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Visit Brazzers


Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Updated: 09-21-18  11:43pm  (Update History)
Reason: Added some details, plus a followup note re: scoring logic
Pros: * A large amount of content
* Wide variety means you will find stuff you like
* Decent quality
Cons: * No 4k
* All content before 2010 is no longer able to stream OR download, due to a technical issue they do not seem to be addressing
* Despite six years worth of content being inaccessible, they are still advertising and charging for "full membership"
Bottom Line: I will revisit this review once they are no longer claiming/charging for full access when SIX YEARS of content are simply not available. The pages are there, just nothing works (stream screenshot doesn't load, download button doesn't function). This has been the case for at least 4 months now, I was told there is no ETA for a fix, and was given a partial refund. They offered me up to 2 months free, but if the content I'm looking for isn't there, what's the point? Better to just stop wasting my time.

A funny detail: I was told that the older videos are "not compatible with the newer technology". This is highly disingenuous; videos don't need anything at all to be "compatible" with DOWNLOADING. That's not how downloading works.

My advice: if you can't update your site design without breaking damn near HALF of it, find a competent web developer. Stop charging full price until you fix your broken website. And meanwhile, please stop telling people the old videos are "not compatible" with downloading. You just sound dumb.

Final note: if you think my score is harsh for a site with half its content broken, please consider that it's also a review for a site that is doing nothing about it, is still charging full price for "full membership", and is giving customers complete BS answers as to what's going on. I really don't feel bad being harsh on a company that conducts its business that way. I've heard from some performers (both personally and in interviews) that they like working with Brazzers. So I really hope they get this issue resolved. Until then I cannot recommend paying for access.

09-21-18  11:30pm

Replies (1)
Visit Porn Pros Network

Porn Pros Network

Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: * Great video quality
* Many of the models are incredibly hot
* 4k content is some of the better quality 4k I've seen
Cons: * Confusing/misleading marketing. Different spots cite different numbers of sites included; no reliable list anywhere
* Most subscription options have become upsell vehicles for the $69.95 "Platinum" upgrade
* When my $17.95 PornProsNetwork subscription renewed, they went ahead and charged me for the "Platinum" upgrade. THIS IS KNOWN AS FRAUD.
* Site navigation is terrible: sometimes shows locks on content you actually have access to, and vice-versa. Easy to visit the wrong site and suddenly NOT HAVE ANY ACCESS TO ANYTHING.
* At this time, with an ACTIVE subscription, the site says "Reactivate Membership" and I have "4 previews remaining"
* Site is basically a joke at this point.
Bottom Line: This is going to be a very harsh review. A very well deserved harsh review.

This site has basically become garbage, borderline scammy, and possibly fraudulent. I don't know their relationship with SegPay so maybe the fraud part is on SegPay.

More about that: when my $17.95 subscription renewed (incidentally only because I'd forgotten to cancel; it's arguably not even worth $17.95 at this point), it also charged me for the "Platinum" susbcription. Their support rep stated that thi was probably because I had clicked one of the huge upsell ads, which apparently will not ask for confirmation? The problem with that theory is that I hadn't even been to the site in days, maybe weeks, because I didn't realize I was still subscribed. So, there seem to be three possibilities: 1. someone got into my account and upgraded it on the exact day that my subscription was renewed, 2. Segpay fraudulently charged me for something I didn't want, 3. Segpay charged me in error due to some defect in their payment system. So basically either PornPros' security sucks, Segpay is engaging in fraud, or Segpay can't handle the one function they provide.

Given the combination of all these things, it seems to me like at this point, PornPros is trying to be as scammy as possible without actually breaking any laws (aside from maybe some minor false advertisement), and Segpay just doesn't really have that limitation.

Also worth noting: I reached out to their customer support to ask exactly what sites are included with membership. Never got a response, and when I tried to follow a link to my "ticket" it was just a page saying "PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU CANCEL" followed by a lengthy screed warning that they've "seen an increase" in "fraud" where paying customers deny ever subscribing, and that this is "a felony punishable by jail time". So basically accusing you of fraud if you want to cancel, while simultaneously defrauding customers in precisely a way that would lead them to this page. It's really quite... something.

Then a link to SegPay, and no sign of a support ticket anywhere.

