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Visit MetArt

REPLY TO #1 from lk2fireone: (KET924aab's Reply)

I'm wondering how many other sites have options to make the sites easier to use. I guess I'm just lazy, because I log in to most sites, and don't bother to test any ways there might be to make the site more user-friendly.

But I'm glad I found the Metart link that changes measurements from metric to English.

01-30-13  01:07pm

Visit Bryci

REPLY TO #5 from exotics4me: (KET924aab's Reply)

Thanks llc,

And the zips are frustrating. I sometimes find myself on the fence since I would get frustrated too, if I was a webmaster and saw my hard work being passed around for free, but I agree with your side as well. Seems like maybe in the future, there could be some kind of technology, similar to DRM, that would maybe embed a code into photos which wouldn't allow them to be uploaded, but then again, someone would probably figure out how to take the code out.

01-28-13  07:45pm

Visit Bryci

REPLY TO #3 from BellaNetwork: (KET924aab's Reply)

hey there Luv_Lickn_Clit!

I'll address these one by one. :)

The limits on the server aren't set up that way, but that's an interesting idea. I think some might then call me out on it though, seems when someone doesn't get their way they go ballistic. Sucks, someone will break a term of service and then come here and post like they are innocent. Sigh.

Natural boobs -

We didn't start bella with intent of being real, fake, whatever. We simply added girls we knew and we have had some natural girls in the network. As it is now, Lexi Mason is natural (albeit not active though). if I find a hot girl I can shoot, i don't care if she is natural or not. Beauty is what it's all about.

Piracy re: zip sets

"BellaNetwork, I know its gotta be frustrating to see your content posted somewhere illegally, but this doesn't seem to be an issue for most websites."

I disagree fully on this. I can point out several trader forums, where the content that is posted most often is the content where the sites offer zip sets. We too offered zip sets once, and our content was quickly all over those trader sites. We stopped zip sets and our content theft went way down. I completely respect it'd be better with zips, I agree with you guys on this but the few bad apples *do* make a difference here. It's unfortunate, but we're not some monster company where we don't care about our content.

Some companies offer zips, knowing full well their content will get posted but they see it as huge advertising for free that way. If I had a model I didn't care about, i'd agree with this. Thing is, I do care about the Bella ladies.. they trust me to protect their image where I can, when I can. It's disgusting how many people steal things, post them, pretend to be the ladies in dating sites so they can scam men out of cash etc. All part of the biz, but sadly, yes, zip sites do add to piracy. Piracy can be a good thing, to a degree, but we like to limit it where/when we're able. Let's not forget this is how we all make our living.

I suspect those saying it's no big dela might feel very different if it was their content being stolen/posted. I know I sure changed my mind on the topic after seeing every. single. zip. set. posted a week after we launched. The 'site rips' in torrent land that are out there? Those are all from Feb 09 area when we went live. Since we tightened the screws on security - not the same problem any more. Thankfully.

Don't get me wrong, our content still gets posted - but not anywhere near like when we offered zip sets. Damn it. i wish it was different. :(

I'll be shooting exclusive girls down the road for Bella sites - and I am positive many will be natural.

Thanks for your reply though! Always good to get feedback!

01-28-13  12:38pm

N/A REPLY TO #10 from littlejoe: (KET924aab's Reply)

i await your reviews!

01-25-13  06:25pm

Visit Team Skeet

Team Skeet
REPLY TO #8 from Tree Rodent: (KET924aab's Reply)

Cheers luv lickn clit - FYI quite a few of the tats are small (and the girls are beautiful). It's me being fussy. I just hate tats, any tats.

01-25-13  05:12pm

Visit Bryci

REPLY TO #2 from BellaNetwork: (KET924aab's Reply)

Again, the terms are posted before you sign up. if you join and then break a rule right away, do you really have the right to complain that *you* broke the rules? This doesn't make sense to me in the least.

