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Visit Naughty Athletics

Naughty Athletics

Now They're Just Messing With Me, Right?

Once again we are presented with another "athletes" since, this time from our friends at Naughty America. I'm not sure why I get all excited when I see these sites on TBP's new site list since in most cases they are just dressing up all the same pornstars from their other sites. And like I should have known, this one fits that same bill.

Maybe I have to admit to myself that this is what the vast majority of the porn watchers want: Pornstars dressed up in theme costumes, completely unrealistic situations, and the same kind of sex every update. And do most of the porn watchers also like the same thing time and again? I don't include the other members here since anything creative would be of at least casual interest, but outside of PU I am beginning to think no one really gives a crap...and that's their right.

So, off I go to another day of watching for something different, creative, and damn hot! If you see anything like that, please let me know. ;)

10-05-07  01:00pm

Replies (4)
Visit Naughty Bookworms

Naughty Bookworms

Is There Any Point?

I'm a big fan of "nerdy girls", so it stands to reason that I've kept my eye on this site. However, it seems pretty obvious from the tour that none of these girls are real nerds and are just your usual up and coming (no pun intended) young pornstars with glasses put on their face by the director. I'm pretty sure I'm fooling myself if I think otherwise, but figured I'd put that out there and see if anyone has experience with this site. A guy can be optimistic, right? ;)

05-10-07  01:12pm

Replies (5)
Visit Naughty Flipside

Naughty Flipside

For Better or For Worse?

I have to admit that when I first saw this site introduced today on TBP, I was pissed. Once again we have a site from Naughty America categorized as amateur girls that upon the quickest inspection clearly features pornstars. You easily recognize the names on the tour and I wasn't very open to this one. However, the more I thought about it the more I realized that maybe it's not so bad and my prior view of NA was getting in the way.

The byline on the site's main page is "a sharp fucking contrast to reality" which upon first inspection compelled me to react with a hearty, "Yeah right!" My cynical response aside, it really does appear that NA is trying to do something creative here. My biggest criticism of their network was a lack of creativity more than it was about a lack of amateurs, so I'm certainly willing to give this one the benefit of the doubt and maybe it is worth a try for those looking for something a little different from a familiar source.

So, in trying to be a little more about the end of a Jerry Springer episode than an Afterschool Special, perhaps the lesson here is to be open to new kinds of porn, especially those featuring an "alt" feel. As with all kinds of alternative media, eventually those go mainstream and aren't really alternative at all. We're seeing that in the world of alt porn and that may end up sucking, but for better or for worse I still liked "alternative mainstream" and perhaps I will like this stuff too.

06-26-07  11:47am

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Visit Naughty Nerd

Naughty Nerd

But Is She Really Nerdy?

I'm definitely a fan of girls that are "real" and especially those that might be described as a tomboy or even nerdy. Such has been done rarely in my experience, although they do exist. So, when I come across a site called Naughty Nerd and it's not a guy living in his mom's basement I was definitely intrigued and have been keeping an eye on it.

Unfortunately, nothing about the site's preview pages (which are very brief) indicate that there's been any activity in quite some time. The TBP review was done back in '05 so the site has been operational for awhile, but strangely enough she's still 18 (actually, almost 19)! I've certainly seen worse where the site has been active for years and the model's age never seems to change, but it's enough to make me suspicious.

So, if anyone has been a member or if the naughty nerd herself is here I'd love to hear from you. I suspect the site is running as a ghost, but I'd like to be proven wrong on this one! And as one final comment, has anyone ever visited a nerd site and not seen at least one picture with the girl in glasses? Me neither.

04-13-07  07:07pm

Replies (1)
Visit Nerdpr0n


All We Need Is A Few Good Nerdy Girls!

I did a review of Anna's site back in February and am very glad to see it get a little more attention in the form of a TBP follow up review. I gave it a higher score than they did, mostly because it's a one of a kind site in a genre that I wish was a whole lot bigger!

As a big fan of solo girl sites, it seems like so many are carbon copies of each other with no more personality or look to them than the next one. I know most people just want their big boobs or a giant ass, but a girl with a brain can be a very sexy thing too.

