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Anth (0) 12-10-17  06:30am
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Warning About Billing

This is a heads up warning about the Billing processor for x£mpire.com. I have had the exact same issue a week ago on signing up to EvilAngel.com who it seems use the same billing processor so its likely to affect all sites with the "TrustCharge" billing processor. On signing up for the site. I have been using a UK Mastercard. On clicking submit I get an error message saying the following;

"Your purchase attempt has failed. Unfortunately, the transaction was declined. It seems that the credit card you have used is not accepted by our banks at the moment.

Click here to use a different credit card"

It seems to totally error out wanting you to put a different card number in. However, this is not true, they are actually taking the money from my card that first time. However further, trying to put your username and password will not work either. What you need to do is go onto the live chat with the billing processor and complain that they have actually took the money off you, and they need to manually activate your username and password when they confirm this their side. Do not use a different credit card in as you will be billed twice. It seems very shifty that they are doing this as people would not know they've been billed twice if they did try a different card.

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