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Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Lets you choose models by breast size, which is a nice touch and pretty unusual in my experience.

- You can create your own video clip from the larger scene (looks like a 5 minute size/time limitation)

- .zipped photo sets available for many / most scenes.

- Good PU discount

- No DRM or download limits.
Cons: - Ads, ads, and more ads.

- More than a few technical issues.

- There isn't enough room here. See below.
Bottom Line: I even ran out of room here, too. I'll touch on some of the main points, though.

- 540p and 720p clips are identical sizes when downloading. (Catherine E, Carol A., Carina E., and many others). Sorry guys, but that's not possible. And it kept happening. I'd say 70%+ of the clips that didn't have 1080p as a download option were the same size when I checked. It would be okay if the rest of the site were outstanding, but as it is it only serves to make it appear even worse.

- Photo sets for many scenes are laughably small (600KB). I understand that many shoots are old, but one would think the images were archived at the best quality, and it doesn't seem likely that it would yield a web-page-promo sized set. Which brings us to:

- Not a whole lot of content considering the brand has been around for a very long time.

- Wrong actresses pictured in name/scenes. "Jeanine" (Rihanna Samuel) uses a photo of someone else entirely for the main thumbnail, which is a very bad thing on a site where the actresses use aliases.

- Scenes' pages have different formats. Some might list download options as "1080p, 540p, and 720p" while others list "High, Med, Low". It looks like it's different because the former is .mp4 while the latter is .wmv. Which brings us to:

- Multiple formats, but not in a good way. Streaming for one clip uses jwplayer (java?) but you're prompted to get silverlight for the same model's other clip on the next page.

- Lots of ads in the scene listings. Yes, they're listed as "bonus" videos, but you can't download them unless you pay somewhere else, which means they're advertisements for other sites sprinkled directly within the model's scenes.

- No useful naming structure or any meaningful identification of files. Oh no, one of the downloads failed. Which one? Who the hell knows, and you'll never, ever know unless you cross-reference each video in the folder full of "540p_fullcomplete" files you've been downloading against the hundreds of available videos on the site. Good luck. What was I looking for again? Oh yeah, her. Hey, there it is. That one. 540p_fullcomplete. Thank goodness I found it. Oh no, it's not that one. Maybe it's 540p_fullcomplete. Nope, not that one, either. 540p_fullcomplete, maybe. Nope. Not that one. 540p_fullcomplete? Crap, no.

It's especially irritating since each and every video is clearly given a name on the page you download from. "Christina Sits by the Pool" or "Jenny Is Home Alone" or something similar (each of those is made up, btw) is listed above the download options for every video. What do you get when you click them? 540p_fullcomplete and 540p_fullcomplete.

Other than grabbing a specific actress' clips and images, I can't see much of an advantage of this site over just joining Videosz or Videobox. They might not have the *exact* same content, but they appear to have lots of similar content if you just want to sample (24 pages of "Video Art Holland" clips, ~700 or so scenes at VB), and I bet the names have SOME defining characteristic, even if it's just the title of the movie. Not to mention thousands of other scenes from dozens of other studios, too.

- Actresses are often not credited and you only know the name because a comment was left by a user who helpfully tells everyone who she is.

- "Girl of the Week" repeats. Weeks 193 and 353, and 174 and 108 (and somehow amazingly the same as "Request 348"- why wouldn't the fan who made the request just go to the model's page and download the scene that already exists?) are an example, but there are many others.

- Lots of technical annoyances. For example: If you click on an image to view it it will load with the website darkened in the background. If you then press the right arrow to move on to the next image, the background (the website) will shift to the left. If you continue pressing the right arrow to view other photos in the series the website will shift entirely to the left side of your monitor, almost disappearing, and you'll need to move it back to the viewable part of your screen to continue.

- On the plus side, there are a few standout videos you should definitely get if you decide to join. 1080p_fullcomplete was almost perfect, with great models, good acting, and really nice action. 1080p_fullcomplete was another one that is a must-get, too. And if you like lesbian scenes, do not miss 1080p_fullcomplete. The energy between those two is amazing.

Bottom line:

This site, like Private, has such potential, talent, and name recognition that it could easily be competing at the level of the other big-name top tier sites, but the combination of "meh" quality, slipshod site design, and indifference to user experience / user friendliness is really disappointing.

Would I recommend? Sure, why not? It's cheap, it's not absolutely horrible, and you could complete a favorite actress' scene collection if that's what you're after.

