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Type Site - Score Feedback / Review Date
Visit Real Africans

Real Africans

Status: Current Member for over 6 months (at the time of review).
Pros: - Unique type of content not found on any other site
- Photo sets
- No download limits
- Regular updates during 2020
Cons: - Only one new scene per month
- Pre-checked cross sales
Bottom Line: Joined this site around the time I joined AfricanLesbians last year. If you've read my review for that one, you basically know what to expect. I would describe this site as "its straight little brother". I'm saying "little" brother because the total amount of content published here is significantly less.

The older content is still in SD quality and occasionally, the African accents are so thick that the conversations barely resemble English anymore. Though the sex part is always pretty good and the quality is never bad to the point that it prevents you from enjoying the scene.

Like with the lesbian site, newer content seems to move in a higher quality directions. The models are hotter, they speak better English and the content is HD.

The main concept of the site is exactly what the title implies: Real amateur African people having sex. Every scene is either a real sex tape sent in by an amateur couple, or an African amateur making their own take on "major league porn". For example:

* One scene features a woman calling the plumber and getting fucked in the kitchen. But both models are clearly just making this scene for fun and there's no production company involved.

* Another scene features a guy and his date driving around, looking to have public sex near wild animals like lions, cheetahs and rhinos.

* In a third example: Two women are fighting over a guy because he cheated on his "girlfriend". The guy breaks up the fight and fucks one of them in a public park (while the other is filming I assume).

These are clearly somewhat scripted scenarios, but made by amateurs. Which makes it very charming.

The fact that all the content on this site is made by real amateurs is both its strength and its weakness.

It's a strength because:
- Homemade porn continues getting made while the big companies have to stop producing in covid times
- The models are genuinely into what they are doing and the sex is convincing

It's a weakness because:
- The scenes will probably never top notch production like a mainstream porn site

I gave this site an 86 because:

While it definitely is the best in its class and does what it does very well, it is also the ONLY in its class. For that reason I considered giving it a 90 to be unfair.

I also think there is room for improvement in the form of a faster update schedule. On its lesbian sister site, that is already the case. So I have my hopes that this will actually happen someday. But no one can say for sure except the owners of the site.

10-08-20  04:42am

Replies (0)
Visit Zebra Girls

Zebra Girls

Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: - Downloads in different qualities

- Access to entire dogfart network

- Unique niche

- Anal in some scenes (which I’d like to see more of on lesbian sites)

- Extras available for most scenes
Cons: - Very few updates (if ever), but they pretend the site still gets updated.

- “Hotness level” (if there is such a thing) varies from scene to scene (see bottom line)
Bottom Line: Dogfart are definitely among the masters of interracial porn. But while I love lesbian porn, this site doesn’t fully do it for me. That said, they still get a lot of it right.

Something I personally didn’t like is the high emphasis on dildos (sucking them) and strap-ons. Which basically turns it into “straight porn with women” for me. There are even “lesbian” facials here.

All the models are pretty hot IMO, but the variation in quality has to do with the actual action and editing. When the scenes are at their worst, they’re a bit bland. When they are good, they are REALLY good.

As with many dogfart sites there’s a theme of white submitting to black domination. In the sex itself it’s pretty hot. But when they actually start saying things like “punishing the white people for what they have done”, it starts to feel somewhat uncomfortable and awkward. In Zebragirls there is more of the former and less of the latter, which I liked.

Anyway, you’re probably reading this to decide whether you want to join the site or not ;-)

It depends.

If you “dig” interracial porn in general (gangbangs, cuckold, straight sex, gay sex, lesbian), then yes, this site is totally worth joining because of the network.

If you’re only here for the lesbian porn, then avoid it. Updates are very infrequent, if they happen at all (some content gets recycled), and the site is quite small to pay the full price.

Which is why I’m giving the site a low score as a standalone site. Even though I remain a happy member of the network.

