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Visit Asian Sex Diary

Asian Sex Diary
Reply of Wraith0711's Comment


We are sorry to hear you are having this problem. Can you please email customer support at support@globetwatters.com ?

05-24-24  08:39am

Visit Trike Patrol

Trike Patrol
Reply of exotics4me's Reply

Literally nothing in that reply affects the price of tea in China.

The facts are the facts, as I have stated. There is nothing to debate.

Good news, indeed.

08-11-23  09:44am

Visit Trike Patrol

Trike Patrol
Reply of exotics4me's Reply

Hello again,

It seems you mistook my reply for a debate. My reply was a simple correction of the record.

Several of the things you posted were factually incorrect.

Here are the facts for you (and anyone else) once again:

FACT - Trike Patrol DOES NOT "recycle" updates in its Member's Area
FACT - Trike Patrol updates every 2 weeks
FACT - Trike Patrol has, to date, 551 exclusive scenes & counting
FACT - Trike Patrol did not "remove" 200 scenes

FACT - TukTuk Patrol updates every two weeks
FACT - TukTuk Patrol's scene count has NOT "remained the same" for 4 years. We have added 104 new scenes in that timeframe.

08-10-23  09:53am

Visit Trike Patrol

Trike Patrol
Reply of exotics4me's Review

Hello there,

Thank you for the review. I have to make a few major corrections for you though.

You are basing the update/model count off of what you see on the site's TOUR, not what is inside the members area. Ditto for the perceived "recycling" you mention.

On the tour, we DO re-post older scenes from the member's area that were not yet on the current, newest version of our tour. (we've had a least a dozen tours in our 17 years). Reason: it helps Google search rankings when you have more frequent posts on your public-facing site. Google cannot see inside the members area.

However, we DO NOT recycle posts inside the member's area. Every new post inside the member's area is a brand new, exclusive Trike Patrol episode. Trike Patrol updates with a fresh new episode every other week, or 2x per month.

As of today, August 10th, 2023, we have 551 patrols inside our Trike Patrol member's area. Again, the tour has less on it because it's a newer version and because well, it's a tour, so we don't have every single scene on there.

Furthermore, in regards to Tuk-Tuk Patrol, it updates every other week with a brand new, 100% exclusive scene. You say "the numbers haven't changed much in 4 years". That is incorrect I'm afraid. In 4 years, we've added approximately 104 new exclusive scenes.

We go to great lengths and expenses to bring these exclusively filmed scenes from Asia with mostly amateur (non-pornstars) girls, so we definitely want to make sure the information being put out in these reviews is accurate.

I hope this clears things up.


08-10-23  08:25am

Visit Trike Patrol

Trike Patrol
Reply of W1ley's Reply


We are looking into this matter right now. Sorry for the delay. You will hear something from our support staff within the hour.

10-23-19  10:18am

Visit Trike Patrol

Trike Patrol
Reply of W1ley's Reply

Hello W1ley,

I am sorry to hear you are having difficulty logging in.

Please submit a ticket via https://gtbsupport.com/ or you can email support@globetwatters.com directly.

We have customer support messages coming in as usual, so I am unclear as to why you wouldn't be getting a response but I will check into it for you personally.

10-23-19  07:42am

Visit Asian Sex Diary

Asian Sex Diary
Reply of exotics4me's Reply


We would gladly review your proposed 'report' submissions and allocate you the appropriate "Rewards Miles" in return for them if suitable for the site.

I am glad you had a nice experience on your recent trip to the Philippines. It's a place full of wonders. I don't need to tell you how much we enjoy and treasure it.

That all being said, I stand by my position that a score of "58" for AsianSexDiary is a laughingstock. I'm sorry, but that's my position and I won't back away from it.

It's a subjective opinion, and I'm highly biased----but at least I can admit my bias.

I feel you're docking way too many points from an otherwise one-of-a-kind treasure of a site for the sole issue of downloads.

In our practical (not merely theoretical) experience, the availability of downloads has proven not to matter as much as it did 10+ years ago. ASD has only grown and grown in popularity and loyalty.

To me, your score is reflective of someone who values downloads a lot higher than most do in 2019, and is somewhat of a "lashing out" at a site who doesn't fulfill that which you value so highly.

That's how I view it.

As you can see, I'm passionate and opinionated about my websites. That is precisely part of what makes them special so I won't apologize for that.

You'll be hard-pressed to find someone so hands on and responsive. For better or for worse.

