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Visit Idols 69

Idols 69

A note on network changes

I've been happy with my membership to All Japanese Pass but the TBP review lists Idols69 as coming with it which is a pretty big deal. Idols69 is the highest rated TBP site in the All Japanese Pass.

It's not included with the membership I have to All Japanese Pass.

If you join through Idols69 instead of All Japanese Pass you get all the same sites as All Japanese Pass AND the 3,000+ scenes on Idols69. It doesn't make much sense since both are owned by the same company and both have the same promo price here on TBP/PU. That is a major difference in the content you receive.

I even went to the Idols69 site and tried to sign in with my All Japanese Pass credentials and it said no account exists. So, if you're thinking about joining, I would recommend joining through Idols69 instead of All Japanese Pass. The bonus sites on both are really good and are the same.

04-08-20  02:17am

Replies (1)
Visit Shemax Network

Shemax Network

A surprising turn of events

Last week I posted a comment about this network charging an unauthorized $39.99 charge on my card after I had canceled the membership. I have been going back and forth with my local credit union about the charge.

I decided to contact Aeron Pay the biller. They replied back in less than 30 minutes, apologized, refunded the $39.99 charge and took care of the whole problem. The money was back in my account in less than a day. My advice, if you join this network or any that use Aeron Pay, send them an email to cancel. They have an online cancellation system I used but I would email them instead.

06-13-19  05:07am

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Visit Shemax Network

Shemax Network

If ever a billing company needs to be looked into, false charges and more

My girlfriend planned to write her first review on this network. She also joined another group of sites this company owns or is affiliated with. She joined both on May 15, 2019. She clicked through TBP/PU. Both networks said $5 per month special promotion. That made me wonder so I made note of it.

The billing company is Aeron Pay. I had not heard of them but they have a decent enough looking setup to their billing site. My girlfriend canceled both on June 3rd, 2019. I sat and watched to make sure no bullshit was going on. Both sites said, "Cancellation successful". Both sites were listed in a list view and where it had said, "recurring" it was switched to "Canceled".

At 12:04 AM this morning my bank sent me a text about a $39.95 charge from Aeron Pay. I called fraud prevention at the local bank and told them I did not authorize the charge. We went back to the Aeron Pay support page and ...

Those dirty rat bastards not only charged one at $39.95 but had put it in as a new subscription. Neither site said, "canceled" and both were back to "recurring". They even changed the date to make it look like the membership just started today.

This is how they are getting people with multiple charges. The subscription should not have been up for renewal until June 14th, by charging it a week early it might slip by. Based on them making it look like a new membership, the next recurring payment will be July 6th.

The fraud department at my bank put a block on their payment system charging anything else to my card and said they would recommend me getting a new card and number.

If you add up what they are doing, you see a $5 original payment, a $40 payment 3 weeks later, another $40 payment every month. If a person did not catch that the cost would be around $500 in on year.

I also want to note the other sites on Aeron Pay were delisted on PU/TBP. It is 5 or 6 solo transsexual models including Long Mint.

This very highly rated network is running one of the worst scams I have seen in my years of reviewing porn sites.

06-06-19  07:46am

Replies (3)
Visit LeLu Love

LeLu Love

What is porn coming to? Price correction needed

I saw a couple of Lelu's sample videos earlier and thought I would join her site. I haven't been having the best of luck with joining sites for the first time recently but Lelu might be going further than any site.

Regular membership is $90
VIP is $99
Platinum is $199

Those are monthly prices, I've seen the site listed for $29.95 on the TBP page and $37 on Rabbit's. The VIP offers you a $10 discount each month you stay as a member down until it's "only" $49.95 a month.

As bad as this is it gets worse. The regular membership doesn't include downloads of any kind. You have to get the VIP for downloads. It says this about downloads ... "VIP Bonus: Download My Videos regular members have to earn and unlock download ability using the free Hearts reward system, but active recurring VIP and Platinum members, simply request it and it's yours"

The 3 benefits you get from joining Platinum are: 10 minute video chats with her members. Her personal cellphone number and she sends you one new picture in text per day. This one takes the steak and cake, "Choose your own username".

The majority of the perks with VIP and Platinum look very similar to what you get from joining the fan clubs of Chaturbate models. Access to her snapchat, she will follow YOU on Twitter and...