People can download content and they do, daily, without issue. So what's the problem again? The only people that have issues are those that thought because they bought a membership they can now mass download or site rip, give their friend their user/pass etc. We have security, it is automated, it stops bad guys. Pretty simple.

As for your 'difficult concept' comment - reading should also not be a difficult concept. (the rules are posted before someone signs up.)

If we had no limits or rules, what do you think happens? I can tell you because I have been a webmaster for over 15 years. Sites go under. If you were a member of a site that was running like a snail at all times because it was getting hammered by site ripping software etc and nothing was being done - how many people would cancel? Most if not all.

Rules are needed to keep the bad guys out and the good guys happy.

01-21-13  10:51am

Visit Watch 4 Beauty

Watch 4 Beauty
REPLY TO #2 from skippy: (KET924aab's Reply)

Nearly all of the videos are behind-the-scenes sets of the photo shoots and are pretty short. A few were done separately at the photo shoot site with nice POV. It seems like the girls that have their own sub-sites have slightly better videos...Monika, for eexample. Nearly all of them are 2-3 minutes or less, probably to keep the size down. I think they are all 720p but a very few older sets, like some of those of the beautiful but retired Marketa, were remastered from lesser resolution. Most of the soundtracks are music and there at least a couple of older videos that have distracting animations or effects in them. Largest video file size I see is about 150k.

01-20-13  04:04pm

Visit Femjoy

Reply of KET924aab's Comment from tangub:

Let's hope it's a one off and they don't start going down that road. I've not joined Femjoy yet although it's high on my priorities but the thing that annoys me looking at the tour is that they don't have a decent mid size photo option around 2000px. Their mid size is only 1200px which will look pathetic on my 24 inch monitor so I'm going to be forced to use up extra bandwidth and storage space downloading their 4000px sets when I would be quite happy with 2000px photos like I get from Met, Mpl or W4B.

01-20-13  06:09am

Visit Femjoy

Reply of KET924aab's Comment from Drooler:

You know, I really hate to be disagreeable, but I think adding toys to FemJoy would be a very, very bad idea. There are PLENTY of, as in MUCHO, to say nothing of BEAUCOUP de places in Pornland for toy lovers to get their kicks. Some of us are different in that way, and I'm one of them.

I hate toys!!! I remember when Nubiles started adding toy play. It RUINED the site as far as I'm concerned.

There have to be sites where toys are simply OUT. Please understand.

01-20-13  05:49am

Visit Femjoy

Reply of KET924aab's Comment from Capn:

Just about every site does that, so it doesn't surprise me that they are following the trend.

Cap'n. :0/

01-20-13  05:45am

Visit VideosZ

REPLY TO #2 from RustyJ: (KET924aab's Reply)

HD is 720p. Frankly, I'm not sure if any studio titles releases on Bluray are 1080p to begin with. The few Blurays I own are 720p.

01-16-13  05:44am

Visit Karup's PC

Karup's PC
Reply of KET924aab's Review from Denner:

Very fine and helpful review. Been at Karup's PC three or four times - but not lately/almost a year - this gives me an urge to go back - thanks luv lickn clit!

01-12-13  06:06am

Visit Cherry Pimps Network

Cherry Pimps Network
REPLY TO #4 from bibo: (KET924aab's Reply)

Yes, there is a weekly schedule for the live shows, so you know 1 week in advance what girl is going to perform and what kind of show it is (there are fice different categories).
As for your second question: I haven't seen an actual live show yet, because I prefer to download the recorded shows (better quality and I can skip). But from watching the recorded shows, I can say that there is definitely a lot of communication and interaction between girl and audience. If and to what extend the model allows requests depends on the model I guess. I have no idea how many members are usually attending a show. I think I'll just hop on to one of the next shows and let you know.
You're right, the recorded shows are lilve sessions in high resolution.

hope that helps

01-08-13  09:42am

Visit My Free Cams

My Free Cams
Reply of KET924aab's Review from Jay G:

Excellent review for a site I use all the time. I now follow a strict budget and have found models who it is a pleasure to tip because I really like their personalities.

