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Visit College Bash

College Bash

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Good video quality
- sometimes looks "not made up sexact"
- real partys some big some small
- college parties with pornstars :P and more Amateur lookin girls aswell.
- updates once a week atleast.
- included membership to the Mofos.com network
Cons: - atm only 31 scenes so still needs growth
Bottom Line: okay its something new comin from the creators behind brazzers. The idea is not new tho partys breaking out in orgys. But they do it pretty well theres always atleast 2 sexacts in each update and the update is mostly over 45mins long. The site still needs some growth but for the site to bee only 2 months and some days old. If you like previus work I think you will like this aswell when there takin it one step higher.

01-06-09  06:22am

Replies (0)
Visit Teens Like It Big

Teens Like It Big

Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: + Brazzers Network sites 19 sites with this site.
+ Fresh and easy navigated site design
+ Good addition for the network. (when they didnt have any site for mostly petite teen girls)
+ updates mostly once 1 scene a week, In march there was 5 new scenes
+ More Models not seen on the network before bc of this site.
+ Video Quality is good but could still get better
+ Offers 4 formats wmv,mpg4,mpeg1 and Ipod/PSP. The offers you to download the files in clips ore The scene in one big file)
Cons: - Site name is not very apelling (I think) when the network already have the sites: Pornstars like it big and Milfs like it big.
- Big Dick scenarios can sometimes get boring. Typical line for the Teen To say: -Wow your cock is so big! (Girl Mooans) - I dont think it will fit in me (it always gets in anyway) After heard that like from 15 scenes, from atleast 15 diffrent models saying that. Your not suprized if the next says something meaning the same thing :P
Bottom Line: Okay what is this site about? Easy its all said in the sites name Teens Like it Big. Meaning most times Teens Like Big Dick on this site. Nice, petite and young looking girls most of the faces are new for me.
What I dont get is why Brazzers Networks does Like it Big sites Its that the main members (ore the pornstars) biggest fetish? It sure isnt mine. No this site wouldnt make me join this network.Bc the name feels like copy and paste.com But I was already a member so and the site is a good addition that was missing making the network feel more whole (as a General/Pornstars network). Enoyable content sometimes fun and always exclusive for Brazzers Members

04-08-08  11:13am

Replies (5)
Visit HQ Honeys

HQ Honeys

No Review.
03-03-08  08:14am

Visit Jizz On My Jugs

Jizz On My Jugs

No Review.
03-03-08  08:01am

Visit Big Tits At Work

Big Tits At Work

Status: Current Member for over 6 months (at the time of review).
Pros: + Design is new and fresh
+ Good Rate system both for the pornstars and the scenes.
+ Some of the Hottest American Pornstars here
+ Updates One new scene each week
+ Trailer on upcoming scene
+ 84 Vids most of the with both screencaps and photos
+ Video Quality Good but still could get better
+ Download speed most of the time high?
+ Network acess Brazzers.com (18 sites)
Cons: - adds for other sites outside Brazzers.com
- some of the network sites doesnt update anymore
Bottom Line: I totally love this site its the site through I joined up Brazzers.com from and its still one of my favs of the Brazzers sites If you want some of the hottest pornstars with big boobs this is one place to look for great enjoyment. And you will always know what is coming when most upcoming updates offers you a trailer to watch. The sites is growing and doesnt looking like slowing down yet. I had a hard time with cons maybee Ive been a member to long an now ignore the sites cons maybe? But the adds are not anything I like. In my opinion this site Boob Lovers mostly get what the want.

01-20-08  03:10am

Replies (1)
Visit VideoBox


Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Over 3000 DvD:s and no DRM Protection
-Hi-quality vids and up to 5 options in wich -quality you want to download.
-Updates 5 DVD:s every Day!!!
-Scene Editor (One Of best features ive seen yet, On ponrsite)
-Good and is easy site to navigate and download from.
-Love the feature that gives you Recommended And Related dvds,scenes.

