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Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan
Reply of turboshaft's Comment

FYI - I took advantage of this offer.

Note: you don't have a choice of your method of payment. You send an e-mail as per Alex's instructions in the blog and you get a response that your card used for your ALS Scan membership has been charged and you are informed as to your login info for ALS Angels.

This was fine with me, but people should know how the promo is being handled. If you have a desire for things to be handled differently in your particular case, you will want to include that info in your original e-mail on the subject.

04-03-10  02:53pm

Visit Pure Sybian

Pure Sybian
Reply of roobelle's Review

Too bad that the webmaster gave up on this site - for a while, it seemed like it could get good, though the whole Sybian thing is a bit limited - maybe he started Pure MonkeyRocker

04-01-10  06:30pm

Visit VideosZ

Reply of messmer's Comment

For me it's all about the babes.

If it was hot babes, I'd download for sure - and the description doesn't even fit the vid, since I'm looking at the preview right now and all scenes start with the girl wearing clothes. There are scenes of Violet Blue, who is a must-download for me, so I'd download her scene for sure, and Cailey Taylor looks hot as well so I would definitely download her scene.

I guarantee you, this vid is 40000000% better than the vid the jokers at Videobox started things off with today - World's Oldest Gangbang - ha ha ha. I'm glad they're having a good time celebrating April Fools Day by posting that garbage. And if they made up for it with an extra posting today, then I would be sweet about it.

04-01-10  06:25pm

Visit ATK Petites

ATK Petites
Reply of Advent's Reply

No problem, Advent - you've got good sites and I'm glad to give suggestions that I hope will help make them even better.

One other thing I was thinking about - I had been looking at the preview of ATK Premium and was rather surprised that all of the pics that I checked out in the preview had a copyright date of 2005. Someone checking out that site could easily reach a conclusion that ATK Premium is a site that hasn't updated in years. You might want to pass on a suggestion that you would be well-served by freshening those pics up on a regular basis to give potential members a more realistic impression of the life of the site.

Take care

03-30-10  10:21pm

Visit Pacino's Adventures

Pacino's Adventures
Reply of exotics4me's Reply

Karla is actually my fave of all their models. I've tried 3-day trials of Gigi, and she's very cute, but she's clearly one of those models that doesn't move on her own, so I'll find 5-10 pics in a row where she is in the exact same position, because the photographer is clicking away and hasn't specifically told her to move and exactly how.

Karla loves the camera and moves all the time so every pic of her reflects that - plus she's got a great sense of humor and makes a lot of funny faces, which I find quite endearing and then there's those long sexy limbs - interesting that you compare her to Amy Reid's early stuff, which I also love.

That's tastes for you.

03-30-10  07:32pm

Visit ATK Petites

ATK Petites
Reply of Advent's Reply

The current design of the site seems to be one that hides the content rather than pointing members to the content - rather than all the "View More" huge buttons, when it comes to individual models, you might want to even have a count of the "more" that is in that direction.

The other thing is that the thumbnails frequently don't look good, then when you click on the pic, I'm amazed at how hot the pics are - I'm looking at the site now, and there's a blurry-looking pic of Lexi in the "Bonus Photos" area - doesn't look particularly inviting, but when I click on it, the gallery pics show just how freaking hot she is - and then I have to click through several more screens to see how much content you have of her - you've got a dozen galleries of this incredibly hot babe - and 5 vids - but finding that out takes a lot of clicking through screens that show a portion of the content and don't give you much info on what else there is.

There's also a design problem in the way that the vids and photos are designated. I look at the way things are presented and I'm constantly wondering - Is this where the photos are or is this where the movies are? It's just rather confusing.

But, as I said in my topic of this comment, despite the confusion, what makes or breaks a site is whether or not it has good content - and this one has quite a bit of good content - it's just not presented in the easiest way to be able to find it.

03-30-10  07:23pm

Visit ATK Petites

ATK Petites
Reply of Denner's Reply

I wouldn't have recommended it on my previous one-month membership, but I'm enjoying it more this time.

