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Visit Wow Girls

Wow Girls

Am I Missing Something Here?

I maybe off the reservation on this one but here goes: I didn't really any research on this site before joining and now I'm left wondering why this place is getting such high scores. Usually I associate high scores with exclusive content but I've been a member here for a few days and I can pretty much say that as far as the hardcore content goes that this place is basically taking sets directly from the Teenmegaworld network and/or 18xgirls site. There may be a few a sets that are exclusive but most of it looks like the same material. They do change the names on some of the models between the sites but … you get my drift. The quality of some of the photo sets may be better here than on TMW but the videos appear to be about the same quality as the other sites.

I don't really get into solo content any more so I can't say how much of this is duplicated or not. Anyone happen to know on this?

If the content really is mostly duplicated then I guess I'd have to say that you should save a few bucks on the membership price and just join TMW or 18xgirls since they're cheaper.

01-28-20  10:48am

Replies (9)
Visit Babes Cartel

Babes Cartel

Quick Review

... and when I say "quick review" I really mean it here. The only pro's are that the photo sets come with zips (and they are OK to good sized); you can join for $5 on 3 day full access trial; and they bill through Epoch. Otherwise it's basically nonexclusive porn that's circled the net for years and needs to be carbon dated in order to find out when it was made. Nothing in HD really and most of the vids only come in clips. Navigation and search are OK at best and the model directory is random in it's ordering. You also get a prechecked cross sale.

The only reason I joined is because I'm long in the tooth and some of the photo sets I collected from like 8 - 12 years ago were of poor quality or just too small for my larger screen (they seemed good on my small crt monitor at the time). So, I spent a few hours just downloading zips of sets that I wanted to upgrade or rediscover and moved on. Sites like Twisty's have a lot of this old stuff but some of the material here is of better quality and all the pic sets here have zips. I made no attempt to download vids.

Basically, this site served it's limited purpose for me but I knew what I was getting into before hand. For anyone else, just save the $5 and move along. If I had to score it, I'd give it a 71 or so just for the amount of content that it has. End of story.

09-17-15  08:54pm

Replies (2)
Visit Twistys


Navigation Bites

I bit on the $10 per month offer and man am I regretting it. I haven't been here in a few years and boy have things changed (for the worse) under the new management.

Everything is now housed under the twistysnetwork portal. You can select a site and choose pics or vids or both to view. Sh*t immediately goes south after that. The page display only allows for 20 scenes. After that you can only advance 2 pages at a time (big problem with a site this large). Say you're on page 24 and you can click on a scene. After you're done you click the "back" button on your browser; PRESTO, you automatically get taken back to page one (a problem with a Flash driven sites with no internal site "back" and "forward" buttons). Now you get to keep on clicking two pages at a time to get back to the page you were on and repeat ad infinitum, ad nauseum. If you were screening under just pics or just vids it forgets that too. If you were on a particular subsite of Twistys sometimes it forgets that too.

Using the advanced navigation doesn't fix the problem and neither does switching browsers. The url specs in the browser only show that you're on a single page no matter what internal page you might be on so you can't manually override the "back to square one" problem either.

Postscript: The next day I finally figured a work around, you have to right click on a scene and open in a new tab (duh me). Still, why should I have to do this? It doesn't help that their regular search engine is crappola either. The inability to page jump on a site with so much content is still a pain.

12-16-14  07:13pm

Replies (3)
Visit Euro Teen Erotica

Euro Teen Erotica

No more unlimited free trial

Signed up for the freebie 2 day membership today and was greeted with the message upon login in that I was entitled to 3 downloads on day one and 5 downloads on day two. Thus, no more unlimited free access contrary to the stated PU/TBP info.

My guess is that the limited free trial now extends across the DDF network of sites but I can't vouch for that.

07-29-14  03:03pm

Replies (1)
Visit Boss Lesson

Boss Lesson

Recycled Content

Happened to see Maggie's review on this site today and hopefully this comment should clear up some questions she had about this site. The material from this site originated from the Robert-Rosenberg.com site that existed about 10 years ago and was originally part of the, now, Tainster network. So, don't ever expect to see any HD vids on this site (didn't exist back then) and don't expect it to ever really grow (it wasn't very big 10 years ago either). The original site at least had pics (tiny by todays standards) but I see they don't have any today. Basically, just another site trying to milk out a last dollop of cash by recycling old content.