Almost Perfect but just almost....
Cons: -Non Exclusive Vids :(
-Personality is Missing
-Beware No Pictures... I dont care much :)
-Solo Vids and Anime missing

I dont know if this is a cons just a thing I would they consider adding, more facts about the Pornstars and I do miss many vids from the 90:s Ive seen ore productions from German, Italy ore France.
Bottom Line: This is the first so called DvD site I join and I do miss the exclusiveness sometimes. Even tho there is somethings this sites still can do to Improve. The Sites gives extremely much for the amount money it costs. Others would probably give you same amount Content for 30-40USD. In big databases like this I would love to see more facts about the girls and listings of what ppl think more then rating on the particular scene. Adding your favorite pornstars aswell as your favorite scenes and dvds as you can do.
As suggestion if VideoBox wanted to give us even more today, Would for me to ad even more personality to the site. A way to this maybee do Interwievs with some bigger stars in the bizness. Ore do something like Twistys Monthly Treat. After that the only niche VideoBox doesnt compete with is photo glamour sites. GG

Ive Noticed somethings that lowers my score on VB like you same models content can bee spread over diffrent names, For some weeks ago I had not soo good internet connection download speeds was avarage 30-100kb/s bc of that I was more pickie on what I downloaded of that reason I noticed most of the stuff DVD movies are those movies that doesnt sell ore ppl rents any more and I had hard time finding content that maked me most satisfied. Sure VB:s 3000 dvd collection is impressive but doesnt make them perfect especially when most of isnt that good ore exclusive. I now know where I stand to BigDvD-sites vs Exclusive content sites. I prefer more Exclusive sites

10-06-07  01:00am

Replies (1)
Visit Big Tits At School

Big Tits At School

Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: + Exclusive! (almost sure)
+ Some of Americas Finest Busty Pornstars dressed up like Teens ore Teachers in classroom action!
+ Most scenarios are fun in someway and hot of course :P
+ Suggest your own school-sex scenario, if ya got one ^^
+ Good Working Rating-system
+ Good Schedule advertising for updates, you can also see 1-3min long trailer on next upcoming update
+ Site Updates once a week atm

+ Network Access (+15)
Cons: + Some scenario is kinda almost the same, doesnt bother me much tho.
+ Sometimes the site can bee slow Ive heard.(Doesnt happen me often.)
+ Amateur Girls? Havent seen a single one yet.... On this site
Bottom Line: Okay I love this site. First update came 7 jan 2007 and that update is hot!! And theyve hold up the standard for 50 vids they have added over time now. Im looking on thumbs (for each movie clip thats out)atm and can comfirm theres only 2 updates that doesnt fit my Taste of busty ladies. The foreplay talk in the scenario are most times good and the sex-action provided is good I think. Kinda Kinky Stile scenarios most times.

There Rating system works really well when you can rate each video you will see what you rated it and lower ore rate it higher if you have changed you mind. Knowing your old ratepoint expires and are replaced by the new. The scale are 1-10 and most updates are based on 100-400 ratings. You can order the site updates by: Date,viewed,Average ratepoint ore girl-name.

If you like the dreamy busty pornstars dressed-up like Teacher ore Students then Welcome Big Tits at School :) Searchin for amateurs here you will be disepointed when they doesnt even try to give you that impression of the girls here.

Mostly for Videolovers, The pictures looks good but the size of them isnt the biggest.

The site gives you the most wanted pornstars and listens if you wanna see any of the girls again. Many sites have same male actors over and over again. I would say here they try variety on that as much as the models (on this site). Thats a plus in my book.

excellent hot babes with both silicon and natural boobs seen here

08-11-07  02:16pm

Replies (2)
Visit Mommy Got Boobs

Mommy Got Boobs

Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: + Updates around 4-6 new episodes/vids each month
+ Good quality of Videos (No standard view stats really tho)
+ Recently added better quality on the older content aswell.