04-09-19  07:49am

Visit Trike Patrol

Trike Patrol
Reply of mbaya's Reply

No, any potential customer will see your smug, pompous self-righteousness and bias.

The fact that you felt it necessary to go to each of our other sites listed here and direct surfers to the AsianSexDiary thread says it all.

We get it. You are the God of Porn Reviews. Bow down at your alter or face the wrath of more bad reviews and comments.

Defend PU? Oh my lord, can you be ANY more sanctimonious? You're not defending anybody or anything but yourself.

04-08-19  01:24pm

Visit Paradise GFs

Paradise GFs
Reply of mbaya's Comment

Nope, just friction with you and one or two of your inner circle-jerk buddies here who think they are the World's Gift to Porn Reviews.

We love 99% of our members. (And they love us back, if the rebill & returning customer rate is any indicator)

But don't take my word for it, folks. You should take mbaya's word here.

He clearly has no personal agenda or bias.

04-08-19  01:19pm

Visit Tuk Tuk Patrol

Tuk Tuk Patrol
Reply of mbaya's Comment

Well, hello there, what a noble little crusade you're on.

04-08-19  01:15pm

Visit Trike Patrol

Trike Patrol
Reply of mbaya's Comment

Ok yeah, this is a full-on biased attack now.

What purpose is there for you to make a separate post about Trike Patrol, a totally different site than AsianSexDiary?

You're not giving a review, you're not providing anything of value. All you are doing is attempting to stir shit. It's plain and simple for anyone to see. As this astute commenter above me did.

Are you going to make such a post on ALL of the sites we happen to own? "Hey guys, if you're thinking of joining this site - be sure to check out the comment thread on AsianSexDiary's PU review here - coz the owner might be mean to you if you post a ridiculously biased hatchet-job, I mean "review" here."

Is that your message here? What a hero.

Here, I'll save you the time looking up the other sites:


Again, the smug, self-important act here is nauseating. You're not bringing anything of value to the world by crapping on porn sites you don't like. We get it. You don't like streaming-only sites. Ok. The World is now saved from AsianSexDiary and the owners who might call you out on your pomposity and biases.

*golf clap*

04-08-19  01:08pm

Visit Asian Sex Diary

Asian Sex Diary
Reply of exotics4me's Comment

Oh look, now exotics4me is playing the victim. Please feel sorry for him.

He gave a ridiculous review score of 58 and when he received push-back for that absurdity, he now wants you to pity him.

Can someone start a gofundme for him? Support exotics4me in his fight against webmaster persecution. Find it in your bleeding heart to give something.....anything.

04-03-19  06:24am

Visit Asian Sex Diary

Asian Sex Diary
Reply of lk2fireone's Reply

Yeah, that's right, let's ban the webmaster so he can't push back against the utter hatred and bile spewed towards his site by those with biased and malevolent agendas.

That's the way to "keep things honest" here. 'Atta boys.

04-03-19  06:20am

Visit Asian Sex Diary

Asian Sex Diary
Reply of exotics4me's Reply

The score of 58 is a laughingstock. I stand by that comment. It's an absolute joke.

The pseudo-intellect act here on a porn review site is also a laughingstock. I stand by that as well.

The proof is in the pudding, Doc. You're proselytizing to me, a time-tested webmaster and business owner for 13+ years, about things in which my experience has only proven opposite:

1. No downloads will hurt AsianSexDiary - Fact Checked: Untrue. AsianSexDiary has only grown and grown year by year since 2012. Never had downloads.

2. Higher price will hurt AsianSexDiary - Fact Checked: Untrue. AsianSexDiary has only grown and grown year by year since raising to $39.95 in 2015. The traffic, joins and member base is larger and more loyal than ever.

3. 1200x1600px still photos will hurt AsianSexDiary - Fact Checked: Untrue. See answer to #1. (also, 1999 called again)

4. A few hater porn reviews by you and your self-important friends will hurt AsianSexDiary - Fact Checked: Remains to be seen, but I highly doubt it. We've had them before. We'll have some again. Such is existence.

5. I'm going to be "Julius Ceasar" because I push back loudly on haters. - Fact Checked: History proves otherwise. If you knew anything about the beginnings of Trike Patrol from 2005 onward, you would know this. I don't expect you to, but I'm telling you. Ferocity and passion in the face of hate and doubt has carried me and this company quite far. Only those with tyrannical tendencies & malevolent motives will discourage it.