Now, don't get me wrong, I still like those other "organs" as well and actually wish Anna's site had more hardcore content, but for a site as unique as this I'll take what I can get. I just hope exposure like this leads to more girls displaying some creativity on their sites rather than just going for the same old stuff on a different day.

07-09-07  07:49pm

Replies (2)
Visit Nikky Cassidy

Nikky Cassidy

Geography Lessons

I was checking out this site today after it was given an express review on TBP. It's not really my taste, but these days I check out any site reviewed on TBP, especially solo model sites. What interested me was yet again how this site was categorized and if the folks at TBP who classify them take a moment to think about their choices.

Now, there are always mitigating circumstances and this instance is no different. The folks at TBP and PU work very hard with a very small budget and can only do so much, but the last time I checked Montreal was in North America, not Europe. So, how then is it that this site is designated as "European Girls"? Granted, Montreal has much more in common with those "across the pond" than others in North America. However, is 9th grade forgotten so quickly?

It's not my agenda to point out every failing of these sites since I am a really big fan of both, but I do like to keep folks at TBP and PU on their toes. Yeah, they probably get a little peeved at my mentioning very minor oversights that don't seem to mean much in the grand scheme of things. Yet, for a site like this to truly become great it is the little things that count.

Just think of me as the VERY UN-official Ombudsman for Porn Users. ;)

07-29-07  10:02am

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Visit Ox Pass

Ox Pass

Casting Calls

I've been reviewing the sites from OX Pass, also known as the Bang Brothers network, and I haven't been impressed with very many of the sites. However, after taking a look at the new "casting" section of the network I have found a bit of a gem. It's possible that lots of other networks have casting sections like this one, so please indulge me if that's true. I've seen others before, but none of them as interesting as this one.

I think what I like the most about the casting calls is that they aren't full of the BS that often occurs during the scenes they end up shooting for the network. In fact, I found that one of the scenes I have seen was totally a lie since in the casting call one girl mentioned how much she dislikes cumshots and prefers girls. The camera guy talked her into doing a scene for Tugjobs where she'd only have to jerk a guy off. Then, in the scene she eventually filmed, it shows her begging for the guy to cum on her since she loves it so much!

Now, some of you are undoubtedly saying, who cares? You do have a point and I will not rant on it anymore. I will say however, that I found the scenes with the girls from the casting call to be more interesting after getting to hear about them. Maybe that makes me a total sap, but so be it! Giant boobs or a great ass makes up a lot of what's sexy, but if the girl is a total jackass or isn't into her scenes I don't really care to watch in the first place.

So, if you have you OX Pass, check out the casting section!

07-02-07  12:40pm

Replies (4)
Visit Ox Pass

Ox Pass

Am I Missing Something Here?

I just joined up with Ox Pass and although I've found some downsides I'd say overall that I'm pretty happy. However, I did want to ask about the search function and options for finding and sorting the performers.

First, although I have typed in certain names into the search function, I have found girls that didn't appear in the search that I did find when browsing each site. Additionally, when I try to sort the girls using the alphabetical function, there are some that don't show up either. Is this a know issue?

Second, you can bring up a description of a girl from the cast list that includes attributes like hair color, weight, and breast size. I haven't found a way to search for these attributes, but figure there would have to be one since, otherwise, what's the point of having them listed? I tend to like bigger girls and would like to sort them by "averaqe" or "heavy" since, unlike Sir Mix A Lot, I don't like girls with "big butts" to have "itty bitty waists". ;)

If anyone can offer any insight here I'd appreciate it.

06-22-07  12:16pm

Replies (0)
Visit PlayToy Princess

PlayToy Princess

Are They Even Trying?

I was just answering the latest poll question about tours and it was difficult to quantify how a tour should be setup. After checking this site's tour however, I can sure tell how one shouldn't be done. The first tour page hardly displays anything and once you figure out how to get to the next one, the sample pics that are labelled "large" are indeed large, but only by the standards of about 10 years ago! If that's their idea of a large pic and one worthy of adding to the tour, I'm pretty sure I'm going to pass even before I see the price tag.