+ The most top/hotest (well known of America) mature-pornstars have appeared here atleast once. (accordin to me)
+ 110 episodes/vids
+ 77 Moms/mature-pronstars examples of my favorites appearing Sienna West, Ava Divine
Other Well know examples are Sara Jay, Angelica Sin

+ Network access (+15sites)
Cons: - Mature-Pornstars Im missing Is Mason Storm, Jill Kelly to mention that doesnt exist on Mommy got Boobs.
- Basically I think most girls are from North America
- Most of the girls staring here you probably seen on other Milf sites before.
Bottom Line: First of all I wanna say Im not an expert when it comes to mature pornstars. In my view Mommy got Boobs offers the finest ones compared to the other sites Ive been member to. When I first joined this network I totally ignored this site Mature ladies arent my niche I thought. But many of Favorite pornstars are now Milfs, apparently when they show up on this site nowadays.I looked through the other reviews before posting this, ppl was mentioning lack of quality on the older stuff I downloaded the 2 oldest episodes full movie mpeg (recently added I think im not sure)files from this site and suprising they were in same quality as newest episodes are almost. Most of the girls appearing here is well known pornstars from America the way I like it :P. The Quality overall is around 2000kb frames per second kinda big files no big deal for me. There are some classical ladies appearing ones in awhile like Nina Hartley and TJ Hart this year. The Bottom line is: If want Video Content of good looking mature womens with big boobs its for you!! Picture Lovers would probably be disepointed when the highest resolution isnt fullscreen size here. If you want older ladies aprox 50+,60+ then maybe this isnt for you. Personally I now love this sites and would say its top 5 of Brazzerpass/BigBoobpass sites.

08-07-07  09:53am

Replies (0)
Visit Big Wet Asses

Big Wet Asses

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: + Oiled up Babes with awesome buttoms Really Hot
+ Brainpass network is 55 more sites aswell!!
+ Network Content is huge.
+ The best Movie Parts from the series Bigwetasses by Elegant Angels
+ Atm gives you 3 new vids ore more per month
Cons: -only 6 vids of 20 i hadnt seen elsewhere
-not many pictures ore vidcaps
-need growth
Bottom Line: Big Wet Asses, the winner of AVN's coveted Best Anal Themed Series award for 2006 & 2007.Okay Big wet asses is awesome serie. The first one in the serie came 2003 the lastest one was number 11 and came may 16 2007.

Some of the content you can find elsewhere when the company Elegant Angels has other pornsites they work with togheter.

This site was Launched 18 Jun 18 2007 At the moment this site offers you 20 vids from all of 11 dvd:s thats realeased from the series Big wet asses. If they Continue this site it will bee great asset for Brainpass. Need some growth still to be top notch but can maybee bee in awhile.

Last thing I will point out are: the pictures are limited screencaps from the video mostly. if you in to Bigwetasses you like this site :P

07-24-07  11:34am

Replies (0)
Visit Brain Pass

Brain Pass

Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: + Extremly much Video Content!!
+ 5 Updates per day!!!
+ Easy navigation and search features
+ Here is something for everyone (In my opinion)
+ Some Models hard to find else where
+ Membership to 56 sites. EXP: Lexsteele, Peter- North Club,Silverstonestudio, DogHouse Digital.
+ New Launched Sites like: Bigwetasses-18/06/07
Cons: - Recent News ore diarys on site arent updated in months ore years
- Exclusive Content for the network gets more rare
- Not that many picture sets.
- Site design a little bit stiff and old
- Video clip options, compelte vid in one parts arent found on all updates.
Bottom Line: Ok Here we go... This Network is mega big I havent gone trough everything yet and Ive been a member awhile Everday you find new unexplored parts It fells like. 5 updates a daythat really good but beware not all updates is exclusive, not all the content on all sites are exclusive ether. Recent news and diarys have stopped updating why? Would bee Nice to know? The site design is doll and stiff but sure its kinda clean to clean for me. Obs not all sites on network updates at the time. The video options are in wmv ore mpg not always any option complete clip in one part. Quallity on vids arent bad but can get better.

all tho Ive seemed kinda negative in this rewiew I cant deny this is pretty good network, Its a big hardcore archive with both new and some a little older video clips and if you like facials heres plenty of them!!

You probably seen some of content elsewhere if youve surfed porn sometime are you new to it this probably a good place to join but even those tha surfed long can find this network good. The Navigation is awesome probably the best of all sites ive been member to. If you like Hardcore, Variety of Content and Facials this is a catch!!!

