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Visit Anette Dawn

Anette Dawn

Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: * A website devoted to the cute, hot and busty Anette Dawn
* Only solo videos (pro and con)
* Videos available for streaming in MOV and WMV. Also available for downloads in smaller parts and Full length videos.
* Both MOV and WMV are available in 3000 kbps
* Galleries are archived in zip-files and are High Res. Also available are screencaps. Also zipped
* Date is mentioned with every update.
* Gives access to the entire network, including Twistys!
* Funny names for the videos (sure, only a minor pro but it's worth mentioning)
* Really a what you see is what you get website.
* Mostly exclusive content.
Cons: * Same girls they use on other websites in within the network
* No HD videos, this is pretty much required these days
* Dates aren't mentioned with the video
* Not many updates
* Only 73 videos for a website that has been around for 3 years
* No diary updates, really, none. Just like the wishlist it's empty.
* No forum for this particular website
* It gets a bit repetitive after a while. All videos are the same masturbation technique usually.
* Some content can be found on other website I believe but the vast majority of it is exclusive
* Could really use some interaction with the model. But I suppose the website isn't maintained by Anette herself although they make it seem like it is.
Bottom Line: AnetteDawn.com is a website which features the cute, hot and incredibly busty Anette Dawn. The website launched March, 2007 and is now offering about 73 videos and 72 galleries.

Since I've been a Twistys member for over a year now and it has over 10 reviews with AnetteDawn only having 3, I decided to do a review on this website for once.

I had heard of Anette Dawn before, saw her on some eastern European websites a couple of times but never really expected her to have her own website. Let alone in the same network as Twistys! This was a pleasant surprise.
As I've previously stated, I've been a member for over a year and I've seen the websites grow in the meantime. Mostly Twistys, while AnetteDawn sort of stays behind. They update whenever they feel like, so it seems. Haven't seen an update for a couple of weeks, maybe months now. I'm not quite sure how long it has been as I don't feel the need to check the website that often anymore due to the lack of updates. But I think I can safely say it's been over a month.

Anyway, technically, the website is fine. The navigation is a breeze with the easy navigation bar at the top of the screen. Only 73 videos with about 42 videos on 1 page making for 2 pages. Every video is presented as a little thumbnail link on the video pages with a funny video title. Some don't even really make sense with the video but are still funny like "Duel at Dawn"or "It Just Started to Dawn on Me". It's a minor plus but it makes a little difference.

When you want to download or stream a movie, just click on one of the thumbnails and choose either WMV or MOV. Videos are only available in 3000 kbps and no HD, which is a shame really. This is pretty much a standard these days.
All of the videos feature Anette masturbating with either a toy or with her hands. And in every video she wear a different outfit. That's it. So it's really what you see it what you get.
Now, I'm a big fan of solo videos. But I'm sure there are people out there who would like to see something different for a change. Even a change of scenery would be appreciated.

Anyway, off to the galleries.
There are currently 72 galleries to choose from. Luckily they're zipped for your pleasure and easy download but you can also view them on the website. Not much else to say about this. Good quality though, 1280px on average.

The Diary and wish list aren't in use, they're just empty. They say they will update this asap but I haven't seen them update it in... well, never.

All in all the website is a fun little extra to the network but the website itself does not justify the cost. 73 videos of average quality and no consistent updates does not make it worth it. So if you actually would like to join because of the other websites attached, it would certainly be worth the money. Even if it's just for the Twistys site alone.

Just see this as a very nice and above average bonus site.

06-01-10  02:06pm

Replies (2)
Visit Bang Bros Worldwide

Bang Bros Worldwide

Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: * Good solo videos.

* Attached to a good network.

* Gives you something to do while waiting for a download or something.
Cons: * No updates after 2005.

* Video quality below par.

* Not as Worldwide as they advertise with.

* Gets really old really fast.
Bottom Line: Bang Bros. Worldwide should not be seen as a stand alone website.
It should actually be seen as some fun extra content to the bigger sites that are attached to the Bang Bros. Network.

The videos are all solo videos, which means that the girls only do masturbation in the videos and actions that only involve themselves.

Don't expect much of the quality of the videos too.

There is not much to say about this website, except that it does not get updated and thereīs not much content.

They probably use this site like a couple of other sites they have that are tied to the network to advertise with. This way it seems like the network is twice as big as it really is.

Also itīs not really "worldwide", the girls MIGHT be from different countries but itīs just not that worldwide.

All in all, it's fun extra content to the network you can enjoy while waiting for a download or something but not a real website.
Itīs not a reason to join the Bang Bros. Network.

06-03-07  11:54am

Replies (4)
Visit Butt Cam

Butt Cam

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: * Original niche and concept.
* Can't get any closer than this in the human body with a camera.
* More than 130 different videos.
* They give you a "double view" with some videos.
* Newer videos offer WMV 320x240 1200kbps, WMV 640x480 2400kbps, MPEG 640x480 2400kbps, QuickTime 640x480 2400kbps.
* Videos are available for downloading and streaming.
* Connected to a pretty big network.
Cons: * Site design leaves some things to be desired.
* Only 22 models with picture galleries.
* No regular updates. Once every couple of months I'd say.
* It's gets really old really fast.
* Hard to find the videos from the main page.
* Only the newer videos offer higher quality formats.
* Older videos, which are most of them are pretty low quality.
* Older videos only have streaming option
* No dates with the updates.
Bottom Line: ButtCam.com is a website that features videos of girls using dildos that have a built-in camera.

This is a very special kind of niche that is hard to find connected to a bigger network. Also it's very hardcore in my opinion and it's hard to get any closer to the human body with a camera than this. The camera goes into almost every orifice of the female body.
Sometimes they offer a "double view" which means that you see both angles at the same time, inside and out.

Although they have over 130 different videos, only the new videos are available in WMV320x240 1200kbps, WMV640x480 2400kbps, MPG 640x480 2400kbps, QuickTime 640x480 2400kbps. The older videos can't even be downloaded.

Galleries are only available for 22 models and they don't add anything to the site. They might as well delete them.

The site itself can be a drag to navigate through. It would be a great improvement if the model page and latest update page would be similar.

Updates are rare to this site. Every once in a while they upload a new video. Rare isn't really bad but infrequent is another thing. Rare and infrequent updates just doesn't make for a good up-to-date website.

All in all, the website offers a lot of videos which you can occasionally download.
Although the site features a rare niche that's no reason not to update on a regular basis. Luckily it's connected to a big network that has sites that do update.

But, if you've seen one video, you've seen them all.

06-08-07  01:40am

Replies (4)
Visit Cum Bang

Cum Bang

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: * A website focused on black girls getting revenge on their black boyfriends by having sex with many rednecks.
* Very cute and some well known black porn actresses
* Videos available for streaming in FLV and download in WMV. In 15-20 very small parts, 3 medium size parts or as full movie in either
* Galleries are archived in High Res. Also available as a zip file.
* Date is mentioned with every update. And a nice summary of the video with it.
* Gives access to the entire network.
* Ability to rate scenes. Gives you the possibility to sort the videos by your rating.
* All exclusive content
* Weekly updates usually, though the last update was 3 weeks ago. (04-27-2010)
* Very funny storylines if you're into this sort of thing. Acting could use some work but is better than most websites.
* Finally the other side of the story
* Features older men as well as younger men
Cons: * Most videos only contain girls doing blow-jobs, rarely any sex.
* Could use some better acting.
* When you visit the homepage, a video starts playing which you can't turn off. The video has audio.
* They try to lure you onto other websites with links in the navigation menu. Also, on the entire network.
* Haven't seen an update in 3 weeks.
* Navigation could be better. About 3 videos per page, so there's a lot of mouse clicking involved.
* Could be really offensive if taken seriously.
* Videos are all kind of the same after the story. The girl comes into the room filled with rednecks and starts blowing them.
* The website has some advertisements, which is always a shame. You paid for it and still get the ads... Also, it's above the navigation bar.
Bottom Line: CumBang.com is a website mainly focused on black girls getting revenge on their black boyfriends/husbands by having an orgy with rednecks. The website launched October, 2008 according to TBP but the first video on the website dates back to April 24th, 2009. The website now offers about 50 videos.