Email 1 on 1 with her. I don't know if its sadness or madness or arrogance, it says "Yes, the real me, no I'm not rich enough or famous enough to have my "people" email for me like some people seem to think lol"

She goes on to say about the one on one emails, "Many people join just for this. Where else can you talk to a woman about sex or ask questions or dating advice or chat about anything else for less than one dinner date per month?"

At McDonalds is where ... for a Big Mac and fries with an iced tea for 8 bucks.

What is going on with the porn world?

04-22-19  10:54pm

Replies (7)
Visit Asian Sex Diary

Asian Sex Diary

Heads up to staff and members

Just making a note here for PU members and staff. Sometime, earlier today, I was at work and saw that Jimmy has put a feedback request up on his site.

"Perplexing review by user on pornusers - Agree/disagree? Come voice your support for Asian Sex Diary!"

It links to my review. I know the Porn Users rules under "content standards". I know he is breaking multiple rules. He singled me out in the link and directed his members to voice their support for him.

I'm posting this at 10:55 PM on 4/2/2019. It can be used to see how many sudden Jimmy supporters we have show up.

I will continue my productive conversation with Jimmy in the review comments.

Last, this should be used to see who is "stirring the pot".

04-02-19  07:59pm

Replies (7)
Visit Burning Angel

Burning Angel

Added 5 points to review...

Adult Time added Burning Angel to their list of sites, so I added 5 points back to the Burning Angel review. More changes too ...

I now sign-in through Adult Time's homepage. Which is okay with me since they have Burning Angel listed in their sites now. I'm only pointing this out because it seems odd:

When I reviewed Burning Angel, less than a week ago, the site said it had 937 videos on it, it now says it has 823 and in dracken's review from 3 months ago, the number was near 1,500.

I don't notice scenes missing since I mostly focus on specific models but since it's listed right there on the front page of the site, I can't help but notice the disappearing scenes.

I don't know if this is a new feature but Adult Time's main page uses captchas, the ones with 9 photos and you have to click on the ones with whatever it asks for. I was resetting my password, had to click on the pictures with "storefronts" in them. I passed it, they sent a link to reset my password. After typing in the new password and clicking submit, I had to then click on the pictures with traffic lights in them.

I'm still pulling for Adult Time to continue to keep improving, maybe some captchas that ask "Click on the photos with pussies in them"?

01-28-19  12:45am

Replies (2)
Visit Bang.com


No longer a red flag on Bang

So, the problem I had with three recurring charges, originally thought it was two, turns out to be some kind of payment/biller issue. Echst.net showed my only active account as bang live but Bang's support said that account was a pay as you go, not a recurring monthly charge. They helped me out by providing me a chat link to echst.net's support. From there I chatted with a support member who noticed that the charges were coming from one of the Met Art sites. I haven't been a member on one of those Met Art sites since last year. There doesn't seem to be an answer of how it happened but the support member closed the account and refunded me the three charges, so very good support but once again, the concern of using a bank card or credit card comes back into my thinking.

The main advice I can share is check your bank statements. At least the billers seem to be fair and willing to work with you.

07-22-18  10:28pm

Replies (14)
Visit Mofos Network

Mofos Network

Ran out of room, paying VIP and funny

This is in addition to my review. This network made me wonder how often someone monitors their ads. I currently have a Black Friday ad on it and a July 4th ad on it lol.

I decided to add this comment because I honestly started the review as a 58. I either thought I heard they were back to offering downloads or saw it in a promo but I was very disappointed to know I paid a near premium price for a site that doesn't offer downloadable videos. After I looked through their content, I realized this is fairly unique content, especially the public scenes. Back when I originally reviewed this network a lot of the sites now on it weren't around and I gave it a 93 back then. The more I thought about buying the $9.95 VIP access to get the downloads, I think the quality of the content made it not as big of a deal since it's only $9.95. All I could have done with that is join another cookie-cutter site. I believe it's worth the extra and really wonder if maybe this is the future?

If you had joined it and didn't like the look of the content once inside you wouldn't have to pay for the downloads. I personally don't like it and would just offer everything at one price. If they got rid of Pro-Biller (they won't) and didn't make members pay a second time for downloads, I really could see this network reaching 100. Hopefully, I can everything downloaded that I want in a month.

01-23-18  01:57am

Replies (3)
Visit Ultimate Surrender

Ultimate Surrender

Navigation tips

I had said I was going to include navigation tips in my review of this site, but ran out of characters. This really goes for all Kink Network sites.
There's one major thing missing - An alphabetical list of models.
Also, since it's a network, you're dropped into a hub that has content from every site in the network. It might be obvious to some, but I didn't realize you could click on the logos of each site and it would only show you content from that site. That improved the navigation a lot for me.

