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Type Site - Score Feedback / Review Date
Visit BaDoink VR

BaDoink VR
Reply of Wraith0711's Reply

Problem is, if you have already been a member in the past and thus need to renew, as they remember your details so cannot start fresh. They seem to force you to renew with their dodgy billing company. There is no way to renew with Segpay.

They seem to have two billing companies, Segpay for new customers and this dodgy one for current.

05-20-23  06:40am

Visit BaDoink VR

BaDoink VR

Dodgy Billing Company

The billing on this site seems to be really iffy. When you check your credit card it says its a random site name (Qefis.com), your card issuer seems really reluctant to let the transaction go through claiming they are known fraud companies. And even your security software and adblocker wants to flag up saying the billing site url are known scam sites.

Then the billing company doesn't seem to work at all. It just refuses card payments when its not even being sent to the card issuer at all. And just ignores all of your support emails to them.

Should a company that uses exclusively such a dodgy billing company receive a score of 89% on TBP and Rabbitsreviews? It doesn't seem right somehow...

05-19-23  05:19am

Replies (2)
Visit BaDoink VR

BaDoink VR
Reply of Jeffrey99's Comment

They are also useless to offer any help. I signed up to a lifetime membership to two of their sites. I tried to login Sunday and it says for both sites "account suspended due to suspicious activity". For 5 days they've been ignoring my messages to get my login working again as there is no live chat service.

05-10-23  10:14am

Visit Grooby VR

Grooby VR

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: * Transsexual VR sites are very rare.
* Excellent quality to the videos offering 4K and 5K of the recent videos.
* Seem able to get every hot TS actress currently working into a scene on their site.
* Mixes solo and hardcore scenes.
* One new update every 7 days.
Cons: * Extremely expensive (Probably the most expensive VR site there is at $40 per month).
* As site is still new, relatively small amount of content compared to all the other large VR sites.
* A new video every 7 days seems to be much slower than the other Grooby sites.
* The site blocks your account and bans your IP if you use a download manager needing you to email customer service to ask them to reactivate it each time
* Very slow customer service responses (taking around 14 hours to reply to above issues) providing curt responses each time to your issues making you feel like you are putting upon them due to issues with their overzealous site security (No other adult site blocks IDM like they do).
Bottom Line: This is a good (but not Great) VR trans site with little competition in this niche (I personally know of only 3 VR trans sites with this being one of the three). Every TS girl I wanted to see had a scene on this site and the quality of the videos are excellent. However it is too expensive. Looking at the two other Trans VR sites they are almost half the price of this site and have more content available due to being around for longer. I would have signed up for longer if it wasn't for the high price and the ridiculous treatment of the IDM download manager and making you have to keep emailing them to beg for your account to be reactivated if you use it then being made to feel you're a criminal in their curt toned email responses to the fact you used a download manager with them. No other adult site I have ever been on (and I have been on thousands) ever bans IDM download manager like this.

12-14-21  06:00am

Replies (0)
Visit VR Bangers

VR Bangers
Reply of Jeffrey99's Review

Thanks for this review. And I agree I think 75/100 is what this site should be.

It's amazing that both TBP and Rabbits put it down as the best VR site. It is not. It's good, but there are better.

It possibly was the best a couple of years ago. But others since that time have really upped their game and overtook it. CzechVr and MilfVR are the two I would say are best.

05-06-20  12:24am

Visit VR Bangers

VR Bangers
Reply of LKLK's Reply

All you need is an Oculus Go that can be bought for £150 now (you only need the 32GB one, the 64GB one that I bought, I wish I didn't).

Once you've tried VR you likely won't go back. I remember the first VR video I seen it was one of the Sorority house videos on this VRBangers site and I actually almost said "sorry girls got to go" before it hit me, what am I doing. You do get immersed into it. And thus its good while the whole planet is on lockdown for Covid19.

The OculusGo is great, as you can also get either the Netflix or Pigasus player and I just use it to watch movies on it also and it feels like I am in the cinema and looking at a huge cinema screen.

I would suggest signing up to CzechVR to your first site as that is easily the best.