The videos are all available for flash-streaming or downloads in either really small parts, medium size parts or full movies.
Every update comes with a nice little summary of the video and a big screen shot. This give you a good idea what you're going to get as the bigger part of the story never changes.

The videos usually start with a black girl being mad at her black boyfriend for something really stereotypical. I will not get into this as it might be offensive to some but you probably get the idea. But to get back at him she goes and has an orgy with a bunch of rednecks.
How do you know they're rednecks you ask? Well, this could be a bit offensive to rednecks but they make fun of themselves a bit by wearing certain t-shirts and such.
This all makes for a funny storyline most of the time, if you're into this sort of thing and can appreciate the humor. The website should not be taken seriously or it might be really offensive to some. And it's finally the other part of the story, instead of the black guy doing the white girl it's the other way around!

Most of girls only do blow-jobs in the videos. There are a few videos in which the girl actually has sex with the men. This is sort of a shame really as it gets old really fast. But on the bright side, the girl does receive many facials.

The website itself is very clear about everything and open. Itīs not really hard to navigate but it does lack the search function. It could certainly benefit from tags to go with the video as well.

All in all, the website is really a lot of fun if you like a bit of a laugh and you are not too serious. The girls are gorgeous, the storylines are funny and the updates are plenty.

Sure, it has some little flaws like the video on the homepage which starts playing automatically and it does not have a search function. But if you like the girls that are on the website and would like to see the other side of the story for once this website is certainly worth a 1-month sign up.

Although, it could be better if there was more actual sex.

05-18-10  01:52am

Replies (0)
Visit Cuties Galore

Cuties Galore

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: * Great download speed, DL managers allowed
* Great layout of the site
* Great navigation (once gotten used to)
* Weekly update
* Support for mobile devices (Windows Media, Android and iOS)
* Loads of content, old and new.
* Part of a huge network with even more content
* Very high quality videos and galleries
* Mostly (99%) Eastern Europeans girls (also a con)
* Separate screenshot and actual photo galleries.
* Good "solo" site
Cons: * Quite unclear what you're getting into when subscribing
* Navigation takes some getting used to
* Mostly (99%) Eastern Europeans girls (also a pro)
* Credit system is a very unclear system.
* Much of the same thing
* Not very engaging
* 21sextury and 21sextreme look a like but give different subscriptions. (I fell for this)
* File names are just numbers, you have to rename them if you want to keep track of what is what.
* Most of the girls in the pictures are shopped and look very differently in the videos.
Bottom Line: The first encounter I had with 21Sextury was when ClubSandy had turned into a partner site.
This was years ago obviously.

At that time I had downloaded a couple of videos from PixandVideo and Zoliboy. Some were my favorites throughout the years. But alas, I lost them and I needed to find them again. Thus I decided to rejoin the sites by subscribing to 21Sextury as it seemed to offer GrandpasFuckTeens as well.

Here I was wrong as 21Sextreme offers GrandpasFuckTeens only. And to make things more confusing, on the inside of the member's area they offer a bonus point system through which one can get more site or own videos. Though all of the videos seem DRM-free to me.

Yes, I know this all might seem confusing but this is as clear to you as it is to me, probably.

Anyway, Let's go on to discussing CutiesGalore.
When I joined 21Sextury and re-downloaded most of my old and lost videos I went on to explore the rest of the network, stumbling upon CutiesGalore.

Now, I'm a big fan of "solo"-sites and scenes. So needless to say CutiesGalore caught my eye as it's offers only solo-videos.

After streaming a couple of videos from the website in lower resolution, which was a pleasant experience, I decided to download a couple of scenes in HD which they call Ultra HD. The format was H.264.

But first I had to search for some "Cuties" which seemed interesting enough for me to download. This was much harder than expected.
Of course there is a matter of different tastes and I'm certainly not saying any of these girls are "ugly" as no one is ugly. And then again, I'm not a huge fan of Eastern European models as they are mostly Photoshopped in the thumbnails and are very different in the actual video.

Sadly, this is the case here as well. The thumbnails look amazing and in low quality the videos are all right. But when one downloads the HD version and nothing is Photoshopped, reality hits you in the face like an angry ex-girlfriend wielding a sledgehammer.
This might seem a bit harsh but I was quite shocked by some videos. Albeit, some videos were all right and weren't as shocking.

Again, I'm not saying the girls are ugly but it's just something to keep in mind when joining these sites. Pictures are over-shopped. Ever more than most sites.

But let us discuss the technical aspects of the site. These do not differ much from the rest of the network.
The videos may be streamed or downloaded. The following formats are downloadable for every video: Low quality H.264
Medium quality wmv
Medium quality H.264
High quality wmv
Ultra high quality wmv
Ultra high quality H.264

HD might no be available for older videos of course. But any video from the past 3 years at least are available in HD.
Something which bothers me is the fact that when downloading a video, the file name is a sort of code. If you are like me and want to archive your favorite scenes in a clear way, you want to download videos with a normal title. Instead you now have to rename every video yourself.

I know this might seem nitpicking, but it's something which bothers me.
Also, if you want to download a video, you have to hover your cursor over the download-link for the formats to pop up and click the one you would like to download. It might be less of a hassle of the links would be directly accessible below the video.
Again, might be nitpicking, but these are the minor annoyances which just make the browsing experience a bit less fun in my opinion.

The galleries are downloadable in ZIP-format and are very high quality. (dimensions vary so I can't really give an exact resolution)

The rest of the site is very easy to navigate boasts a very well thought out tagging-system which I am very fond of when visiting big network sites such as these.

Also the search engine is very usable when one keeps to using the words used by the tagging-system.

They also offer a bonus system. They give you bonus points when you buy 21Sextury products like a subscription to another website or theirs. Whit these bonus points one may "Buy" videos or access to other websites.

The buying of videos seems redundant to me as the videos are DRM-free. Haven't really figured this out yet and should be discussed in a review of the entire network. Which I plan on writing soon.

All in all CutiesGalore is a website which is a nice addition to an already huge network offering content starring mostly Eastern European models.

Would I recommend the website? If you are a fan of Eastern European models, yes, definitely. The structure of the website is great. The videos, though over exposed most of the times and rather bland for my taste, are nothing short of "All right for the money"

Is it anything special? No. But as I see it, it does the job. And if there are more sites you are interested in connected to the network, it's a nice bonus.

Just beware of the differences between 21Sextury and 21Sextreme.

04-02-12  09:46am

Replies (4)
Visit Diary Of A MILF

Diary Of A MILF

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: * A lot of different models
* Funny story lines
* Most of the models are real MILFs
* Dates with all updates from 06-21-06
* Videos are available in MPEG, QuickTime, "Normal" WMV512k, "High" WMV1000k, "DVD" WMV2000k and iPod.
* High res. galleries can be downloaded as a zipped archive.
* Websites is attached to a vastly growing network.
* Weekly updates that are actually weekly.
Cons: * No dates with the older videos
* Not many high quality videos yet
* Only a couple of videos have iPod and DVD format.
* Some models are more MILF-like than others.
* It could be easier when you click on a model it would open in a new window, as it could take a while to load the main page on a lower connection.
* Acting of the models could use some more work.
Bottom Line: DiaryofaMilf.com is a website that features videos of MILFs writing in their diaries which results in a sex scene.

The website launched beginning of 2006 and has grown considerably. Since then it's a home to over 80 different videos and galleries.

The models in the videos are in comparison to other MILF featuring websites very believable MILFs. This is pretty rare, but Naughty America has been specializing in this niche over the past couple of years.

The latest videos are high quality as opposed to the older videos which are pretty low quality.
Also they are offering way more video formats than before. They now offer iPod and WMV2000k too.

The story lines are funny and add a lot to the videos although the acting leaves some things to be desired of course. But that is to be expected of adult entertainment I guess.