The search engine is maybe too specific in some ways and not near specific enough in other ways. Since there are gay and male sites on this network, you can filter to just see women or men or transsexual.

The problem is even after filtering down to female, you're left with more filters you can add, but that aren't that helpful. Like ethnicity. Hair color. Pubic hair. Body type. Where's "by number of scenes" or "alphabetically" or "most popular"? Some of the most featured models have changed quite a bit. I know Dragon Lily has had at least one child somewhere in-between her oldest scenes and newest scenes, same with Isis Love. And Isis Love's ethnicity isn't obvious. Think I found her in "mixed". Just a simple list of letters to click on "I" would be great.

There is a search box. It's tucked away in the right-hand upper corner of the screen and is a symbol of a magnifying glass. It's not accurate at all. I searched for Daisy and out of the first 10 scenes that came up, only four had Daisy in them.

The other tip, if you want out of the hub, which still requires scrolling until you find a scene from a site you want to check out, like other sites they've decided to name their different "sites" as "channels". And you can get to a channel list from the "browse" tab. Maybe not anything groundbreaking here in my tips, but hopefully that helps somebody.

12-24-17  01:12am

Replies (0)
Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network

An interesting 2nd option

Bang Bros like a lot of sites these days keeps your membership "active" even after you have cancelled. Meaning, you can still sign in and be tempted to rejoin. When I was a member a few months ago, I added their first level of upgrades, which included Dancing Bear, CFNM Show, my review goes over those. That time, it cost me $17 to join Bang Bros and then $19.95 to add the upgrades.

I realized I didn't have some content I meant to get and signed in as a non-subscription member. The offer popped up to rejoin everything I had before at $19.95. So, going back, got me Bang Bros and the first level of upgrades for nearly half the cost it originally cost me. Thought I would share this in case anyone is interested.

12-18-17  12:22am

Replies (1)
Visit Mano Job

Mano Job

Few things to add to my review

I went to cancel my membership to the Mano Job network and instead of taking me to a cancel screen it brought up a survey about my experience on their site. I don't really mind that since it was just basic questions like:

Would you recommend our site to your friends?

But it also asked which of their sites I had visited, said there are four sites included. I only knew of three. The four choices were:
Mano Jobs
The Dick Suckers
Chelci Fox

Never having heard of Chelci Fox, I went to chelcifox(dotcom) and tried to sign in as a member, as soon as clicked the "members login" button, my browser bounced a warning up that it was not a secure connection and could be a phishing attempt. I closed Firefox and tried it on Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer and Chrome and all three of those gave the same type of warning. Maybe it's just me, but this network already has questionable practices going on with the recycling of content, now another problem comes up. I'd still recommend Mano Job, but just be careful on there.

11-30-17  12:59am

Replies (1)
Visit Perfect Gonzo

Perfect Gonzo

My worst experience on a site

I'm not editing the title, but am the comment.
I tried for 3 straight nights to login, clicked their refresh password link (received no email with a new password) and finally just sent an email to the biller Epoch.

Epoch had the account refreshed in less than 3 hours and I'm back to having access. I received zero help from the network itself or their support tickets. So, overall it was still a bad experience with the site itself.

04-14-17  10:11pm

Replies (2)
Visit DDF Network

DDF Network

A little more information

I kept running out of characters in the review so I thought I would add this comment to the review.

There's a few confusing parts on the network, though they are easily skipped over so I didn't feel they were problem enough to put in the review. In the "Our Sites" tab of the network there are these listed sites which I can't figure out how to get to:
Inked Babes
Horny MILFs
When I click those sites it just takes me back to the main DDF hub instead of to those sites. I'm guessing the content from those is mixed in the network and they just opted not to list them different than the regular content.

There's also:
DDF Adventures
DDF Cams
The Adventures one looks to be some kind of interactive porn scene site, but I didn't test it out since the url says I'm in the "free" section. I wouldn't have any interest in interactive scenes, but thought I would mention it.
DDF Cams is self-explanatory, but I've never been much for using Cam sites.

Then there's:
Fuck In HD
Girls in Love

Fuck In HD is listed in the TBP review by Maggie as an included site, but my login says it's invalid. Girls in Love also says invalid login. There's also a DDF video on demand site, but I don't have any interest in video on demand.