VRBangers, the Soririty Girls videos are amazing on here. But they have went insane with the amount of adverts.

05-06-20  12:18am

Visit VR Bangers

VR Bangers

Too many spamming adverts all over the site

I recently signed up for a lifetime $250 membership for this site after being a member two years ago. The quality seems to have dropped right down since then. My biggest annoyance is the site seems to be filled with adverts for other VR sites. There are so many adverts its almost like going to a "free" adult site.

When I sign in there are a stream of adverts for all of the major players in the VR scene with claims of high discounts but really they are just the standard price of them.

I click on a video to watch, there are banners at the top and bottom for other sites to join.

The one that is really annoying me causing me to post this comment is if you see a girl you like and you click to see more videos of her. It won't take you to more of her videos on VRbangers. It will take you to either WankzVR or BadoinkVR at random (you click refresh on the page and it will alternate between the two sites). This would be fine of the girl was actually on either one of those sites. But the girl is not even on those sites. So this whole "click here for more videos of her" you are taken to a competitors VR site and the girl isn't even on them.

VR Bangers has the worst layout of all of the major VR sites and I think it needs to be looked over again as this high score on TBP is definitely undeserving in comparison to the likes of CzechVR, MilfVR or NaughtyAmericaVR

05-05-20  02:52pm

Replies (3)
Visit Babe VR

Babe VR
Reply of oldfizzywig's Reply

After being with it for 2 months I found there were no updates so it seems the site is discontinued. But there is enough content on it to make one months worth of membership worthwhile if you download everything on there in that one month. Just don't pay any more than $9.95 as that is what gets offered if you exit the sign up process halfway through on the BadoinkVR network it seems. On the basis of "wait don't leave".

03-27-20  04:55pm

Visit VR Hush

VR Hush
Reply of Colm4's Comment

Are you using a download manager or downloading via the browser? As using InternetDownloadManager and 8 connections is fine for me I get full bandwidth downloads.

01-08-20  08:41am

Visit Brazzers

Reply of aibohphobia's Review

I know its not ideal. But a good workaround to the streaming only forced subscription is to get Internet Download Manager. This has the button on streaming video's and when you click it treats it as a regular download and downloads the full video.

It means you can therefore donwload the videos like normal.

12-30-19  10:46am

Visit TMW VR Net


Status: Current Member for over 6 months (at the time of review).
Pros: - Part of a large network
- Large amount of VR videos (331 in December 2019)
- Offers 5k on its latest videos
- Supports numerous downloads supporting each VR headset Oculus, Gear, Playstation VR
- Dates the updates so you know exactly when they were added
- Offers two updates per week on their VR videos
Cons: - While it offers 331 VR videos, I would say about 2/3rds of them are short 2GB solo videos.
-The girls in the videos all seem to be Eastern European and often do not say a single word in the videos (very unappealing for VR!).
- While it offers 5k, the video quality has a strange blurryness to them. Not as good as other VR providers videos
- Very unerotic videos. The solo vidoes consist of the girl rubbing themselves and nothing else. The B/G videos just robotic sex.
- Absolutely dreadful customer service (I have experienced from them at least and looking at the PU comments other users have had issues where they randomly block access to your account for no reason).
- Even though they have a load of 2D Anal networks they have none (or hardly any) VR Anal videos for some reason.
Bottom Line: I appreciate this is part of a large respected network of porn sites. But this review is for the VR webstie/component alone. I really cannot recommend this site at all. I am absolutely astounded this scored on a par with CzechVR on TBP and higher than sites like MilfVR.

I signed up to this site for a year in 2018 solely trusting the high review here and also the reputation of the 2D network. The VR component is very poor. The girls act literaly like robots in every video. It is totally unerotic its like watching paint dry. They often do not say a single word throughout the videos and act like they are seriously going through the motions. Furthermore, while it looks like there are a large amount of videos. The majority of them are very short 2GB solo videos where the girl doesn't do much at all.

I have been a member of all of the large VR networks and this is the only one I genuinly feel ripped off when signing up for it due to the poor quality of what is on offer. It just feels like the VR part is tacked on to the network and filmed by directors who do not even understand it at all.