There is a ton of content and I've never been a member of ATK Exotics or ATK Premium, both of which have a good deal of Petite Girl material here. It's that old thing, "If you haven't seen it before, it's new to you."

03-30-10  07:05pm

Visit Pacino's Adventures

Pacino's Adventures
Reply of exotics4me's Review

Thanks for the review of this site, exotics - I had been a member for a month when it first opened, but wasn't sure how much new stuff they had been doing.

I wouldn't be surprised if Gigi Spice's material became a bonus at some point. I've seen some post boob-job pics of her so it's pretty clear that Pacino is working through a stash of material that has a pretty definite end-point. I don't think that she's working with him post boob-job.

Such is the reality with solo-girls. As I wrote in a comment on Karla's site, the photo-updates on that site have been reduced to every other week, so I believe that Karla Spice has also moved on.

03-29-10  06:28pm

N/A Reply of pinkerton's Poll

It depends on what's going on in the scene. If it's some pro-am type crap where the girl's having a difficult time getting the guy hard, those seconds tick by like minutes - so I'd prefer it to be really short - or non-existant.

John Stagliano has done hour-long scenes, starting with being outside walking around, then picking up on a girl and following her inside somewhere, then having some encounter that leads to the sex - with lots of tease and all kind of other explorations.

He's a good enough story-teller that he can make the whole thing interesting for that length of time.

Erik Everhard is someone else that likes to do lengthy scenes with an extended set-up, then lots of tease before the sex gets started - with a hot girl, that's a lot of fun to me.

The "only do scenes this way" outlook is not one that I share. If anything, I find myself frustrated by scenes with too-little tease rather than too much

Flaccid-cock endless blow-jobs are my biggest peaves when it comes to lengthy scenes, though the people I mentioned don't have that issue in their scenes.

03-27-10  02:43pm

Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan
Reply of turboshaft's Comment

Bring on the dudes is right - man, I really like the 2 sample pics posted today - the one where Jimmy's licking her pussy while she holds his head there and the one where he's fucking her with the squash or whatever the hell that is - the look on her face is phenomenal and she's got a bod to die for.

Every sample pic I've seen of Amy has been awesome, in my opinion - she reminds me a bit of Courtney Simpson - another rough & ready blonde that ooooooozes sex and has an incredible bod to boot.

This is gonna be an interesting year for ALS Scan - kudos to them for not staying in one place just because they have been around a while.

03-23-10  06:40pm

Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan
Reply of turboshaft's Comment

I'm not sure how this is uncharted waters for ALS Scan - they had that BTS scene with Tanner doing her boy/girl shoot for Club Sandy that included all manner of penetration.

This is the first shoot that they have done where they booked the male talent, I guess.

This may partly be their response to the market and it may be them wanting to go with the flow with their models.

One of the most memorable parts of this last year's Caribbean beach shoot for me was Tanner crawling up to Jeremy while he was doing vid, asking him "You want to play never-never land?" He said, "What's that?" and Tanner said "Well, you've never been in my mouth before" and went for his cock. Jeremy cut away with the camera but I wish he hadn't. They're booking pretty naughty girls who like playing with cock and are good at it and perhaps they're feeling like they ought to bring 'em on and see how it goes.

I dunno. It doesn't upset me if they get hot material. I have to say that others who have ventured into hard-core don't do so well.

Nubiles.net's boy/girl scenes aren't good. Sarah Peachez' blow-job scenes aren't exciting, neither are Jana Cova's. Phil-Flash's ventures into boy/girl aren't as good as his solo-girl & girl/girl stuff at all. But none of them have gone to only-boy/girl, so I feel like they ought to do what they want to do because the lack of restrictions probably makes them happier about doing their sites.

I feel the same way about ALS Scan - maybe their boy/girl stuff will be mediocre, but if it keeps them feeling excited and refreshed about doing the site, then their other material will be better for it.

