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Visit Adult.com


Vivid Movie and Jenna Jamesons movie can bee found here

yea Adult.com has some dvd:s i havent found on other dvd-sites but compared to other dvd-sites its fewer updates and the new content added isnt that valuable in my book like the older content of Vivid and Jenna movies it offers

10-29-08  03:01am

Replies (1)
Visit Brain Pass

Brain Pass

hmm Im suprized

This networks rating curve went up surely it was a while sense I was a member of BrainPass now. Its clear now I have diffrent view of things then TBP when Its not even near being the best network in my book. Ive always liked networks been a member of BangBros, Naugthy America, Brazzers, Twistys and One of The New sensation network and some others I cant remember the name but this was before I joined this community so I havent reviewed that many of them. Maybee my expectations was High on brainpass and thatS why I got so disepointed on the network. And I missed most of the exclusive vids they ad when there much content that isnt exclusive so how they can advertised most content is exclusive. When I was member 4/5 of the new updates was found under pornstars network in date order. No I definetly didnt think it would get a boost in the rate-curve

04-24-08  01:09am

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Visit VideoBox


Beware DVD Quality Full Scene Size...

DVD quality for what prize of space 30mins=800mb in some rare cases but its becoming more common for every day (Thats my feelings). The dvd quality files has become bigger in general more then the quality of the video has become better, I think. 4 years ago I would think it was okay but today 800mb for a file of 30mins is to much

So Beware If you dont have the fastest internet (or much space left) maybee next best quality is good enough.

04-11-08  12:52am

Replies (3)
Visit Fantasy Girl Pass

Fantasy Girl Pass

Interesting Network featuring some Solo Pornstars

It seems to bee pretty new still and many of the latest sites was really small collection according to site facts from TheBestPorn.com Looks interesting for the future. Man starting up network from scratch probably has to bee hard

03-05-08  07:21am

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Visit Brazzers


Keeps Getin Bigger and Bigger in more ways then one

Awhile ago they started a new site again!!(Teens like it Big) Now outside the Niche Big Boobs. Teens like it Big does it sound familiar to you yea thats bc they have Pornstars like it big :P. Its a good complement to the network with young fresh american pornstars. You can say Barzzers like to name their sites Big! LoL

03-02-08  07:55pm

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Visit POV Casting Couch

POV Casting Couch


If your going after tbp scoring criteria rating about exclusivly its not 5/5 points on this site when they do sell some content to other providers as VideoBox again. But its some of the older content the site offer I would Imagine, But still that means it shouldnt get 5 points in exclusive content? Am I rong?

How I noticed this whitout being a member was Im a big fan of POV and Ive heard of this name Pov casting couch b4 as a dvd series some dvd sites do offer not all of the movies but some of them. and checked the pretour of Pov casting as I thought I would find some videos VideoBox aswell has that why Im wondering in wich way is it all exclusive? When you can find the content else were example is VideoBox. I may have read the scorig criterias rong ore you need to change those a little if you do accept older content of the site isnt exclusive to give it 5/5 in exclusive

09-03-07  02:31pm

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Visit Pornstars Like It Big

Pornstars Like It Big

Shyla, Carmella and Gianna

WOW the latest update this sites has. Have three of the hottest big boobied pornstars in same episode sharing only one dude(acordin to me they are). Shyla Stylez, Carmella Bing and Gianna!!! Never would I think they would bee able to make these girlz show up in same update.

ITS Just DAM!!! Cant wait until the download is done of this update :P

08-30-07  06:13am

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Visit Big Wet Asses

Big Wet Asses

Not exclusive

just want to inform its not exclusive content atleast not all when Ive seen some the vids 3 years ago elsewhere..... there are some vids I havent seen before tho thats from the newer movie in the series.

08-19-07  11:13am

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Visit Brazzers


New site layout

Brazzers new site layout is here!!! apperently Ive been a member of Brazzerspass and signed on news from them. Are atm signed on brazzerspass you can say through bigtitsatwork.com so I dont get the new site layout atm that looks nice. Its strange ppl are complainin about downloads problem, the thing with the name is fixed the file has a own name now never seen that as big deal. And never had any problems downloading here ether. This site uses my internet kapacity to max actually. But as I said Im not signed up through Brazzers pass.

Beware you have to signed up through BrazzersPass to bee sure you will get the new site layout and navagtion

08-07-07  06:23am

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Visit Brain Pass

Brain Pass

Videooptions and size

Before I didnt understand there download options entirely and havent mentioned it so much about it but I finally figured it out. Ive been a regular member on a small amount of sites awhile now so how good video options compared to other similar sites I cant really judge. But you get lots of options here if ya ask me.