My general experience is that models who post lots of prices do what they say they will do, but without fun or enthusiasm......it is worthwhile to keep the tips in your pocket until you establish a nice "relationship" with the model.

Those models who whine about "freeloaders" are wasting everybody's time and I "hide" them so I don't accidentally go back to their room. If they think I'm only there to see nakedness they must think I haven't found out that nakedness is free on the internet and very available, I want a lot more on a webcam site.

Like any other pursuit of women, this is a fun thing to do, but you must take time and be careful to really enjoy it.

12-31-12  05:35am

Visit FTV Girls

FTV Girls
Reply of KET924aab's Review from elephant:

Yeah good review indeed, I too love this site very much, I got a deal with Nubiles and this site for $30 or $35 it could of been actually, anyway it was from Nubiles mailing list.

Public nudity is why I join this site though, and the great dancing scenes I've seen from a couple of girls, what you get here if you look deeper is some quite unique gems that will be real keepers for the collection.

I think the public nudity parts are often in places where they get permission but not all are and any public nudity for me is awesome. I also like the feminine expensive dresses they wear that you rarely see on other sites.

12-31-12  02:14am

Visit FTV Girls

FTV Girls
Reply of KET924aab's Review from otoh:

Great review, thanks - like readadmiral, I'm quite keen on the kind of public nudity this site offers and so it's definitely on my radar. But like tangub, I find $35 tends to push it down the list... if there were an offer or a good TBP price, I'd be more interested!

12-31-12  01:35am

Visit FTV Girls

FTV Girls
Reply of KET924aab's Review from tangub:

Good review, every time I check out the tour at FTV I'm drooling over the collection of gorgeous models but being a photo fan the con you listed about the photo sets almost being an after thought sum up perfectly why I've never been a member, especially when they are asking nearly $35 for the priviledge.

12-30-12  01:35pm

Visit FTV Girls

FTV Girls
Reply of KET924aab's Review from rearadmiral:

An excellent review. I'm not much into softcore but this is one softcore site that I like and go back to. I am, however, a big fan of public nudity and as you point out, this site does that well. I'm glad to hear that they're still doing some public stuff since so many other American producers are shying away from it due to the proliferation of security cameras and the rise of neo-puritanism.

12-30-12  07:25am

Visit MetArt

Reply of KET924aab's Review from fuzzyham:

I agree with you about the videos. I've been an on-again/off-again member of this site for a few years. I join for a month, get bored, quit for a few months, and then go back to see what's new. I was excited when they started to introduce the videos. However, to me, they are a huge disappointment. Although there is basically no touching/spreading, most of the photo sets are quite explicit. Just take a look at the main page. Most of the cover photos are very explicit. The videos however, are hardly ever explicit, and seem way too artsy. As I wrote in a review for another reviewer, it's like signing up for Penthouse and getting Playboy videos.
Also, the cover for the videos often include a picture that's not in the video. Very annoying.

12-29-12  04:13pm

Visit MetArt

Reply of KET924aab's Review from rearadmiral:

I'm a bit late to say this, but welcome to the site. I hope you stay around and continue to participate.

12-23-12  07:15am

Visit MetArt

Reply of KET924aab's Review from otoh:

Good review - and welcome here. Met art is a very divisive site - like you I find the lack of any actual erotic behaviour rather frustrating. I've seen more exciting, yet less explicit stuff; I'd much prefer a girl with her panties on and her hand inside them, than off but not doing anything about it!

12-22-12  03:01am

Visit Streamate.com

Reply of KET924aab's Review from littlejoe:

so true about them being addictive. i went from $30 a week to a couple $60 a week. having my hours reduced at work has put me in check tho

12-21-12  06:52pm

Visit MetArt

REPLY TO #3 from tangub: (KET924aab's Reply)

That's worrying for you. I bookmarked the link from the promo email and just visited the site again but didn't see anything untoward with it.

12-20-12  10:24am

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