The galleries are like the videos, fully downloadable. The galleries are archived in zip files and are High res.

The website is easy to navigate through but be sure to open the model pages individually because loading the main page can take a while on a lower connection.

Updates are regular and contain at least a new video every week.

All in all the website offers a vast collection of exclusive MILF videos that keeps growing rapidly. Especially now all of the websites have been combined into one big network.
The site is fun and the network will keep you entertained for a while.

06-19-07  12:40pm

Replies (0)
Visit Diary Of A Nanny

Diary Of A Nanny

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: * Very cute girls
* Funny story lines, funny niche.
* Fast growing website
* Videos available in WMV512, WMV1000, WMV2000 Mpeg, QuickTime and Ipod.
* Galleries are archived in zip-files and are High Res.
* Wiki and forum available for discussions about the websites and updates.
* Date is mentioned with every update.
* Gives access to the entire network.
* Update every 5-7 days.
Cons: * Not all the videos are available in "DVD" or WMV2000.
* Acting could use some work
* Could use some variation in the videos, they're all the same, sort of.
* Some girls have more videos, it would be nice to have a link on those pages to the other episodes by those models.
* If it gets to be the size of the other Naughty America sites, it could use a search feature.
* Need to log in for every site
Bottom Line: DiaryofaNanny.com is a website that features videos of nannies writing in their diaries and later on they end up in a sex scene.

The website launched the end of February, 2007. Since then it's been growing a lot, like most sites by Naughty America. It's now offering more than 20 videos.

The videos are pretty high quality, especially the latest ones which are available in WMV2000. The acting however is below par and could get annoying. Also the videos are all kind of the same. They are however available in a broad range of formats. They're downloadable in split scenes but also as a full movie.

The galleries are available in Low res. and High res. and are fully downloadable as zip archives.

The website is easy to navigate through, this due to the fact that there are only 20+ videos at the moment. Also it's easy to navigate through the whole network. But you have to keep logging in which can get annoying.

The updates are a very big plus to this website as they update every 5 to 7 days. With a video with every update.

All in all, the website has great potential. It was just a matter of time before they would add this niche to their collection.

At the moment it's not worth getting a membership over. But if you're really into the nanny-niche it might be worth it in a while. When the site has grown a bit.

Compared to the other sites offer by NA, this is not interesting, YET. But certainly could be very soon.

06-19-07  01:27pm

Replies (0)
Visit Disgraced 18

Disgraced 18

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: * Pretty famous porn stars doing something different for a change.
* An attempt at offering bondage on a network that usually provides "regular porn"
* Consistent updates usually, about 2-3 a month.
* Videos available for streaming in FLV and download in WMV HD, MPG HD, WMV and MPG. Also available; Video to Go DVD-CD, iPod, iPhone, PSP and Xbox.
* Galleries are archived in zip-files and are High Res. Also available are screencaps. Also zipped
* Date is mentioned with every update.
* Gives access to the entire network.
*Ability to save your favorites, on the website for easy access in the future.
* Features many well known porn stars in a sort of soft-bondage.
*All exclusive content
Cons: * They use the same girls over and over on the entire network. This can be a pro and a con.
* It's completely unrealistic and unbelievable.
* When you advertise with a website that has 'disgraced' in its name, don't put up videos of regular sex with just a ball-gag and a belt here and there.
* Way too many advertisements on the website. On all pages. Makes for slower loading. Again, this is on the entire network.
* They try to lure you onto other websites with links in the navigation menu. Also, on the entire network.
* All videos look a like. They get a girl, immediately have sex with her and tie her up very loosely with a belt or something similar. And give her a ball-gag.
* FLV streaming doesn't work all the time. The older videos just won't play. Tried on many different browsers and even computers.
* The acting is just really bad. They have way too much fun for being 'disgraced'.
* last update was a month ago. They seem to take a one month break once in a while.
Bottom Line: Disgraced18.com is a website featuring pretty well known porn stars doing something different for a change. The website launched January 29th, 2009.

That being said, it's worth mentioning that they already have a pretty vast collection of videos, meaning that they do update frequently. Though they take the odd month off at times.

When they update, they update well, about 2-3 times a month. Last update now was a month ago.
Currently they have about 53 videos which have been made over the last year and a half.

When it comes down to the videos, they don't offer a lot of variety. There's about a minute or 2 of acting and storyline, which is not worth your time usually.

The following is a standard procedure for all movies. They tie up her hands, very loosely I might add. Then put a ball-gag in her mouth and have sex with her. Sometimes they like to shake it up a little by making her crawl around like a pet or covering her up in messy foods or a placing a suction cup somewhere on the girls body.

While they do this, the girl usually tries her best to look disgraced, naive and innocent. Yet, at the same time, the girls laugh and will gladly do anything they ask of them.
This is not my idea of disgracing a girl.
But if you like your average well known porn stars doing something different, it might be fun to watch a couple of episodes.

As a heads up, you can get a lot of errors streaming the videos. Some just don't work all the time. This is mainly the older videos.

Regarding the idea of the website itself. It's obvious they saw Kink.com come out with PublicDisgrace.com and the huge demand there was for videos of that nature did not go unnoticed throughout the community.

I don't like mentioning other websites in reviews but this was in my opinion pretty darn obvious as this website followed several months later. It's not the first time they tried to copy other websites. And when you decide to copy a website, please, do it well.

Though this website, like any other in the network, is completely flooded with advertisement that also keep reloading the website, the search functions are very well thought out. You can either choose a website, choose a category, choose a model or just search for a term you'd like. Kudos on the search functions for PornPros.

All in all, the website is fun, like the rest of the network. But you get bored watching the same stuff over and over again.
They don't live up to their name either. When it's called Disgraced18, one expects a girl to actually be disgraced. And Kink.com set the bar for doing that. But it's still fun to see some well known porn star doing something a little different.

If you see any other websites in the network you're interested in, I'd say at least 3, a one-month subscription should suffice. But if you're in it for actual disgraced models, you're going to be very disappointed.

05-10-10  07:35am

Replies (10)
Visit Dream Kelly

Dream Kelly

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: * A website devoted to a very cute girl who has been around for about 5 years now!
* Loads of videos, about 200+
* Videos available in WMV, MOV and "WMVHD-ish"
* Many bonus sites that come with it
* A nice mix of videos with her being either a brunette or blond
* Gives access to the entire network.
* Updates are although not very often, pretty frequent. About 1 every other week on average
* Still the same Dream Kelly, this can be good as well as bad. She just hasn't changed much repertoire-wise.
* All exclusive content
* Talks more in videos, though usually the same stuff over and over again of her wanting you (inside her), it's an improvement.
* No more videos in 2 parts which made for 2 half updates each other week.
Cons: * A girl with a little identity crisis, blond to brunette to blond...
* She does the same things she did in videos 3 years ago, maybe a bit more close up masturbation.
* No big changes in the site in 3 years. Think navigation, type of videos etc.
* Download speed limit, about 1700-1800 KBps.
* Certainly not download manager friendly, the links expire within 5 minutes.
* No upload dates with the videos or galleries. So I'm not quite sure on the updates anymore.
* The HD videos were 720p videos for about 100 videos. They now recently switched back to 960x540 which is quite strange.
* Still advertises with the cute blond and pink streaked Kelly while she looked like that 4-5 years ago
* Navigation could use a make over, still no search function which is quite annoying with 200+ videos.
* Older videos aren't worth it
* Still no interaction with Kelly.
* Talks more during videos
* Galleries aren't zipped.
* Videos start playing automatically
* No platinum blond hair with pink streaks
Bottom Line: DreamKelly is a website devoted to the awesome Kelly who has been around for almost 5 years now!

Actually, I wanted to wait doing this review until July because that will be her 5 year anniversary on this website. I've done a review on her site before, some 3 years ago.
Let's see if things have changed a bit since...

Let's start off with the homepage. They still advertise with the hot young Kelly with the platinum blond hair and cute pink streaks. Really? She hasn't looked like in 4 years now! In the meantime she has gone brunette to blond again. Ok, so we know now that's a lie. No biggie but it's something to think of before subscribing.