01-10-08  10:38am

Replies (1)
Visit Raunchy Raven

Raunchy Raven

Quoth The Raven, "Any Good?"

I am always on the lookout for any sites, especially those featuring an individual girl, that have short haired stars. Since most guys prefer long hair (so it would seem) most girls who do porn keep their hair long either for that reason alone or because they prefer it themselves. So, any time I get even a hint of a short haired girl I get extremely curious.

Such is my dilemma with this site. The girl appears to be a true amateur and to have short hair, but there are some things that give me pause. First, this site is available on Chick Pass which comes with an almost unbelievable number of sites and dozens of solo bonus sites. In fact, it comes with 67 of them!

I can't speak for others, but while I think most would agree many networks can offer too little I think they can also offer too much. With 67 sites, is any one of them of really high quality? Did the webmasters or webmistresses go for quantity over quality? I'm always more than a bit suspicious, hence my comment.

Some may say, "Dude, it's under $3. What's the deal dude?" Well, I'd just really like to get any opinions on particular sites or the entire Chick Pass network since I rarely join a site not knowing anything about it. And, in addition, it let's me once again get it out there that I love short haired chicks and if anyone comes across a good site I hope they'll let me know about it! ;)

Seriously though, any opinions on either the component sites or the network they're on would be greatly appreciated!

04-09-07  11:20am

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Visit Reel Pass

Reel Pass

Amateurs? Really? Are You Sure?

I apologize if my tone sounds overly accusatory, but I've been very mindful of the categorizations being used by TBP and PU and especially their definition of amateur content. I can't think it's easy finding a concise set of descriptions that allow them to be consistent and make it easy to find similar types of material. I just wanted to preface my complaint with that statement since the folks here have done more to classify sites than any other wbsite I've ever visited.

That said, in what way can this network be classified as amateur? The tour page shows a number of established pornstars and each site has a very glamour feel. One is described as featuring "porn newcomers" and and I suppose that could qualify as amateur, but all the sites feature performers that have names like "Melissa Milano" and "Tira Banks" which don't sound like amateurs.

I give the folks here all the credit in the world for doing a spectacular job and I feel conflicted about pointing out a detail that in the big picture is pretty damn minor. One of my recent rants even focused on the fact that many sites which claim to be amateur are really not, so finding the "real" ones isn't an easy job. All I can say is that this network didn't seem to come even close to being classified as amateur and I wonder if there's something I'm just not seeing. If so, please let me know what it is!

06-20-07  06:21pm

Replies (4)
Visit Regan Reese

Regan Reese

Looking for Interaction

I was excited when I saw this site go up a week or so ago since I am always looking for girls' individual sites that have short hair (if you happen to know any PLEASE let me know!). So, I emailed Regan (her email is provided on the site) and really hoped to hear back, but it's been over a week and nothing. :( Hopefully it's just an oversight and/or she'll still write me back, but it's not a good first sign about a strong level of interaction. She looks pretty hot though! :)

02-24-07  02:08pm

Replies (10)
Visit Seska


Business, Pleasure, or Both?

I did a review of CarolCox.com yesterday and while I was there I checked out some of the girls who she has scenes with and more than a few have their own websites. This one caught my eye in particular and today I visited her site to take her tour. Like Carol, Seska has been operating her site for about a decade, making her among the original amateurs of the web. However, she appears to be more than just another pretty face.

Besides having her own personal website where she entertains her fans by having sex on camera with her boyfriend and numerous girlfriends, Seska operates a couples site, maintains a sex advice column, performs burlesque shows, writes sex stories, is a member of the Coalition for the Rights of Sex Workers, runs workshops on business plans for sex workers, and has climbed Mt. Everest three times!

Ok, that last one isn't true, but I think I've established that she's very active in the world of online porn and on top of all that she is a damn sexy woman. At this point you might wonder if she's paying me to say all this, but she's not. I just think she's hot and is now at the top of my list for sites I want to join. For me, there's nothing sexier than a woman with a brain that matches the level of her body.