None of these were off-putting or in the way or trying to get me to click them accidentally. They're at the middle to bottom of the "our sites" page. None of them show up in the drop-down menu from the DDF hub either, but did want to at least say Fuck in HD isn't included in the DDF network since the TBP review has 14 sites included and that's the one not included with my membership. As mine shows 13 sites.

12-21-15  01:56am

Replies (6)
Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings

Much clearer download limit

I joined Reality Kings a few days ago for the first time in several years. After nearly downloading the entire, Moms Bang Teens site, I received the message saying I had exceeded my 24 hours download limit. They even have a full explanation of what you can download every 24 hours.

You can download 50 "full" scenes. These are the biggest scenes on the site. The HD versions are in the 2-3 GB range, I didn't download those though. I just downloaded the full scenes in 480p.

You can download 100 "clips" in 24 hours and 300 "one minute clips".

I think this is a lot better than the old 10 GB per day limit, if for no other reason, it's explained clearly now. My folder for the previous 24 hours has right at 20 GB in it. I should be able to get most everything I want.

The numbers add up to 30 days at 50 full scenes per day = 1,500 scenes in a month.

08-18-15  03:19am

Replies (1)
Visit I Dream Of Jo

I Dream Of Jo


I see this listed as being owned by Viv Thomas, and to be honest, looking at the preview page, that does not look anything like new content. Even worse, one of the new videos says it was released in November 2013. Just a friendly warning to those seeing the high reviews pop up.

I'm not saying it isn't new content, but that "reunited" set with Eve Angel in the preview looks like a set I have from the mid-2000s.

05-31-13  01:50am

Replies (20)
Visit VideoBox


For those wondering about Soft On Demand channel

I haven't decided whether to write a re-review of Videobox, but I did add the Japanese "Soft on Demand" channel and thought I would share some info on it for anyone interested or maybe even warn others.

I've always wanted to join a Japanese video site, but wondered how I would feel about the mosaic. Lets get that out of the way first. Every scene I've downloaded from Soft on Demand has the mosaic/censorship. There isn't a search filter for uncensored, so I'm guessing it's all censored. I have to say it doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would. In a way, I even thought the mosaic censoring gave the content a more believable feeling (in voyeur and public scenes especially).

These are the numbers for the channel.
126 DVDs/564 scenes as of 5/20/2013
I joined with 7 days left in my Videobox membership and the prorated price was $7.50.

Maybe the biggest selling point to the content are the fetish scenes. There definitely seems to be more creativity in these scenes than the American counterparts. I should also mention, no scene I've watched has English subtitles, so this does take away some since some of the scenes have 25-30 minutes of story building up to the last 10-15 minutes of sex. To put the amount of fetish content into perspective, 347 of the 564 scenes are listed as fetish.

My feeling towards this channel is pretty simple. If I had joined it for the full month it would have cost in the $30 range just to add it. I wouldn't have been happy about it. Joining for a week at the prorated price though, gave me a pretty good view of Japanese porn without the big price. I would recommend adding it for a week or less. I am going to keep roughly 30-35 scenes I downloaded from it. I still prefer Vivid's channel and even Kink's channel.

And one last note, there are no HD scenes or DVDs on this channel.

05-20-13  03:04pm

Replies (3)
Visit VideoBox


Downloading problem

I admit, I'm a porn hoarder.
I download dozens, sometimes hundreds of videos, before I even watch one. But this isn't a pornaholic anonymous meeting.

The problem I'm having, quite a few, I'm going to estimate 30% of the videos I'm downloading are not fully downloading. I don't know if the server is resetting or if I'm just downloading too many scenes at one time. I don't use a standalone download manager anymore and I just download 8 videos at a time through Firefox.

I chose 8 as the number since I download by model. Inside the model's page there are 8 videos per line, so it makes it easy to keep up with what I've downloaded and what I haven't.

Any ideas on why the scenes aren't fully downloading?

05-13-13  05:20pm

Replies (1)
Visit VideoBox


Absence makes the heart grow fonder?

I've cursed Videobox 3.0 to hell. Then found some positives from it. Then cursed it back to hell. I was so frustrated the last time I was a member that I decided not to join it for awhile.

On my recent join though, everything seems to have improved.
Not only is the navigation not giving me any problems, they also are stacking up the HD DVDs with nearly 800 or roughly 4,000+ HD scenes. They also are offering quite a nice combo package of their extra channels. It was at sign-up, 5 channels for $50. That's a pretty big savings, but I still prefer to wait until a few weeks have passed then add then channels at prorated prices.

