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Type Site - Score Feedback / Review Date
N/A Reply of Pinche Kankun's Poll

I usually read my comments right away, so that's plenty of time to edit any mistakes. However, I think it could be a bit longer than 10 minutes.

02-09-08  07:30pm

N/A Reply of asmith12's Poll

I have only occasionally ever heard of a girl liking it and none I've ever dated, but those who do really get off on it which I can't really understand. I always figured it was something that sounds good in the heat of the moment, but later doesn't seem like the best idea.

02-09-08  07:29pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Whether it's an artistic choice or a blurred out amateur, it just doesn't do it for me. I can't stand sites that allow blurred out faces especially...it just doesn't do a damn thing for me, no matter how hot the body is. I understand it can be a turn on to post pictures of yourself or your significant other without revealing your identity, but from the viewer side of things I don't really care to see it.

02-09-08  07:25pm

N/A Reply of Goldfish's Poll

I am a short hair fetishist through and through! I'm always looking for sites with short haired girls, so if anyone has some to share please do!

02-09-08  07:22pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Reply

I must admit that I search for scenes where she's bald...know any? ;) I just think it makes her look damn sexy.

02-09-08  07:20pm

Visit Housewife Kelly

Housewife Kelly

Impressive Tour Area

When I hit a website's tour I'm not looking for a handout, but I do think there should be a sufficient amount of content and detail available. Too often I've hot a site and the video preview lasts about 5 seconds. They couldn't spare one video? Well, this site offers a couple minutes of video and a nice amount of detail on the updates. That's more common for large network sites, but I found it refreshing for an amateir site like this one.

01-28-08  08:54pm

Replies (1)
N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

I don't care for dirt or sand either, but mine is actually girls that are totally drenched with water. Not sexy to me at all.

Witch hats? ;)

01-28-08  08:44pm

N/A Reply of Toadsith's Poll

I usually organize my stuff by website, but will often move certain content into themes like "short haired girls" or "pleasantly plump". Of course, that's when I organize it at all. :)

01-28-08  08:41pm

Visit All Over 30

All Over 30
Reply of RagingBuddhist's Reply

Thanks for the info! ;)

01-28-08  08:39pm

Visit Naughty At Home

Naughty At Home
Reply of Goldfish's Reply

That would certainly address many of the site's shortcomings and I don't know if it would ever happen, but I definitely think the site price is too high for what you get in return.

01-28-08  08:39pm

Visit Jen Madison.com

Jen Madison.com
Reply of jeffaz's Reply

I agree with you about sites that only offer cam stills, but to be fair to Jen's site my review is nearly a year old. I know she had some recent pictures up at Freeones which were definitely not cam stills. I'd do a search for her at Ask Jolene or other site that archives sample sets to see what the quality of her pics are now.

01-28-08  08:37pm

N/A Reply of Vegas Ken's Poll

In the past it's been paysites, but with my recent lack of funding sources for my porn, it's often a trip to a site like Free Ones for me. Even though the clips are usually pretty short, I somehow muddle through. :)

01-22-08  01:44pm

N/A Reply of jd1961's Poll

As Drooler put it in the first response, amateur doesn't mean you don't get paid, it just means it isn't your job. Models who get naked and/or have sex for money usually become jaded after awhile and that enthusiasm is often gone except for the best out there. I like amateurs for the fresh face and the part time job...because imagining what they do with the rest of their time can be a definite turn on. ;)

01-22-08  01:43pm

N/A Reply of apoctom's Poll

I've been signed up from day 1 and have always used the Amazon option, just because of their wide range of items available. I rarely if ever have trouble finding things I need, not just things I want, at Amazon.

01-22-08  01:40pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

While blurry images will always get thrown in the recycle bin, I chose unappealing poses. There are just some things I don't want or need to see like in depth gyno shots, so I'll delete them even from sets I otherwise like.