03-21-10  11:37am

Visit Twistys

Reply of Shap's Reply

It's true, it's true - I'm not currently a member, but I'm sure I'll be back - absence does make the heart grow fonder, after all - and Twisty's vids have gotten better and better. If the photo-shopping were decreased, I'd probably not even be taking this break, but that's life, and it's not a bad thing to take a break anyway.

03-17-10  09:56pm

Visit Babelicious

Reply of anyonebutme's Reply

OK, I need to edit my response, because when I tried further navigation in the Babes.tv archive, it crapped out 3/4 of the time - so I would say that that Babes.tv archives are there - but the navigation sucks and you might have to try multiple times to actually look at what you want to look at.

03-13-10  04:44pm

Visit Brazzers

Reply of rita52's Comment

I asked about the money-back guarantee - received a response, but their headquarters in Canada had to receive the request within 30 days of your initial join, blah, blah, blah - considering that their parent company is being sued right and left, I doubt that they are honoring any refund requests.

03-13-10  04:35pm

Visit Babelicious

Reply of anyonebutme's Reply

Yes, if you go into Babes.tv and click on "Archives", you'll have to enter your log-in info yet again - and then you're in the archives - I believe it's complete - no reason to believe otherwise at this point.

03-13-10  04:32pm

Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan
Reply of Drooler's Reply

Sites seem to vary about the labeling of re-mastered material. ALS Scan has heavily promoted some re-mastered releases - put them out as bonuses. I thought they looked like crap, personally. Perhaps enough people did that they decided to just remaster some stuff that wouldn't look like crap - the stuff I mentioned above looks good - and don't make a big deal about it.

FTV Girls has promoted some re-releases, I've noticed.

1-by-Day used to do clear labelling, then they stopped - probably for the marketing reason.

I suspect that for the majority of the porn-loving public, new is considered better than "back in the day" or other re-packaging of older material.

03-07-10  08:23am

Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan
Reply of BadMrFrosty's Comment

No - you can download zip files of the photo-sets, but I haven't seen anything mentioned on the site about these CD's. I would bet that they still have all of the photo-sets up at the site if they did previously. So you can get them again in zips.

03-07-10  08:15am

Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan
Reply of turboshaft's Comment

Well, let's see

On 3/02, they released a Brea BTS vid - don't know if it's a re-release but it's not newly shot

On 2/28/10, they released an Angelica Crow photo set - I believe most of her stuff had been released on ALS Angels - so these were probably unreleased extra pics, though not newly shot material

On 2/26/10, they released a Shelby & Amy Lee vid - again either a re-remaster or not, it's not newly shot

On 2/24/10, they released a vid from their St Johns trip - probably a remaster

On 2/16/10, they released an Angie vid that was probably a remaster

2/12/10, the St Martin vid is probably a remaster

2/08/10 - the Kylie vid is probably a re-master

2/02/10 - the Tori vid is probably a remaster

So that's an idea of the frequency

So from 2/02 to 3/02 there were 8 posts that were re-releases/re-masters or otherwise not newly shot and 28 posts that were newly shot/released material - one of which was a bonus with almost 2 hours of vid.

With ALS Scan, they release material based on popularity as well as the owner's tastes - so they do have some material that I would classify in the new category, such as the 2007 Caribbean trip HD vid because it was a new release - but that's 1 out of 28

03-06-10  10:12pm

N/A Reply of Duante Amorculo's Poll

It doesn't really matter to me. There have been porn performers that started out with an "I'll do anything" attitude and didn't enjoy where that got them, so they dialed it back to what they were comfortable with. Stephanie Swift decided to do a contract run early in her career with a company that would have her doing all kind of crazy stuff, then became a contract girl with Wicked, partly because she had grown her fan base by doing such awesome wild performances.

I leave it up to the performers. I don't agree with the "quit holding out on us" attitude by a lot of male porn fans toward adult performers that only do girl/girl or only do partial nudity or don't do anal.

The real question is - "Are they doing hot stuff?" There's a lot of lame porn out there and I believe that hotter porn is made by performers that are comfortable doing what they are doing - if that's non-nude and it's blistering hot - I'm happy with that. If it's only solo or girl/girl and it's blistering hot, I'm happy with that.