As I said, navigation and ads are things we're looking at. There is a member's area re-design coming later this year. It was planned long before your sanctimonious review was ever thought of.

We have 7+ sites to run, produce content for and promote, I wouldn't expect a shrink to understand such work.

We know who we are, what we do and why. We understand there will always be haters and naysayers. We won't spend much energy trying to placate such people.

04-03-19  06:01am

Visit Asian Sex Diary

Asian Sex Diary
Reply of jook's Reply

It's a good and fair question Jook.

Part of the reason is this: AsianSexDiary is co-owned. The other half of the ownership does not want to permit downloads. There are a myriad of reasons. I'll just say it's complicated.

This is not the usual content you see everywhere else. We're dealing with total amateurs from a variety of cultures that may or may not frown largely upon girls who do porn. (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, etc)

Of course the documents and IDs are recorded and maintained, just like any other legit amateur or professional site.

The off-set to no downloads is the immersive, daily updating nature of the site. The very "alive" feeling storyline, in which he is uploading content directly from his travels. It's something to "follow". You can login in every day and find something new. 2 - 3 hardcore scenes per week. Depending on his travel schedule.

History and time have proven to us that downloads don't matter as much as they did back in the late 90s/early 00s. The site has been online since 2012 with daily uploads and it's membership base has only grown and grown year to year.

It's the nature of the times and technology really. Less and less people need or want to save big files on their desktops. More and more just want to quickly watch their content on their phones and tablets. Our numbers have proven this beyond all shadows of a doubt (and beyond any handful of "reviews" like this one)

Look at Netflix and Youtube, for example. Or in adult, look at the big tubes like Pornhub, Xvideos, etc. You just watch it on your phone. You don't download.

Yes, I get that the $40 price-tag makes it different, but this is premium, personal, exclusive rare content not produced by anyone or anyplace else.

Nobody is forcing anyone to join.

They come all by themselves and then they come again and again.

04-02-19  12:14pm

Visit Asian Sex Diary

Asian Sex Diary
Reply of exotics4me's Reply

Ok, so you're counting "trophies" instead of Conquests. The "trophies" only signify girls who appear at least once. Many of them he meets numerous times for additional hardcore scenes.

So if you look at the Conquests page, you'll see 20 rows of 3, for 18 pages. That's 60 hardcore updates per page. 60x18 = 1,080 hardcore updates.

Yes, I admit the navigation, organization and structure in the members area needs work (and that is coming), but let's get the critical facts right at least.

That's a boatload of EXCLUSIVE content, filmed by an amateur guy, traveling all over Asia and beyond to film it, featuring girls you'll never see anywhere else, with a running, travel-blog storyline that is immersive and engaging.

Regarding the FlightClub - It's similar to any kind of online game experience - you don't have to spend ONE PENNY to earn the "miles". You earn miles simply by being a member. Keep your membership active, you earn miles. Comment, you earn miles. Submit trip reports or useful articles related to the site's subject matter, you earn miles.

You can accumulate enough to unlock some of the Rewards Videos fairly easily. And guess what? The rewards videos are another 70 (SEVENTY!) hardcore exclusive scenes with only the hottest Asian dolls.

That is more content than some sites in the Asian Amateur niche have in total. And this is just in the Rewards section alone.

You are not forced to buy anything. You still have full access to the regular weekly hardcore updates (2 -3x a week). You still earn miles as you go, without spending any money.

Large pics & Downloads - the 1990s to mid-00's called. They want you back.

Ads - Could there be one or two less? Sure. Ad Blocker is nice option for those that it bothers. Nobody is forced to click anything. There's no pop-ups, pop-unders or redirects.

What is "industry" and what is not? Well, "industry" sites are those using the same pornstars, producers, styles and site concepts over and over again. They use talent agencies, etc. Everything is a big production and the sites are either all owned by the same big companies (MIndgeek, Brazzers, etc) or someone in bed with them.

Non-industry are sites who are more independent, operating outside the gravitational pull of the "porn industry" at large. Content from foreign countries in Asia, non-professional girls, non-professional producers, and no strong business ties or alliances with the "Masters of the Porn Universe".

So the content will look and feel different that what you are used to seeing everywhere else. That is part of the draw. Few can go toe-to-toe with those big companies, in the more mainstream niches anymore. If you're so pre-conditioned to that style of content and website, you wouldn't appreciate or like Asian Sex Diary very much. It's understandable.