Let's go inside!
On the homepage you can see which new videos and galleries they have put up. The only thing missing is the dates which they used to messed with a couple of years ago. They had the tendency to change the upload dates so it would seem they had updated quite frequently. They obviously decided to leave new subscribers in the dark now.

The video page isn't all that better. Same old layout which wouldn't have been a problem if the navigation was good. They offer 41 pages with 5 videos each. This makes for 200+ videos.
No search function and 40+ pages with 200+ videos makes for lousy navigation. Oh well, let's watch a video to get an idea of the quality...

The first 50 videos you can just skip as the quality is really bad. Even for 5 years ago. When you hit around page 28-29, you're in HD country. This is where they began with WMVHD, though maybe not all of them are 720, most of them are. They kept this up until about half a year go when they decided to quit making videos in 2 parts. They now make full videos of Kelly still doing the same masturbation routine but more closeup and with her talking more.

When you want to download a movie, you have to open the page for each video. It then starts playing automatically in Windows Media Player.
This is not only annoying but can be hard on your PC as well. If you want to download you have the option of WMV, MOV and "WMVHD". If you intend on using a download manager, be aware that the download links expire within 5 minutes! Also, the speed gets capped off at 1700-1800 Kilobytes per second.

The galleries you ask? Three words: Not worth it. Not zipped, rarely updated, in the last update she's still a brunette.

All in all, the website hasn't changed much. The videos are a bit more close up and more talking which is a plus. Also, no more videos in 2 parts. But other than that there's not really an improvement.
Better yet they got a little worse in some parts. The quality of the videos went down, the update dates are gone, galleries are neglected.

On a personal note, I loved this site. But after 5 years it might be time for a little change. And I really miss that platinum blonde hair with the pink streaks which she still advertises with...

Is it worth the money? Maybe for a month if you haven't seen her before...

05-31-10  04:32am

Replies (4)
Visit Dream Kelly

Dream Kelly

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: * Some new videos are in HD widescreen

* DreamKelly has gone more hardcore

* Site has a nice look to it

* Very nice picture galleries
Cons: * Site does not contain any of the TeenKelly website content.

* DreamKelly's doesn't look as good in all the videos.

* Older videos are very low quality.

* Navigation and ways to download can be improved greatly.

* Site goes down every so often for a minute or two.
* Updates aren't on a regular basis as they promise.
Bottom Line: DreamKelly.com is one of those sites that most people hoped would finally go a little bit more hardcore. If you were one of those people, you're in luck!

Sure she had some masturbation videos, one or two, but that was it. Now that has changed.
She's doing more masturbation videos with more toys and anal too.

Although DreamKelly looks very hot, in some of the newer videos she doesn't really pay much attention to her looks which is kind of a shame at times.

As for the site itself, the downloading is a hassle. The site goes down every so often.

Downloading all of the galleries is actually not an option. If you want all of the pictures, you have to download them by hand.
But the pictures almost make it worth it.

The new videos are in HD widescreen, sometimes they upload a non-HD video.
Why? I don't know.

You can choose with the HD videos between HD and regular too.
So if you don't want to download the 100 Megabytes HD videos you can always choose to download the smaller videos instead.

All in all, the website has a great look, the girl looks great, the new content looks great. Only the downloading can be a hassle and the gallery navigation could use some work. And the updating could use some more attention.
But... exclusive content from an exclusive girl.

06-02-07  11:16am

Replies (0)
Visit French Pee

French Pee

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: * Multiple video formats for downloading.
* Exclusive content.
* Regular updates.
* A lot of models, some of them are cute.
* Full network access to 22 sites.
* Option to stream the videos instead of download.
* Option to buy your membership by phone.
* Trial membership gets you full access.
Cons: * Not sure if all the models are French.
* Video quality of older videos is way below par.
* No option to download the videos as a whole, only scenes.
* No photo galleries, just video stills which are very low quality.
* Mostly the same models as the sister sites.
* Videos are all sort of the same.
Bottom Line: FrenchPee.com is a website that features videos of (supposedly) French girls drinking pee and getting peed on.

The website launched in 2005 and is now a home to more than 100 different exclusive videos. All videos are supposedly featuring French girls getting peed on. I'm not sure if every girl is really French though...

They offer regular updates, every week. The updates include a new video and a gallery of video stills.

The videos can be downloaded only as split scenes, not as a whole. Also the videos are offered in a variety of formats such as: WMV320x240 1200kbps, WMV640x480 2400kbps, MPEG 640x480 2400kbps and QuickTime 640x480 2400kbps. They can also be streamed. The galleries of video stills are very low quality. Also the older videos are very low quality.

Most models featured in the videos are pretty cute compared to the sister sites, although a lot of them appear on those websites too.

The membership can also be bought by phone. I don't know how this works though.

All in all, the website is connected to a network that offers a broad range of niche specialty sites and has a great amount of exclusive footage.

The quality could be better, especially the galleries.
Some exclusive models wouldn't be bad either.
But on a brighter note, the trial membership gives you full access.
The content is all kind of the same but should keep you entertained for a couple of days. Especially if this is your niche.

06-12-07  08:48am

Replies (3)
Visit Futanaria


Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Updated: 05-27-10  04:58am  (Update History)
Reason: Score wasn't right.
Pros: * A website devoted to real girls with gigantic cocks
* A couple of well known actresses (mostly in the older videos)
* Videos available in both WMV and MOV
* A hentai fetish brought to life! Very imaginative!
* A diary is kept to keep you informed about the updates
* Advertisement free website
* A clean and clear looking website, looks cute too. Unless you really hate the color pink.
* All exclusive content. Really a one of a kind website.
* Download manager friendly, no DRM, no download limits.
* Update every 5 days. So 1 video update every 10 days and 1 gallery update every 10 days.
* The stories are funny, the outfits are hot, the girls are cute ...and hung.
Cons: * They have been using some "cheaper" girls in some of the last videos. Also no more well known stars for a while now. Very minor con.
* Not a whole lot of different video formats. Could benefit from more options and HD.
* No upload date with any of the videos or galleries
* The "cum" they use is a bit too fake but again, this is only a very minor con.
* Not enough swallowing in the videos
* Updates have slowed to once every 5 days. One new video every 10 days.
* Galleries still aren't zipped for easy download.
* Navigation could be easier. Just the homepage is sort of weird at first. When you find the video page, all is well.
* Could use a search function and a forum.
* They seem to be slowly losing the finesse they had in the beginning.
* There's at least a month between the gallery, which is first put up and the video which goes with the aforementioned gallery (or vice versa).
Bottom Line: Futanaria.com is a website which brings a hentai fetish of "dickgirls" to life! The website started in May, 2009.

If transsexuals/she-males, dickgirls, hentai, fake dicks/breasts or massive loads of sperm isn't your thing, please steer clear of this site. As it's filled with hot girls bringing a very special hentai niche to life!

When you first enter the site, the navigation seems a bit confusing but you get used to it quickly. On the left you'll see 2 small previews of videos and galleries acting as links to the sub-pages for videos and bios.

You might want to check the bio page first as it gives you an idea of every girl available and makes it a more personal experience. The only thing missing is links to the girls' videos. After that, head on down to the video-page.

Once you have reached the videos, you will see a big list of about 20 videos. All with a little screenshot and 2 links next to it for .wmv and .mov files. Nothing fancy but it does the job.
Yet, it does lack the somewhat required HD format almost every site offers these days.

On the top and bottom of the list is a small link to "More Videos". This goes on for about 3 pages. So yes, if you did your math correctly the site currently offers about 60 videos.
Not really bad for a site that's been around for a year now. Too bad the video updates slowed down to 1 every 10 days. Same goes for the galleries.

The videos feature girls wearing cute outfits with gigantic fake cocks spewing gallons of fake sperm. On a rare occasion they even have gigantic fake breasts with humongous nipples spewing fake breast milk.