Furthermore, the VR videos while claming to be 5k/4K they have this strange blurryness to them and they are nowhere near as crisp/clear as other VR sites offerings (you would have to see them to know what I mean by this). So I am suspecting they may be upscalled 5K/4k as opposed to true 5k/4k.

I would say compare this site to CzechVR. That site also uses EasternEuropean girls who do not speak a word of English but the quality there is unbelievable and they have an interviewer who translates for you and the girls really get into it on there and show some energy. CzechVR is easily the best VR site you can get hands down. TMWVR is easily the worst.

To round things off. The site has dreadful customer service. I found myself banned from the site and unable to login and cancel my membership from being rebilled and the site took four days to fix it and acted like they couldn't care less in their response after 4 days.

12-30-19  08:05am

Replies (0)
Visit Naughty Natural

Naughty Natural

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Every girl is freakishly hairy in the absolute extreme (this is a good thing)
- Many girls seem to be exclusive to the site
- Frequent updates of around 3 new videos per week
- Updates are all dated so you know how often the site is updated too
- Many videos; 629 at the time of reviewing
- Multiple download types of each video titled High, low and medium quality.
- The girl/girl videos are some of the hottest G/G videos I have ever seen anywhere. They really get into it.
- Very rare niche and one of the best offering this
Cons: - No search feature, they is no easy way to find a video type you want than just going through page after page
- No customer scoring of the videos so you can see which are the best ones to watch first
- Most videos seem to be solo girls and are just caressing themsevles. It would be better if they had a Hitachi Magic Wand in the solo videos and also maybe chatted with screen for the video.
- Not enough Girl/Girl or Boy/Girl videos and no easy way to find them mixed in with all the solo vidoes.
- Some navigation errors such as sometimes you click a link to a video and it brings up photoshoot pages with no videos on them.
Bottom Line: This site is the extreme hairy lovers paradise. I first got into this fetish after accidentally signing up for ATK Hairy by mistake many years ago. Then realizing I actually much preferred girls with hair on them as opposed to the totally shaven girls you see everywhere else. By the end of my times with ATK i just kept looking for the "scary hairy" girls and they were few and far between and getting annoyed that they often classed hairy girls as ones with just a landing strip and nothing else.

This is a site based entirely of those 'scary hairy' type of girls and nothing else. With Hairy legs and arms even a yeti would be shocked at. And it is sexy as hell for it. The girl/girl scenes on this site are some of the best I have ever seen anywhere, but there are so few of them. And they are hard to find mixed in with the solo girl videos. If this site could concentrate on girl/girl scenes this would be one of the best porn sites you could get.

If you are into hairy girls this is probably the best site there is. But I just wish it could be better given it easily can be. More girl/girl, or have the solo videos be interviews with magic wands as opposed to the sensual caressing stuff with no talking whatsoever (maybe in those intervies the girl explaining why she has went down the extreme hairy route and when she started this and what any boyfriends think of her having hairy legs etc).

12-29-19  08:26am

Replies (0)
Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

I agree, the billing company has done absolutely nothing wrong. This is entirely an issue caused by Teenmegaworld and nobody else.

I have finally just now had an email back from Sandra Smith. And it has infuriated me even more.

No apologies from her, nor nothing. She claims they banned my account as I used a download manager to download a video from them.

They did not issue me with extra days in compensation, no anything just "I have changed your password, let me know if you still cannot log in" and that was it.

I have now signed in and cancelled the account from being billed another year.

I have also replied back to this email, this time demanding the lost days returned back and added onto my subscription. I paid them for a year. Their silly system banned me for no good reason whatsoever. And then they ignored me for days on end when I tried to gain access to my account they banned for no good reason. And yet not even a sorry nor nothing from them.

The issue is now resolved. But not in anyway to a level of basic satisfaction. I would say to anyone reading this. Do not use TeenMegaWorld at all. They are not a professional outfit in anyway.

There are way better VR sites; CzechVR, MilfVR, BabeVR are all way better.

12-29-19  07:19am

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
Reply of elephant's Reply


And like I say, their own billing company they used in 2018 is not in their own drop down menu to receive customer support from them.