Would I rejoin? Unlikely.

08-05-16  06:44pm

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Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen

Beware of rip-off streaming only offer

It looks like a great offer at $5.00 EU or $5.56 U.S. for 30 days until you realize you can't download anything. So OK... but to add insult to injury the "Come On" advertisement has a nice big starburst that says "100% Satisfaction Guarantee". So I cancel 20 minutes after I sign up... send an email to VIRTUALXS and Club Seventeen and get the canned reply my membership cancels on 4/13/16. Pisses me off that I missed the "FINE PRINT" streaming only & fell for the "100% Guarantee". I've been a member there at least 6 times over the last 10 years and as recently as the last 6 months but saw this 82% off email and fell for it like a true sucker!

03-14-16  10:45am

Replies (3)
Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Huge site
- Multiple updates daily
- Great value for video and photo collectors
- Multiple download and streaming options
- Photos available as singles and zips
- TBP discount
- Supports download managers
Cons: - Mostly non-exclusive
- Model names are often incorrect
Bottom Line: I can’t really explain why I waited so long to join this mega site but now that I have I wish I had more information. I hope that my comments might make PU reader more informed about what the site has to offer. Club Seventeen is a generic porn site that focuses on young models (18 to early 20s) and covers all of the main porn niches that you’d expect. The site is pretty good but is much better for the casual porn collector rather than the serious porn hoarder like me. I’ll start with the bad news.

I think the biggest drawback to the site is that most, if not all, of the material here is non-exclusive. The vast majority of the models are Eastern European and Russian and having subscribed to many EE/Russian model sites over the years I saw a lot of repeats. This isn't all bad since joining this site gives you access to a lot of porn from other sites so this may be a cost-effective way to get some popular EE/Russian models.

The bad news about joining to get stuff from specific models is that the site seems to pretty much make up model names as they go along. Yes, I know that EE/Russian models change their names more often than American models change their socks but most of the model names here don’t line up with any known aliases for these models. There are several dozen American pornstars on the site too and even they have made up names. So if you’re looking for a specific model you’ll likely be going on facial recognition.

The site offers some ‘bonus’ material from other porn sites. It is clearly identified when it is part of the bonus and the original site is also identified. While it is possible to see this as advertising since you can join the ‘bonus’ site through Club Seventeen you should note that it is more than an ad because you are giving streaming access to those scenes. (It should be noted that Club Seventeen doesn’t use the same trick that Bang Bros is notorious for and when you click on a bonus here you are not deemed to have joined the additional site and have it billed to your card.)

The site has a lot going for it too. For one thing, it’s huge. There are over 3100 models here with almost 5000 videos and almost 8500 photo sets. For the subscription fee (with a great TBP discount, BTW) this is an amazing value for your porn dollars.

The site updates daily with multiple uploads per day. Both videos and photos are added each day.

The site offers a lot for both video and photo collectors. Overall the video quality is better than average. All the newer videos are available to be streamed or downloaded in multiple resolutions, most often in 540p, 720p and 1080p. I downloaded the 1080p videos because the file sizes were reasonable and bitrates for those varied from 12,000 to 8,000 kb/s. Older videos can top out at 1280x720 with bitrates around 5,000 kb/s. The really old videos (the site started in 2000) are mostly 540p but that’s to be expected.

Photos are available as zips and as singles. I don’t collect photos but the newest sets (dating back about a year) are offered with a 2667x4000 resolution. They look great. Older sets are lower resolutions obviously.

One feature I like is that the site shows you the videos and photo sets that will be released over the coming two weeks.

The site allows download managers and I had no problems using IDM. The links didn’t time out quickly. I didn’t find any download limit either and I downloaded 70GB in a day with no issues.

As for a recommendation, the answer is both yes and maybe. I’d definitely recommend a membership here to someone who dabbles in porn collecting. For the casual collector this site offers a huge amount of non-exclusive porn on an easy-to-use site with an amazing discounted price. This is likely one of the best values available. But I think the answer has to be different for the serious porn collector: I think the best I can say is that a serious collector may want to consider joining. The reason I say that for the serious collector is that you may find that you already have a lot of what’s offered here and if you’re trying to add scenes and photos of your favorite models you’ll be frustrated that the names are made up. But even for the serious collector, this is an amazing deal. So count that as a conditional recommendation and if you join you’re at least aware of what you’ll get, and what limitations there are, when you do.

