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Type Site - Score Feedback / Review Date
Visit Virtual Real Porn

Virtual Real Porn

Great deal on this site

I'm rarely one to post just to share a deal, but this deal is something else. If you join VirtualRealPorn.com right you, you can get a discount for 11.99 EUR (came to $14.88 after exchange rate for me). Also, if you join through Verotel, they will mail you a Cardboard VR headset for free (typically about $10 - $15 value). This is my first time trying out VR porn, and the free headset made it much easier to jump on in. More on the site once the headset arrives.

10-07-18  04:17pm

Replies (1)
Visit Give Me Pink

Give Me Pink
Reply of exotics4me's Reply

There are definitely fewer peeing scenes from some of the classic networks that used to be top sources. 21sextury is one, remember when they had peepeebabes.com? DDF is another one, they have slowed down their release of pee scenes on HouseofTaboo.com in a big way. The early ones on GiveMePink.com were amazing, I wish they did more like that. I even just recently noticed pee scenes slowing down on ATKExotics.com. Hopefully ATK turns that around, because that site is one of the absolute best.

At the same time, there are tons of smaller sites producing pee scenes. There are also some great new sites coming out, like VirtualPee.com with VR pee scenes from Puffy Network. It's hard to say if there is over all more or less new pee content now vs then. It's definitely more spread out now among small sites, but there is a lot of it still.

10-07-18  03:58pm

Visit Caribbean Com

Caribbean Com
Reply of David J's Reply

I said it will help you avoid failed downloads, not that it could resume failed downloads. In my experience, there were fewer failed downloads when I used IDM on that site. I could never resume the failed ones though.

Sorry you didn't have a good experience with IDM. It has saved me literally days of my life, but there are certainly sites where it does not work well, and in those cases it can be more headache than it is worth.

10-06-18  03:10pm

Visit Give Me Pink

Give Me Pink
Reply of exotics4me's Review

Great review!

Does the newer content include any more squirting or peeing scenes, or is that only in their pre-2010 scenes? I'll join again if it does, but I can't tell from the previews.

10-06-18  07:31am

Visit Caribbean Com

Caribbean Com
Reply of David J's Comment

Using a download manager like Internet Download Manager will help you avoid failed downloads on that site.

10-05-18  12:15pm

Visit Cyber Dyke

Cyber Dyke

Support unresponsive

This is a great network. I love that have made a commitment to be responsive to their members:

"We will not make promises we cannot keep or entice you with offers we have no intention of making good on. We are also customers of adult paysites, and we have experienced the frustration of cancellation problems, of sites that never update, of non-responsive webmasters, of email that vanishes into the void with never a murmur of reply. Your joining our site is a great compliment to us, and we will strive to be worthy of it. "

However, I am sad to say that I have been a member for months, contacted support multiple times, and never had an answer. All while they continue to update. A reply would be appreciated.

09-21-18  09:30am

Replies (2)
N/A Reply of yujin's Poll

I love to look back on the earliest porn in my collection. Tons of sentimental value there.

09-09-18  09:43am

N/A Reply of yujin's Poll

I agree with many of you that 4K will bring out imperfections, but that can be a good thing. I don't necessarily want minor imperfections to be smoothed over. It has a more realistic feel if those details are kept in.

08-24-18  03:49pm

Visit FTV Girls

FTV Girls
Reply of yujin's Reply

Thank you Yujin. FTVGirls is an excellent site, and I am optimistic that we will hear something back from them.

08-19-18  10:52am

Visit FTV Girls

FTV Girls

Support not reachable - hoping for reply

I love this site and I was a member for many months. I contacted support twice about an issue, requesting a reply, yet I never got one. I did check my spam folder. Maybe someone from FTV will see my message here and reply?

08-13-18  08:41am

Replies (2)
N/A Reply of Wraith0711's Poll

I agree it's not needed, but I never get upset by it either. It's their choice.

08-12-18  09:00am

N/A Reply of yujin's Poll

No, that's never happened to me. As a guy in my 30s, my experience with porn has shown me that I can still find older women attractive. It's reassuring to know.

08-12-18  08:59am

Visit Pee Adventures

Pee Adventures

Broken links

On all the sites of this network that I have been to, which includes a bunch of pee, pantyhose, and solo model sites, there are a few broken links. You can still get the files which are still on the server, you just have to be resourceful. You can get them by copying a working download link and changing the file name to the file you want.