No real cocks or men anywhere, luckily! Just wanted to mention this before they decide to hire a guy for once. This would totally ruin the experience. Anyway, the girls have sex with each other or play with themselves and get drenched in sperm.

The only thing missing is the girls swallowing. They have gallons of fake cum and only a drop is swallowed. And even this is a rare occasion.

When you are done downloading, head on to the galleries.
What? You can't find it? You're not the first! Head back to the main page, scroll down to the bottom of the main page and click on the small link in the bottom right corner called "See More Scenes". There ya go!

They could certainly benefit from a little user input through a forum to avoid these issues. Also, a search function would be nice.

A diary is also kept, which is partly featured on the main page. Each entry contains a link to either a video or gallery update. Not sure, who writes the diary though...

All in all, the website is a lot of fun but doesn't offer a lot of content. The navigation is the site's biggest issue.

Luckily it's only $ 17 a month. Though you'd probably be better off signing up every once in a while to catch the updates as there are only 3 new videos each month. It's download manager friendly and doesn't have a download limit.

The stories are funny, the outfits are hot, the girls are cute ...and hung.

05-27-10  04:42am

Replies (4)
Visit Gag Fuck

Gag Fuck

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: * Regular updates, every week.
* Many different video formats.
* Pretty fast growing site.
* More hot girls than the sister sites.
* Some averagely known amateur porn actresses.
* Attached to a 22-site network.
* All exclusive content.
* Real gag-sex.
* Option to stream and download the videos.
* Option to pay by phone.
Cons: * No option to download a full video, only split scenes.
* Still a pretty small site.
* Same girls as on the other sites, just a better pick.
* Very expensive for the content that they offer. Luckily they're tied to a network.
* Not every video features as much gagging as the next.
* Videos are all very similar to one another.
* No photo-galleries but they do offer video stills which are pretty low quality.
Bottom Line: GagFuck.com is a website that features videos of girls gagging on penises. They get fucked in the throat so to speak. All the content is exclusive.

The website launched somewhere late 2006. The first couple of months the updates were rare. But the last couple of months they have been updating regularly every week.

The videos they offer can be downloaded in WMV320x240 1200kbps, WMV640x480 2400kbps, MPEG 640x480 2400kbps and QuickTime 640x480 2400kbps, which is fair.

The videos are only to be downloaded in split scenes. There's no option to download the movies as a whole. But you do get the option to stream the split scenes.

Galleries leave some things to be desired. They only offer video stills, no real photographs. And they're very low quality too.

Not all the videos offer as much gagging-action as the other. But other than that, the videos are pretty much all the same.

The network the website is tied to offers a broad range of niches. This makes up for the content a bit but it's still pricey.
You can buy your membership through phone too.

All in all, the website's still a bit pricey even if it's tied to a 22-site network.
They do offer a fun niche-site with exclusive content.
But the videos are very similar to one another and get boring after a while. But the broad range of niches the network offers makes up for it.

This website alone is no reason to get a subscription, yet. Maybe in a while when they get more content.

06-11-07  04:22pm

Replies (0)
Visit Housewife 1 On 1

Housewife 1 On 1

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: * Close to a hundred different videos and growing
* Good amount of models that actually look like MILFS
* Pictures available in Low Res and High Res
* Videos available in: Normal, High, DVD, MPEG, .MOV, iPod.
* Option to comment on the updates via a Wiki, Forum or in the Lounge.
* Update frequently since June, 2006
* Attached to a great network
Cons: * For a site that has been online since 2005, the could use some more content.
* Still missing some update dates.
* Could use better pictures for links to model pages.
* Could use more MILF-like MILFS.
* Not clear which model has High res. pictures.
* Not clear which model her videos available in which formats.
* No links back to the main page on individual pages.
Bottom Line: Housewife1on1.com is a MILF featuring website which is connected to a very interesting network. The whole network features a broad arrange of MILFS that actually look like MILFS.

This is something that is very hard to find these days. Sure they don't all look like a real MILF but a lot of them do, which is a whole lot better than some other sites out there.
The website has launched somewhere in 2005.
From that day on they have made close to a hundred videos for you to choose from.

These videos are available in various formats such as: WMV, MPEG, iPod and QuickTime.
It's a shame not all of the movies are available in all of those formats, but still you can choose from at least 3 formats with every model.

Every model has one or more galleries for your viewing pleasure. Recently they have begun making High Res. galleries. So these are just for the newer models. All of the galleries are downloadable of course.

With every model there are links to a Wiki, forum or Lounge in which you can talk about the updates and models. This is pretty fun and makes for a pretty fun community.

One of the few things missing are some update dates. There aren't any dates between 12-22-05 and 06-19-06.
Furthermore there aren't any links back to the main page on the individual model pages. This may annoy from time to time while you are coffee depraved and still surfing for porn.

Not the very best site on the network but still pretty good.

06-07-07  08:21am

Replies (0)
Visit Jurassic Cock

Jurassic Cock

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: * Pretty famous teen pornstars
* A pretty special niche.
* Though not very often, pretty consistent updates, about 2 times a month.
* Videos available for streaming in FLV and download in WMV HD, MPG HD, WMV and MPG. Also available; Video to Go DVD-CD, iPod, iPhone, PSP and Xbox.
* Galleries are archived in zip-files and are High Res. Also available are screencaps. Also zipped
* Date is mentioned with every update.
* Gives access to the entire network.
*Ability to save your favorites, on the website for easy access in the future.
* Features the awesome Ron Jeremy!
Cons: * They use the same girls over and over. This can be a pro and a con.
* Pretty bad acting but it makes it sort of funny. But not hot as most would like.
* Could use some new flesh for both the men and women. Maybe some older men.
* Way too many advertisements on the website. On all pages. Makes for slower loading.
* They try to lure you onto other websites with links in the navigation menu.
* Lots of the same stuff over and over again.
* Only 2 updates a month
* Most of the men don't really look old.
Bottom Line: JurassicCock.com is a website featuring older men having sex with young girls. Most of the girls are pretty well known in the industry so it's fun to see them do something different.

The stories differ a lot. One is good and the other one isn't worth the left mouse click if it could save your life.

They are currently offering 71 videos of which the first video dates back to July 6th, 2009. This is one of the many videos featuring the classic Ron Jeremy.

Now, for those who don't know/like Ron Jeremy, then this website isn't anything you would want to spend your cash on. As he appears in the majority of the movies. But for those who loved him in the classics, this is the site where he decided to reside now, so it seems.

The rest of the movies feature either 1 or 2 of the male cast which consists of about 5 men.

In my opinion, when you create a website focused on a niche such as this, you need to have more men in your cast. Especially older men which look, well... ancient. It's called Jurassic Cock after all! Sure they're no spring chickens but there are plenty of websites who cater to lovers of this niche with real old looking men.

The galleries are available as high res photos as well as screencaps and are available for viewing on the website or as a zipped download.

On a brighter note, the website has lots of different search functions which makes navigation almost a breeze, if it wasn't for the darn advertisements everywhere. Even in the main navigation bar there are some hidden advertisements.
This makes for slower loading and the pages keep reloading once open because of the advertisements. It's just very annoying.

Luckily the website is connected to the pretty vast and growing network of PornPros.

The average 2 times a month update of JurassicCock.com doesn't satisfy the regular consumer so luckily you have 21 more sites to choose from until the next update.

All in all, the website itself is fun when you like the niche and you can stand a lot of advertisements on a site you paid for. The rest of the network looks the same and offers a pretty vast variety of videos in all sorts of niches and downloadable formats.

They deliver what they promise, but barely. In the end it could benefit from a little more finesse, better writing and real older men. This goes for the rest of the network as well, aside from the older men.

If you like anything else on the network, it's not an entire waste of money. But if this is the only thing that catches your eye, I recommend you look further to satisfy your need of older men with younger girls.