Regarding quality: video quality, strictly speaking, is fantastic. Their 4k content is some of the highest quality in the adult market, at least that I've seen. Lighting tends to be nice and bright, there's usually a variety of angles etc (obviously not for POV sites etc but generally speaking). Within each site, the episodes tend to be EXACTLY the same, and often pretty boring in terms of just being a procession of cuts between positions and angles. This is a minor annoyance that's made up for by the quality.

As I wrote this review, I mysteriously lost access to any content. It says my subscription is expired: this is false. This site is utter garbage and really needs to just go bankrupt and get it over with.

All of the shadiness is a true shame because some of the content is very, very good. If they would back off trying to just rip everyone off, and start focusing on making money by making great content (and a site that actually works), they could totally do so. The content is already there. It's just that they'd apparently rather you get it somewhere else.

03-17-18  06:26pm

Replies (2)
Visit Zero Tolerance On Demand

Zero Tolerance On Demand

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: + Some good videos (in theory, if you an get to them)
Cons: - Search is pretty bad. Fails to return results I can get by searching the same terms with Google using the site:ztod.com operator
- Internal links (e.g. DVD titles) often return 404 error
- 404 also invited its friends 500 server error and gateway timeout error, and they've pretty much taken over the site
Bottom Line: I had trouble signing up to begin with - the primary payment processor produces a blank screen. Probably should have stopped trying when their support dept failed to respond (for weeks). Secondary processor finally worked, couldn't say what the combination of steps were that finally got me there. The design is nice, the navigation features are great (or would be, if they worked). It's basically like a nice, decently full-featured mid-level sports car that's been left to rust. Looks nice til you try to drive it.

I should note that I've been a member in the past and, while it wasn't without problems, it wasn't nearly this bad. Today it's garbage. Sadly, I'd have to characterize this as either a zombie site still collecting subscriptions but not being maintained (if I'm feeling charitable) or basically a scam (if I'm not).

Fortunately I was able to easily get a full refund from Segpay.

Unless/until the site administrators get it together, or hand it off to someone who can, this site is dead.

08-15-17  01:01pm

Replies (0)
Visit New Sensations Network

New Sensations Network

Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: + A huge amount of content, all exclusive to New Sensations / Digital Sin
+ Quality on newer videos is excellent
+ Many improvements over the years
Cons: Only minor negatives:

- Search is not great
- Video formats are confusing and weird
- No 4k content
Bottom Line: I've been a member off and on over the years, and written both good and bad reviews. I have to say, there have been many improvements and this site is top notch.

Search doesn't always work well; sometimes I'll search for a model, get only one scene as a result, then click through to that scene, click on her name, and then see a list of scenes. Not sure what's up with that but makes me wonder if I'm missing out on content from my favorite models.

There's some weirdness with video formats. Newer scenes are available as MP4 only (which is perfect as far as I'm concerned), in 720p or 1080p, each of which has further options for bitrate. Seems a little like overkill, but I won't complain about too many options. Where it starts to get weird is on older scenes. Many are available in multiple resolutions, multiple bitrates, and multiple formats (MP4, FLV). Since they aren't very consistent, sometimes you just have to download a few and pick the best one. Also, older content that has 1080p downloads appears to just be upsampled from lower resolutions. Slightly blurry, with a tiny bit of discoloration around edges. Occasionally I will find a better quality version of the same scene on a different site like Videosz or Videobox. Seems to me like this site should have the canonical best version of their own content.

I would love to see some 4k content. Other sites are starting to do this, and I feel like this studio would be perfect for it. I didn't let this affect my score, as not many sites have 4k yet.

Bottom line: the site has drastically improved in the past year or so; I've even noticed improvements in the past couple months. Content quality is great, but like most sites, once you go back to older scenes it gets kind of hit or miss. Navigation is MUCH better than it used to be, but search could still use some tweaking. Can't wait to see them upgrade to 4k. All in all, a great site that's getting better.

07-03-17  12:55pm

Replies (0)
Visit Adult Empire.com

Adult Empire.com

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Updated: 07-05-17  12:23pm  (Update History)
Reason: accidentally entered wrong score
Pros: + A TON of content
+ Lots of HD videos (not all, but lots)
+ Individual scenes available for most movies
Cons: - Many, many scenes are cut in the wrong spot, meaning the last few minutes are attached to the next scene, so if you buy individual scenes, you'll be buying two at a time very often to get that last few minutes
Bottom Line: This site is great, with one huge exception: scenes are very often cut in the wrong place, leaving the last few minutes attached to the beginning of the next scene. I usually buy individual scenes, and I often have to purchase the NEXT scene as well, to get the full scene I actually wanted.