01-22-08  01:39pm

N/A Reply of nygiants03's Poll

I like the rough stuff now and again, but who says deepthroating has to be rough? I've seen plenty do it nice and gentle. Well, mostly. ;)

01-22-08  01:10pm

Visit 44 JJJ Kim

44 JJJ Kim

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -The site includes 90 picture sets with more than 3,000 pics overall that span a number of years, looks, and fetishes, including some sets with other girls.
-You also get 16 videos, varying in length, averaging about 8 to 10 minutes each of boy/girl hardcore, masturbation, and girl/girl.
-Access to the Camz network is included with membership which I have enjoyed while a member of other sites with some other miscellaneous bonus content.
-You get access to the two dozen sites on the Naughty BBW network, featuring both individual models and niche sites, for under $25 a month.
Cons: -None of the video or picture sets feature dates, so you have no idea how long it's been since the site was updated.
-The quality of the pic sets is mediocre at best with the few videos nearly unwatchable, averaging 500kbps or less.
-Other than a link to her myspace page which shows a recent login, there's no evidence Kim has much of a presence on the site.
-Actually, there is an update schedule, but it includes uploads from all of the sites on the associated network which initially seems helpful, but after awhile seemed like a way to make each site seem bigger.
Bottom Line: This site is another I got access to when I signed up for the Naughty BBW network and after the first site I reviewed I wasn't holding out a lot of hope for the quality of this one. You do get some nice bonuses like access to the Camz network and there are more than a few pictures on this site to look through. However, with low quality across the board and the noticable lack of any interaction with Kim, only the most dedicated huge boob lovers will have much reason to check it out.

As mentioned above, your membership includes access to the Naughty BBW network and the price of the site should definitely be based only on the multi-access since alone this site doesn't come even close to being worth the $25 monthly charge. The navigation is simple, but only because of the lack of content and if the site wants to attract new members a redesign would be required.

The pictures and videos are ok if you don't mind the amateur feel that was average about 3 or 4 years ago. That isn't to say you won't find anything here since Kim definitely likes to show off and her boobs are huge, but the bonus sets featuring other girls are often more interesting and easier on the eyes due to the poor quality.

In the end, unless I ultimately find that the Naughty BBW network as a whole is greater than the sum of its parts, I'm not likely to recommend this site to anyone and if I did it would only be as an add on. Some new sets and interaction from Kim could save this site, but skip it for now.

01-14-08  12:49pm

Replies (0)
Visit Cyanide Dolls

Cyanide Dolls

At Last, "Real" Goth Girls?

I am a self professed lover of the so-called "alt" girls, who often defy the normal conceptions of beauty. And as porn girls go, an alt girl never has fake tits or anything to hide. My only criticism of the genre however has been that most of the performers in the alt universe are very skinny. This has been long true of goths who don't take their clothes off for others to see so I can't complain, but I'm always on the lookout for some young but shapely alt girls. Accordig to what I've seen so far, they aren't merely focued on girls with ample meat on their bones, instead welcoming girls of every shape and size. If that's true, this might be another geeky/alt experience that I'll come to enjoy and I may do a review before very long. If anyone has been a member here, I'd love to hear more!

01-12-08  07:29pm

Replies (0)
N/A Reply of surferman's Poll

When the acting is awful the dirty talk isn't at all erotic...that's why the best performers are the ones who really want it and mean what they say. I don't have time for the ones that are just acting and phone it in...problem is there are obviously a lot of guys out there who prefer blonde bimbos with fake tits. If we had more real women out there in porn we'd be a lot better off.

01-12-08  07:09pm

Visit PlayToy Princess

PlayToy Princess

Are They Even Trying?

I was just answering the latest poll question about tours and it was difficult to quantify how a tour should be setup. After checking this site's tour however, I can sure tell how one shouldn't be done. The first tour page hardly displays anything and once you figure out how to get to the next one, the sample pics that are labelled "large" are indeed large, but only by the standards of about 10 years ago! If that's their idea of a large pic and one worthy of adding to the tour, I'm pretty sure I'm going to pass even before I see the price tag.