Performers should do what they are comfortable with and give their all when doing it - or they should do something else.

02-28-10  10:40am

Visit Naughty America

Naughty America
Reply of messmer's Reply

Yeah - NA is unique for the sheer goofy fun that they have - it's not about stunts for them, it's about "this will be a cool thing to do - we'll have fun", whether it's bacon lollipops or sharing dog biscuits with porn stars or buying a hula chair for everyone to ride.

That kind of relaxed atmosphere really helps the Live Shows, because you see some absolutely blisteringly hot show because of it - Cassidey was amazing when she was there, Madison Ivy was incredible, Kacey Jordan was wonderful the other day, etc

02-27-10  10:56am

Visit Naughty America

Naughty America
Reply of messmer's Reply

She was hilarious today! That bit with the hula chair - so fucking funny! Seemed to have completely cured her too - before the "chair", she still looked a little under the weather - after the chair, she was totally scumptious!

02-26-10  01:50pm

Visit Naughty America

Naughty America
Reply of messmer's Reply

In the "Why I absolutely LOOOOVE Lauren at NA" category - I've got quite a crush on her - check out the archives of her interview with Sunny Leone (if you can bear to look at Sunny's fake boobs) from 12/02/09 where Lauren goes on a huge fashion rant about how great Sunny's clothes are and how anybody that doesn't like the outfit is a stupid fucking ug-boot lover - ha ha - hilarious - just beautiful!

02-25-10  05:58pm

Visit VideosZ

Reply of asmith12's Reply

Agreed - this site is doing themselves a dis-service by this kind of false advertising.

If some material is "coming soon", advertise it as "coming soon" - as a prospective member, I would likely find that enticing.

Advertising material as currently posted is not a good thing - it's a bummer to join a site expecting to be able to download the material and find it to be not there.

And it's not necessary. This site has a ton of material - a ton of really good material - they would be wise to take a kick in the pants from this thread and be as honest as possible about what material is currently available and what material is "coming soon" if they even want to mention what is coming soon - to me, as I say, I would find it more enticing than a turn-off.

02-23-10  09:20pm

Visit Naughty America

Naughty America
Reply of messmer's Reply

Lauren says what Lauren thinks. To expect Lauren to say what you want her to say, well that's not very fair. If you want to do Live With Messner, you should say what you think about fake boobs.

Lauren's also interviewing porn babes and I think she wants to pump them up - when she's not showing off how much smarter she is than they are - lol - she likes to kind of torture them a bit that way.

Does NA promote the whole big-boobed thing? Yeah, they do. Could they go against the grain and say "We're sick of fake boobs and we're not having porn babes with fake boobs on our site?" I suppose, but I doubt that they would be as commercially successful a site.

I've heard Lauren express pro-natural-boob sentiments when she's reviewing scenes, but she's probably as conflicted as I am - I like natural boobs - but confronted with a babe who looks smoking hot with enhanced ones, I'm gonna tell her that she looks fantastic and I'll definitely want my hands and mouth on them. I love Lauren's delight when she gets to get her hands on nice boobs - like a little girl that just got a ride on a pony.

02-23-10  09:11pm

Visit Naughty America

Naughty America
Reply of messmer's Comment

Whether or not there are NA staff here, there are people in this forum that are VERY active NA members - at many/most of the live shows, active in the forum, etc. I've had people make comments to me - helpful ones - in NA live shows based on comments that I have made in this forum.

So it may be a case of a comment "dropping off" that forum and reappearing, or it may be a case of a helpful NA/PU member e-mailing an NA mod and saying, "you know, it might be a cooler thing to do to just let that comment stay".

I dunno, but it's a possibility.

NA's a site that deserves the positivity, in my opinion. They are trying to have a very good site, they are very good to their members in many ways, such as hiring active members' faves to do live shows on their birthday.

But sites that are cool sites are going to stumble too - just like people who are cool are likely to fuck up once in a while. That's just human beings, you know?

02-22-10  05:47pm

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