UPDATE: I removed customer support notes from the review and raised the score; it seems there is one specific contact form that doesn't work (and another one that does). So while that's annoying, I'm not going to let that affect my review. Support is indeed perfectly reasonable aside from the one broken form. So beware: if you request a support chat after hours, you'll get a fallback email form instead; that form does not seem to get replies. The main form under "Online Inquiry" on the support page got a fast reply; use that one.

07-03-17  12:20pm

Replies (2)
Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings

Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: + Excellent content, some of the best in the industry
+ Excellent video quality
+ A ton of content, very diverse
+ Easy to navigate
+ Seriously, some of the performers are outrageously hot
+ Recently launched a beta redesign that is much better
Cons: - Download limit of 10GB per day. Not a huge deal but considering they refer to their trial membership as "limited", I would expect the full membership to not be.
- Slow downloads. I'm currently downloading one video from RK, and one from PornPros. PP is averaging close to 3Mb/sec. RK is averaging around 400kb/sec. That's just ridiculous.
- Download managers are not allowed. Authentication times out (even with the "remember me" box checked) so if you try to queue up more than one download, usually only the first one will complete, the rest will fail with an authentication error. For me this is a dealbreaker. Especially with such slow downloads. When I visit the site, I usually want to download a few videos. To do that, the expectation seems to be that I will sit around and download them one by one, even though they each sometimes take an hour. Nope.
- Roadblock ad: every time I log in, I have to decline an offer to get to the pain page
Bottom Line: I really, really want to love this site. The amount, quality, and diversity of the content is hard to overstate. Based on content quality alone, this should be a top site. Unfortunately it is heavily encumbered by restrictive policies and slow downloads. I have been a member off and on for a couple of years, and I have finally gotten fed up enough to just cancel and be done with it. It's frustrating to see content that's so good, but so hard to get. They did just launch a redesign, which is currently in beta. I really, really hope this is part of a larger overhaul that sees the site come into line with some of its competitors.

04-08-16  06:20pm

Replies (1)
Visit Snap Leaks

Snap Leaks

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: + Models are attractive, so there's that, i guess.
Cons: - No downloads (LOL)
- Much content is available on other sites
- Some network sites claim to be user-submitted videos, which is clearly false since most of them are recognizable performers
- No response to support requests
- No cancellation form
- No response to chat request for cancellation
- Have to call and wait on hold to cancel, where they try to sell you other memberships
Bottom Line: I don't know what else to call this site but a scam. Ok, a joke. I can call it a complete joke. I wish i could give it a score of zero.

04-08-16  05:54pm

Replies (0)
Visit R18.com


Status: Current Member for over 6 months (at the time of review).
Pros: + Large selection of Japanese adult video titles.
Cons: - Titles are expensive compared to sites with monthly subscriptions (about $10 per title).
- Subscription services are per "channel" (studio). A single channel costs $20-30.
- Downloads are DRM-encumbered WMV files. No. Just no.
- Mac users need a special player for just this site (LOL).
Bottom Line: If you don't mind having to use a specific player that totally sucks and as of this review isn't even working, and you don't mind having your right to view content that you paid for "managed" by a site which may or may not even stay in business (leaving you unable to watch ever again even though you have it and paid for it), and you are a fan of JAV (all titles here are censored with a digital mosaic BTW), and you don't mind the price, you will probably like the large variety of titles. Personally, I bought one title from this site and will never, ever do it again. Check out JAVModel instead. It's cheaper (monthly subscription, not per title or "channel") and DRM-free.

Note that in my review I state that I'm a current member. I do not have a monthly subscription to any channel, but you must have a user account in order to authenticate and watch the downloaded videos. Since the player isn't even working now, and I'm not putting more time and energy into trying to get DRM'd videos working, I will probably just delete the videos I bought and cancel my account. Lame.