03-12-16  05:56am

Replies (4)
Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen

Most Hardcore videos are from other sites

Most of the hardcore videos are from sites such as Teenmegaworld. I really couldn't find many originals. Different story with solo videos. I would suggest elsewhere for original hardcore content

02-12-16  11:16am

Replies (1)
Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen

A incredible scam from my favorite site ?

I have a new month membership for 3 days, the fourth for me with this site.

I joined the registration form thanks to thebestporn.com, like I do for every porn sites since 2010.

We can read: "4455 videos, to download or stream".

But: after my payment, I received a "confirmation" about a "monthly STREAMING membership". What !? Just streaming ?

After 3 mails, I just receive ridiculous and sarcastic answers: "it's says download OR stream, not AND".

But these answers are mendacious, or simply wrong: for my 3 previous memberships, I could dl AND stream, like almost all others memberships for others sites. Currently, it is again written "videos to download or stream", despite the new price (ten dollars/euros). I paid only five euros. Yes, it is very cheap. But only if you can download. And above all, it was not clear at all, specially with your advertising:

"rate 82% off". If it's a new product (just streaming), it is not a real rate of discount. Here is the scam, OR the error.

A last thing: this site is my favorite porn site. "is" or "was", that's the question. And everybody, even from this site, can do some errors (and resolve them!).

And sorry for my english !

12-01-15  02:01pm

Replies (2)
Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen


I spoke by email with Mr. Roald Riepen
CEO IMC who has replied to my comments.

Once he became aware of the problems with my account he immediately rectified the problem and passed a full refund.

He had offered a 3 month membership at no charge which was appreciated but I declined to accept.

I trust he will continue to improve his site.

Thank you

07-16-15  08:33am

Replies (4)
Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen

No Review.
06-18-15  04:52am

Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen

Lazy Bastards (UnNamed Videos) & False Advertisement.

Seriously .. every site i have been to had the decency to name their videos for organizational purposes....

while this may mean nothing to many users...

to me its a key aspect in a porn site....

seriously ? I have to rename every video I download because the lazy bastards in charge of the site couldnt pay someone 2$ an hour to do it?

not to mention that there is absolutely ZERO uniqueness... no license id or anything of the sort so if you download ... EVERY movie will be named 1080p_fullcomplete.mp4 or 720p_fullcomplete.mp4

Atleast have the decency to put some sort of unique id so its


Until this is changed or unless you dont givbe a poop abnout downloading lots of videos or love paying people to make yourself do more work than i not reccomend this site.

also just an fyi mr. whoever is in charge of the vidoes of that site..

1080p = 1920 x 1080 (you had this correct)
720p = 1280 x 720 (You advertised your 576p downloads (the ones that didnt have 1080p available as 720p)
576p = 720 x 576 (if this was your 720p im scared to find out the resolution of your 480p .. hahaha

your little 720 x 576 trick was easily noticeable and only a moron wouldnt have caught that.

shady site imo. not worth the minor amount of 1080p and completely fake 720p

01-19-15  05:09pm

Replies (2)
Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen

Beware! Bait and switch scam!

Club17 advertises purchases may be made by gift card. For your money you get the normally free access, but no ability to download or stream. If you ask about this? The runaround starts for several emails over several days, then Club !7 refuses to answer any more email. This gift card deal is a gimmick to get you in the door, and then offer your credit card.

12-16-14  02:25pm

Replies (2)
Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen & Club Sweethearts

Is there any difference or is it the same site? They pretty much look identical.

09-03-14  07:08am

Replies (2)
Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen

Well worth it

I'll just add a few things to what's been said. My comments refer to the videos.

The girls are mostly hot, mostly from Holland I think. No overblown acting, tatoos or gonzo type videos for the most part. We're not in the San Fernando valley any more, thankst gawd. However, make no mistake, this is hardcore with a number of anal scenes and threesomes.

The technicalities... there's about 800 videos on the site, some fairly recent and none totally ancient. The recent ones have VG good quality at 1080p. The vast majority though are 540p. As with virtually every site I joined, there's not a helluvalot of variety in the scenes and direction. But it's not so tedious to make it a total turn off.

Willard pointed out some of the flaws. Searching, etc. My biggest complaint, which really isn't that BIG, is having to log in constantly and losing your place. That could be a real bummer if you're on page 50 of 100... you have to take the slow way back which can be tedious. However, the site sometimes allowed me to stay logged in without any use for a few hours.

As pointed out in my previous comment/problem, complaints are addressed and there are real people manning the site. I'd give it 85 or so.