05-07-10  11:03am

Replies (2)
Visit LOL Cum Shots

LOL Cum Shots

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: * A website focused on funny facials
* Very cute girls
* Videos available for streaming in FLV and download in WMV HD, MPG HD, WMV and MPG. Also available; Video to Go DVD-CD, iPod, iPhone, PSP and Xbox.
* Galleries are archived in zip-files and are High Res. Also available are screencaps. Also zipped
* Date is mentioned with every update
* Gives access to the entire network
* Ability to save your favorites, on the website for easy access in the future.
* All exclusive content
* One of the few websites that uses a gigantic fake penis which shoots gallons of fake sperm
* Same girls as on the other websites in the network (this is also a con)
* A one-man bukkake fest!
Cons: * Same girls as on the other websites in the network (this is also a pro)
* Acting is terrible, yet better than the other websites within the network. (except for CumshotSurprise.com obviously)
* They try to lure you onto other websites with links in the navigation menu. Also, on the entire network.
* The videos are actually from an older website, CumshotSurprise.com. But they just moved them to a new website.
* They use a fake penis and fake sperm
* Most of the "sperm" is being dodged and not swallowed
* Just like the rest of the network, every video is pretty much the same. Except for the funny reactions to a real surprise cumshot. These are indeed hilarious at times.
* The website is filled with advertisements which keep reloading the page.
* They advertise with the site as if it's new. The content is old, atleast a year.
* Haven't seen an update since February 8th, 2010. That's over 3 months of silence.
Bottom Line: LOLcumshots.com is a website which focuses on funny, fake cum shots. The website was launched November 23rd, 2009.

PornPros might be most famous for their use of giant fake penises. In this case the giant schlong is yet again the main attraction. It spews gallons of fake sperm at the girls while they are having sex or playing with each other. Sometimes the girls aren't aware of the oncoming wave of white goo and this can make for a very funny "cum shot".

It's just too bad they haven't updated for well over 3 months now. But I think I know why...
All of the videos are actually older videos from the website CumshotSurprise.com. Obivously they took out the, in their opinion, funniest ones and put them up here. Together with new upload dates.

Now, the dates aren't really a lie as they have been uploaded at those dates to this website. But the videos are well over a year old! So anyone who has had a membership to PornPros in the last year might have already seen these on CumshotSurprise.com!
Sure, we all get what they're doing. Trying to create a new website without having to make new content. Trying to get more customers by offering more sites. But they are tricking the old customers into thinking they actually did make new content. And sure, it's easier to get the funniest ones now, but still... Make the people aware that this is old content and stop tricking people.

On to the rest of the site. Well, there's not much to tell really.
The website looks like any other PornPros website. Riddled with advertisements, repetitive videos, bad acting, bad writing, but with a well functioning search engine. When you open the website through the homepage, it opens in a new window, opening a dating website in the current window.

The galleries can be viewed online or downloaded as a zip-file and the videos can either be downloaded or streamed. It's all download manager friendly, which is a plus.

With only 12 videos to offer, I wouldn't recommend joining PornPros over this site. Especially if you've been a member since January, 2009 because none of the content is new and chances are you'll experience a déjā vu. But if you happen to want to subscribe because of other websites within the network, the videos are still sort of funny to watch.

But keep in mind that PornPros just proves again and again to be unethical. Creating sites such as these and not to forget the sheer amount of advertisements on a website you paid for.

05-18-10  08:13am

Replies (0)
Visit Midnight Prowl

Midnight Prowl

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: * Older videos are very amusing and great.

* Lots of content to keep you busy for weeks.

* In the older videos real amateur porn stars get fucked by real random people in the store.

* Great network with a lot of variation.

* Porn you can actually laugh at!
Cons: * They stopped filming in the adult video store.

* Most likely hired male porn actors in the new videos.

* New videos are way less amusing.

* No High Res. pictures or HD video.

* Not all videos can be downloaded as one big video.
Bottom Line: MidnightProwl.com used to be one of those rare real reality sites.
In the old days they used to get a real amateur porn actress and take her to a sleazy adult video store and let her get fucked by the sleazy customers who were real.

Now it seems they hire their male porn actors too and have them fuck in a van or a hotel room. The site has changed dramatically!

The whole reality side of it has gone which was it's main selling point.

Luckily the old videos are still available and are still very much amusing. Heck, they got me laughing off my chair a couple of times!

This site, combined with the other average quality sites from the MeatMembers Network make for a pretty good deal in my opinion.

At least for a one month subscription, after that you'd probably be bored with it as the site has, again, changed dramatically.

The content isn't really high quality, but for what they offer, well it's about average quality.

So all in all, this site is not a huge revelation in porn or high quality porn but it's a fun site/network for about a month. Especially if you want some porn you want to laugh at too!

06-02-07  12:28pm

Replies (0)
Visit Mofos Network

Mofos Network

Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: The Good:

- Downloads available, even for non-VIP members.
- Clear navigation. Everything is easily accessible, like everything else in the PornPortal network.
- Good quality streams with option to change bit rate.
- Video preview option, if you don't feel like watching the whole thing just yet.
- Links to galleries at video page and vice versa.
- Loads of content, if you have the right membership.
Cons: The Bad:

- Annoying promotional offers all over the place.
- Buggy login system.
- Loads a little slow at times.
- Not clear what's included in your membership.
- Thumbnails can be deceiving
- Average content. Nothing special at all.
Bottom Line: The Ugly:

I've been a member of the MOFOS Network for a few months, and was a member a while back as well.

I thought I'd give it another try after seeing a few nice galleries pop up on different sites and figured "what the heck, why not".

I wasn't impressed before and haven't been impressed by the site since.

Here's the breakdown of the above to explain why I haven't been impressed.

When you first enter the site it will ask you for your login details.
After that you are redirected to a promotional offer page, which you have to skip yourself. You can skip this next time you log in by checking a checkbox, however this rarely works. In my case it still redirects me to the promotional page often. A time would be a nice addition here to redirect you automatically. Especially on a tablet or phone.

Then you are greeted to the main page.
It has the same layout as the other sites connected to PornPortal, such as Twistys, Brazzerz, PlyaBoy Plus, RealityKings, etc.

The only problem I have with it is that the site kick me out half the time I load a new page.

Other than that, it's a well thought out layout and very clear to navigate. With a few caveats, of course.
Half of the links redirect you to other promotional offer pages and will try to sell you extras to your membership.
This, to me, make the site come off as very cheap and therefore the whole network, including all networks tied to the PornPortal.

To get the most of out your 30 bucks, you need to spend more and more. I calculated this one night and it quickly added up to $100+ per month to get everything I wanted from the network. I forgot to save the calculation, if I have time I'll do that again later and add it somewhere.

After swerving around all the banners and ad pages, we finally get to the content.

While the content of the network, or site, whatever you want to call it is not bad at all, the quality leaves a lot to be desired.

The videos and galleries are very uninspired and come off as incredibly bland. Of course that's also a matter of taste but I feel I've seen enough in my days to be able to tell when something is created to pander to the mass public or just out of lack of creativity. Unfortunately in this case, it's the latter.

The girls are average, cut but normal wannabe porn star girls with no interesting traits (with the occasional exception), the storylines are non-existent or a blatant rip off from other sites (and done poorly) and the camera work is mostly done in POV style with a bad focus on mostly the floor or weird long close ups of just breasts, butts or genitals, it just feels rushed and cheaply done.

Again, not bad if you're really into that kind of thing but it just could be a lot better.
It's a clear quantity over quality issue here.

The technical side of the site is fine but certainly not flawlessly and works like any other network connected to the PornPortal.

We already covered the login bugs so on to the videos and galleries.

The videos are easy to stream and offer a few options in quality, for those who prefer higher resolution or lower resolution.
The flavors are "low", 720P and 1080P. With the option to download. (Yes, even with a normal membership)

A nice addition is that you are also able to watch a trailer for every video, so you don't have to load the whole thing at once.
Below the video is a button to guide you to the accompanying gallery. Which, when clicked, loads up all thumbnails allowing you to choose what you'd like to see. This can be done as one page full of thumbnails or as thumbnails in a filmstrip manner, meaning it loads the first picture a little bigger and you can slide left and right as if it were a slideshow. Pretty nifty but nothing new.