02-16-15  03:17pm

Replies (2)
Visit Devils Film

Devils Film

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: + Tons of content, much of which is very high quality compared to other high volume DVD sites
+ Frequent updates (seems like at least one per day usually)
+ Devil's Film studio content tends to be very high quality with good looking girls
+ Newer scenes include HD streaming content which is very nice
+ Easy cancellation. Just sayin'.
Cons: - Download speeds are inconsistent, often just stopping, generally only for a few seconds but sometimes for long enough to time out.
- Downloads are WMV only
- Using a download manager I get a lot of 400 errors. This seems to be an issue of overzealous security, but this is not covered in their collection of 8 FAQs so who knows...
- No zips for image sets (though the image sets are pretty weak anyway and clearly not the focus)
- File names are not helpful (eg 7080_02_big.wmv), expect to rename each file if you like to keep your collection organized.
- DEALBREAKER!!! HD content is streaming only. This may not be as much of an issue for some, but for me this pretty much does it in. These control freak studios (see also: Digital Playground) need to realize that in the current market, those of us who are willing to pay for content should perhaps be accommodated, not punished by having the good stuff withheld.
Bottom Line: If you don't care about HD content, or don't mind streaming it, this is a good choice for a variety of niches in a fairly well organized, mostly searchable format, as long as network conditions are good. Newer scenes are streamable in HD, and older scenes are still pretty good quality.

However, if like me you are looking for content that looks great on your big fancy HDTV, aren't turned on by buffering screens, and/or don't want to reward studios for trying to control piracy by simply not letting customers have what they want, you will be frustrated. Combine this with downloads that often seem to fail due to having an incorrect security key, and I get the impression that Devils Film cares more about protecting their content than providing it. As long as this is the case, I will not be coming back.

01-23-11  09:03pm

Replies (5)
Visit Lethal Hardcore

Lethal Hardcore

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Updated: 02-21-11  09:20pm  (Update History)
Reason: Encountered a significant negative: download keys expire quickly, so no download managers
Pros: + Large amount of content
+ Some very hot girls
+ Decent set of options for videos. All scenes are streamable (Flash) and downloadable ( multiple formats)
+ New videos are in HD, a key area where a lot of the "reality"-type, episodic sites are beating most of the more studio-based sites. the 720p versions look great on my HDTV.
+ Zip downloads for photos (when they work, which is rare)
+ Current price of $9.99/mo is hard to beat
Cons: - Not friendly to download managers - I am only able to queue about 5 scenes before they start failing with expired key notices. For some reason this is even worse with photo zips (seems like the keys expire very quickly)
- Inconsistent and sometimes laughably low download speeds. I am currently downloading at about 24KB/s
- Server seems to stop responding an awful lot, but usually just waiting a few seconds and reloading will get it going again.
- Zip files often fail to download. More often than not, I get a sorry.txt file instead saying "wrong security key"
- Navigation is pretty bad, particularly for images. No links back to the scene itself, links to the zip files are only present on individual images, so if (like me) you are only looking for zips, not viewing individual images on-site, it might take a while to figure out the zips are even available.
Bottom Line: There is some good content on here, and with newer scenes in HD, I think the future looks promising. Some navigation improvements would help, but the existing ability to browse by DVD, scene, model, tags, and categories keep this from being more than a minor gripe. The connection problems are extremely frustrating, but the low price keeps that from being a deal breaker (if only barely). At the current price, I can definitely recommend this site. When/if the price ever goes back up, some improvements might be necessary to justify it. One minor gripe that i didn't feel like was worth making a "con" of - i wish these sites with single scene downloads would include the model's name in the filename! It is very rare that I think "I am in the mood for scene 3 from '8 Simple Rules 3'" - no, I think "I want to see Mindy Lynn, what scenes do i have?" but... maybe this is just me. Not worth a con, just sayin'. Save me some time: put more data in the filename! Bottom line: recommended, especially at this price. Not without flaws, but i intend to keep my membership active.

EDIT: I don't know if this is new or I just didn't encounter it before, but the inability to queue downloads in a download manager is a major con in my book. Now i have to go back and find all of those scenes again or just forget about it. Frankly i think docking 5 points is the very least I can do.