06-25-07  04:34pm

Replies (0)
Visit Lex on Blondes

Lex on Blondes

No Review.
06-16-07  12:22am

Visit Silverstone Video

Silverstone Video

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: +Lots of Content
+Some of the Older Really Big PornStars Like Tera Patrick, Nice Sterling, Margot Stevens, Anita Blone, Anita Dark, Sylvia Saint Can bee found here.
+ 3 new updates per week
Cons: -Old Site Design
-Recent News last updated 2005
-full movie download doesnt exist on half of content
-recent the content of quality girls have been missing
Bottom Line: Silverstone once was one of the Best pornproducers in when it came to find new pornstars they were pioneers of there time searching after stars in foreign countries such as Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, France, Brazil, Mexico which have now become major source of 'fresh faces' for the entire adult industry. But Finding New faces seems to been getin harder for over year goin when in my opion there standards has dropped and the old front figures as Silvia and Tyra isnt workin infront camera anymore. The latest really hot front figures is Sophie Moon, Tiffany Diamond I would think. They are Hot but compared to how famous Tera,Silvia Saint its nothing. Sorry to say it but from the 5 series Silverstone has on this network. The Hot silverstone movies from the 90:s is over, avarage movies of 2000 from Silverstone.
It doesnt seem are givin much effort down to this network site anymore when recent news was update with Happy New Year 2005 and design looks old aswell. Bottom Line if you havent seen much of Tera ore the one mentioned in Pros, this site can enjoyable. To refresh the design would probably help alot when its no fun to look at all.

06-15-07  07:20pm

Replies (0)
Visit Doghouse Digital

Doghouse Digital

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: +Lots of content
+video quality is mostly good
+Still updates new content 1-2vids/month to this site after all these years GG.
+Store where you can buy the latest movies from the company Doghouse
Cons: -Almost None full movie downloads.
-Awful Site Design!!
-Recent News arent updated on the site sense october 2005 :(
Bottom Line: I had high expitations on this site DogHouse Digital gennarly uses girls looking young, like sweethearts, petite,innocent.On this site.The content is taken from Doghouse Digital productions over the years. Even tho Im more of a Boob person here is some really sweet looking parts you cant resist. The Site updates still once in a while. Annoyin parts of this site is the design layout (navigation is awesome still) and that there almost are none full movie downloads on this site. Not even on the newiest It makes me cry
Recent news part of site would have been a good feature if it was updated alittle now its just a joke.

Bottom Line Im sure this site once was really good but havent followed in teqnique, old design,same content quality sense they started. Yea The quality isnt bad its good but could have been even better by now.

If you like Teen looking girls this may bee a site for you. I like teens aswell but for me most content here seems to avarage.

On its own The Doghouse Digital doesnt stand out atm

06-14-07  11:03am

Replies (1)
Visit BrunoB Reloaded

BrunoB Reloaded

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: +Nice Variety with Camera angles from Pov,close ups to normal veiw as a guest
+BrunoB works alone mostly of the time handle the camera himself and stuff
+BrunoB one of the most normal male performers on Brainpass
+Natural Butiful Girls
+ Canadian girls are Hot!!
+ 2 new videos a week
Cons: -He talks French most of the time with the Girls
-Enviroment looks cheap
-Almost every time shot in his apartment
Bottom Line: Line One of the sites that surprised me in this network BrunoB is one lucky guy!!! I like his camera work its diffrent compared to others when he mixes the pov and normal way to film. And he doesnt concentrate to much on filming only penetration he rather take angle that shows you hole her then only pussy and that I like. Im not sure if Bruno always works alone, if he isnt the camera man doesnt coment anything ever!!! In this kind of vids thats good. BrunoB himself seems to bee a avarage Joe from Canada that we are lucky to see while he gets all these hot girls. Most of the time girls doesnt seem to fixed up before the vids more normal lookin look. In this case its Hot! Sad Parts :( Most of the time they talk french, you do get general fact about the girls like age and if its her first time infront of the camera, the girls doesnt say much more then yes ore no in english rest of it, is in french. Another thing is hes apartment bedroom that looks really cheap I think. Its not a real bed in my opinion and always the same white cheats nothing more. BrunoB is one of the best sites in the Brainpass cummunity. BrunoB section is one of reasons to look on if you are considering to join BrainPass. One of the reason why I am stayin longer then a month in the BrainPass network


-Camera Work isnt as special as it ones was anymore
- Newer content has little bit lower standard of entertaining