06-26-20  05:51am

Replies (0)
Visit Latina Fuck Tour

Latina Fuck Tour

Status: Current Member for over 6 months (at the time of review).
Pros: *100% real Latina amateurs, never seen any of these girls before

*Consistent update schedule (they have stayed consistent throughout this COVID period)

*Decent amount of scenes (no number is listed, but at least over 150)

*English subtitles

*Access to entire FuckTour “mini network” (Anal Fuck Tour, Black Fuck Tour, Face Fuck Tour, Sex Packer, see bottom line)

*Trusted billers
Cons: *1 pre-checked cross sale

*Old content sometimes is of lower quality

*Members area design isn't very beautiful (but functions)
Bottom Line: Latinas were my first love in porn. Amateurs have been my fixation in the past few years, as I grew tired of watching women with fake bodies uttering fake moans. There aren't many true latina amateur sites, though many advertise as such. This is one of the main reasons I gave LatinaFuckTour a high rating. It is one of the few sites that quenches that "thirst" for me:

All the girls are clearly amateurs. Some of them are prostitutes, some of them street pick ups, some of them friends of the producer. But they are real women, and very cute ones.

The production however, is fairly professional. By which I don't mean glamcore or shot in a studio. Every scene has kind of a "homemade" aesthetic to it. But you can tell from the multiple camera angles, editing, etc. That it is still made by a professional producer.

There are nice POV shots and stable cameras showing off the models at their best, but the whole style is raw, gritty and real. There's usually a short intro or conversation at the start that is subtitles. They keep these to a minimum and the Spanish accents are hot IMO.

The other sites and what I would call a "mini network" (though it was not advertised as such) seem to be "spin-offs" of this one:

Anal Fuck Tour: European girls instead of Latinas, and obviously they get fucked up the ass

Black Fuck Tour: Same thing with Black women

Face Fuck Tour: Gonzo Face Fuck scenes. Most of them Latinas as well, but not all.

Sex Packer: Scenes are very similar in style to the main site, except that here the guy is traveling and filming girls he meets in hostels or bars.

For people who are into mainstream porn shot in high class studios, I would not recommend this site at all. But if you're looking for amateur / reality porn that doesn't seem to be one bit staged, this site truly delivers.

If anyone knows of any similar sites, I would love to check them out.

05-04-20  07:55am

Replies (5)
Visit Oye Loca

Oye Loca

Status: Current Member for over 6 months (at the time of review).
Pros: * Decent quality in new scenes
* Access to entire team skeet network
* Billed through Segpay and Epoch
* 250+ scenes
* Most models are really hot
Cons: * Clearly not all of them are amateurs
* Older videos have poor quality. Would mind less if they were still true amateur
* Irregular upload schedule
* Since often the models speak Spanish, I think they could offer English subtitles. Especially a company that big. The girls often have very sexy voices. I'd love to know what they say haha.
Bottom Line: Real amateur sites are rare these days

The first paid porn site I ever joined was “Mike In Brazil”. I was very young and split the costs with my friends.

There was just something about these exotic Brazilian women with their big booties, sexy lips and the way they moved that made them seem better than many of the women I knew in real life. Plus the site made me believe that if I only had the money to travel to South America, I’d be getting laid multiple times a day just by virtue of being there.

At one point I considered learning Spanish and/or Portuguese just for this. As I got older I got more into hardcore porn and forgot about my early love for latinas for some reason. But flash forward more than a decade, most of the women in my life turn out to be latinas now and for good reason.

While Oye Loca definitely delivers on good latina porn, I still think the site would be better if it was truly limited to amateurs. Though that could be my taste.

The great thing about the fact that it’s part of a Network is all the extra content that you get. However, I do think this makes the navigation a bit trickier. I’d love to be able to have an Oye Loca “stand alone” members area. So that I can just log in with one click and see the latest latina scenes. Then have a menu on the bottom with some links to the other sites.

The camera angles are not always my favorite and even though I don't mind low quality, in some of the older scenes it's literally pixilized.

Newer scenes have amazing quality though.

Scene concepts differ. Some of them are gonzo but sometimes they implement mini story lines that are fun to watch the girls usually play their part in this well. Interestingly, I always have the impression that the amateurs do this better than the pros :-). I personally think the threesome or DP scenes are the hottest on the site.