One last note on the Roku comment, I did receive the free Roku offer, but it was only when joining for 18 months.

05-07-13  11:51am

Replies (0)
Visit Nubiles.net


Any news on the combo?

I haven't been seeing as many combo offers from Nubiles in my email inbox lately.

I've been waiting for that Nubiles + Anilos offer that Nubiles webmaster talked about trying to do in the future. Anyone seen that one or if their webmaster is around, any news on when that combo will be available?

04-22-13  12:05am

Replies (3)
Visit Joy Mii

Joy Mii

Better than I expected, high potential

I mainly joined this site thanks to the discount price. Just thought I would throw that in as a reason for other webmasters to take the discount route.

I'm still a little iffy on the whole heartcore genre, but I do like the content better here than on the other heartcore sites. I have a few of the same complaints I had with Sex Art, I don't understand why solo sets are included, unless this model is extremely good at masturbation, dirty talk and has a lot of charisma. Eve Angel didn't do the talk at all, but she set a standard very few solo models reach, thanks to her ability to communicate with body movements and eye contact with the camera. The other is more minor complaint and it is the girl/girl content. I don't understand why one of these heartcore sites haven't tried 100% boy/girl. Maybe one has and I haven't found it yet?

Either way, for me, I liked it much better than Sex Art. Will review it over the next week or two once I've had a chance to see it all.

04-15-13  12:51pm

Replies (6)
Visit Nerd Pass

Nerd Pass

A continuing warning

Besides TBP not doing business with this company, I can say I won't be anymore. I joined it from an email promo and had to jump through hoops to cancel. I really don't remember being a past member, but that's what the promo email said. If I was a past member I hadn't kept any of their content and can say with confidence that I probably won't keep more than 4-5 scenes max from this recent join.

03-26-13  12:55pm

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Visit Val Midwest

Val Midwest

Really cute model

I noticed this site in the new listings on TBP. I was a member of Melissa Midwest years ago, nice to see this new one is packaged with Melissa Midwest's site and other similarly themed sites as well. This Val is worth checking out if you're into younger models with athletic bodies, she looks like she just stepped out of cheerleading or gymnastic practice. Really nice thighs which you don't see very often these days. Of course they've got that stupid "play free video" crap where you click to watch a trailer and it takes you to a sign-up screen.

Might also be worth noting for those who like exhibitionism. I had forgotten about Melissa's site having some public sets.

03-04-13  04:17pm

Replies (5)
Visit Couples Seeking Teens

Couples Seeking Teens

Just noticed in new discounts

Does anyone know if this is the same site/studio as the DVDs by the same name? I remember downloading some from a DVD site. I only ask because those seem to have been older scenes, maybe 2007 or so. Also am wondering if it includes any other sites since it is through the Fame Network. Thanks ahead of time if anyone has any info.

02-18-13  02:03am

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Visit Cum Louder

Cum Louder

Numbers don't match up

I've been hesitant to join this site dating back to a discussion in the forum well over a year ago.

The biggest reason. On the network's main site it lists the network sites included in the membership. Every single site listed says, "16 scenes".

If you go to each of these separate sites it says in the top header "100+ vids". Now I'm counting 19 sites. As you can see, 19 sites with 100+ scenes each is a lot different than 19 sites with 16 scenes each.

This further concerns me because if you go to each separate site there's only 8-12 previews showing in updates. I don't know if the preview just needs to be improved to show all scenes available, or information edited, like all 19 sites having exactly 16 scenes or if the top menu on each site (100+ vids) needs to be edited. That's way too many questions to answer. I've always thought the content looks good, but I'd like to see some more definite numbers on quantity before joining it.

02-11-13  12:00pm

Replies (0)
Visit Bryci


A question

I hadn't ever seen this model or site until the review recently posted. Since I like, even usually prefer, solo models, it made me take notice.

On the TBP review in the notes over to the side it says, "Owner verifies that there are no restrictions on Europeans joining these sites." My question is, is this talking about with the download limit? It's not that I mind since I don't know if Europeans have slower internet connections or if the sites servers are maybe in Europe and that makes less/more stress on the servers. I'm mainly just trying to clarify that the restriction the note is talking about is on the download limit and there isn't some other restriction. I can work with 9 GB/day limit, so it doesn't bother me much and would give this network a try as long as I know there isn't other restrictions.

01-20-13  05:21pm

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