Both pages also come with a tagging system, when you can click on a certain keyword to see other content of the same type.

Both pages also have a rating system with a thumbs up and thumbs down button.
Right now I'm looking at a video with 90 likes and 33000+ views. This show just how much people take advantage of the rating system. Next to the thumbs is a heart button to save the video and gallery to your favorites page.

Most of the annoyances and gripes I have with this network have been disclosed in the text above and you might wonder why I have been a member of the site for a few months. Fair question.

The reason is I keep forgetting to cancel the subscription, which I have done now. I might check back with them over time but for now I will go spend my money elsewhere.

All in all it's a decent site with average content. Girls are cute but mostly your average (not meaning natural looking) teenagers.

This could be a bad thing but also a good thing if your preference is average, run-of-the-mill porn. Which, in all honesty, can be nice too.

If you're thinking about signing up, install ad blockers and beware of promotional offers. They're lurking around each corner.

09-19-16  06:08am

Replies (1)
Visit Mother Daughter Fuck

Mother Daughter Fuck

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: * Option to request a scene you would like to see.

* Updates are twice a week, one day galleries, other day videos.

* Funny storyline, these are explained with each video.

* Illegal fetish made barely legal.

* Attached to a good network with a lot of variety.
Cons: * After a couple of videos they decided there was another daughter.

* No archived galleries.

* Video quality has been and still is below par.

* Could use more info or better pictures with the links, now they're just names and random screenshots.

* Could use more content.
Bottom Line: MotherDaughterFuck.com is a website that focuses on a niche that is actually illegal in most countries.
However they made it legal by not touching each other.

The storyline behind the website is that a mother and a daughter tend to want to fuck the same guys and pick them up from the streets or wherever they can find them.

Somewhere along the making of the the videos they decided there was another daughter which made the site a bit less believable. Still the videos contain funny story lines. All the videos contain just one daughter, the mother and a "victim".

You have the option of choosing between High Quality MPG, High Quality WMV and Medium Quality WMV when downloading the videos.
Still with the HQ MPEG the quality is just below average, which is a shame. It's ok in a windowed screen, but don't go full screen.

They do update twice a week with a gallery update on one day and a video update on the other.

The galleries aren't archived and don't really add anything to the website.

The video downloads are easy and a download manager is allowed.

All in all the website is a funny one which makes something that is illegal barely legal. If this is a fetish of yours it might be a lot of fun. If not, this website will probably bore you after the second video.

The best thing about the website is that you can request a scene you would like to see. This gives the website a lot of potential together with the video quality they can improve on.

06-03-07  09:48am

Replies (6)
Visit Nude In Public.tv

Nude In Public.tv

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: * Real public nudity

* Lots of spectators in the videos.

* Exclusive and pretty unique content.

* Date of birth mentioned with every girl.

* Decent quality pictures. (which help you make out the faces in the videos sometimes)
Cons: * Navigation on the site leaves some things to be desired

* They only talk German in the videos.

* Quality of the videos are way below par with some girls.

* Video formats vary with every girl.

* Every video is kind of the same.
Bottom Line: Nude-In-Public.tv is actually not really a bad site, but a site which has some flaws that need to be worked out.

Like the navigation on the site, which used to be just horrible.
But they seem to fixing that as it changed in the last year or so. Still it leaves some things to be desired.
Also they are uploading bigger and longer videos than before.

The content itself is all pretty much the same. All of the videos consist of girls walking around towns and cities in Germany in the buff. Nothing more, nothing less.

The quality of the videos is actually horrible at times, especially the older ones. You can hardly make out the faces sometimes.

But there are a lot of spectators and it's real. It's all been recorded in the big cities of Germany. So if you're German and you're into these sort of things, this might be a whole lot of fun.

But all in all I'd have to say that this site will most likely bore you after the third video.
Although they are changing the site a bit every now and then.
So it does have some potential.

But for now 30 bucks a month just seems a bit steep for this content. Also there is no trial-account.

06-02-07  09:52am

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Visit Panda Fuck

Panda Fuck

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Updated: 03-04-12  10:54am  (Update History)
Reason: Added pro: frame rates, specified as well.
Pros: * Slightly better than average looking girls (matter of taste)

* Higher than usual frame rates, this results in smoother and sometimes more lively videos

* Really adds to the WTF in the WTF network

* Rather easy navigation. On the verge of being too simplistic

* Good rating and commenting system

* Plenty of information given with every video

* MANY different formats and frame rates to choose from

* Mobile phones and tablets are supported with their own files.
Cons: * Most of the info given with every video is only on the page of the video itself.

* Not many people rate the videos

* might be too strange for most as it's an, let's say, acquired taste.

* Galleries are not really interesting but are downloadable in ZIP files.

* Could use some diversity, even though it's quite strange the novelty wears off quite fast.

* Doesn't add much to the network if you're really not into this sort of thing.

* Not much content yet. 21 videos at time of writing this review.
Bottom Line: This is something different. I will try to be as objective and normal about it as possible though it's quite a task...

All right. So, this website is about cute girls (mostly eastern European) having sex with a guy in a panda-suit. I'm not sure if it's supposed to seem like the panda is a stuffed animal or an actual panda but does that really matter? No.
It's still strange. Unless of course, you are into "furries".

So, the scenes don't differ that much from each other, which is a shame because the novelty wears off quite fast because of this and thus doesn't really add much to the already existing WTF network.

However, the website is solid and easy to navigate. Something even a bit simplistic.
18 Screenshots per page to click on. Each one will take you to the designated download page for that specific video.

This is where it becomes interesting. The download options seem infinite as you may choose not only between different formats but also between different frame rates.

These are the options:

Windows 7:
720p 50fps
720p 25fps

Win XP / Vista:

MacOS (same for AppleTV):
720p 50fps
720p 25fps

iPad / iPad 2 (same for iPhone4):
720p 25fps

iPhone3 / iPod:

720p 25fps

Though, these are just suggestions. As you can probably imagine you can play the different formats on different platforms. But they are good suggestions.

The galleries, which are offered with each video, are not really worth mentioning. Which is the only thing worth mentioning.

Downloads are fast and managers are allowed. The average speed I got was about 7 Megabytes per second.
Also, the videos are DRM-free. So that's always a big plus.

The comments and ratings have a solid system as well, though like with most websites, is often overlooked and not used. This is really up to the users but the they could create a little more incentive to get people to start rating and commenting more. You just have to go by the screenshots and descriptions now.

A fun and more recurring thing you see is the tagging system. They add tags to the description of the video so you can click on that tag, like Big Boobs, and are shown more videos with this tag. It's an easy way of navigating through many videos.

All in all the website is a solid one which offers something strange to the already existing WTF network. The WTF network can finally (sort of)
live up to it's name.

Would I recommend getting a subscription with the network over this website? No. But if there are other websites within the network that caught your eye, it's fun to try it out.

03-04-12  10:53am

Replies (4)
Visit Real Peachez

Real Peachez

Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: * A lot of content
* Finally a girl that has gone "hardcore" after her "Model-site"
* Pretty high quality content.
* Updates every couple of days
* Split scenes available but also full movies.
* Big webcam videos archive. All these videos are available for download too.
* Easy navigation, most things are on the main page.
* Fun bonus content from her girlfriends.
* Videos are available in split scenes and as full videos.
Cons: * Videos are only available in WMV 640 x 480
* Download manager is not really allowed, it can give problems.
* Could use some more variation in videos.
* Although the navigation is pretty easy, the site could use a make over. On the inside it looks kind of cheap.
* Galleries could use preview thumbs.
* Live show time is only shown in US Time Zones
Bottom Line: RealPeachez.com is a website that features a cute girl that has gone more "hardcore" after her teen modeling website.

The website launched beginning of 2006 and has grown considerably in the last year. It features almost 30 "regular" videos and 85 webcam videos. Also it offers over 150 different galleries filled with High Res. pictures.

The videos are all kind of the same, but they don't bore you as much as you'd think as Peachez changes her outfit in every video. Sure this gets old after the third video but the amount of updates kind of makes up for it.