05-01-14  12:53pm

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Visit Fame Digital

Fame Digital

Mini Review

Had a little free time last week so I hopped onto this one via the $3, 3 day full trial through TBP. I didn't spend a lot of time here and I think the recent reviews and comments pretty much cover it. Just a few notes of my own:

I made a mistake by failing to notice the "no zips" warnings regarding the photos. Major Bummer as this definitely hurts the site since they offer up to 500 pics on some sets. Most photo sets across the network have nothing of value because they only have 8 to 40 pics but there is no way of knowing how my photos are in a set until you click on the scene you want to see. The internet Stone Age applications continue if you actually go into see the pics (they are good sized at roughly 1200 x 2000) and click on the photo thumbnails. If you click on 6 thumbnails on a page and make the pics full size that means 12 or more back page clicks to navigate back to the previous page. You get the idea here, ignore the pics.

Vids are all over the board. If it has an update stamp before 2010/2011 then it's not worth viewing as it means the scene was probably shot a long time ago and is grainy even at 480x640 resolution. The "540p" or "web hd" is something different that comes up on some recent vids but I found it to only be marginally better than standard resolution (I've never seen a camera with "540p resolution" settings so they're just doing some compressing of an hd file or enlarging a standard vid). The most recent vids have HD (probably several hundred across the network) and all are pretty much professionally done.

There is a fair amount of overlap with most vids appearing on at least 2 sites. The updates are not indicative of when a scene was filmed, I saw some updates within the last year that feature girls who left porn a long time ago. Navigation involves a lot of clicking and really needs to be upgraded. Be aware that the porn star directory is not complete on some sites. Really the best way to get around is to go to an individual site and start cruising the dvd scenes using their search tags (unfortunately you can only search one tag / category at a time).

There is a wide variety of porn to suit just about anyones taste with about 16,000 vids in total, although I'd say only about 1000 scenes have hd standards. I like the look and feel of the Devil's Film, Daring Film and Low Art films as they seem to be offering up more than just standard shoots, actually some artistic thought and production went into the scenes they shoot.

Like I said, I didn't spend much time here and since I'm more of a pic guy the lack of zips pretty much dampened my mood right off. I'd probably score this site in the 82-85 range if I did a full on review.

10-16-13  09:34pm

Replies (2)
Visit Viv Thomas Video

Viv Thomas Video

Lots of recycled content?

Saw the new TBP review today and, being that I haven't seen this site in a few years after having a previous member, thought I'd take a quick gander at the preview pages. Uggghhh! The pic updates page showed nothing but content that's been circulating in the web ether for years. In fact I didn't see anything of interest that hasn't been on my hard drive for a long time. The videos looked a little fresher but that may just be because it was mostly solo and lez content which I don't pay as much attention to. Seems like Viv peaked and is riding out the game at this point. No subscription coming up from me.

05-20-13  11:35am

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Visit Euro Teen Erotica

Euro Teen Erotica

Disappointing Recent Content

I took a peek at this site yesterday and was pretty disappointed. Almost all of the hardcore updates since early 2012 are from teenmegaworld / 18xgirls producers (same girls and content). The few HC scenes that are DDF originals are just recycled content from years past. Some of the softcore pics since 2012 are exclusive though but there are very few of them.

Overall, it appears that DDF has decided to pretty much put all of their exclusive hardcore content on their handsonhardcore site and leave the other sites to fill other niches.

Overall, I would not recommend joining this site unless it was part of the overall network or unless you are brand new to DDF material.

05-02-13  12:08pm

Replies (2)
Visit DDF Network

DDF Network

2 Day Free Trial

Just saw this one today. All the DDF sites are having a 2 day full access trial for free (yes, you still need the credit card info to sign up). Gotta like the price for a network like this.

04-30-13  06:32pm

Replies (1)
Visit Sex And Grades

Sex And Grades

Not Exclusive Content

Just happened to see the new TBP review today and saw that the review noted exclusive content. Just by looking at the preview page I noted that all the models can be seen on Teenmegaworld, 18xgirls and related sites. Given the high cost / low quantity ratio on this site I'd say save yourself a few pesos and look elsewhere.