I will also say, just woke up now at 10am on Sunday and still no response to my emails to them. The whole thing is calamitous.

I sent further emails to them last night direct to the address given here.

12-29-19  01:48am

Visit Babe VR

Babe VR

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Download options for what seems like every VR Device (12 different ones in the list I can see)
- Full speed downloads (some VR sites seem to limit your DL speeds)
- Every girl on the site is stunning. They don't use the babes as a figure of speach they really are.
- Interaction/conversation from the girls is very-very realistic.
- Seems to update frequently from what I can see (at least once a week)
- Has tag searching (i.e all anal videos etc).
- Gives customer ratings for the videos
- Gives you a free video each week from the other netwok sites (18vr, VRCosplayX etc)
Cons: - Does not date the updates so you do not know when they were put on the site and so you cannot tell exactly how many updates per week there are.
- Relatively new webstie so not as many videos as the other established sites on the network like BadoinkVR
- You also do not get access to those other networks. You need to sign up to each and everyone of them. You only get one site in your membership.
-All the videos are 'samey' as in the exact same setup so if its not your thing you will get bored with the site quick
- Technically speaking the videos are all solo girl masterbation vidoes.
- No Trailers so you need to sign up to know what the videos are like. I held off signing up due to this fact as I didn't know what the videos would be like due to this.
Bottom Line: I love this website. The network was offering a free advent calender throughout each day of december where every day they were offing a free video from each of their networks (18vr, BadoinkVR etc). Of them all I found the BabeVR was by far the best so signed up for a paid month with this one.

The vidoes have a format where a girl is fully clothed and just starts chatting with you as if you're a real person that she knows, such as pretending you are her boyfriend of many years, or you are her best male friend she has known for years, then starts stripping and then doing stuff with a rubber male doll pretending its you (so its not like other VR videos where there is a guy who the girl pretends is you). This format seems to make things a lot more personal/intimate feeling than having an actual guy there have sex with the girl.

The girls are all gorgeous and just seem a lot of fun and very chatty. The girls on the site all seem to be either late teens/early 20s. And so far all the girls I have seen are naturally english speaking girls.

I have been going through all of the VR sites trying to find one that does it right for me. And BabeVR and also MilfVR are the two that seem to have hit it home with high consistancy of exactly what I was looking for when I bought my Oculus.

Counting now there is 76 videos on the site. The videos are all 180 degree VR.

I scored it 85 due to that number of videos in comparison to the heavy hitters like VRbangers/WanksVR/BadoinkVR which has hundreds of videos. But really each one of these videos seem like it will be great (I have watched 7 all were great) so it seemed off giving it 90 due to the lack of videos, and wrong to give it 80 due to how good the vidoes are. So I went in the middle.

12-28-19  04:56pm

Replies (2)
Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
Reply of LKLK's Reply

That was actually where the auto email was from.

"sandra@royal-clubs.com "

So therefore I suspect she has gone on holiday for Christmas as she is definitely not replying to emails.

I will send one direct to this email address to see if that does better than filling out their dreadful webform.

In terms of the content I was not happy with it. I signed up solely for the VR section and it was not of the best quality at all. The regular 2D stuff may be ok but I was after the VR.

Poor interaction, usually a girl who didn't speak almost any english and thus it felt like robots on the screen.

BabeVR and MilfVR are night and day better as these feel like what VR should be as these girls full on converse in the videos.

12-28-19  03:49pm

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
Reply of LKLK's Reply

As I mentioned, I did all of this. And they have ignored it completely.

This is the automatic response email from the first email

"##- Please type your reply above this line -##
Your request (7895) has been received and is being reviewed by our support staff. To add additional comments, reply to this email."

This has been totally ignored. So I sent another, this has also been totally ignored.

I have filled out all of the information I have in their customer service form, however their signup email in 2018 did not give me any subscription ID at all. I have looked it over again now and thats a definite. And yet their customer support page asks for it. And their list of billing companies you need to put in as a drop down to receive customer support. It doesn't even list the one they used in 2018 to sign up for them with "FXBilling".