The other good thing about her site: It's just $16.95 for a month which is a good deal if the inside matches the cover, but we all know that sometimes it really doesn't. If anyone is a member and already has some insight, I'd love to hear from you.

04-20-07  07:42pm

Replies (2)
Visit Sexy Olympics

Sexy Olympics

Getting Closer?

Anyone who's read my reviews knows that I'm always on the lookout for sites that feature "well trained" girls, which has a number of conotations! I'm never looking for full hardbodied muscle heads, but a well toned girl or two would nice rather than the "Oh, I'm a stupid girl who wants you to use me."

So, as you might imagine this site caught my eye. From the tour it does appear that they have material on a number of different sports and while many of the sample photos I saw seemed to merely have a typical porn girl dressed tp look like an athlete, I also saw some intriguing samples as well.

All if this is part of my neverending quest to find the perfect porn site and I must confess that such a site doesn't exist. Heck, I'm not even sure I know what that site would be like since I'm looking for a number of niches to intersect.

The search will continue I suppose, but if anyone finds this site appealing too please drop me a response, especially if you have joined the site or something similar. I'm looking for real women who like to take their clothes off and not just blonde teens without a brain. That shouldn't be hard to find, right? ;)

09-27-07  07:06pm

Replies (3)
Visit She Muscle

She Muscle

Higher Prices, Higher Return?

I have been going back and forth about joining this site since the fitness content has been very interesting to me for awhile now. However, the $20 monthly price always seemed a bit high for a site with only softcore and a limited number of videos. I was finally going to bite the bullet and give it a try, but they've upped the prices at every level. It's now $24.95 for recurring monthly, $29.95 for non-recurring monthly, and $54.95 for 3 months, non-recurring.

What I'd really like is to hear from any former or current members about its value since all I can judge is the free portion of the site. Many of the models look absolutely gorgeous and unlike the waif girls all too prevalent in porn, but most sets appear to be set in hotel rooms and have an amateur feel. So, unless I get some other opinions on this site it's probably going to stay on the back burner for me, which is a shame.

04-01-07  04:50pm

Replies (2)
Visit Sport Babes

Sport Babes

Athletes? And Kate Moss is Curvaceous!

Before I even get to criticizing the content of this site, can I say how completely lame the tour is? The pictures are tiny and if you click anywhere other that the "Continue Tour" link it takes you directly to the billing page. No full size samples, no clear sense of what's inside.

As for the content, are you really trying to tell me that the girl on tour page number 2 actually plays hockey? If you asked her what the blue line was, how much would you place on her replying correctly? I think I'd bet the farm, literally, on her having not a clue and perhaps wondering if that's the company that provides her health insurance.

I don't know if I am the only one, but I'd like to see some pictures of actual athletes because my tastes aren't limited to razor thin models wearing costumes rather than actual uniforms. I don't know what it's going to take for that to become a reality, but I feel fairly certain this isn't that site.

08-14-07  08:14pm

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Visit The Hardcore Network

The Hardcore Network

How Many Sites?

I was about to give this network a look, but just noticed that while the TBP page for the individual sites make mention of getting 18 sites with your membership, the TBP page for the network only mentions 5. I thought it might be that the network is only the smaller number of sites and that the others are just owned by the same company, but when going through the tour it mentions all 18. Any idea what's the deal here? I also checked some of the individual site names in the database and they don't come up, which seems odd since the network was given an express review. Am I missing something?

01-05-08  08:23pm

Replies (5)
Visit Twilight Women

Twilight Women

And Now For Something a Little Different

I've been told by some members here that they enjoy my comments on "out of the way" sites, which I very much appreciate. I've also heard from a member or two that says my comments are lame, which I accept too, but for those in the first category I offer my latest "find".

This site came to my attention through a porn blog where the people behind it were interviewed. The focus is lesbian content with an amteur feel, but there were two primary elements they wanted to incorporate that were diferent from most mainstream sites: character development and drama.