02-01-13  12:23pm

Replies (3)
Visit AT Kingdom Network

AT Kingdom Network

Nice Idea But the Price Ain't Worth It

I like the AT sites although I haven't joined them in years (I keep finding a way to put it off). I'm glad to see they decided to network all of their sites. However, it's priced at $99 a month. Really! Most of us don't have that kind of porn budget and even if I did I'd basically be forced to get a DL manager and a big ass external hard drive and just rip the whole damn thing in order to get the content. Way too expensive. Their marketing team needs to come up with a new model on this one.

02-28-12  12:44pm

Replies (1)
Visit My XXX Pass

My XXX Pass

Free Pass Short Review

Took advantage of the 1 day free pass just to check things out. Bottom line: worth the free pass but that's all.

First off, I'm grateful for the freebie opportunity but the offerings didn't get me going much. Most of the content is nonexclusive, especially the updates prior to this year. A few sites may be exclusive but the HC niche sites that are part of the network are mostly nonexclusive.

The pics are good sized (1000x1500) with zips but the number and content (pose shots vs. hardcore) vary widely by set. Some pic sets are professional, some are just screen caps.

There are very few HD vids, most are 600x480 at the top end. The HD vids I looked at are not true HD but, then again, most porn sites don't do true HD. TBP says some are true HD but I didn't download many so I can't say for sure. Download speeds were about average (300 to 400 kbs). You do have multiple stream and download options which is nice.

Navigation is just OK. Lots of clicking to get around and the model directory is really only searchable by letter of the models name. Can't search within the individual sites themselves. There are scene tags though and they seem pretty accurate. You can also search by scene tags.

Updates come at best about once every two weeks for each site on the network. Many sites have stopped updating or only have a few updates this year.

Quality varies from scene to scene depending on the original source. Some are dark and poorly shot, some are great. Lots of POV and oral here in the network so if you like that you might like this network.

I could say more but I only spent a few hours here. If I had done a full review I'd probably score it in the mid 70's.

11-29-11  04:45pm

Replies (0)
Visit Playboy.com


Too Little, Too Late

First, I'll note that I haven't joined this site. I just saw it listed as a new site on TBP and took a few minutes to tour around. I'm really only commenting on this place because for anyone over 30, Playboy still has a certain residual place in our "hearts" (insert body part of choice).

This is the site they should have done long ago. You get access to the PlayboyPlus sites that have been around for a while, plus at least some magazine/article content, and exclusive HD vids. It looks nice and professional. If they had done something like this years ago they might have had a chance at avoiding bankruptcy.

The problem I see is that they're too late. Without upgrading the quality and content of the PlayboyPlus sites, they're still behind the curve. Also, I don't see any emphasis on social media or fanboy participation beyond some chat sessions. Everything is still softcore and centered on whatever is left of the Playboy mystique. In other words, I don't see this effort resulting in them generating a new and younger audience. If I want softcore, Met-Art kicks their butt. If I want articles about the "sophisticated player" lifestyle I can find that at any number of other websites for free.

This platform also seems to undercut their other niches. It looks like you get access to Playboy radio, i-pad content and some Playboy tv stuff. I guess that makes sense from a consumer point of view but, again, when you're struggling financially with a shrinking brand does that end up shortening your longevity?

The only way I see them continuing on is if they take this website and really push it on other countries (unknown if this site is available in other languages).

Like I said in the title, I like what they've done but I'm not shelling out money for content that other sites do better and I don't care any more about the Playboy brand and keeping up with Hef and his fantasy lifestyle. I doubt many others do any more. If Playboy wants to exist beyond this decade, they need a paradigm shift. While this result is pretty to look at and has a bunch of content, I'd say this ain't it.

11-04-11  12:33pm

Replies (4)
Visit Teen Pink Videos

Teen Pink Videos

Cheap Trial Offer = No Access

This site advertises a $1, 2 day full access trial. I liked the site before so I thought I'd try it again. Wrong. Pay your dollar and go to website. Trying to access any page beyond the home page results in you being taken to their billing processor asking for an automatic upgrade ($1 for 3 days, $25 for the next 30). According to the terms and conditions you can't cancel soon enough to avoid the $25 upgrade charge so you're stuck paying for the full month. So, take this off your list of cheap places to check out for a few days.