01-10-08  10:38am

Replies (1)
N/A Reply of Vegas Ken's Poll

It's definitely a mix of the reasons stated, but there also has to be a certain quality to the tour that makes you feel like they've put some effort into it. I've joined sites with great tours and lousy member pages as well terrible tours with decent enough content, so I don't think it can be reduced to a simple formula. Some are too long or too short, some are too stocked with bells and whistles while others give you just the basics. So, it's always a "just right" formula that I'm looking for taht can't easily be quantified.

01-10-08  10:31am

Visit 1 By Day

1 By Day

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -The site offers a staggering amount of options for watching videos and viewing picture sets and is one of the few sites I've visited that equally serves its videophiles and picture lovers.
-The videos on the site are available for download in numerous formats (WMV, MPEG, AVI, MOV) and at various resolutions, reaching as high 4 mbps in the case of newer clips.
-Picture sets are very high resolution (as high as 1300x2000 pixels for recent shoots) and viewing the sets couldn't be easier with options for resizing and downloading the sets as zip files right at your fingertips.
-Members can search for content in countless ways, including by model name, physical atrributes like hair color and breast size, location of the shoot, and fetish attire.
-Updates come often, with two per day, along with a countdown clock letting you know exactly how long you'll have to wait.
Cons: -If you don't absolutely love glamour porn stars or would want at least some amateurs mixed in with them, this is definitely not the site for you.
-While the high resolution of the videos is about the best I've ever seen, I have to agree with others who have criticized the camera work, which is shaky and jittery in nearly every clip I watched.
-As you might expect, the quality is lower at the beginning of the sites archive that goes back to 2001, although the sheer size of it mitigates that considerably.
-As a lover of girls with short hair, I was pleased that the profile of each girl included her hair length, but was disappointed to find that it wasn't aming the selectable attributes on the categories page.
-Although high speed connections have made downloading large files easier, I think it would be beneficial to offer the newer videos in smaller segments, especially for streaming.
Bottom Line: I recently read a review of this site which contained as many replies to a review as I had ever seen and ignited a bit of controversy. Both the reviewer and the webmaster seemed to have valid points, but I knew that I wouldn't have a clear idea of what I would find without seeing for myself. In the end, I do think the majority of the site's reviews offer justifiably high scores, I do think there are a couple of significant cons to the site worthy of note.

The site is full of features for viewing vids and pics, offering the former in numerous file formats for downloading (WMV, MOV, AVI, and MPEG) and Flash for streaming as well as resolutions up to 1300x2000 pixels for the latter. When previewing content you can set how many thumbs appear per page, what size they are, and can even download entire picture sets in a zip file with ease. I found most of these options very effective, but controls for the picture slideshow could be cleared and I would like to have seen recent vids downloadable in segments.

In the end my criticisms of the site were in two main areas. First, all the girls are glam pornstars and anyone who loves amateurs should steer clear, but that's strictly a matter of taste and not a reason to deduct points. The second area is an aspect mentioned in several reviews, namely the camera work, which I found hard to watch. However, ultimately I do think it's definitely worth a month's membership to see what you think since many have thoroughly enjoyed the site.

01-09-08  12:42pm

Replies (0)
N/A Reply of Vegas Ken's Poll

I'm not a huge photo guy, so I'm mostly looking for a size I can view easily in browser. This also works out in my favor in terms of storage space since the larger sizes break my budget in portable hard drives. ;)

01-08-08  06:31pm

N/A Reply of asmith12's Poll

I love to watch the clothes come off, so I like fully clothed to start and buck naked by the end. It may sound overly simple, but it works for me.

01-08-08  06:28pm

N/A Reply of nygiants03's Poll

Sometimes I question whether the money I have spent on porn could have been better used elsewhere, but for the most part I think everyone is entitled to one vice. Otherwise, what's really the point of living. :)

01-08-08  06:25pm

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