In their support request form they have 6 different billing companies listed in their drop down (Epoch, 2000charge, Segpay, WTS, Vendo, verotel), all except for the one they actually used in 2018 to signup with "FXbilling".

FXbilling is a terrible billing company with no way to contact them.

Everything about their website screams mismangaed. And at the end of it is customers not getting what they pay for and just being ignored totally.

12-28-19  03:29pm

Visit Stasy Q VR

Stasy Q VR
Reply of Jeffrey99's Comment

I know this suggestion is not ideal for your situation but maybe helpful to others. But it seems a good majority of their videos are included with SexLikeReal Premium so it maybe worth signing up with this instead and then you can download in rapidspeed through that membership. Or use the SLR Oculus app so you don't need to even download and just stream.

12-28-19  02:22pm

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World

Warning - These lot are theives

I signed up to this site for a whole year last New Years Eve as they had a Christmas discount on their yearly membership. And therefore I signed up solely based on the incredibly high score this website scored here on TBP so trusted the review and expected to like it.

To be honest I didn't really like the content at all so have only logged in about (literally) three times in the last year and largely forgot I was even a member. I was worried it was going to be charged again so went on Boxing Day to look over the site and also the videos again to see about downloading some to make the membership at least somewhat worthwhile. And on first login it says "account is banned" I looked at the billing company and it says account active and they are going to take another $89 on December 31st 2019 for another year. But I cannot login to the account at all claiming its banned.

I have sent a tech help request email two days ago and it has been totally ignored. I sent another this morning and still ignored. The billing company is useless with no way to contact them that I can see.

This is a total joke. I have tried resetting my password, and it sends a new one to my email to login. But then when I do it says "account is banned". I had an incredibly difficult password set by a password manager so I know for a 100% fact nobody has guessed it.

It mentions on their FAQs on their webstie if you sign in by multiple different IPs it will ban your account and you need to contact customer service for them to reset access to your account. Virtually no ISP in the UK has static IPs so you will get new IPs from them over the year and they are just ignoring all requests to let me get access to my account that I have paid them for.

These lot are a total joke and just theives. This is the stupidist system I have ever heard a webstie implement. And if they are going to implent a system as strict as this where they ban you if you sign in with a different IP. Then they should not ignore peoples requests to gain access again due to their silly system.

12-28-19  01:39pm

Replies (14)
N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I do not like them.

1. When I see $1 trial I think limited access. And quite often it is. So I don't bother.

2. $1 usually renews at a vastly increased rate than the site is normally priced - taking $40 per month instead of the usual $30. Also cross checking is often there making it a minefield

3. Its too much hassle to give over my CC details for $1.

4. I think the best deal websites do is the half price sign up deal that you usually get via clicking the links here. Those are the ones that make me sign up.

03-09-18  11:47am

Visit Fitness Rooms

Fitness Rooms

This site would be perfect if....

This site would be perfect if the girls actually did the exercises naked. That is what I am looking for. Does a site like this exist? I know taste is subjective and others may like it in the format it is in. But given there is a niche for every fetish in existence it seems all except this one. Is there a site where girls exercise, workout, and run about naked?

03-09-18  11:37am

Replies (1)
Visit Evil Angel

Evil Angel

Warning About Billing

I have just this second posted this in the comments for xEmpire.com, so figured may as well post it for EvilAngel too as it affects both sites. But it's just a heads up warning about the Billing processor for EvilAngel.com / xEmpire.com. It seems likely this will be affecting all sites with the "TrustCharge" billing processor.

On signing up for the site. I have been using a UK Mastercard. On clicking submit I get an error message saying the following;

"Your purchase attempt has failed. Unfortunately, the transaction was declined. It seems that the credit card you have used is not accepted by our banks at the moment.

Click here to use a different credit card"

It seems to totally error out wanting you to put a different card number in. However, this is not true, they are actually taking the money from my card that first time. However further, trying to put your username and password will not work either. What you need to do is go onto the live chat with the billing processor and complain that they have actually took the money off you, and they need to manually activate your username and password when they confirm this on their side. Do not use a different credit card in as you will be billed twice. It seems very shifty that they are doing this as people would not know they've been billed twice if they did try a different card after getting that error.

