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Jay G (Disabled)
I'm already in old age and love porn more than ever.
10-11-17 12:43am
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merc77 (Disabled)
I'm in my fifties and it would be quite lonely without porn.
10-11-17 08:54am
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rearadmiral (0)
REPLY TO #1 - Jay G :
Old age????? I hope you meant that sarcastically! :-)
10-11-17 03:54pm
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rearadmiral (0)
The dilemma for me is how I'll deal with my porn collection when I'm old. (And I don't agree with my friend that 51 is 'old'!) I don't want to part with it, but it's simply too big to leave behind when I die.
Then again, I'm making an assumption that porn technology today will be the same in 25 or 30 years and the chances of that are slim. When my collection was VHS tapes I couldn't have imagined DVDs. Likewise when my collection was DVDs I remember having a conversation with someone who saw the future of porn as being all online. This was when dial-up was common and I thought he was insane. It turns out he wasn't. The future is obviously streaming and cloud storage.
But I guess that doesn't answer the question. My answer would be a definite yes to porn even in my dotage.
10-11-17 04:00pm
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LPee23 (0)
Definitely, yes. Many good years ahead, and no plans of stopping.
10-11-17 04:08pm
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pat362 (0)
Although 51 may not be old in my mind. The reality is that most people would consider that to be old. That said I will continue collecting until I don't want to anymore.
10-12-17 06:30pm
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tangub (0)
With more than 13 years still to wait until I can sit back and collect my state pension I seriously doubt whether there will be many sites still around worth joining that cater to my interest. Ten to twelve years ago there seemed to be an abundance of new sites coming online trying to emulate what Met Art had already been doing for years in the field of softcore erotica but sadly many of those have now fallen by the wayside and I hardly ever see any new sites in that niche these days.
10-13-17 07:18am
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skippy (0)
I thought getting old would take longer.....
Actually, the real issue is going to be having the ability watch porn in a smaller house when we move to the beach.
10-25-17 08:06am
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