Found it a hard site to rate. I absolutely love the concept, though I'd love it to be more "real". On the other hand, it's very well done and there's full network access. So I can't rate it very low either. So I just asked myself: Will I continue to pay for this and be a member?

The answer is, even though the site's not perfect: Yes

04-19-20  03:23am

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Visit Interracial Blow Bang

Interracial Blow Bang

Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: -Access to all sites in the Dogfart network (some really good ones in there, but not all)

-Lots of scenes already (17 years worth of updates if I'm correct).

-Good search functionality

-While the older scenes have lower quality, the directing and angles were already great. So still worth watching.
Cons: -Inconsistent updates

-Some weird scenario choices (see bottom line)
Bottom Line: A whole bunch of massive black cocks vs. one gluttonous cum slut That kind of sums up this site.

While, as the name betrays, the scenes follow a certain formula, there is an enjoyable amount of variation among the female models: Age, body size, famous vs. Unknown, skin color, etc.

Compared to the other dogfart sites it sometimes lacks a bit of storyline, but the action is very hot and more than make up for it.

So far it's one of the sites in the Network that I like best (and has an amount of scenes that is more than enough to satisfy you), though it also has some aspects to it that I like less.

The sex itself features some hardcore face fucking that the women seem to genuinely enjoy (as usual on the dogfart sites). Depending on the female model the performance can range from right on point to over acting. Some of my favorite performances were London Keyes and Katie Kox.

While the guys provide some "background talking" the site doesn't have the male talent spewing annoying one liners every 5 seconds (something that sometimes bothers me on gang bang sites).

One thing that caused me to score the site a bit less is that both the written descriptions and the conversations at the start of many scenes have a "Black Power!" theme that feels a bit odd. They often put a lot of emphasis on the idea "We're going to do to this white woman what the white men did to us." It's never very clear to me if this is meant as a joke or not. Whatever it is, it just doesn't really resonate with me. It always feels a bit misplaced, though never enough to turn me off.

Bottom line: While the scripts for some of their other sites are better, the action is among the hottest. This is one of the site that makes it worth it to join the network. Especially since it has so many scenes already.

10-06-19  04:53am

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Visit African Lesbians

African Lesbians

Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: *151 scenes at the time of review (excluding all the bonus content, see bottom line). Consistent weekly updates.

*Definitely real amateurs (see cons)

*While amateur content, the quality is improving with newer updates

*Trusted billers

*Good searching/sorting functionality
Cons: * This definitely shows how "real" the scenes are, but: Some of the conversations are "so African" that you have no idea what they're talking about. It seems they are fixing it by now adding subtitles to these scenes, but with subtitles added there are still some parts where you can't follow.

*1 Pre-checked cross sale (at least when joining through Segpay)

*Some updates are new versions of very old scenes. Not re-uploads but actual re-edits. On the plus side, they always are better than the original. But the downside is that some weeks you have to wait a bit longer for the new scene.

(UPDATE 24/05/2020: This is no longer the case. All recent updates have been 100% new scenes. Who knows, maybe because they read this review?)
Bottom Line: Lesbian is definitely not my main genre in porn. But "African" and "amateur" are both among my favorite niches. So I finally gave this site a try after I was offered a discount.

African Lesbians is a 100% amateur site and it really shows in the older scenes:

These are very raw and real, but often shot in low quality (480 to 1280). Luckily the actual content of the scenes is still really hot. The amateurs are beautiful and there's still some directing/editing done.

You usually get a great view of the pussies/booties/action and even in the lowest quality scenes they make an effort to show you all the details of what's going on. There is the added "taboo hotness" of the fact that homosexuality is frowned upon in many African countries. So these appear like very "liberated" women who sneak away to have some hot, forbidden fun. They also seem to genuinely enjoy each other.

A downside to the older content is that it seems to be made both FOR and BY Africans. So there are often parts of conversations that can't be understood (at least by me).

The newer content has received an upgrade and is shot in HD in the same style as "African Casting". It's still with real African amateurs, but they speak decent English and the content is shot in modern apartments instead of more "undeveloped" environments. Whether that's a pro or a con depends on your tastes.