10-04-11  12:14pm

Replies (3)
Visit Twistys


Not Unlimited Trial

After having been on porn hiatus for a while I logged in today and found Twisty's advertising a $1, 2 day full access trial. Alright I think to myself. Catch up on some of the stuff since I last joined. WRONG. After paying out and logging in you get this lovely little message: "As a trial member you get access to 3 Scenes & 3 Photo Sets hand picked by Twistys Staff". Frickin' yeah. Obviously, don't bother with the current trial offer here.

09-19-11  02:03pm

Replies (2)
Visit Lolly Hardcore

Lolly Hardcore

No Full Access Trial

I decided to give this site a shot for the trial since it also includes Teensexmania.com, BeautyAngels and a network of sites. Despite what TBP lists, the $1 - 2 day trial does not give you full access. You don't get access to the movies and you're not allowed to zip. You can download pics (one by one or with a DL manager I think) but that's about it.

Overall the content isn't bad and it's certainly exclusive but navigation sucks and if you like what you see you can can get reduced monthly membership through TBP on one of the other network sites. Just don't expect the cheapo trial to get you much.

04-04-11  02:20pm

Replies (5)
Visit Twistys


Trial Memberships and Pics

I usually venture back to Twisty's once a year or so to catch up on anything that I've missed when browsing other super sites. Doing my annual checkup I noticed a couple of things:

1. Twisty's has a great full access trial membership for two days for a few bucks (please don't yank this Shap, I dig it). However, it is a bit curious that your fees can vary depending on which entry site you use. I found two day trial prices varying from $3.88 to $2.95 to $1.00 (the one buck deal is through the AnetteDawn site). A little weird but I guess it pays off to poke (figuratively that is) around. Also, you get different billing processors (ccbill or epoch) depending which site you join through.

2. As I'm more of a pic guy and Twisty's has lots of pics I like the site. However, this time around I noticed that a lot of models in both the hardcore and softcore sets seem overly cropped in that you rarely see full body shots. I don't mind closeups and tight shots but especially when it comes to solo models I like to see the whole body more than I what I get here. Just a suggestion for future crop jobs there guys.

While I'm on the pic topic I also note that the photosets seem a bit small. Not many sites push the 30 to 100 images per set but, again, when it comes to solo models a lot of these sets feel like they've been cut short. I don't need thousands of pics but more in this case would be better.

02-17-11  05:50pm

Replies (0)
Visit Hot Legs and Feet

Hot Legs and Feet

Slow Download Speeds

I re-upped for another tour of duty here but I'm pretty frustrated at the download speeds. I have a broadband connection but it's still taking me 90 minutes to download a 800 mb video file. Tried downloading in different formats and different times of the day but the site be slow across the board right now. Get some more servers cooking here Deny.

01-24-11  03:47pm

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Visit Suze Randall

Suze Randall

Full Preview Available

I wish more sites would do this. You can now see all the pic and vid shoots available on this site so no more guessing about might or might not be there before whipping out your card.

12-29-10  02:26pm

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Visit Velvet Mag

Velvet Mag

Nonexclusive Content

Granted, the TBP folks look at a lot of porn sites and they don't collect porn like most of us do so they're not always on top of sites that make claims about exclusive content. However today's TBP review score of 81 is misplaced in my book. It is unfortunate when a review basically seems to read like something ripped from the site's marketing department: "All of the material on Velvet Mag is original. They shot it all and you won't find it anywhere other than the hard copies of their magazines." NOT! I joined this site (see my Swankpass review) last year and found it loaded with nonexclusive content. These magazine sites usually claim "exclusivity" on the fact that they may have had the original publication rights to these scenes but the stuff is so old and has been on so many web sites that it becomes meaningless. Looking at the very limited tour pages on this site today (bad sign) it looks like mostly old stuff to me, same as last year. At $20 a month, you'd get more enjoyment out of buying the "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" collectors set DVD than this place.

05-31-10  11:39am

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Visit 1 By Day

1 By Day

$7 Full Access Trial

I was just surfing through some stuff at TBP and noticed that this site has a $7, 2 day full access trial (the 2 day trial is $10 for the full 10 site DDF network). In fact all the individual DDF sites seem to be running this trial. If you've been to this site before and don't need or want everything, then this should give you ample time to fire up your DL manager and grab what you want. It might be a bit much to grab the whole site over 2 days but there you go ... and know you know.