12-25-10  04:51pm

Replies (4)
Visit New Sensations Network

New Sensations Network

Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: + Quality video (would love HD options but not bad)
+ Thorough: newer content has videos, stills, and screens, all downloadable
+ Newer scenes downloadable as WMV or QT
+ File name includes movie title
- No really good central spot for finding updates
- Older scenes have no full-scene DL
- Older scenes difficult to download even clips from
- Somewhat repetitive content
Bottom Line: I have been a member off and on for a couple years now. I reviewed them very favorably before despite a few annoying flaws. But my most recent trip back there has been seriously disappointing. Most "new" content is recycled. Not from other networks, but from these network sites. I already have most of this content, because I downloaded it last year. I hope they start producing new content again, but until then I won't be going back.

09-25-10  12:30pm

Replies (2)
Visit My Sexy Kittens

My Sexy Kittens

Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: + Some great content, especially older scenes
+ Newer scenes are pretty decent resolution (don't have any on hand to see exactly what it is, can't currently download to check - see cons)
Cons: - IMPOSSIBLE to browse. The site only allows one connection, and I can only browse for a few minutes before being locked out. If I open too many photos in a row, for example, pages stop loading until some time has passed.
- Older scenes no longer have full scene downloads. WTF? Why take a step backward on this, esp when most of you content is all over the web (illegally of course) for free???
- No zip files for pics, pics stored/named bizarrely so you can't even get them with a download tool
- When you do manage to get a download started, the speed is pretty terrible
Bottom Line: I've left and rejoined this site many times since its launch, and it just gets worse and worse. It's really a shame, because some of the content is amazing. But it seems like they do everything they can to keep me from getting to it. I've been trying to download ONE SCENE for weeks now, but I keep making the mistake of checking out a few updates first, which gets me promptly blocked. I don't see how a site like this can stay in business. As I stated earlier, much of their content is freely available - I prefer to pay for my content, but it almost seems like they'd rather I find it elsewhere.

If they ever decide to make it easy for members to get the content they paid for, I'll re-review. For now, canceling my subscription.

07-25-10  03:26pm

Replies (2)
Visit New Sensations Network

New Sensations Network

Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: + A decent amount of EXCELLENT content
+ Downloadable scenes
+ Newer scenes are very good quality
+ Downloadable image sets (both stills and screenshots)
+ Some absolutely amazing girls
+ File naming recently updated to include movie title!
Cons: - No really good central spot for finding updates
- Older scenes have no full-scene DL
- Older scenes difficult to download even clips from
- Somewhat repetitive content
- WMV only
Bottom Line: This is an excellent network. The few flaws are just really not that bad, in my opinion. Take the schoolgirl stuff for example. Yes, it's tired, and yes the scenes all go pretty much exactly the same. But it's sort of tried-and-true, and when someone like Dani Cole comes along and does a schoolgirl scene... I'm all over it. Or Renna Ryan. I have almost every scene she has released, and her scene from Naughty College School Girls (released on Jizzbomb) is HOT.

It can be easy to miss scenes if you don't know how to really dig. If you go to the New Sensations home, you'll see updates from the whole network. But only three, so if you don't check for a few days, you're likely to miss something. And if you use the model dropdown on that site to search for a model, you get results from across sites. But not ALL sites. So it's very easy to get confused, and to miss content. Also, some models appear more than once under different names. My advice: if you have a girl you're looking for, find out what her aliases are and look for them too. On every single site.

That being said, quite a few of the sites are crap. Just old, non-exclusive content that's hardly ever updated. I didn't include this in the cons because really, they give you plenty of good content to make up for it. The other sites are essentially bonus content that i don't like. No big deal.

A note about video quality: For newer videos, it's fantastic. It shows on my system as 888x480. For some reason the picture is slightly stretched horizontally on my system (Mac, using either MPlayer, VLC, or QuickTime the result is the same) but if your player allows you to force 16:9 it's perfect. This may only be on a Mac, have not tested in Windows. Unfortunately, the only file format option is WMV. While this is not a deal-breaker, it's highly irritating that so many content providers opt for the proprietary format designed for Windows. There are just so many platform-neutral formats, I don't get it. So if you have Mac, you'll need to download some third-party components, and it's still kinda crappy. But oh well.

For older videos the quality gets lower. And you don't get that full download link. In order to download you actually have to open a popup for each clip, which prompts you for a password (which as far as I can tell only works in Windows), wherein you will find a streaming video (if you're running Windows) and a link to download that clip. I have been banned from the site a few times for failing at this password prompt a few times in a row so if you're on a Mac, you may find the older videos to be a pain. Again, this would be easily remedied but like many adult sites, this one is clearly designed for Windows. Newer videos do not have the download issue.