There is an abundance of bonus content all focused on black/lesbian/African (though usually not amateur). But in my experience none of it is really as hot as the main site. Which is why I didn't count those videos as real "scenes" in my "pros".

I've seen other reviewers mention that there are no downloads possible, but just like with AfricanCasting you can easily download the scenes with a download manager. There is no download limit.

Would I recommend you to join this site?

I definitely wouldn't recommend it to everyone.

Why did I give it a score of 89 then?

Because in it's specific niche (Lesbian/Black/African/Amateur) it's for sure among the best you can find. And while it does have cons, it doesn't have any major flaws that need to be fixed preventing me to give it a lower score.


Without exception the scenes are very hot to watch, though the bulk of it is in lower quality due to it being an amateur site. When in doubt, give it a try and make up your own mind.

08-29-19  05:27am

Replies (5)
Visit Wife Writing

Wife Writing

Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: -Membership includes access to entire Dogfart Network
-Members area has good search functionality
Cons: -Content is very mediocre and formulaic
Bottom Line: This is the third site in the Dogfart Network I spent a significant amount of time with. In comparison to what I've seen so far this site is not up to standards at all.

I do love that many of the women look like real amateurs (there are some known names as well), which is one of my main turn-ons. However, most of them are not very good looking. I think the male talent agrees, because their big black cocks often appear flaccid throughout the whole scene.

The thumbnails in the members area often looked hot to me but when I watch the scene the content didn't do it. It's very formulaic (girl gets interviewed about why she needs ONLY black cock, gets the cock, sucks it). The talking is long and boring, the sex is lame.

I feel a bit weird about giving such a negative review, but the contrast between this content and the other 2 Dogfart sites I've watched so far (BlacksOnBlondes, WeFuckBlackGirls) the contrast is so sharp that I assume it's either 15 years older or this was another site that they bought.

That said, would I recommend you to join this site?

Yes, to have access to the network ;-)

08-19-19  01:29pm

Replies (0)
Visit We Fuck Black Girls

We Fuck Black Girls

Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: -Trusted billers
-Access to all 22 sites in the network
-A lot of variation in the storylines and styles
Cons: -Infrequent updates
-Have an option to list more than 5 scenes on one page. Since there are so many scenes, you have to click through 100s of pages (But this is nitpicking of course, I won't deduct any points for it ;-) )
Bottom Line: WFBG is the second site from the DogFart network that I spent a significant amount of time with (will probably do the same with most of the sites in the network to get the most out of my membership) and the concept is basically opposite of BlacksOnBlondes, the previous site I reviewed.

The downside to this site is that it doesn't get updated as frequently as BOB, and therefor it also has a smaller b(l)ack catalog. However when it comes to the content, I like it a bit better (and just because I have a thing for black/African women in porn).

I felt like the acting was overall a bit better and there was a bigger variation in the personalities of the model. The scenes range from soft to hardcore and from couple to gang bang. They also get creative with the story lines, rarely repeating the same setup.

Some examples:

-Birthday gangbang

-Scene starts out lesbian, guy walks in

-Girl gets her measurements taken bij a (seemingly gay) tailor, it escalates when measuring her boobs and butt

-2 guys get in some sort of “reverse casting couch” situation where the girl tricks them into fucking her

-Girl is in the hospital frustrated with her negative pregnancy test, the white doctors gang bang and creampie her so that she can tell her husband there's a baby on the way.

While the quality of the videos is the same level, I feel like they put more effort in the directing for this site (maybe because they take more time between updates?) leading to content that personally I like more than BlacksOnBlondes. Both when it comes to the intros and the sex itself.

However, I'm still giving it a lower score because of the infrequent update schedule.

08-06-19  05:47am

Replies (2)
Visit Blacks on Blondes

Blacks on Blondes

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Huge backlog of scenes
-Still updating weekly
-Trusted billers
-Access to all 22 sites in the network (though they may not all fit your tastes)
Cons: No real "bad" cons. So instead I'll share some constructive ideas:

-Have an option to list more than 5 scenes on one page. Since there are so many scenes, you have to click through 100s of pages.
-Add more thumbnails to every scene. These often help me decide whether a scene will turn me on or not. Currently there's only one, so I often have to skim through a scene to decide if I'll enjoy watching it.