05-19-10  12:32pm

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Visit Club Sandy

Club Sandy

Needs Some Work

As I slowly work my way through the 21st Sextury sites this one left me feeling somewhat disappointed. Last time I was here (probably 4 years ago) I thought the models were great and there was a good mix of hard/softcore going on. This time around things seem to have slipped in my book.

First, they keep insisting on using the split sets making grabbing them and getting a single vid out of it a pain. Second, WTF is up with the microscopic thumbnails in the photo galleries? They say that rubbing the stump can lead to vision impairment but I don't think I need an electron microscope to get around in the everyday world. Third, slow download speeds: I'm rarely cracking 100kbs on this site. Fourth, the models seem to have slipped. Still some prime booty but more average booty seems to be making it's way into their trunk with too much junk. Fifth, like a lot of the network sites, the tags on the scenes make the search engine pointless. On other sites its doable, here with over 1300 scenes its a pain in the ass. Sixth, some of the navigation tools (like the page jumps) don't work or don't work well. Seventh, some vids just won't download properly (only a few I've found so far but still annoying).

Time to tighten up and clean up the ship on this site. If this were a review I'd only give Sandy a low 80's score on this site. Sorry babe.

05-13-10  02:18pm

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Visit Cuties Galore

Cuties Galore

What Denner Wants, Denner Gets ....

Denner posted a previous comment asking what this site was like and, like "The Dude", I abide and oblige. This really doesn't merit a full review since it's a growing site on the 21st Sextury network and the TBP review pretty much lays out the site technical specs.

Currently, there are 105 scenes available. All have the standard one size fits all pic sizes of 1280x850. The vids are mixed. Some max out at 1900x1080 while most only go 1280x850. New or old, it's all over the board. Same with streams, some have options while others are one bandwidth fits all. There is no music in any of the vids I looked at and no camera dudes groping the models.

If you like the girls on Lezcuties then you'll like this site because a lot of the girls who appear there show up here. Only here its all solo work with almost every scene involving dildo play. I can count on one hand (I know that shocks some people) the number of scenes not involving toys.

The production is all high quality and not a lot of these girls appear outside of this network from what I can tell but then I don't track many of the softcore girls that much. The girls all pretty cute, mostly thin and fall into the teenager and early 20's age range.

To the extent this is a solo site it varies from the usual network options. I wouldn't recommend joining the network just to get this site; I do recommend joining the network though. If you like the overall network content then you'll probably like this stuff too. If I were reviewing it I'd score it in the low 80's without considering the network as a whole.

04-27-10  05:46pm

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Visit Paul Markham Teens

Paul Markham Teens

All Recyled Content

It has been a while since I was a member here and I lost the dvd I had of some of the downloaded vids so I thought I might go back and update my collection. Now I'm not so sure.

I'm glad this site lets you glance over the model directories and updates because everything here seems to be recycled. The most recent updates are shoots from years ago. The model directory has Silvia Saint listed as age 23, Nella and Anetta Keyes as teenagers and that's just the start. From my look, I can't say there is any new content and the content that is here is years old. Old content is just being put up or recycled through the site as new updates.

If you're a newbie and like attractive younger girls then this site is probably worth a trial because it's so inexpensive. However, if you've been a member before I would probably advise you to stay away.

03-31-10  02:33pm

Replies (1)
Visit Blue Angel Live

Blue Angel Live

Why is this a network site?

Don't get me wrong, Blue Angel is a hot little Euro minx who does it all. It's just that I don't get why this is a separate site on the 21sextury network.

First, there is zero background info about Blue Angel: no bio, no blog, no web cams or live events, no interaction with her at all. It's just a collection of postings about her and the majority of these are just behind the scenes shoots and videos of her hanging with friends or doing normal stuff. There are only 6 b/g scenes with her and most of the rest are solo poses, lesbian and group girl scenes. This isn't bad considering there are 60 scenes overall but she also appears in other network sites and some of the content here is just a different shoot from another network scene.

With Sandy, of ClubSandy fame, having retired (and apparently unretired now) and Sophie Moone no longer updating I can see why 21sextury might want another flagship girl to build a site around. However, given how limited the interaction is there is really no connection to be made between the subscriber and Blue Angel. She's nice to look at but that's where it ends. If they aren't going to do more for her site then I would say it would have been better just to mix her content into the other existing sites more.

03-25-10  03:40pm

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