In conclusion: This is an awesome network and highly recommended. It's not without its flaws, but i am perfectly happy to accept those flaws and keep renewing my registration.

04-13-09  05:41pm

Replies (5)
Visit Porn Pros Network

Porn Pros Network

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: + Some great content and hot girls
+ Full video downloads with no DRM
+ Downloadable image sets
+ Decent navigation, fully searchable etc
+ User ratings for episodes and girls
Cons: - Lots of ridiculous fake porn
- Sleep Creep
- Obnoxious ads on member pages
Bottom Line: A good site with a few flaws, no deal-breakers in my opinion.

Some of the content itself is awesome - there are a few really great episodes here and there. Of course, you have two options for finding it: either go one by one to each site looking for updates, or go to the main Porn Pros site and wade through a mess of garbage to find the good stuff. What do I define as garbage? Well I don't think it's very sexy to see a guy bust into a scene out of nowhere sporting an enormous rubber dong and spray fake jizz all over an "unsuspecting" girl's face. That's not hot, that's retarded. Maybe once, I'll have a good laugh and move on. But as a theme for a whole site? MULTIPLE SITES? Really??? Obviously this is just my opinion, since the episodes have similar ratings to the other sites. Equally not hot is watching girls get molested in their sleep. It's kind of creepy (yeah I know, it's supposed to be, hence "Sleep Creep") and it's also dumb. Seriously, if you bang a girl in her sleep and she doesn't wake up... she's drugged. That's called r@pe. AKA NOT FUCKING HOT. I don't find it offensive because it's just too dumb to take seriously. Still, I don't want to see it, and I don't want to pay for it. This severely reduces my score for this network.

That issue could be at least partially resolved by letting me filter out sites I DO NOT want to see in the main content listing. That would be pretty cool. But again, this is not a deal-breaker, I just get sick of seeing it. And they keep introducing new versions of this stupid crap. So apparently someone out there likes it.

As for the ads, easily resolved by using AdBlock Plus. Sorry guys, if you insist on showing me ads *in addition* to charging me money, at least make them reasonable. Not animated crap that follows you when you scroll. But again, easily remedied on the user side.

A note about the user ratings: It's a 5- or 10-star system, can't remember now. But you can rate individual episodes and you can also rate the girl. This is nice, because (for what it's worth) you can give a girl 10 stars and give her CavemanSleepR@peWithRidiculousFakeCock episode 1 star.

Damn. Cavemen might actually be funny.

04-13-09  04:57pm

Replies (3)
Visit All Reality Pass

All Reality Pass

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: + Some AWESOME content
+ Downloadable videos with no DRM
+ Variety of niches, all of which have good content
Cons: - Video quality is BAD
- There is a download quota, which does not seem to be documented (correct me if i'm wrong)
- All videos have the same file name (video500.wmv or something equally useless)
- WMV only
- No zipped downloads for photos
Bottom Line: This site really does have some great content, with tons of hot girls. I'm VERY picky (though maybe in ways that don't make sense to anyone else!) so of course as with any site there are still relatively few episodes I like, but the ratio is MUCH higher than most comparable sites. Tragically, the video quality straight up sucks. It hasn't changed in quite some time. It used to be tolerable, when monitors were smaller and their competitors' video quality was comparable. But on my 22" flat screen, these videos are just not very enjoyable. Watch a clip from New Sensations, or 18Eighteen, or any of the "HD" sites, then switch to a video from one of the sites in this network. Then be sad.

I have joined and canceled this site many times. I keep hoping they'll up their video quality to keep up with the times, but it's just not happening. I have so many videos from this site on my hard drive because I love them, but I never watch them because the quality just sucks. And time after time, I re-join the site with fingers crossed, only to be frustrated and remember why I always cancel my membership. It doesn't help that all they offer is WMV, but this is pretty standard. I'm not sure why - last time I was on a PC, MPG files worked just fine - WMV on the Mac is kind of crappy and requires third-party components. I guess I'll never understand the decision so many content providers make to go with the proprietary format over the many standard formats that work everywhere. But it's not a deal-breaker, just annoying.