The only thing they can really improve on is the layout of the website. It looks kind of old, outdated and pretty cheap. And the galleries have no preview thumbs so you need to open every link to see what it is. But other than that the website is pretty much what-you-see-is-what-you-get.

The videos and galleries are all downloadable but a download manager can cause problems.

The live shows she offers are recorded and put on the website every time which are pretty fun but also all kind of the same too. Also it might be kind of a hassle for people outside of the US to watch live shows due to the fact they only give you the times in US time zones.

All in all the website offers a lot of content and can entertain you for about a week or so. They could just use some more variation in the videos. And if you've seen her previous site, chances are you'll like this even better.

06-19-07  10:08am

Replies (8)
Visit Shay Laren

Shay Laren

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: * A special site dedicated to Shay Laren
* Access to more model specific sites
* They tell you that Shay Laren herself manages the website though I doubt it.
* Newer videos are available in HD. Only in WMV HD
* Galleries are archived in zip-files and are High Res.
* Date is mentioned with every update.
* No download limit
* They show some other models on the website like Aria Giovanni. Sometimes together with Shay in a video.
* A collection of Shay Laren-videos available on many different websites. So no need for more memberships if she's the one for you
Cons: * Random updates. Haven't seen an update for 2 months now.
* Older videos aren't really worth it. The quality is well below par
* Navigation could use a make over. About 8-9 pages of videos and you have to open every page for every video for a good description.
* Could benefit from better screenshots in the video pages.
* Cute video at the homepage but get annoying when you visit often as it plays automatically. With sound!
* Beginning to offer too much content featuring other girls and not Shay herself.
* It just looks empty, old and outdated. Really not very appealing once inside.
* If you have a membership to any site that offers Shay Laren in HD, chances are you have all the videos.
* Membership is also available through other websites with more bonus sites. Very confusing.
* The diary and journals just don't cut it and don't offer anything special. Could very well be written by some webmaster.
* Most bonus sites are just as poorly updated as ShayLaren.com
Bottom Line: ShayLaren.com is website featuring mainly the beautiful Shay Laren. The website launched November, 2006.

When you visit ShayLaren.com you are greeted by a welcome video of Shay. The video is cute but can get annoying after a while if you visit the site often through the homepage. This is mainly because the video starts playing automatically and has sound.
If you don't want anyone hearing you visit that website, turn down the volume on your speakers or click really fast on the almost invisible and minuscule pause button.

Once you get past that, you may enter the members page. You first get sent to a mainly black screen with is hard on the eyes at first. After you get settled, you are able to click on the navigation bar. It's nothing fancy but it does the job.

When you click on the videos-link you get sent to the first page of about 9 at the moment, on which you can find the latest uploaded videos. Every page holds about 8 videos. You get a brief description of every video on the page. And when I say brief, I mean brief. A video of Shay in bed is described as 'Shay in bed' for example. Along with a very small screenshot. When you decide and click on a video, you are sent to a page with exactly the same description and the upload date which is a plus.
Here, you may decide in which format you wish to download your desired video. This is only for the newer videos, which are also offered in WMV HD. The older videos are a hassle to download and come in lots of small parts.
They are currently offering about 75 videos. The first video dates back to November 21st, 2006.

When you are done with the videos, one can move on to the galleries. This, again, is nothing too fancy. Every gallery is presented as a thumbnail of the first picture. With about 20 or 25 thumbnails on a page, there is a vast selection of galleries. Each thumbnail comes with a zip-file download-link beneath it.
The journal and diaries are nothing special and may well have been written by some webmaster.

When you are done with the videos and galleries, there are a couple of bonus sites. It really depends which website you subscribed to.
If you subscribe through ShayLaren.com, you get 6 more sites. TerriSummers.com apparently offers 10 extra sites which includes ShayLaren. JesseCapelli.com offers 5. The network isn't really a network but more or less a maze of memberships connected to some and not others.

The updates do not make it worth your while. They are very random and you never know who or what you're going to get. They update a lot with Aria Giovanni these days whilst the site is still called ShayLaren.com. They sometimes update 2 or 3 times a month and the next update might be 2 months away for all you know.

All in all, the website is fun when you really just want Shay and the possible Aria Giovanni video. But if you already have a subscription to a site which offers Shay videos, chances are you already have all or most of the content and the older content just isn't worth it

05-08-10  07:02am

Replies (7)
Visit So Cal Coeds

So Cal Coeds

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: * A lot of content to choose from

* Exclusive content

* Very easy navigation. The links to the content are good pictures of the faces with names below them.

* Good quality videos and archived galleries which are High res.

* Video options are WMV 56k, WMV 512k, Mpeg and Ipod. Some even have Quicktime as an option.
Cons: * Loading the main page with all of the pictures of the girls can take a while on a low speed connection

* Some girls are also featured on the other sites connected to the same network.

* Older videos are split into scenes and aren't available as a full video.

* Could update more frequently and mention update date with every girl.
Bottom Line: SoCalCoeds.com is certainly a website of magnitude which features more than a hundred different girls.

These girls are sometimes also featured on other websites connected to the same network which make the videos and girls sometimes a bit hard to believe as they play different characters.

The videos are downloadable in various formats such as WMV 56k, 512k and MPEG. Even iPod is represented with the newer videos as well as Quicktime.
You can download the full movies as well as split scenes. Some even feature the masturbation scenes especially split up.

The galleries are high resolution and are zipped in .zip archives and are of course fully downloadable.

If you open the website, the loading of the main page can take some time with a lower speed connection. So my advice is to try to avoid reloading the page as much as possible

They update once in a while but not very regularly which they could pay some more attention to. Sometimes they don't update for a month. Also the update dates aren't mentioned.

All in all the website offers a lot of good quality content and your account gives you access to a pretty big network. But the girls aren't exclusive to the sites which can be a good thing and a bad thing. And the updates aren't regular

But the girls are cute and some really give off that college girl vibe.

I advise to read up on the other websites connected to the network before subscribing though.

06-03-07  01:32pm

Replies (3)
Visit Sweet Devon

Sweet Devon

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: * Newer videos are a bit more hardcore.
* Newer videos are higher quality.
* Synoptic layout of the site, easy navigation.
* A lot of different video formats: iPod/PSP, MPEG, WMV, QuickTime and 3GP.
* Regular weekly updates.
* Option to subscribe to just the site or to the entire network.
* Attached to a pretty big network that offers individual sites for all the girls.
* Offers access to the Lightspeed 18 Community Board to talk to the girls.
Videos and galleries are downloadable.
Cons: * Not much content for a site that has been around that long.
* Only really fun if you take the whole network access membership.
* Updates are sometimes just galleries. Sometimes even two weeks in a row.
* Galleries aren't High Res., neither are the videos.
* MPEG videos are only available in split scenes.
* Too many advertisements and offers on the main members page.
* Although the navigation is good the site could use a good make over.
* Very short videos.
Bottom Line: SweetDevon.com is a website that features a pretty cute girl and is attached to a pretty vast network of cute girls. All with their own website.

The website launched somewhere in 2004 and hasn't updated much for a while. This resulted in having not much content until this very day. On a brighter note, she has gone more "hardcore-ish". Think masturbation.

Although the content is exclusive you can't help but notice the lack of quantity. The best option therefore is to subscribe not to just this website but to an extra for 4 website for 5 bucks extra or to the entire network for 10 extra.

The newer videos featured on the site are available in higher quality and many different formats. Although it's still no HD it's a big improvement. They galleries haven't changed but aren't very low quality anyway.

One of the fun things about this site is the community board which allows you to message the models.

The website itself could use a make over, the navigation is good but it looks kind of old and outdated. And there are way too many advertisements and offers on the main page.

And besides that the website is way too small for such a price. Even the 40 dollars for 30 websites is high in my opinion. But a better option than 30 dollars for 1 site.

All in all, it's fun if there are many girls attached to the network you like, otherwise it's not really worth it. Maybe when the videos are longer and there are more of them.

06-19-07  05:43am

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