Please don't lower the discussion to grammar Nazi level. That's beneath us both. Rudolf Hess (the original grammar Nazi) would approve, but I doubt anyone else cares here.

04-02-19  10:19am

Visit Asian Sex Diary

Asian Sex Diary
Reply of exotics4me's Review


Sometimes you just have to shake your head and laugh quietly to yourself. Good lord.

Show me another amateur Asian site the comes even close to providing what is provided on Asian Sex Diary?

Not an American-based "asian american" pornstar site. Not a JAV industry site.

But a bona fide amateur Asian site featuring first-timers from all over Asia, filmed by an average guy. Updated with 2 - 3 hardcore scenes every week.....for 6 years running.

Where is such a site and what rating did you give it?

TrikePatrol (Filipinas) and TukTukPatrol (Thais) are great little sites in their own rights, but they're targeting a specific micro-ethnicity. They don't come close to providing the amount of content and updates Asian Sex Diary does. Trike has 500+ scenes and TuKTuk has 160 or so. That's a drop in the bucket compared to Asian Sex Diary. It's not even close.

Docking 10 for "non-Asian models"? Really? 15 - 20 girls out of 1000? Your math is way off there. The relative % of "non-Asian" models compared to the 10 pts docked for them being on the site is imbalanced to say the least.

Again, there's an implicit bias against "non-industry" content and sites which is quite evident here. The score of 58 is an absolute laughing stock joke.

Or is this just a late April Fool's joke?

If so, you got me, lol.

04-02-19  08:12am

Visit Asian Sex Diary

Asian Sex Diary
Reply of Shen's Reply

I beg your pardon, Shen. Please dispense with the self-righteousness. We're talking about porn, here.

The reviewer gave a "review" rife with all sorts of subjective input, totaling up a score a good 15 - 20 points below most. He doesn't like Asians, he doesn't like the male "stunt cock", he thinks the girls are too "objectified" and the site "makes him uncomfortable".

These are not objective observations. These are personal biases and opinions. Readers here should know that.

His other points about technical or conceptual things are fine and dandy.

I don't even have a problem with his review overall, because it's clear to anyone reading what his personal biases are.

What I take issue with, is the apparent laziness and/or malfeasance from him, as CLEARLY shown in his "repugnant" and inaccurate comment regarding us providing free samples on tubes.

I reply pointing out this, with stone cold evidence to the contrary, and then he tries to back-pedal away from his snide, FAKE NEWS comment, saying "well I don't patronize tubes anyway, so..."

Sorry my friend. You need to own your BS. You don't like John Tron or Asian Sex Diary, we got it. Content not produced by big porn production houses in Southern Cali or Prague makes you "uncomfortable". We got it.

Just don't pretend to be some objective observer just doing a public service.

As for you being a customer, email me and I'll give you a 100% refund of your initial sign-up and any rebills. We're not even in this for the money. It's a labor or love.

To anyone else reading this, if you're even slightly interested in Asian amateur content, email me at support@mongercash.com for a FREE WEEK-LONG MEMBERSHIP.

You won't find a more interesting and active Asian amateur porn site, with as much variety of women and as much hands-on interaction as Asian Sex Diary. I promise you this.

You don't even have to take my word for it. I'm literally giving away free access to check it out for yourself with zero risk.

Unless of course merely viewing such content, even for free, makes you uncomfortable.

03-21-19  10:12am

Visit Asian Sex Diary

Asian Sex Diary
Reply of mbaya's Reply

It's more than just "some". On PornHub alone, we have 126.

You made the following comment: "If he had free samples on some tube site, he could see that as advertising. I don't think that is about to happen either."

So you, this esteemed reviewer of Porn Sites here on Porn Users, want people to 'respect your authority' on the matters, yet you make such a patently wrong statement. Letting your bias against the site shine through crystal clear. Specifically with the snide "I don't think that is about to happen.." part regarding us putting samples on tubes.

Then I show you a link to Asian Sex Diary's channel on PornHub, with 100s of free samples, and you try to back-pedal with "well, I don't patronize tube sites, so...."

Then WHY did you make your snide FAKE NEWS remark?

This alone shows your implicit bias and lack of research. Maybe you've been a good, honest and impartial reviewer in the past, but you're clearly slipping. You can't make such a remark, be totally wrong, then back-pedal.

If you don't KNOW something, it shouldn't be in the review. It's not just your opinion or point of view, it's FACTUALLY wrong and misleading anyone reading it. It's FAKE NEWS.

