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Visit Brazzers

Brazzers (0)

aibohphobia (0) 12-30-19  05:50am
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Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: - A ton of content by a lot of actresses
Cons: - Over the past years the acting has been declining by a lot. I'm not watching porn for the acting, but if it's cringe-inducing they shouldn't even bother- Especially with anything 'staring' Jordi El Nino Polla
- Only a handful of good male actors
- They seem to have just switched to a new interface once again that's not visible when you're not logged in, so there's no way of knowing until you subscribe. That new interface is the same that is also in use by Reality Kings and is utter garbage. It takes long to load and everything is way too large. Also they seem to have removed the comment section
- Worst of all: Downloads are no longer included with a membership. They are now an add-on at >$10/month. There is _nothing_ indicating that before subscribing and they have a no refund policy, so there's no way for me to back out of my new yearly membership due to their scammy behavior
Bottom Line: I've had two year-long memberships on Brazzers before and would've recommended it until the previous interface.

Their business policies however have changed so much to the worse that there's no way I can further recommend it, nor am I going to be using it anymore in the future. The corporation is now completely trying to just scam their customers out of money by not telling them about what's included with their membership and putting everything beyond that at absurd prices.

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Review Replies (6)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


LKLK (0) Excellent review.
A lot of worthwhile details.
Especially concerning the changes at Brazzers that show why it's less valuable as a join.

Hope to see more reviews from you.
Also hope that you have better luck in the future, with your joins.

12-30-19  07:38am

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Eraroten (0) I have a Brazzers subscription as my main one and have subbed to multiple other sites on porn portal as unlimited access as long as I keep my Brazzers one going.

The recent changes to all their sites to the unified boring ass look they have now was something that bothered me a lot. Their sites like realitykings, twistys, etc. all had their own design, but now it is so samey and uninspired. And as you mention many of them like RK even removed comments alltogether as to just shield them from any feedback.

So I was dreading the inevitable day when they would also put the design on their flagship site Brazzers and when I read your review just now I thought oh no, they finally did it and even removed downloads? Which I had access to previously cause I subbed to brazzers when it wasn't a 10 bucks addon to have that option.

I quickly logged in to check and to my surprise my Brazzers still has the old design and I can download every video. Now, I don't know if it is just a slow rollout and they will soon change it for me too and take away the downloading option or if I will keep it.

12-30-19  10:19am

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Anth (0) I know its not ideal. But a good workaround to the streaming only forced subscription is to get Internet Download Manager. This has the button on streaming video's and when you click it treats it as a regular download and downloads the full video.

It means you can therefore donwload the videos like normal.

12-30-19  10:46am

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aibohphobia (0) REPLY TO #2 - Eraroten :

I originally wanted to extend my existing account where I had marked some videos as favorites but whenever I logged in and tried to re-enable the subscription it forced me to create a new login.

I'm assuming it's a slow rollout and they are enabling it for new users first. I would sure hope that existing subscribers at least retain their download rights, even if the design suddenly changes for them.

12-30-19  11:34am

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GERMANTZ (0) Good review my friend. Can't agree more. ZZ has downgraded to one of worst sites ever for porn! They are stuck forever with the aging British male talent who zombies through most of his scenes and the female talents are literally hags with bloated tits! Hardly any young talent. Pathetic!!!

Can you imagine that it is 2020 and they still don't have 4K content.

Porn enthusiasts are better off spending your money on other sites.

01-03-20  07:17pm

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Jennifer2 (0) Thank you for the warning. It’s too bad the pay-for-porn model is becoming so scammy. Hopefully, people will just stop giving their money to sites like that. They don’t deserve it.
02-08-20  06:14am

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