Like I said, no real cons, just nitpicking since I need to write something :-)
Bottom Line: Dogfart is arguably the most famous interracial network on the web. I usually avoid the big networks because I don't like the acting. But as the #1 recommended site on PU I had to give it a chance.

I wasn't disappointed. There's still some scenes that are a bit too "staged" for me (this is mostly when the women are overacting). But in general they are awesome.

I was pleasantly surprised by the variety in models. They are not just "blonde". They have all hair colors and ethnicities, with lots of different personalities too. The only thing missing so far for me were some Latinas. But then again, I didn't watch every scene yet.

The scenes also vary in scenario (which is definitely a must for a site with this many scenes) and in the amount of people having sex in it. In general I had the feeling that the scenes with 3 or more people are usually way better than the scenes where it's just B+G. Not sure if this is actually a differents in quality or my preference though haha.

It feels kindof weird writing a review where I have nothing negative or critical to say. But in general I'd recommend everyone into porn with black men or women to give this site ago.

Will definitely check out and review the other sites in the network as well.

07-15-19  09:09am

Replies (1)
Visit African Casting

African Casting

Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: -Gorgeous amateur girls who are obviously real first timers.

-Well adapted to mobile devices

-Billed through Segpay/Epoch

-Excellent navigation & search functionality

-Site & content consistently improves
Cons: -Pre-checked cross sales

-No photo sets
Bottom Line: I always used to focus my collection on specific actresses. However, in recent years I’ve found that “major league” porn scenes rarely get me hard/excited anymore.

I’m usually too aware of the fact that it’s all “acted”. So I’ve been mostly looking to join sites with decent quality amateur porn (which luckily seem to be increasing in number).

It took me a while before I decided to try this site (the trusted billers and hard to find content are what convinced me to take the risk) but unexpectedly, it delivered in the areas where other sites often turn me off.

While so far most of the “African amateur porn” I found was staged tribal stuff played by US/EURO actors who themselves seemed to be uncomfortable with the questionable caricatures of their roles, the girls on this site are definitely the real deal.

They have thick accents, genuine African curves and clearly never did any porn before (the look on their faces when they take their first facial is often priceless).

Scenes range anywhere from 20 minutes to over an hour, with the longer ones being more common.

The scenes usually start with the girl thinking she’s doing an interview for a model agency. The interviewer gets their hopes up until they’re very excited, then let’s them know they’re not fit for the job (too short, too fat, too many scars, etc.).

What happens after depends on the girl… Sometimes he simply offers a career in porn instead (usually when they've done nude/bikini modeling before). But my favorite scenes are either the ones where the guy will tell them “blow job or no job” or where he simply keeps telling them they’ll never be a model until they start to ask for a deal.

Sometimes the girls are the ones to hint at sex, sometimes they simply appeal to his good heart/pity and he takes advantage of it.

The amateurs seem genuinely excited or nervous and bring a lot of personality to the scenes. The sex is usually hardcore (hard fucking, anal, face fucking). For what seems to be a one man production the guy usually does a good job at showing off the models' booty and big tits in all their glory or choosing nice angles during blowjobs/fucking.

Currently the site counts 70 exclusive scenes, and 100+ “African Fuck Tour” scenes. These last are clearly older scenes in the same style but more raw and without the fake casting aspect: Just the guy traveling to various African countries and fucking random amateur women in their houses or his hotel room. Some of them are great but in general the Casting scenes are the best ones.

There are usually about 3 new scenes per month, which I mention because it may be too slow for some of you.

While both the landing page and members area look very basic, a few things gave me the sense that the owner(s?) genuinely care about improving their user experience:

- The quality of the content seems to be getting better with every update. The oldest scenes are on the better spectrum of your typical amateur quality, the newer ones are in 4K with better editing, camera angles, etc. Some of the POV angles are especially nice in newer updates.

- The navigation and search functionality are good. Scenes are appropriately tagged and can be sorted by model too. Things I find many more “pro” sites still lack. Users can rate and comment on the scenes so it's also possible to sort by rating.