I don't take kindly to your lame and thinly veiled threat either. I don't care if people here "know you". If you're making factually incorrect statements about our site and content, I'm going to call you out on it. You clearly have some sort of bias. Maybe you don't like Asians. Maybe you think all pornsites should be the same.

Who knows, but to include the kinds of statements you included, being so subjective or outrightly incorrect, it highly calls into question the legitimacy of everything else.

Do yourself a favor, be a little more honest and objective next time. Or at least leave out the parts that expose your bias and laziness. (making a statement about tubes but not even checking the tubes---FAIL!)

03-20-19  04:10pm

Visit Asian Sex Diary

Asian Sex Diary
Reply of mbaya's Review

Thanks for the review. Even with your admitted biases and preconceived notions notwithstanding.

It has to be said that Asian Sex Diary is NOT mainstream porn. If you're comparing to mainstream porn (you are), it's understandable that you're never going to like it much.

It's one man's (NOT a "stunt cock's") personal sex diary that is updated every single day, for 6+ years in a row now. Let that alone sink in. He has fucked well over 1000 different women all over Asia and beyond.......and is still going.

He has met the girls, fucked and recorded them, edited, uploaded and updated the site while flying and traveling all around the map. Often to far-flung isolated places not many other people visit for sex or filming porn. It's a superhuman effort, done in part for personal enjoyment and in part for providing a unique perspective on the male existence. Not to become a "porn star".

As you intimated, the whole thing might be too "deep" for the casual porn purveyor-----and he knows that. There is a very honest and pure element to this site. It's as "grass roots" as they come. It's not for everyone. But those who like it, LOVE it.

For some of the technical things, yes, security of the content and logins is paramount. We'll never waver or bend on those, for a myriad of reasons. Some that you could appreciate and understand; others that you wouldn't fathom in tens of millions of years.

As you duly noted when you said it "made me uncomfortable", Asian Sex Diary can certainly get you out of your "comfort zone". Especially if that zone is rather limited.

The bottom line? This is not a "porn site". It's an unconventional lifestyle being recorded every single day and made available to those who might be interested. I am sorry to hear you were not that interested, but not totally surprised.

As I said before, we believe strongly in how special this site is. But special doesn't always mean popular. And we're totally fine with that. We do this for the love of it.

Anyone reading this who wants a free few days of access to see if it's for them can email me directly at support@mongercash.com . Mention this pornusers post and I'll get you set up. Several people have already emailed me from the other reply here where I offered the same.

03-20-19  09:33am

Visit Asian Sex Diary

Asian Sex Diary
Reply of mbaya's Reply

Free samples on tubes like these? https://www.pornhubpremium.com/channels/asian-sex-diary

03-20-19  09:10am

Visit Asian Sex Diary

Asian Sex Diary
Reply of Wraith0711's Reply

He's actually a legitimate customer/member of the site, not the owner. I'm the owner. Of course I'm biased, but everything he says here is true. There's nothing like this site on the internet.

If you wish to watch the same over-used pornstars take load after load to the face by the same guys and same sites, with tired old 'faux-reality' themes, so be it. That's the 'assembly line' porn. It's porn for the sake of porn.

Asian Sex Diary is real sex by one man tirelessly traveling around the World for different pieces of ass. It's not for everyone, but those who like it end up loving this site. Our members come back again and again or never leave. Imagine, a site being update EVERY SINGLE DAY for 8 years. That alone is crazy.

You don't even have to take my word for it. Plenty of other excellent reviews out there - https://www.rabbitsreviews.com/s23677/Asian-Sex-Diary.html

What's more, I'm so confident in the site that I'll give anyone who emails me (mention this post on PornUsers) a free 5-day pass just to check it out. my email is support@mongercash.com

03-11-19  10:04am

Visit Trike Patrol

Trike Patrol
Reply of jook's Review

Hello there,

We now also have downloads available in 480p, 720p and 1080p.

Enjoy the World's Best Filipina site!

07-18-16  10:24am

Visit Trike Patrol

Trike Patrol
Reply of jook's Comment

Hi there, downloads are now back. 480p, 720p and 1080p.

07-18-16  10:19am

Visit Trike Patrol

Trike Patrol
Reply of jook's Comment

Hello there - need to correct the record here. In a matter of hours, we'll have 720p and 1080p also available for download options.

07-18-16  10:18am

*Message rows highlighted in light orange are replies to replies.

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