12-10-17  06:36am

Replies (2)
Visit X Empire

X Empire

Warning About Billing

This is a heads up warning about the Billing processor for x£mpire.com. I have had the exact same issue a week ago on signing up to EvilAngel.com who it seems use the same billing processor so its likely to affect all sites with the "TrustCharge" billing processor. On signing up for the site. I have been using a UK Mastercard. On clicking submit I get an error message saying the following;

"Your purchase attempt has failed. Unfortunately, the transaction was declined. It seems that the credit card you have used is not accepted by our banks at the moment.

Click here to use a different credit card"

It seems to totally error out wanting you to put a different card number in. However, this is not true, they are actually taking the money from my card that first time. However further, trying to put your username and password will not work either. What you need to do is go onto the live chat with the billing processor and complain that they have actually took the money off you, and they need to manually activate your username and password when they confirm this their side. Do not use a different credit card in as you will be billed twice. It seems very shifty that they are doing this as people would not know they've been billed twice if they did try a different card.

12-10-17  06:30am

Replies (0)
Visit Team Skeet

Team Skeet
Reply of lk2fireone's Reply

So are you saying I am lying with my report? To what end? Other people have commented that you clearly are involved with TeenSkeet as you seem to leap to their defence straight away. And this is clear now. Your reply is not consistent with a normal person. I can tell you now what I am saying is true.

And in terms of your question. I was not able to look at hardly any of the sites. I tried for the first two days of membership and then gave up due to the issues I reported. I then came back a while later not knowing it was the last day of my membership and find they cancelled my subscription early. But still intend to charge me another month for it.

I think you need to stop the charade and be honest that you work for this company as no way would someone start going on "there is 27 sites and etc" unless you have serious autism or you worked for them.

11-23-17  02:23am

Visit Team Skeet

Team Skeet

**Warning Before Signing Up***

I am going to post this up as a warning to any potential members. I seen the video's on Extrasmall.com and liked the look of them so figured I would sign up. I was surprised by the option to pay via PayPal as this was the first porn site I have ever seen offering this payment option. So joined by this method.

Here are the immense problems with the site:

1. On signing up and going to the member page, my security software was going absolutely daft with the member section of the site; I have Adguard, Pi-Hole and Kaspersky Internet Security. And all three were going crazy blocking pretty much the entire members section with warning sounds popping up non stop over and over and over again. The reason for this is this site seems to be blacklisted on WebOfTrust which each of them use. So I could not click on any of the videos or navigate the page at all. Everything was blocked. I tried to add exceptions but this did not work. Every time I wanted to watch any video on there I needed to literally go through the unbelievable annoying and concerning task of disabling all three seucirty software just to watch any video on there. For a site I have paid to view!!

2. I *suspect* the reason for this is Teemskeets entire PAID for member section is really one gigantic ad-portal trying to get you to sign up for every other porn site there is. And this is the same if you go to the individual sites too my security software blocked them all (so I am guessing at least). Or they have done something to gain a poor rep with the security software devs.

3. As I say I signed up via PayPal. I came back today on the last day of my membership and tried to sign in. And it said "username and password incorrect". I checked it in my sign up email and it was 100% correct. I clicked reset password and it said it would email me my username and password. Instead it emailed me a blank page. So I clicked on account checkup. Put in my details and it showed as my account had been expired/cancelled on PSMHelp.com. I looked at my emails to check the sign up email and seen I joined via PayPal billed by Epoch.com. So I went to that site (epoch.com). It said account still active and going to be rebilled today. So I clicked on there to see what my password was. And it was the same one I had been trying. So it seems they have cancelled my membership. But still want to charge me for it. So I clicked cancell and then Suddenly Teemskeet said "don't go, if you don't we will offer you it for $14 per month". So they know I am still a member but they have disabled my access to the website for no reason whatsoever.

All I can say is, until they get their act together. Avoid them like the plague as this is the only porn site I have encountered this with.

11-22-17  01:40am

Replies (6)

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