07-12-18  09:34am

Replies (0)
Visit Bruce And Morgan

Bruce And Morgan
Reply of rearadmiral's Review

Great review. This is definitely a unique site, I can't wait to check it out.

02-15-18  02:56pm

N/A Reply of Loki's Poll

No, because politics plays in to porn with free speech issues etc.

02-15-18  02:54pm

Visit Velvet Ecstasy

Velvet Ecstasy

Last chance to join

The webmaster announced that the site will be closing at the end of the month. New sign ups were going to be allowed during the first week of November, but I was still able to join last night. Just wanted to give you guys a heads up, in case you wanted one last chance to download content before the site closes.

11-14-17  01:36pm

Replies (0)
N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

I'll be looking online for some black Friday deals on hard drives.

11-09-17  09:39am

Visit All Sorts Of Girls

All Sorts Of Girls

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: This site is a re-branding of EbinaModels.com. They have all of the old content from EbinaModels.com plus some from other sites such as MistyAnderson.com.
-5914 photosets (553,197 photos)
-photo resolution 1024x768
-562 videos
-164 models
-solo girls, sex toys, fingering, and peeing
Cons: Resolution is on the lower end, but still they have some great content. Previous reviews of EbinaModels.com have cited some non-exclusive content. Some of those reviews go back to 2007, and many of the sites where you could also find the non-exclusive scenes have closed. I guess that makes it more exclusive now.
Bottom Line: For those of you wondering what this site is all about, I hope this review clarifies it. It is EbinaModels.com brought back under a new name plus some added solo model content. All of the old EbinaModels.com content is there.

10-11-17  04:48pm

Replies (1)
N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

Definitely, yes. Many good years ahead, and no plans of stopping.

10-11-17  04:08pm

Visit Queen Snake

Queen Snake
Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

You see the caning or waxing or whatever else is done in the videos as well as the aftermath.

06-04-17  10:55am

Visit Queen Snake

Queen Snake

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: This site includes BDSM scenes featuring Queen Snake herself solo or with other models. You can preview all the scenes, so I will not list them all, but they are among the most painful and extreme out there.
-20 models
-349 videos around 30-60 minutes each
-video resolution 720P minimum and 1080P after March, 2015
-143 photosets
-photo resolution over 3000x2000
-actively updating every week
-extreme scenes where anything goes
Cons: There are a few minor cons to point out.
-download limit one scene per 5 minutes (no daily limit)
-no photosets since 2014
-minimal to no dialogue in most scenes
Bottom Line: QueenSnake.com is a hardcore BDSM site. They take the portrayal of sex and BDSM to the limit – and for many viewers beyond. Most BDSM sites go heavy on bondage, discipline, domination, and submission, while keeping the sadomasochism or S&M below a measured dose. Queen Snake goes all-out with S&M. The results will be surprising, arousing, shocking, stimulating, or disconcerting depending on your tastes in sex, but one thing is for sure, this site will get a powerful reaction out of you.

The scenes include extreme and painful acts such as hard flogging, labia and nipple piercing, and pussy insertions with things such as nettles, thumb tacks, and habanero peppers. Ouch! There are also many scenes with golden showers, which is the main reason why I joined. You need to have faith that the models are willing participants in order to watch these scenes, but that is the nature of all hard BDSM porn. You can love it or hate it, but it will inevitably leave a lasting impression.

06-03-17  09:36am

Replies (11)
N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

I know it's got a sizable and dedicated user base, but I'm not into it personally. I'll save a scene with cuckolding if it's got other things in it that I like though.

05-13-17  03:29am

N/A Reply of nygiants03's Poll

Some things just never get old. Since I haven't gotten sick of porn by now, I don't think I ever will.

05-08-17  04:39pm

Visit Got 2 Pee

Got 2 Pee
Reply of RagingBuddhist's Comment

The webmaster at Got2Pee.com is an honest guy in my experience, so I imagine he will help get this straight for you.

I also went back to got2pee.com because you mentioned it, and see they now have a 66% off spring sale!

04-30-17  12:52pm

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

I said camera guy, because that is closest to photographer.

04-30-17  07:27am

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