06-14-07  02:22am

Replies (0)
Visit Pornstars Like It Big

Pornstars Like It Big

No Review.
06-13-07  12:20pm

Visit Club Peter North

Club Peter North

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: +Lots of Content
+Nice variety of Girls
+DVD Store for you that want the newest
Cons: -Last update was months ago
-Site seems inactive
-Much of content doesnt exist in one big file to download
-Needs new Design on site
Bottom Line: The Content here is awesome but it annoys me when I have to download 30mb parts sure as a option its good but not only.Latest month we havent got any updates to this site, its to bad, and its not bc Peter North doesnt produce any porn. With Regular updates this site would have been top site. Whitout its only a average site

Not Impressed when this site stands still in all ways no updates in a real long while....
Still the Peter North Store is updated with hes new movies you can buy through the site link in the member area...

06-13-07  11:59am

Replies (0)
Visit Lex POV


No Review.
06-13-07  11:18am

Visit Club Vanessa Blue

Club Vanessa Blue

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: +Vanessa Blue is Hot and her voice is so sexy it makes you melt when she talks dirty.
+Vanessa Blue got sexy friends aswell
+ Mostly exclusive solovids and more
Cons: -Small content
-No new updates in months
-Diary doesnt work
-Full clip option doesnt exist on many of the updates
Bottom Line: I think Vanessa is a really Hot Busty Woman that knows how to bee sexy. The Content on the site is small but really good, most of the vids and pictures are solo masturbation with Vanessa but not all.

Vanessas site was one of the big reasons why I joined up on this network BP, I was little bit disepointed on the small content her personal site offers, but there is probably as much content on the rest of the network with Vanessa as on her personal site. So it ads up a little.

But still bc of the site is kinda not updating what I know of. I cant rate it higher.

06-13-07  10:49am

Replies (0)
Visit Lex Steele

Lex Steele

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: +Lots of content
+Lex Is Cool ^^
+DVD Store for you that want the newest
+Info who is Lex? Nice feat.
Cons: -Half of all content doesnt exist in one big file
-Date on when file was realesed on site doesnt exist
-Site Design doesnt look good in my opinion
Bottom Line: So why do I not give this site higher score? Because some things I didnt like as the stiff site design.You know how you some times gets the felling of the site is like wait a minute ive seen this clip else where? The quality is there no rong with normal but again in someway the clips feels old even if its just updated to the site and a 2007 production i get that feeling some how. But Lex is Cool and b4 I joined BPass I havent seened so much of hes stuff but im fan now. Even tho I dont all the time like hes lady choices I respect the dudes acomplesment in the pornoworld. If you are new for porno and like all types of girls Lex is a man that gives loads of nice babes, In hes videos.

been a member here awhile now tho and Lex steele gives you good variety of girls white-black, curvy-petite, busty-petiteboobs if you understand what I mean
Updates 1-3 times a month the vidoes are 25-50mins long, Lex can cum more then ones infront of camera
Seems more real sex here, so i have to give this site a boost :P

06-13-07  09:22am

Replies (2)
Visit Big Boob Pass

Big Boob Pass

Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: + Exclusive content for big boobs and ass lovers (mostly for big boob lover tho)
+ 14 sites for the prize of One!
+ Site Design and Browse system easy learned and looks good
+ Almost daily updates
+Funny Fantasy Niches (The Niches here shouldnt bee seen as reality´Porn, more of actin ;P)
+Submit your suggestions for scene ideas
+ Download servers seems fast
+Great camera work in scene
Cons: -Variety Quality on Content Sometimes (better latley tho)
- Some Females Pornostars maybee a little over used
Bottom Line: Okay In my opion and taste It cant get much better then this. This site one of the few sites made me stay longer then 3 months. Things that make me stay is the constant new content and camera not concentratin only on the penetration all the time. The new updates cant bee found any where else what I know of. A fact that most sites promise but cant hold I think. Best of the multi pass sites Ive payed For

3 new sites added sense my Review, there are 2 sites on the network not updating atm HqHoneys and Jizzonmyjuggs. Well Known Pornstars most of them with Big Boobs are the kind of Girls you find on this Network, mostly from USA I think. Im still Member here. Not as many updates as before :(

05-27-07  03:06pm

Replies (3)

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