- Before joining I checked out a lot of reviews because I wasn't sure whether to take the risk on this site or not. Many of the things those reviews had mentioned as cons were already resolved by the time I joined. This was a nice contrast compared to some of the comments I’ve seen on PU by defensive website owners who refuse to improve their sites or give decent customer service.


-You like well-known actresses and pro productions (make-up, fake fits, etc.)

-You prefer daily updates

-Pictures are more your cup of tea then videos

-You are looking for convincing amateur porn that is not just ripped from Chaturbate but has decent production values

-You like African women getting fucked by a white guy (POV and 3rd person view). As far as I know this is the only site serving that niche at the moment.

-You like the combination of inexperienced amateur girls that get fucked by a "pro porn dude" (Big cock, knows how to film and fuck).

I like that this site somewhat hits the sweet spot in that regard. It doesn't have the "blandness" of real couples who don't know what to do. But at the same time the male actor genuinely seems to enjoy the sex and like the women instead of "playing the porn guy" or "just doing his job".

05-05-19  12:10pm

Replies (4)
Visit Swallowed


Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Very frequent updates

- Reasonable pricing for the amount of scenes they already have

- Some of the best oral scenes I've ever seen. It does get messy / rough some times, but compared to other sites like these, the girls always seem like they are having the time of their life.
Cons: Had a hard time looking for cons, but:

- The audio is generally very crisp, except for when the guy is talking. This sometimes makes the conversations hard to follow. But since we're here for the sloppy blowjobs and not sloppy conversations, that's definitely forgivable ;-)

- This is a personal preference. But the acting isn't very "natural". It's all pros and you can tell they say what they're expected say. So sometimes the girls lack a little personality compared to the less famous girl that you see on casting couches, etc.
Bottom Line: The site claims to be "the ultimate blowjob experience" and I'd say they're pretty close.

Everything's POV mostly, and it's very easy to just put a scene on full screen and imagine it's your dick they're sucking. Who doesn't want to watch 2-3 girls slobbering all over his cock from time to time?

The scenes usually start with a little introduction/conversation from the girls. Then they show off their bodies / strip down and it's usually followed by a little oral on them. Mostly ass licking. This is filmed perfectly. Even the whole start of the scene where there's no blowjob yet has a very nice POV feels that draws you in as if you are with them. It's good "porn-foreplay"

The videos are pretty long (usually 50 minutes) and the sucking action is so hot that you'll have a hard time (pun intended) lasting until the cum shot. When it's multiple girls, the scene ends with some cum swapping as well.

I gave this site such a high rating because I absolutely LOVE blowjobs. And these are the best scenes I've ever found. So if you like just watching an hour long blowjob and almost feeling as if it's real, then this site is worth your money without a doubt.

In fact, it's so good that I had a hard time coming up with cons.. Pre-checked cross-sales maybe. But then again, those are everywhere. Just be smart and make it a habit uncheck them.

That said, if you're looking for anything that includes penetration / fucking / any other form of sex, then keep in mind that there is none of that on this site.

It's still amazing, but it would be more like an "extra" for when you have some budget left. Not your "main site".

07-11-18  04:28am

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Visit Shoplyfter


Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -The only site in its niche (actually kind of a surprise that it wasn't done before)

-Weekly updates

-Believable acting compared to a lot of other "reality" sites.

-Very affordable pricing ( $7.98/month if you take a full year. Which is worth it with the weekly updates)

-Listed pros for the content in bottom line
Cons: -Could use more diversity

-Not a lot of scenes yet. But you do get access to other TeamSkeet sites now, which hasnt always been the case according to older reviews.

-Usually the scripted intros take up half of the scene Thats a lot even for someone who usually likes these.

-Photo sets were not as hot as the videos IMO. But I personally don't mind, as I rarely fap to these.

-Further discussed the cons for the content in bottom line.
Bottom Line: As a fan of reality porn, I was easily convinced by their landing page.

I love how they paid attention to detail and made a page that really sells the story concept. They labeled every video with a case number and added a little "reality show intro" to draw you into it. The thumbs were pretty hot too, so I became really curious if the full scenes lived up to my expectations.