What is a deal-breaker is the combination of low quality video and a download limit. I understand the need to save costs on bandwidth, but the simple fact (for me anyway) is that it's not worth it to download a limited amount of badly compressed, low resolution video, no matter how great the content is. Until these issues are resolved, I have to say "tragically not worth it."

04-13-09  03:47pm

Replies (0)
Visit Cezar Capone

Cezar Capone

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: + Some hot girls
+ Some girls who only have a few scenes out, always nice to find a Rebecca Lane clip i didn't know about (though in her case specifically, the scene isn't that great)
+ Full episode downloads are h.264 in an mp4 container, instead of proprietary wmv format preferred by most sites - much better experience on platforms that aren't Windows.
Cons: - Full downloads limited to 2 per day. This apparently bumps up to 5 after a month. Too bad I'm not sticking around. The alternative is 1-minute, low quality chunks. Sweet.
- Download quality is not so great. I'm not sure exactly what the problem is, as H.264 is capable of very high quality at small sizes. The resolution is shown as 720x480, which usually looks better than this.
- Oh look, a bus driving around picking up "random" girls. Why do we need another one of these?
- The ratio of "keepers" to "skip thru & delete" is VERY low.
- Bad navigation. No links to other scenes from a specific model, no alphabetical list, no search function (despite a menu item which says "Browse and search episodes and the girls").
- Downloads often fail for me, often recorded by the system as a download, which means half my limit is used up, and I get nothing. I have a fast and reliable connection, but even if this is somehow "user error", this is one reason limiting to two per day sucks.
Bottom Line: Well first of all, it's telling that I had to *repeatedly* edit down my list of "cons" in order to fit it in the space allotted. That's a BAD sign. Although there are a few girls on here you don't see much of elsewhere, the scenes aren't that good (in my opinion) and the video quality isn't that great either. Add to that bad navigation, unoriginal content, and a completely ridiculous download limit which is often erroneously used up after one download, this ones a no-brainer. Not worth it at all. There are just too many similar sites out there which do not have these problems to bother spending your money on this one.

I will note, at the time of this review there has been a banner up for at least a week stating that a new member's area is "coming this week." I'm not going to give them grief for not being timely, I actually know how it is to run a website! I'm only bringing this up because some of the more technical problems may be addressed by this, once it goes live. Also, I'm not sure why they have two versions of this entire network (Cezar Capone and NerdPass) but these are exactly the same, so this review applies 100% to NerdPass as well.

04-13-09  02:05pm

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Visit Teen Hitchhikers

Teen Hitchhikers

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Updated: 02-24-09  05:25pm  (Update History)
Reason: Clarifying DRM situation
Pros: Some excellent content
High quality on newer videos
Cons: DRM on older videos
Older videos which USED TO BE DRM-free have become DRM-protected
Older videos don't play on Mac OS
No full-scene downloads
Bottom Line: This would be a great site, but unfortunately it's ruined by bad DRM. I can't even play the older content on my Mac. That's bad enough, but what's worse is I've been a member in the past and it didn't used to be this way! They actually went through and broke all of their videos. Sorry, DRM = dealbreaker.

UPDATE: The older content does have iPod versions which seem to be DRM-free, and play on a Mac just fine. The quality is not that great though. Also the one-minute clips (also low quality) will work. Note that NONE of this is mentioned anywhere on the site. The technical requirements documentation doesn't say anything about it, and it even has a section dedicated to Mac browsers.

This does make one wonder: if you're going to release non-DRM versions of your content, why bother releasing it with DRM as well? The sites seem to have been acquired by Spice TV, so my assumption is that this is just another misguided attempt by a big network to control how its paying customers can use its content. They should at least be up front about this before asking you for your cash...

02-19-09  07:30pm

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Visit Score HD

Score HD

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Excellent content
Some fresh faces
Excellent quality videos
Cons: HD full episodes almost never successfully download. Individual smaller chunks usually download fine.
Browsing can get confusing as you move between properties (18Eighteen, Score2Go etc).
Trailers start playing automatically on each page - I'm not a fan, would love a way to turn this off.
Overall feels unfinished - ad banner with placeholder copy, never received a receipt, etc.
Bottom Line: Will be an awesome site and well worth the price once they work out what seem to be growing pains.

12-25-08  06:30pm

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