credit card from third parties (forbidden access e.g.) i am totally disappointed that the costumer service wasn`t able to tell me when exactly the forbidden access happened and why they have closed my wohle account (had plenty of favorites an now i am not willing to renew them with a new account).

01-07-12  01:05am

Replies (4)
Visit Uplay IStrip

Uplay IStrip

demo problems

i downloaded all the demos....but non of them shows more then the first window. no demo play possible...what a pitty!

08-01-11  10:36am

Replies (6)
Visit Cams.com


beware of the price

as i mentioned in earlier comments and reviews for camsites you often see the same girls.

this is also here the case.

it`s a mixture between camcrush and strip.tv of the girls.

but beware of the price.
compared to strip tv for 2 €/min the same girl costs at that site 2,37 $.
that differs sometimes, but the girls i checked out weren`t more expansive then at strip.tv.

anyway compared girls with camcrush it looks vice versa.
here e.g. the actor named "teach me mom" costs 1,99 $/min and the same one costs at cams.com 2,37 $/min.

the only pitty is, that the girls often use other names at different sites. here the camcrush "teach me mom" is at cams.com "teach me cum" ^^.

other names same inside 0o o0.

reagarding that fact makes me getting a bad feeling in my stomach, that maybe at some other site the same actor costs 0,99 $/min instead of 5,99$.....damm

04-27-11  11:05am

Replies (0)
Visit Czech Parties

Czech Parties

a pitty

one more new site but all of the three sites only have one preview video....that fact makes me feel unsecure of what you can expect at the inside of such a site..do they have something to hide?

04-22-11  07:14am

Replies (2)
Visit Cams.com


comparable to camcrush

i am using that site since one week and can say that it`s quite comparable to camcrush, even the search engine of camcrush is better.
could`nt locate any rubbish until now (see the other comments) but will report it emidiantly.

04-13-11  09:08am

Replies (0)
Visit Phone Mates

Phone Mates


some member of pu who tried that so far and can give me a quick info?

03-06-11  11:08pm

Replies (0)
Visit Brazzers



since a few months i get that email:

"Account has been Banned for 2 days.
Your account has been banned due to a sudden increase in the number of logins to the account. It is possible that your username and password have been discovered and/or shared/posted on the internet. Although you will not be able to access your account for 2 days your personal data is secured and no transactions can be made. The account will be automatically unbanned in 2 days but should the same suspicious activity be found to be taking place with your account it will be automatically banned again.
Please contact Brazzers Support by visiting http://www.brazzerssupport.com at your earliest convenience to have your password changed and account unbanned.
We thank you for your continued loyalty.

funny thing on it is, that my last membership (one month membership) was 11.11.2008. no booking nothing since then.

as far as i made experience with that kind of email i am rather not interested in responding it....but corious anyway...some member als had that experience?

02-18-11  10:19am

Replies (14)
Visit Ex GF MILF Boobs

Ex GF MILF Boobs


a member of pu here who joined that network already and can tell me something more about it?

02-13-11  06:00am

Replies (0)
Visit Club Sabrina

Club Sabrina


some member here who can tell me if it`s worth trying?

02-04-11  10:26am

Replies (0)
Visit Cam Crush

Cam Crush

one thing to improve

if you jump through categories you can also find the category group----hm yummy....you klick further and then to an actor window to join the stream...then BAM tg (didn`t want to hurt annyones feelings)..but this is something that i really don`t want to see, and i don`t want to be forced to see it ;)

therfore make an additive extra sexysmbol under each actor window like it is for boys or girls but don`t let me run into a trap.

01-10-11  07:01am

Replies (0)
Visit Older Women Club

Older Women Club

worth a try?

lot of those older women look rather ugly...why do they think that old have to be ugly? but at the other hand there seems to be quite exclusive scenes :) some member of that site who can tell me if it`s worth trying out?

12-17-10  11:03am

Replies (4)
Visit 25 TV

25 TV

realy exclusive?

as i looked arround the tour i recognized that some scenes look well known e.g. Dominno And a Stranger

12-17-10  10:56am

Replies (0)
Visit Streamate.com


some good news

the quality of the straming life videos is rising. also the possibility of getting a larger screen is good (even if that lowers a little bit the quality). gladly you have nowerdays to pay after arround 30 sec. so you can get to know if the girl is so cute as it looked like.

sadly there is still no life preview pic at the main site to see. would be innovative if you can switch between life preview and preparated pics (few other sites do so).

12-13-10  08:55am

Replies (0)
Visit Live Jasmin

Live Jasmin

how do they make it?

regarding that site and camcrush i am a little bit surprised.

there is a hughe ammount of same girls,
sometimes the costs differs...ok to understand...

but mostly the quality of the live videos is much better at live jasmin then at camcrush.

do the girls have different cameras? i realy don`t understand that.

11-19-10  10:24am

Replies (6)
Visit Hardcore Power Tools

Hardcore Power Tools


that preview looks good. anyway, does a sitemember know more about that site. is it really new, or an old fashioned site in a new outfit?

10-13-10  08:19am

Replies (4)
Visit Gianna Michaels Videos

Gianna Michaels Videos


imo the videos are at maximum semi exclusive. some of the videos are seen on other pages to. anyway don`t know where and don`t know which one produced that video first :o)

at least..folks it`S time for a REAL gianna site ^^...i will proudly be the first member :)

10-13-10  08:08am

Replies (2)
Visit Team Skeet

Team Skeet


is the use of a dl manager possible?

09-08-10  08:19am

Replies (2)
Visit Boobie Pass

Boobie Pass


actually read that most of the girls won`t put of theire pants?! omg--what do i pay for? i can see topless girls also at the beach :(

09-08-10  08:11am

Replies (2)
Visit Fucking Gamble

Fucking Gamble

quick info

nothing extraordinary at that site.

fine quality stands against big videos and only 45 films

if you look over the niche, which isn`t mine at all (takes all to long and looks like a sexnumber mobilemerchandising sometimes), there is nothing outraging but also nothing extraordinary here..therfore is my rating much lower then all others ...76 (with good will)

08-30-10  10:16am

Replies (15)
Visit Sock Blocked

Sock Blocked

more info

that site looks quite nice, even if there is no promo video to see and the quantity seems to be low. some active member of taht site who can tell me if it`s worth?

07-30-10  08:36am

Replies (6)
Visit Club Dunia

Club Dunia


can an active member of that site tell me if it`s worth trying? promo video seem to have less quality. inside the same?

07-22-10  08:40am

Replies (0)
Visit Sperma Studio

Sperma Studio

hard work to do

that site is far beyond beiing comparable to german goo girls. that site got less quantity of video, less quality of girls and is even high price and only flv videos to see with...imo the site is a 60-65.

07-18-10  03:12am

Replies (9)
Visit Cam Crush

Cam Crush

nothing "new" from the western front

they make some few new things, which is comparable to a redesign of the site.
looks quite good but "sadly" they modified the rating system. from now on you are only able to rate an actor, when you paid the live chat. and you are also not able to see anymore which points you have given to the actor. therfore it is impossible to know which girl was rubish and which on not. and i have to kow that, because i can`t remeber 300 live girls names and theire qualities....thumb down

06-14-10  08:14am

Replies (2)
Visit Private Feeds

Private Feeds

sad sad..

once again a webcam site that shares all the girls you can see on other sites too. nothing spectacular here excluding the free minutes ...and so the search for the best webcam site goes on...

06-04-10  01:05pm

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