Now, about the CONTENT:

There's lots of things I like about the scenes, and lots of things I don't. But they're all kind of connected together.

The general format of the scenes is well execute and really turns me on. They subtly increase the power dynamics at play. And girls look a bit repelled / disgusted when he whips out his dick but then end up really loving it. Or don't! Sometimes they also look as if they want it but pretend not to, which is even hotter.
(A side note here: The general premise of this site is that the girls do not want sex but get coerced into it, if this is not your thing, you won't like it).

Some of the scenes involve 2 friends, twins or mother daughter combos. Most of these are executed pretty well and actually come across as believable. IMO, this is unique when it comes to mother/daughter scenes. Most of the time these aren't very believable, but here they always nail them (pun intended). So I thought this was a huge pro.

There are a couple of things that add to the realism. I like these things but they also has drawbacks:

1. The guards face is always blurred. I think this is actually something that makes the scenes better. But sometimes they do a bad job and blur his entire shoulders and chest + some random air above his head. In those case it's a bit of bummer when he is leaning over their body and it blurs their body too as a result. In other scenes they don't have this problem.

2. The camera angles ar static (sometimes shaky for effect) to get a hidden cam feel. I've seen users complain about this in previous reviews. Too be honest: I liked it. It adds to the realism, it's well executed and the quality is still high enough. There's one thing I didn't like about it though: The facial shots usually don't do it for me from this angel. The sex/bj scenes before it are really hot, and it's a bit of an anti climax to finish with a facial viewed from a side distance. I guess this is because they didn't want to make the transition from hidden camera seem unnatural. Maybe they could fix it by having a replay of the facial through the guard's cellphone? Just thinking out loud here in case any one would read this, haha!

I'm usually a fan of long intros to get into the story. But they could've at least cut them in half in most cases.

There's usually one or more parts during the intro where the girls get left alone by the cop.
This really kills momentum. Generally the acting is great and those wouldve been perfect parts to cut out of the long scripts. Its one thing when they do this with 2 girls. But if its just one girl this can get really boring. Sometimes she starts talking out loud to herself, which is a little weird). But sometimes she literally sits there waiting in silence for a few minutes. You can skip through these parts of course. When there is conversation, it's usually good (sometimes it moves slowly but they build up the tension), and the second half of the scene is always worth the wait.

Even the its pretty much the same setup for every video, they do at good job at keeping the scripts varied within that formula.

I thought that the models were a bit too monotone in terms of body and skin type for my tastes. However, all all of them looked like the kind of girl that wouldnt normally act like a slut, and they acted very well too. So this leads me to believe they did put some effort in the casting.

Even with some of these drawbacks, the content is exclusive and really good if you like amateur/reality porn. Considering the low price, Id say this site is definitely still worth the money.

If over time they wouldn't improve on the things I didn't like, I will still continue to watch it. So they must've done something right ;-)

05-16-18  09:04am

Replies (5)
Visit Hardcore Gang Bang

Hardcore Gang Bang

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Frequent updates

-HD Videos that are often very well shot and edited

-Access to other sites in the Kink network (More "bang" for your buck)

-Currently a promo where you get 2 months for the price of one

-Diversity among the models, which is a big pro for me

-Offers some things you don't see on many other sites. Like double anal, or girls with strap-ons joining in the gang bang

-They do interviews with the actresses before and after to discuss their experience getting fucked so hard. I really enjoyed watching these
Cons: - At 39/month I thought it was a bit expensive. I wouldn't have joined if it wasn't for the promo.

- All scenes are around 1 hour length. This a pro for most people, the reason I listed it as a con is because I like to watch them from start to finish as I stroke along. At this length and intensity, I usually have to pause a lot or I can't last until the cumshot. Lol.

- The scenes vary a lot when it comes to storylines, setting, intensity, etc. A lot of sites have the opposite problem, so I considered this a pro at first. But I'll explain in the bottom line why I ultimately listed it as a con.