You get 3 download options on ether low speed ore high speed. Each part is always 5mins long at most doesnt matter wich option you take. The low speed options are: (Same Movie Part)
1. 56kbps/wmv FileSize: 1-3mb (The file I downloaded 1,62mb)
2. 126kbps/wmv FileSize: 4-6mb (The file I downloaded 4,29mb)
3. 350kbps/mpeg Filesize: 10-15mb (The file I downloaded 13mb)
I have to have bad eye when it comes to blurry videos ^^ bc I dont see much diffrence between 126wmv and 350mpg.
The High speed options are:
1. 700kbps/wmv FileSize: 25-35mb (The file I downloaded 27mb)
2. 650kbps/mpeg Filesize:20-25mb (The file I downloaded 24mb)
3. 2000kbps/wmv Full Movie (The file I downloaded 481mb)

This Movie I Downloaded to show the diffrent options was 32mins in 7 parts if you dont wanna download the full movie. Thats all Folks :P ^^

07-25-07  06:13am

Replies (2)
Visit Brazzers


BoobPass and Brazzerspass?

BooBpass and Brazzers is the same network right. I think it gives access to same sites, when they merged these 2 Networks to 1. And If there is any diffrences between the 2 passes plz explain it for me?

07-18-07  06:46am

Replies (1)
Visit Sharing Paris

Sharing Paris

cam show

Just saw a cam show with Paris she looks amazing, shes really sexy and she is a swinger!! Check the free tour is so Hot!! My new dream Girl Paris....

07-02-07  06:06pm

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Visit Brain Pass

Brain Pass

Diary and recent news....

Suggestion for the network Brain Pass:Diary and recent news are a thing makin me annoyed of Braipass Network when its not updated sense 2006 makes the whole network seem old and inactive in many ways. I would suggest to delete this feature when its unessary if it not used on the sites. Bc even tho the site is still updating if the news isnt updating theres no Interaction throught the single site, The news about the network comes today from the blog ore the message center. Ore write a reason why these sites has decided to not update news if they have been moving on to busy whatever. Another thing is when you look on news you see the oldest news first so the system of the news feuture may need to bee chnaged anyways when in my opion the newest updates of news ore diarys should bee seen first Thx alot And I hope any reponsible for the BrainPass Network atleast read this....

07-01-07  09:18am

Replies (2)
Visit Christine Young

Christine Young

Young Is back

Christine is again adding movies to the site atleast 1 per month. they are all from her past live shows so how new the live shows vids shes ading is doesnt say. A thing that would bee nice to look over are the diary system when you see the diary enties from oldest first and have to click next quite alot to get to the latest ones. Regards BooBie Man!!!

06-16-07  02:07am

Replies (1)
Visit Ox Pass

Ox Pass


Hey Im confused by A thing about Oxpass and BangBros Network. On PornUsers and The BestPorn its says BangBros is a clone of Oxpass, The thing I dont understand is on Oxpass you mean you get 12 sites and on BangBros Network theres 15 sites. So if BangBros Network is a clone wich on is right info. If I understand it right BangBros Networks is bigger according to site and pre tour on Ox and Network
and not same content. Can someone explain the diffrences between this 2 passes when I dont understand why Bangbros Network is a clone when it contains recent sites and most activ sites compared to the sites on Oxpass list? Im really confused :/ takin the pretour didnt help ether

06-15-07  10:39am

Replies (6)
Visit Ox Pass

Ox Pass

sense when?

Sense when did they guys start to film evrything in Povstyle was like 3 ore 4 months ago I was a member there and I know there was 2 sites then doing it Only!!

06-13-07  01:27pm

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Visit Pornstars Like It Big

Pornstars Like It Big

Site ads variety niche for the network

its true most girls come over and over again and many times. In Pornostars like it big we have seen some new type of girls some of the girls Ive havent seen any new content with in a long whie. A excellent ad for the Network Big BooBPass, maybee not the hotest site on itself tho

06-13-07  12:19pm

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Visit Big Boob Pass

Big Boob Pass


I think its sad that the Bestporn hasnt updated a new reveiw on BooBPass when from 2006 and much have changed sense last time more updates quality of vids some new sites have been added and so on.. I would really bee happy if it got updated

06-12-07  06:08am

Replies (3)
Visit Twistys


Twistys nice soft, hardcore part lacks..

Twistys models and picture is fresh and hot when it comes to the video part its another story when I was member 6 months ago. The Twistys Treat of the month was always hot and solo and lesbian sets where good most of the time, but lacked good common boy girl sex acts. And the ones they had ore got was from older movies in quality below averge of other sites had.

Twistys is a to much mix would probably work better if they just went for softporn and pictures. That was were there was when I was a member. A person that like more pictures and softporn Twistys is a good choice but if ya wanna hardcore boy/girl acts they have lesser good content (obs may have changed was member 6 months ago)

05-27-07  03:41pm

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