Now, some of you probably couldn't care less about such things and even I'll admit that such things can be tedious if done the wrong way. However, this one intrigues me despite the high price tag because if it delivers what it promises it may be well worth it. It claims to have hours of footage that's not exclusive, but certainly isn't anything I've encountered before. Just the section of links was interesting in offering some more offbeat sites.

Of course my new discovery coincides with just having shelled out my entire porn budget for the month on a site I ended up not liking, but this may very well be my next stop when my funds have been replenished. Again, it's not cheap ($30 a month), so I'm understandably cautious. If anyone has any experience with this site or any of the content they advertise, please drop a line and tell us about it.

And to those I annoy, I'm done now. Your patience is appreciated. :)

06-05-07  11:33am

Replies (4)
Visit Ultimate Surrender

Ultimate Surrender

Is The Payoff As Good As The Setup?

I've know about this site for a few months now and there are a number of elements that intrigue me. However, I keep holding off on joining and I'm not exactly sure why. It's one of a handful of sites I've found that seems to feature a number of girls with short hair (a HUGE fetish of mine) and strap on sex is very high on my list of pluses, but at the same time I wonder how much the girls get into the wrestling and competitive aspect. I'm not a fan of the WWE and would probably prefer a light bondage theme more since I'm not into hardcore BDSM either.

I think that the authenticity of the site would really be a deciding factor though and even if only some of these girls come out fighting it's probably worth joining. The site is run by Kink.com which operates a number of sites, so if you got full network access I probably would have forked over the cash a long time ago but the single site access leaves me on the fence.

I will say that I watched a 2+ minute clip on the tour page of the site and I was definitely "encouraged". I like tough chicks that could be called "tomboys" by some, but sites with kick ass chicks usually tend towards the bodybuilder types which can often go too far for me. I like a fit girl who knows what she wants and goes out to get it. Actually, I like women big or small with my only real requirement being that I can't see every part of her rib cage.

So, if anyone has anything to add I'd be a happy dude. If I join I'll most certainly add a review!

03-30-07  10:27pm

Replies (6)
Visit Wife Switch

Wife Switch

Reality Rant

I don't mean to single out this site more than any other, but am I the only one who is tired of porn sites claiming that, unlike all the others, their reality site is actually real? They all sell it well at the beginning by saying, "We were tired of all those fake sites ourselves, so we decided to make something different." Then, when you head into the tour pages you immediately notice that the supposed "wife" in one of the episodes is a known pornstar!

It's possible no one else expects much integrity from a porn site and is very happy to just be provided with naked people having fun with their private parts, but I find this less than honest when presenting something where you have people paying money to view your product. Case in point: On the main page for this site we have two wives, one named Gianna, who just happens to be Gianna Michaels, pornstar extraordinaire! Maybe I'd let it slide if it was her actual husband, but from what I can tell she isn't even married!

Anyway, I'm probably making too much of this, but when you read, "Wintess Real Couples Try Swapping For The First Time!" you usually figure there's at least a small chance you'll witness real couples try swapping for the first time. Or is it just me? ;)

04-18-07  07:45pm

Replies (6)
Visit Wild Rose Network

Wild Rose Network

Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts?

Last week I commented on a site that was part of a larger network and openly speculated as to whether a network that offered dozens of sites could truly have quality throughout. I've since joined one where I would easily answer, "No." and am now contemplating joining this one, the Wild Rose Network.

It bills itself as the only real amateur network where you get access to all the company's sites and most do appear to be interesting solo girl sites, but again I wonder if you can have too many sites on a network before the number gets too high and little attention is paid to making every site a good one. Certainly some go defunct for reasons other than being terrible, so I doubt any network is good across the board.

So, again I'm about to jump into the deep end of the pool not knowing what to expect and perhaps I'll be the first one here giving it a go. However, I always like to hear from anyone who has visited any of the sites. I am most excited about one in particular, JoyofSpex.com, but am trying not to get my hopes up. I spend a lot of time (much more than I should) looking for obscure sites, so I'm really looking for a good one here and the other network sites will just be a bonus if that one site is any good.

04-15-07  06:20pm

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