- Since there is such a big variety of content, I would've liked a more advanced search system.
Bottom Line: Let's start with the most important thing: This site didn't pick it's name for no reason. These really ARE hard-fucking-core gang bangs. They are much more hardcore than the gang bangs you see all over the internet. In fact, they're a lot more hardcore than 90% of the "hardcore" gang bangs you'll find. It really can get pretty degrading sometimes. If that's not your cup of tea, don't join.

Now, about the diversity:

I really have to hand it to the people who shoot these scenes, they put a lot of effort in coming up with original story lines. And they cover a very wide range from Christmas themed to kidnapped and gang-raped, or violated by a bunch of Oompa Loompas.

At its best, these stories can be refreshing. It's never the bland porn you're used to seeing, and no 2 sets look the same (they pay attention to the details to).

At its worst it feels weird and turns you off. Where you draw the line in terms of weirdness vs. originality is up to you so I can't predict if they will cross it.

I have a similar feeling about the roughness of the scenes. For example, I can enjoy a well executed rape fantasy (I'll watch it with my girlfriend too). I get turned on by a lot of the more hardcore stuff (women being slapped around, called pieces of shit, forced to crawl, etc.).
But then sometimes I see something in a scene that feels a bit too much for me. Like using a taser, or choking them with a bag over their head.

I know there are other people who will get turned on by that, and there's also people who think the stuff that turns me on is "too much".

So the thing with this site is, unless you're literally down for anything, there's going to be some scenes that turn you on and some that turn you off. Both in terms of setting and intensity.

In essence this is no problem. But if you're all excited about the next update (that you paid for), and the new one isn't to your liking, than can be a bit of a letdown.

On a positive note though, you also get free access to BoundGangbangs.com. So as long as you're into bondage, you should be set for those weeks :-)

05-03-18  12:26pm

Replies (0)
Visit Tushy.com


Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Top notch quality, as you probably know by now

-Very good choice of models

-Updates once every 5 days.

-A little under 200 videos by now. I know some people like more. Personally, I don't think you need more since it's a fairly limited format.

-Some of the best DP scenes I've ever seen.

-Different pricing options, trusted billers
Cons: -For the price, you only get access to one site. I've seen cheaper sites that give full network access.

-It can get a little formulaic after a while.

-They could also use some more ethnic diversity among the models. (there are some, Luna Star's scene was amazing)

-Pre-checked cross sales on join page. Though I have to say this is not a big con for me. It's not nice, but it's super common so I always check for it anyway.
Bottom Line: They promise "the best anal sex in the industry".

Theres some sites who do the forced/hurting anal thing. This can be a turn on sometimes. Tushy is not one of those sites though.

What I liked most about it was the opposite: All the girls seem young, innocent and inexperienced. Yet at the same time once it comes to it, they seem to genuinely LOVE getting their ass fucked.

If youre looking for something hardcore, this is not your site at all. If youre looking for something cute/naughty, it definitely is. Often the look on the models faces can be a real turn on for me.

When it comes to believability, the site had ups and downs for me. The scenes always start with a little story to make it more fun, but these intro parts usually have really bad acting. Then again, the sex itself has some of the best acting I've seen. Especially since the girls look like they could be your next-door neighbor, not the hollywood type porn stars. The dirty talking can be really convincing too, and the girls seem to love every part of it, including the facial.

However, a downside to the fact that the quality is so amazing, is that sometimes you can "snap out of it" and realize it's a staged scene.

But this depends on your preferences of course. I am heavy into amateur porn or full-fledged movie productions (like Pirates), and this is a completely different niche. So maybe I shouldnt compare apples to oranges haha ;-)

I find it hard to make a definite judgment on this one. The site is so good at what they do that I could never give it a score of less than 80. But I can understand while it may not be for some people (too limited of a formula, sometimes pretty soft).

I think it mostly depend on your budget. They are very good at what they do and worth a join. But the downside is that you only get one site and similar videos. I would recommend trying it out for a month. That would give you enough time to check the backlog and make up your mind whether you want to be a long term member or not.

If you're like me, you might enjoy joining it occasionally until the novelty wears off, then returning later to catch up with the updates.

04-21-18  08:24am

Replies (4)

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