06-23-14  06:23pm

Replies (1)
Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen

Keep your hands on your wallet

It's so tiring that seemingly a majority of sites try to rip you off in one way or another. I joined 17 with my credit card card and simply got a page that said "Error." Having learned my lesson from another site, I did nothing. Lo and behold, the next day I was emailed my login and my card was charged. Since this kind of thing has happened more than once or twice, I have to think it's intentional and they're trying to get you to pay twice.

As stated in the previous post, customer support is lacking or, in my case, non-existent. I followed the instructions to cancel (my recurring subscription) and got error messages. An email got no response. Again, I learned my lesson the hard way. Some sites make it as difficult as possible to cancel. However, the fix comes by contacting (and threatening a chargeback if necessary) the credit card processor.

It's too early for a review. I'm still on the Club Seventeen site downloading videos. However, the quality went from good for the first dozen or so videos to fair - I'm about half way through. The quality as stated at the beginning was 1080p and now it's 540p or 720p. And the latter are from 2013.

There needs to be a porn jail. ;)

06-13-14  03:20am

Replies (3)
Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen

Their work is wonderful. However, support is unsatisfactory.

They gave mail good for me.
The contents are about 20 dollars and are the member rights of Club Seventeen and Nubiles.net.
However, I cannot log in to Nubiles.net.
Although I mailed at Club Seventeen support, a reply does not come.
It has already passed several days.

05-12-14  05:19am

Replies (2)
Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen


OK, maybe I'll submit a full review when time permits, but I just did a signup after the recent "95" rated review for this site... and I am sorely disappointed.

Honestly, for a site that's been around so long, you'd think that certain basics would have improved. (I did an earlier subscription a couple of years ago.) My major disappointment: the photos are not just smaller than most top sites -- they are very lacking in fine detail and resolution. Honestly, you could take sharper, higher quality pictures with a cell phone these days. I really don't know WHY Clubseventeen manages to take such aweful, soft and blurry images. And it applies to almost every set. I just gave up after a while.

Other issues: the preview pages give the impression that tons of galleries are added across the many categories. But actually, it's only the main (white shaved teens) categories that get regular updates. Others like "unshaved teens" and ethnic teens only get a handful of galleries each year, if that.

Oh, and navigation sucks. You can't even tell which page you're on because the "1,2,3...Last" links don't highlight the current page.

The girls are truly hot. If only Clubseventeen photographed them in sharp, high-quality images, they'd have a much better site. But things never seem to improve there. Rating: 55.

11-07-13  04:36pm

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Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen

Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: The girls of very many lovely healthy teens.

Many big photographs and many HD movies.

Great originality !!
Cons: An imperfect search service.
Models with two or more names.
Movies with two names.
A complicated kind of photographs.
All the names of ZIP are the same.
Login for which I am asked repeatedly.
Bottom Line: The site which I love most.
Lovely couples' wonderful photographs.
I wrote the review of this site several years ago.
The site improved greatly.
Having a lot of movies, a lot of photographs had ZIP.
It is wonderful. Their photographs and movies became my treasure.
My favorite Pascalle C (seventeenspecial 671)
Special wonderful power of this site.
Such a lovely couple's photographs are not seen at other sites.
The photographs of her kiss are very lovely.
I love sweethearts' kiss photographs.
The kiss photographs which this site has are wonderful.
It is difficult to look for it at other sites and others.
Annabella(seventeenspecial 397)
Jenny N(winterspecial 18)(seventeenspecial 660)
Bella E(seventeenspecial 646,629,598)
Klaris(seventeenspecial 380)
Their photographs are my treasures similarly. These girls' movies as well as photographs are wonderful.
Since I desire such photographs and movies, I become a member of this site.

I want this site to continue forever.

10-24-13  09:58am

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Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen

Some of the newest pictures are not downloadable.

A very good site.
I am favorite.
I want you to improve about a picture.
Some of new pictures are not downloadable.

07-14-13  10:59pm

Replies (1)
Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen

PU Discount

Just wondering if PU discount changed, I see it as 19.95 euros, not $19.95 when I go to join.

10-12-12  10:54pm

Replies (7)
Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen

Status: Was a member approx. 6 months prior to this review.
Pros: HD Cams
Many Girls available
speaking English
Euro teens
non Pros , mostly Amateur Girls (Girl from the neighbourhood)
Teen Girls
Cons: I recognized the site first time in 2002.
i got a member there in 2007 first time.
Before, after u pay to renter the site (something under 20 €)u got a lot in free chat, many girls online doing shows, u didnt need to pay more. 24 hours a day.Just the cam quality was a bit poor.

In 2008, they changed the layout of the site, also they changed that girls just talk in freechat, for more you need to pay more now in private rooms.
So if you want to join the site in his sense, it will be an expensive matter.

Also a lot of good, sexy long-established girls left the site, and the new girls doesnt have the qualitiy in their shows.
that change is a reason for me, not to join this site anymore.

If they will go back to the style it was before 2008, i immediatley would go back there.
Bottom Line: Clubseventeen (Seventeenlive)is worship, but in that
hustler style, thi site is not worth it to register at.

08-29-12  08:35am

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Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen

No Review.
06-23-12  07:39am

Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen

Considering this...

The photoset material here.....

Is it mostly fully clothed to full nude?

Thanks for any additional info.

Cap'n. :0)

12-18-11  01:38pm

Replies (9)
Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen

Fake cum?

Due to the very high price I never joined this site, I was member however of the sister site mysexkittens.com which seems very similar (smaller and cheaper). The girls are stunningly goodlooking, the movies are very good, but I got quite annoyed with the pseudo-cum on the pictures.. Is it the same on clubseventeen?

06-05-11  11:54am

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Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen

Prepare yourself

Painfully slow downloads which slow to a crawl then freeze, no download managers, constantly reloging in and only downloading one at a time.
This is the most user unfriendly site Iv seen.
Prepare yourself or give this one a miss.

03-09-11  06:54am

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Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen


Well, they have them now, but only going back to about June 2009, which is a fair amount of material I suppose, but it'd be nice if they zipped everything.

02-07-11  09:05pm

Replies (4)
Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: Very good looking young females
Many thousands of pictures
Photographers are very good
European females
Really teens
About 100-150 DVDs included (most hardcore)
Quality of DVDs is very good (3MBit DVD quality)
Many updates
Live chat
Cons: Females in public chat cams are often only "whispering"
Pictures are often softcore
High price
Bottom Line: I do not know why this site has ranked only 73 on Porn Users. IMHO it is one of the best sites about teens.

Club Seventeen is a site about Holland teens, but I think that they are using teenage (18 years and more) female models from all the Europe. Club Seventeen has many thousands of pictures. Pictures are of very good quality, work of photographers is very good too. Most of pictures are without hardcore action, but IMHO more recent pictures have more of action.

I really liked DVDs on the site. I do not know if it is full access to Seventeen Video, but I have counted from 100 to 150 DVDs available for download. DVDs can be downloaded in scenes, in good DVD quality in 3MBit. Video work is very good, similar to photographer work.

Female models in pictures and DVDs are very good looking. IMHO many are really from 18 to 20 years old.

They also have chat rooms with good looking females for members. I did not like that many of models are only trying to "whisper" to you, so you pay for private chat. I liked how females look in chat room, I did not like that often text in public chat is empty. Models typed, but nothing was shown because they were "whispering" to somebody. It was a problem for me.

I really liked the rest of site and want to recommend it.

08-04-10  07:26am

Replies (4)
Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Healthy, lovely girls.

A lot of girls.

Beautiful, large photograph.

A lot of photographs.
Cons: The price is high.

There is no zip the greater part of photographs.

Layout and retrieval function not understood easily.
Bottom Line: There is a good work in this site.
Girls are healthy and lovely. They are not too thin.
The boobs girl of the imitation is very few.
The photograph is rich in variety, and good.
I wanted more B/G photographs. Moreover, it is a little regrettable that the photograph that exists in one episode is not a large amount of.
I cannot satisfy a lot of photographs of certain without zip.

The movie can obtain only a part of Seventeen video.
As for this, information on TBP is wrong.
The number of DVD that can be completely obtained is 18.
Additionally, a few scenes from among one DVD. However, there is something that ends the scene on the way. Unkindness.
I like B/G movie, a lot of masturbations and G/G movies are dissatisfied.
In the B/G movie, there are a lot of good works.
Teeny hot spots 9, Spicy teens 4, and Sporty teens 4, etc.

I like photograph and movie on this site.
However, a lot of other problems are on this site. It is regrettable.
DL method, retrieval function, and layout, etc.
I hope for them to reform those problems, and to make the price cheap only a little.
I think that more people come to love this site.

01-23-10  02:39am

Replies (5)

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